11x14 - The Avengers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

11x14 - The Avengers

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(wind whistling)

(wind howling)


Thad, don't never do
that when I'm sleepin'!

Else I'll get on you
like ugly on a ape.

I'll remember that.

Next time, I'll just throw
a bucket of water on you.

I don't know what it is

a man's friends got against
him gettin' a little peace and rest.

Well, ain't you supposed
to be looking after things

while the marshal's out of town?

What in the tarnation
does it look like I'm doing?

Well, then, what are
you supposed to do

in case there's trouble
down at the Long Branch?

The Long Branch? Well...

- Miss Kitty.
- Yeah.

Well, why didn't you say that?!

See no busted arms on you.

Couldn't you handle it?

How many times have I been
told to stay clear of any ruckus,

let the experts handle it?

What's wrong down there anyhow?

Well, there's a half a
dozen trail hands down there,

and a couple of them
are getting kind of ugly.

Well, come on.

Where's all the rookus at?

What "rookus"?

All them raunchy
cowboys that's supposed

to be a-faunching and
a-bellering around here...

Where are they?

Yeah, the one who
said he was a trail boss.

You know, the one who was
causing you all that trouble?

Well, they left.

It wasn't any worry.

It was... it was
kind of worrisome

when I left here a
few minutes ago.

Oh, Thad,

when I can't handle
a few little bad boys,

then I'm going to
close up for good.

How about you two
having a nightcap with me?

Well, maybe I think
I've already had enough.

Much obliged, Miss Kitty,
but with Matthew out of town,

and folks, uh...

having nerviest fits...

Are you the same Festus
Haggen that I know?

Well, yes, mum, but...

I just ain't in a drinking mood.

Much obliged.

(quietly): Good night.

(Sam laughs)

Sam, you're tired.

Why don't you just leave
all that till in the morning?

Well, thanks, Miss Kitty.

I'll just take this case
of empties to the cellar,

and then I'll lock up.


(Kitty yells)

(blow landing)

(blow landing)

(wind howling)

Sorry I woke you up for nothing.

You only done what
you figured was...

(glass breaking)

What was that?

(debris clinking)

(window rattling)

Miss Kitty's room.

What's wrong?

Miss Kitty!

(pounding on door)

Miss Kitty, it's me, Festus!

You all right in there?

(Kitty whimpering)

Watch it.


- Miss Kitty?
- (Kitty groans softly)

- Miss Kitty?
- (groaning)

(Kitty gasps)

You all right, Miss Kitty?

(Kitty gasps loudly)

(Kitty sighs)

He's dead, Miss Kitty.

- (Kitty cries)
- Oh.

Don't you cry.
It's all over now.

(Kitty crying)

Don't cry. It's all
over, Miss Kitty.


(theme music playing)

Howdy, Doc.

I've been looking
every place for you.

- Well, I wasn't there.
- Where?

- Every place.
- Smart aleck. Where you been?

Well, it's none
of your business.

But the truth is, I've been out

trying to make a
living this morning

because there are some folks

who never think about
paying their doctor bills.

Wait just a minute.

- You talking about me?
- If the shoe fits.

It's been three weeks since I
took care of that b*llet wound

in your arm, and I
haven't seen a nickel.

Why, you old scudder, you.

You told me right up
yonder in your office

that you wasn't going
to charge me nothing

because it was did
in the line of duty.

Did I say that?

- You sure did.
- Must have been delirious.

No, you wasn't, neither,
'cause I just seen Miss Kitty,

and she said you didn't charge
her nothing for doctoring her.

Kitty's different.




(Festus hums in a
high-pitched tone)

(resumes humming)


Freight agent?

Yes, sir?

You got a shipment there
for Judge Calvin Strom?

Came in day before yesterday.

Bring it out.

It's too heavy. I
ain't got no help.

Cal, Mark.

(Mark grunts softly)


Mr. Strom?

Judge Strom!

Judge, you're not
going to leave this here?

We'll be back.

(crowd murmuring)

Oh, barkeep, a whiskey, please.

Bring the bottle?

That the one?

That's the one.

Kitty Russell's her name.

The one on the
end is the brother

to the man Festus k*lled.

Yeah. How long
have they been here?

They just came in.

Did I tell you right
about her, Pa?

