04x06 - PS: Yes, in That Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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04x06 - PS: Yes, in That Way

Post by bunniefuu »

[ thunder crashing ]

[ drilling, sawing ]

[ electricity crackling ]

lt's alive!


l don't know how to express
my feelings!

l hit my head in the bathroom

and had the inspiration
to draw this!

And how did you...

hit your head in the bathroom,

[ grunts ]

[ choking ]


Hey, y'all.

Recognize me?

l'm the pen lying on your desk.

We've never been properly
introduced, l guess.


Boy, oh, boy, l sure do
have a lot of fun

when you're not


l have pen pals
all around the world.

l always sign your name, though.

Most of them are underage boys.

What will l do with all those
stacks of letters and photos?

You'll find out soon enough.

l'm a really good artist.

Here's a picture of your boss
peeing into his own mouth.

Think he'll be mad?

[ train whistle blows ]

Well, nice chattin' with ya.
See you later.

Hey, there!

Wanna make a quick $10?

Yeah. $10.
That's great.

Oh, good!
Stick me up your butt.

Hope you like dysentery.


[ screams ]

Help! Help! Help!

Screaming won't do you
any good!

[ laughs evilly ]

The walls are soundproof!

[ pounding on door ]

[ muffled ]

Are you okay in there?

l'm calling the police.

[ dial tone, keypad dialing ]

Oh, well.

That's what l get for going with

the lowest soundproofing

[ beeping ]

Hello, what have we here?!

Spearmint tic tacs,
three for $1 .

Billy Dee,
this is a red-letter day.

Oh, wow!

Billy Dee Williams!

Hey, l'm a huge fan.

Why, thank you.

Where have you seen my work?

Lady Sings the Blues,

my episode of
the Jeffersons?

Uh...No, no, no.

''Star Wars, '' l would guess.

Oh, yes.

That's where l play the hero,
Lando Calrissian.

Well, l wouldn't call him
a ''hero'' per se.

He did betray all of his friends
to the Empire.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no.

The tic tacs need a coupon.

The Empire got there first,

and he had a whole city
of people to protect.

Yeah, but it's working
with the enemy,

like France did after
the Nazis invaded.

No coupon?

They're 99 cents each.

You are comparing
Lando Calrissian

to Marshall Philippe Pétain --
France's greatest traitor?!

l just think he could have

practiced nonviolent resistance
or something.

Even a wink to Han when they
landed would have been nice.

''[ coughs ] look out.

[ coughs ] Vader, trap.
[ coughs ]''

You know, something.

He's more of a sell-out
than a hero.

No coupon?

Will you wait about the damn
Tic Tacs?!

l'm Billy Dee f*cking Williams,

and l'm tired of people saying
Lando was a f*cking traitor!

f*ck you, damn it!

Uh, is there a problem here?

[ laughs ]
No. Oh, my -- ohh.

Hey, l'm sorry, everybody.

[ laughs ]

l'll pay full price
for the Tic Tacs.


Glad to see Lando showing
some integrity for once.

[ ltalian accent ]
You know, Donkey Kong,

at $137 a barrel,
this is a tremendous a-waste!

[ grunts ]

l keep it a-now.

[ laughs ]

♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪

[ laughs ]

[ girl screams ]

Someone's stolen
my black cherry!

Oh, no, black cherry pie!

Your black cherry is gone?!

lt was probably Fudge Turnover.

He loves black cherries.

l'd never take
anyone's black cherry

without their

Mm...That's not what l heard.

Oh, shut up, bitch pudding!

[ glass breaks ]

[ ltalian accent ]
Son of a bitch!

We're berry, berry mad
at you!

Get the hell off of my lawn,
you stupid b*tches!

You stole my black cherry!

[ scoffs ]

Sorry, a-
Honey, l'm into Asian chicks.

[ sniffs ]

What the...


Oh, fire!

My valuables!

Ay, mama and Rachael-a-Ray!

Oh, no!

Only time to save a'one of you!

[ whoosh! ]

Aah, you f*cking twats!


Look at you!

- Ooh!
- l'll k*ll you!

l'm not sure how this gets
my black cherry back.

Nobody says a f*cking word,

or we all go to Rikers lsland

for a berry, berry, berry
long time!

[ chomp! ]

What's up?

My black cherry!

Huckleberry Pie, you assh*le!

l can't believe you took my...

[ laughs ]

l heard she left home because
her daddy took her black cherry.


You all get a taste of
the bitch pudding!

And now, Afro-Bot...


[ whirring ]

Where the white women at?


Goodbye, Harry.

The Henderson family
will never forget you.


[ birds chirping ]

[ sentimental music plays ]



[ gasp ]



ls he...

[ grunting ]

Oh, my God.

Okay. Let's go.

Everyone, we're leaving.



Uh, uh, everyone,
just stay still.

Maybe he'll leave us alone
when he's done.

Uh, no, we're watching.
We're watching.


[ moaning ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ grunting intensely ]

[ crying ]

[ splatter! ]

Ohhhhh, God!

Okay? Uh...

Oh, God.

