Dragon Rider (2020)

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Dragon Rider (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

(woman) Long ago,
humans and dragons

lived in perfect harmony.

But the humans became greedy

and began to take over
the world,

consuming everything
in their path.

The dragons pleaded
with the humans

to stop this selfish quest.

But instead of listening,
the humans declared w*r.

An evil alchemist, Petrosius,

a dragon-k*lling monster

and named it Nettlebrand.

But Petrosius could not control
the monster

and was k*lled
by his own creation.


Nettlebrand began hunting
the dragons all over the world.

The dragons
scattered helplessly,

unable to counter Nettlebrand's
immunity to their fire.

After losing their tracks,

Nettlebrand retreated
to his creator's castle,

obsessed with his desire
to devour.

(raven croaks)

Centuries passed.

The humans took over the world,

forgetting all about
special creatures.

The remaining dragons
had no choice but to hide,

keeping their existence
a secret

from the rest of the world.

But nothing remains hidden

- (squeaks)
- (footsteps)



(distant dragon) Do not
drag your tail in the dirt.

Keep your tails up because,
as you know...

We're gonna get in trouble.

(distant dragon) Keep a tight,
close grip on your scales.

We can't leave any evidence
of our presence.

Get up here, you big lump.

(distant dragon)
Rule number .

(dragons murmur)

And remember,
fire is the last resort

and should be used
for protection only.

(dragon ) Order. Order!

Let's have some order here.

Listen up.
This is a serious matter.

Fire is a w*apon, not a toy.

- No fire, no flying.
- (dragons) I got it!

- We keep a low...
- Whoa!

- Firedrake!
- Sorry. My-My-My bad.

- (dragon) That weird kid.
- Hi.

- What are you doing up there?
- (Firedrake) I just...

Spare me the details.

Don't you have anything better
to do than creeping around?

Like what?

Uh, well, we've got loads
to do here. Like...

Guessing what shape
the next cloud will be.

- Taking a good mud bath.
- Flicking flies with your tail.

Look, no one's saying
you can't have fun.

Just keep it quiet, you two.

I wanna be a proper dragon,

like the dragons
in Slatebeard's stories.

Oh, give me strength.

Stay out of trouble.
Stay out of sight.

That's an order!

Where's the fun
in hiding all the time?

Bottleneck doesn't allow us
to do anything.

But we're safe here.
Isn't that more important?

Who can hurt us? Sprites?


My mum will, if I'm not home
for dinner.

(Firedrake) See you tomorrow.

- (birds sing)
- (dragon snores)


(Slatebeard sighs)

(dragons giggle)

Feast your eyes on this, ladies.



He thinks he's a real dragon.

- What's his name?
- Spinecrackle.

Spinecrackle? That's a name
I won't forget in a hurry.

He's not a real dragon.

The Rim of Heaven,

ah, that's where
the real dragons live.

(Spinecrackle) Hey, Slatebeard.

You telling your crazy tales
again, old man?

- (laughs)
- Old man?

- I'll give you old man.
- (dragons laugh)

He's got a nerve.
What's his name?

You were saying,
the Rim of Heaven?

(sighs) How do you know
the Rim of Heaven?

Uh, you just said it.

Have you been there?

- (burps) Ooh!
- (laughs)

That dragon is so annoying.

What's his name?

Tell me more
about the Rim of Heaven.

Ah, yes. A paradise for dragons.

Where the moonflowers shine.

Where is it?

It's, uh...


In a faraway mountain range.

No, Slatebeard, don't nap now.

On the other side of the world.


A paradise for dragons.

(brownie) Where is this place?

He said it was
in a faraway mountain range

on the other side of the world.

He called it a paradise
for dragons.

A paradise for dragons?
That's good for you then.

No, brownies are welcome too.

How do you know? Maybe
they barbecue brownies there.

(Firedrake) Nice.

All I'm saying is,
it sounds like my kind of place.

My dad says the world outside
of this valley is a scary place.

- (brownie crunches apple)
- (Firedrake) We're stuck here.

- (expl*si*n)
- (Firedrake and brownie gasp)

(birds screech)



(brownie) Humans!

We have to tell the others.

(anxious chatter)

- (dragons shout)
- (dragon) Calm down!

The humans are coming.

What will they do
when they find us?

What they always do
when they want something.

Attack first,
ask questions later.

It wasn't always like this.

Back in the days
of the great dragon kings,

humans and dragons
even flew together, until...

Until the humans wanted
to have it all their own way!

We lay low and wait
for the humans to pass us by.

I say we take the fight
to the enemy.

It's about time
we show them who's boss.

We are noble creatures.
Fighting is not our way.

What's so noble about hiding?


If the humans advance
further in this direction,

they'll be on us
by the next full moon.

- Sulfurbreath.
- Yes, boss.

Prepare the hideout.

- (dragons groan)
- What about the Rim of Heaven?

We could go there.

Yeah, right. How are you
planning to get there?

- I've got wings, haven't I?
- Seriously?

We find the Rim of Heaven,

come back
and lead everyone to safety.

That's insane. You've never been
outside the valley.

(brownie ) Sorrel!

I'm coming, Mum.

(dragon) It'll be all right.
Come on. Follow us.


There we go. This should keep us
going for the foreseeable.

Those awful humans
think the world belongs to them.

It's like I've always told you,
they're the worst.

We should run away.
Leave the valley.

Find a new home.

My dear Sorrel, if I knew
of somewhere we could go,

we'd be out of here in a jiffy.

(distant expl*si*n)

(dragons snoring)

I'll come back. I promise.

(Spinecrackle snorts)

(wind whistles)

(distant expl*si*n)

All right.

(twigs snap)

(Sorrel gasps)

Sorrel! What are you doing here?

What do you think?

Come on,
before I change my mind.


Here we go.

I hope you know
what you're doing.

You've never flown before!

(both scream)

(Firedrake chuckles)

(Firedrake) Ha-ha!

So, genius, where do we start?

(Firedrake) Whoa!

(Sorrel) Whoa!

- Sorrel, are you all right?
- Still alive.

Wow, look at that.

What is that? It looks amazing.

Should we go down there?

Are you crazy?
That's where the humans live.

