08x01 - Something Hurt, Something Wild

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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08x01 - Something Hurt, Something Wild

Post by bunniefuu »

It's a nice night, huh?

Oh, it's too beautiful
to waste indoors.

Oh, I'd almost forgotten how...

how silent the
nights can be here.

I'd almost forgotten so many
things that happened here.

Well, six years is a
long time to be away.

Well, I had to have
an Eastern education,

or Father wouldn't
have been happy.

I say, dear boy,
haven't you noticed

how terribly cultured
I've become?

Well, no, actually, I've
been too busy noticing

how you've grown up.

And how you have grown up.

You're still sweet, Little Joe.

Just as sweet as I
remembered you.


Look, there's the North Star.

I studied astronomy in
school, I'll have you know.

Well, I think that's fabulous.

Now you can help us
navigate in case we get lost.

Jed, that Laurie of
yours is sure a lovely gal.

Daughter any
father'd be proud of.

Well, I don't mind
telling you, Ben,

I was scared to death

when she got off that
stagecoach yesterday.

You know, it suddenly hit me

that maybe after all
those years in Boston,

she might not like
it out here anymore.

- Yeah.
- You know, her grandmother

never stopped thinking of me as
some sort of savage Westerner.

Well, aren't you?

Well, anyway, Laurie's back,

and it's as if she never left.

You know, Ben,

during those last years
when Mildred was so sick,

she worried

about how Laurie would
get along after she was gone.

You did the right thing sending
her off to school like that.

I also remember how high a
value Mildred placed on education.

Yes, I...

I guess she would
be proud of her.

Everybody seems to take
to Laurie, don't they, Ben?


Including my little brother,
Joe, if I can read the signs.

Listen, Hoss, your little
brother's not so little anymore.

Matter of fact, I wouldn't
mind having him in my family.

Well, who knows?

How many you up
on me anyhow, Cleve?



I kind of slipped up.

Oh, I just can't get
over this beautiful sky.

And the fragrance
of those pines.


Girl could lose her
mind on a night like this.

Especially with a handsome
young escort like you.

Well, thank you
very much, ma'am.

Now that I'm
back, Little Joe, I...

I hope that we're going to
be seeing a lot of each other.

Oh, I hope so, too.

I-I guess we should be
getting back to the house.

I, uh... I think you're right.

Are you really sure that...

that you want to go
back to the house now.


Laurie, what's the...?


Don't! Don't!

- What's the matter with you?!
- Don't! Don't!

Laurie, what's the matter?



No...! No!


- Wait a minute!
- Cleve!

Cleve, now, that's
enough, I told you.

Laurie, are you
all right, honey?

Please take me home.

Come on, Laurie.

- Mr. Ferguson, I...
- You shut up!

Now, wait a minute, Jed.

Give the boy a
chance to explain.

Explain what? Isn't it clear
what he was trying to do to her?

She hasn't come
down all morning, Pa?

Six years we've been
waiting for her to come home.

And now this.

You feeling all right, Laurie?

I'll be all right.

Honey, about
last night... Please.

I've known that
boy all his life.

I just can't bring myself

to believe that he
would do such a thing.

I told you what happened.
Don't you believe me?

Of course I do, darling.

- I was just going to say that...
- Daddy.

All right.

All right, Laurie, we
won't talk about it.

Uh, why don't you
have something to eat?

No, I don't feel
like eating. I...

I'm going for a ride.

I'd like to get about
five minutes alone

with that Joe Cartwright.

Now, look, you just leave
the Cartwrights to me.

Hold on here, Cleve.
What are you doing?

What's it look like we're doing?

There hasn't been a fence

between these
properties in 20 years.

Yeah, well, there is now.

And it's gonna get bigger.

You got anything
to say, rough boy?

Well, look, just how
are we gonna get

out to the herds on
the northwest section?

I don't know.

How are you gonna get out to
the herds on the northwest section?

It'll cost us a half a day

- just going around the...
- Nobody asked you, saddle tramp.

Hold it, hold it, Stark.

All right, let's
get back to work.

Now, any time
you got the stomach

for a little real trouble,
you just come around.

We'll be here.

Come on, Joe.

Hello, Jed.

