07x02 - The Contest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x02 - The Contest

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
I'll be ready♪

♪ Never you fear
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Peaceful piano music]

-♪ You know you got me hypnotized

♪ One look at you, I'm paralyzed

♪ So hot, you must be burning

♪ In every way, you're perfect

♪ I want you now, there's no denying

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ Lost in the way you move ♪

♪ Nobody does it like you do

♪ I only have eyes for you ♪

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

-♪ Lost in the way you move

♪ Nobody does it like you do ♪

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

♪ I only have eyes for you

-Newmie, the water is that way.

-I was glancing.
That was a glance.

-That was more than a glance.

-Why couldn't I
be picked to judge

The miss malibu beach contest?

To do the
up-close and personals

On every, single, contestant.

-Well, they needed an expert.

What can I say?


-Great day, pal.

-[Photographers and
contestants chatter]

-Cynthia keaton.

-Oh hi, hi, can
I see your pass?

-I don't really need
one, pal, I'm a lifeguard.

-Well that's great but you're
still gonna need a pass.

-Buddy, I don't need
one, I'm a judge.

-I heard you,
but I can't help you.

-Samantha. Sam!

Somebody forgot
to give me a pass.

-No, no one forgot.

-Yes. Yes, someone forgot.

-No they didn't.
Judges don't get one.

Didn't I tell you?

Judges can't socialize
with contestants

Before the pageant.

-No, you didn't tell me.

-Must've slipped my mind.

You know, with all
the preparation.

-How am I supposed to get
up-close and personal interviews

If I can't get
up-close and personal?

-In writing, you submit the
questions, they answer them,

You judge their answers.

-Well then, I
resign my judgeship.

I no longer wish to be a judge.

-Too late.

-It's not too late. Come on.

You know what, hire newmie.

Hey newmie! You
want to be a judge?

-Look. Look at him,
smiling up there.

Hire newmie, he's a great judge.

-The pay-per-view
people want you.

They think you're
cute and credible.

-I'm not cute and
credible. Am I cute? No.

See, I'm not cute. I'm
not cute and personal.

I don't want to be a
judge, I really don't.

-Mitch, don't sulk. You're
doing the right thing.
-I'm not sulking.

I'm not.







Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.





15, 16, 17,

-Stephanie: caroline?


-Caroline? Are you all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm wonderful.

-I'll be right there.





Caroline, what's going on?

I mean you're angry,
you're happy, you're sad.

What is up?

-You could tell?

-Yeah, of course I could tell.
Caroline, duh.

-Well see, it's an
exercise for acting class,

And first I have to do ten
counts of being happy,

Ten counts of being angry,
ten counts of being sad.

And then I have to be happy
again, and you can tell.

This is incredible! I can't
wait to go to acting class.

-Uh-huh, acting class.

Is it the acting class
or the acting teacher?

-Well, it's acting class.

And maybe the
teacher a little bit.

Oh, he's so cute.

-I thought that you
were swearing off men

And concentrating on yourself?

-Oh I am.

It's just that he's like
no other man I've ever met.

I mean, he's
sensitive, and sexy,

And charming, and
sexy, and talented, and--

-Sexy. Uh-huh
and in his fifties.

-Oh, so what, age
doesn't mean anything.

-You're not dating
him, are you?

-Oh no, no.

Not yet.

You never know
what might happen.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine--

-[Tense music]

-Hey, barnett, radio to
headquarters and ask them

To pick up
their windsurfers, okay?

-Barnett: okay, you got it.

-You on?


-All right.


-Jordan: hey
cody, look up there.

It looks like he's in trouble.

Whatever that is,
it's going down.

-Cody: hang on.


-Baywatch to
headquarters from wd three.

I got a paramotor,
whoever's flying it

Is having a major problem.

It's gonna crash about a
mile west of surfrider beach.


-[Dramatic music]

-I got him.

-I'll check his breathing.

-Come on.

-Jordan: he's breathing.

-Gotta get him to shore.

-Jordan: I'll hold him.

