01x03 - Squeeze

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x03 - Squeeze

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, you've reached the Usher residence.

Please leave a message at the tone. Thank you.

Hi, honey. It's about 8.30 and, um... I'm going to be here for a while.

The presentation didn't go so well.

Call me. I love you. Bye.


Guess who I ran into from our class at Quantico?

Marty Neil. J Edgar Jr?

Just got bumped up.

Foreign Counterintelligence, New York City Bureau.

Supervisory Special Agent.

Supervisory? That's right.

Two years out of the Academy. How did he land that?

Lucked into the World Trade Center bombing.

Well, good for Marty.

Oh, come on, Dana! The guy is a loser. Look where he is now.

It's where we should be.

Brad Wilson told me the psychological profile you wrote...

..on the Washington Crossing k*ller led them straight to the suspect.

Word has it you're on the Violent Crimes Section's fast track.

So, how are you doing?

Have you had any close encounters of the third kind?

Is that what everyone thinks I do?

No, of course not. But you do work with Spooky Mulder.

Mulder's ideas may be a bit out there, but he is a great agent.

Yeah, well, I've got this case that's out there.

Baltimore PD calls.

They want our help on a serial k*ller profile.

Three murders. Began six weeks ago. Victims vary in age, race, gender.

No known connections. I take it there's a pattern?

Point of entry. Actually, the lack of one.

What do you mean?

One victim, college girl, k*lled in her dorm room.

She was found with the windows locked and the door chained from the inside.

The last incident, two days ago. High-security office building.

Nothing on the security monitors. Janitor spoke to the victim minutes before.

Didn't hear or see a thing out of the ordinary.


Each victim was found with their liver ripped out.

No cutting tool was used. Bare hands?

This looks like an X-File. Let's not get carried away.

I'm gonna solve these murders, but...

..I would like you to go over the case histories.

Maybe come down to the crime scene.

Do you want me to ask Mulder?

OK. If he wants to come and do you a favour, great!

But make sure he knows this is my case.

Dana, if I can break a case like this one,...

..I'll be getting my bump up the ladder.

And you...

Maybe you won't have to be Mrs Spooky any more.

So why didn't they ask me? They're friends from the Academy.

I'm sure they just felt more comfortable talking to me.

Why would I make them so uncomfortable?

It probably has to do with your reputation.

Reputation? I have a reputation?

Colton plays by the book and you don't. They feel your methods, your theories are...


Do you think I'm spooky? Agent Scully's in here, sir.


Sorry I'm late.

We just got here.

Uh... Fox Mulder. Tom Colton.

So, Mulder, what do you think? Does this look like the work of little green men?

Grey. Excuse me?


You said green men. A Reticulan skin tone is actually grey.

They're notorious for their extraction of terrestrial human livers,...

..due to iron depletion in the Reticulan galaxy.

You can't be serious!

Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for on Reticula?

Excuse me.

Dana, I've been thinking about this and I have a theory.

It might explain a lot. Tell me what you think.

What if the guy enters the building...

Hold on a second. What in the hell is he doing?

Uh, that vent is 6 inches by about 18.

Even if a Reticulan could crawl through, it's screwed in place.

This is the print I took from Usher's office.

These others are from an X-File.

Ten murders, Baltimore area, undetermined points of entry.

Each victim had their liver removed.

These prints were found at 5 of the 10 crime scenes.

Ten murders. Colton never mentioned... Most likely he's unaware of them.

These two prints were lifted five years before he was born at Powhattan Mill.

And these three were lifted probably five years before his mother was even born.

Are you saying these prints are from the 19605 and the 19305?

Fingerprinting was just starting in 1903, but there was a m*rder with an extracted liver.

Now, that's five murders every 30 years. That makes two more to go this year.

You're saying these are copycats?

What did we learn our first day at the Academy?

Each fingerprint is unique. These are a perfect match.

Are you suggesting I go before the Violent Crimes Section...

..and present a profile saying these murders are done by aliens?

No! I find no evidence of alien involvement.

What, then? This is the work of a 100-year-old serial k*ller...

..who overpowered a six-foot-two businessman?

He'll stick out in a crowd with ten-inch fingers!

Look, bottom line.

This is Colton's case.

Our X-File dates back to 1903. We had it first.

Mulder, they don't want you involved. They don't want to hear your theories.

That's why Blevins has you hidden away down here.

You're down here, too.

Look, why don't we agree to this?

They have their investigation, we have ours. And never the twain shall meet.


After a careful review of the violent and powerful nature of these murders,...

..I believe the k*ller to be a male, 25-35 years of age, with above average intelligence.

His manner of entry has so far been undetectable.

This may be due to his knowledge of the inner structure of buildings and duct works.

Or that he in fact hides in plain sight posing as deliver or maintenance workers.

The extraction of the liver is the most significant detail of these crimes.

The liver possesses regenerative qualities. It cleanses the blood.

The taking of this trophy is the transferring act for the k*ller to...

..cleanse himself of his own impurities.

