04x13 - You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Good Girls". Aired: February 26, 2018 - July 22, 2021.*
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Sisters Beth and Annie and their best friend Ruby become fed up with playing by the rules and not getting the respect they deserve, they band together to take control of their lives.
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04x13 - You

Post by bunniefuu »

Here's the rest of it.

Weird, right?

What's that?

Being reduced to a box.

-Where is his daughter?
-With the ex.

-How's she doing?
-Never been better.


Random robbery, dad gets slaughtered. She can't wait for Christmas.

None of it's right.

Any leads?

Just every dirtbag with a prior.

What are you gonna do?

I have a month of banked vacay.

Aren't you suspended for three?

So I'll get a Peloton after.

Do that before the vacation.

Don't let this die, okay?

Nothing can survive here.

I grabbed your mail, too.

Why didn't I leave Detroit when you did?

'Cause you're not smart enough to know it's all pointless.

Hey, did, uh. Did Dave say anything about our last night there?

He, like, made this noise I've actually never heard a man make.

It was like high-pitched.

I think we're gonna go on vacation, like Playa del Carmen.

They like gays in Puerto Rico. I think he'll like that.

How could his wife not know?

She knows?

What's that going to do?

We'd be protected.

You'll be protected.

I think the question is how does you
being on City Council protect us?

Because I'd finally have some real leverage.

You kind of already do.


I mean, he's not gonna mess with somebody he wants to, uh.

-.finger paint.

-That's gross.
-Pick your lock?

-Somehow worse.
-Give you the double gopher.

You see where we're going with this.

I mean, some real leverage.

Like, if he wants to throw you in a freezer again,

I would have the city on my side.

What happened to Nevada?


We don't have to worry about the freezer in Nevada, right?

Yeah, but I'd like to get us there in one piece.

It's a pretty big detour.

You don't stop in Miami on your way to Vegas.

Okay, chill.

Gosh, it wasn't even my idea.

Whose idea was it?



That is not why he suggested it.

I mean, isn't it?

-He said he could use me.
-Oh, I bet he could.

A mom like me.

And I'm guessing he also has fingers.

All right, forget it. I'll tell him to ask someone else.


There's no one else. Now, we don't have to fill the seat right away,

so why don't you just take a minute and realize why I'm right.

Okay. Take longer than a minute.

Yeah, but I'm not going to give in easy.

All right.

All right. Talk to you later. Bye.

-Maybe she's just not that into you.

She'll come around.

Chicks like that don't need to be romanced.

Oh, yeah? What does she need?

Someone to yank her by that ponytail.

That's not my style, brother.

You want her in that seat, right?

What would you do?

I'd give her what she needs.

I know what you need.

What's that?

-You need to stop eating this burger.

Gotta make weight.

Always want what I already have, huh?

Always get it, too.

-Stop! Annie!
-What are you doing?

What are you doing?

-I thought you were breaking in.
-My key didn't work.

Well, yeah, because the lock is broken.

Is that why your entire kitchen's on the floor?

It's my alarm system.


-Where have you been?

Well, you missed all the action.

I did all right.

I meant here.

Where are you going now?

Gotta get back.

Angela could stay here.

I wouldn't want to break your rules.

I'll make an exception.

We might order food.

I could also order food. We could all three watch a movie or--

She asked me to move in with her.


This my avocado knife?

It's not.

Can I have it?

Don't you just.

think it might be a little soon?

It is better than couch-surfing.

Okay, well, then. you can sleep in my bed.

I mean, I'll stay in Ben's room.

Why would you do that?

Because we had a deal.

Just tell the school I still live here.


Please, I.

I don't wanna be alone.

Neither do I.

-What's all this?
-I need to get them out of here.

What about our money?

Should've thought about that before
you told Eli's mom she bought a fake.

-It just came out.
-Well. it's all over the parent chain.

-Oh, no.
-Yeah. They threatened to call the cops.

-What did you say?
-It was a mistake.

-That's good.
-And I refunded all their money.

-Not good.
-Well, what else was I supposed to do?

-This was our way out.
-It was.

And not just for us.

Do you feel that?

-Thedéjà vu.

This isn't Beth's fault.

Go out with her for one night,
come back with problems that last you forever.

We'll find another way out.

She'll screw that up, too.

Goodwill will be here in the morning.


This one was mine.

I was just like, "What is he even doing in there?"

He's probably built up filth because he's been homeless.

He might as well be showering in Cristal for what it's costing me.

-What if he took baths?
-He moved out.

Problem solved.

Still can't pay the water bill.

-We need another purse party.


Check with the girls, would you?

-Get something on the books.

It might not be right away.

