Zoom (2006)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Zoom (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »


* Have you checked out
the temperature lately?

* There's a fever
that's about to break

* There is a game to be won
and a song to be sung

* This is a battle cry
Make no mistake

* So don't look back
The past is past

* The future is coming fast

* You better make room
We're coming through

* Loud and clear

MARSHA: The Zenith Team.

Five young superheroes
who fought to protect
the world from evil.

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down

* We got the void
filling this room

* We got the minds
The minds to go voom

* Get up, get up,
get on that train

* It's becoming so insane

* This tiny blue marble
is rolling away

Led by Captain Zoom
and his brother Concussion,

the team saved many lives.

ALL: Team Zenith.

MARSHA: Oh, and with the help
of their sidekick, Dr. Grant.

The government
sought to enhance
the team's powers

using Gamma-13 radiation.

Zoom got faster and stronger,

but the Gamma
turned Concussion
to the dark side.

He turned on his own team.

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down *

Zoom lost his powers

and his brother.

We're coming up now.
Prepare to deactivate
cloaking device.

LARRABY: I told you
not to call me unless
the world was going to end.

I don't know
about the world ending,

but we've been tracking
a pan-dimensional anomaly

that seems to
be moving toward
our time-space continuum.

Dr. Grant,
I speak Greek, not geek.

Let me put it this way.

Concussion is still alive,
and he's coming back.

He was destroyed.


We were there.
We both saw it.


12 days and counting.

The time has come.

I'm reactivating
the Zenith Program.

Find me some kids.

Misfits, outcasts, weirdos.

Give me that file.

Zoom's the only one
who can train them.

Now, get to Long Beach,

find him,
evaluate his condition,
and bring him back here.

You know he won't cooperate.

You won the Nobel Prize,

You'll think of something.


Okay, he's looking. Come now.


There's a car coming, lady.

Hey, look out.

Yeah, you're sure
you're okay, huh?

That guy almost k*lled me.

Watch out for the grease.

Should have told you
about those grease spots.

Come on, get up.


GRANT: Hello, Zoom.

It's Jack.

Okay, Jack.

It's good to see you.

Wow. You got old.

It's been, what, 30 years?

What are you doing here,

Well, uh, we're-- we're
starting up a new team.

Men's slow-pitch softball?


No, a new Zenith team.

You can't be serious.

We are serious, Mr. Shepard.

Why is the green dress

Oh, I'm a psychologist.

I'm sorry.
This is Miss Holloway.
She works, uh, with me.

and despite the theatrics,

which were not my idea,
by the way,

you're the only one
who can help us.

You're the only
superhero left.

Somebody's been giving you
the wrong information.

So, if you'll excuse me,
I got work to do.

We're here to take you back,
not to invite you back.

And we're authorized to use
whatever means necessary.

JACK: Grant, Grant, Grant.
You can't sh**t him.




Trick or treat.

Here you go, sweetie.

CHILDREN: Trick or treat.

GIRL: Thank you.
BOY: Thanks a lot.

Give it here, Howdy Doo-Doo.



* Hang on, hang on, hang on

* Everybody just
get on, get on, get on

Oh, my gosh.

* Hold on

Thank you.

* Sometimes I wanna cry
and throw the towel in

I'll take that.

GIRL: She's so weird.


That was a good one.

* So gather round
I'm here to say

* You'll never make
everybody's day

* You might as well
catch the tiger by its tail


* Everybody just
get on, get on, get on

Oh, my gosh.
What just happened?

How does my hair look?


Perhaps you'd like to come up
and finish Newton's equation?

I think Newton can
finish his own equation.


Now, Dylan.

* So gather round
I'm here to say

* You'll never make
everybody's day

* But while you're around
you might as well

* Catch the tiger by its tail


* Hang on, hang on, hang on

* Everybody just
get on, get on, get on

* Get started
and go on, go on, go on

* Everybody just hold on


Check it out.
Lard-butt's going to
snap the board in half.

* And hang on,
hang on, hang on




* Go on, go on, go on

* Everybody just
get on, get on, get on

* Get started and hang on

GRANT: Wake up, Zoom.

Welcome back to Area 52.



Thank you, Grant,
for bringing me
back to a place

I've been avoiding
for the last 30 years.

Uh, you have two choices
as I understand it.

One is to stay here

and the other is to
go directly to prison.

How long in prison?

We are also very happy
to pay you $500,000.

You know you could've
just said that

instead of sh**ting me
with a dart.


Mr. Shepard.

Mr. Shepard, I can't
tell you how happy I am

that you've come aboard.

Oh, it's you.

Do you have an inner-ear
problem or something?

Uh, Zoom...

Right, Jack.

Uh, Miss Holloway
is our leading researcher

in the area of latent
superhuman abilities.

She'll be in charge of
training the new Zenith team.

She's also quite
a fan of yours.

I have every issue
of Captain Zoom
And His Amazing Team,

most of them still in their
original plastic sleeves.

That's creepy.
But do you still
have that green dress?

I even have the fifth
anniversary double issue,

Zoom Vs. The Atomic Melt.

I have it in Japanese,
German, Farsi, Hindi
and Braille.

How about that green dress?
Still have that?

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention,

The return of Zoom.

Show of hands,
who here does not live

with their mom
in her basement?


We have assembled a group
of 10 special candidates.

The extent of their abilities
is still unknown,

like it was when
your team arrived.

We wanted your help
in choosing the ones
with the best potential

for a new Zenith team.

Well, for half a million
dollars in cash and prizes

let's take a look
at those contestants,
shall we?

What, are we forming
a spelling bee?

I assure you,
they are all quite gifted.

Gifted what? They--
They're a bunch of kids.

And what power do they have?

I haven't read or heard
about a Gamma event.

Well, there weren't any.

My studies in meta-human

have made Gamma
treatments obsolete.

I am quite confident
that we can develop
their abilities

far beyond what was achieved
during the Gamma-13 days.

And we can do it safely

and naturally.

