08x02 - Next Generation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x02 - Next Generation

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

-♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ Its gonna be alright

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Mitch: last
time on baywatch...

-The results of the captain's
test, when can you start?

-You're not gonna
be captain, why?

-I wanna be a normal
everyday lifeguard again.

Is there an
april giminski here?

-Yeah, right here.

-Mitch: you're next in
line for the open spot.

-I finished ahead of her.

-It's not all about
physical ability,

It's about who
we can count on.

-Yeah, good luck if
you're gonna count on her.

-Manny, the doctors
said your eyesight

Doesn't meet county

-I can never
become a lifeguard?


-Thanks for nothing!

-[Shattering glass]

-[Gentle music]

♪ All that I ever wanted in this world

♪ Was to swim against the tide and the
swirl ♪

♪ Tried to find the best inside make a

♪ Path way ocean wide ♪

♪ I only wanted something simple to love

♪ But with all the bother from high above

♪ Right now, everything is lost

♪ Now everything is torn apart

♪ Gone for good and that the hardest part

♪ And now I'm, stuck in reverse alone

♪ When you've got something

♪ You know that just can't be
replaced ♪

♪ How will I make it home?

♪ How will I make it home tonight?

♪ Its all I ever wanted

♪ How will I make it home tonight?

♪ Somewhere

♪ A silver lining shines

♪ How will I make it

♪ Home tonight?

♪ Send me an angel from above

♪ Come lift me up tonight

♪ Lift me up tonight

♪ Send me an angel from above

♪ To lift me up

♪ Lift me up tonight

♪ A storm has come and broke

♪ Into a lonely fight

♪ With the all pain above somehow I could
not see the light ♪

♪ I tried to jump the fence

♪ To find the calm inside my heart

♪ We try so hard not to fall apart ♪

♪ We push we fall

♪ And as these shattered dreams break

♪ Into so many pieces

♪ Will they ever be replaced?

♪ How will I make it

♪ Home tonight?

♪ Send me an angel from above

♪ To lift me up

-Good morning.


-I got a message you called.

Hopefully you've had
a change of mind.

-Chief, I want you
to see something.

-What's this?

-The employment requirements
for the police department,

The fire department, and
the state lifeguards.

I have highlighted the
vision requirements

For each department.

-20/40, 20/40, 20/40.

-We're one of the few
departments that still require

20/30 Vision for
incoming personnel.

And do you know
when the last time

Our standards were revised?

-Well I'm going to say
late 70's, early 80's.

-1978, A lifetime
ago when you consider

The advances made
in contact lenses.

As a result we are
losing an untold number

Of highly qualified individuals,
like manny gutierrez.

Oh, by the way his
file's in there as well.

-You know this
is highly unusual.

-But within your
authority if done

For the good
of the department.

-Oh I'm not talking about
waiving the requirement.

I'm talking about
a 25 year veteran

Going to bat for
a rookie washout.

Now this is something that
you expect from a captain,

Not from a normal,
everyday lifeguard.

-This is not about
me, it's about manny.

-Yes, and where would manny
be if you were still sitting

In your tower watching the
water, recapturing your youth?

These kids need more than
tanning tips or a few pearls

Of your wisdom, mitch,
they need your leadership.


-Anyone want to go
over this manual?

I never realized
you had to know

This much stuff
to be a lifeguard.

-Tell me about it.

-We can study tonight,
I'm going in the water.

-Me too, newmie says I gotta
work on my ins and outs.

-Your what?

-Come on, let's go.

-Uh, if you're going for a
swim, take a rescue can with you

So you can get the feel of
what it's like in the water.


-Hey wait, I can't
figure this out.

-Well which side do you
breathe on when you swim?

-The left.

-Okay, then you wanna put
it over your right shoulder.

Like that.


So, what do you
guys think of hobie?

-Hobie buchannon?

-Mitch's son?

-He's still in high school.

-But he's
graduating this year.

He offered to be my personal
tutor for rookie school.

-Uh oh, kinda sounds serious.

-Too bad it's not mitch.

So what'd you say?

-Are you kidding?

I'm gonna need all
the help I can get.

-[Techno music]

-What was that?

-Some jerk.

-Is everyone okay?

-Girls: yeah.


What's he doing?

-[Dramatic music]

-Look out guys,
he's coming back.



