06x05 - To Everything There Is a Season

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x05 - To Everything There Is a Season

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

["Stranger here in paradise"]

♪ There's a smile on her
face, taking me for a ride ♪

♪ Like the tigress that
hungers for play in the night ♪

♪ Perhaps there's a
fire on the horizon appears ♪

♪ She will tear you apart,
seal your fate with a kiss ♪

♪ Before you get excited

♪ You just might wanna run

♪ 'Cause only fools

♪ 'Cause only fools
make the sacrifice ♪

♪ When everyone
must pay the price ♪

♪ Is heaven just
my hell disguised? ♪

♪ Stranger here in paradise

♪ She will win like the wind
and cut right through my life ♪

♪ Never thought to look back
as she pulled out the knife ♪

♪ On the edge of destruction,
I'm ready to fall ♪

[Seagulls cawing]


a pretty good work out.

-Pretty good?

-The olympics are
less than a year away.

I'd like to see you focus
more and push harder.

-I thought that
was your department.

You're so good at it.

-Hey, do I detect a
note of sarcasm there?

-Me? Never.

-Look, if I'm pushing hard,

It's because
I thought that competing

In the olympics was something
that you really wanted.

-I know it's what my
parents really wanted.

And sometimes I'm
not sure what I want.

I've never had a
chance for anything

To be just my
idea, just my goal.

After my parents died,

It's just been really hard
for me to get motivated

To commit, you know?


I won't push hard again.

From now on, we'll
just have easy workouts

Until you decide what you want.


[Drunken yelling]

-Those boaters are
going way too fast

And they're much too wild.

[Yelling and laughing]


-Help! Please help!

Please help!


[Suspenseful music]

-Stephanie: are you okay?

-Cody: let's get her to shore!


-Cody: easy, easy.

-Are you okay?

-Yeah, thank you both,
you saved my life.

-Why weren't you
wearing a life jacket?

-I used to but I didn't think
I'd really need it out here.

-Well, you need life
jackets in the water

As much as seat belts in a car.

-We have to take her
back to headquarters.

-Blonde woman:
what about my ski?

-We'll retrieve it,
we'll get it to you back

At headquarters, okay,
you can pick it up there.

Watch her ankle.

You were great out there, cody.

You know you swim like
crazy when you're motivated.

-Those boaters could
have k*lled her.

There must be some way
we can track them down.

-It's not our job.

We're lifeguards, not law
enforcement, 'kay, c'mon.

-Walter! We're home!

-Hobie: grandma! Great to
see you, I'm glad you're home!

-Irene: oh my goodness
gracious, you've just exploded!

Ooh, feel those muscles!

-I hope you are hungry because
hobie has prepared a feast.

-Hobie, I didn't
know you cooked.

-Actually, I don't,
dad just taught me

How to order take-out,
learned from the best.

-Oh yes, so you did.

-Well, everything
looks delicious.

But ordering out is going
to change as long as I'm here.

-How long you staying, grandma?

-Well, I don't know, but
what I do know is that my two

Men need my help and I'm
not gonna let them down.

-We don't want you to overdo.

-Look who's talking!

One who's now holding down

A nighttime as well
as a daytime job.

And as a private eye as well.

-I can handle it.

-Well, I can
handle both of you.

[Phone rings]
-excuse me.

-Want some cole slaw?
- Hello? Yes.



Yes, yeah, thank you,
send it right over.

Mom, that was the,
um, the airlines.

They said you left your
carry-on on the airplane.

-I-i did?

-Yeah, yeah, they're
sending it over.

-Oh, well, how nice of them.

I must have had so much on
my mind that I did miss it.

-Mom, you told me
your flight was delayed.

Why didn't you tell me you
got on the wrong airplane?

-Well, of course, they
all do look alike. [Laughs]

-The lady on the
phone was concerned.

She said you were
pretty shaken and upset.

-Well, wouldn't you be too?

