09x17 - Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

09x17 - Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


You got a doc in this town?

Sure have... Doc Adams.

Down the street, upstairs.

Much obliged.



Here, put him right here.

Just ease him back there now.

What happened to him?

I don't know. I
found him like that.

My gosh, somebody's
tried to beat him to death.

Sure looks mighty painful.

He's not feeling any pain.

Not very apt to, either.

You think he'll die?

Well, I sure don't
know, but I'd say

he's got a better chance of that
than he has of living right now.

I wonder who he is.

We don't have to
worry about that

too much, either, I don't think.

What's your name?

My name's Judd Nellis.

Judd, let's ease
his boots off here.

Where'd you find him?

On the road, east of town.

Sure is a devil of a
way to leave a man.

I'll tell you now, this is...

gonna be kind of a waiting
proposition, I'm afraid.

I don't know what
all's wrong with him.

But I'll find out, and
then I'm gonna try

to keep him as
comfortable as I can.

Sure would like to know
how he comes out, Doc.

Well, he's sure gonna be here.

Well, I'm gonna find a saloon
and have a drink for both of us.

All right, fine. You
have one for me, too.

I'll do that, Doc.

I don't know, Sam.

Worries me.

You show a profit over
last month, Miss Kitty.

Yeah, I know, but last
month, we had to pay out $46

to have a table and
seven chairs replaced.

And... month before that,

we had to have a banister
on the stairs repaired.

And... the month before that,

we had to have the
flooring replaced.

It was full of b*ll*ts holes,

and wall plaster that was
sprayed with buckshot.

Yeah, it's been
too quiet this month.

All we've done is sell whiskey.

Well, you figure
we're due for a ruckus?

Wouldn't surprise me if
the place burned down.


- Hello.
- Howdy.

What'll it be, mister?

Well, I'd sure like to drink
a little whiskey with you,

if I could, uh, wash up first.

Oh, right through that door.

Thank you. Ma'am.

You know, Miss Kitty,

he might be the
one to end this quiet.

Well, any man who
wants to wash up

before having a
drink can't be all bad.

That was blood on his shirt.

Well, he didn't get it here.

You want to put
those away for me?


Let me have the paper, Sam.

Thank you.

Now, my friend, I'll have a
bottle of your good whiskey.

You, uh, better give
me an extra glass.

I wouldn't want to see the
lady drink out of the bottle.

Thank you.


Uh, you mind if I sit down?

Go right ahead.

Thank you.

My name's, uh, Judd Nellis.

How do you do? Kitty Russell.

Uh, Miss Kitty?

That's right.

Well, uh, will you
have a drink with me?

No, thank you.

Well, this, uh,
first one's to you.

And, uh, many thanks
for letting me wash up.

You called that
your first drink.

Yeah, I got to have one
for myself, one for the doc,

and one for that miserable
devil I brought to him.

- Oh, who's that?
- I don't know.

Some man I found
out in the prairie.

- Marshal.
- Hello, Sam.

Did a stranger come in
here a few minutes ago?

That's him with Miss Kitty.


- Hello, Matt.
- Kitty.

Say, I'd like to talk
to you, stranger.

Well, go right ahead.

- Judd Nellis.
- Hello, Matt.

Well, I never expected
to see you here.

Well, I always kind of wondered
what happened to you, too.

- Where you been?
- Down the road.

Kitty, this man been
telling you any new lies?

Not so far.

Well, I haven't had a chance.

Uh, I've got a few, but you
just came along too soon.

I just came from Doc's place.

Yeah, it looks pretty
bad up there, don't it?

Now, you say
you found this fella

down by the side of the road?

East of town. I wasn't
even sure he was alive.

Who is it, Matt?

Well, I don't know. He's
pretty badly beaten up.

But I don't think he's
from around here.

I see you've got the
right to ask questions.


Well, I'd give you some
answers if I had any.

You didn't know the man?

No, I just found
him lying face down

by a grove of trees
at the edge of town.

Nobody around. Just a horse
over on the other side of the trees.

Did you bring the horse in?

Yeah, him and mine
are making friends now

over by the doc's office.

Yeah, I want to
take a look at him.

I'll go with you.

Uh, don't you go grieving,
Miss Kitty. I'll be back.

Oh, um, I'm not worried.

I don't expect that, uh, you'd
leave that much of a bottle.

Put my name on it. Uh,
put your name on it, too.

So long, Kitty.

See you later, Matt.

So, Matt, how long you
been getting paid to be nosey?