April! Stop!

-[Dramatic music]


-April, are you okay?

-Yeah, I think so.

Just give me a second.

-Help me swim her in.

-We've gotta tell the
lifeguards about this.


-April, there's a lunatic
running around out there.

-You guys, we don't
even know who it was.

Look, no one was hurt okay,

So we don't need to make
a big deal out of this.

Guys, I don't
want them thinking

I can't handle
myself in the water.

-[Gentle music]

Hi, remember me?

April giminski.

-Mitch: sure, how you doing?

-Great, and you?

-Great, never
had a better day.

-I just wanted
to thank you again

For picking me
for rookie school.

-Come on up.

-I still can't
believe that I made it.

I mean I was so
depressed after the race

And now it's like I
can't stop smiling.

-Well april, you
got all the makings

Of a really good lifeguard.


-Well almost all the makings.

You need to work on
your ins and outs.

-Oh, yeah.

You mean getting in
and out of the water.

I know, I felt like
a klutz out there

Tripping over my own
feet, but you know,

We don't get surf like
that up at lake watanabe.

-You'll get the hang of it.

-Well, I just wanted you
to know how grateful I am.

And I'm really looking
forward to this summer.

-You should be, it's
a real special time.

I'll never forget
my rookie summer.

-Why? What made it so special?

-Being on the beach,

Having a job,

Falling in love.

Her name was betsy wexler.

I worked at tower 33,

The old tower on the bluff.

-Mitch: betsy used
to walk up and sunbathe

By my tower everyday.

I'd sometimes watch
her through binoculars.

I'd seen a lot of girls
patrolling the beach,

None held a candle to betsy.

♪ She is my california dream

♪She's lovely like a summer breeze,

♪By the warm blue sea ♪

♪ She is better than ice cream

♪ Tasty like tangerines,

♪You know what I mean ♪

♪ On the beach, under the sun ♪

♪ Within reach, so much fun

♪ The ocean breeze is blowing

♪ Through her hair

♪ Smell the roses on her skin ♪

♪ So beautiful, where to begin

♪ I cannot help myself but stare

♪ She is my california dream ♪

♪ She's hotter than the sunbeams

♪ Shining down on me

♪ She is a pearl in a sea of girls

♪ With a smile she could save my world

♪ Living the dream

♪ On the sand, under the sun

♪ Gettin' tan, she's the one

♪ The summer breeze is blowing through her
hair ♪

♪ Smell the lotion on her skin ♪

♪ So beautiful, where to begin

-Mitch: betsy and I
would meet at the jetty

And watch the
sailboats come in.

I'd give her my rookie jacket

And we'd stay there
until the sun went down.

We were supposed to meet there
the night she was leaving,

But she never showed up.

Never got my jacket back,
or heard from betsy again.

-April: that's so sad.

-Mitch: I've always
wondered what happened to her.

And the jacket.

-April, what's wrong?

-Nothing's wrong, I just
have a headache that's all.

-Are you sure
you're up for this?

-Why are you guys
so worried about me?

I'm fine.


-[Rock music]

-Newmie: alright
mackenzie, nice leg action.

Keep your way forward.

Good! Good!

-There's a rip
forming so be careful

When you get close
to the pilings.

-How can you tell?

-Discolored water,
irregular wave pattern,

See how much brown out there?

-Rookie: not really.

-Hobie: look, see where
it's flattening out?

-Rookie: oh wait, now I do.

-April, are you alright?

You look a little pale.

-No, I'm fine, I'm just
trying to concentrate.

-Alright, who's up next?

-Guess that's me.

-Newmie: come on,
let's go! Lets go!

Come on, come on!

Let's go, let's go!

Hustle, come on!

Alright, come on I wanna
see your knees up giminski,

All the way to your chin.

Nice form, but you
can't see the victim

With your head in the water.

A lifeguard swims
with her head up.

Head up!

Hey, buchannon, you're up!

Come on, hustle buchannon!

Come on, let's go, let's go!

Let's go!

What is this, slow motion?

I wanna see those legs
pumping buchannon!

-[Dramatic music]

-Hobie: april, are you okay?

-Just, I don't know.


-April! April, are you alright?

What's wrong?


-April: I can't make it hobie.


