08x03 - The Choice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x03 - The Choice

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Opening theme]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Donna: excuse me. There's
no camping on the beach.

The state campground
is across the highway.

-Sorry, I got in
late last night.

I didn't see the sign.

-It's a pretty heavy
fine if you get caught.

-What does baywatch mean?

-It means I'm a
county lifeguard.



-[Softly laughs] you made
espresso over a campfire?

-Yeah, I picked up
the habit in italy.

You know, this place kind
of reminds me of sorrento,

Except the italians let
you sleep on the beach.

-Ok, tell you what.

Douse the fire,
pack up your stuff

And I won't report you
to the park rangers.

-You're very kind. You've
also got a loose railing.

You might want to mention
that back at headquarters.

-I'll see that it
gets fixed. Thanks.

-You're welcome.

-Woman: be careful, danny!

Not too far out, danny!

Elaine? Honey, where are you?

Come on baby.

Good boy. Go over there.

Elaine? Elaine?



-Elaine: mommy!



Elaine! Where are you?


All right, you stay here.

Stay! Be careful, danny!

Oh my god! Elaine!


Elaine! Elaine!

-Stay out of the water!

-No, my daughter's out there!

-Stay up on top of the rocks!

-Elaine! Elaine!

Woman: elaine!

Please help her, please!

Please, elaine!

Please save her!

There she is, grab
her! Grab her!

Elaine! Elaine!



Over there! There she is!

Oh hurry!

-[Gasps and coughs]



Woman: oh, thank god!

-You're ok now. You're
a brave little girl.

-Thank you so much! Thank you!

-You have to be careful
around the jetty ma'am.

Don't let the kids climb
on it or swim too close.


-Hey, newmie!

-What are you
doin' back in town?

-I hear you need
a new lieutenant.

-Come on. What happened
to daytona beach?

I thought you liked
it down there.

-Guess I got a
little homesick.

-Well buddy, it's good
to have you back in town.

-It's good to be here.

-Woman: heads up!

-So what ever
happened to you at

The national airman

Everyone had you pegged
for the guy to beat.

-Eh, I took some time off.

Did some traveling, you know?

-Where to?

-Pretend you're cuffing me.


-Just, just play along.


-I couldn't take the guilt.

I decided to turn myself in.

-Donna: what?

-It's all right, I
already called the cops.

Know any good lawyers?

-I hope they throw
the book at you, punk.

-For sleeping on the beach?

-J.d.: Ow! Ow!

-Newmie: quit fighting
or I'll break your arm.

-Newmie! What are you doing?

-[Newmie laughs]

-Oh, a joke huh?

-[J.d. Laughs]

That's very funny.

Who is this guy?
What's he doing here?

-He's a lifeguard.

-Jack darius.

Sorry for messing with you.

I got a twisted
sense of humor.

-Which is why
you're gonna

Fit in so
perfectly around here.

-Don't tell me
you're interviewing

For the lieutenant's job.

-I won't say a word.

Catch you later, newmie.

It was nice seeing you again.

-So what's his story?

-You mean is he single?

-Ha-ha. No. I mean
why is he here?

He doesn't exactly strike
me as lieutenant material.

-[Engine revs]

-[People talking]

-They didn't call
roll yet, did they?

-Skylar: not yet.
-Manny: no.

-I think they just get
a kick out of makin'

Us come in at 7:30 for
9 o'clock training.

-It's all part
of bein' a rookie.

-It wouldn't be
so bad if I didn't

Have to fight traffic
from the valley everyday.

Seems like the
earlier I get started,

The longer it takes
me to get here.

-You're still
living in the dorms?

How can you stand it?

-It's cheap. You still
living with your mom?

-Just 'til I can
find my own place.

-Something by the beach?
We could split the rent.

-Newmie: good
morning, rookies!

-Rookies: stay in
shape, do the right thing,

Watch your water!

-I love the sound of
rookies in the morning!

-It's like a drill sergeant.

-[All laugh]

-Newmie, are they
training today

Or did you just call 'em
in to see who'd show up?

-I think it's important
to see who's willing

To put out the extra effort.

-It's called sucking up.

-I like to think of it
as showing initiative.

-Manny! Truck duty!

-Manny: yes sir!

-I think you're enjoying
this just a little too much.

-[Door thuds]

-[Newmie cheering]
donna: oow!

-Manny: an officer
and a gentleman!

-Just a couple more bars
on the collar, that's all.

-Yes sir! Captain sir!

-Knock it off unless you
want to drop and do 20.

-Manny: hoo-yah!

-I don't look that
much different, do i?

-I think you look awesome.

-Mitch: thank you.
-Meeting with the chief?

-Uh yeah, job interview.

