06x20 - Forbidden Paradise, Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x20 - Forbidden Paradise, Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrenders in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Narrator: last
time on baywatch.

-We're going to hawaii.

-We're gonna learn to hula.

-It's the surfing competition.

You wanna spend the entire
weekend watching it, right?

-I don't wanna just watch it,

I wanna try to qualify for it.

-Logan, you know,
those aren't just waves.

They are five story walls
of water crashing down.

-The fierce part of the draw.

-Mitch: I have directions
to this remote island

Where the water
is crystal clear.

Coral reefs, exotic fish.

-Don't tell me it's poisonous.

-It's poisonous.

-Mitch: well, we
passed that fishing village

On the other side
of the island.

I'm sure they got a radio or
call a helicopter, home free.


-Yeah, oh yeah.

-Carlton, you're too
close to the edge.

-Oh my god!

-Narrator: and
now, the conclusion.

-Holly: help!

Help! Over here!


-What's wrong?

-I was here with
my photographer.

He was taking
pictures of me.

One minute he was there
and the next, he was gone.

A huge wave came and
swept him off the cliff.

-Rusty, go to headquarters
and get back up.

-Hurry, please!

-What's his name?


-Carlton! Carlton!


-Holly: do you see him?

-Holly! Ah!


-That's him. He's alive!

Where is he?

-He's trapped in a cave.

-Carlton: somebody help me!



Holly! Holly!

Somebody help me!



-Looks like we got trouble.
-Stephanie: yeah.

-Let's go check
it out. Come on.

-We have a victim trapped
in a cave beneath the ledge.

-Have you tried
to coax him out?

-He's too scared,
he won't budge.

-It's gonna be dark
soon and we can't wait.

We're gonna have
to go in after him.

-Be careful!

-You're gonna have to help.
We got no time to lose.

We have to get to
him right away.

-Just tell me what to do.

-I want you to get on
the back of my wave runner

And hang on, just like
we practiced, okay?



-Carlton: holly!


Somebody help me!


Somebody! Help!

Please! Please,
somebody help me!

-Hang on and stay low.
-Stephanie: all right.

-Carlton: somebody help me!



Help! Somebody!


Help! Somebody help!

Oh, thank god!

Oh my god!

-Take it easy, take it easy.

We're gonna get
you out of here,

But you're going
to have to help us.

-What do
you want me to do?

-I want you to get on the back
of the sled with stephanie.

I want you to hold your
breath and hang on.

Can you do that?

-I can't hold my
breath very long.

-I'll be there. I
won't let ya you go.

-You promise?
-Stephanie: I promise.

-Okay, let's do it.

-I'm scared!

-Just hang on, okay?

-Get ready. Here we go.


-You guys, is he gonna be okay?

-He'll be okay,

But we gotta get him
check out at the hospital.

-I lost
everything, man.

I lost my camera, my films,
I've lost everything!

-No, you haven't, carlton.
You still have your life.


-Don't worry, carlton.
You're gonna be fine.

-You did great
out there, steph.

You're a real pro.

-I had one heck of
a teacher.

-He's burning up with fever.

-I know. We gotta
get him to a hospital.

-There's no time. Get
him to maihalik, now.

Come on.

[Speaking in
foreign language]

-[Speaking if foreign
language] let them pass.

-You do not know what
you are doing, kona.


[Speaking in foreign language]

[Speaking in foreign language]

-Tell me what happened
to your friend.

-He was stung by a scorpion.

-What are you doing?

-This poultice will
draw out the poison

And this herb tea
will reduce the fever.

-Do you--do you have any
means of communication?

A radio or anything?

-No, nothing.

-Look, uh, I think we
gotta get him to a hospital.

-Please, I know what I'm doing.

Keeping him conscious the
way you did saved his life.

All he needs right
now is some rest.

So do you.

What are you doing here?

Not many people
come to this island.

-We're from los angeles.

We're la county lifeguards.

We're [chuckles],

We're here on vacation.

What are you doing out here
in the middle of nowhere?

-If you give me your clothes,
I will dry them for you.

Just leave them
outside the hale.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute!

Uh, I don't even know your name.

What's your name?

-It's lea.
-Mitch: lea.

I'm mitch and this is matt.

Thank you.

-He'll be okay.


-Wait a minute!

-It's just us.
How's the cliff diver today?

-I'm doing great. Thanks
to you guys, I'm alive.

-You're a lucky
man, you know that?

-Lucky? I'd have
to laugh, mark.

I mean, for the last past year,

I've had more bad luck

Than 10 people should
have in a lifetime.

And yesterday, I almost died.

Look, I don't mean to
sound ungrateful, you guys.

It's just that, I don't know,
every time I turn around,

I'm, I'm like having
these little incidents.

