01x09 - Something Out of Nothing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x09 - Something Out of Nothing

Post by bunniefuu »

-[bell rings]
-[Nina] Did you check out
the theme for the dance?

"Starry, Starry Night."

Lame or what?

Definitely the lamest.

Oh, my God, I forgot
it was the yearbook.

You like this color?

I've got an idea.

Excuse me.
Is anyone in here?

Um, I have
an emergency.

It's a girl thing. What's that little
disk thing?

I don't know.

Maybe a deodorizer
or something?


You think they're
supposed to hit it
or avoid it?

[chuckles] Beats me.

So, what am I going to wear?

To what?

Hello, the dance.

You just said how lame
it was going to be.

Yeah, well,

Michael Cassutt
kind of begged me.

You're not going
to go?

No. No one asked me.

you're probably lucky.

I don't think
I'm gonna stay very long.

Oh, this
is so gross.

"Girls with the best legs.
Best butts."

Oh, you're kidding.

Look, you're here.

"Girls we most want
to sleep with."

Number two.

Excuse me?

Who's number one?

Regina Lester.

Oh, figures. Slut.

Where are you?

I'm not on it.

Well, you've got
to be here somewhere.

I'm not. Let's go.

Oh, there you are!


"Girls we most want
to cheat off of."

Guys are stupid.

-Trash cans?
-They're full.

Put it outside.

Just what I want to do
right now. Housework.

Why did you have
to say yes, Charlie?

What was I
supposed to say? One of Mom and Dad's
best friends.

She hasn't seen us
in three years.

She wanted to check in.

Great, exactly
what I'm in the mood for.

A house-guest.

Where is she gonna sleep?

-Charlie's room.
-Charlie's room.

Fine. I'll sleep
on the couch.

Serves you right after
what happened with Kirsten.

Hey, I'm interviewing a nanny
today, okay, so lay off.

Jeez, why is everybody
so crabby?



Mind your own business.


I can't really remember
what she looked like.

She's kind of pretty.

She was the one who sent
that gigantic wreath
after the funeral.

The one with the dried fruits
of the world on it.

Yeah, the one we had
to saw in half to get
through the front door.

She babysat me once
and let me dye my hair

She sounds like fun.

just what we're
in the mood for...


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free
Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ Everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

I'm fascinated by the way
kids develop and change.

They're so inventive.

I'm committed to child care
for the next five or so years.

And after that?

Well, I know
it sounds kind of dumb,

but eventually,
I'd like to be an artist.

Oh. What do you paint?

It's sort of
performance art.

I paint myself.

My body.

Heather, uh, you know...

Um, Owen's allergic
to... To paint,

so, I'm afraid this
isn't going to work out.

Right this way.


What's the occasion?

Well, Wednesday,
Isaac tries out
new dishes,

and today is
his Italian day,
and he's making penne.

And since I know you love
Italian food so much,
I thought,

"Hey, I should
tell Ross about this."

Well, I'm really
not all that crazy
about Italian, but--

Oh, well, it's not
too Italian. It's...

Kind of, um...



Mostly Caribbean.


Uh, today's special
is chicken Santa Fe.


And penne.

this is Ross.

He's my violin teacher.

Ross, this is Jeannie.


She loves violin music.

You do? Like what?

I like...

Well, you know, the usual.

Hey, we were just listening
to Bruch's concerto
in G minor the other day.

Oh, right.

I have to, uh...

Make a phone call.

Um... Would you like a drink?

Now, this is what
I call a challenge.



Ooh, sun-dried tomatoes?


One of Thurber's
chew toys.

That won't work. Too rubbery.

You don't have
to make us dinner, Greer.

You just got here.

Yeah, we can go out.
It's no problem.

Hey, listen,

if I can't whip up
a great dinner

out of a few
stray ingredients, ooh--

My latest cookbook
isn't worth the paper
it's printed on.

Something out of Nothing:
What to Cook
when the Cupboard is Bare.

What do you think?

-I'd buy it.

Remind me to pick you guys up
a set of galleys

when I go
to my publisher's tomorrow.