-No, it's too risky.
He's got neck injuries.

-Well what choice have we got?

-I don't know, wait for backup.

-Well, we can't wait,
cody, he won't make it.

-We needed my windjet.

-What's a windjet?

-That's what we need right now.

All right, you ride,
I'll hold him. Let's go.

-Hey what's happening?
What's your name?


-How are you doing,
charlie, you okay?

-What'd you do, hurt
your hand out there?

-Well you've got a beautiful
lifeguard here, kim,

To take care of you, okay?

-All right, keep smiling.

All right, see you later, pal.

-The windjet can run
on one or both sea-doos.

Now, both can be
detached for rescues,

Giving us the speed and
flexibility of a sea-doo,

With a boat's ability
to transport victims.

Now, if jordan and I
had one of these, today,

We could've handled the guy
who suffered the heart attack

Flying that paramotor
safer and more efficiently.

-Hey jordan's an excellent
lifeguard, isn't she?

-Yeah, she's awesome.

-Well this is awesome too.

Only one thing wrong with it.

-And what's that?

-I didn't think of it.

I gotta get out of
here, I gotta go judge

The miss malibu beach
contest by her questionnaire.

Thank you very much.

-He's so much fun to annoy.

Anyway, cody, this is
a really good idea.

Who wrote the patent?

-Well I did, but if the
department develops this,

I'd be willing to
share the revenues.


Well that's what I like to hear.

How much to build a prototype?

-Well I already
have the body molded,

And the linking system in place.

But I still need about
20,000 to engineer

The steering and
throttle systems.


-Yeah, I thought you
could use the proceeds

From the miss malibu
beach contest.

-They're already allocated
to other expenses.

-What about the money you
raised selling advertising

On beach trash cans?

-Samantha: subsidizing
beach maintenance.

Look, let me think about this,

And I'll see what
I can come up with.

-You're a gem.

-Wait, hold on a second.


Morgan, wait up it's me, petra.

-My name's not morgan.

-Mine isn't really petra.

You won a bikini contest
in palm springs last year.

I finished second.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Oh, I get it.

Now that you're a lifeguard,
you're embarrassed

About being in bikini contests.

-Okay fine, my name is donna.

And yes, if the people
I work with found out

I used to do bikini contests,

It could hurt my
credibility as a lifeguard.

-You won $2,000
in palm springs.

Look, I've won $23,000
circuit so far this year.

It's not a bad supplement for
a fifth grade teacher salary.

What's embarrassing about that?

-Nothing. Oh, nothing.

It's just--it's
perception, you know.

Perception's everything.

I'd really appreciate it if you
could keep this to yourself,


-Well I'll try, but I
can't promise anything.

Sometimes, secrets have
a way of getting out.

-Can I talk to
you for a second?

-Actually, I really don't
want to be late for class.

-Well actually, that's what
I want to talk to you about.

You know, I'm writing a
script is kind of a cross

Between point break
and fatal attraction.

-Right, I know this.

You told me all of this already.

-Right, well the thing
is, I've hit a bit

Of a snag with the dialogue.

And I figured maybe you could
do some of the scenes in class,

So I could hear what
they sound like.

-Are you serious?

-I'm very serious.

I'm gonna sell the script, caroline.

If you help me, I'll help you.


And how do you propose to do that?

-Well there's a party coming
up at the main street gallery,

All the top hollywood
agents and producers

Will be there.

I can get you in, and who knows.

Maybe you'll be discovered.

Help me.

Help yourself.

-Help me.

-Help yourself.

-Help me.

-Help yourself.


Caroline, what are you
getting from tammy?

-Anger. Scorn.

-How does that make you feel?

-I don't know, it makes me
resentful and frustrated.

-Those are concepts.

What does it make you feel?


There, what's churning
inside you right now?


-Fear, I feel fear.

-Yes, so express it.

Go with it. Let it out.

Switch. Tammy, you start.

-Help me.

-Help yourself.


-Help me.

-Help yourself.