All I had to see was
the color of her hair.

If your brother was going to
be shot dead in a woman's room,

it would be that kind.

Looks like they recognized Cal.

I've seen all I have to.

That's him... The
one with the marshal.

STROM: Marshal?

This fellow a friend of yours?

That's right.

(Strom chuckles)

Just about as I figured.

bunch, ain't they?

Well, his boy's buried here.

Guess he's got a right to
put a headstone on his grave.

Long as he don't try
to put one on mine.

Hmm, well, now, that's
kind of hard to say.

Festus don't have no regular job

if that's what you mean.

Well, how does he live?

BARBER: Oh, well, he, uh...

he does odd jobs
from time to time.

He still manages to have
enough money in his jeans

to buy drinks over
at the Long Branch.

Well, now, just a minute.

Some of them
drinks he gets for free.

Oh, from that lady
saloon keeper?

Well, she ain't the only one.

That's-that's all I
wanted to know.

MAN (calls):
Water's hot, mister.

Morning, Jim.

Uh... Thad...

uh... gonna be
quite a wait, Thad.

They's two more ahead of you.

Well... th-they'll
be right back.

(chuckles): Well, don't
hurry on my account.

It's the first chance I've
had to sit down all day.

Jim, why don't you introduce
me to the young man?

Yeah, sure.

Uh, Thad...

this here is Judge Strom.

Oh. Pleased to meet you, sir.

Likewise, boy, likewise.

(Jim clears throat softly)

The judge has come all this
way to find out why Festus...

Jim, Jim, come on, come
on, get along with it, will you?

Haven't got all day.

Yeah. Sure, Judge, sure.

Oh, uh, Jim was
just about to say

that we were discussing
Mr. Festus Haggen.

Ah, he must be quite
a character, hmm?

Uh... (clears throat)

Jim was saying he
doesn't seem to have any...

visible means of support,
yet he always does,

however, make ends meet somehow.

Well, Festus is kind of shifty.

But I tell ya, there
ain't a trick in the book

that he don't know about.

- Right, Jim?
- Thad, maybe you shouldn't talk...

Would you say
he's the kind of man

might be interested in a
somewhat, oh, risky operation?

That is, if there's a
dollar or two in it for him?

Well, I've never known
Festus to be afraid of a risk,

if that's what you mean?

That is exactly what I mean.

Sounds to me like just the
kind of man I'm looking for.

Uh, tell me, Thad, how
would you rate him with a g*n?

A g*n?

He's good enough, I guess.

Good enough? Seems to me I heard

he was just about the
fastest g*n in these parts.

Well, now, I... I
don't know about that.

But I'll tell you
one thing for sure.

He ain't the slowest.

That just about
answers my question.

Got 'em right here, Pa.

STROM: Ah, good boy, Cal.

Take 'em on back
into the bath, will you?

I'll be with you in a minute.

(Strom clears throat)

STROM: Jim, don't
just stand there.

Come on. Get on with it.

- I got things to do.
- Sure, Judge.


MARK: How's it
look to you, Judge?


You sure this is
the right grave, Cal?

Wouldn't be likely to
make a mistake about that.

Never forget
bringing Rick up here.

It was a day
about like this was.

Just me and a
couple of our drovers.

(bird cooing)

Nobody from that town.


The preacher, and that was it.

Folks from back there
didn't have the face

to come and pay their respects.

Been different
where we come from.

Even a no-good horse
thief is entitled to respect

when he's dead.

Well, this ain't
our territory, son.

Don't go expecting any...

wide country manners
from these folks.

Not till we're through here.

(sighs): I'd say we'd done just
about everything we can out here

to make sure that...

Richard Strom will never
be forgotten in these parts.

Let's get back to
town, finish the job.

(low chatter)

I've saw folks having
more fun than this

at a wake, with a
heap less people.

Kind of creepy.

I mean, there's some folks
here I haven't seen in months.

Well, there's not a theater
within 200 miles of here.

This is high drama; they
came to see the show.

Smart aleck.

Maybe they're not
coming at all, Festus.

Maybe they put that headstone
on the grave and just rode on out.

Sure wish I could believe that.

The marshal must have
figured they'd be here,

or he wouldn't have told me
to tell him when they arrived.

