06x12 - Beauty and the Beast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x12 - Beauty and the Beast

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]


♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Beauty and the beast"

[Woman laughing]

[Women talking indistinctly]

Oh, ducky.

[Duck quacking]



[Duck quacking]

Oh, little ducky. Oh, ducky.

[Loud growl]


Oh! What in the--


Hey, buddy. You okay?

You know there's no drinkin'
on the beach.

There's something in there.

Oh, yeah? Come on.

I saw it with my own two eyes.

Saw what?

A sea monster.

Oh. Just a sea monster, huh?

No pink elephants?

You gotta do something.

I'm gonna do something.

Here's the address of a place
you can go to get some help.



What about
the poor little ducky?

The little ducky
will be all right.


Hey, mitch.
What do you got there?


Uh, nothing.

It's just "inside sports"
wants to use an authentic

in this year's swimsuit issue.

There'll be here tomorrow
to scout.

Well, I thought that lifeguards

Weren't suppose to do
any commercial endorsements.

Well, that's very true.

But this time,
the captain said it was okay

Because they're including
something about water safety

In the issue.

Oh, they're gonna pay
something like $500.

Yeah, $500.

Yeah, $500 a day

And some all expense paid trip

To the melia cabo real hotel
in cabo san lucas.


If anybody's interested,
you can sign up with me.



How 'bout me?



[People talking excitedly]



How about I watch
your water and you pour?

Thank you.

So you feelin' any better?

A little.

Want some ginseng tea?

Oh, no, thanks.

Hey, what happened to your arm?

I don't know.

I think it's hives,
probably from my nerves.

I've been
under a lot of stress lately.

Ah. You think it has something
to do with matt being home?

No. Matt and I are fine.


Oh, hey, did you hear about the
"inside sports" modeling thing?

Yeah. Isn't that wild?

When's your interview?

Oh, what does it matter?

They're probably
gonna pick you, anyway.

Oh, please.
What are you talkin' about?

Cj, you have modeled before.

Okay. What if they
don't want a blonde?

Well, they'll probably
see you and pick you anyway.

What if they want a brunette
with big blue eyes

And pouty lips?

I don't have pouty lips.

Yes, you do.

I don't.

Okay. Maybe they'll pick
both of us,

And we'll be discovered
and become

Rich and famous supermodels.

Hey, now you're talkin'.

I've always wanted to be
the toast of the fashion world.



[Grungy rock music]

♪ There's always something
to that look in your eyes ♪

♪ Time to let loose
and just let it all fly ♪

♪ Away to that magical place ♪

♪ To that way when you get
that look on your face ♪

♪ Something makes a sound

♪ There's no one at the door

♪ But you just want to play ♪

♪ You keep 'em wanting more ♪

♪ Fingers in your hair

♪ Sweetness on your breath

♪ You're making
all the right moves ♪

♪ I'll take care of the rest ♪

♪ There's always something
to that look in your eyes ♪

♪ Time to let loose
and just let it all fly ♪

♪ Away to that magical place

♪ To that way when you get
that look on your face ♪

[Grungy rock music playing]

[Electric guitar music playing]

♪ There's always something
to that look in your eyes ♪

♪ Time to let loose
and just let it all fly ♪

♪ Away

[Electric guitar music playing]

♪ Lead me to that time
that we just let it all go ♪

♪ That place we went together
and you put on that show ♪

♪ You taught me how to listen
to that passion inside ♪

♪ To reach
into this depths inside ♪

♪ And loose that disguise

♪ I always knew
there was something ♪

♪ By that look in your eyes

[Door creaking]

talking indistinctly]

[Water splashing]

Baywatch lifeguard

talking indistinctly]

I thought
you wanted to body surf!

I'm not goin' out there.

It's too deep.
I can't touch the bottom.

So what? You're a good swimmer.


Oh, come on.
What are you afraid of?



I can't find my shoe.





[Indistinct screaming]

Help! Somebody, help!

Danny! Danny!

You gotta help, man.

[People yelling]

Yeah, this is tower 18.
I need backup right away.

[Danny gasping]

[Siren wailing]

I got him.

-You got him?

What happened?

Pretty nasty.

What happened?

He was att*cked
by something in the water.

-I couldn't tell.

It just clamped onto my leg
and pulled me under.

Shark! Oh, my gosh, a shark!

Did you see dorsal fin?

-I didn't see anything.

It happened so fast,
I don't remember.


-You'll be okay.
-Hey, brad.

-Let's get him in the truck.
-Got it.

Caroline, get everybody
out of the water.

-All right.


Attention swimmers,
attention swimmers.

Please come out of the water.