-Dig deeper, caroline.

-Help yourself.

-Come on, more.

-Help me!

-Help yourself.

-There. See how it changed?

It has nothing to do with
the words she's saying.

Or the words you're saying.

It's about how she
makes you feel.

-What if you can't stand the
actor you have to work with,

But in the scene you're
supposed to like them?

-Use it as a color.

That's all for tonight.

-Keep trying, you'll
get it eventually.

You're new in class?

-I'm just here with a friend.

Actually, I'm a writer.

-Really? What have you written?

-I just wrote a new screenplay.

It's kind of a cross between--

-Is there anything in
it I might be right for?

-Well actually, you
could play regina.

She's a bad girl though,
but it's the lead.

-I love being bad.

-Anyway, it's an
original screenplay

That a friend of mine wrote.
It's really very good,

And he wants to hear
it up on its feet,

So I said that we'd do a
scene from it in class.

I mean, if it's okay with you,

Because it's really,
really, really good

Considering that it's the first
time he ever wrote anything.

And I'm babbling, sorry.

-You can do the phone
book, if you want.

It doesn't matter to me

Just as long as you give me
what's really inside you.

Everything you need
is right in there.

You just gotta let it out.

-So, what did he say?

-He said, fine. We'll
do it in our next class.



-Why are you
torturing yourself,

Go home and bed
your questionnaires.

-Still trying to protect me?

-Someone has to.

Speaking of protection,
why do you insist

On being a private detective?

It's dangerous.

-At least there,
I'm my own boss.

I don't have someone telling
me what I can or cannot do.

-Are you saying that you'd
rather I wasn't your captain?

-No, I'm just saying I'm not
thrilled about being up here

While the party's
going on down there.

-Well, that's the
price of integrity.

Don't worry, I'll bring
you a piece of cake.

-You know, you're a sadist,
you're a true sadist.

Tell you what, I'm not
gonna hang around here

And watch you watch me suffer.

I'm gonna go home
and suffer privately.

-Mitch. Over here.

I've been waiting for you.

I've always had a
weakness for lifeguards.

One saved my life when
I was nine years old.

I was too weak to swim.

That's when I committed myself
to getting my body in shape.

-Well, you certainly have
honored that commitment.

-Speaking of commitments,

Are you involved with
anyone at the moment?

-At the moment, no.

-Great. Neither am i.

-Donovan will be at the
lighthouse tomorrow night.

You'll get there before him--

-Caroline: I know what to do.

-You'll do what
I tell you to do.

-Caroline: I'll
do what I do best.

You did hire me,
because I can get a man

To reveal his deepest secrets.

-Logan: no, caroline,
you've gotta be seductive

When you say that line.

-Well what if I'm not feeling
seductive at that moment?

-It doesn't matter,
just feel it.

Okay, take it from,
"you'll do what I tell you."

And, action.

-You'll do what
I tell you to do.

-I will do--this is ridiculous.

How can you sit
there and tell me

That what I'm feeling
doesn't matter.

-It does matter,
as long as you feel

What I tell you to feel.

Look, I am the writer
and the director.

This is my vision.

And it's your job as
the actor to execute it.

-I completely disagree,
it is my job as the actor

To enhance your script.

-You know, there is a
simple solution to all this.

If caroline can't
feel seductive,

Maybe we should
just switch roles.

-Good idea.

Caroline, why don't you be beth.

Tammy, why don't you be nikki?

-Wait a second, I am perfectly
capable of being seductive

If the scene calls for it.

That is not the point.

-Yes it is.

Hi, I'm darren highland.

-Logan fowler.

-Nice to meet you.

-Logan: you too.

-If your director wants
seduction as an undercurrent

In the scene,

Then you need to
explore it completely.

Try to find a way to make
it real for yourself.

-That's what I told her.

It is. Isn't that what I said?

-What about feeling what the
other person makes you feel?

-Well it's possible
to feel a lot

Of different things at once.

The audience just has to be
able to see them in your eyes.

I want you to try
the scene again.