I'm sorry, I must've
dozed off there for a minute.

Times have changed, Zoom.

Well, they'd better
be able to do some
mind-blowing stuff.


What is this?
She's blinking fast.

She was better
in the audition.

I am a little cooler.

* Every morning
I wake up just the same

Oh, dude.

* Another victim
of ordinary fame

* I don't see myself

Now you see him,
now you don't.

How you doing?

* I'm just your average,
ordinary, everyday superhero

* Trying to save the world
but never really sure


Pass the hand sanitizer,


Stop that.

You're singing the alphabet.
That's-- That's-- That's
not a power.

And your voice is average,
it's not super.

It is, too, super.

Get another table
in here, please.
Right away.

* I'm just like everybody else

* After all the hype
it's hard to tell


I see things.

Do you see dead people?

I see that you suffer
from a massive
inferiority complex.

I try to hide that so well.

I'm Jupiter the Gas Giant.



MARSHA: Say, "Excuse me."

Is he doing it,
or is he just
naturally that chubby?

* I'm just your average

* Ordinary, everyday superhero

* I'm trying to save the world

* I'm just your average

* Ordinary, everyday superhero

It's so cool.

* I'm just an average,
ordinary, everyday superhero *

Miss Holloway, how would
you like to introduce

our trainees to
their new instructor?

I would love to.
You ready?

Yeah. I can't wait.

That is getting so old.

Well, considering
you can read my mind,
I don't have many options.

I can't read your mind.
I just feel stuff.

And you could stop
hitting on me entirely.

No, I--I can't do that.

You and I are destiny.

I would like to formally

introduce you
to a very great man,

Mr. Jack Shepard.


I don't remember eating that.

Great man or washed-up loser?

It's a fine line.
What a nice kid.

Is the long hair
and the James Dean angst
just a package with you?

Mr. Shepard
is uniquely qualified
to be your new instructor.

And now he'll tell you why.


Oh, yeah, kids,

do you have any idea
what you're doing here
or why?



Come on. Come on. Me, me, me.



All right, the little one.

We were brought here
in super secret

because we were selected
out of a huge group of kids

because we're really special

and they needed special kids
for a special course.

That's what
Miss Holloway said.

I don't think
I've ever heard anybody

use that many "specials"
in a sentence.

She actually, uh,
worked it in there

one more time
than Collins did.

But it's all a lie.

We're here
because we're different.

We're not different.
Come on. Chill out.

You can pick up a car,
and you're six.
How different does it get?

Don't tell her that.
Don't be a jerk, man.

DYLAN: What? Tucker,
I'm not being a jerk.
Okay, children.


Okay, maybe this'll help.

I spent a lot of time
here at Camp Secret

when I was just
about your age.
And you know what?

It pretty much
ruined my life.

Mr. Shepard.

Hey, the military would
like you to be just like me.

You have to work hard
and focus.

But most of all,
most important,

you're going to
need massive doses
of Gamma-13 emissions.

So let's wheel in
that big machine and--and
zap the little guys, huh?

That's not true.
Mr. Shepard. Hallway.

Let's go to the hallway.

You guys want to slip
into that lead underwear,

you wanna
protect your privates.

Always the smart aleck.

But he is definitely
the target, sir.

The center of
the dimensional probing
is following Zoom here,

from Long Beach.

We've finally found something
that Shepard excels at.

Being the bait.

If you can't get those kids
combat-ready in time,

I'll have to dose them
with enough Gamma-13
to sterilize a trailer park.

And if that should happen,
you can rest assured, sir,

that I will do everything
in my power to make sure

it's not my fault.

I told you.
We will not be
dosing the children.

Based on
what we have in there,

I think you might want
to dose them just a little.

Come on. Drop them
by a nuclear facility
and leave them there.

Or drop them off
at the dentist

and have them x-rayed
200 or 300 times.

I don't think you understand
their sensitive condition.

What about
my sensitive condition?

I'm being asked
to betray children for money.

Are you done?

I left a little pause there
in case you wanted to slip
and fall again.

Grant, what am I doing here?

Come on.
Let me show you something.


I made that suit for you.

Too bad you never got
a chance to wear it.

Welcome back, Zoom.

It's Jack.

It's Zoom.


Where'd you put... Is this...

Cool. Zoom comics.

Tucker, wait.
Do not touch this.

This is a first edition.
Don't even touch the sleeve.

Now, everyone,
please put on

your pH-balancing,
antibacterial gloves.

Or not.

Why are you giving us these?

I'm not giving them to you,
but I'm showing them to you

yesterday you asked me why
Mr. Shepard was a great man.


this is why he's a great man.

Because he collects
comic books?

Because he is the comic book.

Mr. Shepard is Captain Zoom.

And these comics
are a record

of the incredible things

that Zoom and his amazing team
did to protect mankind.

He was the leader
of the Zenith team

faster than Quicksilver,
the Flash and Superman
all together.

No way.


You're Captain Zoom.

Can you eat fast, too?

Zoom. Do something fast.

Well, I guess the cat's
out of the bag, huh?

You don't look
like a superhero.

I don't? Are you sure?

You know why?

Because I'm not a superhero.

There's no such thing
as superheroes.

No matter what people
told you around here,
you're not superheroes.

We're superheroes?



You're definitely white kids,
I'll tell you that.

Yeah. What?

Do we get names?
And costumes?

I'm sorry, what-- what's
your name again?

Cindy Collins, age six.

Cindy Collins, age six.
This isn't a parade.

Or a Girl Scout jamboree
or some sleepover.

It's a military installation.

You get military stuff.
Functional ware.

You see this?

I used to be able to move
my entire body that fast.

So they put me in
a polycarbonate silicone suit.

That way I didn't vibrate
out of my clothes.

You've got to stop doing that.

Can my superhero costume
be a tutu?

Are you even trying
to listen to me?

So what are they
going to make us do?

I don't know, dude.
Let me think about
that for just a minute.

