02x10 - Grand Delusions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x10 - Grand Delusions

Post by bunniefuu »

Is this weird
or is this weird?

This is definitely weird.

What do we do with that?

Eat it, I guess.

We can't eat it.

Cake is for celebration.

Hi. I've got a buffet dinner
for 50 and no one to eat it.

I was wondering--

In case you didn't notice,

we don't have anything
to celebrate.

Yeah, well, it's too bizarre
to give to a soup kitchen, too,

so either we eat it,
or we let it rot.



I said hey, Claud.

Charlie, what do you do with
the presents? Keep 'em?

Or return them to the stores?

Shouldn't you return them
to the person
they're from?

I don't know, okay?

I've never been through this.
I don't know how to act.

All I know is that
I gotta get out of here
for a while.

Meaning what?

Meaning I gotta figure out
what the hell I'm doing
with my life.

I can't do it here.

So I'm gonna take off
for a little while.

I'm gonna go to Mexico.

Wait. You're going, anyway?
Even though--

Tickets are non-refundable.
So is the room.

I don't know Charlie,
a honeymoon
without a wedding--

What am I supposed to do?
I can't afford a whole
other trip and I mean it

If I don't get away from
these chairs and flowers
and this cake

and that damn bed...

So I'm going.

You think if I took Claud
with me, she might...

You know, start
to forgive me?


Yeah, maybe.


Never in a million years.

Not a chance.

[theme music playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live
Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love
Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Okay. So no allergies.

No history of heart disease
or high blood pressure.

Not currently taking
any medications.

And... are you sexually active?


Well, I mean, I was once.

But I won't be again, probably.

At least not for
a really long time.

So, technically, yes, but
for all practical purposes, no.

So what brings you here?

Well, I just figured, I mean,
I've never been to a, um--

A gynecologist? Right.

And I just figured
that since I...

had done that,
that I should.

And that makes sense,
doesn't it?

Any sexually active
16-year-old woman...

No, see--

should start
having regular paps

and should decide
on a reliable form
of birth control.

No, I really don't
need that.

I mean, he used a--
We were safe.

There's the pill.

I hate pills.

Then we're looking at
the diaphragm, the IUD,

or the cervical cap.

So we stay for what, like,
an hour, hour and a half,

and then we can leave, right?

What? No.

No, no. This is a very
important party to Gram.

Yeah, but with Charlie gone,

we'll have the house
practically to ourselves.

So? Gram's anniversary
only comes once a year.

I'm not just gonna cut out.

Yeah, I'm sorry,

but with your grandfather
technically no longer living--

I explained this.
Two, four, six...

You have to admit
it's kind of weird.

How long has
he been dead?

Fifteen years.

You made me lose count.

Fifteen years?

That doesn't strike you
as a little...

Okay, so it's a little unusual,

but it does not mean
that we're not gonna stay.

[door opens]

Hi. Mom, have a seat.

Don't put me
by those damn windows.

I get so damn scared
I'm gonna fall.


Hi, honey.

Gram, this is
my boyfriend Bailey.

Hi. Nice to meet you, ma'am.

Did you say Bailey?

Are you one of those
Newport Baileys?

No, Gram,
Bailey's his first name.

What the hell kind
of first name
is Bailey?

What the hell
kind of first name is Gram?


We're setting the table
for the party.

Good for you.

No silverware for Grandpa.

No, of course not.

Of course not.

Needs a plate and a chair,
but not silver. Of course not.

They've got snorkeling
at this place.

You're on my seat belt.


The doctor said
that all we have to do

is put a bag over your cast.

You can swim all you want.

Excuse me.

Where did you get those?

From here.
The pocket here.


They've also got music
every night.

Not classical, probably,
but mariachi.

I'm sorry.
What station are you on?

Five. Comedy.


There are markets too.

We can get you one of those
Mexican dresses.

What do you think of guys

who call off a wedding
an hour before the ceremony?

What do I think?

Well, assuming
the bride was--


Yeah. Well,
that's pretty unforgivable.

That's what I think too.