-Logan: okay, from the top.

Caroline, why don't
you be nikki again.

Tammy, why don't you be beth?

-You're the director.

-And action.

-Donovan will be at the
lighthouse tomorrow night.

You have to get
there before him.

-I know what to do.

-You'll do what
I tell you to do.

-I'll do what I do best.

After all, you did hire me
because I can get any man

To reveal his deepest secret.

-Hold it.

Caroline, is that your
idea of seductive?


I mean, that's
what I was feeling.

-Well, it's not seductive.

-Yes it was.

I wasn't even looking
and I felt it.

You wrote this
material, didn't you?

-Logan: yes.

-And so you've already seen
it played out in your head.

All your imaginary people
doing your imaginary things.


-Well clear your head.

Until you can forget everything
you've ever imagined,

So that you can experience
it for the first time,

Here and now.

That's the only way you'll
ever become a decent director.

What are you feeling right now?


-Use it.

-Well, why don't we just
start the scene from the top.

-Some of the girls try
to influence the judges.

Seduce them, whatever.

But they're usually the
ones that don't have much

Of a chance of winning anyway.

-Well, I'm sure there's
a lot of judges who try

And take advantage of
those positions too.

-Are you kidding?

I have to fight them off
with chairs sometimes.

That's what I like about you,

You don't have to do things
like that to attract women.

-Oh please, give me a break.


Both of you, just
wait right there.

-I'm really sorry, mitch.
I hope I didn't get
you into any trouble.

-No, no, no. Don't worry.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Neither of us have.

Everything's gonna
be fine, okay?

-Give me one reason
why I shouldn't
disqualify both of you?

-Because nothing has happened
that's gonna influence

The outcome of the contest.

-Everything is
cause and effect.

And audrey's definitely a cause,

And you will be affected by
her one way or the other.

-Are you questioning
my integrity?


-Is this something personal
or is this about the contest?

-It's just about the contest.

So, I will give you a choice.

You can continue enjoying mr.
Buchannon's dazzling company

For the rest of the evening.

Or you can enter the
contest tomorrow.

You can't do both, pick
one, don't say a word.

-Maybe we could just get
together after the contest

When there aren't so
many distractions.

-Sounds like a plan.

-I'm sorry if I caused
you any problems.

It wasn't intentional.

-No, no, no, everything's fine.

I can't believe
you don't trust me.

-It's not about that.

I would trust you with my life.

This is about perception.

-Whose? You're
the only one here.

-And my perception's
very accurate.

Just trust me, mitch, she's
not going to get together

With you after the contest.

She's only interested
in getting your vote.

-How much?


-How much do you want
to bet that audrey and I

Get together after the contest
and have a dazzling time.

-I don't gamble.

But if I did, I'd
bet everything I had.

And give you odds.

-[Upbeat music]

-20 Minutes, ladies, let's
do it how we rehearsed it.

If any one has any questions,
this is the time to ask.

-I hear a lot of
agents and talent scouts

Are gonna be there, is it true?


How legitimate they
all are, I can't say.

So be cautious.

Anyone can print
up a business card,

And never give out your
home phone numbers.

-Have any of the judges
been disqualified yet?

-No, and neither have any
of the contestants, yet.

-Okay, ladies, you
heard her. 20 Minutes.

-They should've at
least attached polaroids

To the questionnaire so we can
tell whose answer was whose.

-We're not supposed to be
influenced by their looks.

-That's the craziest
thing I've ever heard.

This is a beauty pageant.

-So how did you get
picked for this t*rture?

-I'm an agent, I'm
used to t*rture.

I judge these all the time and
I found some amazing talent.

Incredibly unbelievably
amazing. [Chuckling]

-[Men whistling]

-Can't get away
from it, can you?

-From what?

-Oh, the stereotype.

Doesn't matter if you wear
lifeguard red or one of these.

The first thing they
see is your body.

-It matters, believe me, if
they're drowning, it matters.

-So, I suppose you still
want me to keep your secret.