- Even though...
- What?

A pixie I know once told me

about this all-knowing oracle
that lives there.

Maybe it can help us find
the Rim of Heaven.

Great. What's it called?

They call it the Internet.

The Internet?
OK, let's go ask the Internet.

(Sorrel) Oh, I guess we don't
really have a better choice.

No, no, it is way too dangerous
to go flying down there.

No, come on, Sorrel.
We've gotta try.

(pedestrians pass)

- (bell jingles)
- (chuckles)

(gasps) Hey!

(bystander) Hey!

You won't get away this time.

- (gasps)
- (driver) Watch it!

(crowd cheers)

(woman ) I can't believe it!

(woman ) Can I get a souvenir?

(jeweller) Stop! Thief!

- (yelps)
- Hey, watch it.

- Here, check it out.
- (jeweller) There! That's him!

- (gasps)
- Stop, police!

- (blows whistle)
- Ah!


- (punching)
- (fans shout)

(boy ) That's my costume!
What do you think you're doing?


Here we go...

- (grunts)
- (Sorrel shrieks)

(Firedrake groans) Sorry.

OK. I'm the little brown thing.
You're the giant wingy thing.

I go find the Internet.
You hide in there.


(door squeaks)

- (Firedrake) Hello?
- (door clangs shut)

(sniffs) Oh!


(Slatebeard) Back in the days
of the great dragon kings,

humans and dragons
even flew together.


(dog barks)

(cat screeches)

- (sighs)
- (door clangs)


(Firedrake breathing)



Yeah, very good. Very good.

That, my friend,
is a pretty awesome costume.

You're with the movie, right?

Oh, come on, little guy,
where are you?


That kinda feels dragony.


OK now, stay cool.
It's just a dragon.

- Hi.
- (screams)

- A talking dragon!
- (clattering)


Oh, you're him.

Huh? Yeah, I'm, uh, him.

I'm a Dragon Rider?

A Dragon Rider.

What's a Dragon Rider?

Uh, it's like a horse whisperer,
but with dragons.

It's a psychic thing.

That's amazing. Can you
help us find the Rim of Heaven?

Maybe I should check my diary.

This is a very busy time
in the Dragon Rider calendar.

I looked all over
and couldn't find... (gasps)

A human! Stay back!

What did I tell you
about mingling with the enemy?

No, no, you don't understand.
He's a Dragon Rider.

He could help us
find the Rim of Heaven.

Don't fall for his tricks.

The human is a liar and a cheat.

How do you know that?

All humans are liars and cheats.
They're the worst.

But this one's different.

- He has special talents.
- Talents? What talents?

I can read your mind?

Then you'll know
what I'm thinking.

- (siren wails)
- He's not coming with us.

(shrieks) Uh, so... how about
we find that thing of Heaven?

You betcha.
Climb aboard, Dragon Rider.

No, no.
I am not flying with a human.

Uh, we need to move fast.

- Sorrel, come on!
- (groans)



(Sorrel groans)

Steady, everyone.
Sounds like this is the one.

(officer) I'll go left.

(officers yell)

Gotta fly! (chuckles)


(crowd gasps)

That should be us there.

I know a free ride
when I see a free ride,

and he is a free ride.

You don't like humans, do you?

You've probably
never even met one.

No, and I wouldn't want to.

Well, where's the sense in that?

So, where to next, Dragon Rider?

All we know is the Rim of Heaven
is in a faraway mountain range

on the other side of the world.

A faraway mountain range.

On the other side of the world?
Hey, hey, dragon.

- Put me down!
- But we've just taken off.

That's quite far enough.

Besides, you've got
a great setup here.

Go with the chipmunk.

I'm not a chipmunk.
I'm a forest brownie.

Yes, awesome.

Come on, Scales, let's fly down,
nice and easy.

- You said you could help us.
- Huh? No, not me. Wrong guy.


Or should I say
"until we meet again"?

It's goodbye.

Let us know
if you change your mind.

Good riddance.

- (Firedrake groans)
- (owl hoots)

This place is spine-tingling.

Look at my spines,
they are literally tingling.

Dragons? Brownies?
What the heck is going on?

- (gasps)
- (man) I got an itchy head.

- What's that tingling feeling?
- Something's not right.


Someone's coming.

Whoa! Hey.

Get your fat butt out of sight!


You want some of this?

I am so ready to strike.

- (man) Huh?
- Halt right there!

- Who are you?
- We are three dwarves.

- This is Stonebeard.
- Hi.

- This is Gravelbeard.
- Hi.

And I'm Granitface.
Overjoyed to meet you.

It must be somewhere
around here.

My scalp didn't prickle
like this

since the last time I saw a...


Is that what I think it is?

(Stonebeard) A dragon.

Oh, a silver dragon.

We haven't seen one of these
around these parts since,

well... never. (laughs)

You're a joy to behold.

Aye, he certainly is.

Oh, jings! Crivens!

I left my flask of cheeky water
at the mine.

Carry on without me.

And off he goes.

Disgraceful manners.

Where travel you to, dragon?

- We seek the Rim of Heaven.
- Firedrake!

The Rim of Heaven, you say?

Where east meets west,
story says.

Did you know,
according to legend,

the day the Rim of Heaven
is discovered,

silver will be worth
more than gold?

- Ain't that a pretty fact?
- Silver. Gold.

(gasps) I'd never have
to steal again.

We're not interested
in silver or gold.

We just need
to find a way to get there.

As you say.

Anyway, this coal needs
a good warm fire.

Good luck with your quest.

(sighs) Well, you don't see that
every day.

That's it.
We follow the rising sun...

Until east meets west.

- Dragon Rider!
- Oh, no.

You're coming with us?

All the way
to the Ding of Heaven.

(Sorrel shrieks)

Oooh. (groans)

You're a fake. You're a phoney.
You're not a Dragon Rider.

Guys, guys, guys.

If I'm not a Dragon Rider,
what do you call this?

- My Dragon Rider card.
- (Sorrel scoffs)

- Yeah.
- (pants rip)

- Oops.
- Was that...?

My pants, yes.

I rest my case.

You wouldn't know a dragon
if it burnt a hole in your sock.

I most certainly would. This is
definitely a male dragon.

