06x16 - Freefall

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x16 - Freefall

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

-♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here



-Not so loud.

-What are you doing here and
why are you dressed that way?

-I wanted to see you without
these tabloids leeches

Hiding behind every surfboard.

-I don't know how you do this
with everyone following you.

-Kinda learn to use subterfuge.

You um, you wanna
give a lifeless bum

A little mouth-to-mouth?

-Oh, I'd love to,

But I think we should
wait till tonight

So we don't end up on
the cover of some rag mag.

-I'll do my best.

Look, cj, if dating me
is too much of a hassle,

I totally understand.

You shouldn't have to
give up your privacy

Just because I don't have any.

-Cj: well, you're
right about that.

-Back to the drawing board.

See you tonight?


I love a challenge.

-[Camera shutter clicking]

-Oh, thank you, I win again!

All right, check it out,
I got another joke, ready?


-All right, no no, come
on, come on, knock knock.

Come on, dude,
it's a good one, I promise!

-Your jokes are
never funny, hobie.

-They're stupid.

-Chill out, all right?

Knock knock.
-Who's there?

-Interrupting cow.



Come on, that's a good one, man.

-Ah, yeah, real funny.

-Hobie: you know it!

No way, no way, you, you
know you saw that, dude,

She smiled at me, you saw it,

She smiled at me, thank you,

The man, check me out.

-You're suffering from
heat stroke, buchannon.

-Yeah, you're
definitely gettin' hot.

-Yeah, she smiled at me!

Oh, heat stroke, heat
stroke! [Whimpering]

-She's a goddess.

-Dark haired boy: why
don't you go ask the goddess

If she needs some
little peon's help?

Come on.
-Shut up.

-Dark haired boy: shut up.

-Light haired boy: what's
the matter, hobe? Scared?

-Girl: yeah, she
smiled at you, remember?

-Dark haired boy: it's
your window of opportunity.

-See ya.

-Mitch: approaching
a beautiful woman

Is the hardest thing for any boy

-Or the man he grows up to be.

Sit's like jumping
out of an airplane.

Your adrenaline pumps,

Your palms get sweaty...

-Go on!

Go, go!

-Mitch: walking up to
her is like a free fall.

You're never sure if your
chute's going to open.


--My name's april, what's yours?

-Uh, hobie, hobie buchannon.

-Nice to meet you, hobie.

-Hobie: you too.

-Can you do something for me?

-Sure, no problem.

-Well, I'm afraid I'll burn

Unless I get this oil on
evenly, and I can't reach.

-Uh, yeah.

Don't worry, uh, I'm
a junior lifeguard,

This is all part of my job.

-That's comforting to know.

You know, it won't go on evenly

If you just use your fingertips.

-Uh, sorry, ok.

-April: hobie?

-Uh, yeah?

-Would you mind doing my legs?


-Buchannon, what are you doing?

You see that? He
was rubbing my leg!

-Yeah, what are you
doing, buchannon?


-Hobie: it seemed so real!

-Mitch: sometimes our
imagination can do that.


I don't know, it was like
virtual reality or something.

I really thought it happened.

-Except it didn't.


But you know, the
memory's the same, and...

-That's all we really have
in the end is memories.

So what difference does it make?

-I don't know, but I think
it makes a difference.

Believe me, nothing is
better than the real thing.

-No way, there she is.

-Tom: mitch!

-Hey, tom, how's it going, bro?
-Never better.

-You know my son, hobie.

-Yeah, the hobester.

How you doin'?

-Pretty good.

-Good, listen, this
is my sister, april.

-This is mitch buchannon.


-And his son the
uh, the hobester.

-Yeah, we saw each other on
the beach today, didn't we?

-Yeah, how could I forget?

-So, mitch.

Are you gonna go sky
surfing with us tomorrow?

-I don't think so.

Uh, sky surfing is not my thing.

-You really ought
to try it, though.

There's nothing more exciting.

-No, I uh...

-Well, I'll hold your
hand if you're scared.

-Oh, I'll go!

-Sorry, hobester,

But I think you're a little
bit too young for that.

So mitch, you ready for the
experience of a lifetime,

Or you gonna wimp out?

-Oh, mitch isn't a wimp.

Are you, mitch?

[Camera shutter clicking]


I think your personal life is
interfering with your work.

-It's not my fault.

I didn't ask to be followed
around and photographed.

-That's what happens
when you date a celebrity.

-I didn't know he
was a celebrity.

I didn't even know
he played football.

-You didn't know
michael gardner

Was a superstar quarterback?

