01x18 - Who Cares?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x18 - Who Cares?

Post by bunniefuu »

[Claudia] The way I see it,

your 12th birthday
is technically
your last one as a kid,

because, uh, 13's next,

and once you're a teenager,
you're practically a grownup.

Claudia, I'm studying, okay?

So, I figure the 12th birthday
should be a real blow-out.

-[Owen cooes]


Right. Whatever. Go away.

Too bad about
Kirsten's conference.
She'll miss all the fun,

but I bet she brings us
something cool from Chicago.

-What do they make in Chicago?

Bay, what'd you do
for your 12th birthday?

Who took my wallet?

Something great, right?
Like a 49ers game?

I'm working here.

-I'm not done talking to you.
-Well, I'm done talking to you.

Does that mean
you'll all shut up?

I am not letting you
run off to L.A.

What are you going to do?
Steal my fan belt?

You're going to L.A.?

-Because he's an idiot.

Would you lay off?

[Claudia] Well, what's in L.A.?

-Nothing, okay?


L.A. is a big city, Bay.
How do you expect to find her?

One of her friends
gave me a name.

A waitress from
the coffee house
moved down there last year.

She's probably staying with her.

Well, when are you coming back?

He is not going!

I don't know.
Probably by the weekend, okay?

But my birthday's
the day after tomorrow.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry. Look, I promise
I'll make it up to you, okay?


Will you listen to me
for just one second?

You are going down there
to bring back a drug addict.

How can that seem like
a good idea to you?

You know what, Charlie?
You've never even
tried to understand.

Yes, I did!

But my God, Bay,
you cannot change her.

-You've tried everything.
-No, I haven't.

I mean, yeah,
I've given her ultimatums
and I've criticized her

and I told on her,
but I never tried...

I don't know,
just being a friend.

I never said to her
that no matter what happens,
I'd still care about her,

and that is a huge thing
not to have told her,

because I think
if she knows that,

then she'll want to come back,

and if she knows that,
I think she'll want to stop.

Bay, doesn't that sound
just a little crazy to you?

Of course it is.

He's completely insane.

I mean, nothing...
Nothing gets through
to you anymore.

It doesn't matter
what she does.

It obviously doesn't
matter what I say.

He just doesn't get it.

All right, look, I'm going,

but before I do, let me thank
each and every one of you
for your support.

It really means a lot.

[door slams]


It's my birthday.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[male vendor]
Venice Beach t-shirts here,
three for 12.


[female vendor]
Hair wraps, five dollars.
Pick your own colors.

The best in Venice...

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, sorry.



[indistinct chatter]

What are you doing here?

I, uh...
I talked to Michelle.

Damn her.
She told you I was here?

Who else knows?
My mom too?


So I guess you're just here
to take a urine sample.

Look, I know...

I know you're still mad,

but I was back home
and I was trying
to figure out

how things got so...
So bad.

You know, it's like...
It's like we got
off track or something.

I don't know exactly how
or exactly when, but...


Jill, wait.

Will you listen?

Is that your girlfriend, man?

Shut up.

♪ Oh, Alison ♪

♪ My aim is true ♪

♪ My aim is true ♪

"Mercury going
into retrograde.

"Expect your current slump
to worsen before it improves."


Read me.

"Things are looking
even brighter,

"but don't let your modesty
keep you from your
appointed destiny.

sh**t for the stars.
Sky's your limit."

Hey, Julia. How've you been?

[Julia's friend]
Oh, she's spectacular.

She's got a new boyfriend,
sh**ting for the stars,
sky's her limit.

Me? I'm stuck
in a retrograde.

You want coffee?


Hey, uh, listen,
every time I play now,

someone's always asking me
to play that song we wrote.


It's like my own,
personal "Freebird"
or something.

[chuckles] Cool.

So my idea was
we should write some more.

We could, I guess.

Because I think the only
difference between us and real
songwriters is discipline.

I think they just sit
their butts down and do it.

Really? You think so?

If we get together 10 or 12
really good songs, make a demo,

we could start
shopping it around.

-Shop what around?
-What do you say?

About what?

I don't know.
I'll think about it. -Great.

Thank you.

Wow. This retrograde
stuff's brutal.

[drill whirring]

What starts with a five
and ends with three zeros?

Baby's first paycheck!


We're rich!

Well, we're not broke.

We're not broke!

Well, 3,000 of that
goes right back
into the business.

Leaving us 1,000 each.

-Yes. Yes.

And, and, and,
and, and...
get this, get this.