Was just coming
over to see you, Ben.

Well, good.

Jed, you know, this
talk about fences and all.

Why, we've been friends
for such a long time...

That friendship is over, Ben.

I just wanted you to know

that I'm of no mind
to see any v*olence.

Well, of course, nobody
wants to see any v*olence, but...

Whether there is v*olence
is entirely up to you.

Up to me?

You and your family.

You respect that fence,
there won't be any trouble.


Look, Jed, I don't know
what you and I are doing

talking about fences.

Why... Look, about last night...

The fence stays, Ben.

Don't cross it.


Hello, Will.

Howdy, Mr. Cartwright, Joe.

How you doing, Will?

What brings you to town?

Will, you know that little,
uh, little triangle of land

between the Ponderosa
and the Ferguson property?

Yeah. Strange that you
should ask about that.

Strange? Why?

Jed Ferguson was in
this morning and bought it.

Well, first he builds
the fences, and now this.

He hasn't got any dang
use for that piece of land,

but he knows it's
gonna cost us half a day

every time we have to ride
out to the northwest section.

Jed Ferguson bought it.

Well, no point in
fuming about it.

All right, son, I'll buy you
a drink before we go home.

Been a dusty day.

Thanks, Will. Good day.

Good day, Mr. Cartwright.

Well, howdy, Mr. Cartwright.

- Howdy, Little Joe.
- How you doing?

Haven't seen you
folks for quite a spell.

How's everything?

Oh, just fine, thank you.

Uh, couple of beers?

- Yeah, sounds good.
- Please.

Look who's here.

Hello, Cleve.

What's the matter, rough boy?

Not talking?

Just talk to girls, huh?

That's about all you
can handle, I guess.

- Thank you.
- I'll take that.

Another beer, please.

Oh, is this supposed to
be for rough boy, here?

If you mean Little Joe,
that's who I drew it for.

I beg your pardon.

How impolite of me.


I'm sorry, rough boy.

Wasn't that clumsy of me?


Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this.

Now, just a minute, fellas.

Mr. Cartwright, can't
you do something?

Oh, Sam, uh...

that ought to take
care of the drinks

and the damage.

Joseph, let's go.


Didn't I tell you to stay
away from the Cartwrights,

to leave things to me?

But, no, you had to
go and pick a fight.

I couldn't help it, Pa.

When I saw them come
in and that cocky little...

Little Joe acting as if
nothing had ever happened...

Good morning, everybody.

Morning, Laurie.

I'd better get started breaking
in that new batch of horses, Pa.

All right. I'll be
out in a minute.

Oh, Cleve, it's
such a beautiful day.

Why don't you
come riding with me?

I wish I could, sis,
but I've got work to do.

I heard about the fight.

It was all on account
of me, wasn't it?

No. It had nothing
to do with you.

Just something personal
between me and Little Joe.

Those Cartwrights, they
think they run everything.

They're gonna find
out fast that they don't.

Well, I'll just bet

that Little Joe looks a
lot worse than you do.


I hope I didn't say
anything wrong, Father.

Cleve seemed upset.

Oh, he's just a bit touchy
now. He'll get over it.

How's my little girl today?

Your little girl is
just fine, Father.

Oh, it's good to
see you laugh again.

I'm glad you're
not, uh, you know...

Well, I'm not going to
allow a silly little incident

to upset all our lives.

Well, I don't want my
little girl to think about it.

Not ever.

We'll settle that account in
our own way, Cleve and I.

All right, Daddy.


I'm sure you know
as well as I do

that the, uh, men around here

are a different breed from the
men you must have met back East.

Yes. I found that
out in a hurry.

You're a very... pretty girl.

Lots of men are gonna
be after you, and, uh...

Well, all I'm trying to
say is be careful, dear.

Don't, um... Well, you know.

Don't encourage them.

What kind of a girl
do you take me for?

Well, you know
what I mean, honey.


Yes, I know what you mean.

And you don't have
to worry, Daddy.

You know, your
mother... God rest her...

Was a gentle, sensitive woman,

- and I know she would have wanted me to...
- No.

Don't you talk about my mother.

Laurie, I'm just
trying to tell you that...


No, I don't want to hear
you talk about my mother.

