07x03 - Liquid Assets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x03 - Liquid Assets

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Soft music]

-♪ Darling lets just forget

♪ All the worries and doubts in our head

♪ Ride off in the sunset

♪ Throw our caution straight
into the wind ♪

♪ Lost in your paradise

♪ Lost in your paradise

♪ Just one look in your eyes

♪ And I'm lost in your paradise

♪ You know your in love

♪ When you can't fall asleep

♪ Cos it feels like you live
in your dreams ♪

♪ I'm lost in the clouds
and I'm not coming down ♪

♪ Cos you're all the heaven I need

♪ You make me feel like a child

♪ All the dreams in my heart run wild ♪

♪ Never felt this bliss

♪ From the moment of our first kiss ♪

♪ Lost in your paradise

♪ Lost in your paradise

♪ Just one look in your eyes

♪ And I'm lost in your paradise ♪

♪ You know your in love

♪ When you can't fall asleep

♪ Cos it feels like you live
in your dreams ♪

♪ I'm lost in the clouds
and I'm not coming down ♪

♪ Cos you're all the heaven I need

♪ You know your in love

♪ When you can't fall asleep

♪ Cos it feels like
you live in your dreams ♪

-Cody: all right, I
want everybody's name,

Age and swimming ability, okay?

-[Kids all talk at once]

-Okay, very funny,
ha ha, one at a time.

-I'm getting my
ears pierced, man,

As soon as tryouts are over,
I don't care what my dad says.

-Oh come on, hobie, everyone
cares what your dad says.

-The only question is:
one ear or two?

-Forget the ear, man,
do your belly button.


-Maybe an eyebrow.

-No, no, get your tongue.

-You should get your
lips pierced together.

-[Laughs] let's go.

-[Kids and lifeguard talking]

-Okay, next?

-Hey, am I too late
for the tryouts?

-Uh, no, but these are
junior lifeguard tryouts.

-Yeah, right, right?

-How old are you?

-Seventeen, I mean I wanna
be a regular lifeguard,

You know, a working lifeguard
but they said I have to be 18.

-Cody: that's right.

-Then I guess this
is what I need to do.

-You ever done the buoy swim?

-Buoy swim? No, not really.

I mean we just moved to
malibu from riverside.

I swam in pools a lot,
I can swim ten times

That far and not even
get out of breath.

-The ocean's quite a bit
different than a pool.

-Oh I know, but I love it here.

I mean, the beach is
where I wanna work.

I wanna be a lifeguard,

Keep people safe
when they come here.

-What's your name?

-Manuel gutierrez,
people call me manny.

-Cody madison, well, manny,
thanks for coming out.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Go stretch, get
ready for the swim.

-Hey man, thanks a lot, thanks!

-You got it, all right,
everybody else, follow him,

Line up at the flags,
let's go, hup, hup, hup!

All right, line it up!

-C.j.: Hi, is
there anything wrong?

-That man over there's crazy!

He should be locked away.

-What did he do?

-He tried to give my little
girl one of those rags

Off his cart, we kept walking
but he chased after us

And he kept trying to force
her to take it from him.

-Did he hurt either one of you?

-No, thank god, but
who knows where those

Filthy rags have been or
what they've been soaked in.

I mean, why can't you keep
people like that off the beach?

-I'm sorry, it's a
public beach, ma'am.

But I'll go talk to him.

Enjoy the rest of your day.



Can I help you with that?


-Well, it looks like
you could use some help.

-Is that so? Then why
hasn't anyone stopped?

-Well, somebody has.

Now are we gonna push this
on the bike path or not?

-Think you're strong enough?

-Well, we'll soon find
out, ready? On three.

One, two three!

There you go!

We did it!

-Biker: hey, watch it, man!

-Go around! Go around!

-You know what, I
think this would be

Safer off the bike
path, what do you think?

-Over there.


-Ah, ah ah. I can handle it!

But you can meet me over
there if you want to.

Here, go ahead take it.

-Oh, thank you.

-You don't even know what
you're thanking me for.

Do you know what that is?

-It's a satin, isn't it?

-It's silk charmeuse,
cut along the bias.

Do you know where it came from?


-It's part of jean
harlow's dress.

She wore in dinner at eight.

