03x02 - Squaw Bury Shortcake

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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03x02 - Squaw Bury Shortcake

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

Sent from planet Krypton

to aid Superman
in the fight for justice,

these are the Superpets...

Krypto the Superdog...

Streaky the Supercat...

...Beppo the Supermonkey...

...Comet the Superhorse...


...Hissy the Supersnake.

They are the...

After a whole month in space,

I can't wait to hug those
loveable Superpets.

The Superpets!




Becky, this is S...

We... well, is she there?

One second.

Hello, Becky?
Superman here.

Did you, uh...

No! No, Becky!

Not next month!

You were supposed
to watch them this month!

This month, Becky!

I'm so sorry.

We just couldn't
reduce his fever

for the flavor of a Pringles.

We can't take much
more of this!

Send out the call,

We need Voltron!

Right away, Commander.

Voltron force, go!

We're being ripped apart!

Don't you worry,

That Robeast will be singing

a different tune
once Voltron gets here.

Where the hell is Voltron?!

Don't you worry, sir.

Voltron won't let us down.

Wait a minute, guys.

Something's not right.

Let's take it back to step six.

Is that Voltron?

Yes, son.
He's right here.

It's all gonna be okay.

Voltron's on the scene!


Where were you?!

We got here at the speed
of justice!

Not even the real Voltron.

It's just that stupid
vehicle one.


Dr. Pepper.

My god... a planet where apes
evolved from men?


What the f*ck did you
just say to me?

You said "apes," plural.

There's only one ape... me.

It kind of sucks, but, hey,
I'm glad you're here, man.

We can play parcheesi.

You maniacs!

You blew it up!

Me personally?

No. No, no, no.

I think there were
some other apes,

but they left on a spaceship
like forever ago.

I'm a little fuzzy
on the history.

Ohh, damn you!

Damn you all to hell!


Yeah! There you go!

That's the spirit!

Anyway, I'm gonna go get
a smoothie.

You want one?

Yes, I'd like that very much,
new friend.


Oh, I found it.

This is the problem right here.

Wait, wait,
stop the execution!

The Governor called!

Oh, that's me... always a day
late and dollar short!

That's the way it goes,
but how to feed the family?

Time pilots, Carmen has
stolen the Brooklyn Bridge.

We need you to head to
the year it was built

and bring back that

You heard her, kids.

We've got to retrieve
the Brooklyn Bridge.

Uh, I got to take this.

Janine, I'm doing the show.

I told you we'd talk
about it later.

I don't want to talk
about it later.

Well, I have more to say.

No, now.

No, not now.

What the f*ck
you want me to lose my job?

I don't care.

Oh, nice.

He's there now, isn't he?

You mother f*cking whore!

Well, then I want
my jacket back!

No way.

Yes, way!
It's my f*cking jacket!

It was a gift!

No, a gift is something you
give someone you love,

you dumb bitch!

Uh, hey, kids.

Uh, that was the chief again,
and she said she made a mistake.

Carmen didn't steal the
Brooklyn Bridge after all.

She actually stole a magical
leather jacket,

and we need your
help to get it back.

So, are you with me?

What's so mag...

And we're off!

Aren't we supposed to be
answering questions?

I'll give you a question...

What year did
that f*cking bitch ruin my life?

Don't know?
Trick question!

She ruined three
f*cking years of my life!

Is this Franklin Street?

You whore!

I loved you!

And you f*cked it all up.

I gave this to you because it
meant something, stupid.

That was the day you
said you loved me.

What was that day, kids?

November th.

November f*cking th.

points for you, kids.

When did firemen
first start using poles, Susan?




Carmen is safe.

Where are...

I ask the questions!

L- I-I-I swear it happened
in battle.

What's up?

Konnichiwa! Bienvenu!

I'm entrepreneur and alleged
r*pist Joe Francis.

When I started
"Girls Gone Wild,"

I had no idea that years of
semi-consensual orgies

would leave me so desensitized.

But look...
don't feel a thing!

Anyway, my quest
to achieve an erection

led me to some dark territory,

and now you can come
along for the ride.

Ohh ho ho!

Hurts so good!

We have such sights
to show you.

And the "Girls Gone Wild"
cameras catch it all.

You won't believe how far these
girls are willing to go.

You're , right?

Yeah, sure!


I want to be popular!

The Cenobites have used up every
cheap thrill on hell and Earth,

but they've never
done anything like this.

Order now!



where the hell have you been?

Half the day is gone!

Ugh, I was on a stakeout.

Well, we've got a situation.

t*rrorists have called
in a threat,

but our suspect's
not talking.

Leave me alone with him.

I'll find out what he knows.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
L- listen. Listen.

I've changed my mind.

I'll tell you about the
t*rrorists and their b*mb plot.

I'll tell you everything.

It's a little late for that.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

B- but i've decided to...

He wouldn't talk.

Damn it, Drac!

Well, we've still
got three more suspects.

Can I get you something to eat?

No, I'm on a liquid diet.

I said yes!
Yes, I'll tell you!


The b*mb's on flight !

But, Drac,
it's already in the air!

Nobody move!

We've got a b*mb!


What in the... huh?!

Excuse me, sir.

You're gonna have to return to
your se... ohh!


Drac, the hijacker's
in the cockpit.

The b*mb's gonna blow in the
next five minutes

if we don't meet his demands!

Everybody down!
Get down!

Where's the b*mb?

Bite me.

Where's the b*mb?!

You'll know when you're dead.

I am dead.


Throw it!

Wait for it.

But it's a b*mb!

Wait for it.


And now!

Eh? What is that?

Is that a...


How'd it go, Drac?

Well, I took care
of the b*mb,

but i'm afraid all the
passengers are dead.

But we're not dead.

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #
# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #
# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #
# Ba-bawk bawk bawk #

# Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk #

Ba-gawk! Bawk.
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