-[Dramatic music]

-Newmie: support
her weight hobie,

I'm gonna try and
get her foot out.

Alright, easy down, got her?

-Got her.

-That's it, hold her neck.

Support her neck.

Alright, keep her supported.

-[Dramatic music]


Keep her head straight.

Keep her head straight.

-Okay, we're
ready with the board.

-I've got the c-collar.

-Alright, keep
traction on her head

Until we get that collar on.

-Hobie: I got it.

-Thank you hobie.

-You're gonna be alright.

-Alright, she all secure?


-One, two, three, up.

Alright, easy, easy now.

-[Dramatic music]


-So april suffered a slight
concussion, that's it huh?

-Yeah, she's only gonna
be out for a couple of days

Thanks to hobie.

You know, you don't have
to worry about him.

He's got lifeguarding
in his blood.

What's up with manny?

-Well I went and
saw his mother,

She wasn't surprised that
he flew off the handle.

She said becoming a lifeguard

Was all he seemed
to care about.

-You know I hate to lose a kid
like that on a technicality.

With these new contact lenses

A person's uncorrected
vision really doesn't matter.


-Mitch, I wanna apologize

For the things that I said,

And the way that I behaved.

I am ashamed of myself,

And I want to help pay
for all of the damages

That I did to your office.

-Forget about it.

-No, really.

-Don't worry,
it's in the budget.

Forget about it.

-Mitch, I didn't come
here just for that.

I was hoping that...

That you'll still recommend
me to the sand and sea club.

-You sure you want that?

-It'll only be for a year.

I've decided to put
college off for a while,

And work full time so that I
can pay for that laser surgery

Hobie was talking to me about.

-Manny, hold on a minute, look.

-Mitch, all my life, I never
felt like I belonged anywhere.

Until I came to baywatch.

I said to myself from
day one, that I would do

Whatever it takes to
become a county lifeguard.

And despite everything
that's gone down,

I still feel that way.

I still want it.

Mitch, now I want
it more than ever.

-[Rock music]

-♪ I gotta keep it real

♪ I gotta feel

♪ I want to be everything you fear

♪ I wanna shake it

♪ Wanna break it
gotta move it till I make it ♪

♪ I'm riding high on the sky

♪ And I'm cruising out of sight

♪ So tell me if you're with me coz we're
running out of time ♪

♪ You move so fast wanna catch your wave ♪

♪ You light me up and I want you next to
me ♪

♪ I don't care if you misbehave

♪ Won't you give it to me wont you rescue
me ♪

♪ Cos I'm on fire

♪ I'm riding higher

♪ Cos I'm on fire

♪ I'm riding higher

♪ Higher

-Lani: april, doesn't
that look like the guy

That tried to run us down?

-I can't tell from here.

-I think it is, I
think that's him!

Come on!

-Gotta use the trim
in choppy water.

Gotta keep the nose up.

-What's up ladies?

-I've got a question for you.

Can a lifeguard make an arrest?

-Depends on the situation, why?

-The other day when
we were out on a swim,

A guy on a wave
runner att*cked me.

-He dragged april by the
tether of her rescue can.

I think that's how she
got the concussion.

-Why didn't you
guys report this?

-She didn't want us to tell,
so no one said anything.

-We think that's
him over there.

-One rescue craft
this is madison,

Newman and I are in pursuit

Of a felony suspect on a
wave runner at break water.

-Newmie: stop!

-[Dramatic music]



-[Dramatic music]

-Cody: take your
hand off the gas!

Drop down!

-[Dramatic music]


This is your last warning!

-Man: go to hell!

-[Dramatic music]



-That's richie, the
guy that mitch expelled.

I guess you won't be trying out
for rookie school next year.

-Cody: let's go,
get him on the scarab.

-Hope you're ready manny,

You got a lot of
catching up to do.

-Mitch, I don't
know what to say.

I just hope that someday I
can pay you back for this.

-Just give me 100%.

-Oh you can count on it.

And thanks for believing in me.

-Hobie: hi.

What's up man?

-You wanted to see us?

-Yeah I did.

Have a seat.

You realize I've got grounds
for your immediate dismissal

From rookie school don't you?

-Please don't blame
them, it was my fault.

I made them promise
not to say anything.

-Ladies, you not only
jeopardized becoming lifeguards,

You jeopardized a life.

