08x10 - Missing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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08x10 - Missing

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people
stand in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ It's gonna
be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm
always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Ominous music]


-Dispatch: 295, possible
submersion at sunset beach.

Caroline request all
available assistance.

-Sheryl: this
water's so murky,

It's hard to
see anything.

-J.d.: Just keep looking.


-I'm sorry, I couldn't find
them, I couldn't find them.

-Dispatch says you got
a possible submersion.

-J.d. And cheryl, they're
still out there looking.

[Woman speaking in spanish]

-One moment,
no habla español.
Hable ingles?

-No, they don't
speak english, mitch.

-What happened?

-Oh look, there's manny,
he'll be able to translate.

-Mitch: what happened?

-All I know is I'm heading
back towards headquarters

And I see them
running up towards me.

They're waving
me to stop.

They begged me to go in the
water, so I call in a code r,

I go in the water, but
mitch, I can't find anything.

I don't even know
what I'm looking for.

-Manny, look, these guys
don't speak english.

Talk to them, ask
them what happened?

-[Manny speaking spanish]

-[Woman speaking spanish]

-Her daughter, rosanna,
went in the water

And she never came out.

-When was the last
time they saw her?

-[Manny speaking in spanish]

-[Woman speaking in spanish]

-She didn't see her go
in, the little girl did.

[Manny speaking in spanish]

-[Little girl
speaking in spanish]

-Manny: her sister was very
sad, but she wouldn't say why.

She said that she
wouldn't understand.

-[Little girl
speaking in spanish]

-Manny: when the lifeguard
left, rosanna got up

And went into the water.


[Speaking in
spanish] rosanna.

Rosanna, rosanna
[speaking in spanish]!





[Little girl
speaking in spanish]

-Manny: she never
saw her come out.

-Mitch: that was
cody's tower, wasn't it?

-Yeah, his shift
ended at five.


-All right, brief them
on the water conditions.

Okay, ask them what the
missing girl was wearing,

And the exact time she
went into the water.

-Female 2: all
right, I'm on my way.

-April: let's
go guys, suit up.

-What's goin' on?


-Okay stop!


-Yeah it's buchannon.

I want all available
personnel to the beach asap.

-You got a rocky bottom,
lots of holes guys.

Watch your footing.

Visibility's next to nothing
until you get out 30 feet.

-And get ahold of tanner.

Notify the chief of
what's coming down here.

I'll keep you posted.

-[Suspenseful music]

-J.d.: All
right, newmie.

Go get him man.

-I hope they have
better luck than we did.

-Get in the water!

[Inaudible yelling]

8-J.d.: This is great.

With more divers, we can
expand the perimeter.

-Manny: mitch.

She says rosanna
went in the water

A few minutes before five.

-Is she sure about that?

-[Manny speaking in spanish]

-[Woman speaking in spanish]

-Manny: I noticed the
window was down so when

I started the
car, it was 4:57.

-If it was before five,
there should've been

A lifeguard in that tower.

-[Manny speaking spanish]

[Woman speaking spanish]

-There was no lifeguard.

The tower was closed.


[Woman speaking in spanish]

-Manny: I looked all
around for rosanna.

She was nowhere
to be found.

-[Woman speaking spanish]

-Manny: I got scared,
I started to panic

And ran for help.

That's when we noticed
that the tower was closed.

-[Woman speaking spanish]

-All right, go see
where she parked.

Maybe we'll catch a break and
the little girl will be back

Waiting at the car, huh?


-Uno momento por favor.


It's okay, it's okay.



What, what's wrong?

-We just got called
into headquarters.

-You're kidding me.

What's the problem?

-I don't know.

-Let's go.

-[Dramatic music]


-According to witnesses
she was wearing a black

T-shirt and
blue jean shorts.



Set up the perimeter.

-How did they
get here so fast?

-Mitch: they got
scanners, they're

Monitoring our frequency.

-[Helicopter buzzing]


-Hey what's going on?

-Looks like we got
a possible submersion

On sunset beach.

-Sunset beach?

What tower?


-[Ominous music]

-Man: please stay
back behind the line!

-Alright let's find out
who's in charge here.

-This whole thing is
turning into a media circus.

Get me some more
personnel out here asap.

-Mitch, she
wasn't at the car.

All her stuff
was still inside.

Doesn't look like
she's gonna come back.

-[Woman speaking in spanish]

-[Inaudible] what's she saying?

-She's freaking out.

-Look, just talk,
try to comfort her.

Tell her to calm down.

We'll find
the little girl.

Keep her away
from the media.

-Sir, sir.

