06x15 - Bash at the Beach

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x15 - Bash at the Beach

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


Hey macho,
race you to the pier, brother.

-Let's do it, brother.
-Hammer down.

Macho and the macho man.

You're gonna be me
in your dreams and that's all.

Is that all you got, macho?

Hey, dude, you cut me off!

Too bad!

That's it.

See you later, brother,

I'm just a memory to you now!

Whoa, mercy.

Hey, hulkster,
you're sure looking good.


See yah, gotta catch macho.


This is julie, unit five.

Backup needed,

Wave runner accident off
tower 12, code three.

I'm on my way.

He's unconscious.

The wave runner hit him.

Let's get him in.




Come help us.

You got him?

Come on, you guys.

One, two, three, pull.

One, two, three, pull.

One, two, three, pull.

One, two, three, pull.

Stay back, give us room.

He doesn't have a pulse.
Start cpr.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

Stay back, everybody.

One, and two, and three,
and four, and five.

One, and two, and three--


Oh my god, it's hulk hogan.

What do you know,
I did get to heaven.

You're right!

I'm in heaven?

No, you're hulk hogan.

This keeps getting better
all the time.

You're very lucky,

You were hit by a ski
and you could've been k*lled.

Darlin, I've been hit a lot
harder than that in the ring.

That's macho man.

Randy savage.

are you guys wrestling fans?


Me too.

Oh, yeah, this is unbelievable.

I like these odds. Uh-huh.

Hey, hulkster,
what's the deal, brother?

Talk to me.

It's not like you
to leave me hanging,

And just checking out the babes.

And just leaving me out there.

We need to have a little talk,

About who cut out on who.

Okay let's do it right now.

Come on.

All right.

Hey, maybe they're gonna fight.


Put your eyes
back in your head, brother.

All right, I will.

Hey, mitch.



A penny for your thoughts.

Oh, or are they private?

Definitely private.

-Where's the picnic?
-At the beach.

Same beach as your thoughts?

Same beach.

Same guy?


Sounds serious.

You know, I know haven't been
dating tom all that long,

But I feel like I've
known him my whole life.

And, from what he tells me
about his escapades with you,

I wish I had.

Tom's been my best buddy
almost my entire life.

We have had some serious fun.

We made it into rookie school

And out of rookie school

And, tom gave me all the juicy
details in between.

Not all.




Well, you better tell tom

I'm gonna have
a little talk with him,

But enjoy, huh?

I wonder what that guy told her.

This is a great idea.

The grapes?

The whole thing, the picnic,

The deserted beach.


I thought you had
the whole day off?

No, days off for a doctor
are a fallacy.

As long as there are
medical emergencies,

There are no days off.

Why I think I'm having
a medical emergency right now.

It's my heart,
it's beating dangerously fast.

Great legs, you know that?

How long has this mole
been red around the edges?

I don't know,

I don't look at the back
of my legs that often.

Well, you really should,

with all the sun you get.

I use sunscreen, I tan safely.

There's no such thing
as a safe tan, you know.

You know something,
I want you in my office

Tomorrow morning, first thing.

And I mean it.


Hi, ladies. Hi, guys.

Anyone out there
today as crazy as me?

Fortunately, no.

I was pretty reckless yesterday.

I probably never should've
stood up on the ski like that.

I'd like to thank you

And all your friends again
for saving my life.

Well you were pretty reckless.

How's your head?

It's a lot better than the ski.

It was totaled when it hit me.

You're kidding?

Yeah, I'm kidding.

thanking all of you again

Isn't the only reason
I came to see you.

I heard that
the baywatch lifeguards

Are doing a lot of work
at the venice boys youth center.

Right, we have.

The place means a lot to me.

It's my old stomping ground.

If it wasn't for sonny,
and the athletic center,

I probably would've been
wild out on the streets.

Well, I can't imagine that.

The lifeguards have been
volunteering their time

To help out sonny and the kids.