Well, it seems like
forever, but I guess

it's only been
about eight years.

- You good at it?
- Oh, best there is.

Never make a mistake,
always get my man, you know.

Well, you lie good
anyway. That's his horse.

Animal's in better
shape than he is.

Lot of blood, isn't there?

Yeah, well, I tried to
give him an easy a ride

as I could coming in, but, uh,

that nosebleed of
his just wouldn't quit.

I got a shirt full of it.

He didn't talk at all? He
didn't say anything to you?

Moaned a couple of times.

Not much help in there.

I bet

if this old boy could talk,
he'd tell us what happened.

Well, the man was beaten.

He was probably robbed, too.

You mean, we know what happened?

Know what happened, we
just don't know who did it.

- Huh.
- Well, we'll have to stable the horse.

My horse could use
a square meal, too.

Well, let's take them over to
Moss Grimmick's. It isn't far.

I'd like to stay
around for a while,

see how that fella makes out.

And that'll give us
a chance for a visit.


It's gonna take me
a while to get used

to seeing you in a
place like this, Matt.

It's all right. It took
me a while, too.

It's kind of skimpy
for a big man.

Well, sometimes, I guess.

You like it, huh?

Well, I'm not saying
I always like it.

Boy, ten years ago,

you had other plans.

You were gonna see the country,

find some good stock.

Ten years ago, you
were gonna be a rancher.

Well, you know, I
did travel around,

see a lot of the country.

I worked on some
good ranches, too.

Seemed like wherever I went,
there was spoilers, though.


Yeah. K*llers,
robbers, highwaymen.

That's how I happened to
wind up in this business, Judd.

Well, if you put it that way,

I guess you're happy
doing what you're doing.

You know, Judd, uh, I've
never forgotten that day

you found me out
on the prairie there.

If you hadn't have come along,
I doubt that I'd be here today.

Yeah, you were an awful mess.

Yeah, somebody had
worked me over pretty good.

You know, I never could
figure out how that happened.

Well, I always told
you, never travel alone.

Well, he's got cracked ribs.

I don't know what all's
wrong with his head.

Pretty sure he can't see.

Just the worst
beating I've ever seen.

Well, do you think
he can live, Doc?

I don't know what's kept
him alive so far. He...

His back of his
head there is... is...

Well, I just don't
see how he can live.

He come conscious at all, Doc?

No, he hasn't said a
thing, but you know...

I have a feeling, once in
a while he can hear me.

But I'm not sure about that.

Well, Judd took me out
to where he found him.

There wasn't a single thing
out there to give us a clue.

Oh, that reminds me. Come here.

I took that off of him.

It looks like some
kind of a money belt.

- Was there anything in it?
- Nothing.

Well, Doc, was there
anything else on him

that might give us a
clue as to who he was?

Not a thing, Matt. We might
not ever know who he is.

Well, I guess there's no sense

in me sticking
around any longer.

Well, I suppose not, Judd.

You certainly did all you
could when you brought him in.

Any chance he might have
at all, he certainly owes to you.

Well, he's welcome to it.
Lucky you were here, Doc.

Out where I live,
we ain't got a doc.

If I ever get sick,
will you come out?

Oh, I doubt that, Judd.

You'd probably have
to throw in some fishing

'fore you'd get Doc out there.

Oh, I don't know about
that. Where you live?

Uh, out in Friend, Kansas.

That's, uh, due
north of Garden City.

Well, I know right where it is.
Why don't you try me sometime?

- Okay. Pleasure meeting you, Doc.
- Same here, Judd.

Let us know if there's
any change, will you, Doc?

I'll do it.

Did you ever have one of
these when you were a kid?

I don't know. What is it?

Well, when I finish with
it, it's gonna be a hoop.

You roll 'em.

Oh, you do, huh?

You do if you're ten years old

and a little shy
of things to do.

I ever tell you
about Runt, Matt?

Runt? I don't think so.

Good friend of mine back home.

He got no parents.

Just a granddaddy... and me.

Huh. Say, maybe he'll teach you
how to make these things, Quint.

Yeah, I've been, uh,
watching him real close.

Well, it might be I lied to you.

Maybe I made this for myself.

Well, it's round, anyway.

Oh. I'm wasting my
time making horseshoes.

That reminds me. Did you pound
out four good ones for my mare?

Yeah, she's out in back.

Well, thanks a lot for
the use of your tools.

Matt, I hope it isn't
another ten years.

Well, Judd, we'll
have to see that it isn't.

Take a breath.

