03x04 - Bowling Ballet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flintstones". Aired: September 30, 1960 – April 1, 1966.*
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Living in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone works an unsatisfying job, but returns home to his wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles.
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03x04 - Bowling Ballet

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] That's it, bublichka.

Stretch. [groans]

Stretch the muscles.



Okay, Freddie-boy.

Now putting down the leg.


I can't. It won't go down.

You getting cramp in the leg?

That's nothing, bublichka.

I'll fix it.

Easy. Easy.


There. It's down.

The other way was better.

Honest, Miss Cobblehov.

I think you're right, Freddie-boy.



♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern stone age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Let's ride with the family down the street Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones Have a yabba-dabba-doo time ♪

♪ A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪♪


Get up, Fred. You'll be late for work.

Come on, Fred. Get up.


Oh, dear.

I never heard of anyone sleeping as soundly as he does.

Well, if it has to be, it has to be.


Sounds like Wilma is having trouble getting old Freddie-boy up this morning, Betty.


Wilma has trouble getting old Freddie-boy up every morning.

Yeah. Fred doesn't go to sleep. He hibernates.


That's it, Dino. Easy.


There. He's on his feet.

Now, let the bed down.

Easy. Easy.

That's it. Thanks, Dino.

[Dino yapping]

Fred, wake up. You have to go to work.

You know, work.

Money, pay, the rent, groceries.

Bowling. Huh?

Bowling? That's it.

Now, stay awake, Fred.

Get washed and shaved while I fix breakfast.

[mumbling] Bowling.

I'll be with you in a minute, Barney.

Oh, dear. Fred must have crawled out the window again.

Come on, Dino.

That's it.

Upsy-daisy, Fred.


All right, Dino. Let's go.

[Dino yapping]

What happened?

Nothing, Fred. Just get shaved.

Wilma, where's my shaver?

In the medicine cabinet, dear.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I see it.

Mm. Empty again.

Got you, you little bumble.

What's taking that man so long?

Hurry it up, Fred. Breakfast is ready.

Be right with you, honey.

Oh, Fred. Are you still using that greasy kid stuff on your hair?


Oh, Flintstone, you are a living doll.

What's the use?

One or two eggs, Fred?

Just one. I'm not hungry this morning.

Okay. You watch the toaster when it pops up.

Someday, somebody's gonna figure out a better way to make toast.

Here you are, Fred. Your egg's ready.

Now, try not to hit the fence this morning.

Your judgment of distance has been very bad lately.

Why don't you go back to bed and leave the driving to me?

"Just don't hit the fence." Oh, boy.

I happened to nick the fence yesterday. I'll never hear the end of it.


Fred! Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm all right, and I hope you're satisfied with what you've done.

What did I do?

You jinxed me, that's what you did.

"Don't hit the fence. Don't hit the fence," you tell me.

All right, Fred. I'm sorry I knocked the fence down.


But hereafter, watch it.

I wonder if any other wives have as much trouble getting their husbands off to work.

[whistle blows]

Hey, Flintstone!

This rock goes next!

Okay, Charlie.

Easy, now. That's it.

Up. Up. Up.

Where does it go, Charlie?

In the truck!


A little more. A little more.

Okay, drop it!

[Charlie] Hey, Flintstone!

That's the second truck you've wrecked this week!

I'm sorry, Charlie. My timing seems to be off.

You can say that again.

Boy, how clumsy can a guy get?

Oh, boy.

Two trucks in one week. They won't stand for that much longer.

[whistle blowing]


Here he comes.

And there he goes.

How about that?

Fred's been bowling on his lunch hour every day for the last two weeks.

I guess he's practicing for the big game with the Rockland Rockets.

Aw! Fred doesn't have to practice. He's the best bowler in town.

Hey, Fred, over here in Alley 4.

Let's go, pal.

Gee, Fred, did you hurt yourself? No. I'm okay.

But I can't figure out why I'm so awkward lately.

I can't seem to do anything right.

Falling down steps, smashing up trucks.

Even my bowling is way off.

I can't seem to throw a strike anymore.

You're just temporarily out of rhythm, pal.

Bowling with me every day will bring it back. You'll see.

Well, I sure hope so. The big match with the Rockland Rockets is next week.

Yeah. And our team is counting on you to win for us.

So grab a ball and let's get practicing.

Right, coach. I feel better already.

That's the spirit, pal.

Hey, I'll start the game.

[crash then Fred yells]

What happened, Fred?

I dropped the ball on my big toe!

Well, I'll say one thing.

When you get clumsy, you don't fool around.


Well, that's game, Fred.

Let's see...

Hey, I got a nine on the last frame, not an eight.

Okay, nine.

Instead of 63, you got a 64.

That's closer to breaking 100 than you have been all week, Fred.



I'm all through. I can't bowl anymore.


No, no, Fred, don't.

Listen to me, Fred.

Hey, stop it.

Excuse me, pal, but this is for your own good.

Thanks, Barney. Anytime, Fred.

Hey, come on. We got time for one more game.

I feel confident, Barney, this is gonna be a strike.

I can feel it.

Attaboy, Fred.

Let's see that old form. huh?

