08x01 - Rookie Summer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x01 - Rookie Summer

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Mitch: every year,
hundreds of hopefuls show

Up at baywatch for
lifeguard try outs.

Only the top 15 make
it into rookie school.

The fastest, strongest swimmers
usually get those spots,

But every year someone makes
it on sheer will power,

Courage and determination.

-My full name is
leylani miloa mckenzie.

My mother's native hawaiian.

I was raised in honolulu
so I practically

Grew up in the water.

I'm a certified diver
and I used

To be a fairy decent surfer.

-Why do I want this job?

Mostly for the babes, I guess.

No, but I work really
hard at it too, you know.

-I've been a lifeguard
the last three summers

On this little lake where
my family has a cabin.

It's in wisconsin.

-My name is cheryl
waylin and I've always

Looked up to lifeguards ever
since I was a little kid.

I'm glad I finally have
a chance to be one.

-I'm here because
being a lifeguard means

That you can make a
difference in people's lives.

You know, like, saving someone

From a dangerous situation.

-I'm hobie buchannon and
I'm here because my dad

Said it was either rookie
school or summer school.

-I wanna be a dancer
and a choreographer.

Maybe some day.

My mother was a
famous hula dancer

Before she met my dad and
started having babies.

I have five brothers
and sisters.

-My family was always into
breaking racial stereotypes.

You know how
there's this thing

That black people
can't swim?

Well, my mother chose
me to personally prove

That wasn't true.

-Are you cold or just nervous?

-A little bit of both I think.

I'm mostly a pool
swimmer, I'm not used

To dealing with the elements.

-Here, take this, rub
this on your arms and legs.

It's a natural insulator.
Helps keep the body heat in.


-Hold still.

-I was a state
champion in high school.

I still hold the record for the
400 meter individual medley.

-Okay, here's your number.

-I'm currently training
to become an emergency

Medical technician.

-All right, hold your fist up.


-This year, hobie
is trying out.

Only I don't know if he's
doing it for me or for himself.

You look terrific, how much
sleep did you get last night?


Give me a break all right?

Friday's the only night
we get to rehearse late.

-Did you get something to eat?

-Yeah, connor's
mom made us oatmeal.

Look, dad, I know how
much this means to you.

I'm not going to let you down.

-Mitch: I remember
my rookie summer.

The nervous energy,
the anticipation,

Sometimes I wish
I could go back

And do it all over again.

-Hey, manny.

-Hey, newmie.

-You ready for the race?

-What are you kidding?

I've been here since
the crack of dawn.

Check this out.

-All right, number
one, you the man.

-I know.

-Hey, manny, save a
little for the swim.

-No problem.

-Come on.

-Cody? Cody, remember me?

Lani mckenzie? I was your dive
guide in hawaii last year.

-Yeah, right. So, you finally
made it to the main land.

You wanted to
be a dancer right?

-Yeah, I remember you talking
about being a lifeguard.

Figured it'd be a good
way to support myself

Until I hit the big time.

-Well, good luck today.

-Chief: good, okay.

-Chief, you wanted to see me?

-Yeah, so how do
the rookies look this year?

-[Sighs] younger.

-Get used to it.

-What's this?

-The results of
the captain's test.

-How did I do?

-Well, if I didn't know
any better, I'd say someone

Slipped you an advanced
copy of the exam.

-Well, I picked up a thing
or two over the last 25 years.

-Mm, my only question
is when can you start?

-[Laughs] just because I
took the test doesn't mean

I want the job.

-Oh, come on, mitch, you're
the most qualified person

For the position and I still
hold you personally responsible

For creating the opening.

-Don't try and pin that on me.

I wasn't the reason
samantha quit.

I just helped her realize
that maybe she was still

In love with her ex-husband.

-Frankly, I never understood
how you two got together

In the first place.

-Could we talk about
this after the swim?

-Thank you.

All right, good morning,
and welcome. Listen up.

First priority is safety.

When you run from the
finish line into the water,

Use caution.

There are severe in shore hold.

If at any time you feel
you cannot finish the race,

There will be lifeguards
in the water to assist you.

The first 20 finishers will
be given these red sticks.

From those 20, 15 will be
chosen for rookie school.

Good luck.