[both laughing]

[man on tape player
speaking French]

[Julia repeats in French]

[man on tape player
speaking French]

[Julia repeats in French]

[speaking in German]

[Julia speaking in French]

[Justin speaking in German]

[speaking in French]

Is anybody at your house?

The sitter.

No one.

She really knew Kennedy?

Man, I've never really known
people who knew people before.

Well, don't be intimidated.
She really
likes you, I can tell.

She'll probably make you
read to her tomorrow.

Wait, tomorrow?

I thought we were
gonna go to my
place tomorrow.

I don't know, Bailey.

I kind of told my mom
I'd be around.

-I think maybe--
-You think what?

That you don't wanna
spend time with me?

-No, it's not that.
-Then what?

'Cause tomorrow
is a perfect chance

for us to spend time
together completely alone.

How come you're more excited

about spending a day
with your family

than a day with me?

I don't know, Bailey.

Maybe I like
being around them.

I mean,
I can count on them.

And you can't count on me,
is that what you're saying?

No. No, look.

You can't blame me for being
a little cautious here.

That is not fair.
I apologized.

I know.

It's just silly little things,
stupid little things,

like trust and total devotion,
take time.

Okay? Understand?

Yeah. I understand.

I hate it, but I understand.

[singing in Spanish]

Nice, don't you think?


[man at reception]

I have a reservation.

You're not gonna cut
me one inch
of slack here, are you?

No. Because I'm mad.

You can make me come here,

but you can't make me
forgive you.

And you can't make me
have fun.

Do you see it?
Do you see it?

See what?

A flying something.

I hate bugs.

I'm fine with snakes
and rodents,

but when it comes to bugs,

I'm-- I'm...

I'm Courtney. Hi.

I'm sorry.
I'm Charlie.

Here you go,
Mr. Salinger.

The honeymoon suite.

You're Charlie Salinger,

and you're on your honeymoon,
so I'm--

No, I'm not.

I'm with my sister.

Right. Okay.

No, really.
She's 12.

And she kind of
hates me right now,

so basically
I'm here alone.

Well, how do you feel
about bugs?


Bring 'em on.


what you're saying is
if I found a bug in my room,

room 454, I could ring you,
and you'd come k*ll it for me?

That'd be...

Yeah, fine.

It's good to know.

So, I hate
to state the obvious,

but in case
you didn't notice,

I thought I'd point out
that we did it again.

No. I noticed.
I definitely noticed.

So I guess we learned that
all that stuff we said before--

About not being
able to do it
without being in love?

A hundred percent bull puckey.

Because we did it.

We did the big nasty.

"Big nasty."

How about "nooky"?
Can we say we nookied?

Sure, if you prefer,
or we boffed.

We mated.

We made whoopee.

We made love...

Or not.

Not, I think.

Because we're still
not going out, right?


We're just--

Sleeping together.


People do that.
They have sex and not go out.

The French do it
all the time.

Yeah. So it's sophisticated.

Cosmopolitan even.

So does that work for you?

Yeah. Sure.
Why not?


It says here
the instructors
are there all day.

Just tell them
we wanna learn to wind surf.

I don't wanna
learn. You do.

No. I just wanna do
something fun together.

The dining room's
this way.

you've gotta eat.



Go with
the fruit salad.



It's not as good
as in Fiji,

but it's definitely better
than in the States.

When were you in Fiji?

After Tahiti,
before Ecuador.

I'm traveling around the world
until my money runs out.

I'll probably end up stranded
in Mykonos or something.

I've always wanted
to go to Mykonos.

Yeah? What's stopping you?

Oh, you know, obligations.

Well, nobody's gonna
give you the time.

You've just gotta
take it.

Never thought of it
that way.

That's probably not allowed.

He must be sleeping.


I don't know yet,
but someone very important.

Staying there?

How do you know?

My father tells me.

Who's your father?

Juan Carlos Sabato
Luis Sanchez.

This is his hotel.

The best hotel
in all of Cabo San Lucas.

It's okay.

Please, miss, tell me... why are you wearing
these clothes on beach?

The pant
and the sweating?

Because I don't like the sun.