And you're supposed
to be training us.

Give me a break.

You can barely tie your shoes.

Come on, let's let Mr. Zoom
finish his oatmeal.

It's Cream of Wheat, dude.

It's remarkable.
2.5 tons per arm.

Wow, you shaved.

Wow, you noticed.

Would you believe
that little girl is holding

5 tons above her head?

Look at that.


Cindy, what are you wearing?

It's my alter eggo.

You mean your "alter ego"?

I'm a princess.

Cindy, you're not a princess.

But I look pretty.

Yeah, but pretty girls
don't have any real friends

and they never
get any respect.

Take Miss Holloway,
for instance.



Nice toss, Cindy.
Really good.

Why don't you
get a juice box and a--
and a Rice Krispy treat?


* Come on, come on,
and tell me

* Why you're staring

* Come on, come on

* It must be what I'm wearing

* Come on, come on,
and tell me

* Why it is taking so long
for you to recognize
and stop *

It's unbelievable.

It's as if
he's not even there.

JACK: Because he's not there.

Oh, he's escaped again.

Uh, security, Code Dylan.

I repeat, Code Dylan.
Thank you.

I don't know
why he does that.

Because he doesn't
like it here, Grant.

Don't know why not.
It's good food.

Dr. Grant.

Tucker won't come
out of the bullpen.

It's okay, Tucker.

I know you don't
have any control
over this thing yet,

but can you please
try to expand?

I am trying, all right?
You're wasting your time.

Jack, you are undermining
his confidence.

What confidence?

He's a lazy
little chubba bubba.


Hey, Marsha.

Exactly what
part of him is this?


Hey there. Those kids
aren't going to be
ready for anything.

Unless, of course,
you put Tucker
in a vat of paint.

He swells up,
you could do a room

in a couple of seconds.
Other than that...

Well, maybe if you
trained them at all...

Look, you know,
it just might help

if I knew what
I was training them for.

I'm sorry.
I don't have time right now.
I'm late for a meeting.

Look out.


Oh, man...
Hey, are you all right?

That was some fall.

You know,
you're a nice woman.

But this whole program
is a mistake.

The last thing
the world needs

is a bunch of kids
running around in costumes

thinking that they're heroes.


What happened to you?

What happened
to the Sacred Oath?

Issue number one.

"Faster than fast.
Truer than true.

"In the pursuit of justice

"there is no speed limit."
There is no speed limit.

Yeah. Are you bipolar?

It's a comic book.

It's government propaganda.
They made it up.

I'm sorry. Who's talking?
To cover up.

It wasn't true.

It's not...
None of that stuff is true.

It was true to me.

MARSHA: The brain scans
do not correlate

with the children's
test results.

They are subconsciously

their full abilities.

We face an imminent threat.

These kids have
got to be ready now.

Sir, it might help
if I knew what
the imminent threat was.

JACK: Hey.

Sorry I'm late.
I didn't get the memo.

You know? Hey, but

I heard the word
"imminent threat."
What--What exactly...

Hold it, Shepard.
We're holding a meeting
for people who matter,

and Miss Holloway.

JACK: Well,

I think maybe
a big bowl of prunes

might turn that frown
upside down, General.

take him where the losers

are plotting another failure.
He knows the way.

Go to see your family, huh?

Get him out of here now.

Five days and counting.


* It's stupid, contagious

* To be broke and famous

* Can someone please save us
from punk rock 101

* My Dickies, your sweat pants

* My spiked hair,
your new Vans

* Let's throw up
our rock hands
for punk rock 101 *





You mind telling me
what was going on
between you and Larraby?

Jack, it's late.

I can't help those kids
unless I know what's going on.

You know,
when they started talking
about bringing you in...


...I was ecstatic.

Finally I would meet
the only real superhero
left in the world.

Would you let that
superhero stuff go, please?

A hero who would
fight for justice
at all costs.

I was a really lonely,

kind of weird child.

Well, at least you know
you've grown out of that.

And the only comfort I found
was in reading about you.

That's because
you're out of your mind.

You gotta stop
with this comic book stuff.

You know,
the first thing
you said to me

was that
you're not a real superhero.

I didn't believe you then.

But congratulations,
you have convinced me.

You are nothing
but a bitter man

happily getting paid
to take your resentments out

on these children.

It's horrible.

All right, then.

We'll do this again.

JACK: Hey, that was a good
meeting last night, Grant.

Yeah, it was cool.
It was just a simple
staff meeting.

That's what I thought,
simple staff meeting,

based on the way
I was shuffled
out of there.

So where we going?

Oh, we've got combat
training tomorrow.

We've got to get you
into some protective gear.

I don't want to
hold your hand,

I don't want to
hold your hand.


Let go of my hand.

That's quite painful.


All right.
I'll hold your hand. Careful.

And what'd I tell you
about costumes?

It's not a costume.
It's my perfective gear.

Yeah? How's a ballerina
costume going to protect you?

Are you crazy?
Who wants to hurt a ballerina?

Other ballerinas,

JACK: Wait a minute. No way.

Is that you, Mr. Pibb?

You recognize me?

How you doing, buddy?
Give me five.

SUMMER: Mr. Pibb?

JACK: Yeah,
that's the name we gave him.

We didn't have many
friends down here,
so they built us one.

He'd go get you
candy and sodas,
that sort of thing.

You were nice to him.

Do you have
to touch things to,
like, understand them?

Not always.

What's he thinking about now?

He thinks you've had
an increase in mass.

Mr. Pibb.

It's impossible to know
what he thinks, Miss Jones.

His program
is a rudimentary
15-megabyte system.

He has no thoughts.

I suppose you
don't have thoughts

of what your life
would be like

if you were a figure skater?


Well, then.
I guess I'll leave you kids

in the capable hands
of Jack Shepard.

You do that, Grant.
I'll take care of them.

Mr. Pibb,
is that old Rambler
still down in the hangar?


Got the keys?

JACK: All right, come on,
guys. Watch your heads.

