01x04 - Worth Waiting For

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x04 - Worth Waiting For

Post by bunniefuu »

[Claudia] Hey, Julia?

I was wondering...

When you get breasts,

does it happen
right away?

I mean, can you
see them growing?

Not unless you use Miracle Gro.

Just asking.

[doorbell ringing]

-Hey, Jule.

Uh, you weren't
at the yearbook meeting,
so I brought by a schedule.

I don't know about the yearbook
this year.


Well, I figured you probably
missed it on purpose,

but, you know, just in case.

Yeah, well, thanks, I guess.

[Claudia] Julia!

How come girls stop
having their period
when they get old?

I don't know.
I guess so they won't have kids

when they're too old
to take care of them.

I took her to that health class
film yesterday.

If nipples are for
breast-feeding, how come
boys have them, too?

God, Claudia,
they just do, okay?

Oh. Hi, Justin.

How come you never
come over anymore?

Well, I guess
Julia's too busy
to hang out with me now.

Yeah. Really busy.

Talking on the phone.
Reading magazines.

Claudia, go fill
the ice trays, okay?

Well, if you ever
run out of magazines,
you should call me.

We could go out.

Yeah. Sure.

Oh, we're seeing a movie
me and Libby and some people.

I don't know, Justin.
I'm kind of...

You're busy.

Yeah, sorry.

See you.


[school bell ringing]

Hey, man.

Hey. How's practice?

Lame, as always.

Markum dropped a few key passes.
Yeager told stupid jokes
in the shower.

You know.

This suspension
is so totally unfair.

Trust me, Bay.
You're not missing much.

That's easy
for you to say.

You're not the one
who suddenly
has nothing to do.

No team stuff,
no way to meet girls,
no hanging out.

You really miss stuff like that
when it just disappears.

You think there's any way
Coach would bring me back?

I don't know.

I mean, not for me.

You know,
for the team.

You guys are playing
Atherton tomorrow.

Yeah, we're gonna get stomped.


So what if Monday morning,
Coach just happens to, like,
run into me in the hall?

He'll start thinking.

What, that we wouldn't
have lost
if you'd been playing?

I know I'm not the strongest guy
on the squad, but...

No, but you are the fastest.

We're completely screwed
without you.

Yeah, so I figure,
you guys pile on
a few more losses,

and I stay in Coach's face,

he'll ask me back on.

He might.

He has to.

[indistinct chatter]

Peas, Charlie?

Yeah, you know,
little round, green...

I said apricots.

So I improvised. Come on,
you can't stay mad at me

when I'm being
such a good helper.

Owen hates peas.

Here you go, slugger. Charlie!

What did you do to the nice lady
to put her in such a bad mood?

It wasn't him.
It was someone else.

Someone irritating
and meddlesome
and incredibly unreliable.

She means me.

Look, I apologize.
What more do you want from me?

Excuse me,
I have to tell you.

You two remind me so much
of me and my husband
when we were new parents.

Oh, no--

You'd k*ll him if he weren't
so damn lovable, wouldn't you?

Don't go giving her
any ideas now.

Oh, such a beautiful family.

You're a very lucky
young couple.

I believe the word was...


[doorbell ringing]

Rough night
in the field, huh?


So tell me,
exactly how humiliating
was the loss?

Details. I want details.

Actually, Bay...

Actually, Bay,
we, we kind of won.

You what?

I don't know.
I guess we just got lucky
or something.

Lucky? Against Atherton?

They were division champs
last year. Yeah, well, they played well
and all, but...

You just played better.

I'm sorry, Bay.
It just kind of happened.

Knock knock.
Is Julia upstairs?


So what's the deal with
this Roger Cooley kid?

Everyone at the coffee house
said he did, like,
this amazing thing.

It was...

Yeah, it was kind of cool.

Who's Roger Cooley?

The new cornerback.

He came up from JV last week.

He, like, ran all the way
across the field or something?

Down it. Yeah.

I was cornerback.

Then he scored a goal
or something, I don't know.

A touchdown.

Yeah. Right. Whatever.

Anyway, they're, like,
calling him "Rocket Roger."
It's weird.

My replacement won the game?

Yeah, but you know how it is.

A lot of guys have
one good play in them,
and then they never--

Forget it, Will.

Coach is never gonna ask me
back on the team, is he?

Hi, guys.
Bye, guys.

Brother's in slumberland,
and I'm out of here.

Some guy called for you
while you were
giving Owen a bath.

Stu someone?

Again? Really? Ooh.

I'll have to do something
about that.

I think he's got
a little thing for me.

And you're not interested?

