01x10 - Fallen Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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01x10 - Fallen Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

We got a fire off County Road D7, two miles west of the Canyon Ridge intersection.

Suggest we dispatch fire crews. Over.

This is Deputy Wright. Do you copy?

Son of a...

Sir? Sorry to disturb you, but we've picked up an identified bogey.

I think you should see the replay for yourself.

It tripped the fence at 23.17 off the coast of Connecticut, sir.

Initial trajectory was north by northwest, then it went crazy.

What about other aircraft or m*ssile testing?

No known aircraft can manoeuvre like this.

Whatever it was dropped off the screen at 24.18, sir.

Hit ground just west of Lake Michigan, outside Townsend, Wisconsin.

The impact-prediction team calculated impact at over 800mph.

I've told Chief Koretz to start her report.

Use these tapes to... Negative.

She tracked a meteor.

Its aberrant movement was due to instrument malfunction.

But, sir... Your report will reflect these facts. Clear?

Yes, sir.


Code Indigo Delta Echo Niner.

I have a confirmed fallen angel in sector 87.

Mobilise Operation Falcon immediately.


They will have no comment until the government investigation is completed.

Government officials remain vague about the toxic cargo...

..that has caused the immediate evacuation of Townsend, Wisconsin's 12,000 residents.

Speculation here has centered on a shipment of toxic waste.

Then what happened if it wasn't a train wreck?

Mr Mulder, the continental US is surrounded by an electronic fence...

..that reaches 15,000 miles into space.

We use it to track and monitor the 7,087 man-made objects that orbit the Earth.

Last night at 23.17 that fence was breached.

This morning at 01.00 Operation Falcon went into effect,...

..led by Colonel Calvin Henderson, the Air Force's premier reclamations expert.


During the Cold w*r his job was to prevent technologies from downed US aircraft...

..from getting into Soviet hands.

He's... part of a crash-retrieval unit?


Quick response.

I'd say you have... 24 hours...

..before the entire area is sanitised.

After that,...

..be like nothing ever happened.

Let's go! Go! Go!

On the double!

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Get it going. Let's go! Let's go!

All right, let's move out! Roadblock needs to be in place.

All right. I'll get right on it, sir.

You're late. It's gonna be dark in a half-hour.

We had a flat outside the perimeter, sir.

There's a briefing at 22.00, but first go to headquarters for live rounds.

Live rounds, sir?

Got a problem with that? No, sir! We were told this is a drill.

They told you wrong. Sir.

OK, everyone out! Come on, people! Light a fire!


You just made the worst mistake of your life, Agent Mulder.

I think you knocked out a filling.

I'll see to it you pay the price for putting my men at risk.

Since when does taking pictures put anyone's life at risk?

You violated a US government quarantine and that's a federal crime.

A quarantine? Is that what you call this?

We're trying to contain an ecological disaster.

That's a lot of fire power just to protect Mother Nature.

I have my orders.

And the licence to execute them as I see fit.

I suggest you forget what you saw or what you think you saw...

..for your own wellbeing.

You've got a downed craft in those woods, sir, and troops carrying live rounds.

We both know what's out there!


Come on, move it. That's right, buddy. Get goin'.

Get in there.


Uh, do you mind if I sit down?

No. Let me guess. You're with that new group. CSlCOP, right?

Say no more. You're a cautious man. Trust no one - very wise.

After what happened to JFK, I understand completely.

Let me introduce myself.

Max Fenig.

I'm with the National Investigative Committee of Aerial Phenomena.

Uh, pleased... pleased to make your acquaintance.

I, uh, wish we could shake on it, you know?

Firm grip. Look right in the eye. You learn a lot about a guy that way.

Can I, um... Can I ask you a question?

Go ahead.

Did you see anything? Did you get close?

Me, I saw nothing. I didn't see anything!

Nada. Zip. 100 yards past the roadblock they nailed me. I have no idea how they did it.

I'm telling you, it's like the Roswell cover-up all over again.

What makes you so sure there's something out there?

Same thing that makes you so sure.

I didn't order room service.

This isn't funny, Mulder.

Did you meet Max? Who?

Max from NICAP.

Oh, they must have released him.

Another intrepid soul in search of a close encounter.

Is that what this is about?

What else?

Try explaining that to Section Chief McGrath.

He stepped over Blevins, ordering a full inquiry with a recommendation...

Mulder, he wants to shut down the X-Files and he wants you out of the Bureau.

What else is new?

I don't understand you, Mulder!

Why you're always defying protocol,...

..ignoring jurisdiction.

Because I know what I saw, Scully.