How come?

Just, you know, some issues.

What kind of issues?


So, a dealership, never really my thing.

Spas. What are those even for?

But this.

This is how we make dreams come true.

Not "we."

Public record, darling.

This is ours.

A little Lysol, lot of love.

This is just where we print.

-Clean this place right up.
-Not a place to wash.

It is now.

We know nothing about running a strip club.

Didn't know much about cars or hot tubs, either.

How much?

How much what?

Our cut.

-Why would I do that?
-You know how this goes.

-How clean do you want your money?
-Oh, I want it to sparkle.

-You get what you pay for.
-What are you doing?

Maybe we could work something out.

Don't be mad.

-I'm not mad.
-She's mad.

We were out.

-Not exactly.
-We were more out than in.

You know how you protect us? By doing exactly what he says.

At least now we're getting paid.

That's what the purses are for.

The purses are gone.

Can't we just make more?

Not without getting Harry kicked out of school.

-Oh, no.
-What happened?

-I said a thing.
-She said a thing.

Oh, no.

So, without this, it is bye-bye, Nevada.

-Hey, b*tches.

I'm starving.

Yo. Hey. Let me get a Reuben sandwich, okay?

Extra Russian dressing.

What kind of fries you got?

-Steak, skinny, curly.

-Which one?
-All three.

Okay, so we have two parties coming up,

and we can stick these guys with at least ten purses.

Change of plans.

-Need you back at the club.

-What do you mean?
-It's opening back up.

That's not going to happen.

Why not?

-The girls have moved on.
-Can't we get them back?

Oh, no. Gene treated us like garbage.

Well, there's new management.





Come here.


-All of us.
-We'll treat it like a partnership.

Split the costs and profits.

Instead of just dancing on the table.

You'll finally have a seat at it.

So. what do you guys think?

Babe, the geraniums don't go with the snapdragons.

I'm planting everything that's in the flats.

We've got purple on top of lavender.

-They clash, babe.

It's the exact same color.

-You're such a dude.

Sorry, the gate was open.

Babe, this is Agent Donegan.

She was with me in Detroit.

-Thanks for keeping him in line.
-He's a pretty straight sh**t.

Well, my trainer's on her way. Babe, just make it look pretty.

I tried to sway the director.

-It's not your fault.
-But it was under my watch.

I'm the one who lost the money.

You didn't lose it.

You just got played.

I'll be okay.

-Wish there was something more I could do.
-There is.

Can you, um, help me water here?

Come with me.

Where are you going?


-You're off the clock.
-It's my vacation.

-They'll never authorize this.
-They will for you.

We lost, kid.

-We didn't connect the dots.
-It's for someone else.

-It's not just about money.
-It's not our jurisdiction.

He's got the city in his pocket. You're going to plant petunias?


-Well, they're beautiful.
-Thank you.

With a garden like that, who cares he slaughtered a cop,

card store girl and a team of federal agents?

You need a real vacation.

And you need to separate the purple ones, babe.

I found this in my underwear a while ago.


Look at the quality.

I didn't touch it, those are all her prints.


And, uh. I got this from my wife's cell.

They're just talking about going to a book club.

-No, it's code.
-Yeah. Nobody was doing any reading.

We made a whole list with timestamps.

Correlates with when she left in the middle of the night.

-Making her drops.
-Maybe we can use the towers.

However they do that. Maybe that's how you track the money.

I mean, is that enough?

It's up to the DA.


What's gonna happen to her?

Everything that never should have happened to you.

It's the right thing, Dean.

Easy for you to say. It's not your wife.

She brought it on herself.

-Listen to this guy.
-He knows what's up.

I'm trying to help out a friend.

You'll fit in great with the team.

-How's that?
-I got your territory all set.

Work under Dean till you get the program down.

I'm not really looking for a career change.

No, no, no. That's the wrong way to think about it.


No disrespect.

The night renewal cream is really flying off the shelves.

Let's not talk shop in front of tourists.

No disrespect.

It's all good.

Showing real people.

Stains on T-shirts comin' out.

When are you gonna get that lock fixed?

-Why are you home?
-I live here.

But you have the tournament.



So, uh.

You guys need, like, a chaperone or.

-Uh, Dad's doing it.

What about a water girl?

What's going on?

What? Nothing.


Ever get the feeling you're going to be kidnapped and m*rder*d?

-I'm gonna skip the tournament.
-No, no.

-It's one game.
-It's the semifinals.

Why don't you stay with Aunt Beth?

Ugh. Because those kids wake up at : . I'd rather get m*rder*d.

Where'd Kevin go?

His girlfriend.

-Where's Martha gonna go?