-I'm studying fashion
design at cal arts,

So I really need this job so
that I can stay in school.

-The swim coach at
pepperdine is interested in me

As long as I can
keep my grades up.

-I originally wanted to work
in an er, but then one day,

I saw your call car
respond to an accident

On the bike path and I
realized as a lifeguard,

I'd have the best
of both worlds.

-I'm good in the water, I
like coming to the beach,

I need this job.

-Every morning at
the crack of dawn,

She drove me to the
michigan bay swim club.

Usually against my
will, but it got me

A scholarship to college
and hopefully this job.

-Yeah, I never really
had a job before.

Oh, wait a second, I
was a bouncer at my
college frat house.

Does that count for anything?

-Aside from the obvious
family connection,

The thing I like most
about being a lifeguard

Is I can work days and have
nights free for my band.

We're really starting
to sound good.

-[Dramatic music]

-Jordan: swimmers,
on your marks.

-[g*nsh*t firing]


-There's a real prospect.

Looks like her feet are
stuck to the bottom.

Ten bucks says she doesn't
make the final cut.

-You're on.

-Come on, hobie,
stop screwing around.

-Newmie: you're
gonna owe me 10 bucks.

-How did she get out there?

-Short and compact
stroke, no wasted motion.

You should watch her, you
might learn something.

-Double or nothing says she
doesn't make the final cut.

-It's about time.

-Man: you're
almost done! Go, go!


-Mitch: come
on, you guys, go!


-Come on,
go, go, go!


-Mitch: all right, manny!

Come on, go, go, go!

Come on, lani! Let's go, go!



-Mitch: whoa, whoa,
whoa, hey. That's enough.

Knock it off!

-He was all over me out there!

He should be disqualified,
what are you blind?

-I was watching,
if anybody should

Be disqualified it's you.

-Mitch: hang on, hang on.

These guys are on
report. Knock it off!

-Come on, up to
headquarters, both of you.

-Hey, hey, hey. You
gonna be all right?

You got nothing
to be ashamed of,

You gave it your
best shot out there.

-Thanks for letting me try
out, lieutenant buchannon.

Have a great summer, I'm
sorry I won't be a part of it.

-[Soft music]

-Hey, cheryl, great
swim. Congratulations.

-Thanks, thanks, thanks a lot.

Thanks for the ointment.

It's so cold out there.


-Thank you.

-Good swim, ladies.


-9:30 Tonight,
that's set in stone?

No last minute fooling around?

Don't worry, I won't be late.


-Good news?

-Yeah, I'm performing
tonight at romeo's.

You know, the dance club?

-Yeah, sure.

-It's amateur night, I'm
trying out a new routine.

You should come.

-Listen up! Listen up!

Is there an
april giminski here?

-Oh, that's you.

-Yeah! Right here.

-April, it turns out
that one of the qualifiers

Tore a hamstring and
you're next in line

For the open spot.

You interested?

-Are you kidding?
I really made it?

-All right, april!

-Thank you so much.

-Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute.

I finished ahead of her.

-Yeah, I know.

-So how come I
don't get the spot?

-It's not all about
physical ability.

-Yeah, I guess it's
who's the biggest suck up,

That's how you
get to be a lifeguard.

-No, it's about
who we can count on.

-Yeah, well, good luck if
you're gonna count on her, pal.

-Girl: what a jerk.



-[Upbeat music]

-♪ You're tantalizing

♪ I love to watch you move

♪ You're mesmerizing

♪ I need to feel your groove

♪ I've got a purpose

♪ For wanting to see more of you ♪

♪ Beneath the surface

♪ I'm undercover
so that I can uncover you ♪

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it ♪

♪ I can never get enough

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it
I can never get enough ♪

♪ The way you work it

♪ The way you work the room

♪ My heart is zooming

♪ Its going boom, boom, boom

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it ♪

♪ I can never get enough

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it
I can never get enough ♪

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ I can never get enough ♪

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it
I can never get enough ♪

♪ You're tantalizing

♪ You're mesmerizing

♪ I'm fantasizing

♪ You make my head spin

♪ You make my mind sin

♪ I will do anything
for you to let me in ♪

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ Shake it shake it ♪

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it
I can never get enough ♪

♪ Shake it shake it

♪ When you shake it down it get's me up

♪ Shake it shake it
I can never get enough ♪

-[Cheering and applause]


-I've almost forgotten
how beautiful you are.