Greer, you sure you don't
want me to take your bags
upstairs, get you settled in?

Oh, Bailey,
I have days to settle in,

and who knows when
I'll have all of you
in the same room again?

I want to hear
about everything
that's going on.

Well, Bailey's in
the 11th grade
now, and Julia's in 10th...

Who cares about school?
I want to know
about your sex lives.

You haven't gone
and fallen in love
with a sailor, have you?

-Not lately.
-Oh, phew.


Julia, how about you?
Any gossip? Intrigue?

Not in my life.

Charlie cheated on this
terrific nanny we had,
so she split.

-That was kind of sordid.
-Julia! How about you, Bailey?
Are you
in love with anyone?

-Danger, danger.
-Shut up.

I was seeing someone,
but... Now it's over.

Boy, well, it may take
more than a bowl of pasta
to cheer you guys up,

but we'll start there.

I say...

We eat alfresco.

Who's he?

-It was good.
-Oh, God, I'm so full. Oh, good.
That was the idea.

[chattering continues]

[Charlie] Hey, Jule,
you're gonna help me out
with these dishes, right?

I did them last night.

[Julia] I'll do them
as long as I can wash.

Old enough
to fall in love,
but too young to drink.


Actually, I've... I've got
a pretty good routine going.

I put on depressing music,
I lie in bed,
and I stare at the ceiling.


So why did it end?


[clears throat] She...

She wants to wait
till she's married.


Oh, I get it.

I don't even know
if I believe it. I mean,

if she felt
the same way about me
that I feel about her...

It's not like
I'm a sex fiend
or anything.

My friend, Will,

is trying to get me
to go to this dance

this weekend, you know,
meet someone new.

The thing is, I don't want
to meet anyone else.

Oh, yes, you do.
Sure you do.

There is someone else
out there for you, Bailey.

-Yeah, maybe in space.

Not on this planet.

Look, I'm going
to be here for a week.

-Why don't you let me
set you up?
-No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, it's okay, really.
You don't have to do anything.

Of course I do.

Everybody needs a little
help from somebody
at some time.

Your mom introduced me
to my first husband...

And my second.

Oh, and look
at that face.

Staring up at the ceiling.
What a waste.

I'm on the case.

[romantic song playing]


I don't know.
What do you think?

I think you are starting
to look more and more
like your mother.

-I wish.
-You do!

You have her eyes.

You definitely have
her mouth.

I know, it's just...

Put it this way.
Mom would have been invited
to the stupid dance by now.

Do I have
to give you a list
of the spectacular women

who didn't go to the prom?

No. I know. It's just...

Some girls
make an impression,
and some don't, that's all.

What are you talking about?

Well, like you.

I mean, every time
you walk in a room,
people look up.

I guess I just always wished
I could be that way.

You know,
someone who's noticed.

I am sure
you're noticed.

Yeah, for being
on the honor roll.

What a thrill.
I'm not even
doing well anymore.

You know, I spend
all this energy

trying to change who I am
and what I do, and...

Still, that's all
I'm known for, a brain.

I'm not...

I don't know, I just...
I'm not special, you know?


how can you say that?

Listen, when I saw you
today, honestly,

my first reaction was,
"My God, she's become
a knockout!"

Sure, a knockout, that's me.

Don't tell me no one's
told you that before.

Why would they?


Look at yourself.

Why wouldn't they?

[door opens]


You, uh, forgot your music.

I was gonna pick it up
at my lesson. Well, I was in
the neighborhood, so I...

So... How was Jeannie?

Uh, she was very nice.

She's kind of cute,
don't you think?

She loves horseback riding.

Maybe that's what
you guys could do
on your next date.

Claudia, come here.

Jeannie and I aren't
going to go out again.

Why not?

Because I'm gay.

Maybe I should have
told you earlier. I just--


It's okay.

Well, why should you?

You want to talk about it?

What's to talk about?

So you're gay.

No big deal.

Ew, gross.

-What is it?
-It's wax.

When it dries, you rip
it off and the hair
comes off with it.

You're doing this
on your own?

I mean,
no one's making you?

Well, it doesn't
leave any stubble,

so it's better than shaving
for pictures.

