02x17 - A Walker to Remember

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Andi Mack". Aired: March 10, 2017 - July 26, 2019.*
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Life goes from normal to a roller-coaster ride overnight for artistic teenager Andi on the eve of her 13th birthday.
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02x17 - A Walker to Remember

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Andi Mack...

We only have a week left
with each other.

- I know.
- It's the world's saddest countdown.

Which is why we need
to make every last day epic.

We saw you at mini-golf.

You saw me there with Miranda.

And her daughter.

I guess that means
she thinks it's serious.

Are you?

I don't know what to say.

Jonah... I know you're trying to help,

but you're just making it worse.

I'm sorry, I'm just trying
to be a good boyfriend.

Jonah, you're not my boyfriend.

I told you at the bar mitzvah,
I changed my mind.

I want the label.

But now... I don't know if I want it.

I don't wanna go to school today.

How come?

I'm just... not feeling it, you know?

You just wanna lie around
all day and do nothin'?

You kinda need a day like that
every once in a while, right?

I believe that, yes.

Great! I'm going to go back to bed.

No, you're not. You're goin' to school.

What? You just said
I could take today off.

No, I did not.

Instant replay: Me: "You need a
day off every once in a while."

You: "Yes, you do."

A day, not to-day.

I don't get to pick the day?

No, you have to ask for it.

May I please skip school today?


For what reason?

I'm not feeling it.

No, you may not.

What? What if I were to...

...groan, very loudly,
and say I have a stomachache?

I'd like to think
you wouldn't lie to me.

Well, I would like to think
I wouldn't have to.

Andi, I have a really hard time
saying no to you.

Please don't make this any harder?

Please just go get dressed?


- It's the school!
- Power failure!

School is canceled!


You can say no, but the
universe will not be ignored.

Thank you, Universe!

Hey, you're making me look bad.

- What are you doing?
- I need these.

- For what?
- I'm making you a bed!

I have a bed.

This one's better. Come see.


You like it?

I can't believe it's real!

Can I go inside?

Of course!

But your phone can't.

It's a phone-free fort.



Oh! I live here now.

- Hey!
- Buffay!

What's the game plan today?

Game plan?

We have been given a free day.

The world is our baby tater.

Well, Andi went back to bed for a while.

Said she'll text when she gets up.

And I've got homework.

Whoa, Buffy, Buffy, Buffy.

Yes, yes, yes?

You're doing schoolwork today?

My new teachers sent assignments
so I can be all caught up

when I get to Phoenix.

Bad enough being the new kid.

I can't afford to be behind.

Listen, you woke up this morning

thinking you were going to school.

But by a beautiful twist of fate

and some outdated circuitry, you're not!

Let's live on the edge.

Let's face our fears.

Let's... play the game
that shall not be named.


Come on, you probably
don't even remember

why you don't like it.

It looks like an innocent board game,

but it's a soul-sucking vortex
of greed and pain.

It turns good people bad!

That game is toxic.

But aside from all of that,
like, pretty fun, right?

I will never play that game again.

Didn't wanna have to do this.

Do what?

"I promise to play the
game of your choice

and not get mad and flip the board.

Signed Buffy Driscoll."

I can't believe you kept this.

It was my Hanukah gift
from you when we were eight.

As you can see, no expiration date.

That's on you. I am cashing it in.

Aren't you forgetting? You need
at least three people to play.

I'm sure Andi's up already.

Hi, it's Andi. Please leave a message.

Hmm. She's not answering.

Aw, that's too bad.

I guess we can't play after all.

Hey, guys. What's the plan?

- Okay, okay, okay.
- Aah!

- No, no, no, okay.
- Scared.


Ah. Hmm.



No, this is gross.

Oh! And it's lint. It's lint.

Oh, not on me!

Oh! Eww!

So, should we play Truth or Dare?

No. Besides, what dares
could we really do in here?

What about Truth or Truth?

That's just a conversation.

I want to...

do... this quiz.

"Find out everything about your BFF."

Sure, let's do it.


