07x08 - Let the Games Begin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x08 - Let the Games Begin

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Soft soothing music]

-Hey, guys, how's the water?

-Oh, invigorating.

-Jordan: well, I'm still
not used to this water.

It's so much cooler
in the summer than
the water in florida.

-Cool? Are you kidding,
this is paradise.

-The water is so
incredible, you guys,

It is nice and warm, mmm.

-Woman 1:
check it out!

-Woman 2: why are they
all working out together?


-Whoa! Whoo!

-Let's get 'em.

hey, guys, what's going on?

-We're training.

-For what?

-Uncle toby's.
-Uncle toby's?

-Yeah, the best
ironman in the world.

-That's the australian tour.

-That's right,
they're coming here.

They're giving us four spots.

-We gotta kick butt.

-What about us?

-That's a separate
competition for women,

That's the devondale tour.

-Are they coming too?
-Mitch: nope, just the men.

-What, girls can't compete?

-That sounds sexist to me.

-We should be able to compete.

-Jordan: yeah, isn't it
about the best athletes?

-Right, yeah.

-Judges should never get in
the way of a good competition.

-All right, all right,
tomorrow we're having a race

To see who will
make the four spots.

You all
are welcome to try out.

[Men laughing]

-C.j.: Oh, let's
get those guys.

-Hey, how'd we do in the
uncle toby series last year?

-Oh, we didn't.

Couldn't afford to
send a team overseas,

But thank to sam's
efforts we got funds

For competitions this year.

-It's gonna be great to have it
at baywatch this year.

-Looking forward to
a little competition

With my old mate trevor.

-I plan on beating
him myself this year.

-It's everyone's plan to beat
trevor, but it never happens.

-He and a guy
named grant kennedy

Are two reasons the
australians have dominated

The international
lifesaving championships

For the last 10 years.

-Hey, mitch,
I thought you and hummer

Both won the uncle toby's.

-Both: he did, once.

-Cody, there have
been over 40 events

In the last eight years.

-Okay, 50 more.

-50? C.j., This isn't boot camp.

-Come on, guys, these ironmen
are in incredible shape.

They have hard chiseled
bodies, they work out

Six hours a day,
six days a week.

They're the most skilled
aquatic athletes on the planet

And they're on about every
cereal box in australia.

-So, they look like cody?

-Yes, sort of, but they
probably spend more time

With their girlfriends.

-Are you guys having problems?

-Yeah, he's not spending
any time with me any more.

-Sounds like a
typical male to me.

-Male or not, tell me more
about those cereal box boys.


-Okay, while I was on that
life aquatic exchange last year

In australia, I went out
with one of them, john-o.

He's coming here to
compete this year.

Those ironmen have it all.

They're national heroes
who volunteer as lifeguards

And they make tons of money

With endorsements
and competitions.

-Sounds to me you need to
spend a little more time

With this john-o guy
when he gets here.

-It might be just what
cody needs to whip him back

Into shape.

-There will be only one heat.

All competitors will take
part in every leg of the race.

Scores will be added
to determine the
top four finishers.

Those four will
represent team baywatch.

The order will be
run, swim, fort, ski.

Take your marks.

[Dramatic music]

[g*n fires]

-Come on, pick it up, cody.
All the way.

-Come on, buddy. Let's
go, hold it steady.

[Crowd cheering]

-Man: push it,
cody, it's all you, man.


-Cody: whoo-hoo!

Told y'all there
was no competition.


-That's 'cause you guys had
more time to train than we did.

-Yeah, and some of you
guys have been training

So hard you don't have
time for anything else.

-Just wait till next year.

-No excuses.

-None needed, look
how awesome neely did.

-You, guys, should've
just thrown in the towel.

-You know, I wouldn't
be too quick to brag.

I'm not far from
being on that team.


-Guys, it would be
smart to watch our backs.

-You can say that again.

C.j., Look, I know we haven't
had much time together

In the past few days, but--


-I know, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up to you.

How about tomorrow night?



-That was an
awesome race, cody.

-Thanks, manny.

-Man, it'd be so
cool to be an ironman.

-Well, you know, before
you're an ironman,

You have to be a handler.

All ironmen start out that way.

I was a handler for newmie,
newmie was a handler for mitch.

-I'd be a handler. I'd
love to be a handler.

Can I train with you, too?

-Yeah, you know what?

Why don't you come out
tomorrow morning, 6:30.

[Triumphant music]

-Looks good.

-Needs to be a little
higher on the left.

-Hey, hey, hey,
the ironmen have arrived.

[Cheering and laughing]

Hey, buddy,
welcome to baywatch.

Trevor hendy, four
times world champion.

