06x10 - Sweet Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x10 - Sweet Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be alright

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no, don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no, don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Gentle instrumental music]

♪ The future is now [oooooooh]

♪ The future is

♪ What you make of it, today and

♪ There's no one to tell you

♪ The right way

♪ So listen to your heart and run

♪ Faster than you ever have

♪ And the world keeps spinning

♪ And the clock keeps ticking away

♪ And the world keeps spinning

♪ And the clock keeps ticking away

♪ I know you've thought differently

♪ About the way they move

♪ But what you do comes

♪ Back to you

♪ Come back to the truth

♪ So listen to your heart and run

♪ Faster than you ever have

♪ And the world keeps spinning

♪ And the clock keeps ticking away

♪ And the world keeps spinning

♪ And the clock keeps ticking away

♪ And the world keeps spinning

♪ And the clock keeps ticking away

-Do you ever think of having
children of your own someday?

-Yeah, all the time.

I want a huge family

With lots of little
ones running around.

-I don't want a huge
family, just one or two kids,

But I've been thinking
a lot about it lately.

-Oh, your biological clock
is sending you messages.

-I know,

And what do you do when you
don't have a man in your life?

-Well, you don't need a man
necessarily to have a baby.

You need a man in general,

But you don't need
a specific man specifically.

-No, I need a specific man.

And I wanna
be married to him.

So I guess for now
my biological clock's

Just gonna have to keep ticking.

-Well, that's too bad,

Because cody would
make an awesome father.


-Oh, I'm
just talking genetics.

Please, look at him.

-Please, okay,
just go away, stop.

-It's just a suggestion.

Hi, cody.

-Have a good workout.

-Stephanie: bye.

-What's going on here?

-Nothing, nothing, okay.

So, you ready
to go for the gold?

-Cody: yup, I think
I'm ready for a personal best.

-Good, 'cause
the olympic trials

Are just a couple days
away, so do a couple

Warm-up laps and then
we'll get started.


[Dramatic music]

-I'm gonna give you this.


It was given to me by
an aboriginal tribal chief,

I saved his life by pulling
him out of a quicksand pit.

-And you wanna
give it to me?

-Uh-huh. Well, supposedly,
whoever wears it

Is able to set free all their
passions and inhibitions.


-Woman voiceover:
202l from 295, respond
code three, tower 18.

Phone off hook, possible
lifeguard in water.

-Mitch: 295 from 202l,
responding code three, tower 18.

Tower 18 is closed.

-This is unit 202l
responding code three.

Please report code four,
the tower's closed.

We're gonna check for
a possible phone malfunction.

-Cody: false alarm?

-Mitch: check
out the phone line.

-Stephanie: cody,
go home and get some rest.

We've got an early
training day tomorrow.

-Mitch: what the...?


Excuse us.

Logan, could we see you
outside for a minute, please?

-And put the phone
back on the hook.

-Mitch: what
were you thinking?

-Oh, come on, mitch,
what lifeguard

Hasn't taken a girl
to his tower at least once?

-Logan, I think you
should take a few days

And re-read your lifeguard
manual so you can learn

The rules and regulations
of this department,

And then I'm gonna
test you on it.

And if you fail, I'm
gonna suspend you.


-I agree with
stephanie, no excuses.

-You're right,
you're both right.

It's just, after caroline...

Well, she's just some girl
I met on the beach today,

She doesn't mean anything.

It'll never happen again.

-Mitch: it better not.

-Logan: I swear, mitch, it
will really never happen again.

-You can count on it.


-Hey, mister...

Are you a real lifeguard?

-No, I'm a fireman,
what's it look like?


Oh, great, I never
locked the door.


Hey, there little fella,
what's your name?

Come on.

That's right.


Yeah, hi, this is
fowler at tower 18.

I'm not feeling too good,

I think I've got the
stomach flu or something.

Can you send someone up
to cover for me?


[Boy crying]

I'll be right back.

Be good.



Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay, it's okay,
I am a lifeguard.

Let's have a look.

You just got sand in your eyes.

I'm gonna get some water
to wash 'em out, okay?