-Let go.

-She said let go.

-Didn't take you very
long to find him, did it?

-You know this guy?

-Yeah, she knows me.

Now why don't you
leave us alone?

-No, I don't think she
wants to be with you.

-You know, I don't really
care what you think.

-Oh, really?

-Okay, pal, get out here.

-That's my girlfriend.

-No, I'm not.

-See ya.

-Bouncer: keep
moving, come on.

-Who is he?

-You don't even wanna know.

-Bouncer: get out of here.


-Now I do want to know.

-Darren and I used to go out.

-What was that bit
about you finding me?

-I don't know, he's crazy.

He thinks I came to
the main land for you.

-What? How is that possible?

-When you were diving in
hawaii, he saw us talking

And thought you were
trying to hit on me.

-Oh, jeez.

Like I said, he's nuts.

-What's he doing here?

-I have no idea. He must
have been following me.


-Want some company?


-Your name's cheryl, right?

-I'm lani.

-Hi. God, you're an
incredible swimmer

-Oh, thanks, you, too.

-Lani. We need to talk.


-It's okay.

What are you doing here?

-I promised your parents
I'd check up on you.

-Lani: you talked
to my parents?

-Miss you
almost as much as I do.

Thought maybe I could
get you to come home.

I came in on a freighter.
I'm leaving tomorrow.

I miss you.

I want you to come
back to hawaii with me.

-Look, darren, I
have no intention

Of going back to hawaii or
getting back together with you.

I'm sorry, but it's
time to move on.

Have a good life.

-[Soft music]

-Newmie: all right, let
me have your attention.

Okay, now, if you're
caught out in heavy surf

With your victim, I'm gonna
show you guys what to do.

-What's going on?

-Newman can't wait for
rookie school to start.

Better get in there so
you don't miss anything.

-Hi! See ya.


-[Suspenseful music]

-Newmie: now, let's
get started.

I need a volunteer. Manny?

Come here.

All right, you reach your
arms around the victim.

You hold the can to his
chest, you lean back

And you float and
you'll starve to death

Before you drown.

But remember, if you can't
get in, you wanna stay

Out beyond the surf line
and wait for the scarab

Or one of the other rescue
boats to come pick you up.

You can't afford to harm
your victim or put yourself

In any kind of danger.

If you know you're not
going to make it in,

Raise your hand up real high,
one of the boat lieutenants

Will see that you need
assistance and he'll go ahead

And back the boat back
into the surf line.

Always approach
from the trance.

Keeping an eye on
the boat lieutenant.

Keep eye contact with
them all the time

Because if an outside set
comes in, he's gonna have

To hit the throttle and
get out of there quickly.

You don't want to be half
way getting that victim

On board the back of that
boat white it sets [mumbles].

There's two
things to remember,

Always keep eye contact
with that boat lieutenant,

Always make sure that
the boat is in neutral

Before you enter the area.

-Oh, my god, what's going on?

-What's your problem?

-My problem?

My problem is that the
waves around here suck.

-Maybe you should
find another beach.

-Maybe you should get
your arms off my board.

-If you're not gone by the
time I get back to my tower,

I'm calling the cops.

-What does she see
in a loser like you?

-Start paddling.

-Why don't you make
me, beach boy, huh?

I mean, come on, lani's
watching, why don't you show her

How tough you are, huh?

Come on, man, let's go.

Come on, man, make a move.

-Newmie: everybody stay here.

-[Groaning and grunting]

Hey, let him go!
Come on, let's go!

What's going on here?

-This guy's a lunatic!

-Hey, I'm out here surfing
and he knocks me off my board.

-Newman's this is the
guy that's been following

And harassing lani!

-Hey, if anyone's getting
harassed, it's me!

I'm out of here!

-The hell you are!

-Newmie: let it go.

-What are you talking about?

I'm having him arrested!

-No, you're not,
let him go, man.

-Why don't you come
and get me, beach boy?

You're lucky I don't come back
here and sue your ass off.

-Come on, let's go.
Let's go in, come on.

Let's go.

Who is this guy?
How do you know him?


