01x03 - Oil: Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x03 - Oil: Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh, friends of the bride.

Yes, sir.

Right on up through.

Matthew: Where's your mother?

Isn't she coming down for lunch?

Lindsay: Unh-unh.

She says she's not hungry.

Matthew: Oh.

Must be my cooking.

Give me some of that, uh, paper,

Lindsay: Did you see this?

Mr. Carrington's getting married

Matthew: Yeah. I know.

Lindsay: How come we're not

Matthew: Well, I'm sure he's
only having, uh, close friends

and family.

Hand me your plate, there, would

Lindsay: There's a picture of
the lady he's marrying.

"Soon to be
Mrs. Blake carrington...

Krystle Jennings, formerly of
Dayton, Ohio."

No bacon for me, please.


Matthew: Yeah.

She is.

Lindsay: Do you know her?

Matthew: Well, we've, uh,
we've met.

Lindsay: Is she as pretty in

Matthew: Will you put that
paper down and eat your lunch

before it gets cold.

Lindsay: I guess if you're as
rich as Mr. Carrington, you can

marry anybody you want.

Matthew: Yeah.

I guess you can.

Lindsay: Hey!

I said I don't eat bacon.

Matthew: Why not?

You need a good lunch so as
you'll grow.

Lindsay: I think it's
gross murdering a living

animal so you can cut it up and
eat its body.

Matthew: Well, what are you,
some kind of vegetarian?

Lindsay: I'm thinking about

Matthew: Grandma tell you all
that stuff?

Lindsay: She never made me
eat anything I didn't want to


Matthew: Yes, sir, I do
believe I plucked you out of

there just in time.

Lindsay: Can I have my paper
back, please?


Claudia: Sorry I didn't come
down for lunch.

Matthew: Oh...

That's okay.

Sunday morning Lindsay and I
thought we'd let you sleep in.

Claudia: I wasn't sleeping.

I was just lying here, hoping
you'd come back to bed.

Matthew: Well, I got some
errands that I got to run.

Claudia: "Higamous, hogamous,
woman's monogamous.

Hogamous, higamous, man is

Matthew: What the hell is

Claudia: It's a poem.

I was remembered it from school.

It's been running through my
head all morning.


Claudia: Dorothy Parker, I

Men are really different from

women, aren't they?

Matthew: Don't seem to be a
whole lot of people complaining

about that.

Claudia: No, what I mean is,
I... I was away from you for 18

months, and, uh...

Men being what they are...

I don't know what society
expects from men or what...

What he thinks he has to prove
to himself.

Matthew: Did I sleep with
another woman is that what

you're asking?

Claudia: I don't know what
I'm asking.

I'm not sure I even want to

Matthew: Well...

Where I was in the middle east,
what they do to a guy that

messes around with a woman that
isn't his...

Isn't a very pretty sight.

Claudia: What do they do to a
guy that's... Caught messing

around with a woman thatishis?

Matthew: That's expected of

That's his duty.

Is that what you want from me?

Claudia: When I was in
hospital, when I wasn't so

drugged that I couldn't think...

What I'm trying to say is,

Women have sexual fantasies,
just like men.

Except mine were always about
you, Matthew.

Sometimes late at night, I'd
miss you so much...

I'd, uh, I'd just try and hold
my breath till I passed out.

I couldn't think of anything
else to do.

You see, I need to know,
Matthew is it ever gonna be

good between us again?

Matthew: It's fine between
us, Claudia, just like it always


Claudia: Oh, Matthew!

If that's what you think, then
you'rethe one that should

have been locked up.

It's lousy, Matthew!

It's got all the flash and fire
of two snails mating!

Matthew: Snails are

They mate by themselves.

I'm beginning to understand why.

Matthew: All right.

I'll tell you what you move
over, and I'll go lock the door.

Claudia: Damn it, Matthew.

I'm not a charity case.

Matthew: I can't... Hardly
win with you, can I, Claudia?



I just want for it to be so good
between us.

Matthew: I know. I know.

So do I.

Matthew: It's just that...

I just got a lot of stuff on my
mind today.


Rain check?

Claudia: Rain check.

Minister: Dearly beloved, we

are gathered together here in
the sight of god and in the face

of this company to join together
this man and this woman in holy


Into this holy estate, these
two persons present come now to

be joined.