What pictures?

Greer thinks I should
have my pictures taken

by a friend of hers,
a fashion photographer.

He's really well-known.
He's discovered
a lot of famous models.

Why would he take
your picture?

Well, Greer kind of thinks
maybe I could be a model.

Hmm, don't you have
to be beautiful
to be a model?

Yeah, I guess it is
kind of stupid, huh?

Maybe I should
just forget it. Can I do it?
Can I rip it off?

No. Get out.

Oh, if it hurts,

scream loud.
I want to hear.

Cynda Bergen.


Cynda Bergen.
Don't tell me
you don't remember her.

Her father owned
that incredible
Viennese bakery

next to your dad's place?

Well, the two of you
used to play together

for hours in the kitchen
when you were little.

She was crazy about you,
and apparently, still is.

I'm not saying
she wasn't qualified.

She is? How do you know?

Eclairs, for later.

Her father tells me
she's unattached,

and she talks about you
all the time.

I find that a little
hard to believe.

[Charlie] No, I don't think
I'm being unreasonable.

I was just hoping you could
send over someone
who wasn't quite so...

Well, so young.

Her dad showed me
a picture, Bay.

[Charlie] I just
think a more...

Mature nanny would be
better for me.

I mean, for us, for Owen.

And if it works out,
you could take her
to that dance.

I don't know, Greer.
I don't think
I'm ready to date yet.

Oh, you'll never know
if you don't try.

I mean, come on,
what is the worst thing
that could happen?

So, you got
a good drama club
over there at Grant?

I guess.

I don't know. I'm not
really into drama stuff,


Well, theater's my life.

We're doing
Taming of the Shrew
this year.


I'm playing Kate.

Kate? Really?

The shrew.


Well, that's...
That's good for you.

I have a cousin
named Barney.


Yeah, we call him
Barn sometimes.

Does anyone ever
call you Barn?


Because my name is Bailey.

-It is?

Oh, I'm sorry.

This... This girl I was seeing,
she'd call me Barley sometimes.

I don't get it.


-I'm Julia Salinger.

Greer's friend?

Uh, Greer Erikson.

Oh, oh, sure,
of course, yeah.

She's great, isn't she?

-Yeah, she's real cool.

-Here, have a seat.

So, what are we doing? We...

Filling out
that portfolio?

Oh, no, I've never
done this before.

You're kidding? That a problem?

No, no, no, no. I...

I just figured
you'd modeled. You have an incredible face.

-Trust me.

I look at faces
all day, and...

You're fantastic.

Okay. When should we do this?

Um, any afternoon's
good for me.

[sighing] Afternoons... You know, I'm going to need
that 800 bucks upfront.

-I know it's steep,

but it's the going rate.

You can ask around.

No, that's okay.
If you're a friend
of Greer's...

I trust you.

Okay, afternoons.

[violin playing]

Keep it up a little bit. Elbow in.

Okay, let's work on...

What's the matter?



So after two hours,
she still thought
your name was Barney?

And that was
the good part of the date.

Oh, God.


What are we going
to do about you?


You know something?

You remind me so much
of this guy I fell
in love with in college.

His name was Sam,

and he played the clarinet,
hockey, and tournament chess.

Yeah, that sounds
just like me.

The thing I loved
the most about him

was that he had no idea
how terrific he was.

I remember,
the first few times
I kissed him,

he'd get this look
on his face as if
he couldn't believe

that any woman
would think
he was that wonderful.

Good night. I'm going to bed.

Jule, what's the deal
with this...

Whoa. Did I miss
an earthquake?

We're preparing
for Julia's session.

-You're what?
-She's gonna be a model.

Greer set it up.

She introduced me
to a photographer

who said I've got
a great face and wants
to take my picture.

He thinks maybe
I can get work, Charlie.
He's real great. This photographer's name
better not be Ed Brighton.

Yeah, but--

You wrote an $800 check
to a photographer?

What are you, stupid?
Checks are for emergencies,

I'll pay it back.


God, what is Greer thinking?

She thinks maybe I could
make money as a model.