-Good day, these are my mates.

-All: hi.

-And of course, mick perara.

-Mitch: hey, mick,
great to see you.

-Hi, mitch, great
to finally be here, man.

-Mick is a ninth
time board champion.

Now you're marketing and
promoting this thing, right?

-Yeah, that's right.

-We have our own
marketing genius, sam.

-So, I've heard.
-How you doing?

-Good, how are you?

[Talking over one another]

-C.j., You're looking
more beautiful than ever.

-You know just the right
things to say, john-o.

-Hey, cody, how's it going?
-What's going on?

-Is that your girl?
-Cody: yeah.

-California women,
california rhythm. Eh?

-You said it, what do
you think of the waves?

-They're not bad,
let's get out there.

-Take a paddle?
-Yeah, all right.

[Soothing music]

♪ Never gonna give it up

♪ Until the world knows my name

♪ Rising up to the top

♪ Until the spark becomes the flame ♪

♪ Every journey begins
♪ with a single step

♪ Here's my plan

♪ Gonna make my mark
♪ so they won't forget

♪ Who I am- yes I can

♪ Standing as tall as a mountain

♪ Looking for a new horizon oh

♪ Oh oh, oh oh, oh

♪ Fight till I'm screaming and shouting

♪ Can't afford to have any doubt
♪ in my mind

♪ Oh oh, oh oh, oh

♪ Every journey begins
♪ with a single step

♪ Here's my plan

♪ Gonna make my mark
♪ so they won't forget

♪ Who I am

♪ Yes I can, yes I can, yes I can

♪ Standing as tall as a mountain

♪ Looking for a new horizon oh

♪ Oh oh, oh oh, oh

♪ Fight till I'm screaming and shouting

♪ Can't afford to have any doubt
♪ in my mind

♪ Oh oh, oh oh, oh

-Hey, mitch.

-Hey, trevor.

Jetlag hit you yet?

-You kidding me, mate?
This body never tires.

In fact, how about
we take the skis out

For one of our infamous
sunset paddles?

-Can't break tradition,
I'd love that.

-Great, I've got
an errand to run,

See you in about an hour.

[Mischievous music]

-What are you doing?

-Just... A little
present for trevor.

-Soap on a board
instead of wax?

That should be fun.


-Hi, I've been looking
for you everywhere.

I was hoping we could
spend some together.

Have dinner or something.

-Trevor, there's something
I should tell you.

-C.j., You don't know how
many times I've thought

About you since
you've left australia.

-Okay, I'm gonna go change
and then we can talk.


-Hey, c.j.

I'll see you later,
I'm meeting newmie

For a paddle in 10 minutes.

-I thought
we had plans tonight.

-Oh, baby, the competition's
in a couple of days.

After that, things will
settle down, I promise you.

-Okay, I'm gonna go out
with john-o then tonight.

-The australian?

-That's great,
you guys have fun.

He's a good guy.

[Upbeat music]


-[Chuckles] whoo!

Wet soap feels a lot
like wax, doesn't it?

-You stole that one from me.

I did that about 10 years
ago with the old surf

On your board.

-You stole the entire
ironman competition, buddy.

-Sure, and we
made some friends.

-Right, you did.


[Calming music]

-Morning, guys! Wait up.

So, when's our
next team practice?

-What do you mean
our team practice?

-Oh, you didn't hear?

Hummer got rushed to the
hospital this morning.

-What'd you do to him?

-He had an emergency

So, it looks like I'll
be taking his place.

-I will never figure out
how you pulled that one off.

-Let me check this out, huh?

-Well, I guess you're
officially on the team.


Newmie, you know,
you're really terrific.

I was wondering would
you like to spend

A little extra time
with me on the ski?

Maybe we could have a cup of
coffee after or something?

-Sure, that'd be great.

-Great, see ya.

[Mischievous music]

-So, she asked me to help
her out on the ski and coffee.

-Newmie, be careful.

-Hey, cody, can I help
you out with anything, man?

-Sure, why don't
you wax my board?

-Sure, no problem.
-Thanks, man.

Hey, also the cable on my ski
snap needs to be replaced.

-Manny: hey, no problem, bro.

-Hey, guys, could
you give us a hand?

We got a hole in the
ski, must've happened

On the plane on the way over.

-Do you know where
the leak is yet?

-There's a bit of
a crack in the bow.

Just needs a patch.

-Yeah, no problem,
we'll look after it.

-Oh, no.


-Cody and john-o are talking.

I know they're talking about me.

I bet you john-o's telling
cody that we're going

Out for dinner tonight.

-That's perfect, c.j.
If john-o tells cody that you're

Spending time together,
it's gonna make cody jealous.