-Look, I don't have time
to play games, petra.

-Neither do i.

Look, I won't say anything,
if you do something for me.


-The lifeguard judge,
mitch buchannon,

Tell him you'd think he'd
be crazy to cast his vote

For anyone but me.

-Mitch, I'm serious,
you have to promise.

You're not gonna look
at me any differently.

-Than what?

-Just promise.

-Okay, I promise I won't
look at you any differently.

-Okay, before I
became a lifeguard,

I used to do a lot
of bikini contests.


-Well, that's it.

I mean, I did them,
you know, it was fun, and

There was prize money
and guys cheering for me.

-Oh, I'm sorry, you're right.

I was looking at
you differently.


-Oh come on, will you?

I don't care what
you do in a bikini.

I care what you do in
that, you do a great job.


Thanks so much.

-All right.

-Hey, by the way, you see
number 19 right over there?

-Mitch: yeah, beautiful.

-You'd be crazy
to vote for her.

She's a total loser.

-Lost it on that
one, myself guys.

All right, number 20,
anna marie.

Very nice to have
you, anna marie.

Number 16, audrey,
the beautiful.

Excellent, audrey,
thank you very much.

Number 25, marcia.

-Having fun?

-I will tonight,
after the contest.

-I doubt it.

But, as long as you can look
at yourself in the mirror

And know that your
vote wasn't influenced

That'll be enough for me.

-Well, let's see, I can
look at myself in the mirror.

-I'm sure you have
no problem doing that.

-Host: number 14, kathy
erin, let's give it up!

All right, we're back.

And this is wild, it's
insane I'm telling you.

Samantha, let me ask you,
this isn't your normal event

That lifeguards
would be sponsoring.

I mean, come on, when we
think about lifeguards,

We think about them
swimming out to catalina.

Towing boats back on
their back, you know.

Things like that.

I mean, what makes
it happen here?

-Well actually, this
is the perfect event

For lifeguards to sponsor.

We're celebrating health
and fitness at the beach.

Everyone's here to
have a good time.

And the money we raise
will go to good use

Like keeping people
safe at the beach.

-Host: well, there you have it.
Money well spent.

So hold on guys, because
when we come back,

Live from malibu, it's the
miss malibu beach contest.


-All right you guys, are
you ready for some girls?


-♪ You need someone to bring the heat

♪ She'll knock you outta your seat ♪

♪ She's got that look,
she's got that vibe ♪

♪ Puts your heart in shock,
you won't survive ♪

♪ Oh, no

♪ Feelin' low? She's take you higher

♪ Set the spark, she'll light that fire

♪ Ain't no tellin'
what she's got in store ♪

♪ She'll make you scream out for more

♪ Hot love, sealed with a kiss

♪ Shakin' those hips

♪ Hot love, workin' those heels

♪ She's hell on wheels ♪

♪ Hot love, love at first bite

♪ Turn up the night

♪ She's got that golden touch

♪ Desire burns too much ♪

♪ Hot love, can't get enough

♪ She's got what you want

♪ She's got what you need

♪ Once you get a little taste

♪ You'll never want to leave

♪ She's got that golden touch

♪ Desire burns too much ♪

♪ Can't get enough

♪ Can't get enough

There you have it, guys.

Aren't they beautiful?

Come on, they're
working hard for you.

Let's give it up.


-All right guys, this is
it, we're gonna come down

To the two finalists.

Samantha, can I have
the envelope, please?

Oh no, you guys,
don't get quiet,

These girls up
here working hard.


-Here it is, guys.

One of these ladies is
gonna win big bucks,

So when I call your name,
please come step forward.

And by the way, guys,
the number one runner-up

Is gonna receive 4,000 big ones.

And the winner,
she gets ten grand!


-All right, ladies,
no fighting here.

Number 16, get up here with me!

Give it up, guys!

And number 19!
Your two finalists!

How about it, guys? All right!

All right, keep it
down, you animals.

Ladies, would you
like to say something

Before one of you decides
to drown the other?