Laurie, where are you going?

I'm going for a ride.

No, honey.

Honey, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have talked
the way I did about...

I don't want to hear
any more about it.

Morning, ma'am.

Good morning.

I'm Laurie Ferguson.

Yes, ma'am, I
know. I've seen you.

Well, I'm sorry
I didn't see you.

Yes, ma'am.

What's your name?

Bret, ma'am.


What a nice name.

By the way, my
name is not "ma'am."

I told you. It's Laurie.

Yes, ma'am.

I mean, Laurie.

That's better, Bret.

Well, I guess you
want your horse.

Thank you.

Sure is a fine-looking
horse, ma'am.

Do you like
fine-looking things, Bret?


So do I.

They make me feel good.

They excite me.

What do you do with them, Bret?

I don't know what
you mean, ma'am.


I mean, Laurie.

I mean, is that all you do?

Just... look at
fine-looking things?

No, I-I don't just look.

Well, what do you do, Bret?

Or don't you do anything?

Or are you just afraid?

Did you like that, Bret?

Did you enjoy kissing me?

Yes, ma'am.

I sure...


you'd just better get off this
ranch as fast as you can, Bret.

Because if my father or
my brother see you after this,

they're gonna k*ll you.

Oh, uh, Mr. Cartwright.

Look, uh, branding in this hot
weather's gonna be bad enough.

Why do we have to
take the long way around

to that northwest section?

I thought I made that
perfectly clear, Stark.

We're keeping off
the Ferguson property.

Well, look, that means we're
gonna waste a whole half-day

just getting out there.

Well, then I guess you'd
better get moving, huh?

All loaded, Stark.

I sure don't cotton
to that long drive out.

All on account of
one skirt these, uh,

fancy Cartwrights don't
know how to handle.

Well, what the boss don't
know won't hurt him, will it?

- Got an idea?
- Mm-hmm.

Climb on. I know a strip the
Fergusons ain't fenced yet.


Turn off at those
trees up there.

Are you sure you know
what you're doing, Stark?

Oh, yeah. We won't
have any trouble.

The Fergusons got no
reason to be out this way.

Sure like to run into that
skirt out here, though.

I'd know how to handle her.

- The fence line.
- Yeah. Hyah.

Hold your fire!

Keep your head down, Joe.

We're gonna have to stop this
before somebody gets k*lled.

Yeah. You got any ideas?

Yeah. You just
keep 'em occupied.

All right, hold it!

Throw your g*ns
out in front of you.

I said throw 'em
out in front of you.

Goes for your
p*stol, too, Cleve.

Hey, Hoss!

Hoss, you all right?!

Yeah, I'm all right!

If my brother Hoss
hadn't have stood up,

I'd have shot you down
right where you stand.

Now, both of you
get out of here.

It won't end here, Joe.

That's up to you, Cleve.

Come on.

Let's get moving.

Hey, Stark!


Where do you think you're
going with that wagon?

Start the branding.

You're on Ferguson property.

We're just taking
a little shortcut.

This part ain't
fenced off anyway.

You turn that wagon around.

I catch you on
Ferguson land again,

you pick up your
time and keep moving.

I, uh, guess he means it.

Turn around.

I thought you said
you were all right.

Ah, it's just a
crease. It's all right.

Come on. Let's get home.


How's that?

Yeah, that's fine.


I guess we better just
stay off of that property.

That's about the
only thing we can do.

Well, there's
something I can do.

I can get Laurie
to tell the truth.

Joe, you try
talking to that girl,

and somebody's gonna
get k*lled, namely you.

He's right, Joe.

Best thing to do in a
situation like this is wait it out

till everybody cools down.

Look, Pa, Laurie goes
riding every morning.

If I could just go out
there and talk to her,

I could get the whole
thing cleared up.

Joe, I'm telling you, if you
get caught on that property,

they'll sh**t you down.

- I'll speak to Jed again.
- Oh, come on, Pa.

You spoke to him once.
What good did it do?

Look, staying
clear of the property

is not gonna help anything
'cause it's not gonna clear me.

Can't you see that?





Laurie, I want to talk to you.

So that's what you
were waiting here for.

Yeah, that's right.