After all, getting on the wrong
plane is rather embarrassing.

-Come on, dad,
grandma's here now.

That's all that matters, right?

-Right. To mom!

-To grandma.

-To you both.
[Glasses clink]


-If these girls are gonna
go as wild and crazy as

They were yesterday, you're
gonna need to fuel up.

Um, if they come into your
dock, I'd appreciate it

If you'd give me a call
at the number I gave you.

-Yeah, yep, thanks.

How you guys doing?

Hey caroline, how's it going?

-Oh god, it's not,
I just can't seem to get

The motivation
to work out by myself.

C.j. Decides to go gallivanting
off in paris with matt

And I'm stuck without
a workout partner.

-Not any more.

Give me these.

You take these, have a seat.


You're gonna do more reps
and watch your form, 'kay?



-Um, so, how come you're
not training with stephanie?

-I've decided to go a little
easier on the workouts.

-I guess you're
just not cut out

For the olympics,
are you, madison?

Hey, baby.

I knew once it got
tough, you'd give up.

-I didn't give up, fowler.

I just said I'm easing
up on the workouts.

-Logan: [laughs] call
it whatever you want.

-Oh guys, don't get into this.

-What's your point?

-Logan: the point is
that you're a quitter.

-Well, I owe you one, mate.

Up until now I wasn't
sure what I wanted

And maybe I was
a quitter, but now,

Thanks to your big
mouth, I'm gonna prove

You wrong and enjoy
every minute of it.

-Cody, enough!

-Thanks for pointing out to
me just how much I want this.


Logan, stop! Stop it!

C'mere, hey!

-Cody: steph!

-Hey, I take it that
smile means good news.

-Cody: correct.

I've made a decision,
I do want to go

To the olympics and I wanna win.

And I'm willing to train
hard and do whatever you say.

Steph, I want you
to be my coach.

-If I wasn't on duty,
cody madison, I'd hug you.

But we're both off
duty tomorrow so, uh,

Let's go to catalina
and celebrate.

-Catalina, are you kidding?

-No, boat leaves at 9:00 a.m.

-Great, I'll be there.

-Oh, and by the way, I'll
be the only one in the boat.

You'll be swimming.

[Phone rings]
oh, hold on.

Tower 12.

Yeah, I see him.

Okay, I'm on my way.

Watch my water, I'm
taking your truck.

-Cody: okay.

-I am a lifeguard, right?

It's my job to make sure you
guys are safe in the water.

This is not safe in the
water, you know why?

If it gets a hole in it, air's
gonna come out and it's gonna

Go psshh and you guys could
all be trapped under it,

And it could be really
bad and dangerous, right?

The main thing is, keep
that out of the water, okay?

Take it up to your parents,
all right, thanks, guys!

Bye! Go, go, go!

-Mitch: hey.
-Stephanie: hey, mitch.

I'm relieving you.

-What's wrong?

-It's your mother, mitch,
she's at headquarters

Looking for you,
and she's frantic.

She can't remember
where hobie is.

-Keep an eye on
those kids, huh?

-Stay right here,
everything will be fine.

She's very upset, okay,
let me take the truck.

-Mitch: mom?

-Oh, mitch.

-What's wrong?

-I forgot where hobie
was, I know I was supposed

To pick him up and take
him to the dentist but i...

I couldn't remember where

The school was or even
the name of it.

I guess I just
got confused, i...

I'm worried about hobie,
he'll wonder where I am.

-That's okay, I'll get
a message to him at school.

I'm more worried about you.

-Oh, I don't blame you, i...

I so wanted to help
make things run smoothly

For you and hobie and I'm
already botching it up.

-That's not what I'm
talking about, mom.

I'm worried about your health.

Come here, come here, sit down.

Mom, I think you should get
checked out by a doctor.

Remember about a month ago
you called me on the phone

And asked me what I had done
with dad's camera equipment.

I reminded you that
you donated it to

Dad's charity right
after he died.