I'll bet cody brings
you roses tonight.


-C.j.: 'Cause I just know
they're talking about me.

-When out of the blue,
comes trevor hendy,

He comes out of no where,
grabs these three people,

Grabs another eight
people from the water

And takes them all
back to the beach.

I've never been so glad to
see anyone in my entire life.

-You know, cody credits
his lifeguard training

To making the olympic team.

-You're the one that
made the u.s. Olympic team.

-John-o was on the
australian team.

-Really? What event?

-100-Meter free.

-Me, too, what's
your fastest time?

-49.6, what about you?


-Hey, he went 49.5,
only it wasn't official.

-I've done a 47.9 with a
flying start in the relay.

-You guys should race.

-Sounds good to
me, what about it?

-You're on.

[Talking over one another]

-I'd better go say hi.

-Good luck.

-Cody: I'm gonna leave you
on the beach, john-o, I'm sorry.

-John-o: hey.

-Hi, john-o, I'm
gonna go get a shower

And then I'll be
ready to go, okay?

-Oh, no, c.j.
I forgot we had plans.

Cody and I are about
to go out for a race.

You can come and cheer
me on if you want.

-Bye, sweetie.

[Melancholy music]

-Cody: john-o's
faster than a fish.

I felt like a rookie.


-Cody: speaking of rookies,
how's he coming along?

-Newmie: poor manny,
he's been out there trying

To get the hang of that
surf ski for hours.

-I thought you said he
wanted to be an ironman.

Knowing how to surf ski is
one of the requirements.

-I guess if he wants it bad
enough, he'll keep at it.


-Oh, boy.

-Good day.

-What's this all about?

-We're concerned
about team equality.

-Just doing our part to
keep the competition fair.



-I don't think they know
who they're dealing with.

-Newmie: mm-mm.

-Come on.

-It's cheating.

-Doesn't seem fair.

-It's what they
do to each other.

-I think we should do it.

-You would.

-I don't know about this.

-This is about survival.

This isn't about
australia versus u.s.

It isn't about
lifeguards competing.

It's bigger, this is
about men versus women.

It's about our rights
and our future.

The future integration
of competition.

After all, donna, you're the
one that said it was sexist

For us not to compete.

-Okay, okay, I'm in.

-All right, let's go get 'em.


-Man 1: boy, I'm starving.

-Man 2: when
are the girls coming?

We got a competition tomorrow.

-Man 1: hey, I can't
wait around here all night.

Gotta get some
sleep, get myself up.

-Man 2: me, too.

[Talking over one another]

-Girls: hi, guys!

[Boys cheering]

-Is anybody hungry?

-Sure, did you cook?

-[Laughs] it's take out.

-Yeah, if c.j. Cooked, we'd
be having tofu surprise.

-What's wrong
with tofu surprise?


-Don't worry, there's
more on the way.

[Talking over one another]

[Dance music]
-come on, everybody,

Let's dance!

-Oh, come on, you guys.
Don't be such dead beats.

We're just getting warmed up.

-Come on.
-Man: I'm pretty tired.

-We got a big day tomorrow.

[Sirens blaring]

-Hey, guys, listen up!

We got a boat
underwater, santa monica pier.

Possible victims on board.

We need back up!
Let's go, come on!

[Shouting over one another]

[Somber music]

-Come on, let's go!
-Let's go, guys!

-All right, let's go!

[Sirens blaring]

[Shouting over one another]
[dramatic music]

-Can't see! It's
too dark, mate.

-Go, go!

-Did you see something?
-No, no.

-I didn't see anything.

-Yeah, there's nothing
down there that I could see.

-I couldn't see my hand
in front of my face.

-Woman: hey!

[Women laughing]

-There is no boat.

-C.j.: Did you find it?

-A boat is a pretty
big thing to lose.

-I hope you find it soon.

-You really should be
home sleeping like neely.

Don't you guys have a
competition in the morning?

[Men groaning]

-Women: bye.

-I guess we'll get
no sleep tonight.

-Right gag you girls
pulled last night.

-[Laughs] well, I wish I could
take all the credit for it,

But it was
masterminded by neely.

She wanted revenge and
she definitely got it.

You know, mick, I have been
meaning to talk to you.

Your uniforms are great.

-Thanks very much.

-I was thinking with all
the signage and the exposure

Of the international
team that we could market

Our own clothing line.

We could do a 30-second spot
with an 800 number

At the end of your tv special.

-I think that's
a terrific idea.

-You know, mick, we
should really get together

And work on this thing
and really make it happen.

-Male announcer: welcome
to the american australian

Ironman competition
at beautiful huntington beach.