Excuse me, are
you the man here?

-I'm the incident commander.
-What's your name please?

-Uh, buchannon--

-I'm sorry, one second.
Can you get the shot please?

Thank you.

Okay let's try it again.
Your name, sir, again, please?

-Look I don't have
time for this right now.

-Just a couple of
quick questions.

First of all, have you
found the body yet?

What are the chances this
little girl's still alive

Out here, I mean how long
could somebody survive

In these waters?

-We don't even know if
she's out there, okay?

Will you excuse me, I've got a
rescue operation to coordinate.

-But sir, one more question!

Please, sir just one more!


-Excuse me!

Excuse me please!

I need to talk
to you, come here.

-It's gonna be
okay, all right?

We're doing the
best we can.

-Do you have any
hope of finding--

-Excuse me, please!

Were they on
your beach today?


There was another girl
with them, a teenager.

She the one
who's missing?


You see her go
in the water?


I remember because
they were having

A pretty nasty argument.

I was gonna say
something but

I figured it was best
to mind my own business.

Especially since they
weren't payin' much attention

To that little girl.

-[Both women
arguing in spanish]

-[Phone ringing]

Yeah, this is madison.

hey it's lani.

-Hey baby.

-Um, I just got
the tickets but

The movie starts at 5:15,
can you get here by then?

-Yeah no problem
I got my bike.

-All right well just
try to hurry okay

Because I don't wanna
get stuck in front row.

I'll see ya there.

-All right, bye.

-[Dramatic music]

-[Cody grunts]

-Mitch: what time'd
your shift end?


-What time'd you
leave the tower?

The reason I'm asking is

Because the
little girl's mother

Said she looked at
the clock at 4:57

And there was nobody in
the tower and I'm wondering

How could
that possibly be?

-I set my watch
five minutes fast

So I don't run late.

Look, mitch, I'm sorry.

When I left the beach, she
was sitting on a blanket!

The wind was blowing,
it was getting cold.

Nobody was
going in the water.

Hell she wasn't even
wearing a bathing suit!

-Doesn't matter!

You never, ever
leave your tower

Before your shift
is over, period!

You know the rules!


Mitch, it was just
as much my fault.

I'm the one
that called cody.

I told him to hurry.

I just bought these
tickets for a 5:15 movie

And I didn't want
him to be late.

-I don't believe
I'm hearing this.

You're telling me
because of a movie

A little girl's life
is at risk here?

Go on, get out of here!

Get out of here!
Turn that thing off!

Get out of here!

Just tryin' to
do our job here.

-[Woman screams in spanish]

-[Dramatic music]

-If you need new fins,
get back up on the shore!

They got some
extra pairs!

-Man: newman!

We need to hook
up the tow bar.

Can you give me a hand?


-Here you go
guys, I thought

You might like
something to eat.

-[Manny speaking in spanish]

-April: hold on
I'll get him.


I have the chief for you.

-Yeah, this is buchannon.

Don't go anywhere, I'm
not done with you yet.

-Chief: what's the
story mitch, do you

Have a submersion or not?

-Nothing confirmed
but we're operating

On the assumption that
someone's still out there.

-Chief: I'm sitting in
my office watching this

Whole thing on tv.

They're carrying you live
on all the local channels.

-Talk about operating
in a fishbowl, huh?

-Chief: I just saw
you almost bite some

Reporter's head off!


You never, ever
leave your tower

Before your shift
is over, period!

You know the rules!

-Lani: it was just
as much my fault.

I'm the one
that called cody.

I told him to hurry.

I just bought these
tickets for a 5:15 movie

And I didn't want
him to be late.

-Mitch: I don't
believe I'm hearing this.

-Oh man!

-Mitch: a little girl's life
is at risk here?

-mitch: turn that

Damn thing off!
-Oh man!

Hey, kid, you got a big
future in this business,

Lemme tell ya.

And so do i.


-Mitch, why are you
doing this--

-Because you're used to
being in front of the cameras.

-I'm good with a
script, all right?

I need lines.

I don't have any lines,
I'm not good at winging it!

What am I supposed to say?

-Just answer the questions!

-God, I'm gonna be on tv.

How's my hair?

-"How's my?" [Sighs]

-Okay, here she comes.

What's the latest
on the little girl?

-Yeah, excuse me.

Wait a minute.

All right, my name is
caroline holden and

I'm a senior ocean
lifeguard here at baywatch

And I'll try and answer
any questions you might

Have at this time.

-[Both reporters talking]

-Both reporters:
excuse me!

-[Both reporters talking]

-[Dramatic music]

-Scarab one, stay north.