You acted as if you
didn't remember.

Mom, you got on the wrong plane.

You didn't even know your
carry-on bag was missing.

You forgot where
hobie's school was.

-Oh, mitch, mitch,
what's happening to me?

-I don't know, mom, but
we're gonna find out.

[Phone rings]


No, this is not cody madison.

Sure, I'll give him
a message for you.

Yes, I've got a pen.

Okay, so the boat he's looking
for came in to fuel up,

You got the license plate
number, name and address.

Yep, yep, yeah,
I've got it all.

Just tell me one thing.

Was the boat driven by
a terrific looking woman?

That's what I thought.

No, no, no problem.

Yes I'm sure it's
very important, I'll
give him the message.

When hell freezes over.

-Hey, caroline.

-Oh, hi, cody.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I thought this was your day off.

-It is, I'm training
with stephanie.

I'm swimming to
catalina, well, towards

Catalina, anyway, we're
gonna see how far I can get.

-Oh, well, good luck.

-Thank you.

-How far you can
get to catalina?

Or how far you can
get with caroline?

-This isn't the time
or the place for a fight.

Well, let's just call it
a motivational seminar.

Stay away from her.

-Or you'll what?


-Well, for starters, I won't
give you important messages.

-Good morning, honey!

-Wow, another argument
over princess caroline.

You've just got them all in
a tizzy over you, don't you?

We're gonna have to
do lunch sometime

So you can give me your secret.

-Listen to me, neely.

I bet you'd like
to forget that matt

Caught you drinking on the job.

And I bet you'd really
like to forget all about

Those ridiculous
sexual harassment

Charges you brought
up against him.

But I am not gonna forget,
and I certainly have

No intention of ever doing
lunch or anything with you.

-Are you okay?

-No, no, I'm a little on edge.

Mom's test results
should be in any minute,

And I'm a little on
pins and needles here.

-Sure you don't want me to
stay, cause I can, you know.

-That's okay, all you'd do
is worry and, believe me,

I'm doing plenty of
that for both of us.

Besides, if too many people
are here when she gets back,

She might get
frightened, you know,

Think she's dying or something.

-Well, I'll be thinking
about you and I'll give you

A call as soon as
we get back, okay?

If we ever leave.


-Hey, it's almost
9:00, we gotta get going

If we wanna hit
the currents right.

-Sorry I'm late.

-Hey, have a good swim,
be careful of sharks.

You're not wearing
black, are you?

-Thanks a lot.

-I hope this doesn't
mean you're not motivated.

-Are you kidding?

I'm more motivated than ever.

In fact, I just came from
a motivational seminar.



[Excited yelling]

-Great view, huh?

-I love it.

And the smell.

I'm so glad you have this
job, saving people's lives so

They can grow old and have
many, many happy memories.

-Mom, I just got off the
phone with the doctor.

Symptoms indicate...

-That I have alzheimer's.

-Yeah, but it's in it's
early stages, mom.

And there's medication
that can help.

-There's no stopping what's
going to happen to me.


-Mitch, I want
to tell hobie myself.

I want him to see
that, that I'm okay.

I'll take him to his
favorite place...

In venice.

-You are a remarkable woman.

-It helps to get
this kind of news

In pleasant surroundings.

It'd be terrible if
I got the news in some,

Some stuffy old doctor's office.

I'm so lucky.

I really am.

-Cody! Cody, lengthen
your stroke, okay?

But that's a good pace,
we're about four miles out.

Only 22 miles to go!

-Oh, great.

-I'll get it, don't
break your pace, okay?

Just keep going and
I'll catch up to you.

It's just something
caught in the jet.

-You sure?

-Yeah, I'm sure, go, go!

-All right, all right.

-Cody! Cody, watch out!


-Baywatch 7 to
baywatch headquarters.

Emergency code three, boating

Accident four
miles off tower 12.

[Over radio] multiple victims.

