05x09 - Brother Whelp

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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05x09 - Brother Whelp

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Mr. Jonas: Be right with you!

It's all right,
Mr. Jonas. No hurry.


That's the first time I've caught
you stealing candy out of that jar

since you was a youngster.

You never caught me taking
rock candy, and you know it.

It's good to see you, Tassy.

You and the mister don't get
into town too much these days.

Well, the ranch
keeps Tom pretty busy.

And besides, it's a
long ride into town.

Well, it is that for a fact.

What can I do for ya?

Well, actually I'm just passing
the time while I wait for Tom.

I guess I could use some ribbon.

Well, you don't have to buy somethin'
just 'cause you walked in here.

However, I'd be
the first to admit

that this new ribbon I got in
from St. Louis is mighty pretty.

Yeah, mighty pretty.

And funny what a little
piece of ribbon will do

to fancy a woman up.

Now, I'm not too sure
that's a compliment.

Well, I'm not too sure
it was meant to be.


Well now, what do you think?

Pretty as a picture.

I'll take it.

How much?

Oh, one yard would be enough.

Well, that'd just
come to 4 cents.

Can't hardly be bothered
with that kind of money.

But I'll tell you what.
You take it along.

I'll tack it on your husband's feed
bill somewhere along the line, huh?

There you are.

Thank you, Mr. Jonas.

Now, you and your mister
drop in and say hello now, hear?

We will, Mr. Jonas.
And thank you again.

Why, sure!

You know, it wasn't
rock candy I stole after all.

It was licorice root.

Well, don't you think
I don't know that?

Bye, Mr. Jonas.


Well, I declare.

You know, Mr. Dillon, a fella
can get a whole lot out of books

if he just sets his mind to it.


I mean, if a fella really
wants to improve his mind,

why, they got books
on just about everything.

Religion, politics,
history, geography.

What are you studyin'?

Uh... Well, this one here,

it ain't one of the tough ones.


Of course, it's real
important, though.

Well, what is it?


Advanced Theories In
the Art of Draw Poker.

Yeah, well, you could use
a little study in that subject

after that game last night.

Oh well, I'll get
that back, Mr. Dillon.

That's the reason that Doc
loaned me this book of his.

Doc? Ha! He's nobody to go by.

He was the second
high loser in that game.


Well hello, Tassy. How are ya?

Have a seat, Miss Tassy.

He's come back, Marshal.

Who's come back?

Sted Rutger.

I just saw him riding
down the street.

I'm afraid, Marshal.

Sted Rutger?

He's been gone a long time.

I'm married now, Marshal.

And when Sted finds out about
Tom and me, there's gonna be trouble.

Maybe not.

There will! You know there will.

You've got to keep him
and Tom apart, Marshal.

Where's Tom now?

He's over at the Long Branch.

But he won't be goin' back
to the ranch 'til this afternoon.

Hello, Tassy.

Well, this is pure luck.

I come here to ask the marshal

where I could find
ya, and here you are.

How are you, Sted?

You're prettier
than ever, Tassy.

No, Sted. No!

Here now, what kind of talk's that
for a man to hear from his intended?

Please, Marshal.

Sted, you've been away
quite a while, haven't ya?

Three years.

Tassy's married.


Married to who?


My brother Tom?

That's right, Sted.

He's no good.

Never was.

Dirty, sneakin' little...

What right have you got
to call names, Sted Rutger?

Robbin' the express
office, runnin' out of town.

They dropped them charges.

I heard about it a month ago.

That's why I come back.

Not a word from
you in three years!

Plenty from that
no-good brother of mine.

Sure. He's so no-good
that's he's worked himself

half to death trying to save
the ranch after your pa died.

Pa's dead?

Two years ago.

So Tom got the ranch,
too, along with my girl.

Tassy, you'd better
run along home.

Let me talk to Sted.

All right, Marshal.

Goodbye, Sted.

You're still my girl.

I said goodbye, Sted.

She's still my girl.

She's married, Sted.
Forget about her.

Maybe, Marshal.

But I think I'll have a little
talk with my brother Tom first.

He's over at the Long Branch.


Where are you goin'?

With you.

Ain't no call for that, Marshal.

I just want to tell
him somethin'.

What are you gonna tell him?

That I'm gonna k*ll him.

Let's go.

Well, Sted Rutger.

It's been a long
time. How are you?

Hello, Miss Kitty.

Well now, you've changed some.

Is that so?

Yeah. You look, um...
Well, more grown up.

He's not so grown up.

You'll excuse us, Miss Kitty.


You just remember what I said.

Don't worry about
a thing, Marshal.

Hello, Tom.


It's good to see ya.

Tom, I've come to tell
you I'm going to k*ll you.


Dillon: He ran into
Tassy in my office.


Sted, you got things
all wrong. I can explain.

The way you explained to Tassy?

Sted, I tried to.

First, I couldn't bring
myself to it. Then...

well... I fell in love with her.

Sted, I thought
you'd forget about her.

That's the way it was with her.