Well, he's nice enough.
He's in this undergrad course
I'm TA-ing,

but he's 19.

And that's...
That's too young?

I take care of babies, Bailey.
I don't date them.

See you in the morning.


Bottle of house white
and two glasses to table 14.

Got it.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, what brings you here?

I just turned in a big paper.

A friend wanted to take me out
and celebrate.

Salinger's a long way
from Berkeley.

Yeah, well, my friend's
a big oyster fiend,

and you always say
how great they are here, so...

Do you mind?

No, no. Not at all.

It'll be a lot of fun,
for all of us.

Excuse me.
That's my chair.

Charlie, this is Lisa.
She's in my Freud class.

Lisa, Charlie Salinger.

My, um,
boss, I guess.

Oh, the one who sleeps late
and doesn't separate the wash?

I hear you're
in the mood for oysters.

In a big way.

You got it.

He's gorgeous.

I know, but I don't know.

So he was a little flaky.
They're all like that
in the beginning.

Honest to God,
I think you're crazy.


[Nina] This is cool.

Can I borrow it?


I stole it from Charlie.

I'm going to the beach later
tonight with Drew Stark.

The guy from my science class?

Since when have you
been seeing him?

Since a couple days ago.

What happened to Greg?

Oh, please.

He's so immature.

Drew is the coolest, Julia.
He's cute, and he's funny.

And he's a senior.

Is he? It's a junior class.

Well, I know.

He's not Mr. Honor Roll,
but he's really...


Are you two...

Not yet, but things could
happen at the beach.

-[Nina giggles]
-You just started going out
with him.

I know, but things just--

I don't know--
Things just happened
kind of fast, you know?

When I'm with him,
he makes me feel like

I've never felt before.

Like how?

Well, like...

You know how,
when you're with a guy,

and it just feels like
you belong together?


And then
you're fooling around and...

You just kind of
want him to go further?


Well, it's like that,
only much, more more.

Hey, how was
the celebrating?

It was great,
but I'm a little drunk.

Where's Freud?

She went home
to fight with her boyfriend.

Sounds like fun.

They have a very...

...passionate relationship.

Passion's good.


Good passion's good but,
bad passion is...


And that's the whole problem.

What is?

Good passion and bad passion.

They're like...

...like, um...



I know this
is a really big favor to ask,


But what?

I was wondering,
if you could take me home.

To my home.


[door opening]

Privacy, Claudia.
It's a word. Look it up.


I have a question.

It's about intercourse.

I mean,
what does it feel like?

Does it hurt?


Because it seems like it would.

I don't know, Claudia.
Will you just get out of here?

Come on. I just want to know.

Just beat it, okay?

[instrumental music playing]

This is my beautiful home.

It's dark.

It's cheap.

It's nice.

It's spinning.

You're gonna have
a k*ller headache tomorrow.

Where's your Aspirin?

In the bathroom.

Why don't I give you a hand
with that?


What a nice guy.


Let me, let me
get you an Aspirin.

Where was the bathroom again?

In the west wing.

Right. Yes.

You know, Kirsten,
I wouldn't have figured you
for the black lace type.

I'd have said... Kirsten?





[woman over P.A.]
Attention, students.

Due to the large
turnout expected,

this afternoon's pep rally
for the football team

will be moved
from the clubhouse
to the large gymnasium.

[chattering in the hallway]

[school bell rings]

Hey, you missed
a really great movie.


Well, I mean,
you didn't miss it,
it's still playing, but...

Maybe you can
get your new friends
to take you.


Listen, Justin, I...

I know. I got to go.
I'm a real busy guy.


Oh, my God.

What was it like?

It was great.

I mean, it's supposed
to not be perfect
right away, I think,

but I think
it will get better.

do you feel different?

Kind of, yeah.

I mean, I can't stop
thinking about it.

He's just so cool.

Oh, my God.
I have class with him,
like, right now.

How am I going
to look at him?

Just the way
you always did.

I know, but I'm
gonna to be thinking...

Well, you know what
I'm gonna be thinking.

speak of the devil. Hey, Nina.
What are you doing here?

Julia told me she had
a class with you,
so I thought I'd follow her.

[bell jingles]


What do you think
of the new uniform, huh?

It's sporty.

Yeah, isn't it?

So what brings you in here?

You don't come on till 5:00.

Yeah, well...

I suddenly have
a lot of time on my hands.

In fact, uh, I was wondering
if I could take on more hours.

Let me get you a uniform.

Here you go.

This ought to fit you.

So these extra hours
just for this week?


Every week.

The rest of my miserable life.