Hold it close to yourself.

Feel it!

Can you feel her passion
of life in every fiber?

-Are you sure this is part
of jean harlow's dress?

-This is the fabric
of history, the fabric

Of hollywood in it's glory days.

Shirley temple in curly top.

Robert mitchum in the big sleep.

Jane russell in the outlaw.

-Now where did
you get all of these?

-No one remembers.

I am max marat.

I did the wardrobe
for the great stars.

These are my creations.

-Okay, the qualifying
time is three minutes,

Around the buoy
and back to shore.

If you don't make it today,

You can try one
more time tomorrow.

All right, everybody ready?

Get set!

[Blows whistle] go!

Those kids are pretty fast.

-All right, come
on guys, let's go!

Keep it moving, keep it moving!

Swimmer down!

-Here take this,
watch the kids, go!

-[Suspenseful music]

-Don't worry! I got you!

-Manny: what are you doing man

-Hobie: you went under water!

-I swim faster under water!

-Are you guys okay?

-Man, he got in my way.

-I thought he was drowning.

-Manny: man, I
wasn't drowning!

-Hi logan.
-Logan: hey

-How's that guy we dug out?
Did he make it?

-Yeah, we revived him on
the way to the hospital.

The doctor said
he should be fine.

What's that?

-Oh, it's a piece of
jean harlow's dress.

-Don't tell me, you met
up with the rag man today.

-Well, if you mean
max murat, yes.

Don't you realize he's a
famous costume designer

From the golden
era of hollywood?

-C.j., He's a lunatic who's
in and out of mental hospitals.

He finds rags in dumpsters and

Puts them on that cart of his.

-You don't know that.

-I've seen him, c.j., I know.

-Are you sure?


-He seems so genuine.

-He's totally bonkers.

This is probably
part of a pillow case

Somebody threw away.

Anyway, see ya.

-Hobie: that's not fair,
why do I have to

Teach him how to
swim in the ocean?

-Because you're a junior
lifeguard instructor.

-I didn't even want to do
junior guards this summer.

-So you said, but manny
does, enough to try out

Without any ocean
experience, which you have

And could share with him if
you weren't being so selfish.

-Dad, c'mon, you know I do a
lot of stuff for other people.

You just don't like it when I
wanna do something for myself.

-What's more important
for you to do for yourself

Than to help that boy accomplish

Something that's very
important to him?

-I made plans to do something

Important with j.b. And connor.


-I don't know, we were,
we were gonna go down

To venice and check
out some stuff.

So you know what, just
forget it, fine, you win.

I'll teach him how
to swim, you happy?

-I'm thrilled, hobster,
I'm absolutely thrilled.

-Cody: you'll be
fine, all right?

-Hobie: hey c'mon, buddy,
let's go, you ready?

-Manny: yeah.

-Cody: all right,
let's go, let's go!

-Not easy being the parent
of a 16-year-old, is it?

-It's not easy being a
16-year-old these days either.

-That's what I love about
you, mitch, your empathy.

You care about what other
people want, what they need.

-[Laughs] you're not
getting my day off.

-Please, mitch, switch with me.

I have a really
important appointment.

-I'm so sorry.

-But I love you, man.

-I love you too, but you're
not getting my day off.

-John! I need to
talk to you, buddy.

-All right, now
don't kick so hard.

Kicking's only for
flotation not propulsion.

There you go!

All right, now don't overreach.

Put your hand in the
water before your
arm's fully extended.

Don't cup your hands so much,
it only makes them smaller.

There you go, that's better.

All right, now try putting
your face in the water.

Breathe on every right stroke.

All right, that's
better, you got it.

You're gonna be a
lifeguard in no time, yeah!


-Max: what?

Catching some winks.

-I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to wake you.

I just wanted to make
sure you're okay.

-Have you a name?

-Oh, it's c.j.

-C.j.? Those are
initials, what's your name?

-Well, it's casey jean.

But I've been called
c.j. Since I was little.


-I have some coffee in the
truck if you'd like some.

-Gloria swanson used
to bring me irish coffee

When we did sunset boulevard.

-Well, it's just plain,
old american, but it's hot.

I have a blueberry muffin,
too, if you're hungry.

-Have you ever dined with a man

Of wealth and fame, casey jean?