- (loud bang)
- (chatter stops)

If they're looking for me,
they know where I'm at.

Well, now, there's an
attitude that's calculated

to bring peace and tranquility to
the whole Long Branch Saloon.

What do you expect me to do?

Go skittering off to the hills
with my tail betwixt my legs?!

Sorry, Festus, for
getting you in this mess.

Just didn't know who he was.

What are you sorry
about? You told the truth.

He hasn't got any
visible means of support.

Doc, this isn't a joking matter!

You haven't seen the Stroms.

Oh, yes, I have.

I saw 'em.

(low chatter)

(sighs) Well, I'm just not
gonna sit here all night.

I'm gonna go get a drink.

(door hinges squeaking)

(chatter stops)

Rick was my oldest
boy. Firstborn.

He was kind of
special with all of us.

Your boy was kind of special
around here, too, Judge...

if you're interested in
hearing the truth of it.

STROM: That's exactly
what I want to know.

But I already found the truth.

However, since you're
the man that... k*lled him,

I'd be...

I'd be interested in
hearing your story of it.

Fact is, we've come
a long way to hear it.

Glad to oblige you, Judge.

There's a few things
I want to tell you

about the two days them
young'uns of yours was in town.

I'm listening.

Now, they didn't get into town

with the first trail herd that
ever hit Dodge, you know.

Fact is, we're used to cowboys
letting off a little meanness

that they couldn't take out on
some mossy-horned ol' steer.

Let me tell you this...
Them two cubs of your'n

was triple-distilled ornery,
the worst I have ever saw!

If Matt bad been here,
he would have thrown them

out of town the first day.


The marshal.

I heard you the
first time, lady.

Why don't we just stick
to the issues, Judge?

That's just what we're doing...


Yes, a nice, neat little
package you have here, hmm?

When your young friend
comes back with the marshal,

we'll tie it all up with
a pretty blue ribbon.

Let me ask you
a question, mister.

Down yonder where the
Stroms are so high and mighty,

even down there, you
reckon it'd be all right

if one of your boys was
to hide in a lady's bedroom

and gag her with a towel

and then beat her
head pert near off?

Would anybody
down yonder dare say

that was a poor way to
act, even for a Strom?

One other thing.

When a Strom sh**t a man...

is that man gave a
chance to sh**t back,

or is he supposed
to just turn around

and jab his fingers in his
ears and hope your aim's bad?!

Anything else, Mr. Haggen?

Yeah. One more thing.

I didn't want to k*ll
that boy of your'n.

But if anybody ever
needed k*lling, it was him.

Mister, I think we ought
to give you a lesson

in how to talk to the judge.

Well, I need
educatin'. Start teachin'.

DILLON: Hold on there.

What's going on?
What's all this about?

Oh, it's very simple, Marshal.

Me and my two boys have
come a long way to find out

what's being done about a
certain m*rder in this town.

And it looks to me like
it's a good thing we did.

Meaning what?

Meaning that in this place,

in that woman's room, that
man shot and k*lled my son...

and there's a conspiracy in
this town to protect the K*llers.

- (low, indistinct chatter)
- Why, you...

I say my son was a
victim of a conspiracy

between that man and that woman.

I say he was
enticed to her room,

where he was supposed
to be sweet-talked

and drugged and robbed.

And then when he found
out about it, they k*lled him.

Now, that'd be a
pretty foolish way

for them to handle
it, wouldn't it?

No. No, not if the marshal's
a personal friend of yours

and will cover up for you!

- (low, indistinct chatter)
- That all you got to say?

No, it isn't!

I want that man arrested
for m*rder, and the woman

for conspiracy to commit m*rder.

And I'll sign the charges.

Judge, there's not gonna
be any arrests or any charges,

because there wasn't
any m*rder or conspiracy.

Are you the one who
decides that in Dodge City?

That's right, I am.

Marshal, I'm gonna see that
these two stand trial for m*rder

if it's the last
thing I ever do!

Judge, you're a long
way from the panhandle

and panhandle justice.

Maybe a little
farther than you think.

Now, I'd suggest that you
and your boys get out of Dodge.

Before midnight'd
be just about right.

(wry laugh) Are you
running me out of town?

That's right. I don't want to
see any Stroms in Dodge again

while I'm marshal here.