Come on, this way.
Get over here.
Go over there.

All right, Pibb.

Knock off
the security cameras.

Open the door.

Let's go. Go, go, go.

All right, stand right there.

DYLAN: Whoa.

It's the flying saucer
from Area 51. It exists.

SUMMER: Look at that.


We rebuilt it
as best we could

after it crash-landed
in the late '40s.

It's really awesome.

Yeah, it's amazing.

Yeah. It's really cool.

And is this
what's going to take us
to all of our superhero gigs?

I'm getting goose bumps.




JACK: Got to stabilize
this thing.

TUCKER: Can I try?
You want to drive?

Yeah, definitely.

All right,
just sit down there.

And you want to get, uh,
your hands in that green
and blue slime.


Little gross in there,
isn't it?
Nasty, yeah.

JACK: Oh, boy.

Let's make this thing rock.

how do you make it go faster?


Therein lies the problem,
guys, of the FE-12.

We never really
figured this thing out.

It only goes 20 miles an hour.

Maybe there's
less to figure out
than there is to understand.

* When I am down and I am blue

TUCKER: Hey, barbeque, to go.

* Is close my eyes
and think of you

Tucker, put the cow back.

TUCKER: But I'm hungry.

All right.

* Life was getting hectic
and things were unexpected

* When I first
received your call

Hey, hey, hey. Watch the...


...light pole.

Hello. Welcome to Wendy's.

May I take your order,

Classic Triple,
lettuce, tomato.
Get me one.

Classic Triple,
lettuce, tomato...
I got it.


Can you see?
Can you see this?

it's all green and blurry.

Extra fries.
Hold on a second.


I'm going to have a...

What kind of toys
do you have?

Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

The other
order's Crispy Nuggets.

Is that it?
Uh, six Frosties.

Six Frosties. Chocolate.

All right. Now, what's
everyone else drinking?

* When I am down and I am blue

* All I have to do

* Is close my eyes
and think of you

* And the world is new

CINDY: We come in peace.

Take me with you.

REPORTER: That's right, Bob.
We're outside the Wendy's
where apparently

a lot of people have seen
some type of flying saucer.

I'm here with
David right now,

who actually
works at Wendy's.

can you tell us what you saw?

I saw the flying saucer.
I saw it land.

I saw it make this
noise that it made.

It went...


as it wobbled, and then...

That's it.
That's the way they sounded.

That's the way it was.

And you actually saw
the aliens? I mean...

Well, it's not that...
The alien in the spaceship
ordered from me.

You know, I don't know.

Maybe the spaceship
runs on ice cream.

That's my theory.

Because he ordered
a whole bunch of Frosties.

Oh, no.

JACK: Just go back and act
like nothing happened.

We had a great day.
Let's just leave it at that.

All right, you guys?

If I were you,
Dylan, I'd disappear.
Hey, Marsha.

Mr. Shepard. How dare you?

Do you even know
what you've done?

Yeah. I got you
a hot chicken sandwich.

No, thank you.

Are you a vegetarian?

You're supposed to
be training these kids
for their first simulation.

And instead,
you're out gallivanting
in a stolen spaceship.

Was I gallivanting?

Looks like
the saucer's not the only
thing stuck in the '50s.

You're probably 50.




I'm not a vegetarian.

It's a life choice.
Nothing wrong with it.


Let go of my face, please.


What are you doing in here?

I had a bad dream.


I'm sorry
you had a bad dream.

That's easy to do here,
I guess.


Let's walk you
back to your room.

Can I sleep here?

Just for tonight?

that's not a real good idea.


You don't want to stay here.
I snore.

I'm quite gassy.

I'm scared.

Hello? Little help here?

You want to stay on the couch?

Thanks, Mr. Zoom.

Can you let the light in?


I'll leave the door open.

Because why
would we want it dark
while we're sleeping?

Good night, Cindy.


Mr. Zoom?

Cindy, please.

Am I different?


You know, but in a good way.

I feel too different.

Yeah, I'm sure you do,
because you're wearing
a rabbit outfit.

You gotta go to sleep, Cindy.

Is that why Mommy and Daddy
sent me here?


You were right the first day.

You're-- You're special.

There's nobody in the world
that can do what you do.

Your parents,
who love you very much,

they sent you here
so you'd learn how
to use your difference

to help people.

Good night.

Good night.

That was bolted to the wall.

GRANT: Welcome
to our fully operational,

J-1000 mission simulator.

It is imperative
that you learn to
avoid enemy fire.

A bit more advanced
than in your day, eh?

Yeah, in my day we just had
that British guy named Ben

who threw sticks at us.

So what are the holes for?

It's funny
you should ask that.

That's the first
question people ask.

Uh, our technician is d*ck.

Uh, the holes are for
firing the paintballs.

All right. I'm out of here.

Oh, great.
Another Code Dylan.

He must like
that isolation room.

Uh, we'll have to proceed
without Mr. West.

The objective
is to get the kids
to, uh, 70% combat capacity.

I'm going to start them
off easily, about 10%.

What do you think? 10%?

Yeah, yeah.
That sounds great.

d*ck, 10.


GRANT: Children, your goal
is to stop the simulator

by pressing that red
button in the center.

How hard can that be?

I don't know.


Are you working on
attraction or repulsion?


* Pressure pushing down on me


* Pressing down on you

* No man asked for

* Under pressure
that burns a building down

* Splits a family in two

That would be attraction.


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't...


Oh, no.


* It's the terror of knowing
what this world is about

* Watching some good friends
screaming let me out!


* Pray tomorrow take me higher

DYLAN: Whoa, whoa.

Watch out.

Look out.

* These are the days
it never rains but it pours

I'm getting...


* It never rains but it pours

I want a name.

Ten more, that's your name.

* It's the terror of knowing
what this world is about

Get me a name.

Hey. How about nine more?
There's your name.

* Pray tomorrow
take me higher



* Can't we give ourselves
one more chance?

* Why can't we give love
one more chance?