-No, I'm afraid not.

-Be afraid no longer.

I fought to produce
motion pictures that would

Elevate the spirit and
inspire the soul but...

The studio hacks
destroyed everyone.

Hold tight to your
dreams, casey jean.

So tight no one
can pry them loose.

-Now, I thought you were a
costume designer,
not a producer.

-I did it all,
every job. [Laughs]

The studio still pesters
me to come back to work

But I'm much too busy--
much too busy collecting.

-Well, speaking of work, I have

To go on duty in five minutes.

-Johnny weissmuller wore
this in tarzan the apeman.

Johnny was a lifeguard,
you know.

He worked right here
on venice beach.

-So how did you end
up living here, max?

-Lucky, I guess.

Would you like to see
the sleeve of the blouse

Marilyn monroe wore
in some like it hot?

-Well, maybe next time,
I gotta get to work.

Do you need any money or
anything for a place to stay?

-No, no money, oh my
goodness, I don't need money,

But it's very nice
of you to offer.

-Oh, max, you okay?

-Fine, I'm fine.

I just get this little
flutter in my heart

Whenever I'm around such beauty.

Lana turner did the
same thing to me.

I've got one of
her stockings from

The postman always rings twice.

It's on the cart some
place, I'll find it,

Show it to you next
time we meet and visit.

-Okay, see you later, max.

-Goodbye, casey jean.

-[Gentle guitar music]

-[Rock music]

-That was great.

Hey thanks, man, really,
you know your stuff.

-So, do you live in the colony?

-The what?

-You know, the malibu colony,
the enclave of the stars?

-Oh, you mean behind the gates.

Yeah, that's where we live.

-So, what do your parents do?

-Well, my mom's a maid.

-What do you mean?

-We live in a guest
house, but it's cool.

I mean, my mom, man, she
loves it at the beach, too.

-Where's your dad?

-The ins deported him, but
he'll make it back up here soon.

-You're not american citizens?

-I am, man, I was born here?

So, why don't you
wanna be a lifeguard?

I mean, what better
job is there?

-I don't know.

I think I want to be a musician.

I mean, my dad's a
lifeguard, that's his thing.

-What's up, buchannon?
-What's up, guys?

-What's up, man,
you still gonna do it

Or you gonna be a wuss?

-Dude, I'm doing it.

-Doing what?

-Body piercing up in
venice, you wanna go?

-Venice? I've never
been in venice, sure!

-[African music]

-[Tattoo needle buzzing]

-That's what I'm gonna get.

-Pierced man: that's
for your tongue.

-Does it hurt?

-No, not at all,
actually, it's really cool.

I mean, you know, everybody
gets their ears pierced.

If you really want to make
a statement, that's it, man.

-You gonna do it?

-Cody: what are
you thinking about?

-C.j.: I'm just thinking
about max, you know, that guy

That gave me a piece
of jean harlow's dress?

-I thought logan
said he was a nutcase.

-Oh, I don't know, maybe he is.

Maybe you are, maybe one
day you'll find yourself

Walking down the
beach drooling and

Muttering I was
almost an olympian.

-Yeah, right, thanks for the
confidence in my future, c.j.

-I'll stick by
you no matter what.

-Even if neely and
I become partners?

-You and sneely,
partners? In what?

-In a business,
it's a great idea.

What do ice skaters
do after the olympics?

They do ice show extravaganzas.

Gymnasts are making a fortune
doing international tours.

But what about water sports?

How do swimmers and
divers turn pro?

-You mean besides
becoming a lifeguard?

-Exactly, they don't,
so neely and I want to

Form a water show
spectacular, high-divers,

Synchronized swimming, water
ballet, huge production

Numbers, fireworks,
everything going on.

-You and neely?

-I know, it's crazy,
it was her idea.

-Well, it's a pretty good idea.

-Now we just need
to find investors.

-Well, just keep your
eyes open for neely.

She has her own way
of doing business.

-Yeah, I'm on top
of it, don't worry.

-I never worry,
life's too short.

-Come with me to the
pasadena pool this weekend.

We're holding tryouts, you
can see what it's all about.

-Okay, but I already
know what it's all about.

It's about you and me.

Lifeguard: okay, kids, stretch
up over your head.