Yeah, you know,
Christy Turlington
makes $25,000 a day.


Julia, Greer's not
the greatest financial
advisor in the world.

What does that mean?

You remember
that wreath
she sent us?

two weeks after the funeral,
we got billed for it.

I'm sure it was
just a mistake.

Yeah, right. Well,
I still ended up paying.

Look, it wasn't just her.
Ed thought so too.
He said I was beautiful.

And you bought it?

For God's sake, Julia,
for 800 bucks, I'd tell you
you were beautiful, too.

He wasn't lying.

I just can't believe
you'd do something
as stupid as this.

He wasn't lying.



Can't sleep, huh?

Me neither.

I'm gonna leave, Bailey.

You are?

First thing in the morning.

I made a reservation
at the Post Hotel.


I made a mistake.


I'm so sorry
if I embarrassed you.

-You're sorry?
-I wasn't thinking.


So I should go.
Tell the others.

[door closes]

[baby gurgling]

[Charlie] Did you
have a big wedding?

Uh, pretty big. 100 people.

Have you been married
a long time?

Uh, three years.

Three years.

Three whole years, wow.

Marriage. The big C...


It's not as easy
as I thought it would be.

We're kind of looking
into the idea
of an open marriage.

[Ed] My instinct tells me

we should stay away
from high-fashion stuff
with you

and go more
for the girl next door.


You don't really have
that haute couture,
Vogue magazine thing going.

I think you're better
for catalog work.

What, dressed in flannel shirts
like a lumberjack or something?

Hey, given my choice,

I'd take catalog work
any day.

It pays well,
it's run by sane people,

and best of all...

They don't hire supermodels.

What's wrong
with supermodels?

How many supermodels
does it take
to screw in a light bulb?

I don't know.

One. She just sits there,
and the whole world
revolves around her.



Why does a supermodel
wear shoulder pads?


[in sing-song tone]
I don't know.

Great. Okay, keep
your chin down. Good.

Oh, now, just turn
a little bit
to the left.

Yeah, hold that
right there.



You really are beautiful,
you know that?


Okay, so it was
probably nothing,

Doesn't sound
like nothing.


Because it didn't
feel like nothing.

It felt more
like something.

Then it was
probably something.

if it was nothing,

why would she go
to a hotel?

I think if it
was nothing, she'd stay.


Maybe, but God, Will,

what would someone
like her see
in someone like me?

Life is full
of big mysteries, Bay.

How do... How do they
get the cheese
in those hot dogs?

Huh? You ever think
about that?

I'm telling you, man,
it's something,

and you've got to do
something about it.

I don't know, man.

I don't want to make
a fool out of myself.

Hey, every day
you get out of bed,

you make a fool
out of yourself.

What you have
to ask yourself is,

"Do I want to let this
opportunity pass me by?

Do I really want
to live life?"

And, "Does she have
a friend for Will?"

[doorbell rings]

You missed your lesson today.

Did I?

I guess I forgot.

Claudia, we've had lessons
every Thursday

for the last three years,
and you forgot?

You could have called.

You're right. I'm sorry.

What's going on here?

[sighing] Nothing.

No, something's

You're different.

And the only thing
I can think of

that has changed between us
is that I told you I'm gay.

Is that it?


And you're having
a problem with that.

If you are,
then at the very least,

you owed it to me
to come talk to me
about it.

I mean, that's the way
you and I always
deal with stuff, Claudia,

like friends.

Instead, you shut me out.
You stood me up.

What do you want me to say?

That it doesn't matter.

Because it shouldn't.

Look, my being gay
doesn't have anything
to do with you, Claudia.

It doesn't have
anything to do
with your music.

But since you seem
to think it does,

maybe we shouldn't
be working together.

Where's Greer?

She's not here.

Damn, I wanted to tell her
about the photo session.

You know, you're totally wrong
about the photography guy.

I just spent three hours
with him, and he
was completely cool,

and he thinks I could
have a great career,
like Greer said.

Wait, Jule.

I gotta tell you something.

She never met him.


Never met Ed Brighton.

He's not an old friend of hers.
He's not a famous photographer.