I got some guy named
taylor walsh coming up

From south bay to interview
for the lieutenant spot.

As soon as you see him,
would you send him up?


-Captain buchannon?

Taylor walsh.

-I think he's here.

-Nice to meet you, miss walsh.

-Call me taylor,
if you don't mind.

-I think we found
our new lieutenant.

-Step into my office.

Well, you certainly have
an impressive resume.

Top scores, excellent

-There's a "but" coming.

-But I'm a little concerned
with your lack of experience.

-That's a legitimate
concern, but from what I hear,

I would be working with
the most experienced

Captain on the beach.

Perhaps some of that
know-how will rub off.

-Taylor, I'm also
concerned with how much

You really need this job.

I want someone who's
hungry, who's gonna

Put in the extra
hours, you know?

Do the grunt work.

-Look, I didn't
choose to become a
lifeguard for the money.

I mean, I think
there's other reasons

To work besides
paying the rent.

Like caring about what you do,

And wanting to
make a difference.

Doing something positive
for the community.

Just because I
don't need this job

Doesn't mean that
I don't want it.


-Hey captain.


You're a day early man.

-Want to make a
good impression.

If you're busy, i--

-No, no. This is taylor walsh.

Taylor walsh, j.d.

-Jack darius.
-Nice to meet you, jack.

-Uh, taylor is also a candidate
for the lieutenant spot.

-Oh really? Great, great.

Mitch, can I talk
to you for a minute?

-Yeah, sure. Will
you excuse us?

-Go on ahead.

-Mitch: be right back.

-[Phone rings]

-[Door thuds]
-[office chatter]

-What's goin' on?

I thought this would
be a slam dunk.

Now you're interviewing
other people?

-The chief asked me to see
her as a personal favor.

Don't worry, you're still
at the top of the list.

-Ok, got a little
paranoid in there.

Ok, so when do you want me?

-Tomorrow morning, 6 am,

Gonna put you through a
drill with the rookies.

-The rookies? Jeez.

Mitch, I've been doing
this for 10 years.

-Gotta get you re-certified,
it's just a formality.

-Ok. Guess I'll see
you in the morning.
-See you in the morning.

You can show the
kids how it's done.

-Yes sir.

-[Upbeat rock music]

-♪ I'm not quitting I'm

♪ I'm not quitting I'm

♪ I'm not quitting I'm

♪ Nothing can beat me

♪ When I ride the wave♪

♪ You can't compete 'cause
I was born to be brave♪

♪ Live the extreme and
I can do this all day ♪

♪ I cross the sea to save you♪

♪ Save you for another day

♪ Yes I'm going all the way

♪ I'm not quitting I'm

♪ I'm not giving up

♪ Yeah yeah yeah

♪ I look to the night

♪ This open road it guides me

♪ Right back to you

♪ With every mile I'm stronger

♪ And got a clearer view

♪ And every step I'm closer

♪ Just time away

♪ So I'll ride this rollercoaster ♪

♪ Just to have it again someday

♪ I'm not quitting I'm♪

♪ I'm not giving up ♪

♪ I'm not giving up

♪ Building the perfect machine

♪ I'm not quitting I'm ♪

-Mitch: ok, this
exercise is about getting

To a victim before they're
swept under the pier.

Your job is to keep them
away from the pilings.

So, jump, swim the
dummy victim to shore.

If at any time you're in
trouble, raise your arm

Or your rescue can
over your head.

-Like anybody's gonna really
admit that they're in trouble.

-A lifeguard doesn't
do anybody any

Good if he gets
himself k*lled.

Ok, newmie!

-Newmie: dummy in the water.


-All right.
Who wants to go first?


Put your can in first.

Jump far enough away from
it so you don't land on it.

Feet together,
arms by your side

When you hit the water.

You ready?


-[Can splashes]



-[Waves rumbling loudly]

-J.d.: She's under the pier.

-J.d., Go get her.

-Manny: I'm gonna go too.
-No, no, no.

We'll leave this to
a senior lifeguard.

-[Splashes and bubbles]




-Man: ah!

-Skylar: j.d., Help me!

-[Waves crash]
-[dummy thuds on piling]

-Man: help me! [Gasps]


-Newmie: skylar!

I got you!


-What the hell's goin' on?

[Suspenseful music]


-Newmie: you all right?

Watch your step.

-You ok?

-When I hit the water, it
knocked the wind out of me.

-Next time that happens, you
get sucked under the pier,

You swim with the current,
not against it, all right?



-Thanks newmie.

-I owed you one.

-What happened
to you out there?

-I couldn't see her.

She got swept behind
the pilings and a...

I lost her.


-Mitch, that dummy got
really tore up out there.