Try a deeper one now.

Yeah, I was afraid of
that. That's those ribs.

They're gonna be
kind of sore for a while.

Well, they'll heal
all right, Doc.

Oh, sure, they
will, but you know,

your head's liable to wind
up in the medical journals.

Kind of like it where it is.

Well, you've managed
to keep it so far,

but I sure wouldn't
have bet a nickel on it

a couple of weeks ago.

How about stepping down and
kind of walking around a little, huh?

Sure give it a try.

Yeah, all right, that's
enough. Let's don't push it.

Just go on and sit down
over there for a while.

You say your name is Gore.

Frank Gore.

Frank, you remember
where you're from?

You don't forget a town
like Great Bend, Doc.

I'm glad to see
you remember that.

Memory returning... that's a
pretty sure sign of recovery.

- Well, Doc, how are you?
- Fine. Come in.

I remember you, Marshal. I-I
remember hearing your voice.

You were here the other day.

Well, I see Doc's bringing
you around all right, huh?

Yeah, he's doing all right.

Memory coming back.

He's from Great
Bend, he tells me.

Name of Frank Gore.
This is Matt Dillon.

Glad to know you, Frank.

Marshal, I understand

that it was a friend of
yours who found me.

Oh, you remember that, too, huh?

Well, just a voice, uh...
talking to you and Doc, here.

I can put faces on you two, now,

but, well, he's
still just a voice.

Well, you were beaten
pretty bad. Were you robbed?

Were you carrying
anything of value?


It was gonna stake
me to a fortune in gold.

Didn't even ride
one day with it.

I see. Did many people
know you were carrying it?

Yes, few.

Friend of mine in Garden
City... He knew about it.

I was gonna meet him there.

We were gonna dig that
Rocky Mountain gold together.

The bank in Great Bend...
They knew about it, too.

I drew out the money
the morning I left town.

I... didn't make any...
big secret about it.

Your head beginning
to hurt you, Frank?

Well, it's kind of like
it hurts to think, Doc.

Well, I can question
him again later, Doc.

Yeah, it wouldn't
hurt to hold off a while.

Can't give you any
answers anyway, Marshal.

I never saw who jumped me.

Frank, I think maybe

you just better go on in
there and lie down a while.

Rest's the best friend
you got right now.

Uh, Marshal... that
man who found me...

Did he say he lived
in Friend, Kansas?

That's right.

Well, Doc here says
I wouldn't be alive

if he hadn't come
along and found me.

You know, I ever
get out his way, I...

I sure want to thank him.


Got your mail.

Oh. Well, thanks, Quint.

Figured you were, uh, too busy

holding up this
building to go get it.


Oh, no.

What's the matter?

It says here Judd
Nellis is dead.


Yeah, this is from some
priest over in Friend, Kansas.

He says Judd's dead,
and will I come over there.

He just left town
about three weeks ago.

He looked fine then.


"Father Tom." I don't recall
Judd mentioning any Father Tom.

Do you?


You going out there?


I'm sorry about this, Matt.

Well, thanks, Quint.


Oh, hello.

Oh. Howdy, stranger.

I'm looking for, uh, Father Tom?

- How's that?
- Father Tom.

Father Tom, you say?

- Yeah.
- Well, what about him?

Well, uh, where can I find him?

Well, you'll have
to talk loud or slow,

because my ears give me
a lot of trouble nowadays.

Well, I'm-I'm looking for him,

but I don't seem to find a
church anywhere around town.

No, of course you can't.

Well, you mean there isn't any?

I can't hear you.

Well, you mean
there's no church?

Priest has got to have a church,

but you can't see it from here.

Say, I know one thing about you.

You didn't come down
from Shallow Water,

'cause if you had, you'd
have rode right past the church.

Oh, I see. Well, it
must be up north, then.

North, yes. It's easy to spot.

It's the only one in 50 miles.

Well, thank you very much.

Say, I reckon you're
a sheriff, ain't you?

United States Marshal.
My name's Dillon.

Dillon? Well, I'm Finley.

I'm much obliged
to you, Mr. Finley.

Father Tom ain't
in no trouble, is he?

- No, not that I know of.
- Well, I hope not.

wouldn't do at all.

Well, hello, there.

Hello, Father.

Father, I'm Matt Dillon.

Oh, it's good that you've come.

Do you know, Judd
always spoke very highly

of his old friend Matt Dillon.

Well, Father, what
happened to Judd, anyway?

Come with me.

What happened?

I only know what you
see here... The grave.