You know, I wish I'd been there
when Festus took those Stroms.

Well, Festus is a pretty
hard man to push, Thad.



(woman gasps, screams)



(hoofbeats approaching)

Missed him.

Can't get him if
you can't see him.

Let's go see how Matthew is.

Let me through, let me through.

Get you bad, Matthew?

(panting): Did you get him?

No. All we could do
was hurry him on his way.

Did you recognize him?

It's too dark, but I got
a good idea who it was.

Yeah, so have I.

Get me a chair, will you, Thad?


All right, get back everybody.

Matthew don't need you
gawking at him. Move away.

SAM: Come on over to the
bar and we'll have a drink.

Can you move that leg, Matt?

Yeah, a little, Doc.

Let's get him out
of here, right now.

Well, Doc, what's the verdict?

Well, you're not gonna like it.

What do you mean? The
leg's gonna be all right, isn't it?


Leg's gonna be fine.

But you're not gonna
like laying there in bed

for two or three
weeks, if I know you.

Two, three weeks?

That's what I said.

Then you can look forward
to a few weeks on crutches

and after that, I...

I may let you walk
around with a cane.

Well, that's something
to look forward to, all right.

Well, it could have been a
lot worse. You're pretty lucky.

Hobbling around on crutches
isn't my idea of being lucky.

Let me tell you something.

You get this fixed in your mind.

That's a very serious
wound you got there.

It's gonna heal all
right, that is, providing

you do exactly as I tell
you to, for once in your life.

Doesn't sound like you're
giving me much choice.

Glad to know that wound
hasn't impaired your hearing any.

Well, all right, I suppose
if you're gonna keep me

tied down here
in bed, well, you...

you better go find Festus.

I'm gonna need some
help around the office.

I'll do it.

Kind of nice to know
you're gonna be sensible.


- What's the matter, Sam?
- Miss Kitty... she's gone.

Was there any sign of a fight?

Not that I could tell.

I sent a girl to wake her.

When she told me
Miss Kitty wasn't there,

I went to see for myself.

DILLON: Get Festus.

No use. Festus is gone.

Nobody's seen
him since last night.


What do you mean?

It's exactly what he
wanted. He wanted me

out of the way so he could
get Festus and Kitty out of here.

Well, why didn't he just
get 'em when he got you?

He made a big
point of that, Doc.

He wants Kitty
and Festus to hang.

You can't get up out of there.

You're gonna break
that wound wide open.

Boys, get everybody you can.

We'll meet down at the
livery stable in five minutes.

Thad, get my horse for me.

You can't get on a horse.

You know anything else I can do?


Leave it on, Doc.

You're going right
back out again.

What are you doing here?

We need a doctor.

The judge said to bring you.

Well, the judge knows I
keep regular office hours.

He can come up here
and see me if he needs me.

There's nothing
wrong with the judge.

It's your friend, Festus Haggen.

What'd you do to Festus?

Well, we didn't aim
to do nothing to him.

Least, not until
after the trial.

What trial?

He's being tried for m*rder.

You mean to tell me
your father's setting up

a kangaroo court to try Festus?

Him and that woman.

Only it's no kangaroo court.

My father runs a regular court.

He's a regular judge.

Not in the state of Kansas.

Well, he says he
can overlook that.

But he can't try a man who
don't know what's going on.

Your friend gave us a
little argument last night.

Now I think we'd
better get going.

I've got a horse
waiting for you.


Marshal, you all right?

Sam, I'm gonna let
you fellas go on ahead.

I'm afraid I'm slowing you down.

Thad, I want you
to take half the men.

Sam, you take the rest.

Now, spread out
through these hills,

cover as much ground as you can.

Don't come back without 'em.

Yes, sir. All right, boys.

THAD: Let's go.

(clicks tongue) Go on.

(hoofbeats approaching)


Whoa, whoa.

What are you stopping for?

Because I'm kind of tired.
I'd like to rest a little while.

This is a friend of
yours who's needing you.

Think you'd be in more
of a hurry to get to him.

(slaps horse)

Go ahead.

Okay, now, head upstream.

Stay right in the
middle, where it's deep.


Strom, how can you dignify

what you propose to do here

by calling this a court of law?

It's Judge Strom.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Please remove your
hat in my courtroom.