Then is good
you come to Mexico.

I didn't wanna come.
My brother made me.

He's a bad man,
this brother.

Making you come
to a beautiful beach. It's very sad.
I start to cry.

Look, I'm not a beach person.


So you no liking
the beach. This is what I do.

I make you my partner
in spying on important guest.

Maybe is prince falling in love
with you, making you princess.

You have a big adventure,

You're weird.

Yes, but is you who is
wearing sweating on beach.

Here they are.

Wow. He wrote you a lot.

Your grandfather never took
a trip without writing me.

Oh, he knew
what he was doing.

And enunciate, please.

"My darling Sarah--"

You're a Sarah too?

She's my namesake. Go on.

"Cold snap in New York...

Got there just in time
to hear the good news.

They've gotten a baby.

Marie's ecstatic.

Dylan's as proud
as if she were his own.

-The name--"
-What was that?

Here, Bailey,
here's another.

-Read another one.
-No. No, Gram--

Honey, this one's from Korea.
That was such an exciting time.

let me see that.


give it back.

"They're naming her
after the loveliest
girl on the planet.

Yes. Another Sarah
to light up the world.

Lucky world."

"As if she were
his own"?

what does it mean?

[knock on door]

I'm working!

I thought
you were my dad.

No. He was just pulling out
when I got here.

Gee, I wonder
where he's going.

So, anyways, guess what.

You know my hair thing?

That thing that was in my hair?

Well, I can't find it.
I thought maybe you had it.

Okay, new rule.

As of right now,

if either of us comes to see
the other under false pretenses,

the excuse better be at least
a teeny bit plausible.

Oh, you mean--

Hair thing?

You may as well
have just said,

"I'm here
to fool around."

I'm here
to fool around.

What does it mean?

What did he mean
when he wrote this?

Sweetheart, maybe we should
discuss this in private.

Yeah. Look, I should--

No. I have no problem
with Bailey hearing.

Sarah, I really--

Just stay here!

Is Dad not my father?

Did you get pregnant
with someone else?

Was there another
baby Sarah that died that you named me after?

Am I adopted?
What are we talking
about here?


Yes, what?

There were
a lot of options.

Your father and I
did adopt you.

Wow, I kind of said
that one as a joke.



I was adopted?

Sweetheart, please,
let me explain, honey.

I really shouldn't be here.
I'm gonna go.

Thank you, Bailey.

I'll talk to
you later, okay?


Look, Marco's bringing him
the room service.

He's ordering sushi.

So he's either
from California or Japan.

Maybe movie star
or big businessman. So much for me
becoming a princess.

Oh, it is okay.

If it is prince, now I
no letting him marry you.

I thought
that was the point.

The point is now change. I should
probably head back.

Then I walking
with you?

Wait. Wait. Hang on.
I can't even see.

Come on.


Here. It's this way.

You see why is reason this is
best hotel in Cabo San Lucas?

People is falling
in love here.

[Justin's father]
Justin, have you
seen my wallet?

I can't seem to
find it anywhere.

Dad, wait!


Dad, will you,

Okay, all right.

You and I should
talk about this. Now.

I'll be right back.

Okay, I'm trying
not to get mad.

I'm trying to understand
why I shouldn't be angry.

Well, I can think
of a few reasons.

Is this what you're doing here?
Are you bringing girls
into your room?

One girl, Dad, one.

Justin, look at me.
We're talking here.

No, we're not talking,

because you're about
to lecture me about sex.

Well, I don't wanna
hear it from you.

[Justin's father]
Hey, don't you start--

Especially when you're screwing
around behind Mom's back!

What? What--

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I saw you.
The hard rock show?

I was there.

Her? No.

She's a client's daughter,
for God's sakes.

Stop it, okay?
This is disgusting!

It's pathetic!


was nothing. It was...

It was stupid.

Oh, God.

Stupid thing to do.

It has nothing to do
with your mother,

and it has nothing
to do with our family.


because it
didn't mean anything.

I promise you.

Okay. Okay.


[slams door]


So I've been ranking
all the pools,

all the swimming pools
on this trip.