I think he is acting under the classic form of obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

Since the victims are unrelated and we cannot predict who will be next,...

..we must use the fact that a k*ller won't always succeed in finding a victim.

When this occurs...

..a serial k*ller may return to the site of a previous m*rder,...

..hoping to recapture the emotional high.

I think our best course of action is to target these sites.

Good job, Agent Scully.

If there are no objections, we'll begin our stakeouts of the m*rder sites tonight.

We're looking for a male, 25-35, possibly wearing a uniform.

Gas company, UPS, whatever. I know you're assigned to another area, Scully,...

..but you're welcome to come aboard with us on this.

That is if you don't mind working in an area that's a bit more down to earth.

Position ten. Station check.

Position ten, I copy.

You wouldn't sh**t an unarmed man, would you, copper?

Mulder, what are you doing here? He's not coming back.

His thrill comes from the challenge of a seemingly impossible entry.

If you'd read the X-File, you'd come to the same conclusion.

Mulder, you are jeopardising my stakeout. Seeds?

You're wasting your time.

I'm going home!

Scully! Call for backup and get over here!

Position ten requesting backup!

In there.

Federal Agent!

I'm armed!

Proceed down the vent. Slowly!

Cover down to the corner!

She’s not by her car!

Take him! Move! Move! Move!

FBI. Don't move! Don't move! Get your hands up! Keep 'em up!

You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent...

You were right.

You have a right to have an attorney present during questioning.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Is your full name Eugene Victor Tooms?


Are you a resident of the state of Maryland?


Are you an employee of the Baltimore Municipal Animal Control?


Is it your intent to lie to me about anything here today?


Were you ever enrolled in college?


Were you ever enrolled in medical school?


Have you ever removed a liver from a human being?


Have you ever k*lled a living creature?


Have you ever k*lled a human being?


Were you ever in George Usher's office?


Did you k*ll George Usher?


Are you over 100 years old?

That must be a control question. I had her ask it.


Have you ever been to Powhattan Mill?


In 1933?


Are you afraid you might fall this test?


Yes. Because I didn't do anything.

He nailed it... A+.

As far as I'm concerned, the subject did not k*ll those two people.

Maintenance at the office building confirmed the call to Animal Control...

..about a bad smell. They found a dead cat in the second floor ventilation ducts.

Still doesn't explain why he was there that late at night.

He's a civil servant with initiative and we busted him for it.

He was crawling up an air duct, by himself, without alerting security.

Dana, he passed the test.

His story checks out. He's not the guy. It doesn't mean your profile's incorrect.

Scully's right. It is the guy.

What have you got, Mulder?

He lied on questions 11 and 13.

His electrodermal and cardiographic response nearly go off the chart. ls number 11 the 100-year-old question?

Well, I had a reaction to that stupid question.

And what is this Powhattan Mill thing?

Two murders with matching MOs occurred in Powhattan Mill in 1933. Look at the chart.

My interpretation of those reactions...

I don't need you or that machine telling me if Tooms was alive in '33!

He's the guy.

I'm letting him go.

You coming?

Tom, I want to thank you for letting me put in some time with the VCS.

But I am officially assigned to the X-Files. I'll see what I can do about that.

Tom, I can look out for myself.

You said Mulder was out there.

That guy's insane.

You knew they wouldn't believe you. Why did you push it?

Maybe I thought you caught the right guy.

And maybe I run into so many people who are hostile...

..because they can't open their minds to the possibilities...

..that sometimes the need to mess with their heads...

..outweighs the millstone of humiliation.

It seems like you were acting very territorial.

I don't know... Of course I was.

In our investigations, you may not always agree with me,...

..but at least you respect the journey.

And if you want to continue working with them, I won't hold it against you.

I don't know. You must have something more than your polygraph interpretation...

..to back up this bizarre theory and I have to see what it is.

These are Eugene Tooms's prints.

This is the fingerprint they took from Usher's office.

It matches the old ones from the X-Files.

Obviously no match.

What if...


How could that be?

The only thing I know for certain is... they let him go.

Ahh! Agh!

64 inches from the south wall.

Let's check on liver transplants in the next 24 hours.

Maybe this is black market. Come on! It was ripped outta there.

Look, at this point I'm willing to give any theory a shot!

Any sane theory. Dana, I only want qualified members of the team at the crime scene.

What's the matter? You worried I'm going to solve your case?

Tom, we have authorised access to this crime scene.

A report of you obstructing another officer's investigation might stick out on your file.

Look, Dana, whose side are you on?

The victim's.

105 inches from the fireplace.

The victim is a Thomas Werner, single, white...

It's Tooms.

And he took something.

Baltimore PD checked out Tooms's apartment. It was a cover.

No one has ever lived there and he hasn't shown up for work since the arrest.

I found him.

How do we learn about the present? We look to the past.

I think this is where it all began in 1903, on Exeter Street.

Look at the address of that first m*rder in 1903.

Apartment 203.

He k*lled the guy above him.

Maybe he played the Victrola too loud.