After six months,
she was all over it.

I'll bet she was.

With you helpin' her.

It wouldn't have made no difference
if I had explained to her, Sted.

It would have made
a big difference, Tom.

But she'd already
forgot about you.

I guess maybe she
forgets easy, Tom.

And in six months,
she'll forget about you.

I know you're a gunman,
Sted. I heard about you.

I wouldn't have a
chance against you.

About the same
chance I had leaving you

to explain to Tassy, I guess.

You gonna stand there
and let him sh**t me?

Can't jail him for talkin'.

Well, you got to do somethin'.

Can you pay him off in cash
for his share of the ranch?

I reckon I could
borrow it from the bank.

But he ain't got no share.

Pa left that ranch to me.

Sure. He died with his
head full of your rotten lies.

Tom, early tomorrow mornin' I'll be
sittin' on the porch of the Dodge House.

Unless you want it to happen

in front of Tassy,
you'd better show up.

Now wait, Sted.

If you ain't showed by
sundown, I'm ridin' out after you.

Sted, wait!

What am I gonna do, Marshal?

It's already been
done, hasn't it?

What do you mean?

Suppose you tell me.

Well, I wronged him. Sure.

But I ain't gonna
let it hurt Tassy.

She's the one that
counts, no matter what.

Sted doesn't seem
to think it'll hurt her.

He's wrong. It'd k*ll her.

She believes in me, Marshal.

She really does.



I was wonderin' what
you're goin' to do.

What I'm gonna do?

He'll k*ll me, Marshal.

You got to stop him.

I ain't got a chance alone.

What do you expect me
to do, fight him for you?


But you just can't stand
by and let me get k*lled.

Tom, there's somethin'
about this whole story

that doesn't add up.

You want to tell me
about it sometime,

you know where to find me.

Made that with the last spoonful
of coffee we got left, Mr. Dillon.

Doesn't look that weak.

Well, that there's the
chicory that you see there.

I mean, we got
plenty of chicory.

By the time the end of the
month comes around like this,

why, the coffee's all gone.

I even used up all the old
grounds I've been savin'.

Well, at least it's hot.

You can't have
everything, I guess.


Well, most of my life, I
ain't had more than nothin'.

It sure gets tiresome.

Chester, poverty
is good for the soul.

[scoffs] You don't believe
that no more than I do.

[door opens]


Oh, would you
like a cup of coffee?

No. No, thanks.

Sit down.

No, I don't want to sit down.



it wasn't Sted that held up
that stage office three years ago.

I done it.


Yeah, it was me.
I done it alone.

Sted wasn't even in town.

And he found out about it
when they come ridin' out

to the ranch later after me.

So he took the money
and told me to stall 'em.

And he got away.

Well, I'll be.

Sounds to me like he just
let you do the dirty work,

and he run off
with all the profits.

No, it wasn't like that.

You're forgettin' Sted
sent that money back,

all of it, a few months later.

Why'd he take all
the blame for it?

I don't know. He...

he was always lookin' out
after his kid brother, I guess.

I sure didn't deserve it.

Yeah, you sure didn't.

What do you figure to do?

Marshal, you got to
stop him... somehow.

Run him out of town, anything.


I remember now.

Sted was always
lookin' out after you.

I guess when he took
the blame for that robbery,

he went a little too far.

You'd better start figurin' out
what you're gonna do, Tom.

Marshal, you got to help.

You're not going to
get any help from me.

Mr. Dillon, he's
gonna get hisself k*lled.

Yeah. Look, stay here.
I'll be back in a minute.

You know, there's an
awful lot more science

to the game of poker
than people think.

Why don't you come on over here?

And we'll just deal
out a few hands.

And I'll show you
what the book says.

Doc, I haven't got time to
test out your poker theories.

Well, you got time for this.

Come on over, and we'll
just deal a few hands,

and I'll show you.

It may save you a lot
of money sometime.

All right.

I see you're not gonna
let up on me anyway.

Might as well get it over with.

Just cut the cards.

Oh howdy, Sted.



well, I just been
down after the mail.

So I see.

Yeah, it's a little
bit late today.

You know, it ain't too often
that we have to wait for the mail

clear up until the
time that it's sundown.

You waitin' for your
brother Tom, are you?

Not anymore.

Where you goin'?

Out to the ranch,
like I said I would.

Oh, you ain't thought
better of it, huh?

Not hardly.

By the way, Chester, when
you get back to the office,

thank the marshal for not
trying to interfere, will ya?

Oh, sure. You bet
I will. You bet ya.


Two-handed poker...
That's not my idea of a game.

Well, I know. I know it isn't.

But I just want to
show you what I mean.

Well? Can you open?

I sure can.

If we were playin' for
money, I'd open for about 100.

About 100, huh?

Well, in that case, I'd probably
have to raise you by 100, Doc.

You would, huh?

Well, I ought to
raise you, but I won't.

I'll just call. I want one card.

You draw three?

That's right.

- And raise me 100?
- Yep.


You're a babe in the woods.