Do you see, do you
see? Do you see?

-Well, maybe
this is, you know,

Maybe your streak
has been broken

And you'll come
into some good luck.

-Oh, yeah right. Fat chance.


-What's that?

-That's my good luck charm.
Too bad it doesn't work, huh?

-You bet it doesn't work.
That's a piece of lava rock.

Where'd you get it?

-I got it here in hawaii.

-Man, didn't you read
any visitor's guides?

You're not suppose to take
lava rock from hawaii.

It's bad luck.

And from what you've
described, you're living proof.

When did you get this?

-I got it last year, december.

I took it home
for a souvenir.

-And didn't you say your
bad luck started a year ago?

-Yes, it did!

-What are you saying, mark?

-I'm saying carlton's
gotta put that rock back

Where he got it, fast.

-Wait a minute. Wait a minute!

Are you saying
that this isn't me?

This whole thing
hasn't been me?

That is great!
That is so good!

Oh, no, no, that is bad!
That is really, really bad!

They're releasing me today.
I can't put this back.

You guys, please.
You're my only chance.

You guys got to
put this back for me.

Here, you put it back.

-You've got to put
it back by yourself.

-No, no, please.
You guys put it back.

-I'm not taking it.

-Carlton: oh, come on, please.

You guys are
lifeguards, right?


-Okay, well, then
guard my life.

Just until I put it back.

Oh, please. Please, please,
please, please, please.

-You look great out there.

-Oh, thanks.

Tell you what, it
feels great out there.

Thanks for being
so understanding.

-You know, I've decided it
doesn't matter what we're doing,

As long as
we do it together.

-But you don't mind hanging
here instead of sightseeing?


Hey, I got all the sights
I need to see right here.

-Woo. I like
the sound of that.

-Excuse me.

Logan fowler?


-I understand you're in
the surfing competition.

-Yeah, that's right.

-You're just what
we've been looking for.

We'd like to sh**t a
few pictures of you,

Put it on the cover of our
international calendar.

-You're kidding.

-And it'd make you the,
the hot surfer of the 90s.

How does that sound?

-Sounds great!




-Girl: hey.

-Girl: hi.

-Girl: hey, logan.

-Girl: hi.

-Logan, these are the hawaiian
tropic international models

You'll be working with.

-Logan: hey.

-What do you think?

-Morning. Thanks
for the wake up call.


-Nice pigs, huh?

-Hey, mitch!


-Figure I die and went
to heaven, bud.

-You okay? I mean, uh,

I mean, you're okay!
-Matt: yeah.

-You're okay!

I don't believe this!

-That's because you're not a
believer in holistic medicine.

-Well, I wasn't.
I mean, I'm not.

I mean, no,
i, i, I am now.

-You must be starved.

-Yeah. I'm famished.

-Oh. Try the poi.
-Mitch: okay.

Lea, what are you
doing out here, anyway?

-Matt: yeah. It
seems like you've been
out here for a long time.

-I lived here for
the past 12 years.

-12 Years?

-Since I was a child.


-My parents sailboat sank
off the island in a storm.

I almost drowned.

Kona rescued me,

But he couldn't
save my parents.

-What are kona and
the other people

Doing here
in the first place?

-Here they feel they
can live off the land

Like the old hawaiians
and be proud.

-But why do you stay here, lea?

-I have no choice.

-What do you mean?


Come with me.


-Hey, let go of her!

-Hey, what's going on here?

-It's all right.


-That's the kind of guy you
wanna write home about, huh?




I though you'd be
anxious to get going.

-Stephanie, mark was
right. He was right.

She's furious with me!

-Who is?
-Carlton: madame pele.

-Who is madame pele?

-The volcano goddess of hawaii.

Come here, look.

It says right here
in this book,

If you take anything from her
land, she'll spew her gut.

You have all this bad
luck and everything.

It's not just me, steph, look.

There are scads of bad
luck stories in here.

-Then we should get the
rock back, right away.

-What are you, crazy? I'm
not leaving this bench!

What if something bad happens
to me on the way there?

-Carlton, you have to put the
rock back yourself, remember?

Besides, I'm your own
personal lifeguard.

-Okay, okay, okay.

-Come on.
-Carlton: where's mark?

-Mark got called
away on an emergency.

It's just you and me.

-An emergency? Oh,
see, see, you see there?

My bad luck has
rubbed off on him!

I'm a dead man.
I am a dead man!

I'm not leaving this bench!

-No, no, no. Mark is fine.

And you're gonna be fine,
too, okay? So come on.

-I'm gonna be fine?
-Stephanie: yes.

Just believe me.

-I'm gonna be fine?
-Stephanie: yes.

