07x15 - Life Guardian

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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07x15 - Life Guardian

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

[Camera shutter clicking]

-Female photographer:
okay, girls, that's it.

Big smile. [Camera clicking]



[Slow rock music]

[Camera clicking]

Big, big smile here.

[Pensive music]

-Hey, neely.


-Guess you didn't
expect to see me, huh?

-You could say I'm
a little surprised.

-Well, you look great.

-Thanks. So do you.

What are you doing here?

-Well, you know,
today would've been

Our fifth
wedding anniversary.

I, uh...

I just wanted to see ya,
see how you're doin'.

Maybe I shouldn't of come.

-You know, you
just can't expect me

To welcome you back
with open arms.

-I'm sorry, neely.

I know
I've made some mistakes,

And I've paid
a great price for it.

-So did i.

-Did I happen to mention
how great you look?

Would you have dinner
with me tonight?


I'll have dinner with you.

[Laughing, indistinct

-Derek: I got it,
I got it. Come on, guys.

-Timmy: right over
here. Throw it here!

-Derek: come on,
let's go get it.

-Timmy: there it is!

-I can see it now.

[Boys yelling]

-Derek: somebody help me!

I can't stand up anymore!

Somebody help me! Please!

[Boys yelling in distress]

Somebody help me!

[Dramatic music]

Somebody help me!
I can't swim!

[Boys yelling in distress]

[Choking, gurgling]

-Timmy: help!

[Choking, gurgling]

-What's goin' on?

-A rescue!
[Camera clicking]

-Help me!

[Coughing, gurgling]

-Man: over there!

[Camera clicking]

[Boys yelling indistinctly]

[Dramatic music]

[Boys hollering in distress]

-Boy: help us!

-Grab on. Grab on!

Are you alright?


Okay. Grab on. Grab on.

You gonna be okay?
-Juan: si.

-Okay. Good.

You guys okay?

Take 'em around the jetty.

I'm going back
for the other boy.


[Dramatic music]

[Camera clicking]
[indistinct chattering]

-Hold on.

-I got 'em.
-Okay. Get ready.

-I got 'em, take the can.
-Grab on.

-Alright, let's take 'em
around the jetty to the beach.

Come on.

[Dramatic music]

-You're gonna be alright.

I've gotcha.

[Dramatic music]

-Man 1: alright,
they got 'em! Yeah!

-Manny, stay with them, okay?

-Man 2: wait a minute, man.
There was three of them.

[Crowd chattering]

[Dramatic music]

[Intense music]

[Dramatic music]


-He's breathing.

Let me help.

-Let's swim in.

[Siren blaring]

-I got his legs!

[Dramatic music]
[siren blaring]

okay, set him down.

Watch his head.

He stopped breathing again.

-Neely: he's got a pulse.

-He's breathing.

His pupils are dilated.

[Speaking spanish]

Hey, can you hear me?
What's your name?

What's his name?
Does anybody know his name?

-Cual es el nombre de tu amigo?

-Derek. His name's derek.
-Derek. Hi, derek.

Hey, can you hear me?
Huh? Can you hear me?

If you can hear me,
move your fingers.

Come on, derek.
Move your fingers.

-I've got capillary refill.

-Derek, come on.

Move your fingers
for me. Please?

Please? Come on, you can do it.
Move your fingers.

-All right. We're
ready to roll on three.

One, two, three.

There we go.


-Caroline: I got this.

-We're gonna lift on three.

Ready? One, two, three.

[Dramatic music]

[Siren blaring]

-Do you speak english?

-He understands it.
He's just afraid to speak it.

What about derek?
Is he dead?

-No. No, honey,
he's not dead.

He, he just went
to the hospital.

Listen, I'm gonna need
his parent's number, okay?

-He doesn't have
any parents.

We live in a shelter.

We're homeless kids.

We came to the beach on a bus.

Mrs. Johnson doesn't
know we're here.

She's gonna be mad.

-Look, I'm gonna have
to call her, alright?

Come on, guys. Let's go.

Oh, uh...

What about your friend?
Where's your friend?

You know, the boy.

Uh, he was standing
on the rocks.

The boy who pointed out
to where derek was.

-No other friend came with us.

It was just the three of us.

-Okay. Come on.

[Monitor beeping]
[slow music]

-I hope he's gonna be okay.

-You did everything you could.

It's amazing you found him
as quickly as you did.

-Well, I never would've
found him if that boy

On the rocks hadn't
pointed out where he was.

[Approaching footsteps]

How is he?

-Well, he still hasn't
regained consciousness.

But his breathing is strong,

So we're just gonna
have to wait and see.


-Let us know if
anything changes?

-Yes, certainly. Excuse me.

-These are the lifeguards
that helped us, miss johnson.