Hey. How's the head?

Just the person
I wanted to speak to.

About last night...

Yeah, about that.

I couldn't help noticing
that, uh...

You seem to have
forgiven me.

Exactly how did I...

Demonstrate that forgiveness?

In no ways
that you have any reason
to be embarrassed about.

I knew that.

[both laugh nervously]

Anyway, I'm still mad at you.

But, um...

...we're adults, right?

We can move past that,
and, uh...

Acknowledge an obvious
mutual attraction.

Um, wait, Charlie.
I don't think we should
do this here.

Why not here? Here's good.

Because, it's too distracting.

I can't do this with you
and take care of Owen
at the same time.

He's cool with it. I asked him.

This is my job.

I wouldn't ask you
to fool around at Salinger's.

I know, but we can fix that
about you.

No, really.

Anything between us
has to happen
outside this house.


You're serious, aren't you?

I'm afraid so.

But, um...

I'm free tonight.

I'm working.

But Joe owes me time.

I'll get off early.

Come by the restaurant
for dinner.


You know, um...


Nothing. It's, it's stupid.

Tell me.

I, um...

I used to get dragged to church
when I was little,

and, uh, I hated it,

so I'd just stare at the angels
on the ceiling,

and they always had this...

Beautiful goldish hair.

Like yours.

So you just reminded me
of an angel, I guess.

That's really nice.

I hate this rule.


These are the racquetball,
and these are the tennis.

What if I want
to power walk?

Up the hill,
you know, for cardio?

A walking shoe.

And clean this stuff up, huh?
I can't think
with all these boxes.

[bell jingles]

Excuse me. Do you work here?

No, you just
wear that for fun, right?

Smart, Kate.

Oh, it's a common mistake.

How can I help you?

I need new running shoes.

Nothing fancy, you know,
just something reliable.

[woman] Excuse me.


Power walkers?
I was here first.

Yes, you were.




Uh, this nice woman
would like to see
some power walkers, size nine?

He'll be helping you now.

So, uh, nothing fancy,
just something reliable.

I think I can help you.

What are you doing home
so early?

You always seem to have
such a full
social calendar.

Not today.
Everyone's busy.
With their boyfriends mostly.

Oh, the old "get a boyfriend
and dump your friends" thing.

It's okay.

If I had a boyfriend,
I'd do the same thing.

I bet you tons of guys
want to go out with you.

Actually, just one.

Not exactly
the love of your life?

No, but you know, so what?

Who says you have
to be in love?

Everyone says it's not so good
the first time anyway.

Are we talking about sex?

Yeah, I mean,
why not just get it over with?
At least then you've done it.

You know, it's,
it's not really my place

to tell you
how to approach this,

but if you're confused,
you should talk to your brother.


[laughs] Great.

He'd help.
He's been through it.

About eight million times.

This is love
as Charlie knows it--

Invite a girl over, give her
one of his famous lines like,

"your skin is like silk,"

or "your hair
reminds me of an angel,"

convince her to sleep
with him in his van,

and then never call her again.

Not exactly the most
sensitive guy on earth.


isn't it weird
that men have an average

of eight sexual partners
by the time they're 30

and women only have three?

Yes, Claudia.

It's very weird.

I don't know.
What do you think?


Get the cheap ones.
They're just as good.


Yeah, except with these,
you pay 15 bucks
for the fancy colors.

Couldn't you get in trouble
giving that kind of advice?

Not if you don't tell anyone.

I'll take these
terribly expensive
running shoes, please.



All right, Kate.
That'll be $58.46.

How did you know my name?

You said it. "Smart, Kate."

Oh, that's right.


Thanks for the shoes...


[bell jingles]

You should've
gotten her number.

It's okay.

She'll be back.

Hey, Justin, it's me.

what's the chem assignment?



You know, I was thinking
about that movie.

About going.

Yeah, well, with you.

You don't have to sound
so surprised.

Oh, you probably don't
want to see it again.

You sure?



Okay, well, uh...

Yeah, I'll see you then.


I thought someone
was meeting you.

So did I.

You want to tell me
why I waited like an idiot

for an hour and a half
last night?

What makes you angrier,
you had to wait,

or you didn't
get me into your van?

What do you mean?
I sold the van.

I'm speaking metaphorically,

You understand metaphor.

"Your hair is like an angel's."
That's metaphor.

How did you know?

That's irrelevant.

What matters is that
I have no desire to be one
of your many conquests.

I don't want that.

Neither do I.

Well, then why did you
use that stupid line?

-I don't know!
-Well, I do!

No, wait. Look...

Yes, all right,
it's a line.