-I'm gonna be fine?

-Yes, you're gonna be fine.

-Okay, I'm gonna be
fine. I'm gonna be fine.


-Carlton! Carlton, watch out!

carlton, are you okay?


-Carlton. Carlton.

-What, what.

-Are you okay?
-Carlton: yeah.

-Are you okay?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

-Stephanie, I think maybe we
should get him to a doctor.

-No, no, no, no,
no, no, no doctor.

Look, I've gotta get
this lava rock back

Before there's
nothing left of me.

-Carlton: just help me up.

-But once you pass the river,

You can see
the fishing village.

From there, you can get a
boat to the north shore.

But stick with the map.

If you don't, you
could walk in circles.


We'll be careful.

Thank you
for all your help.


-Where's lea?

-Mitch, I haven't
seen her this morning.

-Okay, well, please let
her know that we say goodbye

And thank her for
saving my life.

I'm never gonna forget her.

-I will as soon as I see her.

-Great. Thank you.

-Take care of yourself.
-Mitch: bye.


-Well, it shouldn't
be too difficult, huh?

-Let me see it.

-A little mountain here.

A little stream. We crossed
that stream earlier, remember?

Over here.


-Aloha, mitch.

Take care of yourself.


-Bye bye. See you later.

-Bye bye.

-Take care.

-Stop, stop, stop, stop!

This is it! That's
the place right there!

-Carlton, you've
said this three times.

-I know, but that it, I
swear. That's the place, man!

-Yeah. I've heard that
three time before, too.

-Oh, no!

-Are you okay?

-What happened?

-Oh, no, don't
move, don't move!

I dropped the lava rock.

Oh god, please. Just
let me find that rock.

I will never ask to be
taller again, I swear to god!

I mean, I swear.

-Carlton, we'll find
it, okay? We'll find it.

-Okay, okay.

Stephanie, stephanie,
this is my life.

Man, I've gotta
find that rock.

-Carlton, you'll be all
right, okay? We'll find it.

-Carlton: oh god,
please, please,

Just let me find this rock!

-Hey, you guys, I've got it!

-You've got it!
Oh god, thank you!

Let me have it! Thank you!

-Holly, you stay here, okay,

Because the currents
are pretty strong.

Carlton, we have
to go out there.

-Yeah, but it's a lot
further than it was before.

-Carlton, you have
to put the rock back.

-You'll be fine.

-I'll be back. I'll
be back for you.

-Come on.
-Carlton: okay.

-Be careful.

-Carlton, come on.



-I got you.
-Carlton: okay.

This is the place.

-Put it back.

-Okay. Kiss for good luck.

Oh god, please.

Well, how do I look?

-Like a very,
very lucky man.


♪ It feels good

♪ Alright

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It feels good

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It feels alright

♪ When it calls me I can't help myself

♪ Just feels so good

♪ When it all comes crashing down on me

♪ Lemme tell what I'm gonna do to you

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ I'll give you what you want

♪ I'll give you what you like ♪

♪ I'll give you what you want ♪

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It sure feels good to me

♪ It sure feels good to me

-Good, good, great.

Very great, very nice.

Looking right in the camera.

Good, beautiful, excellent.

Good, big smiles.
Tighten it up.

-Caroline, wait!

-I am very tired of waiting

And I'm really tired
of sharing you.

You know, first it was
the surfing competition.

And now, it's
these--these girls.

It's very obvious to me,
that even on vacation,

You don't have time for me.

You just don't care
enough about me.

-Cameraman: logan, come
on. We're losing the light.

-Caroline, i--

-You know what? Go back.

I wouldn't want you
to lose your light.

-Come on, logan.

-Come on, let's
go. Get in here.

That's it, okay.

All right, come on
everybody right in camera.

Let's get it right.

Beautiful. Okay, excellent.

Good. Right here.

Logan, come on. Right in here.


-Manu, kimo, come here.

Have you seen lea?

-No. Haven't seen
her for a while.

-Follow me.

-Mitch, I'm kinda tired.
I got to rest for a second.


Let me see that map, huh.


Looks like we're
right on course.

Big green rock,
palm tree.

Don't move.


-I said, don't move.

-What is it?

-If I tell ya,

You'll freak.

-Mitch, enough of these
jungle games, okay?

Grow up.

-I tried it. It's
uh, it's overrated.

Just, don't move.

-What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Okay. There's a snake.

Is there a snake around me?

-Nah, nah, nah, you've
seen too many movies, pal.

There are no
snakes in hawaii.


When I tell you to move,

You dive out of the way.

-Which direction?


Whoa! Huh!

Look at the size of
that thing!

-Matt: what is that?

-No big deal. Just a
deadly, poisonous centipede.