I'm at Perry's, I'm delivering
the sample table, right?

And it just so happens
that standing there
next to me,

admiring my stunning designs
and your skilled handiwork,

is a buyer from Cromwell's.

He wants one too?

He wants eight.

-Are you kidding?


By, uh, the first of the month.


I know, I know, I know, I know,
but I had to say yes.

Now, he also wants
to see our brochure.

I knew we should've
had those done by now.

Oh, Charlie.
We've got to get
on this stuff.


[Claudia] He made me promise
I'd stay out of the shed.

You know what that means.

Birthday present.

Birthday present.

What do you think it is?

Well, there's one thing
I get every year.

It's a family tradition,
I think,

but that's really small.

Yeah. No. No.

It's got to be something
so big he has to hide it
in the shed.

Well, I have been
dropping a lot of hints

about my bike
being too small.

A new bike would
fit in there.

I also mentioned
I wanted to try snowboarding.

Hey, maybe it's both.

[doorbell rings]

-So, you decided?

About what?

About us working together.
What do you think?

Well, you just asked me
this afternoon.

So, what, you haven't
thought about it?

Well, no.

I have had
a couple of other things
to think about since then.

Oh, well, excuse me.

Wait a minute. Are you mad?

Just don't say you're gonna
do something, Julia,
unless you're gonna do it,

because I don't want
to waste time waiting around.

Waste time?
It's been six hours.

Forget it.

-Hold on.
-No, forget it. -Don't leave.
-Forget it.

-Would you relax for a second?
-I'm relaxed.

I'm relaxed.

What's going on with you?

I mean, is there something else
I did or something
you're mad about?

No. No.

'Cause you're not
making any sense.

I'm not?

No. I'm not. I guess I'm not.

Danny, what's wrong with you?

How long has he known?

A couple of months.

No chance it's a false positive?

He's done it three times.

You know, the last time
he was at the hospital,

he overheard some doctors
joking about it.

They call them "high-fivers."

"H-I" for high, and...

And "V" for five.


How awful.

[Charlie] How's he seem?

You know what's weird?

Not as bad as you'd think.


But at the same time, see,
he's always been

kind of low key.
Really lazy.

Never finishes anything,
you know?

And now, all of a sudden
he's got all this energy
and commitment.

[Claudia] Warning!
Birthday girl alert!

If you're talking
about my party,
you'd better shut up.

Okay, I've got it.

You're taking me
and all my friends to the zoo.

You're renting
a big sailboat?


You guys are too good.

Oh, God, her birthday.

I have no time.

Me neither,
but somebody's got to do it.

Maybe we can hire someone.

Aren't there people that
do that? Put parties together?

It would make life easier.

I promised Danny
I'd get started on some
new lyrics right away.

So you're gonna do it.
You're gonna work with him.

Of course.

God, I have to.
It's the least I can do.

How much?

Five bucks.

I played hockey
in those things once.

Took a puck in the face.
Had a black eye
for, like, a week.

I thought you'd
be gone by now.

No, I figured
I'd stick around,
see the sights.

Well, hope you had
a nice day.

Yeah. Yeah.
It was great.

This couple from Wisconsin
followed me around
for, like, an hour.

Turns out they thought
I was Tom Cruise.

They wouldn't leave me alone
till they took
a picture with me.

What do you want, Bailey?

I want you
to come back with me.

Forget it.

Look, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have gone
behind your back.
That was wrong and I know that,

but is that a good reason
just to junk everything?

Because things were good, Jill.

In the beginning,
things were great.

Please, don't go
back in there.

Listen, I know...

I know everything I've done
this last month

has made you feel
like I'm judging you and... And made you think
that you can't trust me,
but I promise,

if we started over,
everything would be different.

I wouldn't judge.

I wouldn't go
behind your back.
I would just be your friend,

but I don't know
how to prove that to you.

I mean, yeah,
I can say I'm sorry, I love you,

and all I want
is just to be with you
and hold you

and smell your hair again,

but then I think
after everything
that's happened,

what good would that do?

What did you say?

What good would that do?

No. Before that.

Uh, which part?
It was kind of a long speech.

The part about "I love you."

Oh. That part.

Did you mean it?

Well, I said it...


I mean, it just came out...

So yeah.

So I think, yeah.

I love you.

Do you think maybe
you love me too?

Are you gonna
come home with me?

Got coffee, got doughnuts.

You're in charge
of music and navigation,

so find us a good radio station
and the Five freeway.