You don't know how he died?

Will you sit with
me, Matt Dillon?

You see, I am not always here.

My parish is the prairie.

I spend my time between the
church here and Shallow Water.

And I wasn't here
when Judd died.

You know, Father, Judd
was with me in Dodge City

less than three weeks ago,

and he didn't seem
to be ailing then.

Oh, no. He was in fine
spirits when he returned.

We sat here and had a long talk.

Well, we always
used to talk here.

You know that Judd
made this bench

for our visits together.

He wasn't a churchman,
but he was a good man.

Now, Father, after this
talk that you had with him,

then you went on
to Shallow Water?

Within a few days, yes.

Of course, when I came back,

I discovered the
grave immediately,

but I could find no one
who knew how he died.

Well, somebody buried him.

I know. But who?
I can't find out.

I have heard that
there was a stranger

in town looking for Judd.

- Where'd you hear that?
- Old Finley at the livery stable.

And Finley only heard it.

The stranger
didn't approach him.


Well, I met old Finley.

I'm afraid he
doesn't hear too well.

Well... our friend
is dead, Matt Dillon.

No matter old Finley's hearing.

See, there's no law
in the town of Friend.

That's why I sent for you.

Well, Father, I'm here
to do whatever I can.

Good. Your badge,
like-like my robes,

has a meaning.

Somebody must know something.

Now, Judd mentioned a,
uh... a boy here in town?

Oh, yes. That'd be Runt.

That's old Finley's grandson.

Runt adored Judd.

Well, now, maybe
that's where to start, then,

with the boy.

All right, Matt.


Marshal Dillon's here.
He wants to talk to you.


Oh, Runt!

His real name's
Artemus, same as mine.

Aah. Artemus.

Don't know what gets into women.

He, uh... he doesn't seem
to be around anywhere.

Judd... he's the one
that named him Runt.

I say, he doesn't
seem to be around.

Runt? Oh, no, he don't,
but he'll be back directly.

He don't go very far.

How come you didn't ask about
Judd when you come here first?

Well, I'm asking you now.

Won't do you no good,
'cause I don't know nothing.

Except he's dead.

Well, what about this
stranger you mentioned?

When Judd come back, he
brung that there hoop for Runt.

They run together
with it all over town.

I tell you, Marshal, that
boy's heart's broken.

Well, now about this stranger...

Did you say something?

You said there was a stranger
that came looking for Judd?

That's what they say.

Who says?

Folks. I heared it from folks.

Well, who'd be the
most likely person

to have talked to this stranger?

Well, it, uh, could
have been Marge.


Marge knowed Judd best.

That is, next to Runt.

I don't reckon that
Father Tom knows Marge.

Why not?

Saloon woman, Marge is.

Oh. I, uh, saw two
saloons in town.

Yeah, the Moose and the Rainbow.

You figuring on talking
to Marge, are you?

I was thinking about it.

The Rainbow... that's
the classiest place in town.

Thank you.

Is Marge here?

She ain't entertaining
these days.

I didn't come here
to be entertained.

Well, now, that's good.
You want to buy a drink?

I asked you where Marge was.
Now, you gonna tell me or not?

The lady's in mourning.
She lost her man.

She don't feel too good.

It so happens I'm a
United States marshal,

and I'm here on business.
Now where is she?

Well, she's upstairs
in her room, but...

Marge, my name's Matt Dillon.

I'm a friend of Judd's.

Any friend of Judd's
is a friend of Judd's.

Uh, this a good place to talk?

It's where I am.

What happened to you?

I had a real bracer
of tea the other night,

and I fell down the stairs.

I drink a lot of tea.

Marge, I, uh... I want to find
out what happened to Judd.

He's dead. That's all
that happened to him.

Yes, I know that,
but how did he die?

Man said he wanted
to thank Judd.

Next thing I know,
he's dead and buried.

Well, the stranger came to you?

Gore. I... I think
his name was Gore.

Frank Gore?

We didn't get around
to first names, Marshal.

Sometimes, I... I never
catch their names at all.

Now, you must have told, uh,
Gore where to find Judd, then.

Yeah, I must have.

Now, look, you told
Gore where to find Judd,

and that's the last time
you saw Judd, right?

It's even Steven.

Never saw Gore again, either.

You think Gore
k*lled Judd, Marge?

He's dead, isn't he?

Who were Judd's friends?

A priest...

and a little boy and me.

You might say that I
was his closest friend.

Marge, I'd like to help you.

All right, you help me.

Go away!