You ought to read the book.

Oh, I'll get around
to it this winter, Doc.

Well, you opened.

Well, I would just have
to bet you about 150.

About 150. Mm-hmm.

Well, in that case, I guess
I'd have to raise you by 200.

Huh. On a three-card draw?

Well, I ought to
raise you, but I won't.

Just teach you a little lesson.

How's that for a
pretty full house?

My gosh, I'd have enough money
there to keep me all winter, Matt.

You don't want to
see my cards, huh?

6, 7, 8, 9, 10?

All diamonds.

Well, you didn't
even have a pair.

You drew three...

Do you know what the book says
about doin' a fool thing like that?

Never read the book, Doc.

Mr. Dillon, I've got our horses.

They're right outside there.

Oh, go away, Chester.

What for?

Well, Sted Rutger. He
just left the Dodge House.

- He's ridin' out to the ranch.
- You're interruptin' us!

Well, Doc, you're the
one that's interruptin'.

He's goin' out there with
the idea of killin' Tom.

And when he gets out there,

heavens, he might even run
off with Tassy or somethin'.

Yeah, I guess we'd
better ride out there.

Well, no, you're not going to
quit now that you're a winner.

Afraid I'll have
to, Doc, this time.

Well, I just don't
understand this.

What... What is it?

Well, he... he drew three
cards and made a straight flush.

Oh well, ain't the
book no good, Doc?

Oh, shut up.

- Say, Doc.
- What?

Does that book say anything about
being careful who you play with?

Mr. Dillon, think we'll get
there before Sted does?

Well, I'm gamblin' he took
the main road, Chester.

Well, he probably did that.

This sure enough is a shortcut.

Yeah, let's go.

Chester: I don't see his
horse down there anywheres.

He'll be comin' up the
trail from behind, Chester.

If we get around to
the front of the house,

he won't see us 'til
he gets right there.

Chester, you look around. I'm
going into the house for a minute.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Dillon!
Mr. Dillon, he's comin'!

Mr. Dillon, he's gonna
be here in a minute.

Hello, Sted.

Hello, Marshal.

Here I was thinkin' you were
gonna stay out of this, Marshal.

Tom's not here.

There's smoke comin'
out of the chimney.

Tassy's here.

Well, she don't
need your protection.

I don't know about that.

How do you feel about her, Sted?

You know how I feel.

Ain't you takin' quite a
lot onto yourself, Marshal?

I'm tryin' to stop
a k*lling, Sted.

If you knew the whole
story, you'd feel different.

I know the whole story.


Tom finally told
me the whole thing.

How it was him that
robbed the stage office.

And how you looked
out after him even then.

He promised he'd
tell Tassy the truth.

And Pa, too.

He swore he'd look after
Tassy 'til I could get back for her.

You can't stand in front
of him forever, Marshal.

No, I can't.

If you get him to draw on
you now, you'll go free for sure.

But it won't get you
what you want, Sted.

She'll hate him when
she hears the truth.

She'll forget him fast enough.

She'll never forget
him. Not now.

What do you mean?

Well, Sted, I could
have told you about this.

But I thought it was better to
bring you out here and show you.

Go get Tassy, will you?

Yes, sir.

Now, when she gets out here,
Sted, I want you to think twice

before you say anything
about that robbery

or before you go on
tryin' to k*ll your brother.

I got nothin' to
think over, Marshal.

You will have.

Just what are you gettin' at?

Come on.

Here they come, Miss Tassy.

Tassy: I'm coming.


Sted says he may
be ridin' on tonight.

I thought maybe he'd
like to see his nephew.

Sted: You and Tom?

He's 6 months old now.

I supposed you'd heard.

Dillon: What's his name, Tassy?

Stedman Rutger.

[Baby cooing]

After me?

That was Tom.

He wanted to call him for you.

Well, well.

It's turning cold.

I think I'd better get
him back in the house.


It's like the Marshal said.

I'm ridin' on tonight, and I...

well, I wanted to stop by and
tell you I wish you good luck.

I'm glad you did, Sted.

Tassy, if you ever
need me for anything...

I reckon you can
reach me somehow.

Thank you, Sted.

And good luck to you.


Well, Tassy, I forgot to tell
you, but Tom will be back later.

Well, where's he been?

Well, Tassy, I
had to lock him up.

In jail?

He'll explain to you
when he gets back.

I think I understand.

Thank you, Marshal.



Whatever your theory
was, Marshal, you win.

No theories, Sted.

Kind of like playin' poker.

You just have to
size up your man.


Well, I kind of took a
little gamble on you.

I wasn't just sure how
much you thought of her.

I think I know now.

Well, I'm not gettin' any
younger hanging around here.

So long, Chester.

Good luck to you, Sted.


Keep an eye on
her for me, will ya?

Her and the kid both.

Sure will.

Maybe I'll see you
again sometime.

To expect a man to carry
the blame three years

for somethin' he didn't do...

Chester, that's been easy
compared to what he's doin' now.

Real easy.
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