It must have crashed
real hard into the pier.

-I'm sorry.

I saw the piling coming at me,

I didn't know what to do.
-Mitch: no, you did

The right thing, you always
put your victim between

You and the hazard.

-I don't know if
I could do that.

What if they got hurt?

-April, if you get hurt,
who's gonna make the rescue?

Protect yourself first.

-Tell that to your victim.


-Hey mitch.

-Hey manny.

Hey, would you do me a favor?

Would you ask donna to get me

Doug wyatt on the switchboard?

He's the captain of the
daytona beach lifeguards.

-Doug wyatt, ok.



-Why did you lie to mitch?

-Like I said, I
couldn't see you.

-Our eyes met, j.d.,

You knew exactly where I was.

What stopped you?

-Look, it's not
something I want

To be talking about, ok?

-You can talk to me.

Really, I'm a good listener.

-I don't want this
gettin' around.

-You have my word.

-It was two years
ago in daytona,

The surf was about six
feet, breaking fast.

Some guy decided to show
off, sh**ting the pier.

I was patrolling the
beach when I spotted him.

Backup was nowhere around.

His board splintered
on the pilings.

He was under
before I got there.

I dove and finally spotted
him unconscious on the rocks.

I got him to the surface,
there was no time for cpr.

I had to get him to shore.

The current was
strong but I thought

I could thread the needle
through the piling.

I was wrong.

I followed the rules, I
did what the manual said,

I put him between me
and the pier piling,

Let him cushion the
blow and it crushed him.

He had internal bleeding
and died in my arms.

You think if you
go by the book,

Do what you're supposed to
do, that it'll all work out.

Well just be ready,
because it doesn't

Always work out that way.


-How you doin' mitch?

-J.d., I just found out
why you left daytona.

-[Metal clinks]

-Guess the cat's
out of the bag.

-J.d., You're not the first
lifeguard to lose a victim

And you won't be the last.

-That's comforting,
mitch. Real comforting.

-Did you get the
proper counseling?

-I had counseling,
I got time off.

I hitched around europe trying
to get my head straight.

You know what the
bottom line is?

A man died mitch, ok?

In my arms, on my watch.

[Exhales sharply]
it doesn't go away.

-Yeah, it does.

Maybe not today or
maybe not tomorrow

But eventually it will go away.

-I went by the book, I
did what I was supposed to

To save his life, and
he died, because of me.

-J.d., You did what
you were trained to do,

But it's never
gonna go away until

You stop blaming yourself.

-You want to help
me get over this?

Make me a lieutenant.

Put me in the office
where I can't hurt anyone.

-That's about the dumbest
thing I've ever heard.

Either you do your job,
your whole job all the time

Or you're on the wrong beach.

No, I take that back,

You're on the wrong planet.

[Lively rock music]

♪ I was riding high

♪ Over the summer sky

♪ To the finish line

♪ Trying to prove myself to you

♪ One person out of time

♪ Hope that the stars align

♪ I'm trying to save a life

♪ Sometimes there's nothing you can do ♪

♪ Fight for the right to be proud but my
heart's not in it ♪

♪ I know that life's not a game but I've
got to win it ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I've got no time for second place ♪

♪ I will find a way to reach the top ♪

♪ Challenge is my middle name

♪ Danger is my favorite game

♪ I've got no time for second place

♪ I will find a way to reach the top

♪ Challenge is my middle name

♪ Danger is my favorite game

♪ I've got no time for second place

-You fixed it.

-It's the
least I could do.

-Well I'll tell mitch.

It should be worth a
few brownie points.

-Don't bother, I'm outta here.

-You're leaving? Why?

-I love that innocent charm.

Goes well with the
quick s*ab in the back.

-What are you talking about?

-I'm talking about
how mitch suddenly

Knew all about the
incident in daytona.

-You think I told him?

-You were the
only one who knew.

-Look, j.d., You can
blame all your problems

On me if you want to.

It's not gonna
make them go away.

-[Phone rings]
-[office chatter]


-Man: mitch, it's for you.

-Thanks. Hello?

-Can I have a minute?

-Hang on a second.


-Can we go somewhere

A little quieter please?

-Call you back?


Well, you wanted
someplace quieter.

This is definitely quieter.

So, what's on your mind?

-It's obvious you're
about to give this job

To mr. National
champion from daytona.

I mean, probably the
only reason that I got

This job interview is
because I'm a woman

And it would look bad
if you were to say no.

But it takes more to
being lieutenant than

Who's got the fastest
time in the run-swim-run.

I mean it takes
knowing the beaches

And knowing the people,
talking to the brass

And talking to the press too.

-Taylor, I know
what the job entails.