You are a male dragon, right?

You're not coming with us!

I'm warning you. Don't make me
use my Dragon Rider powers.

What powers?
You don't have any powers.

(Dragon Rider)
Really? You wanna bet?

(voices fade)

Oh, you're going to love this.




Yes, Master.

Do something,
you puny homunculus.

I'm bored out of my mind.

Um, have you heard of something
called FetchAMatch.com?

- What?
- FetchAMatch.com.

Your chance to find love.

Or a meal. Or both. (laughs)

Are you wasting my time,
you worthless sl*ve?

No, no, Master.
We just need your profile.

(computer buzzes)

- (chime)
- (romantic music)

About me?

Tell them who you are.

Oh, that's easy.

-year-old draconoid.

Violent! Vicious.

Ate his creator.


Perhaps a little finessing?

What about "mature, sensitive
type with healthy appetite"?

Fine. Let's go with that.

Would like to meet like-minded
for fun and frolics and...


- I said fun!
- (Twigleg shrieks)

Pay attention, stick man,
or I'll do for you as I did

for your
brothers and sisters.


Dislikes? Not eating dragons.

Likes? Eating dragons.

Oh, and golf.

And feeling the soft
summer breeze on my face.

(Twigleg types)

And eating dragons!

(shrieks) Add picture.

Shall we enhance, Master?

(computer keys click)

(Nettlebrand) How do I look?

Like a weird, savage freak.

- (Nettlebrand snarls)
- Which is not what you are.

OK, let's hope those victims...

...matches come flooding in.

Yo! Nettlebrand!

Have I got news for you!


Up on the hill, I just saw...
Have a guess.

Do I have to?

Um, a sh**ting star?

Oh, we can do better than that.

Um... A sheep?

A rainbow?

- Tell me!
- I'll give you a clue.



(ravens croak)

- What is that?
- An opera singer?

What? Do me a favour.

It's only a ripe, juicy dragon.

A dragon?

Not just any dragon.
A silver dragon.

The ball's in the back
of the net.

A silver dragon. I have
never heard of a silver dragon.

I yearn for a silver dragon.

I hunger for a silver dragon.

Show me this silver dragon!

Now you're talking my language.

(ravens croak)


Sorry about that.

I've got
Youngest Brownie Syndrome.

No hard feelings?


No hard feelings.




- (feet pound)
- Over there!

- I can see the silver dragon.
- (Gravelbeard cackles)

- (feet pound)
- (foliage rustles)

Uhh... guys?

Ow! (groans)

(sighs) Ow!

Where's the Dragon Rider?

He took off.


(Sorrel) Yep.
I guess he chickened out.

Now it's back to you and me.

- (Dragon Rider strains)
- (Firedrake gasps)

Dragon Rider!


I never expected this.

She pushed me off the mountain!

(Nettlebrand sniffs)

- I can smell the silver dragon!
- (both chuckle)

- (ground rumbles)
- (rocks clatter)

Let's get out of here.

(clattering grows louder)


(paws clang)

- I can taste the...
- (Gravelbeard groans)

Huh? Where's he gone?



Oh, my roar, your roar.

Look at us both.
We're both roaring.

- (chuckles)
- Shut up, shut up, shut up!

I must know where they're going.

- Raven!
- (raven croaks)

- (Twigleg gasps)
- Go after them.

But, Master, I've lived
in your cellar for years.

I know nothing
of the world beyond.

How will I communicate with you?

- Skype me.
- (whimpers)

- (raven croaks)
- That just leaves you and me.

Two merciless giants of nature.

What do you say?

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking I'm in urgent need
of a new sl*ve.

Let's not say "sl*ve".
Let's say "partner".



(dragons murmur)



Where are you, lad?

Did you find him?

- (young dragon) No.
- Right, you two, stop it now.

- No!
- Sorry.

- (groans)
- Ohh!

My baby girl, she's missing!



OK, so, how about
a fire-breathing demo?

Uh... We're not allowed
to play around with that.

Uh, fire is a w*apon, not a toy.

Come on, there's no one here.

Uh... Uh...

(chuckles nervously) OK.

(Sorrel gasps)

Here we go. (inhales sharply)


(Sorrel) This isn't good.
This isn't good at all.

Don't worry, Sorrel.

We've got the Dragon Rider
to guide us through all this.

Uh... right.


(raven croaks)


(mumbles in distorted voice)

(screaming continues)



(spits) Huh?


- (sand rustles)
- (chokes)

- Ha! Nice hair.
- (groans)

(Twigleg strains)

Ahh! Got it. (screams)

(Sorrel) Where's Firedrake?

I was going to ask you
the same thing.


Hey, hey, wait!



(Dragon Rider strains)

(Dragon Rider)
What am I doing here?

- (groans)
- Huh?

(Sorrel gasps)

- Firedrake!
- (Sorrel gasps)

He's still breathing.

- Whoa.
- (crack)


I'm going to wait outside.

- (snarling)
- (both gasp)

What is that?

I don't know
and I don't wanna know.

All sorts of things
are attracted to dragons.

(snarling continues)

Emergency call on line one.


(Firedrake) Dragon Rider?

- Yeah.
- (snarling continues)

You can't scare us.
We've got a dragon.

- (growls)
- Go on, Scales, torch him!

OK. (inhales)


- Uh, not good.
- He can't breathe fire.





- (snarls)
- (Sorrel shrieks)

(feet pound)

Do something! Anything!

(Sorrel strains)


- Hey!
- Oh!



- (Sorrel and Dragon Rider gasp)
- Good boy. Good boy. Easy.

It's a good thing I was around.

Who knows what would
have happened?

(all gasp)

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is
Professor Barnabas Greenbloom.

You've k*lled him!
Typical human.

Setting upon
a poor, defenceless... thing.

No, he's not dead.
He's simply stunned.

He'll be out for a week or so,
but he'll be all right.

Look at him.
He's definitely dead.

- (creature snarls)
- (Sorrel gasps)

Whoa, a silver dragon!


Oh, he's exceptional all right.
He can't breathe fire.


What have you done?

- Firedrake!
- This dragon is one of a kind.

- We better go find him.
- Great.

Firedrake, where are you?