Today's competition will
be showcasing the surf

Lifesaving skills of the
best ironmen in the world.

So buckle up, folks, the
race begins in two minutes.

-C.j. You command such
incredible attention

Everywhere you go.

Would you please do us the
honor of starting our race.

All eyes will be on you anyway.

-I'd love too, trevor,
I'd be flattered.

-Mitch: hey, trevor!

-Hey, mitch. Good luck.

-Good luck to
you, too. Mugglair.

-Mugglair, what's that?

-An aussie compliment of
great respect and admiration.


-Show off.


-Good luck in the race, trevor.

-Thank you.

-Mugglair! [Laughs]

-Announcer: ironmen,
please take your marks.

[Triumphant music]

the first leg is a grueling

Two-mile hot sand run.


♪ Everything that we could want is here

♪ On the road with all our foremost fears
♪ announcer: it's extremely close
as the ironmen head

-♪ The path is filled with sand
-for the open water swim.

♪ And waves of light

♪ Everything we wanted to push through ♪

♪ All the shores we vowed to make it to
as they round the buoy, the leaders are in
a tight pack.

♪ Keep our faces to the sun
jonathan crowe of the australian team is
neck and neck with cody madison

♪ The shadows fall aside
of team baywatch.

♪ Find all the life that lives within

♪ Find all the strength that's unspoken

♪ Find all the light that's broken

♪ Through the clouds of doubt, yeah
jonathan's out of the
water in the lead,

♪ And like the river with its
fingers stretched out ♪
but guy anders and mitch
buchannon are close behind.

♪ Far into the sea

♪ If dreamers, with all our strength
now it's trevor
hendy and bill clay

♪ Scream out
of the australian
team closing the gap.

♪ I'm so alive

And now it's the paddle,
and it is very close.

♪ Through the storm we make it to the
shore ♪ that's ironwoman neely capshaw
keeping up with the pack.

♪ And the chaos we find still must soars?
♪ Look for mike newman of the american
squad be very strong in this leg.

♪ We're all just brothers, sisters,
brothers sisters side by side ♪

♪ Everything we wanted to break through
mitch buchannon and cody madison flirt
with the lead.

♪ All the lines we vowed to make it to

♪ Keep our faces to the sun
buchannon leads the americans.

♪ The shadows fall aside.
Hendy of the australian team
is definitely the man to beat.

♪ Find all the life that lives within

♪ Find all the strength that's unspoken

♪ Find all the life it's broken through
the clouds of doubt, yeah ♪ [cheering]

♪ And like the river with its fingers

♪ Stretched out far into
♪ the sea of dreamers

♪ With all our strength scream out

♪ I'm still alive

Now it's the ski leg
of the competition,

The title hangs in the
balance of this tricky event.

♪ I'm so alive

It's still mitch
buchannon setting the pace

For the american team.

♪ Everything we wanted to push through

♪ All the shores we vowed to make it to

♪ Keeps our faces to the sun

♪ The shadows fall aside.
They're leaving the water
for the final running leg.

♪ And like the river with its fingers
stretched out ♪
it's buchannon taking the lead.

♪ Far into the sea
hendy's closing the gap.

♪ Dreamers with all
♪ our strength scream out

♪ We're so alive!
It's neck and neck! Hendy and buchannon!

Buchannon and hendy, they're
neck and neck, folks!

It's hendy by a split second!

Mitch buchannon
taking second place.

[Dance music playing
over speakers]

-Donna: everybody, listen up!

A limo
just skidded off the road

By the topanga jetty.

-Yeah, right.
-Yeah, fall for that.

-No way.
-This is not a joke!

The limousine with people
in it is under water!

[Dramatic music]

-Man: please, help us!

[Muffled shouting]

-The door's jammed.
-There's too much pressure.

-Man: how are
we gonna get them out?

-I think we can
walk it into shore.
-Let's do it.

-One, two, three, go.

[Muffled shouting]

[Shouting over one another]



-Man 1: get 'em out of
there, let's go! Get 'em out!

-Man 2: it's all right, ma'am,
here let me help you out.

-You're gonna be okay.

I've got you, it's
gonna be okay.

-All right, just
make it to here.

[Sirens blaring]

-What a night.

-You guys can't
possibly be tired.

-We were carrying
all the weight.

-What do you mean you were
carrying all the weight?

The car was totally
titled to your side!

-Man 1: we had
the driver on our side.

-Man 2:
and the passengers.

-Maybe it's because
you guys are shorter.

[Shouting over one another]


-The water in the trunk
shifted to our side

And made it heavier.

-Hey! There's only
one way to settle this.

Come on.

[Talking over each other]

-Ready, one, two, three, lift.




[Closing theme playing]
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