Marge, what kind
of a man was Judd?

Are there different
kinds of men, Marshal?




you must be Runt.

Come on out,
Runt. Don't be afraid.

Here. This is
your hoop, isn't it?


You know, I watched Judd
make that for you, Runt.

He did a good job.

Yeah, it's all right.

Sure. You know, my
name's Matt Dillon.

Did he ever mention me to you?

He saved your life one time.

Yeah, he sure did.

He told me a lot about you, too.

Um, any other kids
your age around town?

A couple of girls, that's all.

Yeah. Well, they're
no fun, are they?

Sure aren't.

He let me come out
here all the time. Judd did.

Well, sure, he liked to
have his friends around him.

You know, I was a
friend, of his, too, Runt.

I still come out here.

I don't know why.

Sure was nice of him
to make this for me.


You gonna find the
stranger that k*lled him?

Well, I'm gonna try to, Runt,
but I'm gonna need some help.

Sure must have been a big fight.

Yeah. Did you see it?

No, I didn't.

Well, now, Runt, you know,

anything that you
might be able to tell me

about what happened here,

anything that you
might have seen...

That'll help us to find
the man that k*lled Judd.

I got to go now. My grandpop's
gonna be looking for me.

Well, I'll take you.

No, I just better run myself.

St. Matthew tells us to take
no thought what we shall eat.

And when I cook, it's
well to remember that.

Well, I don't know. That
looks pretty good to me, Father.

Matt, I'm worried about the boy.

Well, Runt loved Judd,

and of course, a-a child's
grief can be immense.

Well, I'll tell you,

I think what he's feeling
is a little more akin to fear.

Yes, perhaps you're right, Matt.

Fear of death... well, that's
common amongst the young.

Runt has no way to understand,

he has no way to-to
accommodate himself for his loss.

Sit you down.

Father, I'll tell you.

I have a feeling the boy
may have actually been there.

He might even have seen
the-the actual k*lling itself.

Poor Runt.

He could probably tell us
everything we had to know

if we could only
get him to talk.

Well, I'll have a talk with him.

I-I wish I could
promise results.

You mentioned the
woman... Marge, was it?

It'd be the same
thing with her, Father.

She'd have to want
to tell me. She doesn't.

I have the feeling
she's afraid, too.

And this man Gore... You
say Judd saved his life?


He saved mine, too, you know.

That's how we became friends.

He did? Well, he
never told me that.

Ah, well, Judd wouldn't.

You see, he never thought
he'd done anything special.

Of course, I looked
at it differently.

Well, how'd he happen
to save your life?

Oh, it was a
couple of years ago.

I was... I was riding back

from Shallow Water
to the church here.

You see, I ride a mule, Matt.

And I stopped to
water the animal.

Apparently, my attacker
seized upon me from the rear.

I never saw him at all.

But Judd found me,

and he nursed me back
to health in his own house.

Funny, hard to imagine
somebody jumping a priest.

Yeah, well, perhaps
it was the money.

Oh, were you were
carrying a lot of money?

A lot for a priest.
Several hundred dollars.

Contributions from the
people at Shallow Water.

You know, Matt, he's
an amazingly kind man.

He has been to me, to
Runt, well, to his own brother.

To his brother?

Oh, yes, he's
been ill for years.

Judd often used to
go over to Great Bend

to see to him, you
know, to look after him.

Uh, Matt, you will stay
on a while, won't you?

Yes, I think I will, Father.

Runt been home long?

Sure, he's been
here all this time.

He's sound asleep.

So was I till you come.

- How's he seem?
- Seems asleep.

All worn out lately.

Give him this, will you?

My, I can't think of him
leaving that anywheres.

He might want
to tell you about it.


Excuse me, miss.

I wonder if you would be
the young lady I'm looking for.

Offhand, I doubt it.

I'm Father Tom. Are you Marge?

I'd be scared to lie to you.

Well, there's no need to, Marge.

You see, we both have
something in common.

Judd Nellis was our friend.

You and I have
something in common?

I wouldn't bet on it.

Well, uh, could we sit together?

Never spoke to a priest before.

Well, if you talk to me
tonight, I'd appreciate it.

I need this.

I don't know what you
call it, but it helps me.

I call it whiskey.

Help yourself.

Thank you, no.

I, uh... I know this has
been a hard time for you.

If there were ever
any easy times,

I don't remember 'em.

But Judd meant something
to you, as he did to me.

Yeah, he meant something.

And because he did, we
can help him, even now,

each in our own way.