Oh, yeah?

So how's this one
stack up?

I can't decide
just by looking at it.

It's a very
complicated process,

lots of factors.


Well, like...

temperature and...

chlorine content...

and the company.

So how did you end up in
the honeymoon suite, anyway?

Just a little

With your fiancée?


Well, her loss
is my gain, isn't it?

[water splash]

I'm glad
you like it, buddy.

This is dinner for
the next two weeks.


[knock on door]

Come in!




How are you?
Are you okay? Here. Come here.
Sit down.

What did they tell you?
Did they tell you everything?

Yeah. They said they did.

I was four days old.

And it was
some unwed mother.

What do they
know about her?

Not much.


I don't know.

Oh, I can't go
back there, Bailey.

Well, you don't have to. You stay here
as long as you want.


She gave me a name...

and it was some
other name than Sarah.

Then they changed it
when they took me.

I don't even know my name.

[footsteps approaching]

Where the hell have you been?

What's it to you?

What's it--? I thought you were
lying in a ditch somewhere.

Look, I was out having fun.

Isn't that why you
dragged me
here, to have fun?

Cut the crap, Claudia.

You cut the crap.

All right. That's it.
You're grounded.

For the rest of the day,

you're gonna stay
in this hotel room.

Maybe that will make you

start thinking about someone
other than yourself.

Like that's something
you know anything about.

Like you're Mr. Considerate!

Mr. Dump Kirsten,
and then go smooching

the first bimbo
beach bunny you meet.


I saw you kissing that girl.

Stupid-looking one.

Hey, she is not stupid.
And furthermore--

Oh, like I'm gonna
listen to you!



How much do you give him?

Obviously too much.
Look how fat he is.

[doorbell rings]

-Could you--?

Thurber, no! Thurber!

Well, you know what, Thurber?
Help yourself.

Sarah! Wait.

I just wanted to talk to her.

[door slams]

Yeah, well, now probably
isn't the right time.

Oh, Bailey.

There is never
a right time, never.

You should have told her,

from the beginning.

Isn't that what
you're supposed to do?

It's not that simple, Bailey.

It's not just a matter
of deciding to do it.

We had decided.

When she was three,
her father and I sat her down

and started
explaining it to her.

And you know what she did?

She put her hands
over her ears,
and she started humming.

So we decided to wait.

For what?

For her to be older,

for her to be able
to handle the news.

I don't know,

maybe for some sort of
a sign from Lord-knows-who

saying, "Now. If you tell her
right now, she won't be hurt."

And then on her 12th birthday,

we were going over
her presents after the party,

and they were
such grown-up presents.

Pocketbooks and jewelry
and diaries and...

I looked at this little girl
who was growing up so quickly,

and I thought, "She's ours.

Nobody else's."

So how did things
end up with your dad?

He didn't know it was you.
He didn't know who it was.

Oh, no, I'm not--

I mean, that's good,
but no, I just...

I wanted to know
that you're okay.

I am fine.

'Cause that seemed upsetting.

Look, my dad is a jerk.
We had an argument.

What's so interesting?

I don't know.
I just care, I guess.

Well, I thought we weren't
gonna do that.

Well, I'm not.

I'm not caring-caring.
I'm just making conversation.

Yeah, well, I have a big test,

and I just... I can't
chat right now, okay?

Oh. Okay.

Well, I guess
I'll just see you.


[bells ringing]

I mean, maybe he didn't love
Kirsten. I don't understand.

But he did.
I mean, I know he did.

You should have seen
the way he looked at her,

all google-eyed.

So how could he
just turn around
like that meant nothing

and just...


Make the love
to the other woman?


Hey, Claudia.


the heart do what it want
without asking the head.


Oh, hi, Mrs. Reeves.

Yeah, yeah she is.


I did. I did.
I did tell her that.

But she's still kind of...

Yeah, I'm afraid not.

Okay, bye.

Well, it's definitely weird

to talk to your mom
when she's crying.

You know,

from what she's told me,
I can kind of understand--


She made a mistake.