Here, dragon, dragon!

(Dragon Rider sighs)

He didn't mean it.


The stupid...

(Firedrake sighs)


how come no show
in the flame department?

I open my mouth,
but nothing ever happens.

The other dragons
call me Lame Flame.


What's the point
of being a dragon

if you can't breathe fire?

Other dragons?

I'm such a fake.

I'm not what I seem to be
at all.

- You wouldn't understand.
- Oh.

(Sorrel) Firedrake!

Yeah, we should get back
to the others.

Give me a second chance,
Dragon Rider.

I have to find
the Rim of Heaven.

What's the big fuss
about the Rim of Heaven?

(Firedrake) It's the only place
that we can be safe.

Humans are destroying
our valley.

So, I promised to find it

and return
before the next full moon.

No pressure, huh?

Listen, humans do bad things,
but good things too.

Not all humans are bad.

You're a good human, right?

Uh... Right.

So you're still gonna help us?

Well, I've come this far,
haven't I?

Oh, thank you!
Thank you! Thank you!

Oh! I won't let you down again.

Oh, there you are.

All right, let's head back
to my camp and get some rest.

You've been through a lot.

Heck of a long way, mate.

- By the way, thanks.
- Hmm?

Back there, in the ruin,

you weren't a chipmunk.
You were a tiger.



So, where you heading to?

We're flying
to the Rim of Heaven.


At least we were,
before I crashed.

(Barnabas) Oh, no, no, no.

You crashed
because you were affected

by the presence of another
rare special creature.

That wasn't your fault.

That nasty chicken thing
in the cave?

The basilisk is a rare
and beautiful specimen.

Maybe only of its kind
in the world.

I'm taking him to my reserve,

where he'll get all the care
and attention he needs.

- (creature barks)
- (Sorrel gasps)

Whew! Ooh!

- Yuck. Gross!
- (others laugh)

He likes you.

I run the reserve
with my wife and daughter.

She's about your age.

We hope to collect, catalogue

and cultivate every rare and
special creature on the planet.

(creature squawks)

I came for a basil... basilisk.


And I found a silver dragon.


A tickle monster,
as I thought.

- Hmm!
- (creature giggles)

Oh, now, be very careful
with that one.

What's in it?

That's my tea.

(tickle monster giggles)

Right, you seek
the Rim of Heaven.

Now, if I'm not mistaken,

it should lie somewhere
in the Himalayas.

But even my friend, the famous
dracologist, Subisha Gulab,

doesn't know
exactly where it is,

and she knows everything
there is to know about dragons.

Hey, wait a minute,
I know who you can ask.

The Djinn
with the thousand eyes.

He lives in the ravine here.

(Twigleg) Oh...

(Barnabas) He has the power

to answer any question
in the world.

But be warned, he's got
some rather antisocial habits.

Now, your route
will be perilous.

So whatever you do,
avoid the angry giant.

Somewhere around here.

Or maybe here.

And the nasty elves,
and the sea serpent.

Is that all?

And the roc bird
in the mountains here.

Beware these three things.

That's four things, idiot.

(others gasp)


Anything else?

Get some rest.
You can stay here tonight.

I'll get you supplies for
your journey in the morning.



(softly) I think you might need

something a little more

Now, it may lack
the comfort of home,

but it's better
than sleeping rough.

It's OK. Go on.


I forgot to say, there are
some fresh clothes if you...

(heart beats)



"Couple k*lled in car-crash."



Are you a fan of prison movies?

Huh? FetchAMatch.com.

You have a sensitive side?

- (snarls)
- Nothing to be ashamed of.

Let me give you
a little word of advice.

♪ If you're looking
for some loving...

Oh, no, you don't.


Oooh! Treat 'em mean,
keep 'em keen. They love that.

- (groans)
- (ringtone chimes)

(gasps) Twigleg!

I know where the dragon
is going.

A place called
the Rim of Heaven.

The Rim of Heaven!
This is better than I imagined.

First they must seek out
the thousand-eyed Djinn.

No, no.
The Djinn will destroy them!

Stay with them.

But the raven has deserted me,
Master. How can I follow them?

You'll think of something.

I must follow them to the Djinn.

Ooh! It's getting more evil
by the minute.

So, we haven't actually
worked out

the terms of our partnership.

(Nettlebrand) You're my sl*ve.
Those are the terms.

(Gravelbeard) Perfect.

The super submersible.

What a beauty!

What's a super submersible?

My ticket
to anywhere in the world.

It was built by the human
who made me

and that wretched Twigleg.

(metallic clang)

What are you doing?

(Gravelbeard) We're partners.
Where you go, I go.

(Nettlebrand) Huh?

(water bubbles)

(cars pass)

(horn blares)

- (tyres squeal)
- (groans)

- (car crashes)
- (screams)


Oh, no.

Where is it?

Hey. Got a moment?

- Huh?
- Help me load him onto the Jeep.

(chains rattle)

So, should I call you
Dragon Rider,

or do you have another name?

(strains) I've got a female
on the reservation.

I'm hoping
they'll start a family.

(Dragon Rider strains)

You got a family?

You must be a long way
from home.

I do fine on my own.

Oh, by the way,
does this belong to you?

- (gasps)
- Do you like crosswords?


You know, I could do with a
little help on the reservation.

Here. If you're ever in
my part of the world,

you can look me up.

My wife and daughter
would be delighted to meet you.

Accept the past and move on.



Six down.

It's Ben.

My name is Ben.

OK, Ben.

- (Twigleg whimpers)
- You're always welcome.

(Twigleg zips zipper)

- (whimpers)
- (creature barks)

Next stop, the Mighty Djinn.

- (creature barks)
- Good luck.

Let me know if you find
the Rim of Heaven.

Thank you, Professor. We will.

(Ben) Whoop!

Goodbye, Professor. And thanks.


All right, Scales.

You handle the flying,
I'll do the navigating.

- (Sorrel scoffs)
- (creature barks)

(Barnabas) Mind how you go.

♪ There's a wide-open world

♪ An excitement
that I cannot hide

♪ Whatever tomorrow is bringing

Up, up, up!