-Cj: no!

-That he dated movie stars,

He had an affair
with princess carly?

-How do you know that he had
an affair with princess carly?

-I read it.


-In line at the supermarket.


If you believe that,

Then you believe that
I tried to drown myself

Because michael jilted me

For some tight end
he used to play with!


I was making a rescue

And they cut the victim
out of the picture.

All right?

-That's the price
you pay for fame.

-They're blood sucking zombies

And they should be put
out of their misery.

-Well, I guess I'll go
get rid of this one.

Watch your water.


-Excuse me.

But if you take any more
pictures of my lifeguards

When they're on duty I'll have
you removed from the beach

For interfering
with public safety.

-This is a public beach,

I can do anything I want as
long as I don't break the law.

And trust me, I know exactly
how far I can bend it.


-You take one more picture,

And I'll bend something
till it breaks.

Trust me.

-I got all I need.

-You, sky surfing?

Mitch, you hate heights.

-It'll be the
experience of a lifetime.

-What does she look like?


-The woman you're
trying to impress.

-I'm not trying
to impress anyone,

I'm doing this for
the thrill, you know?
For the rush.

Surf waves all over the world,

Why should sky surfing
be any different?

-Well, wiping out
is just a little more

Hazardous to your health.


-Knock knock.
-Hey, bro!

-Hey, top dawg!

How ya doin'?

-Have you uh, met
stephanie holden?

-No, I never had the pleasure.

Tom morella.

-Hi, nice to meet you, tom.

-Tom's a doctor
at santa monica.

-That's right.

So, you ready to ride
some uh, air currents?

-Can't wait.


I have to tell you something.

April is gonna be so impressed.

Unfortunately she couldn't
quite make it today,

She got this modeling
job, swimsuit calendar.

Last minute thing.


-My sister.


-Oh, man, I can't
make it either,

I just remembered, I gotta
take a scarab to long beach.

-Don't worry, mitch,
I'll take care of that.

You go have the
experience of a lifetime.

-No, thank you,
it's very big of you,

But I said I would
personally deliver it.

-No no no no no, I
wouldn't dream of having you

Miss the rush of
jumping out of a plane

And sky surfing
back down to earth.

-Top dawg, don't
worry about a thing.

I have someone
that's even better

To jump out of this
airplane with than april.


-[Laughing] matt.


[Rock music]

♪ Everything is riveting
♪ for the first time

♪ And I feel like something
♪ brand new's taken over me

♪ I think you're the spell
♪ that's breakin this curse of mine

♪ You're the kind of poison ♪
♪ I like to drink

♪ Sign me up

♪ Sign me up

♪ Sign me up for you

♪ All I ever wanted was a combination

♪ Of something makes me feel real good

♪ And something that's good for me ♪

♪ You gotta stop giving me
♪ your explanation

♪ Of why you doin what you doin

♪ And everything I oughta be

♪ No I didn't

♪ No I didn't sign up for this

♪ No I didn't

♪ No I didn't sign up for this ♪

♪ Tell me I can make it all
♪ just go far away from me

♪ And at the same keep you here
♪ having some fun

♪ Let's find us a place
♪ where they can't keep chasin me

♪ Let's make a new home
♪ under the sun

♪ No I didn't

♪ No I didn't sign up for this

♪ No I didn't

♪ No I didn't sign up for this

-It's like flying, not falling,
you're gonna love the rush.

-You haven't changed your mind,
have you, old buddy?


-What are you, crazy?

I can't wait to jump
out that door and...

Feel the rush!


-I changed my mind
the second we took off.

I just can't tell them that.

-Ok, now just remember to
keep your hands out, ok?

Use your gloves
to stabilize you,

Unless you wanna
do flips and rolls.

Then you just do this,

You just do a little
movement like that,

And you're like a spinning top.



Come on, mitch!

-A spinning top.

I'm just praying
that after I land,

My head will still be six
feet four inches from my feet.

-You know the great
thing about sky surfing

Is if you lose control,
you don't wipe out right away.

You got time to recover.

-Yeah, that's if you
find time to recover.

Otherwise you're like
that roadrunner cartoon,

Where you, you know,
you fall from the cliff

And splatter you on the
ground whammo, it's all over?



Mitch, he's just trying
to freak you out.

-I'm not freaked out...
I'm petrified.

I'm concentrating.

What am I doing up here?

I hate heights!

It's why I joined the navy
instead of the air force,

I'm at home on the water,

I know ocean currents,
not air currents.

-Ok, gentlemen,
we are over the drop zone.