-Hi. I'm, I'm caroline holden.

This is neely and manny.

-Neely: hi.

-Hi. I'm taylor johnson.

Juan and timmy told me
what happened.

Thank you for everything
that you've done.

How is derek?

-Um, he has not regained
consciousness yet.

-[Sighs] the boys have never
been to the beach before,

And none of them really
know how to swim.

Oh, god. [Crying]


[Slow music]


You're a little overdressed
for debriefing, aren't you?

-Well, I've got a date tonight.

-Oh, really?

-Oh. It wouldn't happen to
be with that gorgeous hunk

Of a man I saw you with
this morning, would it? Huh?

Who is he?

-Actually, he's a...

He's my ex-husband.

-Really? [Laughs]

6Wow. I, I had no idea you
were ever even married.

-Well, peter was my first love.

We got married right
outta high school.

We've been divorced
two years.

-What happened?

-I don't know.
Loneliness, I guess.

He worked all the time.

He's a commercial diver,
so he traveled a lot.

And my life revolved around his.

He could never understand
why I wasn't happy.

-And you're just, you're gonna
go out with this man again?

-I don't know.

He said that he was sorry,
that he made mistakes.

-Just you be careful, alright?

Don't make any
mistakes yourself.

-I won't. Thanks.

-Okay. We all know why we're
here, so let's get started.

I wanted to hold this debriefing
where the rescue took place

To make sure we followed
proper procedure.

-Is there any
update on the boy?

-Caroline, the boy
is still unconscious.

But he's breathing.

They don't know yet if
there's any brain damage.

Now, there is a
slight discrepancy

Between the incident reports.


Your report states there was
a fourth boy on the rocks.

Neely's report
doesn't mention him.

-That was the boy who pointed
to where derek was submerged.

-So neely, since the
boy wasn't a victim,

You just omitted him
from your report?

-I never say another boy
on the rocks.

-I didn't see anybody either.

-He was there.

-I didn't see
anyone out there.

-Guys, I'm, I'm not crazy.

-Look. Kids can move
real fast.

I'm sure there's a logical
explanation for this.

There was a boy on the rocks.

He was there.

[Monitor beeping]

-I know you're gonna
pull through this, derek.

Your friends are kinda worried
about you, but...

I'd really like to get a
chance to know you and...

Maybe we could be friends.

I could take you for
an ice cream, or...

Maybe you could come
down to the beach

And I could teach you to swim.

-Male doctor: hi.


-Would you excuse me
while I check on derek?

-Oh, yeah, of course.

[Receding footsteps]

[Door opens and closes]

Still no change
in his condition.

[Dramatic music]

-Doctor, who's that
boy standing there?

-What boy?


Well, he was...

He was just there.

He looked exactly like the boy
who I saw on the rocks.

-What boy on the rocks?

-That's the strangest thing.

[Dramatic music]
[monitor beeping]

[Fast beeping]

-Breathing and pulse
are normalizing.

Everything looks stable.

Derek, can you hear me?

-Oh, my god.

Doctor, look.

[Hopeful music]

-Hi. How's derek?

-Oh... Well,
he regained consciousness,

But the doctor wants
to keep him there

To run a few tests.

-Oh! How was your date?

-Oh. Confusing.

I don't know.

-Hm. Would you like
to talk about it?

-Dating your ex-husband
is so strange.

All I kept thinking about was

The memories and the past.

I don't know if they're
real or if I'm just...

Reliving my memories.

-Okay. Think about this.


Peter's your true love.

And you're having
all these feelings

Because he's the one you're
really meant to be with.

-Maybe. I'll find out tonight.

I'm seeing him again.

-Good luck.

See ya.

-Timmy: hi. What
are you doing here?

-Hi. Uh, I came to see derek.

I heard he was back
from the hospital.

-Sií, llegaba
a casa esta manana.

-Caroline. Hi.

-Hi. I hope you don't mind
me stopping by like this.

I called the hospital,
and the doctor told me

-That derek was released.
-How is he?

-Oh, he seems to
be really strong.

The doctor said he's gonna
make a full recovery.

Thanks to you.

-Is there a, a boy?

I don't know, maybe
a friend of derek's.

It could even be his
brother or his cousin.

He's about 10 years old and...

He's got a little gap
between his teeth.

-No. There's
no one here like that.

-Derek had a brother once.

-He was k*lled two years ago
by a g*ng member.

Juan, timmy, why don't you
guys take teresa and go play?

-Come on. Come on, teresa.

Derek's brother was k*lled.

That's, that's horrible.

-Around here the gangs start
recruiting the kids young.

I was hoping to send a few
of them to camp this summer.

You know, get 'em out
of this environment.

But the funding
didn't come through.

All I can tell you is they're
stuck here in this heat.

That's why the boys
snuck away to the beach.