Excuse me, ladies...

[Dramatic music]

Thank you.

Okay, put your head forward.

Put it down, down.

There you go, is that better?

Alright, where are your parents?

-Down there.

-Okay, well you go by
and sit near them, okay?

You understand?

Okay, go on.


Oh, no.

They're gonna k*ll me.


Deja vu.

-You got another woman
in your tower logan?

-No, I told you
I wouldn't do that again.

-So what was the emergency?

-There was a kid was
knocked down by a wave.

Thanks for the backup.

-Well, where is he now?

-Down there with his parents.

Go check it out.


-What was that?


-A baby.

-A baby?

You have a baby in your tower?

-Oh, it's beautiful.

-How'd he get here?

-His mother had
to go to the loo

And asked if I'd watch
him 'til she got back.

What's with the third degree?

-You shouldn't
have left him alone.

-Uh, excuse me,
I had to make a rescue.

What should I have
done, taken him with me?

Oh, there's his mum, come on.


-There you go.

-You okay?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

We gotta go,
I gotta get you ready

For tomorrow's preliminaries.

-I just wanna caution you
that there's a severe rip

Out there today in case
you wanna go in the water.

-C.j.: Hey, handsome.

-Can't wait to see
you swim tomorrow.

-You're not coming.
-Yes, I am.

-That'd make me too
nervous c.j., Really.

-Oh, come on, we all
just wanna support you.

-Are you kidding?

I've never had so much
support in my life.

You're all like my family.

-Stephanie, tell him
we're coming tomorrow.

-[Laughing] well, cody has
enough pressure as it is,

Only the top two finishers
qualify for the olympics.

-I just wanna make it
through the pre-lims.

-Hey, if you're
thinking like that,

That's as far as
you're gonna get.

You have to wanna win,
you have to wanna stand up

On that platform with
a gold medal around your neck.

[Dramatic music]


-Male announcer:
men, 100 meter freestyle.

Here's your mark.

Swimmers up.

Take your marks.



-Male tv reporter: the assistant
secretary of the treasury

Reported from
switzerland last night.

In the interim, the conference
continues in geneva on tuesday.

Turning to local news, metro
general hospital is the center

of intense turmoil

This evening after a full
day's search for a missing...

-Hey, logan.


-Who's this?

-I think he's my son.

I had a dozen of
these rings made up,

I've given them to many
women over the years.

-Including caroline.

-I know, I know, I'm a
scoundrel, but it works.

They all think it's
romantic and tender

And fall in love with me.

Anyway, when I found
the baby in my tower,

He had this clutched
in his hand.

So, I think that his mother
might be one of my exes,

Who thinks it's time I take
responsibility or something.

-Well, if he's not
your son, you know

You're gonna have to turn
him over to child welfare.

-I know, that was my first
thought, but what if he is mine?

-He really doesn't
look like you.

-Well, I don't know, look
at his eyes, look at his nose

And his, his...


-What about his mother?

Does he look like
anybody you've dated?

-I don't know,
a couple I guess.

I've tried calling some
today but I could only

Track down two, and
they both hung up on me.

-Well, what do
you want me to do?

-Watch the baby for me.


-I need to tell caroline
about this before she finds out

And hates me forever.

-I think it's
too late for that, pal.

-I've got diapers, bottles,
formula, everything you need.

I think.

Just watch him, mitch, please,
just for a little while

So I can talk to caroline.

-Ah, ah...



Easy, yeah, what's
the matter here?

Hand me one of
those wipes will ya?

-Mitch: thanks.

-Got it.

This is disgusting,
I bet I never

Did that when I was a baby.

-Wanna bet?
-Oh, come on.

-Are you kidding?

I had to wear a scuba mask
to change your diapers.

-Yeah, right.

-Pal, you smelled
so bad all my plants died.


Easy... That's a baby.
Oh, yeah...

Yeah, there you go.

You wanna clean up, pal?

-Oh, thanks.

-Come on, we're gonna
watch a little tv now.

You like barney?
How about knight rider?

Okay, little guy,
watch a little tv, eh?