-You're gonna be landing
in my ranch in malibu, ok?

I only have about
40 acres, so uh,

Try not to miss your spot.


You ready for the thrill
of your life?


It's safe.

People do this all
the time and live.

So why am I convinced
my chute won't open

-And I'll sky surf
straight into tom's ranch

And fertilize a square acre
of his soil?

-You know, you should
try surfing on a cloud.

It's what surfing
in heaven must be like, man.

Angels surf in heaven.


Angels are dead.

This is not a good analogy.


You're first to go, mitch,
come on.

-Strap a little loose.

-Hey, you're not wimping
out on us, are you, pal?

-Matt: are you?

-Afraid to do something
you're gonna do?

Come on, man, give me a break!


-The male ego is a disease.

In my case, possibly terminal.

They say your life flashes
in front of you

An instant before you die.

Well, my brain isn't waiting
for the last instant.

My life is already starting
to flash in front of me.

♪ On the edge of the knife
♪ you will find me

♪ But not alone

♪ There's no time to
♪ show hesitation or fear

♪ I will be the courage

♪ For you now

♪ I'm gonna fly through the clouds below

♪ I know I've got to believe

♪ We're gonna shine like
the sun you know ♪

♪ Everything you can achieve ♪

♪ I'm gonna fly through ♪
♪ the clouds below

-♪ Life's flashing before my eyes

♪ The voice deep inside tells
me how to know ♪

♪ When all of my fears are behind

♪ I reach for the sky

♪ The thrill of the danger is calling

♪ It's nothing new

♪ The greatest adventures
♪ that make you feel free

♪ Now I hear it calling
♪ count on me

♪ I'm gonna fly through the clouds below ♪

♪ Life's flashing before my eyes

♪ The voice deep inside tells
♪ me how to know

♪ When all of my fears are behind


-No more stalling.


-They make you pack
your own parachute.

I can't even pack
my own suitcase

Without wrinkling everything.

What if my chute doesn't open?

-I know what you're
thinking, big guy.

What if my chute doesn't open?


-That thought never
entered my mind

Until you just
brought it up, ok?

-Aw, don't worry, mitch,
you got a backup chute

If your main chute doesn't open.

Just pull this.

-Yeah, and if your
backup chute doesn't open,

Just pull this.

-What's this?

-Life insurance policy.


-Let's go, top dawg, let's go!


[Upbeat music]


[Woman vocalizing]


-Matt: grab my hand!

I got you, I got you.

-Mitch: matt!

-Ok, hold on!
I'm gonna open my chute!

-Mitch: all right,
all right, I got you.

-Mitch, hold on!

-Mitch: matt!

-Baywatch headquarters,
this is brody.

I need a scarab half a mile
off surf rider beach in malibu.

We have a skydiver whose
chute did not open,

I repeat, skydiver whose
chute did not open, over.

-Four, five.

-Come on, mitch.

You gotta respond, come on!

You gotta make it!

-Five, one, two..
-Stephanie: come on, mitch.

-No pulse, no breathing.

He needs a defibrillator,
let's hook him up.

-Dr. Pratt, his
ribs are broken,

I'm afraid one's
gonna puncture a lung.

-He's got a lot
of broken bones,

Keep on with the cpr, that's
what he needs right now.

-Come on, mitch!
We've gone through too much

For you to leave me now.

-Two, three...

-Come on, please!

-One, two, three, four...

-Dr. Pratt: ok, stand
back, we're gonna analyze.

-Defibrillator: stand
clear, stand clear.

-Ready to shock.

-Defibrillator: test shock.

-Ouch, ah, that hurts!


-There's no pulse!

-What does she mean, no pulse?

I have to have a pulse,
I'm alive.

Living people have pulses.

Dead people have no pulse.


-Ok, let's analyze
him one more time.

Everybody clear.

-Come on!

-Dr. Pratt: we're analyzing.

-Defibrillator: stand
clear, stand clear.

-[Groaning] this is gonna hurt!

Am I moving?

I'm not moving.

I can't move.

Wait, wait, I'm moving!

My arm is moving.

-There's no pulse! Oh, mitch!

-Oh, no.

-Stand clear, we're gonna
analyze one more time.

We're analyzing.

-Oh, mitch!

-Defibrillator: stand clear.

Check pulse, check pulse.

-No shock indicated.

-Oh, my god! Oh, my god!


-It's too late. He's gone.

-It's not too late!

I'm not gone, I'm right here!

I'm just unconscious!

How can I be unconscious
if I'm conscious

They're saying I'm dead?