♪ I can face it
with you by my side

(Sorrel and Ben argue)

♪ Something's waiting
beyond the horizon


♪ At the dawn
of a brand-new day

♪ Together we're stronger
than ever

♪ And nothing
can take that away

♪ Take my hand

♪ And always remember

♪ Side by side

♪ We can do this together

♪ Wherever we go

♪ The journey
will show us the way

(teeth chatter)

♪ When shadows keep on rising

(Sorrel and Ben argue)

♪ There is nothing

- (Sorrel and Ben scream)
- ♪ That we wouldn't dare

♪ No matter how hard
or surprising


♪ I can make it
as long as you're there

♪ Take my hand

♪ And always remember

♪ Side by side

♪ We can do this together

- (cackles)
- ♪ Whatever you do

♪ It's better
when you have a friend

(Sorrel and Ben scream)

- (Ben) Oooh!
- (Sorrel) Ohh!


That was the worst excuse
for navigation I have ever seen.

Come on, it wasn't that bad.

At least we avoided
that roc bird.

- (bird screeches)
- Oh, come on, give me a break.

Sorrel. Hold on!

(Sorrel screams)


(Firedrake) Hold on, Sorrel.

(Sorrel screams)

(Firedrake and Ben scream)

(Sorrel screams)

(Firedrake) I'm coming.

(Sorrel) Firedrake!




(bird screeches)

(Sorrel screams)

(gasps) No, no, no, no, noooo!



Sorrel, are you all right?

(gasps) I'm OK.

That was intense.

You really had me worried there
for a second.

You did it.


You breathed fire!

For real?

A blue flame. Didn't you see?

It was awesome! Wow! (laughs)

Oh, I did it.

- I did it.
- Whoo-hoo!

- (all laugh)
- I did it, I did it, I did it!

Yay, Firedrake!

It's all thanks to you,
Dragon Rider.

- Oh, come on.
- Oh, man.

Did you see that move? I didn't
even realise I was doing it.

I'm so proud!

- It was like out of my mouth!
- It was fantastic!

- It was like a fire. Incredible.
- Cool. It wasn't me, it just...

Whoo! Awesome.

(voices fade)

Hey, look at this.

(Ben) The Djinn's ravine.

(water gurgles)

(insects buzz)

- (feet thud)
- (Ben sighs)

- (water gurgles)
- (exotic animal sounds)

What fresh hell is this?

- (wings flutter)
- (Sorrel gasps)


Any sign of that Djinn?

- (car creaks)
- "Honk me"?

- (car rattles)
- Oh, my...

Whoa! Whoa'!

(Djinn snarls)

You have a question
for the Mighty Djinn?

Ask me anything you wish,
but I warn you,

if it is a question
I have heard before...


- (shrieks)
- Ask your question.

You heard what the Djinn said.

If it's a question
he's heard before,

he's gonna zap another tree.

We have to ask the Djinn
where the Rim of Heaven is.

I'm pretty sure
he'll have heard that before.

It's a chance we have to take.

Leave this with me.

- No! No!
- (Firedrake clears throat)

Where is the Rim of Heaven?



Where is the Rim of Heaven not?

What kind of question is that?

You want to know where it isn't?

Uh... yeah.

Pole to pole, north and south,
and everywhere in between?

Yeah, right.

Every blade of grass,
every stone,

every grain of sand, every place
the Rim of Heaven isn't.

That would take an eternity.

I cannot do it.

Then answer the question
as you know it. You owe us that.




- (gasps)
- (thuds)

Oh, no!

Do you have another question
for the Mighty Djinn?

Yeah, how do we get out of here?

- (laughs) Fools.
- Whoops!

A question I have heard
many times before.

Sorrel, what have you done?

No one escapes the Djinn alive!

- Dragon Rider!
- (Sorrel) Whoo!

(Firedrake shrieks)

Ha! Ha!

(Sorrel shrieks)

You just messed
with the wrong dragon.

I'll show you fire. (inhales)

(coughs) Not again.



Silver dragon.

What the...?

Oh, you're in the big league
now, son.

(Djinn roars)

(rocks crumble)

(Firedrake) I don't get it.
Why isn't it working?

Dragon Rider.
It all makes sense.

- What are you talking about?
- I can only breathe fire

when the Dragon Rider
is sitting on my back.

That's crazy.
What makes you think...

- Look out!
- (Djinn roars)


- (laughs)
- Huh?

He's indestructible.


We have to get him out of there.

(Sorrel) Firedrake!

(Ben babbles)

Dragon Rider, come back to us.

- (babbles)
- What's wrong with him?

I don't know.

I kind of like him better
this way.

You're the Dragon Rider.

Oh, this is all my fault.

This has nothing to do with you.

He's been trouble
since the beginning.

I say we leave him here
and forget we ever met him.

Are you out of your mind?

We can't desert
the Dragon Rider.

You really have to stop being
so judgemental.

I don't have any pumpkins.


- (thud)
- (yells)


- Huh, huh? (yells)
- What are we gonna do?

(Ben) Dragon-ragon... Brrr-brrr!

This must be where
the Professor's friend lives.

I can't believe
I'm actually saying this,

but maybe she'd be able
to help us.

Sorrel, you're a genius.

We'll see about that.

By the way...

Way too much Djinn.

(Gravelbeard chuckles)

Ah, that Djinn will know better
than to mess with us next time.

Listen to me.
If you don't stop talking...

Oh, don't be so modest.

It's not like
I did all the work alone.

So, where to next, partner?
Some more butt kicking?

We wait until that pathetic
insect Twigleg reports back.

Och, I hate waiting.

Hey, what about
that dating thing?

Got any hits, lover boy?

I once dated a three-headed
Cerberus. she had six...

(Gravelbeard mutters)

(Nettlebrand sighs)

- (distant expl*si*n)
- (Spinecrackle) Sorrel!

Firedrake! Sorrel!

- Firedrake!
- (Bottleneck groans)

- (Sulfurbreath) Sorrel!
- (expl*si*n)

You know what I think?
The humans have taken them.

(Bottleneck) Ohh.

(explosions continue)

(dragons murmur)

You still wanna hide,

Those humans have gone too far.

This means w*r!