But we don't have the money
to save the property.

Has it been sold?

I'm afraid so.

But we can't figure out
who bought it.

I devote a lot of my time
to kids.

It's my way
of giving something back,

Maybe I can figure out
a way to help you guys out.

That'd be great.

A couple of us are headed
over there pretty soon.

Would you mind if macho
and myself tag along?

Yeah, I do.

You're kidding?

Yeah, I'm kidding.

Let's go.

See, cj,
these kids are hard workers.

They're not like you.

Hey, hulk, my man, how are yah?

Hey you look terrific!

How you doing, brother?

You guys look wonderful.

Cody, cj, thanks for working out
with the kids.

You got it.

I'd like you to meet
some of the guys.

Luke and sam,

Hulk hogan and randy savage.

Hey, guys, I want you
to train hard and never give up.

Yeah, well that'd be easy to do

If they weren't taking away
our gym.

Yeah, where are we gonna train

If they shut down this place?

Come on guys, train hard
means train hard, let's go.

don't worry about anything,

I'm gonna figure something out,
that's it.

So it's true?

Yeah, that's right.

Look hulk, I'm not making
the kind of money I used to.

Thanks to these lifeguards,

I've been able to keep
the center going.

But, it's out of my hands now.

When I was a kid, you and this
place saved my rear end.

I had a choice, dr*gs
and street life,

Or getting healthy, working out

And getting my act together
right here.

Gee, the boys really love
this gym, you know.

It's their support system,
it's their sanctuary.

I'm afraid of what will happen
when they lose it.

I'm afraid they're not
gonna have your choice.

I have no idea
what would've happened to us

Without this place, but it's not
a pretty picture, hulkster.


What do you think cj
can you lift it?


Hey you, you're late.

I thought you had
an early shift?

I had an appointment.

Mitch, you think I can talk
to you about something?

Yeah, sure. What's up?

You think maybe
I could work headquarters

For the next couple of days?

Headquarters? What's wrong?

You love the beach,
what's going on?

I had a biopsy this morning,

Possible skin cancer.

Just got quite a lecture
from tom

About the sun and skin cancer.

Steph, tom is the top
dermatologist in this town.

You're in good hands.

I'm just so angry at myself.

I mean there was so many ways

I should've protected myself
from the sun.

Well, it's not like you have
to stay indoors

For the rest of your life.

You just have to wear
the right sun block

And apply it frequently.

What if it's too late?

What if it's not?

Will you think positive?

If it's melanoma, I could die.

Come here, you.

[Grunting and cheering]

[Car horn honking]

Who in the heck is that?

Oh, that's the developer

That's taking over
this athletic center.

We'll see about that.

Yeah, now you're talkin'.

Hold on, hulkster.
What's going on?

Let's see how bad
they are right now.

Let's go talk to him a little.

Ric flair.

So you're the developer?

I thought you'd be in the pond,

Hiding under the scum
where you feel at home.

Oh, hogan, it's wonderful
as always to see you again.

And macho man, the last time
I saw your face, man,

It was under my shoe.


What do you do with your time,

Now that you're a washed-up
ex-wrestler, flair?

You know what they say, brother,

"Those who can, do.
Those who can't, don't."

Well, then if that's the case,
you'll appreciate this,

For starters man,
I bought the property!

You got it?

In a week, it'll all be mine!

But today, I'm here,

Because I'm closing
the gym down, big boy.

You can't do that.

Oh, little lady,
that's where you're wrong,

I'm the nature boy,
I've got the document.

Soon, this will all be condos.

It'll all be mine, whoo!

Why don't you put your money

Where your sorry
excuse for a mouth is, flair?

Hey, hogan, as usual, your words

Hit harder than your fist, man.

A fight, one on one,
no-holds barred.

Winner take all.

All this property, flair.

Aw, man,
doesn't that sound delightful?

What's the collateral, hogan?