Lifeguards, let's
stand by, okay?

-Lifeguards, relax. We never
feel like drowning each other.

Just the judges. Just
kidding, we love you.

And we love you too.

-All right guys, you
heard it, they love you!


-I'd just like to
thank the lifeguards

For sponsoring this event.

And also for keeping us safe
on the beach, thank you.

-All right, great.
Give it up, guys.

Let's thank these lifeguards.


All right, you guys,
only one can prevail.

And this is it. Ladies.

And the winner is
number 16, audrey!

-Yes! Yes!


-Host: give it up, let's go!

The ribbon, please.

All right.

Here she is, miss malibu
beach, give it up.

-[Cheerful guitar music]

There we have it,
and that's the end

Of the '96 miss malibu beach.

You guys be safe. Lifeguards,
thank you very much.

Good night.

-What are you doing over here?

You are free to socialize.

-I know.

I'm just letting her have
her moment in the sun

Before walking off into
the sunset with me.

-Oh. Come on, I want to
get some pictures of this

Before the sun goes down.

-All right.

-Samantha: can we get
a few pictures, please?

-I want you to know, one
of your lifeguards, donna,

She used to do bikini contests.

-Oh yeah. Yeah, right.

From what I understand, she
always finished ahead of you.

-Samantha: let's get a few
with a judge and the winner.

Thank you.

-Mitch: so, what do
you say we wrap this up

In a couple of minutes and
skate out of here, huh?

-Don't wait for me.

-No, no, it's okay.

I understand you want
your moment in the sun,

But I'll just kind
of wait over there.

-No, really. Don't wait for me.

-Samantha: let's get a
couple more pictures, ladies.

Aren't you glad we didn't bet?

-She is just preoccupied
by winning, that's all.

-Well, winning was
what she was here to do.

All she was here to do.

-Audrey: thank you.

-Hey, talk to you for a second?

-For a second.

-So, what's going on?

I thought we had
plans for the night.

Something change?

-Look, mitch,
you're really sweet.

But how can I go out with you,

Knowing that you
didn't vote for me.

That you thought
someone else was better.

It'd just be too uncomfortable.

-Who told you I
didn't vote for you?

-I saw your scorecard.

-Limo's waiting.

-You know, samantha was right.

You did allow yourself
to be influenced,

By her.

Too bad, I'd been
a lot more fun.

-I doubt it.

-I could tell you were
very talented the second

I laid eyes on you.

-Thank you. I'll
just be five minutes.

-What is wrong with you?

-I didn't vote for
her and somebody

Showed her my scorecard.

-Oh, well think of it this way.

At least now she'll know you
have principles, and integrity.

-Wait a minute.

It was you, wasn't it?

You know, you are a sadist.

I can't--

-Samantha: captain
sadist to you.

-Hey mitch, how's it going?

-What's it look like?

-What's up with him?

-Captain thomas,
captain thomas?

So, how'd the pay-per-view go?

You think we raised enough
to fund the windjet?


-[Upbeat rock music]

-♪ Gonna run wild

♪ Gonna make our escape

♪ Underneath the summer sun

♪ Chasing down a dream
do whatever it takes ♪

♪ All in the name of fun

♪ Ain't nothing gonna
keep us on dry land ♪

♪ Understand?

♪ I'm gonna take it
higher gonna play it ♪

♪ Way beyond the sand

♪ Make my escape
and race you to the break ♪

♪ Cause I'm way beyond the sand

♪ Woo ooo

♪ Oh woah yeah yeah

♪ Woo ooo

♪ Oh woah yeah yeah

♪ Ain't nothing gonna keep us
on dry land ♪

♪ Understand?

♪ I'm gonna take it
higher gonna play it ♪

♪ Way beyond the sand

♪ Make my escape and
race you to the break ♪

♪ Cause I'm way beyond the sand

♪ Woo ooo

♪ Oh woah yeah yeah

♪ Woo ooo

♪ Oh woah yeah yeah

-[Theme music]
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