Stay north!


I just found out that the
missing girl was having problems

With her boyfriend.

Her mother brought
her here to meet him,

Only he never shows up.

So she wasn't in the
best frame of mind.

-All right
thanks, thanks.

-[Man yelling
on megaphone]

-Well yes, personally
I have been involved

In cases where the victim
has been revived after

45 Minutes of
being in the water.

So to answer your
question, this is very much

A rescue operation.

We have every hope of
finding this girl alive.

-[Both reporters talking]

-Thank you, that's it.

-[Reporters chatter]

-This is all
that's left.

I'm not sure these
fins will fit.


Did you hear
what I said?

-[Girl crying
out in spanish]

-That's her.

There she is!

She's right there!


-She's right there!



Baby, are you okay?

Baby, what's wrong?

-She was right there.

-Where is she?

What are you
talking about?

-Come on, let's go.

-She was right there.

-Come on.

Come on babe.

-Cody: am I losin' it?

-I'm at sunset beach
where county lifeguards are

Still searching for
a sixteen-year-old

Girl, last seen by

Her sister before
slipping below the surface

Of a very turbulent sea.

Now ironically, this tragic
loss of life may be the result

Of a lifeguard leaving
his tower early in order

To keep a date with
his girlfriend.

We're about to show you
some exclusive footage

Of baywatch lifeguard
cody madison

Admitting to his captain that
he did indeed desert his post.

Are we ready to roll
that video tape?


Here it is.


-Cody no!

-[People shouting]

-Get up!

Come on, get up!

Get up!

Come on, get up!

-Mitch: hey, hey, hey,
hey, knock it off!

Knock it off!

-You're insane!

-Knock it off,
knock it off!

Easy, easy!

Get outta here!

-Keep this rolling,
keep this rolling!

-Get outta here!

Knock it off!

Cool down!

Cool down!

Take him home.

You all right?


-All right.

Keep things
calm around here.

I'm goin' in the water.

-[Suspenseful music]

-I called the house
again, still no answer.

-Who are those two?

-April: the one in the blue
shirt is rosanna's boyfriend.

-Caroline: that's
about all I know.

-Caroline, would it be
possible to do an interview?

-You know what, I
actually need to get back.

-Please, I'm all set
up, I've got the crew

Ready to go.

-Yeah, okay.


You know, I know this is
a tense situation for you.

But I'm trying to get the
lifeguard's point of view.


We're ready to go live.

I'm speaking with baywatch
lifeguard caroline holden

Who when she's not
saving lives, can be seen

On the hot new daytime
soap shannon's hope.

Of course today we're dealing
with a real life drama,

-Can you tell me about...


Well appears we have lost
our interview subject..

-Check with zuma.

-Female 2: right away.

-Mitch you
gotta hear this.

The girl's boyfriend thinks
she might be pregnant.

-Oh no.

-At least that's
what she told him.

We could be looking at
a possible su1c1de here.

-All right, all right.
I'll go talk to him.


What are you doin'?

-Goin' out in the water.

-What about mitch?

-I don't give a
damn about mitch.

-Thought I told
you to go home.

-I can't.

Not until we find her.

Look, I know you think this
whole thing's my fault--

-No, I didn't say that.

-Not in so many words.

That's the general
perception around here.

-The general perception
around here is that

You're outta control.

-For cryin' out loud
mitch, all I'm askin' to do

Is to let me help.

Look, I know I flew off the
handle before and I'm sorry.

And I have to accept
responsibility for my actions

But I also think I deserve
to be part of the rescue.

-All right.

You wanna help?

Get everybody
out of the water.

-Out of the water?

-Get everybody
out of the water.

No longer a
rescue operation.

It's a recovery operation.

I want everybody assembled.

And a human chain.

-Manny: señora alvarez.

[Speaking in spanish]

-Lifeguard: come
on sweetie.

-[Manny speaking spanish]

-Tell her that because
so much time has passed...

I don't think there's
much chance in finding

Her daughter alive.

-[Manny speaking spanish]

-Tell her we'll
continue to look

For the little girl
until it gets dark.

And that we're
really sorry.

-[Manny speaking spanish]

-Mitch: it's okay.

It's okay.

-[Woman speaking spanish]

-[Manny speaking spanish]

What'd she say?

-She said that she
would like to stay

And pray for a miracle.

-Tell her it's
okay, huh?

You stay with her, I'm gonna
go check on the little girl.

-Why are we startin' here?

-This is where the
current was pulling from.

It's a good anchor point.

We'll work our way
down from here.

-And with all these lifeguards
and all this equipment

You'd think she'd
of turned up by now.