* Why can't we give love,
give love, give love

* Give love, give love,
give love, give love,
give love

* 'Cause love's such
an old-fashioned word

Excuse me, Dr. Grant.

CINDY: Sorry, Dr. Grant.

Why the rush, kids?

* This is our last dance

Watch out.

* This is ourselves
under pressure *

You see,
it all works together
in a double helix.

So if you can manage to...

I've got a thing.
If you could get

the double helix going,
I'll be right back.


Think double helix.

That was ridiculous.

That was really bad.

I thought it was fun.

Hey, guys. I shook down
our robot buddy, Mr. Pibb,

and I got you some snacks.

I got mine already. Thanks.

You guys look
like modern art.


Come on. How'd you guys
think the training went?

Oh, please. Like you care.

Hey. Chill out a little bit.

I'm not the one
that dropped you off

here at the military base,
you know.

No, you didn't
drop us off here,

but you were
supposed to teach us.

Thanks for all the training,

You don't care about us.

She's right.

I got hit with
so many paintballs,

I've got more
bruises than skin.

Mr. Shepard?

You care about us,


I brought cake.

Don't be fooled, Cindy.
He only cares about himself.

Come here.
Let's go get you cleaned up.

Wait. Hey, look.


Smells like old socks in here.

Is he in there?

Sucks being in here,
doesn't it?

You know, Larraby
actually knitted this.

He and Grant,
buck naked by a fire,
knit one, purl two.

They, uh, knitted this
to contain people like us.

I got out of here three times.

And I'll bet Cindy
could get out of here
whenever she wanted to.

When I was her age,
I used to just have

one leg work
faster than the other.

I did this kind of
fast hopping thing.

So you could skip?

Hop. Let's go with hop.

One day,
a bunch of my buddies

wanted to go down
to the creek,

you know,
to throw fish at each other,

paint our face.
Guy stuff, you know.

I--I wanted to go there so bad
that I concentrated

and I just began
to do my little, uh...

Skipping thing.


All of a sudden,
man, I was there.

Boy, they noticed that.

And then other
people noticed.

People like
the Zenith Program,
they noticed.

So they dragged me and my...

They dragged me
and my older brother...

I didn't know
you had a brother.

They dragged me here,
and Grant,

I think he's had enough.

Let him out.
Come on, Dylan.

MAN: This is Control.

This is Mr. Grant.
You can release Dr. West.

I'm sorry. This is Dr. West.
Could you release Mr. Grant?

you want us to release...
No, don't release Dr. Grant.

Release Mr. West.

Wait, you want us...
You just said...
Just do what I say.

Yes, sir.

Two days and counting.

I'm pretty sure
the ice cream's this way.

"Outdoor Survival Simulator"?

TUCKER: Sweet.

This room is so cool.

What's Dr. Grant
doing in there?


Close the door.


Oh, very good. That's great.
It's closing up.

Keep it open just a...

It's going...
Oh, no, it's go... No, no.

Uh, it closed.

Good job.

Shouldn't you be in bed?

Are you waiting
for Peter Pan?


I'm just kidding around.

Could you back off
the control panel

a little bit?
There are buttons on there

I really don't
want you to push,



I told you not to...

Why didn't you listen to me?

Okay, that's it.

I want you to open that door.

I want the rain
to stop right away,


You're making me
very angry, children.

This is not funny.
This is not...




What's he doing?

Press another button.
Do not push button.

I told you, no button.

If you...


No more buttons.

SUMMER: Do it, Cindy.



Oh, nasty. Come on.


It is the emotional
core that is missing
in these children's lives.

JACK: ...that magnetizes
so you can't move.

Put your head against
these little diodes
and they give you

13 times the lethal dose

of Gamma radiation.

DYLAN: And that made
you more powerful?

Dylan, they're not
going to put you in here.

That's why I'm here.

To encourage
your talents naturally.

Dylan, I'm talking to you.
Where do you go
when you fuzz out like that?


You don't perchance
get a little headache

over your eye when
you do that, do you?




Dylan, I got an idea.

I want you to think
about Summer right now.

Stand here and see
if you can find her.

DYLAN: But she's
nowhere near here.
I understand that.

Trust your instincts.
Go down this hallway
in your mind and find her.

I'm in her room.

No, I...

I can see her dancing.

This is unbelievable.
This is a real gift.

It's called mind-sight.


these kids are going
to need a leader.

This team needs one.

And a leader is someone
who can see the way.

I think that may be you.

DYLAN: And which
one of the old team had
the mind-sight thing like me?

JACK: Oh, Marksman.


What happened to him?

And your girlfriend, Ace?

They all lost their
lives doing what they do,
being heroes.

Like in the comic book.


So this k*ller, Concussion...

I thought that
was all made up.

Some of it was made up.

So this maniac wiped
out the whole team?

It really wasn't his fault.

I mean,
they made him into that.

He was part of the team?

And you trusted him.

He was your friend, and he...

You don't know what
you're talking about, okay?

Concussion was your brother.

His name was Connor.


* I can't stand to fly

* I'm not that naive

* I'm just out to find

* The better part of me

* I'm more than a bird

* I'm more than a plane

* More than some pretty face
beside a train

* It's not easy to be me

what's with the necklace?

It was the last thing
my parents gave me
before they left.

I guess they couldn't
handle my powers.

Can I...

I'm sorry, Miss Holloway.

We couldn't
find him anywhere.

Okay. Thank you.

All right.
Well, we'll just have

to proceed without
Mr. Shepard today.

Uh, if everyone will
open up their books...

Hey, sorry I'm late,
but I had to
get my g*ng together.

Make the measurements, guys.

Don't be afraid
to tickle them.

It almost looks like
you're glad to see me.


No, no, I'm not...
I'm not glad to see you.

I mean, the children
are glad to see you.

And, well, I guess
if they're glad to see you,

then I'm glad to see you.
I don't know.

Okay. I'm glad.

Go ahead.