She just got his name
out of the phone book.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

He isn't someone
you can trust.

He's just some guy
you gave
a lot of money to.

When is she coming back?

She's not. She split.
She went to some hotel.

What, she left
without saying goodbye? Why?

[sighing] Beats me.

I can't explain her. I'm sorry.

-No, you're not.
-Yeah, I am.

I really am.

Look, maybe you can
get the money back.

[Bailey] Hi.

I was... I was just
kind of in
the neighborhood, so...


This is nice.

This is...

This is one
of their regular rooms?

Hmm. It's great.
It's a really nice hotel.
The lobby was very...


Can I get you
something to drink?

You mean, like,
room service?
No, no, that's too much.

It's, like, two-fifty
for a soda.

No, it's, uh... Water.

Yeah, a glass of water.

-It's not very cold.
-That's okay.

I'm finished.


What? I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I didn't...
I didn't mean to...

I don't know
what I'm doing here. I...

I... I feel like
such an idiot.
I just... I mean...

I'm so nervous.

I don't know
what I'm doing here.

Relax. It's okay.

No, I'm so bad at this.
I don't know how...

To read people.
I can't read anyone.
I just...

I don't have any idea
what people are thinking.

Girls... Women.

I just...
I thought that...

-I thought...

You didn't turn
away from me.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm embarrassing you,
and I'm humiliating myself.


You read signals just fine.

I do?

I think you are really,
really beautiful.

-So, what happens now?
-Oh, Bailey...

I know what I want.


Let's just say...

That it's something
that we both really want.

But as two adults,

we just thought better of it.

[indistinct chatter]

Where have you guys been?

Uh, just out.

I want to talk to you.

-Is there a problem, Charlie?

What were you doing with Julia?

I mean, you get her all excited
about this photographer guy,

and it turns out
he's no one.
He's just...

A name
from the phone book.

[Julia] Why would you
do that to me?

[Greer] Oh, Julia,

I just wanted you
to be happy.

I just wanted you
to feel great
about yourself.

There are
so many reasons--

Yeah, right, so many reasons
that I have to pay someone
to tell me I'm beautiful.

Oh, no, honey,
that's not true at all.

Look, maybe it was a lie
about the photographer,

but that doesn't mean
it isn't the truth about you.

And then when I want
to ask you about it,
you're gone, you just take off.

I'm sorry.

It's just...

It would've been better
if you'd just never started
being my friend.

Oh, Julia.

You just...
End up hurting people
who believe in you

when so much of what
you say is a lie.

I called your publisher.

There is no promo tour.

He says he hasn't even
seen you in a year.

I was going to get
in touch with him
as soon as I finish a few--

Look, it doesn't matter.

It really doesn't matter now.

You guys, none of this
was meant to hurt any of you.

When I came here,
you all felt so badly
about yourselves,

and it seemed to me
that there was another way
of looking at your situations,

and if I could
help you to see that,

if I could make you
feel better--

Yeah, but, Greer,
pretending everything
is great

does not automatically
make it great.

It can. It can help.

That's all I wanted to do.

That's all
any of this was about.

I'm sorry.

I think you should leave.

Listen, don't ever
sell yourself short.

You do a pretty damn good job
taking care of these kids.

[door closes]

What do you need, Claud?

I think I did something bad.

I skipped my violin lesson.

Uh-huh. Well,

you can probably make it up.

Maybe not.

I skipped it
because Ross is gay.


He's gay.

I know that,
but why would you
skip your lesson?

I don't know. It just...

It just felt weird.

You think I did
something really bad?


He's your friend.

I know. I mean,

do you have any friends
who are gay?


And it doesn't
matter to you?

It's different, and...

I don't completely
understand it
all the time, you know,

but lots of people
are different in lots
of different ways,


I know it shouldn't matter.

I mean, I know that.

It doesn't change a friendship.

It shouldn't change
the way you feel about Ross.

It just makes me mad.

What, at him?

I just wish...

Can't he stop being gay?

I don't think so.

That's just
the way it is.

Well, I guess
that's kind of too bad.

Not if you're doing
what you want,

not if you're happy.

Hey, Julia,
good to see you.