And I don't know, Sarah,

I don't see
what making a mistake

has to do with loving someone.

She loves you.

-So what are you saying?

I'm saying that I think maybe
the next time she calls,

I think you should
try and talk to her.

I think you should
try and forgive them.

-They're your parents.
-They're not my parents, Bailey.

That's the whole point! And if
you can't understand that--

No, I do. I do
understand that.
I'm just saying--

I don't think I really
need you telling me
what I should do.

-I'm just trying to help.

Them or me? 'Cause
you're my boyfriend,

and you should be
on my side.

Maybe it isn't
a matter of sides.

Why are
you arguing
with me?

What's wrong with agreeing?

What's wrong with saying,
"You know what, Sarah,

You're right,
and I'll back you
up no matter what"?

I just think--

Well, don't, okay.

Oh. Justin.

I'm missing my hair thing.

Bailey and Sarah
are here.

Well, my mom's car
has a big back seat.

Oh, hey, yeah.
That sounds
really romantic.

And as soon as we're done,

you can kick me out,
start it up and leave.

What's your problem?

My problem is...

My problem is
that earlier today,

you were way too busy
to talk to me,

and now that you're
in the mood
to fool around,

suddenly you have
all the time
in the world.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

-Wasn't that the deal?

Yeah, it was.
You know what?

It's a lousy deal.
It makes me feel gross.

And I can't believe
you're okay with this.

I can't believe you're happy
to come over just to have sex.

As opposed to your motives last
night, which were so complex.

If you wanted to talk
last night, I would
have talked.

Well, I didn't. And if...

not talking is suddenly
not okay with you,

that's your fault, not mine.

God, Justin,
of course I wanna talk.

-We're sleeping together.

That doesn't
have to mean anything.

Oh, wow.
Like father, like son.

I hate how long

it takes the water
to heat up
in this place.

What's this? "Isla Mujeres."


Check this out. It's this tiny
little island in the Gulf.

Can you believe that beach?

That's where I'm
gonna go next.

If you wait until January,
I can get a week and meet you.

I was pretty set
on going alone.

I'm sorry.

This is a fling.
I mean, we both
know that, right, Charlie?

Neither one of us

is looking for
that long-term thing.

No. Definitely not.

I mean, it's no big deal
or anything.

I guess I just thought
things were going so well,

maybe it could be more.

I'm sorry, what was it
that made
you think I wanted more?

Nothing. It just...

In my experience,
no one starts out wanting more,

but then they meet someone,

and they fall in love--

I'm sorry, what was
it that made
you think I'd fallen in love?

Look, Charlie, you're really
fun to hang out with.


you knew from the start
what I was all about.



You might think that you're
really into this, into me, but

you don't
know me at all.

And I don't know you.

So I just kind of doubt

that this means as much
to you as you might think.

I don't know.
I'm not a shrink
or anything.

But it just seems unlikely.

The floor's probably filthy. Oh damn.
Hang on a second.

What are you doing?

I got a--
Hang on. I got a present here.

You didn't have to
get me a present.

This is a good one.

Pick a hand.

I know that you feel like

you don't really know
who you are right now.

And so I figured...

I figured that you
might wanna know

that there's a place you can go

where you're the same person
you've always been.

Where you're funny,
you're smart,

you're a total spaz,

and you're good at poker.

You're, you're
really beautiful.

And you're you.

And you're loved.

It opens the back door.
Both locks.

The top one
kind of sticks, so...

Use it any time you want to.
Any time.

[Julia speaks in French]

[man on tape player
speaking French]

I'm not gonna sit there.


I'm not going to sit there
for a reason.

And it's not the reason
you think it is.

After you went
inside last night,

I was hanging around your yard,

and I started thinking

about that night that you
taught me how to dance.

Remember that?


I was remembering what it
was like to kiss you then.

And I don't think
I told you this,

but when I left
your house that night,

I was...

I was so dizzy
that I fell down your stairs,


I scraped my hand
and everything.

That's how touching you
made me feel then.

And sex-- It's been great,
but it hasn't been like that.

So I guess

what I'm trying to say

is that it does matter.