Something that you could never
hang on to, flair,

The wcw heavyweight title,

Wait a minute, I call the sh*ts!

We'll make it a team,
me and vader!

And, macho man, I want you
right here, right now.

I'd love to tear you apart
right now.

Hey, I tell you what, both
matches or all bets are off.

And whose head am I gonna have

The pleasure of ripping off,

No, no, no, chump.

It's vader time
that's gonna rip your head off.


I was hoping
I'd have to have a match

Where I had to keep
my eyes open, vader.

Save it for the world to see.

Save it for the ring, hogan.

[Devious laughter]

Come on, let's go. Come on.

Hogan, you're dead meat,

Come on, baby.




Macho, what you're smiling
about, buddy? You're next.

Don't be betting on it!

Down you go!

Saturday, on the beach.

And bring escrow papers, flair.


We'll see you at the beach,

Come on, macho man,

I want some of you right now.

Hogan, we're gonna find out
who the man is!

That basketball is gonna
look like your face!

Vader, you're mine.

Turn around, big man.

You're dead meat, baby.

Nature boy, hulk's too good

At getting in between
those ropes.

He's too agile for vader,
you know that.

Not in the cage, taskmaster.

Once vader's got him
in the cage,

He'll never get away.

That chump ain't gonna go
for this.

Sure he will.

It'll be too late
before he finds out.

Come on, let's go. Whoo!


Hey, buddy.

Hey, mitch, how are you doing?

-Come on in, man.

Thanks for coming over
on short notice,

I know how busy you are.

But it's kind of important.

Well, I'll bill you later.

Sit down.

You're a little serious.
What's up?

I saw stephanie this afternoon.

She seemed pretty upset.

Oh, come on, mitch,
I can't talk about stephanie.

You know, doctor-patient
confidentiality applies,

No matter what.

Does it apply if I know she had
a biopsy for skin cancer?

All right, mitch, come on,
we're best pals, right?

We drank from the same
milk carton,

But there are rules in medicine.

Okay, isn't it a basic rule
that you don't treat someone

That you're emotionally
involved with?

Or attached to?
Or possibly in love with?

It's that obvious, huh?

Yeah, it's that obvious.

Stephanie's biopsy results
will come in tomorrow morning.

Look, the cure rate
for skin cancer is 100%

As long as it doesn't spread
to any other part of the body.

Look, I just want you
to level with me, okay?

We go back 20 years here,
you're talking to mitch.

Now you can trust me.

Off the record, man,
what do you think?

Good morning, sleepyhead.

I can't believe
you're not dressed.

Cj was out of here
at the crack of dawn,

I'm even ready.

Number eight?
That's all you're putting on?

That's what I always use, steph,
so do you.

Well, it's not enough.

Well, I reapply it.

When? How often?

Number eight,
you know what that means?

That means if your skin
burns in ten minutes,

You just have
80 minutes of protection.

That's just
a little over an hour.

You work an 8 to 10 hour shift

Everyday in the sun,
in and out of the water.

You tell me you reapply
eight to ten times a day?


And if your skin burns
in just five minutes,

That's just 40 minutes
of protection, that's it.

Don't you realize that our job
makes us prime candidates

For skin cancer?

what happened to your leg?


I might have skin cancer.

I'm scared.

I know tom,
I saw the look on this face

When he first saw my mole.

And I just read that
the primary spot for skin cancer

To develop
is the back of the leg.

I can't stand
waiting for the results.

I feel like I'm gonna
lose my mind.

Steph, you are strong.

You're gonna make it
through this.

I don't want to be strong.

I just want to scream and cry.


It's okay.

I'll be strong for both of us.

Yo, cj.

Hey, hulk.

I've got great news.

Everything is set for saturday.

And after we win,
the money we make

From the wrestling match

Will go to support
the youth center,

After I take it back
from flair of course.

That's great.

But what if you guys don't win?

We've gotta win, for the boys.