-Oh, man, I never
realized how hard

4Taking care of a baby was.

-Believe me,
it's a full time job.

I don't whoever's ready for it.

-Were you?

-Hey, dad?

-Thanks for changing my
diapers and all that stuff.

-I wouldn't have missed
it for the world, pal.

-Good night.
-Good night.

-Male tv reporter: turning
to environmental news,

Us [drowned out] has
vowed to make a commitment

Enforcing environmental

with its russian counterpart.

The worldwide conference

Will take place
here in the united states.


In the spring, when the
new soviet president

Makes a visit
to the city of baltimore.

Turning to local news, metro
general hospital remains

The site of intense police
activity this evening...


...as the search continues
for a missing...


-Logan: hi.

-How'd it go with caroline?

-Oh, I didn't tell her.

-Why not?

-Well, I tried to but the
words just wouldn't come out.


So, what are you gonna
do with little logan here?

-I'll just do what's right.

Whatever that is,
I'll just try and do it.


-Stay focused, cody, okay?

The top eight swimmers
go to the finals.

-Male announcer: heat three of
the men's 100 meter freestyle,

Please report
to the clerk of the meet.

-Hey, I know you can do it.

[Crowd chattering]

-Male announcer: heat three of
the men's 100 meter freestyle.

Swimmers, stand ready.

Swimmers up.

Take your marks.

Get set.



-Oh, no, he missed
his turn, if he doesn't

Make at least third,
he won't make it to the finals.

Come on.




-i'll get it.

-Logan: hey.

Hey, mitch, how's it going?

-Uh, good, thanks.

Hobie and I were
just having dinner.

-I didn't mean to bother you.

I just wanted to come by and
apologize about last night.

Leaving jason here
for so long and all.


I named him after
my dad, jason fowler.

-Hey, no problem, we had
a great time watching jason.

Right, dad?

-Logan: great.

Then you won't mind
watching him one more night?

-Logan, i, no way!

-I'm gonna tell
caroline tonight.

-You said that last night.
-No, I will, I promise I will.


It's okay, little fella.

Mitch and hobie are gonna
take good care of you.

Okay, I just changed
him, and just fed him,

So he should be okay.

Here you go.

It's okay, it's okay.


He likes this to play with.

Okay, good.

Okay, thanks.

-Uh, see ya.

Well, I guess it's you, me,
and the hobster tonight.

What you wanna do?

You wanna watch
jurassic park?


-hobie: I'll get that.

-Mitch: okay.

-Hobie: hey.
-Hi, hobie, your dad in?

-Yeah, he's right here.

-Hey, mitch.

-Cody made it,
he made it to the finals.

-Oh, that's great.

-Whose baby is this?

-Um, a friend's.


-i'll get it.

congratulations, man.


That's great,
I heard you made it.

Oh, stephanie,
you have a baby.

-Oh, no, he's not mine.

But you know, it looks
like I've seen him before.

This is the baby
in logan's tower.

-He was, uh...
-Well, whose baby is it?


-Hobie: I'll get it.
-Um, a friend's.

Wonder who that is.

-Uh, maybe this isn't
such a good time.

-Actually, this is
a really good time

For you to explain
what's going on.

-Is that stephanie?

-Why does caroline
have a blindfold on?

-Is this a surprise party?

-Well, it is becoming
a party, and I have a feeling

There are a lot
of surprises in store.

-What is going on?

-Oh, it's not mine.


This is my son.

-No, you wait.

If you're his father
then who's his mother?

-I don't know.


I really...

Don't care.

-Well, anybody want a beer?

-Oh, hi.

Oh, congratulations
about winning yesterday.

I'm really happy for you.


But, I'm more concerned
about you right now.

How do you feel about
logan and his baby?

-Oh, I don't know.

At first I was really angry
at him-- I mean, the thought

Of him having a baby
with another woman...

-And now?

-And now I don't know.

I think I was a little
bit too hard on him.

I mean, he seems to be taking
fatherhood very seriously.

-Yeah, well, just be careful.

I don't want to see you
get hurt by him again.

-Thank you.


-Looks like he really
likes the beach.