"She or he is your best friend
forever, right?"


"But how well do you really know them?

Ask them these questions and find out!"

First question.

"Describe your dream home."


- Ah, jinx!
- Jinx, jinx!

No! I said it first!

The deed, please?

Either of you heard from Andi?

It's your turn.

I'm losing already.

Oh! So that's why
you don't like this game.

You don't always win.

Nobody wins. We just become a
wolf pack and turn on each other.

a wolf pack sticks together.

See? I'm already getting
that urge to turn on you.

I'm having fun.

Let's play.

Cyrus, do we really wanna
do this to him?

This upbeat, optimistic person,

whose mind has not yet been
poisoned by this demon game?

We're just preparing him
for high school.

That's what you're afraid of?
Things with holes?

Wait, you love donuts
and donuts have holes.

They have one hole. I don't
like things with lots of holes.

A lot of small, icky, mysterious holes.

Like, coral?

Aerated chocolate?

- Aah.
- Honeycomb!

Okay, next question!

All right.

"What is your relationship like
with your mother?"

That's easy.



- And you?
- You know what?

The answer to this question
is... getting better.

- Yay.
- I'm enjoying this quiz.

Me too.

All right, next question.

"What do you most regret
not saying to someone,

and why did you not say it?

This is a good one.

I'm not gonna answer that question.

Why not?

Because it's a quiz in a magazine,

and I don't have to answer a
question if I don't want to.

Okay. Fine.

You don't have to answer
the question in the magazine.

Thank you.

Now it's me asking you the question.

Please don't.

What do you most regret
not saying to someone,

and why did you not say it?

I'm not gonna answer that question.

Why not?

I'm not gonna answer that one, either.

Huh. I'll buy it.

That's your third set.

I'm going to build some condos.

No, you can't do that after you roll.

You have to do it before you roll.

As long as it's my turn, I can
buy condos whenever I want.

It's in the rules.

Show me where.

It's in here somewhere.

Or it's not. And that's
why you can't find it.

Dude, just let her buy the condos.

Oh, I see. You two have an alliance.

And now you're gonna bleed me dry,

and you're gonna love every
minute of it, aren't you?

I mean... we might as well.

I thought we were done with secrets.

This isn't really a secret, it's just

something I don't wanna say out loud.

- To you.
- I think you just defined "secret."

And you and me, we don't have a
great track record with secrets.

You are not gonna let this go, are you?

We are BFFs.

This is about trust,

friendship, family.

I'm your daughter.


Here it is.

I regret not saying yes
to Bowie when he proposed.

Say something. You're mad?

I'm not mad.

Why would I be mad?


I'm not mad.

I'm... thrilled!

I thought this was
the best day ever before,

but now it just got even better!

Come on, you need to
call Bowie and tell him!

- Now!
- I am not gonna do that.

You mean, you're not gonna do that now.

I mean, I'm not gonna do that ever.

And neither are you.


One hundred and sixteen dollars, please.

I have no money.

I can't pay the rent!

You must pay the rent.

I can't pay the rent!

I'll pay the rent! Here.

I thought we had an alliance.

We do, but I can have an alliance
with him, too... can't I?

Jonah, you can't be friends
with everybody in this game.

You have to pick a side.

You can go with the
money-grubbing land baron

determined to wipe the rest of us out

or you can side with the little guy.

And together, we will both go down
in flames, we can't beat her.

We can try. The game's not over yet.

You have to. You have to tell him.

Why won't you tell him?

It's complicated.

I am so tired of hearing adults
tell me it's complicated.

It is only complicated

because you make it complicated!

Look, it all just happened too fast.

He proposed to me before I was ready,

and now it's too late, and
he's moved on with his life.

Wait. Are you saying this is my fault?

I'm the reason you two aren't together,

because I pushed Bowie to propose?

That is not what I said at all.

But it's what you think.

Isn't it?

What I think is... it's complicated.

That's not a no.

I can't be here.


It's over.

How much?

You're on Buffy's beachfront
resort, with three condos.

It's over.