I want my money back.

You what? Why?

You lied to me.

You never met Greer.
You only said you did
so you could get my money.

Oh, just calm down a minute,
just wait a sec.

I would not have
taken your money

if I didn't think
that it was worthwhile
for you to have pictures made.

Right, you lied to me before,
and now you're being
completely straight.

Look, your friend told me
to say that I knew her
so that it would relax you,

which it did, right?

Yeah, it relaxed me
out of 800 bucks.

Do you have any idea
what $800 means to me?

Sure I do,

but it was worth it.

Your pictures are great.

You're just saying that
so you can keep the money.

Look, Julia,
I can keep the money
no matter what.

I'm saying it
because it's true.

Take a look.

And it's not
just my opinion.

A friend of mine
who has an agency
came by today.

He saw these,
and he asked about you.

Really? What for?

For work.

He's looking for faces
for picture frames.

For what?

You know, when you buy
a picture frame

and it's already got
a picture of somebody in it?
He needs faces for that.

And he was
interested in me?

It's not as much money
as catalog work, but it's cash.

Look, here's his card.

Give him a call.

Hey, Claud.

What's so important?

An apology.

It's pretty important,
don't you think?

I'm sorry, Ross.

I want you to be my teacher.

But if you don't want
to do that, or...

Even be friends
with me anymore...


I want to be friends with you

if you want to treat me
like a friend.

I do.

I'm really sorry.

I guess I was just...

Kind of disappointed.

And... And sad.



It's pretty stupid...

But ever since
that first time I met you...


When I played,
I was so nervous,

I really messed up
my bowing.

Ever since then, I...

I guess I kind of
thought, you know...

You were really
nice to me...

And you were
sort of cute, too.

I guess maybe
I just thought,
you know, when I grew up...

Maybe you'd want
to get married...

To me.

Might be a little
old for you.

I could've learned
to overlook it...

But since we're never
going to get past
that other issue...

I thought I'd do
the next best thing.

Ross, I'd like you
to meet Nick.

-Nick will be
our waiter tonight.

Nick likes water skiing
and Monty Python.


[Greer] Come in.

Just set it down
by the bed, please.

I thought you were
room service.

I need to know
what happened between us
last night.

I need to know
what you were doing,

if it was all a game,
or if the whole thing
was some kind of...


-You think I'd do that?
-Yeah, I think you might,

to make me feel better.

Like you were trying
to make Julia feel better,
like you...

Like you made her think
she was special.
And it turns out--

You are special, Bailey.

I wasn't playing
any game with you.



So you wanted to be with me.

It wasn't a charity,

I can't think
of anyone who needs
that kind of charity less.

Do you believe that?

I want to.

Believe it.

[ambient music playing]

Hi. Who's here?


-Who did you come with?
-No one.

Wow. Really?


Catch you later.

You want to dance?

[Will] So she left?

So it was nothing
after all?

Yeah, it was nothing.


How come
that kind of nothing
never happens to me?

Who you looking for?

I don't know yet.

[Julia] There was
that one guy
I kind of liked,

the one
I was dancing with.

You danced with
every guy there, Julia.

Even one
with a shaved head.

You can't date a guy
with a shaved head.
It would scare Claudia.

On second thought,
it would scare me.


Meet anyone great?


But, you know, so what?

I still had a good time.
I usually hate those things.

Yeah, but if you're
in the right mood...


So how do you get
in the right mood?


Well, then, here's to Greer.

Yeah, here's to her.

What are we toasting?

The fact that
we kind of got things
under control.

Except that little
nanny problem.

-Oh, I didn't tell you?
I found someone.

You did?

Experienced in child care,
excellent references...

What about
the temptation issue?

-Not a problem.
-Are you sure?

-Trust me.
-What's her name?


[all laughing]

Excuse me,
there isn't one female nanny
you trust yourself around?

Hey, you said, "Make sure
there aren't gonna be
any problems." So...

That's just a little
pathetic, Charlie.

Yeah, well...

So this Bill guy,
is he cute?

Oh, no.


Don't even think about it.

[all laughing]

[laughter continues]
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