There were no train tracks, so how could it have been a derailed container?

Because it wasn't.

What you saw was not a toxic spill.

But it wasn't a UFO either.

OK, I'm all ears. What was it?

It was a downed Libyan jet with a nuclear warhead.

Over US airspace?

They picked up low-grade levels of radiation, so the plutonium casing may have cracked.

So to avoid mass panic...

You really believe that story? That story happens to be highly classified.

A highly classified lie.

They're searching for someone, Scully. Then it's probably the pilot.

You think they'd roll out all this material for one Libyan fighterjock?

Besides, no human pilot walked away from the wreckage I saw.

Well, maybe he ejected.


You can't be serious.

As long as we're in beautiful downtown Townsend, why not?

The hearing is tomorrow at ten o'clock. That gives us 24 hours to investigate.

My assignment is to bring you back, not to dig you in deeper.

The Last Detail, starring Dana Scully.

What's going on?

Looks like housekeeping hasn't been here yet.

What... Sh!


Get your hands up!

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t! Max?

My apologies. Forgive me, please. l-l-I'm a curious man. I had to know.

Know what? If it was really you.

But you don't know me. Last night was the first time we met.

Not true. NICAP have followed your career closely ever since you got put on the X-Files.

Followed my career? How? With the Freedom of Information Act.

Your travel expenses are a matter of public record.

So, uh, this must be the... enigmatic Agent Scully.

How did you recognise me? I saw your picture in a trade publication,...

..and I read your article in Omni about the Gulf Breeze sightings.

I published that under a pseudonym. MF Luder. I know.

MF Luder's an anagram for F Mulder.

You really didn't think that would fool us, did you?

I didn't think anybody was paying attention.

Somebody's always paying attention, Mr Mulder.


Amazing? Hardly!

Hey, you wanna see something amazing, come with me.

"The enigmatic Dr Scully."

This is my, uh... Right this way.

Excuse the mess.

Uh, OK. Where's those, uh...

Let me turn this off. They're right here.

Oh, here they are.

Latest crop circle photos from Project Argus. Huh?

Your opinion: fact or fraud? Fraud.

How do you explain the blisters on the plants?

It's either a weathering effect...

..or the plant's reaction to being in one position.

You've read the literature. I try to keep up.

What about... Max, you had something to show us.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

The Wolf's Ear 2000. You ever hear of this?

Yeah. Wolf Industries supplies the CIA with surveillance equipment.

State-of-the-art search and intercept. 100 channels per second.

I'm jacked into local fire and police departments, cellular phone pathways,...

..and, when the weather's right, air-traffic control from Whitmarsh Air Force Base.

What have you got?

Mobile-unit broadcast in scan mode.

Townsend Sheriff's Department two nights ago.

We got a fire off County Road D7,...

..two miles west of the Canyon Ridge intersection.

Suggest we dispatch fire crews. Over.

This is Deputy Wright. Do you copy?

And then this, 35 minutes later, presumably from the fire crew.

Reception got wiggy for some reason.

This is Unit 53. Man down. Request medevac.

I said, request medevac!

You're breaking up... barely... bad, ver bad.

Wait a sec. What the hell...?

Charlie! We got a situation here!

We put up a tight net.

Yes, sir. Every inch of ground is being covered, dug up, squeezed and sifted.

No, sir, it will not get away.

Not this time.

Mrs Wright?

Hi, I'm Fox Mulder. This is Dana Scully. We're from the FBI.

We have a few questions about your husband.

He's dead!

What else is there to know?

I'm sorry about your husband. Oh, please!

Mrs Wright, we want to help you. Then leave me alone!

Why won't you let us help you? I don't know anything!

Don't you understand?

They won't even release the body so I can give him a proper burial, OK?

The government can't do that.

I'm sure if we appeal to... No! You can't.

You're entitled to the truth.

I can't afford the truth.

They said if I spoke to anyone, they would withhold my husband's pension.

And I have a child to take care of.

Picking up an extremely high frequency signal. 200,000 megahertz.


Target on the northeast side.

Foot speed: 7mph, sir.

Beta team? Copy.

Target entering your section.

Search and destroy.

Repeat: search and destroy.

Yes, sir.

Jackson? Nothing.

Must have been an animal.


I'm sorry, but unless you have a subpoena, I can't discuss patient information.

So Jason Wright was your patient?

I have nothing more to say about this.

What about to his wife and child? Would you have anything to say to them?

Because whoever got to you also got to her.

They must have made some big threats.

What'd they hold over your head? Your medical licence? The IRS?

I hate fascists. Excuse me?