Uh-oh. Time's up, Fred.

It's 1:00. I gotta get back to work.

Yeah. Me too.

Hey, Flintstone! I wanna talk to you!

Oh, the boss. Now I'll catch it for being late.

Hi, uh, Mr. Slate. You wanted to see me?


Do you know what time it is?

Yes, sir, but I'm sorry I'm a little bit late.

You're a lot late, Flintstone.

But it's okay. I know you were practicing for the big match.

You know? Uh-huh.

And did you know your fellow employees are betting a month's wages on your team?


A month's wages?


They got a lot of confidence in you.

Oh, boy.

And the company has a big wad riding on you also.

Huh? We have to pay for the trucks you've been smashing, you know. [laughs]

Yeah. Yeah, the trucks.

Otherwise, we'd have to dock you for the damage.

Now, get to work.

[man] Hey, Fred.

All me boys are betting on you next week, and we're all sore losers.



What a spot I'm in.

That darn fly. He's disappeared again.

I've got to get rid of him before Fred gets home. He can't stand flies in the house.

There he is, Wilma. Where?

[Betty] Behind the V-A-S-E.

Look out, he's coming this way!

I see him.

Grab a newspaper and help me, Betty.

Okay, drive it over here.

Rats. I'll get him.


Did you get him? Uh...

Yeah. I got him good.

I think I'll go home now, Wilma. I'll leave by the back door.

All right, Betty. Thanks for helping me get rid of that fly.

Oh, yeah, sure.

By the way, Fred's home.

See you later.

Fred's home? Why doesn't he come in?

Fred! What's the matter?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

I'm just on a lucky streak, only the luck is all bad.

But what made you fall?

Who knows?

I don't even know why my head hurts.

I got no time to figure it out now. I got something big to worry about.

Well, sit down and eat, Fred. I'm sure you'll feel better.

I fixed your favorite dish. Barbecued brontosaurus ribs.

No. No, I'll skip dinner.

I don't feel hungry.


Fred Flintstone not hungry?


And after I hit Fred with the newspaper I left without telling Wilma.

I feel so ashamed of myself.

Oh, forget it, honey. You couldn't hurt Fred with an old newspaper.

He probably thought it was some kind of joke.


Yeah, I think that's very funny.

Well, I don't.

And after dinner I'm going to apologize to Wilma.

Fred, if you're gonna mope all evening and won't tell me what's worrying you, I might as well go to bed and read a good book.


I'll turn on the TV. It may snap you out of it.

See you later, Fred.


[announcer] Good evening. Welcome to the Bedrock Dance Studio Hour.

Are you awkward? Uncoordinated?

Have you got two left feet?

Rhythm is the secret of success in many activities.

Dancing, golf, swimming, bowling.


Let the Bedrock Dance Studio help you regain your youthful rhythm and coordination.

Hey, maybe they could help me get my bowling form back.

I'm gonna run right over there now.

[woman] Good evening, sir. Are you interested in joining our group?

Yeah. I wanna improve my bowling like the man on television said.

I see. Well, a course in ballet would be best for you, sir.

Bowling and ballet have a similar rhythm.

Good. Good. I gotta get in shape for the big match next week or I'm sunk.

When do I start?

You can start right now.

Miss Cobblehov's ballet class is in Studio A.

We have a new pupil with us, darlings.

A Mr. Flintstone.

He wants to get his bowling form back in a week.

We will do our best to help him, and here he is.

Mr. Flintstone. Come out, darling.


Now, Mr. Flintstone, watch a few ballet steps.

See how graceful Natasha is.

Why, I couldn't do anything like that, Miss Cobblehov.

Of course not, Freddie-boy.

You will have to limber up first.

Stretch the muscles on the bar.

That's it, bublichka.





Okay, Freddie-boy.

Now putting down the leg.

[groaning and crunching]

I can't. It won't go down.

You getting cramp in the leg?

That's nothing, bublichka.

I'll fix it.

Easy. Easy.


There. It's down.

The other way was better.

Honest, Miss Cobblehov.

I think you're right, Freddie-boy.

Honestly, Betty.

I think it's very funny you accidentally hitting Fred with the newspaper and leave without mentioning it.

It's hilarious. I know it was a silly thing to do, but I guess I just panicked.

Well, forget it.

Fred never mentioned a word.

[door opens]

Oh, here's Fred now. I'll apologize to him.

I didn't even know he was out of the house.

Fred. What's the matter?

Nothing's the matter. I just feel like hopping on one foot.

Good night.

Betty. Oh, Betty.

Good morning, Wilma.

Come on over and have some coffee.

Not now, Betty. You come over here.

I wanna show you something.

What's wrong, dear? You look real worried.

Fred didn't go to work again this morning.

He called up and said he was sick.

Well, maybe he is.

Look down in the basement. See what you think.

[piano music paying]

[Fred] And one, two, one, and two.


Up, up, up.

Oh, dear.

He isn't kidding. He is sick.

Do you suppose that hit on the head with the newspaper shook something loose?

[Wilma] I don't know, but something is going on.

He's been acting screwy all week long.

He's out all hours of the night, and you know what that means.


Another woman.