-Baywatch headquarters
to baywatch 7.

Received your message,
backup's on the way.

-Baywatch 7, out.


-Cody: relax, relax,
calm down, calm down.

Hold on to the boat,
hold on to the boat.

Steph, I'll get the other one.

-Stephanie: hold on, hold on.

How many of you
were on each boat?

-Man: there's three more!

-Three? There's more in
there, they must be trapped.

-Cody: c'mon, steph, let's go!

-Hang on, okay,
backup is on it's way.

Just hang on.

-Woman: help us, please!

-Cody: it's
gonna be all right.

-Stephanie: just
calm down, okay?

We're gonna get you outta here.

-We're gonna count to three
and we're gonna go under, okay?

One, two, three!

-Hang on!

-Cody, there's
somebody missing.

I'm gonna go down and get them.

-I'll go.

-Listen to me, you
can't free dive! No!

I'll go, you'll blow out
your ears and your lungs.

[All yelling]

[Suspenseful music]

-Caroline, cody's
freediving under there.

I need a mask and two spare air.

-Here, use the mask first.

-Is everyone accounted
for off those boats?

-Chief, everyone's on
board except for one.

I'm going down to hunt
for the other lifeguard.

This accident might have
been caused by a dui.

-We're checking on that now.

-Cody: here, take her!

-Coast guard 6527,
lifeguard boat transporting

A critical patient, request
you escort vessel in bound

In case they need
a med-evac, over.

-Dispatch: roger,
41373, standing by.

-I have no pulse!

caroline, ventilations.

-One and two and three
and four and five!

-Still no pulse.
-Stephanie: keep going!

-One and two and three
and four and five!

-First analyze!

-All: clear!

-She's shockable! Shocking!

-Still no pulse.

-Stephanie: second
analyze, clear.

-Caroline: clear!
-Cody: clear!

-She's shockable.

-Still no pulse.

-Third analyze, clear!


-Stephanie: she's
shockable! Shocking!

-I have a pulse,
she's breathing.

All right.

-I found some aspirin.

-Oh, great, thanks.

You know you could've blown
out your ears or your lungs,

Which woulda ruined your
chances for the olympics.

I should've made that dive.

-Yeah, right.

That girl clinging to
you was so traumatized

You would've had
to take her down with you.

And besides, nothing
happened and I'm fine.

Except for this headache.

-Well, you're very
lucky that's all you got.

-There's no way a chance
for a gold medal is

More important than
people's lives.

-Cody, you're gonna
be just fine, be fine.

-Logan! Where you
going in such a hurry?

-Let's just say I
couldn't stand the heat

So I got out of the kitchen.

-Cody's quite the
hero, isn't he?

I guess if you'd given
cody the message about

The identity of the boater,
this whole accidental

Hero worship scene
coulda been avoided.

You know, when I
was a little girl,

I couldn't wait to have
one more phone in the house

So I could listen
in on the extension.

You can learn so much.


-Irene: so, there will
be days when I won't

Seem like the same
person to you.

And, uh, sometimes I won't
remember the things you tell me.

-Hobie: I don't know,
I mean, you're fine now.

You act like nothing's
wrong at all.

-Yes, I know,
dear, but this is

A very tricky
disease, darling.

You know, some elderly
people have it and,

And no one ever knows.

They think they're just
senile or, or losing it,

And they don't get
the proper care.

You know, one of my very

Favorite films
was "pollyanna."

Did you ever see it?

Well, pollyanna was always
playing the glad game.

Everybody thought
it was dumb but

Then the whole village
started playing it.

You see, pollyanna could
always find something

To be glad about,
no matter how bad things got.

-I don't know, I just
can't find anything

To be glad about your
having alzheimer's.

-Did you think of something?

-I guess there's one thing.

I could always tell you
what awful thing I did

And you'd never tell dad cause
you wouldn't remember.

-Oh, that's my favorite
emotion, laughter through tears.

You know something?