The men who came in here, the way they pushed us all around.

Dr Oppenheim, tell us about the deputy. You saw him that night, didn't you?

Yes, and three others from a fire crew.

They were DOA with fifth- and sixth-degree burns to over 90% of their bodies.

But they weren't like any burns I've seen,...

..and they took the bodies before we could perform pathology.

Did you note any cadaveric heat rigor or heat stiffening?

Yes, there was quite a bit of flexion in the limbs. How do you know so much?

I did my residency in forensic medicine, so...

Dr Oppenheim, could those burns have been caused by ionising radiation?

Well, I hadn't thought...

I suppose it's possible, if the exposure were sufficiently intense.

Say the men died from radiation exposure.

Can't it have been from a nuclear warhead? I've read about these kinds of burns.

So have I, in Hiroshima at ground zero. I mean close-encounter mortalities.

I have a stack of X-Files reporting the same clinical results.

I don't claim to know all the answers,...

..but if we don't make the OPR inquest by tomorrow...

..there may not be any more X-Files.

Start an IV here. D5, half-normal saline at 150.

Tell us what happened out there. Mulder, it has nothing to do with you.

Wrong, Colonel. We both want the same thing, only you want it dead.

Can't you see by chasing it like an animal you leave it no choice but to defend itself?

How many more have to die before you rethink your approach?

Listen to me, cos I'm not wasting another breath on this.

If you two aren't outta here in 30 seconds... Agent Scully stays here!

We're undermanned, she's a doctor. She stays.

If that's OK with you. Of course.

Doctor, if you don't mind, just take care of my men and let me do my work, OK?

Outside this emergency room you can do whatever you want, but here I call the sh*ts.

Assuming, of course, you want me to take care of your men.

Get this man out of my sight.

Yes, sir.

Where do I scrub up?


Hey, Max?


Hey, Max.

Who are... who are you?

Max, it's me. Fox Mulder.

You OK?

What are you doing here?

You were having some kind of seizure.


That's impossible.

You were lying on the floor unconscious, convulsing.

That's odd.

I haven't had an episode in seven years, not since I went on medication.

Let's get you to the hospital. No!

I mean, it's not necessary.

Sure? Yeah, I've lived with epilepsy all my life.

I'm not in any danger.

Yeah, it started in South Dakota when I was ten.

The doctor said I must have incurred a head injury.

I don't remember ever hitting my head.

When you have seizure, you have no memory of it?

As a kid I used to wake up in strange places with no idea where I was or how I got there.

I'm sorry. I got...

I gotta... I gotta go sleep. All right.

Rough night, huh?

It was terrible.

We lost all but two.

They're still in critical condition, on their way to the burn unit at Johns Hopkins.

So what do you think, Scully? What's going on out there?

I don't know.

And, under other circumstances, I would like to find out,...

..but we have a plane to catch in just over an hour.

I want you to take a look at something first.

What? Max.

There's an unusual incision behind his left ear. I've seen this incision twice before.

Two women 1,000 miles apart.

No way of knowing each other, no relation.

Both claim to have been abducted by aliens.

Are you saying Max Fenig is an abductee?


..the man is taking powerful anti-psychotic dr*gs. I saw them in his RV.

They're for his epilepsy. Not all of them.

Dilantin is an anticonvulsant, but Mellaril is used exclusively to treat schizophrenia.

More than likely, Max is delusional.

You don't understand, Scully.

Max doesn't believe he was abducted by aliens. I believe he was.

Now, could you at least look at the scar and give me your medical opinion?


You pack, I'll take a look at Max...

..on the way to the airport.

Sir, I have flash traffic at 24.18.

Repeated calls for ID go unanswered and it's not in the orbital or suborbital inventory.

24.18. Isn't that where...? Same exact spot, sir.

Though I am reading a larger craft this time.

Meteor, Miss Koretz.

A much larger meteor,... sir.

Whitmarsh Tracking SSC. We have a bogey.

Hold on a second.

We have a confirm. Whitmarsh Air Force Base is tracking.

Where is it? Sector 35, 53, 000ft, zero velocity.

Well, sir, the meteor seems to be hovering over a small town in eastern Wisconsin.

We have a bogey. Confirm.

Come on, Mulder. Let's get this over with.

Hey, Max?



Hey, Max?


Mulder, look at this.

What is that? Blood?

Falcon Patrol reporting unidentified trespass.

Repeat: Falcon Patrol reporting unidentified trespass at the waterfront. Dock 7.

Mulder! Come on!

Where do you think you're going?

If we go to the airport now, we might make the plane,...