If I'm dead,
how can I be thinking?

-Oh, mitch!

We're gonna miss you so much!

-And I'm gonna miss all of you.

-Mitch would want
to be buried at sea.

We'll set the funeral
for dawn on sunday.

-Why would anyone want
to be buried at sea?

So the fish can feed on you?

I mean, what is that, anyway?

He's dead, so let's
make him into fish food?

-He hated heights.

Why did you do it, mitch?

-I don't know why I did it.

Why does anybody do anything?

I guess it's like hobie said.

For the memories.

The more exciting
the memories, the better.

You know they say you
can't take it with you.

But if I'm dead,
and I still have my memories,

Then I'm taking
the most important thing

Anyone can gather in a lifetime.

[Upbeat music]

♪ Yesterday, my life was over

♪ But I never, ever
♪ ever could be alone

♪ Yesterday, my days were numbered

♪ But I never felt alone

♪ Yesterday

♪ My nights were empty

♪ But I never, ever, ever ♪
♪ could be with you

♪ Yesterday, my world was shattered

♪ But I always had you near

♪ What would life be like without you

♪ Would my dreams become unreal?

♪ All my memories in the shadows

♪ All my days under the sun ♪

♪ Yesterday

♪ My love was shinin' ♪

♪ And I always, always, always ♪
♪ felt that with you

♪ Yesterday, your eyes remind me

♪ That my days were oh so true

♪ I can't wait until tomorrow

♪ And I just can't hide the pain

♪ Will you be there in the mornin'

♪ Cause I fell in love again

[Guitar melody solo]

♪ I can't wait until tomorrow

♪ And I just can't hide the pain

♪ Will you be there in the mornin'

♪ Cause I fell in love again

♪ Yesterday, my life was over

♪ But I never, ever, ever
♪ could be alone

♪ Yesterday, my days were numbered ♪

♪ But I never felt alone

♪ Yesterday, my nights were empty ♪

♪ But I never, ever, ever
♪ could be with you

♪ Yesterday, my world was shattered

♪ But I always had you near

♪ I can't wait until tomorrow

♪ And I just can't hide the pain

♪ Will you be there in the mornin'

♪ Cause I fell in love again

♪ Yesterday, my love was shinin'

♪ And I always, always, always
♪ felt that with you

♪ Yesterday, your eyes remind me

♪ That my days were oh so true

♪ What would life be like without you

♪ Would my dreams become unreal ♪

♪ All my memories in the shadows

♪ All my days under the sun

-How could I not know?

-Because I hid it from you.

The only mistake was mine.

In allowing you to
fall in love with me.

-Oh, no no no.

That wasn't a mistake.

I'll take whatever time
we have left together.

I love you, tracy.

-I love you, too.

-Ok, big dawg, you're first.

-come on.

-All right!

-Is this strap
a little loose, here?

I can't believe this.

Not only did my life
flash in front of me,

So did my death.

And I haven't even jumped yet.

-I know what you're
thinking, mitch.

What if my chute doesn't open?

-That thought never
crossed my mind

Until you just
brought it up, ok?

This is deja vu.

Everything I imagined
is happening.

-Don't worry, mitch,
you got a backup chute

If your main chute doesn't open.

Just pull this.

-Some things you do in
life strictly for the rush.

Adrenaline lets you
know you're still alive,

And I guess part
of the rush comes from fear

And the other part comes
from overcoming it.

Well, I've accomplished
part one, and...

Now that I've thoroughly
terrified myself,

I guess it's time for part two.

-Ready to go?


-Excuse me!

You're gonna have to
move off the rocks,

You're too close to the edge!

Move off the rocks!

I'm sorry, you can't be out
here, it's too dangerous.

-Yeah, well, it's a risk
I'm willing to take.

-You're crazy, you know that?


Crazy about you, hook,
line, and sinker.

Come to malta with me.


-Yeah, we can run
around the beach naked

Without anybody bothering us.

-Oh, sure until some paparazzi

Can swim up to us with
a camera in his snorkel.

I'm sorry, michael, I can't.

You're a great guy,

But I'm a private person.

I don't think we should
see each other anymore.

-I hate this.

I hate that these parasites
can trash people's lives

Just because you've
achieved some kind of...


-Well, unfortunately,
they can and they do.

And it's just not what I want.

-I don't blame you.


How about a hug goodbye?

-Cj! Congratulations!

How come you didn't tell anyone?

-Tell anyone what?

-That you're getting married.


What are you talking about?


-Says you're getting
married in a white thong.

You wouldn't do that, would you?
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