- (voice echoes)
- (explosions continue)

(sitar plays)

- (children laugh)
- (both gasp)

- Huh.
- (Ben sighs)

Where are we?

Dragon Rider. You're back!

(excited chatter)

Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut!

(Sorrel sighs)

(old man) Who are you?

Uh... Hello.
My name is Firedrake.

This is Sorrel. And this here
is the Dragon Rider.


You are

I'm what?

The Dragon Rider!

has returned.

- (cheering)
- Uh...

Can we just stick to
"Dragon Rider"?

- Take my carrots.
- You must take my potatoes.

My pants! My pants!

(in Hindi) Don't insult
the Dragon Rider

with these paltry items!


We're looking for
the dracologist Subisha Gulab.

(in English)
Put him in the special


- (cheering)
- Come this way.

Come, come, this way.

(Firedrake chuckles)


This doesn't make any sense.
I made it all up.

(old man) Subisha! Subisha!

You will never believe this.

(Subisha) Shut up, Deepak.

How many times
do I have to tell you

not to shout so mu... (gasps)

Can this be true?

The Dragon Rider has returned.

Look! I found him.

It's me. I... I did.

Who are you, boy?

Uh, the Dragon Rider?

Professor Greenbloom
told us about you.

We were hoping
you could help us?

Of course. Come with me.
This way.

Come, come, come,
come, come. (laughs)

Ah, only , steps.

Hurry up. Pick your feet up.

(Deepak) I do this every day.
I don't work out.

Don't need to work out.
Not with a physique like this.

Welcome to
the Temple of the Dragon Rider.

What is your business here?

- We seek the Rim of Heaven.
- (Sorrel groans)

No one knows where it is.

It's hidden from the world,
protected by powerful magic.

Is there anything more
you can tell us?

This temple is the resting place
of Varin,

the only human
ever to ride a dragon.

Varin led the dragons
to the Rim of Heaven

when they were in retreat.

He sealed them there
with a special key,

keeping them safe inside.

The monster we saw
in the ravine.

Varin ventured
to find other dragons,

but the monster
tracked him down,

savaged him and stole the key.

As he lay dying,
he set down this prophecy.

Poppadom? Samosa?
Who's hungry?

Deepak! Now is not the time
for treats and refreshments.

I'm trying to be mystical.

But they have flown halfway
around the world

and need something to eat.

Look at the Dragon Rider.
He's starving. So thin.

Leave it here, Deepak. I will
finish telling the story first.

You can't tell me what to do.

I will leave the treats
and refreshments here

and let you get all mystical
from my own free will.

(arguing in Hindi)

- (screams)
- (shouts in Hindi)

- (clattering)
- Forgive my husband.

He is a good man,
but he's also a pain in the...

Where were we? Ah, yes.

The prophecy.

The day the Rim of Heaven
is discovered,

silver will be worth
more than gold.

Just what the dwarves said
oh the mountain.

(clears throat)
Many have searched for...

By the way, there's also
rajma chawal and mag Ni dal.

Smells tasty, though.
Can you smell it? Spicy.

(slurps) Too strong. Too strong.

I'm not done yet, you idiot.

You always take
so long telling the back story.

Dragons were locked away.

Nobody knows where they are.
Job done.

Go away, Deepak!

- Go forth.
- OK, I'll eat it myself.

(Deepak mutters)

It was an arranged marriage.

Many have searched, but no one
has found the Rim of Heaven.

Are there still dragons
in the Rim of Heaven?

I have no reason
to believe otherwise.

This monster,
does he have a name?

They call the monster...

- Nettlebrand!
- (Twigleg screams)


- Put me down! Put me down!
- Who are you?

My name is Twigleg.

- What are you doing here?
- Um, I...

You know what we do with spies.
We scratch their eyes out.

I mean you no harm. I didn't
want to be Nettlebrand's spy.

(all gasp)

You've been spying
for this monster Nettlebrand?

- I say we get rid of him.
- No!

Please, spare me.
I hate being a spy.

I'm terrible with secrets.

I find it all so stressful.

What does Nettlebrand want?

He means for you to lead him
to the Rim of Heaven.

- You're going to pay for this.
- No, no, no, I can help you.

How can you help us,
wretched little man?

- (ringtone chimes)
- (Twigleg gasps)

It's him.
My master, Nettlebrand.

- Now what?
- (ringtone continues)

If I prove my worth,
will you let me live?

How can you do that?

I'll throw him off the scent,
send him on a wild-goose chase.

- (ringtone continues)
- OK, one chance.

But slip up,
and it's the end for you.

(whimpers) Master!

(Nettlebrand) Twigleg,
what have you been doing?

Oh, Master, I'm going
to tell you everything.

(Sorrel snarls)

We're almost at
the Rim of Heaven.

Where is it? Tell me!

It's in... the North Pole.

We're on our way there
as I speak.

Why the North Pole?

Because... Because...

it's at the top of the world.

It makes sense when
you think about it. (laughs)

So far away?

Oh, yes.

It would still take us many days
to get there,

perhaps as many as,


Eighteen days.

Eighteen days?

Yes. Which is why
you must hurry.

You have no time to lose.

(Nettlebrand groans)

Where are you now?

In... an igloo.

Surprisingly good work,

I'll travel to the North Pole
right away.

Thank you, Master.

I'll meet you in days' time.

- Eighteen days. Until then...
- (Deepak sings in Hindi)

- (screams)
- (pan clatters)

- (Deepak speaks in Hindi)
- Who is that?

- (Deepak) I'm OK.
- Varin?

- Hello.
- You are in India.

- You lied to me.
- Oh!

You'll pay for this, Twigleg.
You traitor!

He knows we're here.
We must escape at once!

- I'm not afraid.
- You should be.

You have no chance against him.

You must find the Rim of Heaven
before he finds you.

But we still don't know
where to look.

Dragon Rider, what did you see
in the Djinn's eyes?

I... I don't remember.

Oh, come on. Think hard.

Maybe I can help.

Come here, my child.

Get your filthy hands off my...

(Gravelbeard) Sorry about that.

(metal creaks)



They think they can make
a fool out of me.

- (Gravelbeard) Oooh.
- Raven.



I see a mountain
shaped like a crescent.

(gasps) The crown peak.