..which would give you a chance of defending yourself.

Think about it, Scully. Max is a gypsy, a nomad, right?

Yeah. So what?

So he intercepted Deputy Wright's last call,...

..which means he was here in Townsend the night of the crash.

Of all the places he could have been, he was here.

Don't you think it's more than a coincidence?

If Max was abducted, that would explain his obsessions.

And if we figured that out, Henderson has as well.

D'you have the keys?

Don't do this! Sir, we have the target. It's just a civilian.

Negative, Falcon Patrol. Take him with extreme caution.

They're dead.

It hurts. Stop.

Why, why, why, why?

It hurts. It hurts. It hurts...

Max? It hurts. It hurts.

Stop it, it hurts. It hurts. Stop it, it hurts...

It's all right. Stop it, it hurts...

No. No, it's me. They're coming for me.

Now I know that's... that's why they're coming for... me.

It hurts, uh... Keep 'em out.

Alpha team, secure the roof.

Hold it right there! Put your hands up and come with us!

Give me a hand now!

Go! Go! Go!

Quadrant 4, move in!

Alpha team ready on the roof.

Roger, Alpha. Delta team, report.

Delta team in position, sir.

What are you doing? You have a very sick man in there.

We're not in the hospital now, Dr Scully. Omega team report.

Omega team in position. He's a delusional schizophrenic.

Keep her clear.

Sir, this is Alpha team leader. I'm picking up three forms inside the structure.

Did you say three forms?

That's affirmative.

Two are proximate.

The third,...

..approaching from 40 meters.

All teams, prepare for go in 30 seconds.

Come on! Come on, Max.

Come on, stop. Why...

I'm here to help you.

I'm scared. I know.

Don't let 'em take me. I won't let 'em take you.

Come on, Max. Come with me.







Sir, this is Alpha team leader. Except for our men, I 'm only picking up one figure inside.

I did not copy that.

We indicate only one figure inside the building.

What? Blow the door!

Take him!

Where is he?

He's gone.

They got to him first. They beat us, Colonel.

Arrest him.

And keep looking!

Agent Scully, to the best of your knowledge, was Agent Mulder ever assigned...

..to investigate matters related to the evacuation of Townsend, Wisconsin?

No, sir.

At any time were you aware of his submitting a form 302,...

..requesting said assignment or travel expenses?

No, sir.

While in Wisconsin, did Agent Mulder drive a blue Ford Taurus,...

..registered to the State Car Rental Agency?

Yes, sir.

Thank you, Agent Scully.

Sir, request permission to make a statement.

Request denied.

Sir, it's unfair to judge Mulder by the same criteria...

You're dismissed, Agent Scully.

But, sir... That will be all!

D'you hear that noise, Scully? Hammer and nails.

They're building a gallows in the town square.

Don't worry.

It was only a matter of time.

I'm surprised I lasted this long.

Good luck.

I'll break a leg.

..as well as insubordination and misconduct.

How do you respond to these allegations, Agent Mulder?

Over a dozen men lost their lives, and you want me to respond to issues of protocol?

You failed to obtain proper authorisation.

Because I knew it wouldn't be forthcoming.

And violated a Federal Quarantine Area,... A cover-up was under way!

..exposing yourself and possibly others to toxic contamination.

Toxic contamination! We back in that?

You read my report. Explain Fenig's disappearance.

Your report is not the subject of this inquiry.

I have further evidence!

X-rays of Mr Fenig when institutionalised show an object lodged in his cerebellum.

That is irrelevant, Agent Mulder.

The man was abducted. We all know it. Everybody here knows it!

Colonel Henderson's written testimony states...

..that Fenig's body was found two hours later in a cargo container.

Then what can I say?

How can I disprove lies that are stamped with an official seal?

That will be all, Mr Mulder.

You can deny all the things I have seen, all the things I have discovered,...

..but not for much longer.

Cos too many others know what's happening out there.

And no-one,...

..no government agency has jurisdiction over the truth.

Why did you countermand our decision?

Mulder's conduct was in clear violation, not only of Bureau procedures, but of federal law.


I don't know understand. The committee's case was airtight.

You ruined our last chance to get rid of him.

I appreciate your frustration,...

..but you and I both know that Mulder's work is, uh...

..his singular passion.

Poses a most unique dilemma.

But his occasional insubordination is, in the end, far less dangerous.

With respect, sir, less dangerous than what?

Than having him expose to the wrong people...

..what he knows.

What he thinks he knows.

Always keep your friends close, Mr McGrath.

But keep your enemies closer.

I made this!
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