It makes me hungry.

-Tell you what, two
hot dogs, coming up.


-I love you, gran.

-I love you too, darling.

-Excuse me, are you
familiar with the area?

-Yes, I grew up here.

-Oh, great.

-My mom's lost.

-We're looking for
windward and pacific.

-They're two main streets.

-There's a pet store there.


-I don't know,
I don't know, i...

I should know.

-That's all right, don't
worry about it, I'll find it.

-Yeah, right.

-Is something the matter?

Are you all right?

-Mommy, what's the
matter with that lady?

-I don't know,
honey, I don't know.

We'll find that pet
store, okay, let's go.

-Hobie: there you go.



Hey, grandma!


-What's wrong? Where's mom?

-I don't know,
we were in venice, okay?

I just went to get some hot
dogs and she disappeared.

I went to the house
to check for her.

I was hoping she'd be here.

-That's all right,
we'll find her.

[ "It's only a matter of time"]

♪ How far can you go

♪ How fast can you run

♪ When time is a thief

♪ It's stolen the sun

♪ No place left to hide

♪ From the moment of truth ♪

♪ The enemy's inside

♪ The battleground is you ♪

♪ Reach for memories,
time erased them ♪

♪ In a world
of strangers' faces ♪

♪ Wand'ring lost
and empty-handed ♪

♪ Like a child
life's abandoned ♪

♪ It's only a matter of time

♪ Only a matter of time

♪ Time

♪ Only a matter of time

♪ Oooh

♪ How fast can you run

♪ How far can you go

♪ Look at it turn, turn

♪ Tell me, who can you trust

♪ In a world of strangers

♪ It's only a matter of time

-Thief 1: what've we got?

-A wallet!
-Thief 2: yeah!

-Thief 1: here you go!
-Thief 2: cool, yeah!

-Okay, call me if you
hear anything, bye.


-No, no one's had
any luck, mitch.

Caroline's checked your house
and everyone who knows her.

We've looked everywhere.

-Obviously not,
we haven't found her.

-Dad! We found
grandma's purse.


-Down in the
alley by the beach.

-We can't find her anywhere.

-All right, you guys
stay here with stephanie.

S-here, gimme this,
get in the truck.

-Excuse me, have you
seen this lady anywhere?

-Woman: no.

-You seen this lady anywhere?

-Man: uh, no, man.



Mom, it's mitch.

It's mitch, mom. It's mitch.

It's mitch.

-Mitch, mitch, mitch!

-It's okay, it's okay.

Mom, I know how
difficult it is for you

To accept the fact
that you need help.

-Like mother, like son.

-[Laughs] something like that.

-I'm just not ready
to give up living

And wait until I'm incapable
of looking after myself.

My bridge group
has been trying

To get me to go
to europe with them.

I think I'll go.

-Are you sure?

-Oh, they'll look after
me, they'll make sure

I take
my medicine religiously.

In case I forget.

-Mitch: very funny.

-Irene: thank you, dear.
-Mitch: there you go.

-Irene: oh, and I'll wear...

I'll wear an id bracelet
saying that I have...

That I have alzheimer's.

There, that wasn't
so bad, I said it.

-Yeah, you did.

-I can't ever imagine
not remembering you...

And our life together.

That'd be the worst
pain imaginable.

But you know, in the
world we live in today,

Something, something
unexpected could happen

Before the alzheimer's
kicks in and takes over.

And I'm not about to frit
away the time I have left,

To see and to do
everything in the world.

And I refuse to feel
sorry for myself.

-I know what you're doing.

You don't want me to hang
around and watch you, uh...

-Irene: deteriorate?

Please understand, son.

I have to grab the brass ring

While it's still
within my reach.

You'll always be my child.

I hope you understand.

-I'm grown up now, mom,

And I wanna take care of you.

-Yes, you are, aren't you?

Children can grow up

And parents are just
the last to know.

[Closing theme song]
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