01x13 - Atta Toy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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01x13 - Atta Toy

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!


Ha ha! Ha ha! Aw! Aw!

Happy birthday, Billy.

My bad.

Emilio. Ha ha. Fagabeefie.

We now return to the Hollywood Spotlight
of the incredible Hulk.

We've followed the life of the Hulk...

as he's grown up
with his abusive father...

his early career,
an awkward emergence into puberty.

It was during his teenage years
as a stunt double...

on the ill-fated prime-time pilot Gumbo...

that he met the man who changed his life,
Bill Bixby.

The two were surprised to find
that they looked exactly alike.

They decided to make a show together,
and CBS agreed.

Look at him walk! Genius! Ha ha!

The Hulk wasn't too bad, either.

We had him show up twice each episode...

to beat up the bad guys.
A punch here, a growl there.

He was a millionaire.

The guy's agent was amazing.

Times were finally good for the Hulk.

Flush with green...

he fed a sudden appetite
for booze, babes, and blow.

But these high times
wouldn't last for long.

Audiences stopped liking Hulk
even when he was angry.

With the show canceled...

the Hulk did what every other
failed celebrity did in the mid- 's.

He whored himself.

Things found in a car! Places to eat!
Things in a hat! Kinds of skis!

Famous actors! Kinds of rocks! Ways
to cook an egg! Names from the Bible!

Taking any bit part he could,
Hulk's acting career plummeted...

and eventually he sold his name
to Hulk Hogan.

Real name: Chesterfield Evenpurple.

Sad news
from the entertainment world today.

The father of the incredible Hulk
lost his long battle...

with gamma radiation poisoning
at the age of seventy-four.

The one-time successful
TV star has gone into seclusion...

to mourn his loss in private.

The Hulk's career appeared to be over.

Years later,
hope would come from China.

Ang Lee, a relatively unknown
Chinaman filmmaker...

would surprise the world with his opus
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The Hulk was living
off his meager residuals...

when Lee sought him out...

and he recognized the director
as a natural choice...

to tell his complex tale
of anger and destruction.

Hulk movie very clear to me.

Comic book meet slow beautiful haiku.

Pretty bird. Oh, pretty bird.

How Hulk sing so high.

Sounds fascinating.

It surely will not be huge flop
that ruin my career.


For one last time,
the Hulk was back in the spotlight...

adored and admired.

Hollywood was green with envy
for the success coming his way.

But Hollywood loves you for only so long.

It stinks. Audiences agree
that Ang Lee's motion picture...

is one gamma-strength b*mb.

Is this the end of the Hulk's career?

This entertainment reporter says yes.

Hollywood make Hulk sad.

Hulk spent time in Asia to find self,
met Suk Lee...

and now finally trying to be happy.

Soon after returning to America...

Hulk accepted Jesus Christ...

and now counsels inner-city children
with anger-management troubles.

Hulk live day by day.
Not angry anymore.

Is Hulk happy? Ha ha!

Hulk think so.

Who's nuts now? Ha ha ha!
Huh? Huh?

Oh, gosh! Bobby Fever
smiled at me during homeroom.

Do you think he'll ask me to the dance?

Sure, if he's into girls with fat thighs.

I always pay my taxes.

I have no idea
where Geppetto is buried.

Bill? Bill, I'm home.

Bill, are you here?



There you are.

Ah, welcome home, there, snugglebunny.
I was just reading the paper.

You wouldn't believe
the day I had today.

Oh, is that right?

Oh, I was in meetings all day.

Ah! Bill!


You can't catch me now.

I'm too fast for you,
'cause I was a running back...

in the major leagues.


Huh? Uh-oh.


Oh, Sabrina,
my food is on the top shelf...

and I can't reach it,
and I'm really hungry.

Will you give me some food?

Uh, no.

Oh, baby! Oh, come on, I was just...

No, no, no! My golf clubs! Aw, come on!

Oh, that's my suit! Hey, that TV's mine!

Oh, baby!

I was just sitting on her egg because...

Hey! Don't throw that!
Oh, come on, honey!

How old are you, little girl?

- Thirteen.
- Perfect.

Good evening.
Eternia's first same-sex marriage...

took place earlier today
in clear defiance of federal law.

One-time outlaw "Too Bad"...

Has entered into holy matrimony
with himself.

But first our top story.

The scandal involving
Captain of the Royal Guard Teela...

and local nightclub owner
Beast Man continues to unfold.

A raunchy sex romp between the pair
was captured on video...

and made public earlier this week.

Uh! Yeah! Yeah!

Great! Awesome! You're great!

Whoo! You're the best! Awesome!

Totally into it! Uh! Uh! Uh!


Yeah, I'm totally interested...

in changing
my long-distance service provider.

Teela's father, Man-at-arms...

made his first official statement
earlier today.

Our family has been devastated...

by the release
of this sordid videotape.

Teela is a respectable young woman...

who would never degrade herself
in this manner.

Ha ha! I'm having fun! Whoo!


We plan to file charges
against Beast Man immediately.

But how will this affect
the May sweeps performance...

of Teela's new reality program...

And this is how quantum
chromo dynamics theorizes...

how quarks interact by exchanging
particles on a subatomic level.

You're... stupid.

Prince Adam of the royal family
also expressed his concerns.

I was outraged
by what I saw on that video.

Teela kept hogging the camera.
I could barely see Beast Man at all.

I mean...

In a related story, a new sex tape featuring
court magician Orko has surfaced.

The dog's owners
have so far declined comment.

Aah! Uhh!

A witch! A witch! Look at the witch!

Ooh, ooh, a witch.

Happy... Halloween.

A huge crowd of Michael Jackson fans...

has formed outside
the Santa Barbara courthouse...

just to get a glimpse of their embattled

The king of pop is due here any minute.

Wait a second. I've just heard... yes.

Yes, he's here. Michael Jackson is here.

Hi, everybody,
it's me, Michael Jackson.

Hooray! Hi!

Whee! I love you!

Here we go. Look at me. I'm a...

So fun. We gonna be good friends.

Aw, thanks for coming, everybody.

Yay! Whee!

I love you all.

We'll get through this together.

We can beat the evil with love.

I love you!

It's... It's... Michael Jackson?

No, no, that's not Michael Jackson.

I'm Michael Jackson. Really.

Look at my driver's license, really.
It says, "Michael Jackson."

I am Michael Jackson,
the real Michael Jackson.

I was kidnapped by aliens
over fifteen years ago.

The concert accident...

gave them an opportunity
they couldn't pass up.

I was taken away to another planet...

while a fake was left in my place...

all as a part of a plan
to take over the world.

Uh, that doesn't seem
to make much sense.

Those are lies, all lies. Stop lying.

My baby!

Gee gee!

Now you've gone too far.

Prepare to die!


Oh, my God, he's got a g*n!

But which... which one
is the real Michael Jackson?

To be safe, you must sh**t us both.

Oh, that must be the real one.

I guess that's an acquittal.
Ha ha ha! Hmm...

Uhh! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Years of planning ruined!

How were we going
to take over the world...

with a white Michael Jackson anyway?

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

- Ba-gawk!
- Bock.

Stupid monkey.
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