Doctor, just about any
place I sit is a court of law.

Maybe, in your own territory.

But you have no jurisdiction
here in the state of Kansas.

And if you did have,

you'd have to disqualify
yourself in this case,

if I know anything
at all about the law.

Oh, why's that?

(short laugh)

You made up the charges.

And another thing...

Who was it you said they k*lled?

My oldest boy, Richard Strom.

There you are, Judge.

You don't mean to tell
me that you really think

that you're qualified
to sit in this case.

To say nothing
of be the jury, too.

Nobody else around these
parts cottoned to the job.

And I'm not bashful.

(clicks tongue)

All right.

Doesn't the law
specifically state

that a defendant has a right
to a trial by a jury of his peers?

Is that right?

Well, where's the jury?

Well, it's not quite
convenient, Doctor.

Well, who's
representing the people

of the state of Kansas here?

Where's the prosecutor?

We seem to be in
somewhat short supply, too.

I'll ask the questions.

I suppose you're gonna be
defense counsel, too, huh?

Well, no.

Now, uh, I...

Say... Say, that'd
be a good job for you.

DOC: I'm not a lawyer.

STROM: Ah, but you're
a man of learning, Doctor.


(laughs): Yes.

This court hereby appoints
you counsel for the defense.


All right.

Judge, isn't it
customary and legal

for defense counsel
to have an opportunity

to talk to his clients
and prepare his case?

Good point, Doctor.


I therefore declare
this court recessed for...

five minutes.

Five minutes.

(chuckles) What's the matter?

Can't even wait five
minutes to get into action...



JUDGE (quietly):
Come along, boys.

- Now, now, Doc. Get me untied, quick.
- What for?

What do you think you're
gonna do without a g*n?

I don't know,

- but anything's better
than sittin' here waitin' -Shh!

For us to get our
necks stretched.

Waitin' may be the biggest
w*apon we got right now.

- What do you mean?
- Matt's out there looking for you.

Matt?! What are you talking
about? He can't ride a horse.

I told him he
couldn't ride a horse,

but you know how much
good that did with Matt.

Now, he's out there
with a regular army,

beating every bush for you.

And if we can keep that
madman talking long enough,


seems to me like...

it's about the only
chance we got.



STROM: Cal, you say
your brother wasn't, um...

wasn't acting
himself that night.

Uh, just what do
you mean by that?

Well, Rick could
always handle his liquor.

I mean, he put me under
the table more than once.

That night, his drinks
just up and hit him.

Well, how much
had he had to drink?

Oh, I wasn't counting,
Judge, but we, uh...

we had drink for drink there
at the Long Branch Saloon.

First thing I knew,

Rick's blind drunk.

Blind drunk, hmm?

Like as if maybe-maybe
somebody'd doctored his drinks?

Yeah, like as if, Judge.


Now, uh... now, who do you think

would want to do a
thing like that, Cal?

The bartender. But, uh,

Kitty Russell gives
all the orders there.

That's right. And I ordered
the both of you out of there,

didn't I?

When I want to hear
any testimony from you,

Miss Russell, I'll let you know.

Cal, why?

Why do you suppose
anybody would want to doctor...

doctor Rick's drinks?

Rick was carrying a
lot of money, Judge.

He-he had a payday to meet
when-when the herd got to Dodge.

And, boy, he, uh... ol'
Rick just about cleaned out

that whole crew of
drovers in a poker game.

Yes. Uh...

what about the other
defendant here, Festus Haggen?

Do you recall seeing him
hanging around the Long Branch?

All the time.

The night Rick was k*lled?

Pa, him and Kitty
Russell was watching Rick

like a-a couple of buzzards
circling a dying calf.

That's a dang lie,
and I can prove it.

I was at the jailhouse looking
after a prisoner all night.

Is your witness
in the courtroom,

- Mr. Haggen?
- Courtroom. (scoffs)

Judge, does defense
counsel have an opportunity

to question this witness?

Help yourself.

I assume the laws of
perjury have been suspended

for the duration of this trial.

Why don't you just go ahead
and ask your questions, counselor.

As I understand it, you
and your brother were having

drink for drink there
in the Long Branch,

is that right?

That's right.

Didn't put you
under at all though?

Oh, no. Nothing like it.