Everyone out of the water,


[Mitch] without causing
a major panic.

[Siren wailing]

[Phone ringing]

[Neely] baywatch headquarters.

[Man] yeah, did something happen in venice?

Yes. There was an incident
earlier this afternoon.

[Man] shark attack?

No, I can't confirm
that it was a shark attack.

[Man] what was it?

We don't know for sure.

[Man] on venice beach?

Yes. Venice beach will be closed
until further notice.

[Man] thank you.

Baywatch headquarters.
Thanks for waiting.

How can I help you?

[Man] is it true they closed
venice beach today?

Yes. Venice beach
will be closed.

[Phone ringing]

Baywatch headquarters.
Thanks for waiting.

[Logan] so you say it was
only 50 yards off shore?

[Caroline] no, it was
closer than that.


Oh, mitch, how's the victim?

He was going into surgery
when I left the hospital.

You know, the wound went
all the way to the bone?

Must have been a shark.

The e.r. Doctor
doesn't think so.

Why not?

The bite radius
is too small for a shark.

What else could it be?

I mean, a sea lion?
What would attack a human?

-A barracuda?

The barracudas
around here are too small.

They rarely attack humans.

So we have no idea
what's out there.

Mitch! Cody needs you in
the first aid room right away.

Another attack?

It's cj.

-What's goin' on?
-Don't come in!

Why, why not?
What's wrong with you?

She's got the chicken pox.

Chicken pox?

Are you sure?

Positive. Look at her arms.


You never had 'em
when you were a kid?


Then, you better
keep your distance.

She's contagious.

I'm sorry, mitch.

Um, not your fault.

What about you?

Oh, me? Don't worry about me.

I've had the chicken pox...

I think.

You're not sure?

Well, it either was
the chicken pox or the measles.

I just, ew, I can't remember.

Call your sister.
She'll remember.

Well, she's backpacking

I don't know if I can reach her.

Yeah, well until you do,

I want you to stay
far away from cj.

We're shorthanded as it is.

-Uh, see ya.

Yes, her name
is stephanie holden.

She's tall, slim,
she has sort brown hair.

Yes, that's right,
the lifeguard. Is she there?

Yeah, yeah, I'll...

Poor cj.

I remember
when I had the chicken pox,

I was as sick as a dog.

[Phones ringing]

I guess this means she won't be
running for "inside sports."

Neely, is that
all you really care about?

Oh, as if the thought
hadn't occurred to you.

This is a huge break
for both of us.

[Phone line beeping]

[Man] hello,
are you still there?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here.

[Man] all right, she said
she would be back at eight.

Oh, great! She'll be back
later this evening.

[Man] that's what she said.

Okay, so can you please
give her a message?

Tell her that her sister called.

Right. And she has the number.

-[Man] all right.
-Thank you so much.

[Man] you're welcome.

I'll let you know
the minute she calls.

[Phone ringing]

[Phone line beeping]

Baywatch headquarters.

[Hammer beating]

Danger beach closed

Hey, mitch. There's a long
distance swimmer out there.

Attention, swimmer. You're
entering a restricted area.

Please leave
the water immediately.

Attention, swimmer.

He can't hear ya.

All right, I'm gonna try again.

No, no, no. I'll go get him.

[Water splashing]

[Engine humming]

Hey, buddy!

Sorry to interrupt your workout,

But you're gonna
have to get out of the water.

It's off limits for the moment.

What's the problem?

Swimmer got att*cked
here earlier.

Sorry. I had no idea.

Okay. Why don't you just
hop on the back, huh?

-Ready, guy?

-All right.

[Engine humming]

[Loud splash]

Baywatch headquarters

[Phone line beeping]

Baywatch headquarters,
please hold.

[Stephanie over phone]
hi, neely, this is me.

Oh, hi, stephanie.

Uh, caroline called--

Yeah, yeah.
Oh, I'd patch you through,

But we're getting
a really bad connection here.

[Phone line beeping]

Well, she wanted to know
if she ever had the chicken pox.

Yeah. I can barely hear you.

Right, I'll tell her.
Take care, steph.


[Waves crashing]

[Phone ringing]

Tower 18.

Caroline, it's neely.

Listen, your sister just called

And she said you've already
had the chicken pox.

Oh, good. Thank god.

Well, now cj has someone
to take care of her.

Hey, neely,
will you do me a favor?

Uh, could you please call up cj

And see if she wants me
to bring home anything.

I'd be glad to.

[Phones ringing]


Hey, mitch, good news. I've
already had the chicken pox.

No swimming, beach closed

Well, at least one of us
is out of the woods, huh?