This must be Tooms's great-grandfather. What about the prints?

Genetics might explain the patterns.

It also might explain the sociopathic attitudes and behaviours.

It begins with one family member who raises an offspring who raises the next child...

What is this? The Anti-Waltons?

What do you think?

I think we have to track Eugene Tooms. There's four down and one to go this year.

If we don't get him right now, the next chance will be in...


You'll be head of the Bureau by then. You go through the census.

I'll plough through this century's marriage, birth, death certificates and...

Do you have any Dramamine on you? These things make me seasick.

Anything? Nope.

He disappeared off the face of the earth. You?

Never was born. Never married. Never died.

At least in Baltimore County.

Oh, I did find one thing, though.

It's the current address of the investigating officer of the Powhattan Mill murders in 1933.

I've been waiting 25 years for you.


I called it quits in 1968...

..after 45 years as a cop.

And those killings at Powhattan Mill...

I was a sheriff then and I'd seen my share of murders.

Bloody ones.

But I could go home and...

..pitch a few baseballs to my kid and never give it a second thought.

You gotta be able to do that. You... you'd go crazy, right?

But those murders in Powhattan Mill...

When I walked into that room, my heart went cold.

My hands... numbed.

I could feel...


Feel what, Frank?

When I first heard about the death camps in 1945,...

..I remembered Powhattan Mill.

And I see the Kurds and the Bosnians.

That room is there, I tell you.

It's like all the horrible acts that humans are capable of...

..somehow gave birth to some kind of...

..human monster.

That's why I say I've been waiting for you.


There's a box in the trunk here. Get it for me, would you, please?

Now, this is all the evidence I've collected.

Officially and unofficially. Unofficially?

I knew that the murders in '63 were by the same... person as in '33.

But by then they had me on a desk pushing papers...

..and they wouldn't let me anywhere near the case.

A piece of the removed liver? Yes.

But, you know, that's not the only trophy he took with him.

Family members reported small personal effects missing in each case.

A hairbrush in the Walters m*rder. A coffee mug in the Taylor m*rder.

Have you ever heard the name Eugene Victor Tooms?

When they wouldn't bring me aboard in '63, I... I did some of my own work.

I took these surveillance pictures.


..is Tooms.

Of course, that was him 30 years ago.

And this...

..is the apartment where he lived.

It was located at... 66 Exeter Street?


That's it. Right there.

Here's 103.

The old man was right.

You can feel it.

There's nothing here.

Check this out.

What's down here?

I don't know.

Let's find out.

Just an old coal cellar.

Somebody having a garage sale?

This is the shape on Werner's mantel. Frank said he collected trophies.

Does he live in here? It looks like the wall's deteriorating.

No. Somebody made it.

This is a nest.


It's made out of rags and newspapers.

This looks like the opening. Think there's anything inside?

Oh, my God, Mulder. It smells like...

I think it's bile.

Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?

No one could live in this. I don't think it's where he lives.

I think it's where he hibernates.

Hibernates? Just listen.

What if some genetic mutation could allow a man to awaken every 30 years?


And what if the five livers could provide him sustenance for that period?

What if Tooms is some kind of 20th century... genetic mutant?

In any case, he's not here now and he's gotta come back.

We'll need a surveillance team. That'll take some finagling.

You go downtown and see what you can finagle and I'll keep watch.

Oh, wait. I'm snagged on something.

Oh, it's OK. I got it.

It's about time.

So... who we looking for again?

Eugene Tooms. He's unarmed but consider him dangerous.

Scully and I will be back to relieve you in eight hours if he doesn't show.

Right here.

You got it... Spooky.

We have to talk.

I have to meet Mulder. That's why we have to talk.

You're using two of my men to sit in front of a condemned building!

It isn't interfering with your investigation.

When we had lunch, I looked forward to working with you. You are a good agent.

But, after Mulder, I couldn't have you far enough away.

Don't go down there. I had the stakeout called off.

You can't do that!

No, I can't! But my Regional ASA did it once I told him about the waste in man-hours.

Uh-uh. Let me call Mulder. Let me tell him the news.

Is this what it takes to climb the ladder, Colton?

All the way to the top.

Then I can't wait till you fall off and land on your ass.

This is Fox Mulder. I'm not here. Leave a message.

Where is everyone?


This is Fox Mulder. I'm not here. Leave a message.

Mulder, you must have gone out since Colton gave us the night off.

What say we file a complaint against him? I am furious!

Call me when you get in. OK, bye.


Dammit, answer!



Are you all right?

He's not gonna get his quota this year.

Look at him. He's building another nest.

You'll be interested to know that I've ordered some genetic tests.

The preliminary medical exam revealed quite abnormal development...

..in the muscular and skeletal systems.

As well as a continually declining metabolic rate.

It dips way below the levels registered in deep sleep.

Did you hear me, Mulder?

All these people putting bars on their windows.

Spending good money on hi-tech security systems trying to feel safe.

I look at this guy and I think...

..it ain't enough.

Claire Bates

I made this!
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