Where did he come from?

-Cody, are you okay?

-You should be careful.
That guy's a freak.

-I don't know what's
gotten into him.

I'm just sorry that you
got caught in the middle.

-Don't worry about me,
what are you gonna do?

-He leaves for hawaii tomorrow.

I'll be okay, he's
not going to hurt me.

-[Dramatic music]

-Mitch: hey, hob,
can you come down here?

I need some help.

-What's for
dinner? I'm starved.

-Tacos, why don't you start
with the guacamole please.

You know, I was a little
surprised you finished

So far back this morning.

-At least I made it, right?

It's not like junior guards,
I was up against college kids.

-Well, I thought you'd
be more competitive.

You hardly broke a sweat.

-Once again, I failed to
live up to your standards.

-All right, look, we haven't
really talked about this,

But if your heart's
not into it, then maybe

You shouldn't be out there.

-Dad, just because I don't
eat, sleep and breathe

Lifeguarding doesn't
mean I'm not into it.

Besides, no matter
how good I do,

I'm still gonna be
compared to you.

It's not easy following in the
footsteps of a living legend.

You might want to take
that into consideration.

-Maybe I will.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-So, anyway, what did the, uh,
chief say about your promotion?

-Well, we had a long talk
about it this morning.

-So, when's it
gonna go through?

-It's not, I turned it down.

-You're not going
to be captain? Why?

-Because it's not what I
want in my life right now.

-Dad, when I say that about
college, you go ballistic.

-Hobster, I'm at a point
in my life where I need

To figure out
what's coming next.

So, I told the chief, just
give me a tower so I can watch

My water, I wanna be a normal
every day lifeguard again.

-And what'd she say?

-That I need to
see a therapist.

-Might not be a bad idea.

-That's very funny, how
many tacos do you want?

-Okay four.

-Let's get some more
of these avocados.

-[Soft music]

-Donna: thank you for waiting.

I'm connecting you to
his tower, go ahead.

You know, they don't teach
you this in rookie school

But the switchboard is where
most rookies start out.

-Donna, this thing
belongs in a museum.


-It is ancient, but effective.

Oh, here we go, who
wants to go first?

-I'll go.


Good afternoon,
baywatch headquarters.


Good afternoon,
baywatch headquarters.

They hung up.


Good afternoon,
baywatch headquarters.

-Yeah, who's this?

-Cheryl: cheryl waylin.

-Hey, cheryl, it's cody.

-Oh, hi, cody.

-Oh, put him on the
speaker. Right here.

-Hi, cody, it's
donna. What's up?

-Cody: have you seen lani?

-No, why?

-She was supposed to meet
me here over an hour ago

And she never showed up.

-Cheryl: I haven't
seen her since yesterday

When you got into that fight.

-Yeah, hey, bro, what was
up with that guy anyway?

-I don't know, it's
her old boyfriend.

-Cheryl: he's weird, lani
and I were running on the beach

The other day and it was
like he was stalking her.

-I gotta find this guy.

Did lani say anything
about where he was staying?

-No, but he did say he'd
come over on a freighter.


Donna, can you connect me
with the harbor master?

-Sure, why?

-Cody: I need the names
of every cargo vessel

That's come in from
hawaii in, let's say,

The last week.

-You got it, cody.

Baywatch headquarters
to harbor master.

Patching you through to
lifeguard cody madison.

-[Somber music]

-Now it won't do
any good to scream

'Cause there's
nobody else on board.

-Darren, why are
you doing this?

Don't you know how
much trouble you're in?

-I'm just taking you
back where you belong.

-Against my will?
That's kidnapping.

-Lani, I'm taking you home.

Now, someday you'll realize
that what I'm doing here

Is I'm saving your life.

-[Soft music]

-So how am I
doing so far, doc?

-So far, so good.

-I've been taking really
good care of myself.

I've been eating right,
I've been working out.

-Okay, look past my shoulder.

You need to take out
your contact lenses.

-I'm sorry, I forgot
that they were in.

These are the kinds you
only have to take out

Like once a week.

-You won't be allowed
to wear them during

The sight test either.

Step up to the line.

Cover your left eye and
read each line slowly.

-E, f, p

T, o, z,

E, b.

-Okay, cover the right eye.