What's that?


What's going on?

-Kona sent me to guide you

Because he got to worrying
about your safety.

-Well, we're glad he did.
We could use the help.

She will find out the hard
way she cannot leave me.

-[Speaking foreign language]
let's go take them now.

-Lead the way.

-All in good time, manu.

It's like guiding a fish to
the right spot and spearing it.

Let's go.


Where've you been?
What was the emergency?

-Brian and rusty found
an abandoned zodiac.

It's mitch and matt's.

All their gear is still in it,

But no sign of them.

-Are you sure?

-That's where I been.
I check it out myself.

Look, I got a helicopter
fueled, ready to go.

We can start on the island
where the zodiac was found.

Come on, let's go.


We're being followed, man.

-Are you sure?
-Mitch: yeah.

-Come on. We've
gotta keep going.

-No, hang on a second.

We wanna rest a
little bit here, lea.

-No! I mean, we
should keep going.

-Why? Nothing's urgent here.

All we gotta do is catch a
chopper back to the north shore.

Unless there's something
we don't know about.

We are being followed.
What's going on?

-I'm sorry. I lied to you.

Kona didn't send me.

I ran away.

-Why did you run away?

I mean, you could have
left if you wanted to.

-No! I've tried.

But marco's cruel
and very jealous.

And if he discovers I'm missing,

He'll come after me,
just like he has before.

-You tried to leave before?

-I always thought that
I had family somewhere.

-Well, what about
kona? Can't he help you?

-I've tried to tell
kona I wanted to leave,

How important it was to me.

But he says this
is where I belong

And that I should
forget any other life.

In the beginning,
I could forget,

But not any longer.

I wanna find my home.

-Then, we'll take
you home. Right?

-Well, I think it's a safe
bet that mako knows she's gone.

He's probably the one
who's following us.

-Well, then when he gets here,

We'll just tell him that
she's coming home with us.

Or not.

-Let's go!


-Lea, how far to
this fishing village?

-About 20 minutes.

-20 Minutes? We'll
never outrun them.

-We lost them,
but not for long.

-I got an idea.

-Matt: come on. Come on.

-We just bought
ourselves some time.

Get rid of these, huh.


[Helicopter whirring]
listen, listen, listen!

-That's a helicopter.

We got to get to a clearing.

-Come on, this way!

-Manu, kimo.

Kimo, come on.

Manu, get up!

There they go! Come on!

Let's go!

-Look! There they are!

-They're being chased.

-Let's scoop them up.
We'll ask questions later.

Let's go down.


-Run! Run, come on!

-Matt: help, come on!

Come on, come on!

-Go, go, go!

-Lea! You can't leave me!


-What are you doing here?

-Didn't you get my message
from the front desk?

-The concierge told me
to be here at 10 o'clock

For the snorkel boat.

There is no snorkel
boat, is there?

-No, but I didn't think
you'd come down to meet me.

-Logan, I don't want it to--

-Just listen.

You said to me yesterday,

That you didn't think
you're important to me.

You were wrong.

You're the most important
thing in my life.

Nothing's any meaning
without you there with me.

Nothing's any fun, not even
the damn surf competition.

I'm in love with you, caroline.

And I wanna share the
rest of my life with you.



Yes, I'll marry you!

-I never wanna lose you.

And I'll do whatever it takes

To let you know that you're
number one in my life.

'Til death

Do us part.

-Go, caroline!

-Well, should I go?
Should I go? Should I go?

-Logan: yeah?

-Mark: woo, yeah!

-They're great
together, aren't they?


-Wow, I didn't know you could
dance like that.

-That was unreal.

on your engagement.

Oh, you two really look
like you love each other.

-We do.

-Can't ask for anything more.

Brother in law.



-Hey, hey, hey.

-Congratulations, carlton.

You really look like
your luck has changed.

-Yeah, I got a great
job with kona bay hilton

As a photographer.

And, well, me and holly,
we're kinda seeing each other.


-Well, looks like you've
got everything going for you.

So don't forget, no
more good luck charms.

-Hey, there's one
thing I'm never gonna forget,

And that's you.

-Mark: oh.
-Thank you very much.

Oh, wait! Group
shot, group shot!

Group shot!

-Group shot.

-Woo, yeah!

Hey, mitch, matt.
One more, please.

-Come on in!

-Okay. Yeah, all right.

-Okay, cheese!

-All right, all right!

Got a little ceremony here.

Ladies, come on in.
Little toast here.

-Oh, wow!

-Grab a glass, grab a glass.

-This is a traditional
hawaiian wedding lei.

-Logan: thank you.

-Caroline: thank you.

-A toast to the future
mr. And mrs. Fowler.

-May your marriage always
be paradise.
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