-Well, i...

I wish there was something
that we could do.

Maybe they could come
to the beach supervised.

-That would be great.

-Could I see derek?

-Of course. Just a minute.


-Derek. Hi.

Um, my name's caroline,
and I know...

I know
you don't remember me.

-Miss johnson said you're
the one who saved my life.

-Well, I was, uh,
one of many who did.

Anyway, the reason
I'm here is that...

Well, I'd really like
to keep a promise

That I made to you
in the hospital.

I'd love for you to
come down to the beach

So I could teach you to swim.


No! I'm never
going there again!

Never in my whole life!

[Door slams]

[Dramatic music]

-Mitch: got these slides
from the photographer

Who was sh**ting on
the beach yesterday.

She said she shot
pictures of the rescue.

Some of them show the jetty.


Wh-what's goin' on?
What are you guys doin'?

-We're looking at
slides of your rescue.

You wanna see?

-Oh, yeah.

Here we go.

[Dramatic music]

That's it.

-Maybe it was a shadow
you saw or somethin'.

-No, no, no, no.
It was a boy.

I mean, he pointed.

Derek would not be alive if
he hadn't pointed him out.

-Caroline, I know you're
convinced you saw something,

But there's nothing
in the photographs.

I am not crazy, okay?

Look, I saw him again.

I saw him in the hospital.

I'm just, i...

I'm gonna get to
the bottom of this.

[Upbeat romantic music]

♪ All I need is your kisses

♪ All I need is your time

♪ Mother nature's got its wishes

♪ Together by my side

♪ There something here we can't resist

♪ So come over here let's take a risk

♪ All we really need is love

♪ To get us through the night

♪ All we really need is love

♪ Everything will be alright

♪ All we really need is love

♪ The rest of yours lives.

♪ The future

♪ I see my future in your eyes ♪

♪ When your looking into mine

♪ All I need is your comfort

♪ Just to know that your mine

♪ Hand in hand forever

♪ It's a beautiful life

♪ There something here we can't resist

♪ So come over here let's take a risk

♪ All we really need is love♪

♪ To get us through the night

♪ All we really need is love

♪ Everything will be alright

♪ All we really need is love

♪ The rest of yours lives.

♪ The future

♪ I see my future in your eyes


-Whoa, you look like
you're walking on air.

-Oh, I am.

Things are going
great with peter.

We're talking about
getting back together.

-That's, that's a little
fast, don't you think?

-It's not like we
just met, caroline.

We've been married, you know?

-Yeah, yeah,
I know, I'm just...

I'm sayin' it's a
little fast, that's all.

-It feels right.

-Okay... [Sighs].
Then I'm happy for you.

-Thanks. I'll see ya later.


[Dramatic music]

[Dramatic music]


-What are you doin' here?

-I'm, I'm not sure.

What are you doing here?

-Waitin' on some friends.

-Oh. Um, one of them
just walked by, right?

He, uh... He came down
this alley, um...

The guy who visited you
at the hospital.

You know, the guy who
was there at the beach

The day I saved you.
He's, um...

I don't know, he's
like 10, and...

Oh, he's got this little
gap between his teeth.

-I don't know
anybody like that.

What's wrong?

What are you looking for?

-Just friends.

-Does taylor know
that you're here?

-Yeah. Come on.

Come on!
Let's take you home.

Come on. [Chuckles]

[Indistinct conversation]

Come on, derek.
Let's go. [Exhales]

-Yo, derek. What's
up, little man?

I thought you were goin'
with us for a ride?

-I'm gonna take derek home.

-I said derek ain't
goin' nowhere with you.

-And what exactly are
you gonna do to stop me?

[Dramatic music]

-Now derek, you better
make a choice, man.

You goin' with the
lifeguard chick,

Or you gonna take
care of some business?

-Derek, let's go.

Come on, get in the car.

Derek, get in the car.

-Yo, what about
your brother, d?

You just gonna let those
guys who popped him

Walk around proud?


[Truck engine starts]

[Dramatic music]

-Next time you do
something crazy like that,

You call for back up.

And say what, mitch? Huh?

That I'm off to chase some
boy who, who no one ever sees?

-Caroline, maybe it's time
you talk to bob michaels.

-Caroline: you want me
to go to the county shrink?

-Yeah. I mean, look,
what do you--

-Look, mitch, that boy led me
straight to derek, alright?

If I hadn't followed him,
derek could've gone off

With one of those g*ng members.

[Sighs] mitch, it's like
those kids, they're drowning.

They're drowning in
poverty, and, and,

g*ng v*olence, and just
hopelessness, you know?

I wanna give them
something to hope for.

Something to show them
that there's a way out.

-Like what?
-Like a camp.

We could call it
camp baywatch.