I've been doing it for
the last seven years.

-And I want to be doing it
for the next seven years.

I'm a good lifeguard and I
could be a good lieutenant.

I just want a shot.
A fair shot.

-You got it.

You brought me all the way out
in the dory to tell me that?

-I also wanted to show
you that I could row.

-All right. Show
me something.

Come on!

[Upbeat rock music]

-Nice maneuvering.

-You're supposed to
be on the switchboard.

What's goin' on?

-I think we're looking
at our new lieutenant.

-Newmie: good form!

Now get back to the
switchboard, will you please?

-[Pole thuds]


Too close to the rocks!

Start your engine and move away!

-[Engine sputters]

-Come on baby.

Get started. Come on.

Get it started!

-[Engine sputters]



-Fisherman: help!

-This is j.d. I'm
at corio south,

I've got a capsized
12-footer, man in water.

-Fisherman: help!


-Donna on radio: kms-295
to all rescue boats.

Capsized boat
at corio south.

Fisherman and
lifeguard in water.

Request backup on
the ocean side.

-Donna, it's mitch.

That tower's not even
supposed to be open.

Who's in the water?

-It's j.d., Mitch. He called
it in, that's all I know.

-On my way.

Let's go!

[Sirens wailing]

-Fisherman: help! Help me!


[Grunting and coughing]

-Stay off the rocks!

Get away from the rocks!




-J.d.: Here, grab the can.




-[Suspenseful music]




-[Sirens wailing]

-Mitch: it's j.d.'S can.

-Taylor: where is he?


He's submerged.

Call for backup.

-Donna, it's taylor.

-Donna on radio: go ahead.

-Is the transport on it's
way? We've got two men down.

-Donna on radio:
roger, it's en route now.

-[Siren wailing]

-I'm going after
the fisherman.

-Fisherman: help.


-Ok, come on. Ok.

-[Sirens wailing]


-[Inhales sharply]

[Inhales sharply]

-We're almost there.

You're ok.

-[Siren wailing]

-Mitch: take his arm!

All right! You got him!

All right, you got him.


-All right, ease him down.

No pulse.

-No breathing.

-All right, begin cpr.

1-2-3-4-5, Breathe.

1-2-3-4-5, Breathe.

1-2-3-4-5, Breathe.

Come on j.d.!


-[J.d. Inhales]
-he's breathing!

-All right.


-That's it. Take it easy.

You're all right, man.

You're all right.
You're all right.

Hey, taylor, good job.

This is a very difficult
decision for me.

Not only because
I'll be working

Closely with the
person I choose,

But because I
have an image of

Who that person should be.

Someone who'll
lead by example,

With intelligence,

Who'll command the respect
of the other lifeguards.

The image that I
have is that of,


You know I've known j.d.
Since he was 18 years old.

I encouraged him
to be a lifeguard

And I have
followed his career,

Which is why I have to
step back and look at

This situation a bit
more objectively.

J.d., After speaking

To your captain in daytona,

As much as I'd like to give
you the benefit of the doubt,

There's too much
at stake here.

I'm sorry.

Welcome to baywatch,
lieutenant walsh.

-Thank you,
captain buchannon.

Thank you so much.

I'm not gonna let you down.

What about j.d.?

-What about me?

-What is it gonna
take to keep you here?

-After I almost
got myself k*lled?

-You risked your own life
to save someone else's

Instinctively and
without hesitation.

To me, that is what makes
being a good lifeguard.

Baywatch could
definitely use you.

-I don't know.

May have burned a few
bridges around here.

-You have plenty of
time to make repairs.

From what I hear, you're pretty
good at that sort of thing.

-I'll give it a shot.

-It's gonna be
quite a summer.

Ok, this is
where we split up.

-J.d.: This thing is awesome.

-What? You don't have
these back in daytona?

-No way. You guys definitely
have the best toys.

-J.d., I hope
you understand

Why I had to choose taylor.

-It was a smart
move for both of us.

-I think you're a
lot more valuable

On the sand
than in the office.

That is unless your head's
still in daytona under the pier.

-You know, I've been thinkin'
a lot about what you said.

About how I have to stop blaming
myself for what happened.

-An awful lot of
guilt to carry around.

-I know.

Figure I have to
make a fresh start.

I'm back home in california,

I'm workin' with
good people,

All of a sudden it feels
like I have a new life.

-Let's see you make
somethin' of it, huh?

-Oh, by the way, you owe
an apology to skylar.

Sky never told me anything!

-J.d.: Thanks for
meeting me here.

Look, sky, I'm sorry.

-Skylar: you should
trust people more.

-I know, I'm working on that,

Does this mean we
can be friends?

-[End theme plays]
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