Somehow I fail Fred as a wife.

Oh, nonsense, Wilma.

There's no other woman, and I'll prove it.

Tonight when Fred goes out, give me a buzz, and I'll have Barney follow him.

We'll find out what he's up to, but I'm sure there's no other woman.

You'll see.

I hope you're right.

[Betty] Hello? Oh.

Wilma, he just left, huh? Okay, Barney will follow him.

Fred's leaving, Barney.

Barney, what have you got on your face?

It's a false mustache so Fred won't recognize me.

Hey, how do I look?

You look like Barney wearing a false mustache.

Now, get going and don't lose him.

I won't.

Wilma, I'll be right over. We'll wait for Barney's call together.

Hi, Barney. Hi, Fred.


Oh, uh, pardon me.

I mistook you for Fred Flathauser, my cousin on my mother's side.

Excuse me.

Hm. Sure looked like Barney.

Boy, that was a close one. I almost gave it away.


He stopped in front of the Bedrock Dance Studio.

What would Fred be doing in there?

[piano music playing]

[piano music stops]

Congratulations, Freddie-boy.

You have learned to ballet in a week.

You will have no trouble with your bowling now, I bet you.

Oh, thank you, Miss Cobblehov.

Before you go, how about dancing the "Swan Lake" with the whole group?

Put on your skin-diving suits, girls.

We are diving into "Swan Lake."

[piano music playing]

He's been in there for a half an hour. I'll take a peek and see what he's up to.

This waiting is awful.

I wish Barney would call.

Well, he will, he will. As soon as he finds Fred.

Now, try to be calm like me.

[phone rings]

The phone!

Barney, you found Fred?

It's Barney. He found Fred.

Is he with another woman?

He isn't with another woman.

Oh, thank goodness, I was wrong.

He's with 10 other women?

At the Bedrock Dance Studio?



That man.

Come on, Betty.

We're gonna pay a visit to the Bedrock Dance Studio.


I'll give you two minutes to get out of that black underwear and get dressed.



Yeah, sure, Wilma.

Oh, boy.

Well, Fred explained the whole thing to me last night.

And was it a doozy.

He said he was taking ballet lessons to help his bowling game.

His bowling game? Mm-hm.

Can you imagine?

So I said, "I'm gonna watch you bowl in the big match tonight, and you're gonna prove it, or else."

Oh, you're not gonna clobber him with that bone, are you?

Oh, no. This is for Dino.

Here, Dino. Here's a brontosaurus bone for you.


That's a good boy.

Here, catch.


Where's Dino going with the bone, Wilma?

Oh, he's going to bury it.

Bury it? He'll be all day digging a hole big enough.

I know.

But after all, what else has he got to do?

Barney, I feel awful.

I don't know if that ballet stuff is gonna help my bowling or not.

You got good rhythm, Fred. That's all you need.

Yeah, but if I don't bowl good tonight, Wilma won't believe my story, all the guys will lose their dough, and I'll probably lose my job.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Step on it or we'll be late for the game.

Hey, Joe, here comes Barney and Fred.

Boy, am I glad to see Fred.

Hi, fellas.

You can start now. We're here.

[people cheering]

Remember those smashed trucks, Fred.


Hey, Fred, the sore losers are here to protect their bets.


Oh, brother.

The fat guy is Flintstone, their top man.

He's the one we Rockland Rockets gotta beat.

Yeah. He's real good.

Okay, Fred. You lead off.

Go get them, boy.

Yeah, Fred, let's have a strike.

A strike.

Okay, I'll try.

Fred better be good tonight, or he's in trouble over that ballet routine he gave me.

Right in the gutter.

The great Flintstone.

[all laughing]

A gutter ball.

Hey, what happened, Fred?

[Fred] It's no use, Barney.

I just can't bowl anymore.

Oh, sure you can, Fred.

You got your rhythm and coordination back, remember?

Yeah, but only when I do the ballet.


Well, Fred, bowl ballet-style.


Yeah. Why not?

Let's see, here's a good number.

[caws] A classic.

After 10 years of rock 'n' roll, my kind of music.

Oh, boy. [caws]

[playing classical music]


[Barney] Attaboy Fred. That's the old form.

Good old Fred.

Is that legal?

Nothing in the book against it.

Hurray! It's another strike. Yippee!

Fred told the truth. He's combined bowling with ballet.

Oh, look, Barney is bowling the last frame.

If he makes a strike, we win. Keep your fingers crossed.



Hurray! The Water Buffaloes win!

Thanks to Fred and his ballet lessons.

Those guys are a bunch of birds.

Yeah, cuckoos.

But they clobbered us.

Hurray for Fred!

Flintstone is our hero.


Fred, honey, do you think I could learn to dance the ballet?

Oh, I don't know, Wilma. Let's find out.

Go ahead, Wilma.

If Fred can do it, it'll be a cinch for you.



Well, that answers my question.

I'm strictly the waltz type. [chuckles]

That's the type I like best, sweetheart.


Oh, Fred.

♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern stone age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight Then that cat will stay out for the night ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones Have a yabba-dabba-doo time ♪

♪ A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪♪ Wilma!
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