I mean, I know it's
not the entire answer,

But at least it's
a start, you know?

It's a foundation
to build up from.

-Camp baywatch.

Pretty interesting.

[Hopeful music]

-I got a call from
my company today.

I'm being sent on a
dive job in alaska.

I leave on saturday.

-For how long?

-At least a year.

Come with me.

-[Sighs] why do I feel
like I'm reliving my past?

you were younger then.

It was harder to leave
your family and friends,

But now, what's--

[Sighs] peter, you know
how much I care about you.

But I'm not just the kind
of person that can move

From place to place.

A month here, a year there.

It's not me.

It wasn't two years ago,
and it's not now.

-Neely, you know I love you.

I'll probably
always love you.

-Just not enough to
change who you are.

-I guess we're a lot alike.

-I know.

[Melancholy music]

-Thank you so much for
bringing derek back.

I was worried to
death about you.

Where did you find him?

-Oh, I'm just gonna have
to let derek tell you

That little story.

-So, where are the
other kids at, anyway?


We try to go to bed
around here early.

-I'm tired.

Um, caroline...

Do you think you
could tuck me in?

-Um, yeah.

I'd love to tuck you in.



Where did you find him?

-Goodnight, caroline.

Thanks a million.

-That's all right.

Goodnight, derek.

[Dramatic music]

Oh, my god.


-Who is...

Who is this?

-That's my mom.

And that was my brother.

-Your brother who died?

I, um...

I had a sister who died, too.

-You did?


[Exhales] and I miss
her very, very much.

-I miss my brother, too.




[Insistent knocking]


[Door closes]

You look like you've
just seen a ghost.

-I think I did.

-What happened?

-That boy I keep seeing?

He looks exactly like
derek's brother who was...


-Well, they say everybody
does have a double.

-And everyone has a
guardian angel, too.

-[Sighs] manny thinks I keep
seeing derek's guardian angel.


-Really. Exactly.
That's what I said.

-Explains why he
keeps saving derek.

And why no one else can
see him but caroline.

-And why is caroline the
only person who could see him?

-Because she was the only
one who could save him.


-Ugh. There's no such
thing as guardian angels.

-We all have one, caroline.

I bet stephanie's yours.

-Wait a second.

Now, if stephanie was
watching over me, i...

I would know it.

[Electricity buzzing]

What was that?

-You know, if there are such
things as guardian angels,

I bet stephanie would be one.

[Upbeat music]
[kids chattering excitedly]

♪ Clouds fill sky but

♪ Hold in hold bails of rain

♪ It knows we repeat the past over and over again ♪

♪ No matter how many times,
we say we've evolved ♪

♪ But we're paralyzed, our spirits cry

♪ Looking for peace and change

♪ Searching for a light to lift us high

♪ For a hero's strength to pick us up

♪ To break the walls and make a change

♪ Keep our hearts facing the sunshine

♪ And we will never break

♪ No more crying babies

♪ Or shoeless feet

♪ Had a lot of doubt

♪ That I would see

♪ Illusions of a brighter scene

♪ Tomorrow may bring another day

♪ But will it bring the escape from this disarray? ♪

♪ Searching for a light to lift us high

♪ For a hero's strength to pick us up

♪ To break the walls and make a change

♪ Keep our hearts facing the sunshine

♪ And we will never break

♪ You're the hero I've been
searching for so long ♪

♪ Helped me see the strength and courage I had in me all along ♪

♪ You're the hero I've been
searching for so long ♪

♪ Helped me see the strength and courage I had in me all along♪

♪ Searching for a light to lift us high

♪ For a hero's strength to pick us up

♪ To break the walls and make a change

♪ Keep our hearts facing the sunshine

♪ And we will never break

♪ Searching for a light to lift us high

♪ For a hero's strength to pick us up

♪ To break the walls and make a change

♪ Keep our hearts facing the sunshine

♪ And we will never break

♪ And we will never break

♪ And we will never break


This is a gift for you.

I want you to have it.

And who knows...

Someday, maybe you'll
be a lifeguard, too.

-Thanks, manny.

-Caroline: I can't
believe we pulled it off.

-Yeah, none of these kids will
ever forget this experience.

-It was your vision that
started the whole thing.

-Oh, come on. You
got the financing.

-I can't believe ford
gave us an expedition

To transport the kids.

-It's awesome, huh?

-Oh, the kids are
great, aren't they?

-Oh, hey, have you
seen derek around?

-Yeah. I just saw him
go in the locker room.

-Okay. Great.

[Triumphant music]


thanks for saving my life.

And for teaching me how to swim.

Camp baywatch was the most
fun I've had in my whole life.

I love you.

-Oh. I love you, too.

Come on. Let's go
join the others, okay?


[Melancholy music]

[Closing theme playing]
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