I-- I just--

I guess I didn't know
what else to say.

I mean, I knew
I wanted to say something nice,

and I knew that was nice,
so I said it.

Doesn't that happen to you,
where you just kind of
don't have the words?


Well, excuse me.
I'm not perfect.

I mean, I...
I mean, yeah.

I haven't always been a saint
when it comes to girls.

But this isn't...

I mean, that's, that's,
that's not what this is.

You're, you know,
you're completely different.

Not an angel?

So not an angel.


Pretty okay.

Okay enough to try dinner again?

We could.


All right.

Did you know
that 60 million sperms

are deposited in a woman
every time she has intercourse?

60 million!

She's been obsessed
with sex lately.

I'm hoping it goes away.

What, by itself?

Yeah. No?

Charlie, she's confused.
She needs someone to talk to,
answer her questions.

Yeah, but--

By not talking about it,
you're sending her a message that sex is something bad
or shameful or dirty.

Wait, don't stop.
That, that was working for me.

[woman over P.A.]
Pharmacy, pick up line two.

There's so many kinds.

It's like shampoo.
How do you choose?

Well, I guess you just have
to try out a bunch

and see which one
you like best.


Well, I guess which one you use
can make a big difference,

you know, like, make it
better or something.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

No, it's just always
best to be prepared,
you know.

Just in case.

-I'm so proud of you.
-[Julia giggles]

[woman] Excuse me.

Can I help-- hey!

Someone made a mistake.
These shoes don't match.

I don't know
how this could've happened.

Shocking, isn't it?

I'm really sorry you had to come
all the way down here.

Don't sweat it. I had to meet
someone down here anyway.

Why, this is just--
this is just inexcusable.

I just, I--
Boy, I just...

I feel awful.

Look, you have to let me
make this up to you.

It's no big deal.

Oh, sure, for you maybe,
but what about for me?

I mean, if this ever got out...
if Consumer Affairs
ever found out about this,

I could be stripped
of my license to sell shoes.

They wouldn't dream of it.

No, don't you doubt it
for a minute.

So, you see, it's crucial that
you let me make this up to you.

Now, what are you doing
right now?


-Oh, I don't--

My career depends on it.

No, I can't,
I'm going out.

-Just talk to her
for five minutes.
-[Owen crying]

Look, if you don't,
she's gonna get the idea

that sex is something bad
or shameful or dirty.

If it's so important,
why don't you do it?

I got some Tylenol.

I hope it works.
He's been crying for hours.

Sometimes the fever
just stays up
till the tooth breaks.

How long does that take?

It could be hours,
it could be days.

He could be like this for days?

Don't worry.
I'll stay with him.

But didn't you have plans

They can be rescheduled.

No. I won't let you do that.

Charlie, she's a grown-up.
She can do what she wants.

[Owen cooing]

So, six sugars, huh?

-Thank you.
-Care much about your teeth?

I floss daily.

So, do you live near here?


My parents are divorced,
so I split time
between them--

one week with her,
one week with him.

Oh, that's neat.

It's a nightmare.

That's what I meant.

Especially now
in cross-country season.

It's one big psychodrama
every weekend.

What, at-- at races?

I guess all four of my parents

must've read the same book
on being supportive,

because now they're all
showing up at my meets.

Well, so then you have
your own big cheering section.

That's cool.

Yeah, until I finish
and they all want
to congratulate me.

If I hug my mom first,
my dad gets hurt.

If I hug my dad first,
my mom gets hurt,

and if I hug
my stepfather first,

Mom and Dad
both get hurt.

Thank God my stepmother's
a cold fish
who hates hugging.

I take it your parents
aren't divorced.

Um, no.

It must be nice
to have a normal family.

Um, it's...

It's not exactly normal.

What's not normal about it?

[car honking]

I've got to go.

Who's that?

That's Tom.

My boyfriend.

This was really sweet.

What was?

-Just all of it.

I'm sorry. I gotta go.


I think I was more scared
by the audience screaming
than the movie.

Yeah, before,
when I came,

this woman screeched
in my ear
the whole two hours.

-[she giggles]
-You should've heard it.

I'm glad I didn't.

I didn't want to come
with a big group.

I wanted to come with you.

[indistinct chatter]

I thought you didn't like me.

God, girls are hard to read.

Come here.

We're right
in the middle of the street.

You can come over.

My parents.

-[Julia mumbles]
-They'd wait up for me.

They always do.


But, uh, we could...

they have their bridge night.
They'll be out until midnight.

Uh, we could go out.

Or I'll just come over.

Yeah or that.