Be brave. Be brave.

lt's okay, kids.

[ sniffs ]
This never happened!

lt never happened!

lf we maintain this velocity,
we should arrive --

[ farts ]

Oh, for the love of God,


What's the point of having
a talking car

if you can't fart in it?

[ farts, laughs ]

Turbo boost! Ohh!

[ camera shutter clicks ]

[ whoosh! ]

[ shouts in native language ]

[ Asian-themed music plays ]

Hi, l'm Breckin Meyer.

You might remember me.

[ whoosh! ]

You know what this is?

This is $12,000.

[ ka-ching! ]

Now, what would you do --
you know what?

Before you answer that,

let me tell you what our
''co-head writer,'' Doug Goldstein,

did with $12,000.

[ chuckles ]

He bought a time share!

True story!

And, no, no, this isn't 1978,

and Doug isn't a 63-year-old
retiree from Boca!

Check this out.

You still look fat.


[ insects buzzing ]

Hey, if flies were nickels...

Am l right?

Their capes are vinyl!


l ran out of chicks.

Am l right?!

lt's outrageous lately!

Handjobs, $5!

Get your handjobs, $5.


That's your mom!

[ indistinct conversations ]

Hey, shut the f*ck up!

Hannah Montana's the only friend
l need.

[ bones crunch ]

What the f*ck, man?!

The necklace costs
a blumpkin.

Now say you're a whore.

l am a whore!

[ laughs ]
Yeah, you are!

[ ting! ]

You know, l was raised Jewish,
so this really hurts me.

Can l help you, sir?


Warrior need food badly.

Wow, that never gets old.

[ laughter, indistinct talking ]

Attention, Joes.

l'd like to introduce you to our
newest member, Calvin.

Welcome to the team, Calvin.

You can call me Gung-Ho.

Um, actually,
l've never really been

too crazy about

So if we could get
to the code-name part

sooner rather
than later...

Ah, will do. Will do.

So, what do we think, g*ng?

Well, as you can see,
l like to wear black.

And, uh, not to boast,

but l was at the top of my sn*per class
at West Point.

So maybe Deadeye,
or how about Killshot?

A-And you know what --
l have a PHd,

so it could be Dr. Killshot!


''Paging Dr. Killshot.''

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

[ zing! ]

[ crash! ]
[ laughter ]

Looks like someone
had an accident!

Way to go, Fumbles!

''Fumbles''! That's perfect!

Ah, that settles it!

Welcome to the team, Fumbles!

What?! no, no, no, no.

l'm an insanely talented sn*per.
l'm a doctor, for God's sake.

Did everyone hear that?

lt's Dr. Fumbles.

[ laughter ]

l think we should cancel our

''who's gonna f*ck
the new guy first?'' contest.

No, no, no!
Wait, wait, wait!

Not -- not Fumbles!

Come on, you could call me --

you could call me Sureshot or,
uh, Triggerman!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[ zing! ]

[ crash! ]

[ laughter ]

That is some
classic Fumbles there!

[ alarm blaring ]

Enough fun, Joes.

Cobra's on the move.

Fumbles, l want this mess
cleaned up

by the time we get back.

[ laughter ]

f*ck this!

No, l quit!

Welcome to Cobra, Calvin.

You need a code name,

and, my, those are some fancy
trousers you're wearing.

l shall call you...


Heh, l don't even care

Go, Joe!

Go, Joe!

Wind -- 3.8 miles southwest.

Mark velocity --
7.8 kilometers per hour.

What's -- what's hap--

My God.
l don't even hear the sh*ts.

[ parrot squawks ]

For the love of all that's holy,
get behind a t*nk!

[ sputters, coughs ]

[ metal unsheathes ]

[ whish! Whish! ]

[ b*llet zings ]

l don't want to die!
l don't want to die!

Hey, Gung-Ho.

Hold that thought.

[ b*llet zings ]

[ whish! Splat! ]



[ wailing ]

[ b*llet zings ]

[ eagle screams ]

[ b*llet zings ]

Make it stop!
Make it stop!

ls -- is he gone?

[ b*llet zings ]

[ splat! ]

You m*therf*cker!

You k*lled everything l love!

Take me, too!

Take me, too!

No, you live with it.

Wow, uh, great job, uh,

lt's Fumbles.

lt was always Fumbles.

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

Ba-gawk! Bawk.

l just want to be clear here.

l'm not saying Lando's perfect,
but who is?

Am l right?

l'm just saying it wasn't
an easy decision to make.

Remember Schindler's List?

Same thing.
''One to save millions.''

''One to save millions.''

Saved Leia and Chewie when Vader
altered the deal, right?

Nobody mentions that one,
do they?

Went undercover for months
in Jabba's palace

to save Han, huh?

¿No recuerdo?

Blew up the second death star
with the pancake kid!

l'm a f*cking hero, man!

l'm not saying l need a street
named after me,

but it wouldn't
hurt to throw a penny

into a Calrissian wish fountain

every now and then!

You know what l'd wish for?

Peace and love, baby.

Peace and love.
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