Vader's psycho. He's huge.

What's he gonna do, crush me?
Pulverize me?

You're right. Go kick his butt.

Hey watch,
I'm gonna catch his wave.

Go for it.

Careful, connor.





Help, over here!
Please, lifeguard


Help, over there!

Mommy, mommy,
I just saw hulk hogan.

Matthew, what have I told you

About making up stories?

-But mom--
-can it, matthew.

Connor, grab my hand, hurry.

His leg's stuck!

I got him, I got his head,
I got him.

Just don't move,
I'll lift the rock.

I've got you.

Oh, my leg.

Hang on, you're gonna be okay.

You just hang on, buddy.

Excuse me.

You girls are getting sunburned

So you should either cover up

Or put on a stronger sunscreen.

Because it's the burns
you get today,

They'll increase your risk
of skin cancer

When you get older.

Is this what you're using?

Baby oil offers absolutely
no protection against the sun.

Do you have any sun block?

Put it on.

Excuse me, can I see that?

This is just a sun magnifier,
you know.

You should be using sun block,
if you don't want to get burned.


Be sure to put on enough
sun block on your baby, okay?

And on yourself also.

Are you using sun block?

You should be putting some on.

A high spf.

Excuse me,
do you have sunscreen on?

Oh, I do.

You do? Good, good.

Sun block?

Okay, and keep reapplying
frequently, okay.

Especially when you sweat
or you go in the water.

Yeah, thanks.

-Do you have sun block on?

Yeah? Okay.

Don't forget to use sun block,

I'm obsessed.

I was like a crazy person
at the beach today.

Lecturing people.

Oh, why? Why me?

Why now?

I mean,
I have everything I ever wanted.

I love my job.
I'm in love with tom.

I'm at the prime of my life.

I just can't wait much longer.

If I don't hear the results
soon, I'm gonna scream.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

Come in.

It's melanoma, isn't it?


Now, stephanie,
just listen to me.

Okay, we're gonna take
some more tissue

From the surrounding area.

We're gonna do some more tests.

We'll do some blood work,

if the melanoma is localized,

Then we've got it all.

If it's localized.

What if it's not localized?

We need to know
if it's metastasized.

What does that mean?

It means they need to know
if it's spread

To any other part of my body.


Time to get strong, time to win.

Yeah, let's do it!

For the boys club.


♪ The world shakes with the clench of his fists ♪

♪ He's a force
to be reckoned with ♪

♪ Tough as nails
he's a son of a g*n ♪

♪ He means business
he'll get the job done ♪

♪ A born leader
he's number one ♪

♪ Made of steel
he's a champion ♪

♪ 'Because he's tougher
than tough ♪

♪ You know
he's got the right stuff ♪

♪ When the going gets rough

♪ He's more than strong enough

♪ 'Cause he's tougher
than tough ♪

♪ Made to last
yeah he's built like a t*nk ♪

♪ A warrior with iron strength ♪

♪ Pure power
like you've never seen ♪

♪ Satisfaction guaranteed ♪

♪ A born leader
he's number one ♪

♪ Made of steel
he's a champion ♪

♪ 'Because he's tougher
than tough ♪

♪ You know
he's got the right stuff ♪

♪ When the going gets rough

So thanks for getting me
out of the house.

This waiting is t*rture.

What are ex-boyfriends for, huh?

Remember that cruise we went on?

You mean the one
where you got shot

And fell overboard,

And I jumped over to save you?


Remember what you promised me
when we were drifting?

Drifting? Drifting?

You mean when I'm fighting off
the sharks,

And trying to keep you

Yeah. Yeah, I remember.

You promised me
that you'd never leave me.

And you promised me that
everything will be all right

As long as you were there
with me.


I'd give anything if I could
promise that right now.


But I can't.

I will promise you,
I'll always be there for you.


Hi, everybody,
welcome to bash at the beach.