The Five?

No, let's take Route 1.

What, up the coast?

Yeah. Why not?

Because the Five's
like a third
of the driving time.

Yeah, nothing but garlic fields
the whole way.

Boring and stinky.

Now, look.
Look at what we'll see
if we take the coast.

Santa Barbara.

Ooh, Monterey.

Hearst Castle.

Haven't you always
wanted to see Hearst Castle?

The place on the cliff
with, like, a bazillion rooms?

Mmm-hmm. We can be like
James Dean and Natalie Wood
in that movie we saw.

Rebel Without a Cause.

Young, in love,

traipsing around
a big, old mansion.

Come on.
It'll be romantic.

I guess we're already
going to miss school.


All right.

-All right. All right.
-[car engine starts]


[Gwen] Do you have
the balance sheet?

[Charlie] Yes.

Oh, thank God.
Charlie, I need your help.

I've been up all night.
You got a sec?

Um, not really. No.

We have a meeting
with our loan officer at nine.

I promised Danny I'd drop
some lyrics off this morning

and I have hardly anything.
I just need a starting point.

Okay, um, start the car.
I'll be there in one minute.

Okay, but hurry.

Okay. Thank you.

Okay, um, tell me, uh...

Tell me...

How you feel about, um, Kirsten.


How does she make you feel?



She, um...
How does she make me feel?



Good? That's it?

I don't know.

Okay, um, forget it.
Too personal.

Your work.

You're making a desk
and you look at it,
and you feel...

-Good? Charlie...

I'm sorry.
That is the best I can do.

["Happy Birthday"
playing on violin]

Oh, listen, um...

I'm going to have to go in
on your present.
I haven't had time.

Oh, my God. You didn't get her anything

Lay off. At least I got
the party planner.

Okay. Look, uh...

Okay. I'll sign a check,
and you go down after school
and you get her something.

Okay. Like what?

I don't know,
just something expensive,

and we'll give
it to her tonight.

We always get presents
at breakfast.

She'll be expecting it
this morning.

So we'll just have
to avoid her
until you get back.

Avoid her on her birthday?

Have you got a better idea?

[violin stops]

[Claudia] So...

So wait.
I don't get it.

They told you
what kind of party
it's gonna be,

and you go and plan it?

Actually, no.
You get to tell me

what you have in mind
for the big event.

So, what you're saying
is if I want a party,
I have to plan it myself?

Oh, now, let's not get
all fussy-fussy.
This is gonna be fun.

Why don't you tell me
when the actual birthday is.



Well, happy birthday,
birthday girl.

[music playing on stereo]

It says here Hearst Castle
costs 25 bucks apiece.

Where are we
gonna get 50 bucks?

I could write a bad check.

Oh, I could pawn my earrings.

I could rob a liquor store.

I could sell my body.

[siren wails]


License and registration,


She gonna be all right?

[Bailey] I, uh...

Our big brother.

Our favorite brother...

He, um, D...


He was...

He was skin diving
off the coast of Catalina
like he always does.

Yeah. He's very outdoorsy.


Was outdoorsy.


See, that's
the hardest thing, you know,

is thinking of him as gone.

I hope that shark
burns in hell!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Easy. Easy.

Okay, okay.


I think the funeral
will be very good for her,
you know?

Nice try, kids.

Extra points for creativity?

Yes? No?

The shark was a nice touch.

♪ Happy birthday
Dear Claudia ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

It's from a store.

But look,
it's got a little violin,
just for you.

That's a cello.

And they forgot the U.

"Happy birthday...



One present
from two people?

Don't they know
that's a rip-off?

What do you expect
from people who hire
a party planner?

It's the one all the
professional photographers use.

Great. I'll, um, use it for
all the professional
photography I do.

This paper stock
is half the price?

Yeah, but if we have to reduce
the pictures way down,

I don't know if we'll be able
to see the detail.

I've got it!
I've got it!

No, Artie.
It's the flash.

No, it's not.
It's the motor drive.
It says right here.

[Owen whining]

Claud, um...

Mind if Gwen and I take off?

Hey, why would I mind?

[doorbell chimes]

I'll get it.

I hate my family.

Okay, this is the thing.
My roommate,
you met her that night--

[Julia] Ann.

She's an engineer
at a recording studio,

and the guys
that booked time this week
bagged for tomorrow night,

and she said that
I could have the time.


So, that's great.

Yeah, it would be
if I had anything to sing.

These lyrics, Julia.

You couldn't
have been trying.