They'd sure be different ways.


Marge, I sent for Matt Dillon.

That's why he's here...

To help us find out
about Judd's death.

I told him all I know.

Did you?

You think I didn't?

Matt thinks you're
afraid of something.

He thinks you could
tell more if you would.

So he sent you
here to tell me this?

No, no, coming here
was my own idea.

Well, it wasn't a very good one.

One of us doesn't belong here.

But I just thought that
if... if Matt was right,

if you are frightened,

you could tell your fears to me.

Learn a lesson, Father.

A woman like me's
got nothing to hide.

And nothing to fear, either.

Good-bye, my child.

Oh, but-but he's a fine man.
He's a great friend of Judd's.

I... Oh, hello there.
Morning, Matt.

Well, you're all up early.

The boy's got something he
wants to get off his chest, Marshal.

- Good, Runt.
- Well, there's nothing to fear now.

Well, he was talking about
going away again, Judd was,

after he got back
from seeing you

and-and bringing
me my hoop and all.

Right away, he began to say
how he maybe was gonna go

to be with his brother for good.

It's the one that was ailing,
Matt, the one at Great Bend.

Oh, yeah.

I didn't want Judd to leave.

I mean, he was my friend,
and I wanted him here.

So I sort of stayed around
the ranch, extra close.

And in a few days, this
stranger rode out there.

He talked to Judd a minute,
and then, they began to fight.

Well, now, do you know
what they were fighting about?

I mean, were you in the house?

I was outside, but I listened.

This stranger said that
he knew Judd's voice,

and that he saw him in
the bank in Great Bend.

And something about

that Judd must have followed
him and took his money.

That's when they fought.

And you saw it all?

No, sir. I ran and
hid in the barn.

I was awful scared. I
didn't know what to do.

He stayed there
until dark, Matt.

It got quiet then, and

then this man came
carrying Judd out

and put him across his horse.

Then he headed for the barn.

I ran out the back and
just kept running. That's all.

That was a great help, Runt.

I wish you'd have told me, boy.

Then, I guess it's kind of hard

to talk to an old codger
that can't hear very good.

Now, Runt, I want
you to think real hard

about this.

Are you sure Judd was dead?

I'm sure, all right.


Well, the day after the fight, I
went back out to Judd's place,

and-and that's
when I saw his grave.

So he had to be dead, didn't he?

Well, thanks, Runt.

Don't ask me new
questions, Marshal.

I don't have any new answers.

I'm gonna dig up
the grave, Marge.

You like your work,
do you, Marshal?

I do my work.

Just came here to tell me that.

You know, everybody
keeps talking about,

uh, the poor sick brother
that Judd had in Great Bend.

But he didn't have any brother.

He didn't have anybody anywhere.

But lucky Judd... he had you.

Did you get those bruises

before or after Gore
came looking for Judd?

I told you, Marshal, I don't
have any new answers.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna get
some new answers, Marge,

soon as I dig up that grave.

Just in case you're interested.


You're wasting your time, Matt.

That so?

Nothing in that grave.

- Not even Frank Gore?
- Not even Frank Gore.

I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to find that out myself.

Oh, he came gunning
for me, all right,

but I give him a
beating that run him off.

Uh-huh. Then you
dug yourself a grave

and put your name on it, huh?

You know a better
way to disappear?

Why didn't you go to visit

your sick brother in
Great Bend again?

I'd rather die.

Yeah, and let a priest
mourn for you, huh?

And a young boy?

And Marge. Don't forget Marge.

Uh-huh. You always beat up women

when they don't agree with you?

You've been talking
to my friends, Matt.

Everybody loves Judd Nellis.

He was a good man, but he died.

Now why don't you
just leave it that way?

I'm afraid I can't do that.

You don't understand, do you?

A man that jumps people,
beats 'em up, robs 'em,

then tries to save their life?

No, I'm afraid I
don't understand.

You beat a man, you k*ll
him quick, that's one thing.

You beat a man, he
don't die, you save his life.

You make a friend.

That kind of takes the
edge off the rest of it.

A priest has faith in you,

a boy loves you...

Makes you feel good.

Don't do it, Matt!

My prayers go
always with you, Matt.

You did what you had to do.

I know the pain it cost you.

Good-bye, Father.

He was good to me. He
was always good to me.

Well, that's the way you should
always remember him, Runt.


Mr. Finley.

He's part good and part bad.

Part friend and part brute.

Like I asked, Marshal,

are there different
kinds of men?

I think so, Marge.
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