-His friend with the green shopping cart.
-How do you know her?

Martha and Tom come over to do laundry when you're at work.

Of course they do.

Rollerblade Roy just shows and watchesMaddowsometimes.

The rest of them crash behind the food court at the mall.

They throw out everything there.

Panda Express, Steak Escape, Wetzel's Pretzels, Hot Dog on a Stick.

I think I finally figured out this bedtime thing.

Only took four kids.

Promise them anything they want, and they sleep with a smile.

-What happens when they wake up?
-They've forgotten.

So you lie?

I'm open to suggestions.

Try holding a pillow over their faces till they pass out.


-Let me know how that goes.
-I'm on mornings. So.

Well, I might be working more nights from now on.


He's just throwing a lot at us these days.

All right.

You gotta do what you gotta do.


Don't miss too many bedtimes.

Never know how many you got left.

They don't grow up that fast.


Angela, right?

Sorry. Annie. I'm Kevin's old roommate.

-Oh, my God. Hi.

I'm sorry to bother you. I couldn't get a hold of him.

Oh, he's probably at my place.

Oh, yeah, of course. Makes sense.

With his phone number always changing
'cause the prepaid phones and all that.

He uses those?

Yeah. That, or the pay phone at the
bus station, which he swears works.

-Yeah. Speaking of, here.

He left this behind.

-What is that?
-His bathroom.

He poops in there?

Oh, yeah. Poops, showers, shaves, the works.

He can use my bathroom.

You know Kev, creature of habit.


He also forgot to take these.


I have all this stuff.

In my experience, you're gonna wanna double up.


Well, he doesn't believe in silverware,

so when you combine that with the bucket,
it just gets a little dicey.

Why are you doing this?

Just to help you prepare.

Or maybe you're jealous.

-or lonely, or just, like, psycho.

-I'm cool with Kevin.

-That's great.
-I like that he's different.

Hey, he's all yours.



-Liquor vendors?

-Dry cleaning?
-Gene put in coin op machines.

Set up an account.

-Trash removal?

-How are you on diapers?
-This one had a major blowout.

-Okay, I'll make sure you're stocked.
-Health insurance forms.

Make sure all the girls get one of those.

Some ladies outside want to talk to the managers?

Can we help you?

We're here about the dancing.

Oh. Auditions are Tuesday.

Fully nude?

Um, we leave that up to the performer.

Do you know how many kids ride their
bikes past here every single day?

Uh, we're fully zoned and licensed.

Mmm. Not anymore.

There's enough there to keep you from opening.

Your turn in the freezer.

Just a little bit off.

But for sure,

I think she was a little quick.

Don't need a turndown, thanks.

And that's caused a really shallow.

Haven't left my bed since the last turndown.

Not housekeeping.

It took me three flights to get here.

-I used miles.

-We're both on vacation.

You better give me money for that.

-It's mine, too.

We're roommates.

Department chief can't spring for his own room?

In the middle of something.

My funds are limited.

My wife left me.

This is all you got, huh?

-What happened?
-We'll still have to track a motive.

No, why did she leave?

I told her that I like a more diverse garden.

So what now?

We get him.

I fart in my sleep.

I watch an unhealthy amount of porn.

We're going to be just fine.

What is Family First Alliance?

Not a group you want on your bad side.

Women have been naked in that dump for over a decade.

-Yeah, when ownership transferred--
-But it's the same place.

Community has a say.

-I don't even want to do this.
-Then don't.

Oh, sure. So your brother can come for the rest of my family.

Not my brother.

What is he exactly?


You are my elected official.

-So you're supposed to be helpful.

-You want this problem to go away?

Then run for City Council.

-I'm just a mom.
-I was just a caddie.

What's a plain old mom supposed to do?



Studies show crime goes up around a strip club.

as*ault, random victimization, drunk driving and public indecency.

This is what we live in fear of when we take our dog for a walk,

or our kids to a school that is right around the corner?

What crawled up her butt?

We ask you tonight to restore family values to our community

and to finally shut down this lawless den of sin.

Thank you.

Anyone else like to speak on this matter?

Okay. If there are no objections, we'll move to--

Just a second. Someone still has the floor.

Yes. I'd like to read a statement I've prepared.

Oh, boy.

From the oldest of times, people danced for a number of reasons.

They danced in prayer, or so that their crops would be plentiful,

or so that their hunt.

Is she doingFootloose?

I couldn't talk her out of it.

Well, it worked for Bacon.

They danced to stay physically fit and show their community spirit.

-And they danced--
-Thank you.

Thank you.

Um, I would also like to respond to
what the woman from Families First said.