Well, I was.
It's just...

"Working with wood
makes me feel good."

All right,
so it isn't perfect.

It's garbage.

Nope. It's not good enough.

Oh, come on. It's good.

Yeah, but it's got
nothing to do
with the music.

It's like you're
not even listening!

Don't yell at me.
It's not helping.

Okay. Fine.

Just listen.

[hums tune]

[telephone ringing]

It's the best thing
I've ever written,

and crappy lyrics
are gonna ruin it.

[Charlie] Julia! Phone!

It's Justin. She'll call him back!

Let's go.


Look, Danny, it's midnight.
I have to get up early
for school, okay?


Julia, I don't care
what time it is. No.

[continues humming]

The lady at the front desk

didn't even blink
when you signed in
as James Dean.

Ow! Ow.

She's probably
used to aliases.

This is a motel.


I always thought
it would be really sexy
to stay in a motel.

[Bailey] Oh.


[Jill] What?

I don't know,
I guess, uh...

I guess I hoped
it would be a little nicer. Nicer than this?


This is gorgeous.

I mean, look at the decor.

Priceless antiques.


Treasures from the sea.

Oh, and this bedspread.
Is this Chinese silk or Indian?

Ah. Definitely Chinese.

Didn't we have the same
chandelier in our room
when we were in Paris?

Did we?

I'm almost certain.

Hmm. I don't remember.

I must've been on top
most of that trip.



Then I guess it's my turn.


It's perfect.

It's been great, Char.

No. Zero problems.

I told you I could do it.

Well, no.
Not any definite plans
or anything,

but we'll talk about it
when we get home.

Trust me.

I'll deal with it, okay?
Just not right now.

Um, I think we're just... We're about four hours away,
just down the coast.

Right. I'll see you then.

[hangs up]

You awake?


Morning. Where are we?

Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz has a boardwalk.



Let's hang out
on the boardwalk today.

I just told Charlie
we'd be back by lunch.

So, just call him and tell him
we'll be back tomorrow.

Oh, come on.

We've been having
so much fun.

What's one more day?

I guess I just...

Thought that maybe
it was time
to get back to reality.

Trust me.

Reality isn't going anywhere.

[Claudia] I'm really sorry,
but I've given this
a lot of thought.

[party planner]
I really wish
you'd reconsider.

I don't need to, thank you.

My mind's made up.

This is in no way
a reflection of your work.

It's just that, well,
I don't want a party at all.

After all the work we did
on the color scheme?

Why on earth not?


Probably no one would
care enough to come anyway.

[party planner]
Now, Lamb Chop,

I've spoken to your
brother and sister,

and judging from the amount
they were willing to spend
on your celebration,

I'd say they care a great deal.

Money isn't love, Lady Jane,

and, um...

Don't call me Lamb Chop.

[country music playing]

Can I get the meatloaf special?

An Elvis impersonator's
playing on the beach tonight.

Oh, let's go.
It'll be fun.

Yeah, like the
roller coaster was fun,

and the Skee-Ball was fun
and the bumper cars were fun.

What's wrong?

I just want to get home.

I've been wearing the same
underwear for three days.
Let's go home, Jill.

So, you folks know
what you want?

I want to go home.

No, um, uh,
cheeseburger, medium,
with fries, please.

Same for me,
uh, Mary Elizabeth.

And to drink?

Do you have a wine list?

Oh, uh, we have a house red
and a house white.

We'll have a bottle
of the house red.

You know, James Dean
is a really good name for you.

Maybe we should just
change our names officially.
What do you think?

James and Natalie. Hmm?

It's so much better
than Bill and Jailey.

-Jill and Bailey.

Boring, boring, boring, boring.

Hey, Bailey.

I called all over
for a place for the party.
Everything was booked.

Even the bowling alleys?

League night.


[drill whirs]


where she eats every week.

Come on.
It's not that big a deal.
I mean...

She'll have her party,
she'll be happy.

Very sensitive, Charlie.
Very responsible.

Well, make up your mind.

Is this the sensitivity lecture
or the responsibility lecture?

I'm just saying,
you should have thought--

Hey, I thought, okay?

I thought about brochures
and about accounts payable

and filling this order
by next month.



You know how many
of my birthdays
my dad was around for?

Zero, none,

because Mom always
gave us our presents
in the morning before school,

and since Dad had to leave
every day at 6:00

to go buy produce
for the restaurant,
he'd miss it,

and then we'd do cake
at night, after dinner,

but, of course,
Dad was at Salinger's till
midnight, so he'd miss that too,

and you know what?