The swimmer said
he saw a couple of kids

Boogie boarding
on the other side of the point.

I'm gonna check it out.


[Truck engine cranking]


Ocean lifeguard

I tried to stop them,
but they wouldn't listen.

They're trying to impress
the new girl in school.

With what, their stupidity?

La county lifeguard.

Outta the water,
outta the water.

[Boy] later, man.

Hey, get outta there!


Beach closed, no swimming

Come on, get your butt in here.

[Onlookers yelling indistinctly]

Get outta the water!

[Group exclaiming excitedly]

What do you know
about sharks, anyway?

It's not a shark.

Shark's too bit.
It's gotta be a barracuda.

Oh, what do you know?
You don't know anything.

And what about you?
You don't know anything.

Guys, that's enough. We just
spoke to the hospital lab.

Turns out,
the bite radius on the victim

Is the same as the boogie board.

Good news is, we're dealing
with one entity.

So what's the bad news?

They think it's an alligator.

An alligator?

That's impossible.
They're freshwater reptiles.

They can't survive in the ocean.

Except one species can.

They're called
saltwater crocodiles.

But they live in the waters
of india and malaysia,

Not southern california.

What if someone got it as a gift
and didn't want to keep it,

And decided to flush
itdown the toilet?

You know, like in new york city.
You always hear stories

Of alligators livin'
in the sewers there.

Except uh, toilet water, cody,

Is devoted
to a sewage treatment center

Before it enters the ocean.

Unless there was a rupture
in the sewer line

And it ended up
living in a storm drain.

But why would it leave?

Goes out for food.

Baywatch headquarters, this is coast guard helo 6506,

Completed search in area 3.
Negative sightings, over.

[Man] roger, coast guard 6506,

Request you meet
our scarabs in area 7.

Baywatch scarab 1,
coast guard 6506.

All search areas completed,
still no sightings. Over.

[Man] 6506, roger. Coast guard. Thanks for your help.

Sexy, but classy kinds of sh*ts.

And you like doing
this kinds of stuff?

I love it, I love it.

Have you shot lingerie kinds
of commercials and things?

-I have, I have.

Get in the line and have
your picture taken.

-I'd appreciate it.

-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.

-How are you today?

Excuse me.

Have you shot
swimsuit issued before?

No, I haven't.

[Women talking indistinctly]

[Camera clicking]

Throw your hair back.

Right shoulder. Uh huh.

There we go.




When's your interview?

Oh, got so busy we had
to postpone until tomorrow.

My god. Look at the way
she's kissing up to them.

That is so disgusting.

Well, if I was a wagering man,
I'd bet all my money on you.

See, I don't care
if I win or not.

I just want her to lose.

[Man in distance]
hey, fowler. Let's go.

All right, well, we're off
to catch our croc.

This should be an adventure.

Oh, won't you
be careful, my love.

Aren't I always?


One more smile.

That's it, that's it.

[Sighing in disgust]

-Hi, logan.

Hey, madison.

What makes you
so sure this thing's living

In the rose avenue
storm drain, anyway?

'Cause yesterday a wino told me
he saw a sea monster in there.

You can't be serious.

At the time, I thought he was
hallucinating or something.

I'll bet he really saw it.

He was real shook up.

He said it swallowed a duck.


Donald or daffy?



Did madison
happen to mention to you

Why he thinks this is the spot?

I'm afraid we're on a bit
of a wild goose chase here.

I'm afraid we're not.

It kills you
when I'm right, doesn't it?

Hey, mitch, what's that thing?

It's called a come along.
I got it from animal control.

That's all they gave you?

It's all he has.

It's not like they pick up
stray alligators every week.

Yeah, well,
good that's gonna do.

Figured you'd try and catch it
barehanded, fowler.

Isn't that
the way they do it in tasmania?

Well, I have had
friends who've tried.

Some of them lived to regret it,
the others won't ever.

All right.

This is nice and cozy.

I hope you're not afraid
of the dark, fowler.

Oh! Ah!

I think you found cody's ducky.

Or what's left of him.

Here, crocky, crocky, crocky.


-[Mitch] cody.
-[Cody] yeah?

[Mitch] shut up.

Well, one good thing,

There really
is an alligator in here,

We don't have
to worry about sewer rats.

I knew there had
to be an upside.

Is this where all the stuff goes
when people go to the--

Oh, okay. Shut up, will ya.

What the...

[Cody] where's swamp thing
when you need him?

[Cody] on second thought,
maybe I was wrong.

Anybody else ready to go back?

[Logan] didn't they teach
how to do this is rookie school?