Uh, I respect that you're a mother.

I am also a mother.

Um, in fact, we're all mothers.

Right, Krystal?

I drop my first grader off at that school right around the corner

before I go to the club.

My little girl's in third grade there.

My son's in college.

She looks incredible.

We're all just trying to make a living.

There's a lot of other ways to do that.



do they all benefit our economy the way ours does?

-Is Mr. Samborski here?
-Right here.

This is Mr. Samborski.

He owns the -hour donut shop right next to the club.

My sales between : and : a.m. have gone way down

since Sweet P's closed.

That's one business.

I own a jewelry store.

When Sweet P's was open, we did so much better.

Husbands are, uh, way more generous
with their wives when they feel guilty.

The guys always pregame at my sports bar.

We need those girls to take their clothes off again.

See? Whether they're dancing in a club or speaking in a boardroom

or baking in a kitchen,

these women are making a difference in our community.

And aren't those values just as important to show our children?

Thank you for listening.

How'd I do?

You brought home the bacon.

Next up after the vote,

Ordinance . .

The length of retractable dog leashes.

Ooh. I gotta hear this.

Open for business.

-Thanks, baby.

-So exciting.
-Congrats, partner.

Yes! Whoo!


So, what should we toast to?

Ah. to our new venture.

Most of which we give to the man who put you in a freezer.

Why are we even celebrating?

Hey, guys.

Miss us?

What's all that?



We are ice cream social chairs, running a car wash thing,

holiday boutique, concert committee.

Is that enough to keep the cops away?

Hopefully, it's enough to keep him in that school.

-The car wash is all you.

-What's all that?
-Putting in a spice rack.

Hell no.

-Oh, I'm not getting on it.
-Well, who.

-Hell to the no.
-I think it's fun.

-For you.
-My own private champagne room.

-What am I? A piece of meat?
-Tonight? No. Tonight.

you're a fireman.

-Where'd you even get this?
-Replaced the old ones.

What's going on, baby?

We're opening the club back up.

Who's "we"?

All of us. Me, the girls, even the dancers.

Okay, yeah. You can't do that.

Before you get weird, I'm just as much an owner as Beth is.


This is our new way out. We don't even need the bags.

Is this a done deal?

We're legit.

There might even be a job in it for you.

For me?

Who's next? Dennis, Tyler.

What do we look for? We look for weaknesses. Right?

Let's go. There you go. No retreat, no surrender, Tyler.

He's bigger, but you might be better.
Tyler, don't back up! Get in there.

Dennis, attack! Good.

All right, let's take a break. Dennis, help Tyler up.

Caleb, we're not giving out crying patches. Join the group. Let's go.

Today. Let's go.

-Son's trying to get his fitness patch.
-Yeah, this is important.

Make it quick.


it turns out that Beth's not the only one that's going down.


So, my wife's in it, too.

More the merrier.

You can't give that stuff to the DA.

You put me in a tough spot. I am Team Dean all the way.

I need you to drag your feet.

Why would I do that?

Come on, man.

Be a different story if you were one of us. But.

Dennis, stop whipping Tyler.

If I'm gonna have your back, I'd want to know you'd have mine.

I'll do whatever it takes.

Let's talk at the next meeting.

-All right. See you there.
-Yeah, you will.

Let's go, line up.

I fixed the lock.

-What are you doing?

I mean, yeah, always, but.

We're having citrus-braised lamb shanks.


What, ah. What happened with Angela?

She's not really roommate material.


Was she a clean freak or something?

You see that episode ofHoarders with the woman who kept dead cats?

Of course. That's Angela?

Yeah, but instead of dead cats, it was rotisserie chickens.

She would eat off them for weeks.

They were all over the place.

You like mint jelly with lamb?


So. why did you leave?

Isn't that what you wanted?

I mean, why else would you do something this crazy?

Are you mad?

I was, at first. But.

then I thought about it.

and no one's ever really needed me before.

No one's ever needed me either.

Oh. Um.

-You got any cumin?

Does taco seasoning count?

That's close enough.

Also, it's so nice to have my bucket back.

Thank you.

This is older than me.

Well, I figure it's what fancy politicians drink.

Thank you.

So, how does it feel being tax ID number - ?

-Why is that?

There's a lot more people to answer to.

Based on the other night, I think you handled it pretty well.

-What was the vote?

-There's always someone to convince.

Not if you had my vote.


Think a strip club owner has a shot?

-You're of the people.
-I'll need lots of advice.

What changed your mind?


Wait! Beth.

Let's crack this open.

Ah, I haven't earned it yet.

-You're gonna win.
-Share it with someone who already has.

Pour that out.
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