Caring, being in love.
It matters.

-So maybe--

'Cause I can't shake
the feeling

that it's gonna happen again,

that I'm gonna
drop my guard,
and you're gonna--

Justin, I wouldn't. It's too hard to believe you.

And I don't wanna be
like my dad.

I don't wanna
just screw somebody

and have it not mean anything.

But... I don't think

I want it to mean
something with you.

That's why I'm
not gonna sit there.

Hey, Claud.

Check it out.
I scored some more nuts.

See, in my experience,

when your heart's sore,
the best thing to do is eat.

Like you'd know how I feel.

Believe it or not, I do.

No, you don't, Charlie.

I might never
see Enrico again,
and I miss him.

Already I miss him so much.

You never miss anyone.
You just leave them
and move on.

I mean, like Kirsten.

You said you loved her,

but then one day
it just... Poof, she's gone.

You might never see her again.

But you don't care.

You've already got someone else.

Man, Claudia, when did you
get so incredibly cruel?

You really don't think
that I miss her?

That's like saying

that you think that I
don't have a heart at all.

That's just
such an awful
thing to say.

Well, if you missed her so much,

then how could you
get all wrapped up

in that... Courtney lady?

I don't know, okay. I...

All I know is,
I got to Mexico
feeling like crap.

And then I met Courtney,

and I wanted to be with her

because suddenly being
with her was making
that feeling go away.

Or at least
I thought it was, anyway.

I was an idiot, I guess,

because it turns out

you can't make feelings
go away by ignoring them.

They stick around.
They come back.

Not miss anyone? God!

All the French stuff
was dubbed instead
of subtitled,

so I figured I'd get--


You were in the exact
same position when I left.

Have you just
been standing there?

No. I moved.

I put my books on the shelf.

Then I took them off.

Then I put them on.
then I took them off.

What's...? Is something wrong?


No, not wrong, really.

I mean, that's a good place

for my books, you know.

They definitely all fit there.


But I don't know.

Whenever I put them there,
it just kind of feels fake.

You know, like I'm pretending
it's a home or something.

I don't think this is right.

'Cause this is not my home.

I don't know what is.

But... this isn't it.

It's a home, yeah,
but it's not mine.


I'll drive you.


Decaf nonfat latte.

Make it a low-fat scone,
a cranberry one.

You got it.



I'm surprised you're
not at the Silent Festival

at the Rialto.

I just came from
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day.

I was gonna go see
Fatty's Magic Pants at 9:30.

I totally forgot your order.

[Justin and Julia]
Decaf nonfat latte.

Do you know how
many people know
what kind of coffee I drink?

One. You.

Yeah, well.

And how many people know

about your obsession
with Fatty Arbuckle?

It's not an obsession.
It's just a profound interest.

Oh, what are we doing?

I don't know.

It's weird, isn't it?

I mean, there's a lot
that's bad between us,

but then there's
all this other stuff

that just makes us
feel right with each other.

I just can't figure out
how to make the two fit.

Not by sleeping together.

No. Definitely not.
It just makes it worse.

Fatty's Magic Pants
did kind of jump
out at me.

Maybe I could
go with you.

I totally forgot.
Was that for here or to go?

To go.

Baby steps.


No. Arriba.
You gotta roll the R's.



Just let your tongue
flap around.


-I can't do it. Errrr-errr...


Hi, honey.


Maybe I'll...

Maybe I'll go unpack.


I'm sorry.
I thought I'd be gone.

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't apologize.


Where were you?

We went... I--

I took Claudia, you know,
to... To Mexico.

You went?
You went, anyway?

She was having
such a hard time
dealing with all this,

and I had the tickets.

I figured, you know,
some time together, just...

Wow, Charlie.

Don't, please.
I've hurt you so much.

Please don't be hurt
about this too.

This is the last box.

Maybe I'll stick it
in the car and come back
and say bye to the kids.

-I'll take it out for you.

I got it.

I wasn't planning
on seeing you, anyway.

[door closes]

I gave her these.

After our first fight.

Just tell her
she dropped them, okay.


[smooth music playing]
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