[Mitch] actually,
we may add a new chapter

To the lifeguard manual
before this is over.

Okay, guys,
this is the end of the line.

Gotta go in the water.

Hey, what's that?

Cody, hang on to this.

Keep that right there.

What is that?


Good god.

Well, we're getting close.

It looks like an alligator bag.


It was a joke, mitch.

[Alligator growling]


[Logan] watch out!


Get away from the snout.
Right on the snout!

Get away from the snout!

Come on!

You got him!

-Grab him, grab him!
-I got it!

[Cody] you got him, man.
You got him!

[Alligator growling]

[Cody] grab him!

[Mitch groaning]

[Men grunting]


[Yelling indistinctly]

We got him.

[Men grunting]

[Breathing heavily]

[Men grunting]

[Alligator growling]

[Breathing heavily]

There he goes!

[Breathing heavily]

Give me that rope.


-[Logan] mitch! Mitch!
-[Cody] logan!


Go to the truck
and get backup. Hurry, go!

[Water bubbling]

[Alligator growling]






We're not alone.

Come on, pal, grab my hand.
We're gettin' outta here.

[Alligator growling]

Mitch! Mitch!

[Mitch screaming]

Mitch! Mitch!


The rope!


[Water splashing]

Mitch! Mitch!

[Alligator growling]

[Mitch grunting]


There's at least one man
down there, possibly two.

Bring a stretcher
and a lot of bandages.

Do you need anything
from headquarters?

Yeah, my scuba gear
and a spear g*n.

-What's goin' on in there?
-Two lifeguards

Are fighting an alligator
in a subterranean cave.

-I know it sounds crazy,

But these guys could be
seriously injured.

Trust me,
this thing is like a monster.

What did I tell ya, huh?
And you wouldn't listen to me.

Not now, not now!

[Neely] oh, my god.

[Cody] I don't believe.

[Onlookers talking indistinctly]

Logan, are you okay?

Here. He's all yours.

Don't worry,
he's not as tough as he looks.

[Cody] hey! What am I suppose
to do with this thing?


Caroline, what are you doing
in there?


Do you realize what time it is?

You're going to miss
your "inside sports" interview.


Caroline, what's wrong with you?

Oh, no!

I'm gonna k*ll her!

How did you get the chicken pox?

Ask neely.

[Door slamming]

Hey, there she is.

You're looking for me?

Yeah, yeah.

You remember jerry croft,
don't you?

Well, of course I do.
How are you?

Very good.

Congratulations, neely. You're
gonna be in "inside sports."

You're kidding?

No, you're the one we want.

Oh, thank you!
Thank you so much!

Thanks, mitch!


Oh, thank you.

Oh, my-- I can't believe this.

You're gonna be terrific.

Well, have fun in cabo.

I will! Thank you!

-And thank you, mitch.

Thank you, mitch.

And thank all the other girls
that tried out.

Oh, I will.

I'm sure they will be really
thrilled for neely.


Thank you.

You're gonna be great.

[Waves crashing]

[Radio chatter in background]

Okay, thanks for calling.

I'll pass along
the good news. Bye.

You'll be happy
to know the la zoo

Has officially adopted
our friend.

Well, personally,
I was looking forward

To getting a brand-new pair
of cowboy boots, myself.

Caroline, you're gonna scar.

You are such a hypocrite.
You picked nonstop.

I did not. You look at me.
I have no scars at all.


Well, they said you can come
visit him anytime you'd like.

Well, I'm sure that would bring
back a lot of fond memories.

I'm still gonna pick
because it's really itching me.

It's driving me nuts!

You didn't have it
as much as I did.

I had it on my face
and on my nose.

Stop it!

Would you stop doing that?
I'm gonna pick if I wanna pick.

-[Cj] no, you won't!
-[Caroline] yes, I will!



She's mad at neely
and she's taking it out on me.

Neely did not set you up to get
the chicken pox.

Stephanie confirmed
it was a bad connection.

She just misunderstood
the message.

Oh, please.

Well, even if she hadn't
you'd already been exposed.

Excuse me,
why are you defending her?

I'm not defending her.

I'm just saying
you can't blame her.

Just forget it.

Look, I don't care if I won.

I just don't understand
why they had to pick her.

I'm sure they realized
they made a dreadful mistake.

They probably won't use
any of the photos, anyway.

Looks like we'll find out
soon enough.

We just got an advanced copy
of the swimsuit...


Not bad.

Very nice.


Let me see that!

Oh, god!


[Sighing in disgust]


[Logan] you gotta admit,
she looks pretty good.

[Stephanie] very funny.


Now, now.

Don't laugh.

[Ending music]
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