No one ever accused him
of being a bad parent
or neglecting his family.

In fact they'd say the opposite.
"Nick works so hard
for those kids."

Don't call him selfish
because he wanted to make
a success out of his life.

He was a great father.

[drill whirring]

♪ Do-do da-de-ah
Da da da-da ♪

♪ De-da da-de-ah
Da da da-da ♪

♪ De-da da-de-ah
Da da da-da ♪


The bass is too high.

We'll fix it later.
You want to do
a little singing?

I don't know.
Julia, do I want to do
a little singing?


Forget it.
I'm gonna come in.

-What do you got?
-No, wait.

What is this?


Uh, soda anyone?


I have a test.

Oh, well...

And I was gonna
study last night,
but you came over.

And you went to sleep
without writing one good lyric.

Well, I'm sorry, but it's hard.

This is important.

Well, I know that,
but there are other things
that are important too.

Like what? Like Trig?

-Well, then what? Tell me.

Well, I know this is gonna sound
stupid to you,
but I do have a new boyfriend

who I haven't even seen
in three days.

Oh, God, a boyfriend.

And yesterday
was my sister's birthday.

What do you think
this is, Julia?

Some part-time gig?

When you feel like it,
you can throw some poems my way?

That's not how it works.
We gotta work hard.

We gotta
put together a demo,

we gotta go to L.A.,
we gotta shop it around--

L.A.? Danny, I'm 15.

So what? When Mozart was--

I'm not Mozart.

I wrote one poem
that you liked, that's it,

and now you expect me to be
brilliant every second to make
everything better for you.

It's like you want me
to save your life or something.

But I just can't do that.

I just can't.

Danny, I'd do anything
to change what has happened
to you, I swear, but I can't.

And what you're
asking me to do,
well, it's too hard.

Fine. You should go.

I'm not saying I want to leave.

No, no, no, no.

You have so many
important things to do, Julia.
You should just go do them.


Get out of here. [groans]

Turn it off.

I need to see.

Look what you made me do.


Go on, say it.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you ruining everything?

You're the one sitting at dinner
like a freaking nun.

I'm watching you
get drunker by the second.
What did you want me to do?

I want you to lay off,
like you said you were going to.

I did lay off,
but it's like...

It's like you're trying
to make me mad.

"Everything will be
different this time.
I promise."

Bunch of crap.

It was different.

It was great.

you're telling Charlie
what a big hero you are.


That wasn't what I said.

Are you calling my mom too?


Oh, we're gonna get home,
and it's gonna be
exactly the same, won't it?

You on your high horse,
telling me how to live
my life, Mr. Perfect.

I never said that I was perfect.

You know who you are?

You're that guy in the cartoons,
that guy who's always saving
the girl on the train tracks.

The Dudley Do-Right guy.

-Cut it out.
-Always the big hero,

always thinks
he can save some girl

-he thinks can't
take care of herself.
-Shut up.

That's how
you should have signed in.

Bailey Do-Right.

I said shut up!

Look, you're drunk,
and I really don't want
to talk to you right now,

so I'm gonna go to sleep. When we wake up
in the morning,

we can talk about this
all you want,
but not with you like this.

[door slams]

[birds chirping]

["Strong Enough" playing]

[knocking on door]


[Danny] Julia?

I'm sorry.
Are you asleep?

No. Um...


Your little sister let me in.

I don't think she likes me.

She asked me
to "state my business."

She actually used those words.

Oh, jeez. How weird.

No. She's cool.

She wouldn't, uh,
tell me where you were

until I told her
I was here to apologize.

Apology accepted.

I haven't done it yet.

I actually, uh, worked out
this whole apology number.

Oh, okay.

You didn't do anything wrong.

It was me.

I ju-- It's--

See, this is
what's been freaking me out.

At night, when I'm trying
to go to sleep,

I can't help but think...

What are people
going to say about me?

You know?

When it's over.

I mean, probably not much,

because why should they?
It's not like
I've ever done anything,

and every time
I think that,

I get, like,
this whole cold feeling that,

goes through my body,

Because I guess I want them--
You know, people--

I want them to say...


"It's too bad he's gone.

I'm going to miss him."

And I know that music
is something I do that,
that makes people feel good,

and if I do it well,
or, if...
as well as I can...

...then, um...

Maybe they'll say that.

Maybe they'll miss me.

But I don't
think I can do it...

You know, alone,

because I've never really
achieved anything.