I think it's about time we
got this whole thing settled.

There's nothing to settle.

Aren't you gonna help
me down off this horse?

Well, in order to do that,

I'd have to cross this
fence your family built.

Well, you're not gonna worry

about a silly little
fence, are you?

Look, Laurie, my brother Hoss
was almost k*lled yesterday

because of this fence, and
so was your own brother Cleve.

And you're the reason why.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

Now, you're gonna have
to tell your father the truth.

The truth?

The truth about what happened

between you and
me at the Ponderosa.

Look, your father's
a reasonable man.

If you just... just explain
to him it was an accident,

that your dress was torn
by mistake, I'm sure that...

You mean you want me to lie?


Well, that's not how it
happened, Little Joe.

Why are you doing this to me?

Look, Laurie, I
don't... Don't touch me!

Don't you touch me!


Yeah, that's all
there was to it.

Then she started
hitting me with this thing.

When I took it away
from her, she rode off.

Pa, if she'd just quit lying,

this whole thing would
be solved in a jiffy.

I don't know if she's lying.

Well, Pa, you don't
think that I really had...

No, no, no, of course not.

Laurie may think
she's telling the truth.

What's that supposed to mean?

I've known her ever
since she was a little girl,

since she was born.

Laurie was always
a sensitive little girl.

Very much like
Mildred, her mother.


Guess when her mother fell off
that horse and became paralyzed,

that didn't help
her much, did it?

Well, it was a hard
time for everybody,

but particularly for Laurie.

She became even more withdrawn.

And then her grandmother

came out from the East
to take care of everybody.

That wasn't a very happy
time for Jed, I can tell you.

Oh, she blamed
Jed for everything.

For the accident, for
the lingering illness,

the paralysis, even blamed
him for Mildred's death.

And then she forced Jed

to let her take Laurie
back East with her.

Pa, I still... I still don't see

how this fits in with the
way Laurie's acting now.


I know it may seem
farfetched, but...

there's a connection somehow.

And look,

a person's caught between
two opposing forces.

On the one hand,
there's Laurie's father.

Now, Laurie loves her
father. We know that.

On the other hand, there's
Laurie's grandmother.

And she hates Jed. We know that.

And there's no telling what...

what her grandmother
could have...

could have said to
Laurie to change her,

because that girl is changed.

Something is...
eating away at her.

It's Jed Ferguson.


I want to talk to you, Ben.

Fine. Come inside.

Outside will do.

I'll get right to the point.

It's only out of regard
for our former friendship

that Little Joe is still alive,

but believe me, Ben, he's
pushed his luck beyond the limit.

Jed, the only
reason Little Joe...

Now, I don't want to
argue with you about it.

I'm just telling you... Keep
him away from my daughter.

That's all I got to say.



Come in.

Hi, honey.

I saw your light.

Just thought I'd come
in and say good night.

Is everything all right, Daddy?


Yes, I-I just had some
business to take care of.



The picture of your mother
by my bed... it's missing.


Yes. Do you know
anything about it?


Well, we'll look for
it in the morning.

Good night, dear.

Good night, Daddy.

Good night.




Yeah, you look about as cool
as that grass you're sitting in.

And you're breathing
real nice and easy,

like a frisky young colt.

You're that Laurie
Ferguson, ain't you?

Who are you?

Well, I ain't gonna tell you.

Not just yet anyway.

Now, you been, uh, fooling
around with that Joe Cartwright,

and, uh, you know what a
waste of time that is, don't you?

What you need, Laurie, is a man.

Real man, like me.

Wait a minute.

I may not be so
rich and so fancy,

but one thing I know
how to handle is a woman.

What makes you think I'd be
interested in someone like you?

Don't bother me too much what
you think you're interested in,

'cause I know.

Hey, hey.

I like that.

I like me a woman that fights.

And now, honey,
I'm gonna show you

how a man tames
himself a little wildcat.

Well, now I know you and
me are gonna be good friends,

'cause we're gonna have...

Let's go take a look.




- Laurie?
- No!



Stark, what happened to you?

That Laurie, Joe,
she... she's crazy.

She... she grabbed my g*n.

She's meaner than a
she-wolf, Joe. Crazy.