On the other hand,
your brother was drunk,

blind drunk, is that right?

What I say.

So drunk, in fact,

that a clever
woman like Miss Kitty

was able to wrap him
around her little finger

and entice him up to her room,

that right?

That's just what she done.

Yet you were not drunk.

Matter of fact, you were
cold sober, is that correct?

Mister, you heard me.

Rick was carrying all the money,

so nobody bothered putting
any drops in my whiskey.

Just wanted to see
if I understood you.

Now, let me see if I did.

You were cold sober.

Yet you let these two
buzzards, as you put it,

move in on your
helpless brother,

and you did nothing.

Not a thing.

Now, I always thought
the Stroms stuck together.

Don't sound like
it, does it, Judge?

Not if we can believe
anything he said.


you weren't there.

I was there, Pa.


Only, I...

Only what?

Only I must've passed out

be-before they took
him up to that room.

The witness will step down.

Pa, I didn't want to tell you.

Step down.

Well, Judge?

Hmm? (chuckles)
Doesn't change anything.

Doesn't change anything?
He lied. He admitted it.

Well, he lied.

But the truth only
confirms what happened.

You see, they-they
doctored his drinks, too,

so he wouldn't be
able to interfere.

That's another dang lie.


The defendants will rise.

(cocks hammer)

Do you have anything to say

for yourselves before
I pronounce sentence?

What is there to say?

Start spouting.

Very well.

It is the opinion of this court

that both of you
are guilty of m*rder.

And I am herewith
sentencing you both to...


Now, we may not have proved
'em innocent in your eyes,

but we certainly have
established a reasonable doubt!

The court does not concur.

I am herewith
sentencing you both to...

DOC: Judge!

Don't you do this, I warn you.

Are you threatening the bench?

If you consider
good advice a threat,

if you go through with
this, I'll tell you something,

Matt Dillon will
run you to earth.

You'll never be able
to hide anywhere.

He'll find you, and
he'll k*ll you, all three.

Doctor, the Stroms

have never hid in their life,

and the place we're
going is right back

to where we came from.

You can tell Matt
Dillon where to find us,

and tell him we'll be
ready to welcome him.

Defendants Russell and Haggen,

this court finds
you guilty of m*rder,

the m*rder of my
son, Richard Strom.

And I hereby sentence
you both to hang by the neck

until you're dead.


Yes, sir.

Prepare the
prisoners for hanging.


(groans softly)

All right, boy.

Move those horses.

Oh, Doc. Oh.

- Now slip it right up.
- Get-get...

(exhales) Oh, thank you.

- Get my bag, Kitty.
- Okay.

(grunting) Doc. Hurry up, Doc.

Got me an idea, Judge,

you're a-fixin' to see a
courtroom just one more time.

(door opens)

How's my pa?

Appears like His
Honor's gonna live.

If you want to know what
I think, he's just too mean

and ornery to die.

Uh, they gonna
hold the trial here?

No, they ain't.

The way the
feeling in this town's

running against you Stroms,

why, Matthew says it ain't

the fairest place in the
world to try to pick a jury.

That's a way of
looking at the law

that your pa might do
a little thinking about.


- Festus.
- I didn't figure to see you up and around

for another couple of weeks.

Well, I'll tell you something.

11 days in that bed's
enough for anybody.

Now he's his own doctor.

Tell you something, it
would serve him right

if that wound busts open again.

He's got a head of solid marble.

He's worse than
that mule of yours.

He's worse than that...
He's worse than you are.

Why don't you go over and
get in that bed like I told you.

That's where you belong.

(chuckles) Festus, uh,

why don't you get
us a cup of coffee.

Oh, no. What do you
want to bother him for?

Why don't you hobble
over there and get it yourself.

Or better still, why don't you
limp over to the Long Branch

and get a drink.

Now, there's an idea.

Well, fine! Go on.

But if that starts
bleeding again,

have him sew it up for you.

Eh, don't it look like things

are gettin' back to
normal, Matthew.

Well, might be if I ever
get that cup of coffee.

You got it. Give it to
you before you can say,

"Rat run over the
roof of the house

with a piece of raw
liver in his mouth."

(Dillon chuckles)

(Festus humming)

It's good and hot, too.

(Dillon sighs)
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