And I think
if it was all up to me,

I'd fail.


I'd go away and...

Nobody would care.

And I don't know
how I'm gonna make sure
that doesn't happen.


It's not up to you.

And I shouldn't have
acted like it was.

So I...
I'm sorry.

[door slams]

You're gonna be in detention
till you're 40.

I hope it was worth it.

What's the matter?

What happened?

Just what you said
was gonna happen, okay?

She split.

I thought you said
everything was going great.

Yeah, well,
obviously, I was wrong.

She's a mess,
and nothing that I do
does any good,

so you were right
and I was wrong.
Are you happy now?


I tried to help but...

I just made things worse.

Yeah, but, Bay...

It wasn't your fault.


Hey, Claud, I'm back.

Big whoop.

Hey, hang on a second. Wait!

Look, I'm sorry
I missed your birthday.

I wanted to be here.
It was just... -this stuff with Jill--
-Was more important.

-I know.

Not more important, but...

I guess it seemed more urgent.

I'm really sorry.

Birthday present?


Who's it from?

Who wasn't it from?


you probably already
got one of these,

and the tradition
is one per year,
but I got you this anyway.


It's a palm tree.

You see, its little...
coconuts move.


I was gonna get you
a different one of a surfboard--

Oh, no. No, the palm tree's
much better.

So you like it?

Can you help? Yeah.

[Danny's song playing on radio]

You're late.

-You said 6:30.
-It's 6:32.

-What's two minutes?
-Shh. Listen.


♪ De-de de-de
De-de-de-de ♪

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da-de-de
De-de-de-de-de... ♪

Bass is too high.

Shut up. It sounds great.

♪ De-de-de-de-de ♪

Um, how did you...

It's the college station.
I've got connections.

♪ De-da da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

Pretty nice just as it is,
don't you think?

Without lyrics?

♪ Do-do-do
Do-do-da-da-da ♪

Want to dance?

-Uh, there's not much of a beat.
-You can't dance...

♪ Da-da de-de
De-de-de-de ♪

♪ De-de-de-de
De-de ♪

♪ De-de-de-de
De-de-de-de-de ♪

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da da-da ♪

You wrote this
all by yourself, you know.

Nobody helped you.

♪ Da-da-de-de
De-de-de-de-de ♪

♪ De-de-de-de-de de ♪

You can write
beautiful music, Danny.

♪ De-de de-de-de
De-de-de ♪

I know you can.

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

And, uh...

When it stops...

I promise I'll miss it.

♪ De-de-de-de-de
De-de-de-de ♪

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

[whispering] I promise.

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

♪ De-da-da-de-ah
Da-da-da-da ♪

[kids chattering]


My mom used to
give me one every birthday,

and look.

The little coconuts move.


No, Julia, it's great.

-You think?

It's got...
Lots of character.

I've never actually
made one before.

[children singing]
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday
Dear Claudia ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


I'm really sorry,
Claud, but...

I tried to get out of it,
but I'm going to have
to cut out of here at 9.

It's okay.

And I promise,
when I'm up with all this work,

you and I will do something
just by ourselves
for your birthday.

So that'll be, like, what,
when I'm 18 or something?

Yeah. Around then.

Claudia, let's open presents.

That Bailey, I always say
he's a party animal.

Don't mind me.

I'm just having
a mid-life crisis.

Good to get that
out of the way while
you're still in your teens.

I'm sure you did
everything you could, Bay.

And it didn't do any good.

I don't know.
Maybe that's just the way it is.

Maybe there's really nothing
anyone can do for anyone else.

Bay, you help people
all the time.

Yeah. I mean,
look what you did for Claudia.

What, blow off her birthday?

Yeah, I'm expecting a medal
for that one.

You remembered the charm.

Oh, my God.

-The charm.
-You forgot the charm?

We both did.

Oh, my God.
No wonder she was so pissed.

Yeah, well, look at her now.

Oh! It's the
Glitter Hair Barbie!

Great! Thanks a lot!

Oh, that's so cool!

I don't know, Bay.

Maybe the thing is
to find the people
who actually want your help

and just help them.

Should we come back
when you guys
have this figured out?

No, no. We've got it.

It'll focus by itself.

Yeah. I think.

Let's check the manual.

You guys should see
all the cool stuff I got,

like a Beatrix Potter lamp
and a Sonic the Hedgehog game.

What else. Um...

Ew. A makeup kit.

A little lame.


And look.

Bay remembered the charm.

[camera clicks]
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