Come on, let's get him...
let's get him to the doc.

Here, take him.

I'm gonna go over and
try to talk some sense

into Mr. Ferguson.

Now, don't go
messing around, Joe.

This here is work
for the sheriff.

You just get him to the
doc as quick as you can.


Laurie, honey?

Please tell me what happened.

Laurie, how are you feeling?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

You rest quiet, child.

I'll be right back.



Cleve, where are you?!



I'm going into town
to get the doctor.

Honey, you needn't
be afraid of me.

I'm your father.

I'm just gonna
go get the doctor.

I'll be right back.



Going into town to
get the doctor, are you?

Laurie, what are
you doing out here?

I know what you're up to.

Honey, I'm not up to anything.

I'm just going in
to get the doctor.

You're not going to
leave me sick in bed to die

while you go into town
to see another woman.

I'll see you dead first.

What are you talking about?

I'm your father.

I know who you are.

And you're not going to
leave me sick in bed to die

like you left my mother while
you go off with another woman!

Laurie, in Heaven's name,
who are you talking about?

What woman?

You know what woman.

The one you brought
in this house every day

while my mother was dying!

Laurie, she was a neighbor.

A friend of Mildred's.

That's all she was...
Nothing but a friend.

No! No, she's not my friend.

Not my friend.

And I'm not gonna
stay in bed and die.

Laurie, please, let
me get the doctor.

You're not well.

You're imagining all
sorts of strange things.

Don't you move!

You take one more step,
and I'm gonna sh**t you.

Laurie, please, listen to me.


No. I listened to you.

I listened to you every night.

You and she alone
downstairs laughing,

laughing your
disgusting laughter,

while my mother was
upstairs in bed dying.


because you brought
her out here to die,

to die among savages.

Savages. Savages like you!

No, Laurie. I loved her.

I loved your mother.

You loved her? And
that other woman?

That-that friend?

That's all she was... a friend.

She was a good friend of
your mother's as well as mine.

No, you're lying! You're lying!

She was your lover.
She was your lover.

Is that what she
told you, Laurie?

What are you doing here?

What do you want?

Is that what she made you
believe... your grandmother?

Go away!

Go away. Don't come any nearer.

Be careful, Little Joe.

She teach you all this hatred?

To hate your father?
To hate all men?

To make you feel the bitterness

she could never
make your mother feel?

I don't want to hear any more.

I don't want to listen to you!

Laurie, give me the g*n.

Don't move.

Don't touch me.

You come any closer,
and I'll sh**t you.

Laurie, what are you afraid of?

He k*lled her.

He k*lled my
mother with his lies.

She lay upstairs
in that bed dying,

thinking of him downstairs
with another woman.

And it k*lled her.

Laurie, there was never
anyone but your mother,

and she knew it.

We loved each other.

It's true that that woman...
And she was a good woman...

Would come in sometimes to help.

She tried to cheer me,
to... to make me laugh,

to put up a pot of coffee
or cook some supper

because Mildred
wanted it that way.

But I never loved
anyone but your mother.

No! You're lying!

You're lying!

Did your grandmother
ever tell you how

your father worked
and sacrificed himself

to build up this ranch

just for you and Cleve?

Did she ever tell you why your
father never remarried again

after your mother died?

Because there
wasn't another woman

in this whole world
that he could love.

Did she ever tell you

what everybody in
Virginia City knows?

That your father
just lived for the day

you could come back
here and be with him.


Little Joe, help me.

Please help me.

Laurie, your father
loves you so much.

Give him a chance to help you.

Give him a chance.

She gave it to me to put
back on my wall again.

What's the doctor say, Pa?

Well, it'll be a long pull,

but eventually, he feels
that she'll be all right.

Well, I'm sure
happy to hear that.

Ben, I just can't
find the words to...

Jed, there's no need
to. You know that.

I'm mighty proud of your boy.

So am I.


those fences are coming
down in the morning.

Be out there to help
you take 'em down.

Well, fences never did
make for good neighbors.

Never found a fence yet that
was a substitute for understanding.

Now, Jed, didn't you have
some good ruby port wine

around here somewhere?

Ben, I know exactly where it is.

- Come on.
- Thank you.

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