We want all of you to come down,

Because we want to help save
the venice boys athletic center

And here to help us save it
is hulk hogan,

The wcw heavyweight champion.

You're going up against one

Of the meanest bone crushers
in town.

What's your strategy, hulk?

Well, you know something,

What he doesn't understand
is that hulkamania

Is gonna be running wild, dude.

And with the largest arms
in the world

Saving the venice boys club,

The wcw heavyweight title
on the line,

And the baywatch babes
watching my back,

I'm gonna break him in half,

So, how do you feel
about your match today?

Julie, I'm glad you
asked me that question.

I am the tower of power,
too sweet to be sour,

Funky like a monkey,
the sky's the limit,

And space is the place.

Oh, yeah!

Hulk hogan, the macho man,

And all those little
baywatch lifeguards.

The way I figure it,

We'll get rid of the red,

Because yellow
is more of their color!


-Macho man?

What's your plan?

Cody, my plan is no plan, yeah.

I live on the edge,
living on the edge.

Ride the edge of a lightning
bolt across the sky!

Do you know why, cody?

No, I don't.

Because of the boys club,
because of sonny.

You've gone head to head,
toe to toe in the past!

Tell the whole world what you're
gonna do to your opponent,

Macho man randy savage!

Oh, the macho man already knows!

Today, he's gotta deal,
with the nature boy!

And right here on this beach!

And nature boy ric flair,
you've got to understand,

That you're in a lot of trouble.

Macho man, I'm gonna hit you
like a human torpedo.

Then I'm gonna style and profile
off into the sunset!


So what you're gonna do,
vader and flair,

When hulkamania runs wild
on you!

Ladies and gentlemen,

From charlotte, north carolina, weighing 242 pounds.

Former heavyweight champion
of the world,

The nature boy ric flair!

[Crowd booing]

Now, from the wcw galaxy
of superstars...

Yes, macho man!

From sarasota, florida,

Weighing 235 pounds.

One of the most famous names
in wrestling history,

Macho man randy savage!


Now it's time to go to school!




Get him in here!

No, no, no, no!

Come on, get up! Get up!

Get a bit of this, hot dog.

Come on, brother!


Get it!


The nature boy
is down for the count!


It's over! The winner is
macho man randy savage!


Hey, hulk, here comes flair,

One down, one to go, nature boy.

Don't worry about me, big man.

You got your own problems
coming up in a few minutes.

Hulk, they're putting up a cage.

Hey, that wasn't part
of the deal, flair.

It's vader time.
He's gonna tear you apart.

Then he's gonna take
that championship belt, big man.

And that's gonna hurt you
more than anything. Whoo!

From boulder, colorado,

Weighing 452 pounds,

Big van vader!

[Crowd booing]

Yeah! Who's the man?!

What time is it!

Hogan is going down!

You're going down, baby!

And now, the total package,

The king of hulkamania and living legend of wrestling,

The wcw heavyweight champion
of the world,

Hulk hogan!

It's hogan time, brother.

I'm gonna tear this cage down.

[Crowd chanting "hogan"]


Come on, get him!

Come on, hulk, come on, come on!

Get him in this cage!

You told him he'd get him
in the cage!

What do you say, hulk?

Come on man, let's go! Let's go!


Oh, my back.


Come on! Come on.


One, two!

Get up, vader.
I'm not done with you yet.

Come on, you're going down.

Jimmy. Ah, jimmy.



Come on. Vader, get up! Oh, no!



The winner,

And still heavyweight champion of the world!

Hulk hogan!

Yeah! Hulkamania rules!

We did it for the kids!
For the youth center!

What you gonna do! Whoo!

For the kids, hulkamania rules.


I guess we slowed you down,
ric flair.

I'll take the deed to
the property right now, flair.

How do you like that?

Here you go, sonny,
the property,

Your dream and everything, man.



It's tom.


I'm here.

Has it spread?


Are you sure?
I mean,

You're absolutely sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.


[Ending music]
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