-All right, everyone.

We're going to be doing
a box pattern search.

2We're gonna take ten steps to
the west, then to the north,

And then back in east
to the beach again.

We'll regroup, and
start over again.

All right, join hands.

Let's go.

[Dramatic music]

-I don't know about you
guys, but I can't see a thing.

-Oh, uh, you guys.

I think I found her.

-Newman: hey, easy!

Alright guys let's
form up the line again.

-[Dramatic music]

-[Dramatic music]

-And so, as
sundown approaches,

Still no sign of
the missing girl.

We'll be here as long as
this search continues.

But obviously, we have
a group of very tired

And frustrated lifeguards
here, who are simply

Running out of time.

This is harvey norris,
reporting live from

Sunset beach. Back
to you in the studio.

.-Cameraman: and
we're clear.

-Alright listen,
come here.

We gotta get one
more thing over here.

-[Man yelling
on megaphone]

-Ten more feet
and we turn, okay?

-Cody: yeah.

-[April screams]

-What's wrong?

-Something just bit me!

-Chris, help me.

-I got her.

-Newman: okay let's
get her to the beach.

You guys keep looking.

-All right, let's go.

-[People talking]

-That's it.

We're through for today.

-They'll be
back tomorrow.


-[Sad music]

Go on, go home.

I mean it.

You'll get hypothermia.

-I'll be okay.

Just five more minutes.

-[Phone ringing]

-Buchannon's office.

Yeah hold on he's
just comin' in.

-Whoever it is,
no comment.

-It's the chief.


-Put her on the speaker.

-Here he is.

-Chief: what's
your status?

-Shutdown til morning.

-Mitch you left
these on the beach.

-Chief: who's that?

And why do you have
me on the speaker?

-Because I'm too
tired to move.

-I'm sorry, do you need
me for anything else?

-No, no, no, thanks.

Now go on get
out of here.

We'll see ya tomorrow.

-Well I'm not on
schedule but I'll be in.

-Chief: do you have
cody's resignation yet?


-Chief: I want it on my desk
first thing in the morning

Or I'll come down
there and personally

Fire him myself!

-You wanna fire somebody,
just fire me, huh?

+Because I'm the idiot
who was wasting his time

To some mindless
budget meeting,

When I shoulda been on
the beach where I belong!

4And you know why?

Because for some
inexplicable reason

I let you talk me
into becoming captain!

Well I hate it!

I'm sick of it!

I hate this office, I
hate these damn pants,

I hate this shirt, and most of
all I hate these damn shoes!

-Chief: mitch!

Mitch, what in god's
name is going on there?

Sounds like you
need a new window.


You need a new captain.

-[Phone slams on floor]



[Slow relaxing music]


You've gotta go home
and get some sleep.

You've got this to do
all over again tomorrow.

-You're right.

-[Phone ringing]

-I'll get it.

Baywatch headquarters.



-[Triumphant music]


They found her.

When they went
home, she was there.

-You're kidding me.

-No I'm not.

We just got the call.

-Thank god.

-How did she--

-I don't know, I don't know.

Apparently she swam out,
went around the rocks,

Snuck out of the ocean
and caught a bus home.

-I don't know
what to say.

-Hey man.

You don't have
to say anything.

-[Dramatic music]

-[Upbeat music]


This is lieutenant
buchannon, I am here at

Tower 15, if anyone
wants to get ahold of me

I'll be here all day.


You too.


Hey cody!

-Hey man.

What's goin' on?

-Mitch: you see
the letter?

-No, what letter?

-The letter from rosanna
alvarez apologizing for

Putting all the
lifeguards through hell.

Anyway, if you wanna see it,
it's on the bulletin board.

-I'll check it out.

So what's gonna happen?

I don't know which
rumor to believe.

I'm either being
fired, suspended, or

Being made
the new captain.

-Well I did talk
to the chief. Um,

She is not a real
big fan of yours.

Nevertheless, I did convince
her that a letter of reprimand

Was the most fitting
form of punishment.


1That's it?


She wants you suspended
for two weeks.

-Two weeks?


-You think that's fair?

-Basically, yeah, but that's
not really the issue here.

What the issue here is,
is that your suspension

Creates an opening
in the schedule.

-Oh, so that's what
this is all about.

You'd do anything to
get back in a tower.

-You got it.

-So how's it
feel, lieutenant?

-Feels absolutely great.

-Right on.

Well, see ya
in a couple weeks.


-Hey and uh, don't
get too comfortable.

I want my schedule back.

-All right.

-[Dramatic music]

--[End theme plays]
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