-Takes after his old man.


Look, I shouldn't have
walked out on you last night.

I just...

-Hey, if I could've walked
out at first I would've.

-Why didn't you?

-It's strange,
at first, all I wanted to do

Was find out who the mother
was and give him back.

And now, I'm afraid she'll
show up and take him.

-Listen, I just want you
to know that I'm here.

I'm your friend,
no matter what happens.


That means a lot
to me, caroline.

[Phone ringing]


-Oh, hey.

Hey, thanks for these trunks,
they look great on him.

-Aren't they cute?

I had a friend
custom make 'em.

-He's gonna be a lifeguard,
just like his old man.

-Logan, are you...

Are you sure he's yours?

I mean, do you know
who the mom is?

How do you know that he's...

-I know, okay?

He's my son.

And that's all there
is to it, yes, yes.

-You know, it's like logan

Is a completely
different person.

-Don't get
sucked in, caroline.

-I'm not, I was just
noticing, that's all.

-Can we not talk about
logan and the baby?

I mean, this is everything
that cody and I

Have worked for, okay?


-Male announcer:
men's 100 meter freestyle.

Lane one, conway.

Lane two, bonann.

Lane three, collins.

Lane four, hudepohl.

Lane five, madison.


Lane six, smith.

Lane seven, marks.

Lane eight, kwasizur.

Swimmers up.

-Come on.

take your marks.

Get set.

[Audience gasp]

-What? What happened?
What was that?

-He false started.

If he does it again,
he'll be disqualified.

-Announcer: false start
charged to madison, lane five.

Swimmers up.

Take your marks.

Get set.



-Come on!






-I knew you'd make it.

Anyone who had
stephanie coaching 'em

Definitely had the edge.

-She made it happen,
no doubt about it.

-Let's watch some cartoons.

-So how's it going, olympian?

I like the sound of that.

-Well, you better get
used to it, because you're

Gonna be hearing it
the rest of your life.

-See, dreams
really do come true.


-Okay, everybody,
listen up!

Cody, stephanie, everybody
knows why we are here.

We are here to celebrate
cody going to the olympics.

here's to a great swimmer,

And a great coach.

And to the olympics!

-Good job.

-Caroline: hey.
-Logan: hey.

-Want some punch?

-No thanks.

-Female tv reporter:
we interrupt this program

For the following
special report.

Live from our news center
studio in burbank...

-Hey, wait a second, isn't...

Isn't that...

-This is baby jeffrey,
six months old,

Blonde hair, blue eyes.

If you have any information
as to the whereabouts

Of baby jeffrey,
please call the number

You'll be hearing later
in this broadcast.

It's been three days since
baby jeffrey was kidnapped

From metro general hospital,
leaving his parents

To suffer in silent agony.

Now for the first time,
his mother makes an appeal

To anyone who has
any information

As to the baby's whereabouts.

Mrs. Addison.

-Please, please, whoever
took my baby, bring him back.

We love him, and we miss him.

Please, please,
just bring jeffrey back to us.

-Male tv reporter:
we'll be back after this.

[Solemn music]

-Time to say
goodbye now, jason.

I mean jeffrey.

You're gonna be
with your real family now.

Truth is, I don't know
if I would've been

Such a good dad anyway,
but I would've tried to be.

-You were wonderful
with him, logan.

You're gonna be
a great dad someday.

-Well, they caught
the lady who kidnapped

The baby from the hospital.

Apparently, she got
scared and panicked

And put him
in a lifeguard tower.

Figured it was the safest place.

-It was.

-Logan, that's the little
guy's mom out there.

-Hey, hey, come back and
visit when you're older, okay?

We'll go swimming together.


Let's go, guy.

[Melancholy music]


-How you feeling?

-Like I have
a hole in my heart.

-I'm sure you must
hurt a lot, logan,

But I gotta tell you,
it's good to know

That you're capable of loving
somebody else that much.

-As a kid, I lose my dad,

And now I lose
a chance at being a dad.

-You'll be a dad someday.

I'll leave you alone.


[Melancholy music]

[Closing theme music]
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