Good, reach up there.

-Manny, manny!

Relax, man, save your
energy, all right?

Okay, now just visualize the
course and study the waves.

-All right.

Lifeguard: good. All right,
easy now.

Over your head. Reach up.


Very good.

All right, right arm.
Good, yeah.

Change arm, left.

Very good.

-Looking good! Hey guys!

-What's going on?

-Where's the hobster?

-Didn't show up,
did he say he was

Coming down here this morning?

-Well, he slept at
connor's last night.

-I'll ask connor for you.

Hey, mitch, mind
if I say something?

-Sure, what?

-Nobody's called
hobie "the hobster"

Since he was 12 except you.

He's growing up, mitch, but
you're still stuck in the past.

-I'm not stuck in the past.

-You're stuck in the past.

You became a private eye but
you won't quit lifeguarding.

Cody, I'll never quit
lifeguarding, I'm just

Doing something
in addition to it

-And that's all
hobie wants to do.

I'll ask connor where he went.



-Stuck in the past.


-Hey manny, that's good!

Checking for inshore holes, huh?

-Yeah, I know, hobie taught me.

He's your son, right?


-What a great guy, you
must be really proud of him.

-I am and your parents
must be really proud of you.

-Well, they will be when
I become a lifeguard.

-That why you want to
be a lifeguard so badly?

-That's part of it, but,
I mean, I see too many

People wasting up their
lives, wasting each other.

Me, I wanna save lives.

I wanna become a lifeguard.

-Manny, I can't think
of a better reason.

-Okay, okay, let's go,
everybody line up, let's do it!

-Good luck to you,
I know you'll make it

-Well, if I do,
I owe it to hobie.

And you, you raised him.

-Hey mitch, connor said he went

To the tattoo parlor in venice.

-[Siren blares]

-Two-nine-five from unit three.

I need a call car at venice
strand close to tower 27.

Code three.

Excuse me.

What happened?

-He collapsed. I saw him.

He was holding his chest.

It looked like a heart attack.

-He's not breathing.

Max, come on!


-[Siren blares]

-What do we got?

-Probable heart attack.

-I'll get the resuscitator.

-Let me take over compressions.

-Excuse me.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-What happened?
-Looks like a full arrest.

-We need a backboard.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-It's the rag man.

-He's got a name. Max.

-All right, let's
get ready to roll.

Ready, up!

All right, continue ventilation.

I need to get him on the truck.

All right, resume cpr.

-Logan, take my unit
back to headquarters

And don't forget max's cart.


-[Siren blares]

-Lifeguard: everybody ready?

-Kids: yeah!

-[Blows whistle]

-[Energetic music]

-Come on!

Let's go! Come on, manny!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Good time, all right!
Atta boy, atta boy!

-Thanks, man.

-Let's go, let's go,
come on, keep it coming!

-Hobie: all right, well,
I'll see you guys later.

-Girl: okay!


-Bye, thanks a lot.

-Hey, come here.

Did you, uh, get your
ears pierced, huh?

I mean did you really wanna
get your ears pierced?


-Or did you get a tattoo
or something, let me see.

-No, no. Maybe, maybe.

-Level with me,
okay, did you get

Anything pierced or
tattooed in there?

-No, dad, not yet.

-[Sighs] could we take a
little walk on the beach, huh?

Come on.

-Remember when I used to
carry you on my shoulders?

-Yeah, I used to love it.

I remember I felt
like I was so big.

-You don't need me for
that any more, now do you?

-Not really, but
that doesn't mean

I don't need you
for other things.

I just don't want you
to pressure me into

Following in your footsteps.

-I was hoping you'd
learn from manny

About wanting to be a lifeguard.

-Well, I did learn from
manny, I learned a lot.

Manny taught me that
you should go after

Whatever you want,
no matter what

The odds are or
who's against you.

Dad, I know what I want.


-My tongue pierced.

-You're kidding, right?

-No, what do you
think, like right here?

-No, no way, it's
not gonna happen.

-Dad. I want it and there's
nothing you can do to stop me.

-No, I'm still your
father and I'm telling you

It's not gonna happen.

-Yeah, but I'm still
faster than you.

-You're not faster than me!

-C.j., I was on my way to
the hospital to meet you.