Quickly, quickly,
bring me your map.

Here, this is the mountain.

You must continue
your search there.

We'll head there right away.

Whatever you do, this map
must not fall into enemy hands.

- (raven croaks)
- (all gasp)


(Twigleg pants)

The raven will take the map
to Nettlebrand.

How are we going to find
our way without the map?

And what about the key?

Where are we
supposed to get that?

We will find a way.

The dragons who live there
are in danger now because of us.

The crown peak
is in that direction.

The Dragon Rider
will show you the way.

But I don't know...

You are much more
than you think you are.

Follow your heart and the truth
will come to you. Now hurry.

The fate of the dragons lies
in your hands.

Furs for the Dragon Rider.

Take them.
The mountains will be cold.

Get the dragon
to the Rim of Heaven,

grab the gold and silver, then
forget about all this madness.

Are you going to leave me here?

If Nettlebrand catches me,
he'll k*ll me.

He does know Nettlebrand
better than anyone.

I say we take him with us.

(sighs) I was afraid
you were going to say that.

(Ben) You can ride up top,
little guy.

I will pray
for your safe return.

(Deepak) Good luck.

- They're going to be chapati.
- Yep.

- (men shout)
- (machinery rumbles)



(groans) Gather the troops.

- (Sorrel) Which way?
- I... I don't know.

Try hard, Dragon Rider.
We believe in you.

Over there!


We've got to go through there.


(feet pound)


- (Gravelbeard) Eh...
- (Nettlebrand snarls)


(Ben) That way!

- (Sorrel shrieks)
- (Ben pants)

- (Ben) Look at that.
- (Firedrake) Where are we?

Better to be in here
than out there.

All good in there?

(Twigleg shivers)

Up there.

- (feet clang)
- (Nettlebrand growls)

It's Nettlebrand! He's here.

What? Are you sure?

Go left!

I could have sworn I saw...

- (roars)
- (screams)

- Sharp right!
- (Sorrel) Whoo!

(ice cracks)

(Sorrel screams)

What? (shrieks)

(Ben) Left. Right.

- Left.
- (Sorrel screams)

- Right.
- (ice cracks)

Come on, faster!

- (Ben) Sharp right!
- (Nettlebrand roars)

(Firedrake shrieks)

(all scream)


Oh, boy.

(Firedrake chuckles)

- (deep roaring)
- (ice crackles)


(Nettlebrand yells)


We're close.

Down there.

(Firedrake) We made it.

Well, I'll be damned.

I doubted you,
but you actually got us here.

Well done, Dragon Rider.

(Ben) Hmm.

Oh, hey, I'm sorry I pushed you
off that mountain.

That's all right.

What's waiting behind that door
is way more important.

All right. Come on.


- (strains)
- (door scrapes)

(Firedrake) Ah...

What is this place?

Where's the dragon paradise?

(mutters quietly)

Is this the Rim of Heaven?

Where to now, Dragon Rider?

I... I don't know.

This place is all I've seen
in the vision.

We've come so far.
This can't be it.

This is the Rim of Heaven,
a bunch of drawings in a cave?

Come on. Come on.
There must be more.

Dragon Rider, is there
something we're missing?

It's just a stupid old story.




Come on. We need to go!

I'm not leaving. Not until
we find the Rim of Heaven.

It doesn't exist. Get it?
We've got to get out of here.

We can't just give up.

Fine. If you wanna stay here
and face that freak, go ahead.

I'm gone.

- You can't just leave.
- Watch me.

Dragon Rider?

Sorry, Scales.

(Sorrel gasps)

I should have just
stayed in the city.

Dragon Rider?
What was I thinking?

- (Twigleg) Master.
- Huh?

I'm not your master.
I'm my own master.

Yeah. And I do pretty fine
on my own.


- (feet pound)
- (gasps)

I know that smell. (sniffs)

That is eau de homunculus.


Look at that.

(Nettlebrand) Almost there.

(feet pound)

(object clangs)


(gasps) The prophecy.

It's like my dad said,
never ever trust a human.

You were right, Sorrel.
You were right all along.

I should have listened to you.

(Nettlebrand) Come out
and shine, silver dragon.

I know you're here somewhere.

Oh, no. Quick!

We've got to find
another way out.

No more running.

- Huh?
- I'm gonna stay

and fight in the name of
all dragons, once and for all.

(feet clang)

Oh, silver dragon,

you have no idea
how long I've been waiting.


- (rocks clatter)
- (gears grind)

(chains jangle)

- (roars)
- (Gravelbeard screams)

I'm here, Nettlebrand.


It's the big one!

- Ah! (chuckles)
- (yells)


You're no match for me.

Or me!

If you want to get to him,

you'll have to
go through me first.

- (scoffs)
- Firedrake, run!

- (gasps)
- (roars)

(laughs) Is that all you've got?


I wonder what you taste like,
silver dragon.


- (shrieks)
- Now that's a close shave.

- (feet clang)
- Sorrel!

What are you doing here,

I've figured it out.

- Dragon Rider?
- The prophecy!

When the Rim of Heaven
is discovered,

silver will be worth more
than gold.

He's gold. You're silver.

- You can beat this guy.
- How?

Good point, uh...

You're a dragon, use your fire.

- (Nettlebrand roars)
- I can't.

He thinks
he can only breathe fire

when you're sitting on his back.

What? That's nonsense.

I know.
I was trying to tell him.

(Ben) Hey, Scales.

You don't need me
to breathe fire.




Let him go!


- (clangs)
- Oh!

- No!
- Huh?

- (Ben pants)
- (metal clangs)


(Twigleg whimpers)


Well, well.

You will make
a tasty appetiser, human.

- (whistling on phone)
- Huh?

Would you please excuse me
for one moment?

- (whistles)
- Oh, my.


(smooching and wolf whistles
on phone)


You don't need me
to breathe fire!

Yes, I do.

Sorrel was right. I'm a fake.
I'm a phoney.

I came along
because I wanted to be rich.

You can breathe fire
all by yourself.

- No!
- Listen to me.

My name is Ben.

I'm not a Dragon Rider.

I'm just some kid
off the street.

I lied to you.