Well, anyway, kids,
this is what
we're going to do.

We're gonna continue
your physical training,

along with your
teamwork exercises,

but to complement
your internal strengths.

When do we get names?

We'll deal with that,
but right now,

most importantly, I want
to deal with the fundamentals,

and there's two fundamentals,
control and execution.

Think about it.
Control and execution.

Come on, guys. Follow me.


* Don't write yourself off yet

* It's only in your head

One. Two. Three.

* Just try your best

* Try everything you can

* And don't you worry
what they tell themselves


You all right?

He's invented
a super fabric for Tucker.

Congratulations, Ed.

* Everything, everything
will be all right, all right


The coolest,
strongest, best time

you ever attracted
or repelled something

because whenever
that was, it was just...

JACK: Nailed it.

* It doesn't matter
if it's good enough

* For someone else


* It just takes some time

* Little girl, you're in
the middle of the ride

* Everything, everything
will be just fine

CINDY: I got it.

* It just takes some time

* Little girl, you're in
the middle of the ride *


Yeah, man. Nice job.

Well, how are they?

They're enjoying
their victory.

It's been quite
a week for them.


Why the sudden
change of heart?

They're becoming
a--a real team,
those kids.

And I didn't realize
what an incredible team
I had until they were gone.

And I'd like them
to avoid that same mistake.


No. It's beautiful.

No, I mean do you like nuts?


Uh, yes, please.

There you go.
Thank you.

I think if we'd had someone
who, um, cared about us

and taught us to
succeed as a family,

things would've been
different for--for Connor,

and certainly for
the rest of the team.

Somebody, um...

Somebody like you.

I ain't cleaning that up.

GRANT: Our only hope lies
with Marsha and Zoom
training the kids.

You can't be
considering Gamma radiation

after what happened
to Zoom's brother?

Concussion becoming evil
was a horrible result.

He's coming for Zoom
sooner than I thought.

And this is where
he'll emerge.

These, uh, will allow you
to see the dimensional rift
we've been tracking.

He's more powerful
than I thought.

You better have a plan
that works this time,

Well, the kids will
have to distract him

so that we can launch
the sonic net I've designed.

The net will capture him
in such a way

that it causes him
to concuss back on himself.

Is that our only option?

if Zoom still had his powers,

his speed could
create a mega vortex

which would trap
Concussion and reverse

the dark effects
of the Gamma radiation.

How much time have we got?

Oh. Forty-eight hours. Tops.



Anybody home?


Nothing to wear?

How'd you guess?

Come here. Maybe
I have something for you.

There it is. I knew it
was in here somewhere.



That's perfect.

Are you sure?
Oh, yeah.

It's just one of many
purchased for dates
that never happened.

Turned out to
be lonely nights
reading my comic books.

In between the crying fits.

It all started with my prom.

I always thought
the prom queen

should be the girl
with the highest I.Q.

Now that would make sense.



a woman without a lab coat.

We got a party now.

You know,
I like having you here.
Don't get me wrong.

But I'm not sure Cindy
can handle the competition.

This is really nice of you.

Well, they worked hard.
They deserve this.

* Would you dance

* If I asked you to dance?

* Would you run

* And never look back

* Would you cry

* If you saw me crying

Look at Summer.

* Would you save
my soul tonight?


So, where are you
going dressed like that?

Why? Do I look stupid?

No, you look nice.



You like it?

Yeah. You look beautiful.

Um, I thought
your necklace
looked a little bare,

so I made this
for you in R and D.

For everything I see in you,
and everything I don't.

I think your powers
are wonderful.

I'm not that wonderful.

I mean, I just hope
you're not disappointed

with what you do
or don't see from here.

As long as I get
to keep looking,

I guarantee you
I'll never be disappointed.

* I can be your hero, baby

* I can kiss away the pain

* You can take my breath away

Do you want to dance?


Do you mind if
we take these off?

Because you are so...


Let me put these back on.

No, it's okay.

You'll just have to
move a little closer.


Still can't see you.

* I can be your hero, baby

* I can kiss away the pain

LARRABY: What the hey
is going on here?

This room is off-limits.

Hey. Come on, Your Highness,
calm down.

You're going
to have a stroke.

Look. Have a drink.
The kids are just having fun.

The kids want to
have a little fun?
I like to have fun.

let's take a 10-mile run.

Guards. Holloway.

Make sure it happens now.
Move out.

Boy, for a straight guy,
you're dramatic.

What's all this stuff?
What are you doing?

Something I should
have done long ago.

You're going
to hurt these kids
like you hurt my team.

To meet my standards,
whatever it takes.

We'll be starting
first thing in the morning.

Let's get cracking.

Hey, guys. Everybody.
Get up. Come on.

Get up.

Come on, gorgeous. Hop up.

Sleeping's for wimps.
Get up. Come on.

Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on.
There you go.

Everybody. Come on. Get up.

before the guards see us.

Good, good, good.
Figured you guys

would be getting
tired of sleeping.

Come on. Tucker,
come on, buddy, get up.

Roll that big potato
out of bed.

Hit your light.
There you go, come on.

Get up, get up.


What's the matter with you?

What time did you
go to bed last night?

How tired can you guys...

All right.
Somebody brush his teeth,

get him in his outfit.
Let's go. Come on.

I said let's go.


All right, all right.

What are you dressed as,

What is that?

DYLAN: Where are we going?


Oh, neat.
An electrical panel.

It's a secret
electrical panel.


Come on.


DYLAN: I'm tired.
Let's go back to bed.

I'm hungry.
I'm cold.

Stop whining.
Superheroes don't whine.

Where are we?

We are someplace
where the cameras
won't see us.

SUMMER: Whoa, what is this?

Are we getting our names?

Finally, we get our names.

Wait, I thought you said
names don't matter.

All right, all right.
I was mistaken.

You want names?
You got to have names.

Uh, Chubby will now be called
"The Incredible Bulk."

Oh, dude.
That's stupid.