I'm talkin' to Buffy.
I'm not talking to you.

How much?

Six thousand dollars.

And I already owe you, what?

Twelve thousand, five hundred
and thirty-five dollars.

Not including the six thousand.

The only way you're gonna win now

is if you borrow money
from another game.

Accept it, buddy. It's over.

It's not over!

Now it's over!

You know what I realized?

We just had our first big
fight as mother and daughter.

Doesn't it feel good
to get it out of the way?


I'm comin' in.

Here I come.

I'm right here.

Come on.

We had the best day.

I don't want it to end like this.

Well, we don't always get what we want.

Do we?

I was never gonna tell you about Bowie.

But when we were in that fort,

I felt like I could tell you anything.

It's very hard being your mother

when I also wanna be your best friend.

If you can be so honest with me, why
can't you be honest with Bowie?

Because he's moved on!

I don't wanna stand in his way.

I just... I'm afraid I
could ruin his life.

That's very considerate of you.

Being so worried that you
might ruin Bowie's life.

But what about my life?

- Andi...
- I know, you're sorry.

And for the record,

we're still having our first big fight.

Jonah, it happens to all of us.

It wasn't you, we know that.

It was the game.

It wasn't the game.

It was Andi.

- Andi?
- She hasn't answered any of my texts,

and my calls are going
straight to voice mail.

Is she avoiding me?

- I don't think so.
- Why would she?

Where is this coming from?

I know she tells you everything.

What has she said to you?

- Nothing.
- About what?

Is she breaking up with me?


We have no idea what
you're talking about.

- How could she break up with you?
- Are you two even together?

I told her I wanted us to be a couple.

- You did?
- Whoa.

Clearly, she doesn't tell us everything.

The way you kept saying
to me during the game,

"It's over, it's over, its over,"

all I could think about was Andi.

Why isn't she getting back to me?

She isn't getting back to us, either.

We haven't heard from her all day.

Whatever's going on with her,
it isn't about you.


You think it's about that guy
she met at the bar mitzvah?

Which guy?

The one she was dancing with?

Has she said anything to you about him?

You know what's funny?

We usually have these conversations
with Andi about you.

Why is that funny?

Not like funny ha-ha.
More like funny wah-wah.

I have something, um, a problem.

- It's hard to explain.
- Oh, just say it!

The suspense is k*lling me.

What do you do when your
teenage daughter hates you?


- Mom?
- Shh! I'm savoring this moment.

This moment? What moment?

The moment when your daughter realizes

what it was like to be her mother.

Andi isn't nearly as bad as I was.

Which is lucky, because I would
not have been able to handle me.

So what happened?

I told Andi I wish I had said yes
when Bowie asked me to marry him.

Oh! It's not too late!

Yes, it is!

No, no, you can call
him, call him right now.

No! That's what Andi wants, too.

What neither of you
seem to realize is that

I've already caused enough havoc
in everyone's lives.

I'm trying to reduce my havoc quotient.

Okay, that's admirable,

- but this is your...
- Mom, one problem at a time, please!

Andi refuses to speak to me.

Or even look at me.


Well, let's be honest.

It's not like I ever
really got this right with you.

I know.

But you were Andi's mother for 13 years.

I think you're the mother
Andi needs right now.

Oh... mm.


Savoring another moment.

Andi? It's CeCe.

Can I come in?

Just me!

You can talk to me.

Okay, comin' in.


Mom, she's gone.


Do you wanna tell me
what you guys fought about?

Does she know where you are right now?

I'm gonna have to tell her.

So, it's okay?

I can stay with you?

Of course.

For as long as you want.


Next on Andi Mack...

I'm taking you to one of
my favorite art galleries.

You have a painting in an art gallery?


I'm being serious.

That's why I brought you here.

I just wanted to see how you were doing.

You know, with your... thing.

You're not going to tell Andi, right?

They won't let me play basketball,

because I can't do
some stupid equations.

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!

Buffy's been right all along.

I shouldn't have told you about that.

- I'm dead. Aren't I?
- You are so dead.
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