- (metal clangs)
- (both gasp)

The last thing
you're going to see

is me
eating your precious rider.

Come on, Firedrake. You're much
more than you think you are.

Forget about Lame Flame.

Lame Flame?

Lame Flame!

(laughs) That's hilarious!

Lame Flame!

Oh, that's a good one.
Did you make it up?

Go ahead and eat me.
But you'll never beat Firedrake.

He'll burn you to a crisp.

Don't you get it, boy?

Fire can't hurt me.

Bon appétit.

Firedrake! Help.

What the...


What is this? It burns!


No, that's not fair!


There, there, boy,
take it easy now.

- (air whooshes)
- (Ben gasps)

Now for the main event.

(air whooshes)

Maybe not.



Firedrake, are you all right?

(Sorrel groans)

Sorrel, are you all right?

- Hyah!
- (groans)

- That's for deserting us.
- Ow!

(Firedrake sighs)

He's dead!

He's finally dead!

Firedrake, that was incredible.

You did it, Scales.
The prophecy was right.

No. There's no Rim of Heaven.

Thank you for coming back.

That's for my
brothers and sisters!

You swine! (chuckles)

Ooh! Take that.

Wait a minute.

(Twigleg) Nothingbrand now.

That's for my third brother!

Varin's key.

(door clatters)




The Rim of Heaven.

These must be the moonflowers
from Slatebeard's stories.

(dragons cheer)


They're flying free!

You did it, Dragon Rider.

You brought us to
the Rim of Heaven.

(Ben sighs) Yeah, I guess I did.

Except I'm not really
a Dragon Rider.

Well, did Varin call himself
a Dragon Rider?

Maybe that's for others to say.

So what are you gonna do now?

I don't know.

You could stay with us, or you
could go back to your world.

It's your choice, Ben.

What's the point of living with
humans if you're living alone?

Not all humans are bad humans.


Six down:
"Accept the past and move on."

I think I might drop by
Professor Greenbloom's

to see if he needs any help
with the resort.

Uh... What about me?

You can come too.

I'm sure the professor
would be happy to meet you.


The moon is almost full.

We have to get back to
the valley before it's too late.

Come on.

- Ready?
- Ready.

OK, you asked for it.

- Don't say I didn't warn ya!
- (cracks knuckles)

Hey! Get back here.

Cowards. (echoes)

(bell tolls)

- (drums beat)
- (dragons chatter in distance)

Dragons, for many moons

we have been hiding
from the humans,

watching them
take over the world.

For many moons we kept running
whenever they came too close,

hoping they'd let us
live in peace.

But human greed has no end.

(dragons shout in agreement)

We've sacrificed our dignity,

we've sacrificed our freedom,

and we've even sacrificed
our children.

- But we will take this no more.
- (crowd roars)

We are dragons.

And it is time for the humans
to feel the wrath of our flames.


This is very bad.

Very, very bad.

(dragons roar)

(Bottleneck) Dragons!
Tonight we reclaim our honour.


(Bottleneck) The humans are
going to pay for their crimes!


- Stop!
- Huh?

Cease fire!

- (dragon ) Huh?
- (dragon ) It's Firedrake!

Firedrake. Sorrel. You're alive.

- Sorrel!
- (Sorrel) Mum!


Oh, baby girl.

There you are, lad.

- I knew you'd come back.
- Slatebeard.

Where have you been?

OK, don't get mad.

We went to look
for the Rim of Heaven.

- (dragon) They did what?
- It's just a myth.

- (dragons) Yeah!
- Did you find it?

We sure did.

And it is beautiful.

(dragons gasp)

Wait, wait. We're still going
into battle, right? Right?

I don't know what to say.

We thought that the humans
had k*lled you.

Not all humans are bad humans.


We'll tell you all about it
on the way.

I didn't trust him at all.

I thought because he was a human
he couldn't be good,

but Ben came through for us
in the end.

- He showed up and, wow!
- Yeah.

He fought more
than the rest of us.

- (Slatebeard laughs)
- (Spinecrackle gasps)

What's your name?

(bell jingles)



(creature barks)

♪ Oh, I've been lost
in the darkness

♪ I heard your voice from afar

♪ You were my calling

♪ You were my calling

♪ Whenever the night
would be starless

♪ And I couldn't see any more

♪ You showed me the morning

♪ You showed me the morning

♪ So I wanna let you know

♪ When life has got you low

♪ I'll be your wings to fly

♪ When there's trouble
on your mind

♪ Whenever you're about to fall

♪ There's nothing I won't try

♪ Cos I'll be your wings to fly

♪ When you're suffering inside

♪ Come hell or high water

♪ Got you covered all my life

♪ Let these wings take you

♪ High

♪ High

♪ There's nothing I won't try

♪ We built our own kind
of fortress

♪ Nothing can break us apart

♪ Walls won't be falling

♪ These walls won't be falling

♪ I wouldn't be
if it wasn't for you

♪ I wouldn't speak
if it wasn't the truth

♪ You were my calling

♪ You were my calling

♪ So I wanna let you know

♪ When life has got you low

♪ I'll be your wings to fly

♪ When there's trouble
on your mind

♪ Whenever you're about to fall

♪ There's nothing I won't try

♪ Cos I'll be your wings to fly

♪ When you're suffering inside

♪ Come hell or high water

♪ Got you covered all my life

♪ Let these wings take you

♪ High

♪ High

♪ There's nothing I won't try

♪ Let these wings take you

♪ High

♪ High

♪ There's nothing I won't try

♪ Let these wings take you high

The dragons were saved

thanks to
the special fire breath

of a silver dragon
called Firedrake.

But what about the boy?

The name of the movie
is "Dragon Rider".

And that little
brownishy thingy,

she did a lot as well.

(Subisha) OK, OK,
so the dragons were saved

thanks to a silver dragon
called Firedrake,

a brownie called Sorrel,
and a boy called Ben,

who turned out to be

(Deepak) And what about me?
helped too.

Why don't you ever tell stories
about me?

(Subisha) Because you're boring.

What is this mess
in the kitchen?

(Deepak) What?

Wash the dishes at once!

(couple argue in Hindi)

(Deepak) Always having a go
at me.
(speaks Hindi)

I need some friends.
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