You, the bully,
let's call you "Strong Girl."

I want something pretty.

That is pretty.

No, it's not.
Yes, it is pretty.

And for you, let's go
with "Mental Chick."

Mental Chick?
I like that.

That is not funny.
Yes, it is.

I think it's good,
'cause you're...
TUCKER: I like it.

That's terrible.
You're not calling me that.

Mental Chick and Invisiteen.

Whoa. No, that is terrible.

Come on. You're Mega-Boy.

What do you call me?

You know?
He's always escaping stuff.


And she's Wonder.
Oh, thanks.

All right, I give up.
You guys want
to name yourselves,

you've named yourselves.



Now we're a team.
Now we're a family.

And this family is
getting out of here.

I'm taking you
someplace safe tonight.

TUCKER: But we're heroes now.

And we have names
and everything.

JACK: I know you do.
You have names, you're heroes,

but I think it'd be safer
if we just got out of here.

Take the FE-12,
we can use that and...

What's the matter, Dylan?

DYLAN: I'm in a hallway.

Stay out of the ladies' room.

Okay, now,
I'm in a control room.

JACK: What do you see?

I see Dr. Grant and Larraby.

Tell me they're wearing
women's dresses.

There's frozen images
on a screen.

I know what
they're training us for.


Your brother.

He's alive. He's coming back.

That's impossible.

Stay out of sight.

MAN: General Larraby,
it is only a matter of moments

before Concussion
will be here.

At 8:59 p.m.,
the portal broke through
the final dimension.

Wow. Just when I was
beginning to like you.

"It's all for the kids,
helping them cope,

"bring out
what's best in them."

What are you talking about?

Stop the innocent routine,



That's when we deploy
the sonic net.

What the hell's going on?


Right now,
my stomach flesh is burning.

Jack, can you talk to me?

Not now, Holloway.
Guards, get her out of here.

My brother is alive?
Why didn't you tell me?

Oh. Well, you know...

Is that a flock of birds

or my car alarm?
Hold on a minute.

We didn't tell you
about Connor because
you didn't need to know.

They're going
to be heroes, Jack,

and heroes always
do the right thing.

You're going
to send these kids
up against Concussion?

They'll never have a chance.

Not the way
you've trained them.

Guards, take this bozo away.

One hour and counting.

I'm way too big for this.
You can't... Guys...

You know,
they're just a bunch of kids.

You can't do this.

Five, seven, and nine clear.

WOMAN: It's a go.

We're clear over here.


What'd you see?

They're prepping the Gamma-13.

Miss Holloway will stop them,

won't she?

I don't know, Cindy.

I don't know.


Well, I'm...

I'm afraid it's time.

MARSHA: I'm so sorry
about this. Truly.

It's okay.
We're used to being used.

I know there's
nothing I can do
to make this up to you,

except possibly...



That was awesome.

Come on, let's go.

Can I help you, Miss Jones?

Put me down, Miss Jones.


Man, that is so hot.

You think so?


Hey, not bad. Nice work.


Hasta luego, man.

SUMMER: I'll check this one.

TUCKER: I think he's...
Where is he?

I think he's over here.
No. No. He's right here.

Hey. Somebody call
for a rescue party
with extra cheese?

Hey, it's about time.
Open the door.

You want to do the honors?

Hey, maybe something like, uh,

"Stand back.
We're going to
break the door down"

could have been tossed out.

You know there's
a little green button

to the left that says,

TUCKER: You all right?

Wait. Why is she here?

No, it's cool.
She's one of us.

What do you mean,
she's one of us?
She blows.

No, I mean she blows.

Come on. Show him.



So you've got powers?

Remember I was kind of
a weird child?

That's why I came here.

Why didn't you say something?
This is, like, great news.

You're like
part of the family.
Uh, dudes. Escape, remember?

Right. Let's go.

I want this done as fast
and efficiently as possible.
Highest levels.

Yes, sir.

What's that?

What's happening?

JACK: Dylan. Open it up.

What are you doing?

I'm saving the day.
That's what I do.

Summer, get us out of here.

This is all wrong.


This goes there

and that, there.

Hey, Dylan, get inside.

Get inside.


Shut the hangar doors.

Shut the hangar doors.

Oh, boy.



We're hot to go.


What about Jack?

T-minus 10 minutes.

JACK: You got to drop me
off here and take
the kids someplace safe.

We're not leaving you.
Well, then, wait here.

At least do that.
Wait for me.

Let me talk to my brother.
This is between him and me.

But we're family.

Believe me.
I know what I'm doing.

I know what I'm doing.


What am I doing?

Mr. Pibb,
Jack's out there all alone.

He needs our help.

Will you distract Concussion?



JACK: Connor.

My God, it is you.

Connor, it's me, Jack.
It's Jack.

Nobody wants to fight you.

I just want to talk.


You got old, little brother.

Well, I guess I didn't
have the advantage of

living large in
some dimensional rift
where I don't age...

Living large? Try alone.

Conscious only of
being betrayed by you
in that living hell.

You took out the whole team.

You shouldn't have
tried to stop me, Jackie.


What did Mom tell you
about calling me Jackie?

That was good.

Boy, that... That smarts.

Well, you certainly haven't
lost your touch, brother.

Have you lost your powers,



You've got to
stop doing that.

You have lost your powers,

Boy. Hey,
are those new boots?

You know,
when you say lost my powers,

I think if I really looked,
I could find them.


This is even better
than I expected.


Load up the sonic net
and prepare to fire.


This is it, Jack.
I've waited 30 years for this.




Wow. They must
have really dragged you
out of the mothballs, huh?



Well, hope you got
an army behind you.

Or a tiny girl in pigtails.

What is this,
"Attack of the Pre-schoolers"?

These kids, they don't know
what they're doing, Connor.
This is between you and me.

So this is the new team, huh?
Cindy, go back.

You just run up
to the big bad guy

all willy-nilly now?
Is that how it goes?



Cindy, run.

No, no.