-Inez dropped me off.

-What happened?

-He didn't make it.

-I'm sorry.

Come on, let's go.

-I don't even know
if he has any family

Or anyone to take care
of funeral arrangements.

-Maybe mitch can find out.

-What am I gonna
do with his cart?

-We'll figure something out.

Right now, I think I
should get you home.

Take a bath, relax,
and we'll deal

With all this in the morning.

-I just can't help
thinking that I

Could have done something more.

-You tried, c.j.,
You befriended him.

That's more than
anyone else did.

Come on.

-♪ Casey jean

♪ Where you been

♪ I've been waiting
here for you ♪

♪ Casey jean

♪ Where you been

♪ I've been waiting
here for you ♪

-How do you know my name?

-♪ Fabric of his life

♪ Was his life

♪ 'Til the pain and the strife

♪ Cut into his
heart like a knife ♪

♪ You came along and

♪ Made right for the wrong

♪ And he was longing
to live longer ♪

♪ You made him stronger

♪ Now he's gone

-What do you mean you've
been waiting for me?

-♪ Fabric of his life

♪ It was his life

♪ You were the wife

♪ He never had

♪ But always dreamed of

♪ Here by the sea

♪ His legacy

♪ Was left to me

♪ To leave to you

♪ So you can have all ♪

♪ That you've ever dreamed of

-What do you mean
his legacy was

Left to you to leave to me?

-[Whispers inaudibly]

-What's going on,
what are you doing?

-C.j.: I don't know, this
guy with a guitar came by

And told me that max left
me something on his cart.

-What? I'll help
you look for it.

-I don't know.

Cody, be careful,
don't damage anything!


-I found it!!

-What is it?

-His last will and testament.

-You're kidding, the
guy actually had a will?

-And he said he left
everything to me.

-Ah, the cart, huh?

So what are you
gonna do with it?

-It says he had
more than a cart.

-Like what, garbage bags
full of surplus material?

-Come on, this
can't be for real.

-What if it is?

-How can it be, the guy was
a bum who lived on the beach.

-He chose to live here.

And he thought he was
luck to be able to.

-If he had this much money,

He'd have lived in
a malibu mansion.

-Didn't howard hughes
leave his entire fortune

To a gas station
attendant who thought

He was a bum and
gave him a quarter?

-Cody: four million dollars?

C.j.! Wait up!

-Cody, wait up!

Is it true? Did c.j.
Inherit four million

Dollars from mad max?

-She inherited his money.

-I can't believe he had money!

I knew max, I mean, he
lived in a rag cart.

I used to talk to
him all the time.

-I guess he just
liked c.j. Better.

-You know we could use some of

That money to produce our show.

Do you think c.j.
May want to invest?

-She gave all the
money away, neely.


-Yeah, to homeless shelters.

-She gave away four
million dollars?


-Neely: what?

-4,000! Max wrote
too many zeros.

-Oh, I was beginning to
worry about c.j.'S sanity.

I mean, 4,000
to a homeless shelter,

That's great, that's
wonderful of c.j. But

Four million dollars.

-You know, I bet if it
had been four million

She'd have given that away too.

-And that's why you
love her so much, right?

-What can I say?

-You're both sick puppies.

-Oh, neely!

-All right, listen up!
Lifeguarding is
not for everyone.

But if you stick with
it and work really hard,

You'll have the most fun
you ever had in your life.

You can be responsible
for a person's life.

You can save someone's life.

Now, once a lifeguard,
always a lifeguard.

No matter where you
go or what you do

This experience will
always be a part of you

And will make you
a better person.

So have fun, enjoy the water.

Make them suffer.

-You got it.

All right, in the
water up to your knees,

We'll start with a run
to tower six and back.

-So uh, couldn't
stay away, huh?

What's up?

-Nothing much.

-Oh no.

-[Muffled] dad, what's wrong?

-Show me your tongue.

What is wrong with you, when
are you gonna grow up, huh?

-I'm sorry...

I didn't offer you
a gumball, did i?

-[Laughs] that's very funny.

-Got you, didn't i?
-I'll get you back, just
wait, I'll get you back.

-Hey dad, wait a minute.



I bet you know.

-I know.

-[Theme music]
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