Being a lifeguard's
a 24 hour a day job.

We have a saying around here.

Once a lifeguard
always a lifeguard.

You know what that means?

It means being prepared
for any emergency, anytime,

Whenever and
wherever it happens.

Whenever you witness an
incident, whether you're on duty

Or not, you report
it immediately.

You do not keep it a secret.

Now do you think
you all can handle

That kind of responsibility?

-All: yes, sir.

-I had a feeling
you'd say that.

I hope you're right.

See you in the water.

-[Uplifting music]


You should all be very
proud of yourselves

For making it this far.

As a matter of fact,
I'm very surprised

To see many of you still here.

This is about the finest group
of rookies I've ever seen.

That's the good news.

The bad news, there are only
10 openings this season.

Based on our evaluations,
and your test scores,

Pretty much puts everybody
in the same boat.

So, it comes down to the
final running of the gauntlet.

On your mark!

Remember everything you
learned, stay focused.

Alright, get set!


-[Uplifting music]

-[Rock music]

-She's gonna make it.

-Way to go.

You got it, you got it.

-[Rock music]


-Come on hobster!



That's my boy!
Good job manny.

Good job.

-Lifeguard: aright cheryl!



-I'm all out.

-I've got one left!

-Rookies: april!


-[Gentle music]

-Yeah, it's buchannon,
get me giminski.

I've got a
feeling she's playing

A little practical
joke on me here.


-Never mind.


-Had a feeling you'd
still be at the beach.

How are you?

-I'm fine, i...

What are you doing here?

-I'm in town for a convention.

-Wow, that's amazing.

I was just thinking about you.

You look great.

-You haven't changed a bit.

I bet the jacket still fits.

Guess you're wondering why

It's taken me so
long to return it.

I was on my way to
meet you and there was

A big accident on
the coast highway.

The traffic was
backed up for miles.

I helped treat the victims
until the paramedics got there.

By the time it all cleared
up it was too late,

I would've missed my flight.

-Why didn't you call?

-I was going to.

Then, when I got to school
everything changed suddenly.

I met this upper
classman, and well...

Guess I couldn't find
the right words, or,

Maybe I chickened out.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.

Hope it's not too
late to make amends.

-Look, I uh...

I can't talk about this now.

I'll be off duty
in a couple hours.

I'll tell you what,
I'll meet you at the...

You know where to meet.

Don't stand me up this time.

-[Gentle music]

-I can't.

When I said I was
at a convention,

I didn't mention it was
my husband's convention.

-No, you didn't.

-I don't go to conventions.

I stay at home and
raise our two kids.

They're all back at the
hotel waiting for me.

I just...

I just needed to find out
what I missed all these years.

-Well, maybe someday we'll
get our timing right, huh?

-Anyway, it's
classic, but um...


-See you tonight.


-Well, for the second
time in lifeguard history,

A buchannon has won
rookie of the year honors.

-Oh yeah!

Didn't think I'd
make it did ya?

-Nah, I knew you had it in ya,

I just didn't know if
it was gonna come out.

-Why let all this talent
go to waste, right?

-My sentiments exactly.

You know as rookie of the year

You get to choose
your own beach.

-Yeah I know.

And since it's my decision,
I wanna work at zuma.


-Yeah, I figure with all the
time me and you spend together

Around the house, it'd be
better for the both of us

With you at baywatch
and me at zuma.

-Well I guess I understand,
I just wish you'd told me,

You know, before
I became captain.

-Captain? But I thought...

-I changed my mind.

As of monday morning I'm
gonna be controlling every

Grain of sand from hermosa
beach to ventura county line.

-Great. That's just great.

You're gonna be looking over
my shoulder every day now.

-Every day.

-Thanks a lot, you know you
just ruined my whole summer.

-I'll be there, looking
over your shoulder every day.

Bossing you around,
telling you what to do.

-Hobie: completely ruined!

-Mitch: I'll be the first
person you see in the morning,

I'll be the last person
you see at night.

I'm going to ruin
your life forever!

-Hobie: I won't
even be able to flirt

With any girls on the beach.

-You can flirt with
girls on the beach.

-Hobie: oh, thanks.

-Mitch: but not on my beach.

-Hobie: ah!

-Mitch: no, on that
beach up there...

-[End theme music]
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