Cindy, are you okay?

Cindy, you're safe now.

You're okay.
It's me. It's Jack.

Please, Cindy,
don't do this to me.

You're all right.
Come on, Princess.

Princess? That's me.


Mr. Shepard,
you moved so fast.

Yes, I did.


I knew it.
I knew you hadn't
lost your powers.

Guess I just needed
a reason to use them.

Jack, I'm sorry.
You were right, man.
We weren't ready.

Yeah, yeah. Come on.
You read the comic books.

Superhero secret,
first plan never works.

CONCUSSION: Is that it?
Is that all you got?

Not by a long shot,


Stand back. No, no, no.
Everybody, get back.


Load up the second net
and prepare to fire.

That's a fantastic idea, sir.

I wish we had a second net.

Why, you fumbling,
bumbling bozo.


Okay, all right.
You guys, wait right here.

I'll be back in a second,
give or take.



Just like riding a bike.

CONCUSSION: Is that it?

Is there anyone else
who can face me?

I'm still standing here,
you little twerp.

Sir, I wouldn't do that.


What's that sound?

Hey, it's...


it's Zoom.

Suit looks good.

Nice suit, lizard-boy.

Let's play ball.


* It all comes down to this

* You take your best shot,
might miss

* You take it anyway

* Got the will,
you'll find the way

* To change the world someday



DYLAN: Hey, Connor.

You kind of suck at this,
don't you, dude?

* It's on and on

* Today's your day,
so come on bring it on

* It's on and on

* It's on and on

* Today's your day,
so come on bring it on



Oh, no. He's going to miss.



* It's on and on

* Today's your day,
so come on bring it on

We have a chance to save him.

You must close the vortex.

Must save Connor.

* It's on and on

* It's on and on

* Today's your day,
so come on bring it on

* Today's your day,
so come on bring it on *



the vortex worked this time.

Maybe you can use
your powers for good.

I'm sorry, Jack.

Give your little
brother a hug. Come on.

Yeah. I got my brother back.

We did it.

Now that's what
I call teamwork.

This is Connor.
This is Dylan. Come on.

Welcome to the family,

This is Marsha.
Nice to meet you.

You, too.
Hi. What's your name?



I'm Tucker. How's it going?

Tucker, hi.

Somebody's going
to have to drive

on the way back.
We've got the...

Can I? Can I drive?

Can she drive?
Yeah, she can drive.

We got the FE-12
running again.

Remember the old saucer
from back then?

Oh, yeah. Where is it?
Out there? Oh, yeah.

LARRABY: Hold it, Zoom.


What are you going to do now?

You know us heroes.

We always do the right thing.


Come on, Grant.
We got work to do.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
let down your hair.

It's Princess Rapunzel.







My prince.


That's my Princess.


* Have it all if you want it


* Hanging out
with your friends

* It's days like these
you really wanna hang out
That's what I'm talking about

* And don't you know
it's days like these

* That hit you on the chin
Enjoy the ride

* It's days like these

* Yeah, get your,
get your groove on
Nothing goes wrong

* Everything's all right


* It's days like these
you really wanna hang out
That's what I'm talking about

* And don't you know
it's days like these

* That hit you on the chin
Enjoy the ride

* It's days like these

GIRL: Ready.

GIRLS: Go, red.

Go, white. Go, red.

Fight. Fight. Fight.



* I'm just your average,
ordinary, everyday superhero

* Trying to save the world
but never really sure

* I'm just your average,
ordinary, everyday superhero *

MARSHA: And so, Zoom was
reunited with his brother

and a new Zenith team.

But they were
more than a team.

They were a family.

ALL: Team Zenith.

* I'm just your average

* Ordinary, everyday superhero

* I'm trying to
save the world *

WOMAN: Marker.

I'll try one time bigger.

No, I'm kidding.
I'm kidding, I got it.

I'm quicker than you think.


We're funnier on TV.
Maybe it's the screen size.

If you went like this.
MAN: Rolling.

* We like to poo
in our pants

* We like to poo
in our pants *

That's not in the script.

Look, dude, I don't know.

MAN: I apologize.

No, I want to do it
just like that.

Have a sensitive condition?

Who knows?
You're the one who's
supposed to say the stuff.

You're the one on camera.
Who cares about me?
Shut up. I'll do it.

These children have a...
Are in a...

All right.

And you want these
little lunatics to
be like me?

Now I've forgotten
exactly what to say

because I was so in love
with Courteney
for just a moment.

Where's Matt LeBlanc?


ALL: * We like to poo
in our pants

* We like to poo
in our pants *


* Average, ordinary,
everyday superhero *


* Have you looked at
the stopwatch lately?

* When was the last time
you clocked in?

* There is a race to be run
and a song to be sung

* There is a fine line
wearing thin

* So don't look back
The past is past

* The future is coming fast

* You better make room
We're coming through

* Loud and clear

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down

* We got the void
filling this room

* We got the minds
The minds to go voom

* Get up, get up,
get on that train

* It's becoming so insane

* This tiny blue marble
is rolling away

* Have you checked out
the temperature lately?

* There's a fever
that's about to break

* There is a game to be won
and a song to be sung

* This is a battle cry
Make no mistake

* So don't look back
The past is past

* The future is coming fast

* You better make room
We're coming through

* Loud and clear

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down

* We got the void
filling this room

* We got the minds
The minds to go voom

* Get up, get up,
get on that train

* It's becoming so insane

* This tiny blue marble
is rolling away

* Don't look back
The past is past

* The future is coming fast

* You better make room
We're coming through

* Loud and clear

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down

* We got the void
filling this room

* We got the minds
The minds to go voom

* Get up, get up,
get on that train

* It's becoming so insane

* This tiny blue marble
is rolling away

* We got the hand
to turn this around

* We got the plan
to make it go down

* We got the void
filling this room

* We got the minds
The minds to go voom

* Get up, get up,
get on that train

* It's becoming so insane

* This tiny blue marble
is rolling away *
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