Start from the second line.

-F, p, t, o, z,

E, b, o

P, t.

Is your dad still up
there with the doctor?

-He just split,
let's go talk to him.

Bro, don't worry about it.

You don't have to have 20/20
vision to be a lifeguard.

-[Exhales heavily]

Dad, is it cool if we come in?

-Yeah, yeah, come on in.

Listen, can I call
you back? Okay.

-What's going on here, mitch?

What'd the doctor
say about me?

-Manny, the doctor
said your eyesight

Doesn't meet county

-How come I had to take the
test without my contacts?

I see a lot of veterans
around here wearing them.

Newmie, caroline?
Why, mitch?

Why is there a double
standard for rookies?

-Manny, contact lenses
aren't the issue here.

In order to become
a county lifeguard,

You have to have 20/30 vision
without corrective lenses.

Yours is 20/40.

Mitch, I can see just as
good as anybody out there.

In fact, I never had
a problem when I was

With the junior lifeguards.

I bet you didn't even
know that I wore contacts.

-I didn't.

-Is there any way
that I can appeal this?

I can never
become a lifeguard?


Not for the county, not
under the current rules.

-What about the lasik surgery
that gives you 20/20 vision?

I know friends that
have had it done.

-Like I can afford that?

Get real, man.

-Manny, there is
one way you can still

Become a lifeguard.


-Well, they're hiring
at the sand and sea.

It's a private club and their
requirements aren't nearly

As strict as the county's.

They usually take the
people I recommend.

-Yeah, so that way I can
just be down the beach, huh?

And everybody will
know I'm a reject!

No, thanks, mitch. I trained
to be a county lifeguard!

Not some second
rate cabana boy.

Who makes up
these rules anyway?

Did they know that I was
at the top of my class

In the junior lifeguards?

Did they see me win
the qualifying swim?

They don't know jack!

But you, you do, mitch.

And all you can do
is throw me a bone.

The beach club?

Thanks for nothing!

-[Glass shattering]

-[Suspenseful music]

-You remember when
we used to cook

On the beach at kapalua?

Just you and me.

Trade winds blowing through.

Waves rolling in.

Your hair still smells the
same way it did back than.

Why are you crying?

Look, nobody's gonna
hurt you, lani.

You trust me, don't you?

-Yeah, I trust you.

I just don't love
you any more.


-Be a good girl.

I'll be right back.


-Help! Help!

-You just couldn't mind
your own business, could you?

She's mine!


-Are you okay?

-I'll survive, how about you?

-Lani: it's been a long day.

-Cody: you can say that again.

-Newmie: hobie's
competitive with you, mitch.

What are you gonna do?

-I think the best thing to
do is to avoid direct contact

With hobie, you know?

I don't wanna look
like I'm favoring him

And I don't want to
be overly critical.

I'm just gonna leave him
in your hands, all right?

-Wise decision as
opposed to you turning

Down the captain's job,
mitch, what are you thinking?

-Newmie, I was thinking
about my rookie summer.

How I couldn't wait to get
to the beach every day.

You know, I wanna feel
that passion again.

-Yeah, well, you know what,
I'd like to have a full head

Of hair again but it
ain't gonna happen.

-Manny's mom called
headquarters again.

Sounded pretty upset. Said he
didn't come home last night.

-Yeah, you might want to
talk to her and explain

To her what happened.

-Why don't you go ahead?
I'll get things going.

-All right, thanks.

-[Soft music]

-Come on, mckenzie,
keep it going.

Hey, hey, what's up?

-I've been trying to
explain our outdated vision

Requirements to manny's mom.

Anyway, whatever happened
with your old boyfriend?

You gonna be okay?

-Yes, as soon as he
gets out of the hospital,

They're sending
him back to hawaii.

-He's wanted there
on an as*ault charge,

So we probably won't even
have to testify against him.

-Yeah, I just hope
they keep him away

For a nice, long time.

-Well, now all I have to
worry about is getting

Through rookie school.

-Well, it looks like you
got a pretty good coach.

-Yeah, we're trying
to keep her in shape.

Come on, mckenzie,
stop trying to stall.

-All right. [Laughs]

-Mitch: catch you guys later.


-[Electric guitar riff]

-[End theme plays]
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