There's that moron
from our chem class.

What's his name, Drew?

Jeez, somebody
get them a room.

Hey, Nin...


If I get a fever,
will you spend the night
in my room?

I promise.

Here you go.
Take this one.

Thanks for the bed, Bailey.
I really appreciate it.

No sweat.

Hey, Charlie?

You ever get the feeling
the Gods just don't like us?


All the time, Bay.

All the time.

So she's got a boyfriend. There are a lot
of others who don't.

She's better
than the others.

Yeah, well, they all seem better
when you first meet them.

Well, so what, Will?

So what
if I'm just imagining
that going out with her

would make this whole stupid
football season tolerable?

I just meant--

And you know what
really pisses me off?

I bet you anything that
this boyfriend
is one of those guys

who gets whatever he wants,
no matter what he does.

Guys like that, they could
k*ll the pope or something,

and everything would
still go their way.

And then there's me.
I always do the right thing,

and nothing I want
to happen, happens.

You could try
to steal her away.

Bailey's not that kind of guy.

What? What, I'm more the
"lie there and take it" kind?

Chill out, Bailey.
I meant it in a good way.

Well, why shouldn't I
keep trying for her?

Yeah, why shouldn't he?

Girls switch boyfriends
all the time.

Well, what are you gonna do?

Just call her up and tell her
to break up with him
and go out with you instead?

No, I'm gonna, you know...

I'm just gonna...
hang around her a lot.

Yeah. You know...
Just be there all the time.


Gee, why didn't I think of that?

And then, you know,
eventually she'll fall for me.

-Like a ton of bricks.
-[dog growling]

And why is that again?


He's Bailey.

How's Owen?

Tooth's in,
fever's down.
We're in the clear.

I'm off tonight,
so as soon as you're
finished here--

We'll have dinner
at my place.

This is great. No!

What? No!
Get out of it!
Swap with someone!

I can't. We have a deal.

I'm not happy.

You know, this thing's
not gonna work
if no one remembers to turn it.

-It's your turn?

So you two can finally
have some privacy.

You talk in your sleep.

Bailey, wait a sec.

Wait a sec.

You're okay with this?


I don't know, Charlie,
I mean, I thought about
what you said

about the age stuff.

I think you were right.


And besides,
I met someone.

She's, uh...


And she's 16.

He promised
that we'd do something,

and when I tried him
at 11:00 at night,
his Mom said he was out.

Did you talk
to him today?

Mmm-mmm. No.

He was at practice.


It's not just
that he's dumping me,
you know,

because I could
deal with that.

But I slept with him.

I mean, I thought
that I really mattered to him,

but all he wanted to do
was sleep with me.

Maybe not, Nina.

I'm not
a total idiot, Julia.

I know what it means
when someone doesn't call.

I don't...

I just don't get
how he could do that.

I mean, I would never
do what he did.

I'd never take advantage
of someone like that.

And the thing is...

I really liked him, you know?

[Bailey] I'm not trying
to put anything
over on you, sir.

I just need the afternoon off. Well, I'm sorry, son.

I'm running a business here,
not a social center.

People that work for me,
they understand that.

They follow through.

People who work for me,
they don't
shirk their responsibilities.

Well, I guess
that counts me out.

What's that?

I'll return the uniform

And while we're on the subject,
these uniforms,
they're not sporty.

They're ridiculous.

How are the shoes?

Barley. Bailey.

What are you
doing here?

I thought
I'd take up running.


She's crazy about me.

Are you all right, Julia?

What? What's the matter?

You're a great guy, Justin.

I mean, you know that.
It's just...

It's just...

It's not like I begged you.

I know.

I'm sorry.

-You kissed me, you know?
-I know. Why'd you ask
to come over
in the first place?

I guess I just...

...wanted to be with someone.

Well, you should have
picked somebody
that didn't really like you...

...because pretending
to like somebody back
when you don't...

...it's not fair.

I know.

That's why I'm telling you now.

Well, thanks.



Can I come in?


Wow. It's nice in here.

It can sleep
two to three adults.

I was thinking about
those questions you had.

You know, about...



Truth is, I don't know
that much about it.

But if you want
to ask me anything,

I'll try and answer, okay?


when a man and woman,

when they, you know,
they get together?

Does it hurt?

Sometimes, Claud.

Yeah, sometimes.

[woman on TV]
That makes everything
quite all right.

[man] What, this?

Well, I like privacy
when I retire.

Yes, I'm very delicate
in that respect.

Prying eyes annoy me.

[Charlie] When was the last time
you checked on him?


Still, no fever?

And he's sleeping okay?
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