If any man can show just cause
why they may not lawfully be

joined together, let him now
speak or else hereafter forever

hold his peace.

Blake carrington, wilt thou have
this woman to thy wedded wife,

to live together after god's
ordinance in the holy estate

of matrimony?

Wilt thou love her, comfort her,
honor and keep her in sickness

and in health, and, forsaking
all others, keep thee only unto

her so long as you both shall

Blake: I will.

Minister: Krystle Jennings,
wilt thou have this man to thy

wedded husband to live together
after god's ordinance in the

holy estate of matrimony?

Wilt thou love him, comfort him,
honor and keep him in sickness

and in health, and, forsaking
all others, keep thee only unto

him so long as you both shall

Krystle: I will.

Blake: With this ring, I
thee wed.

Blake: Wasn't it a nice

I'm so glad you came.

Nancy: Thank you.

Blake: This is krystle.

This is Nancy, an old, dear

Hello. How are you?

Hello, how are you?

Thank you for coming.

Oh, hi.

Louise: Blake, darling.

Blake: This is my wife,

This is Louise.

Krystle: Hello.

Louise: They are lovely!

But you must take care not to
wear them at the supermarket.

Blake: Why not, Louise?

They're just a starter set.


Krystle: Darling?

See that man over there?

Haven't I seen him on

Blake: Jerry Henderson?

Of course you have best
congressman money can buy.

Hello, Elizabeth.

Margaret: You look so
beautiful, krystle.

Charlotte: We're so happy for

Krystle: Ohh...

Thank you for coming.


Um, this is, my, uh...

Mr. Carrington's daughter,

This is Charlotte, and this is

They both worked with me at the

And this is Bob and frank.

Steven: I'm Steven.

Krystle: And that's Steven.

Fallon: Hello.

Krystle: Thank you for

Fallon: Nice to meet you.

Blake: Brad, old fella, good
to see you.

Brad: Well, Blake...

Fallon: Oh, this one's
Bradley milburn.

He k*lled his wife three years

He strangled her with her own

Cost him half a million to get
him off.

Blake: This is my wife,

Krystle: Hello.

Brad: Well, aren't you a

Brad milburn friend of
Blake's for 20 years, and I'm

gonna kiss the bride whether he
likes it or not.

Come here.

Fallon: Andrew laird, you

already know.

He's the attorney who got
milburn off.

Andrew: The best of
everything to you,

Mrs. Carrington.

Fallon: And may we have that
in writing, Andy?

That's not funny, fallon.

Blake: You've done very well

so far.

I'm very proud of you.

Fallon: That's the backfield
of daddy's football team.

You got the quarterback,
halfback, mattress back...


Hey, I'll see you soon, okay?

Fallon: Okay.

Fallon. How you doing?

Fallon: Oh mmm.

I hope to see you.

Fallon: You too.



Fallon: Hey! Mmm!

Blake: Krystle...

Fallon: How are you?

Blake: Oh, krystle...

Talk to you later.

Blake: Krystle! Krystle!

I want you to meet an old, dear
friend Cecil Colby.

Cecil: Krystle, I wish you
all happiness.

Krystle: Thank you.

Blake: This is his nephew,

Cecil: And, fallon, may I say
congratulations to you?

Fallon: You certainly may.

Cecil: Congratulations.

Jeff: Fallon. It's really
good to see you again.

Well, I mean, I've I've
really been looking forward

to... seeing you again.

Fallon: So, I...

I understand you're in the
media-relations end of it now.

How's that going?

Jeff: Well, I'm, uh, I'm glad
you asked.

Excuse me.

Come on.

You're terrible.

Jeff: Actually, I think my
campaign is going to be kind of


Fallon: Oh?

Jeff: Yeah, the layout where
we use brer rabbit and the

tar-baby that's really
directed at america's dependence

on foreign oil.

You see, that tar-baby

Fallon: Yes, I know what that
symbolizes, Jeff.

Jeff: Yes, of course, you do.

I, uh, I didn't mean to imply...
Fallon: Actually, I find it

all a bit precious.

Jeff: My campaign?

Fallon: Well, the whole
simpering attitude.

I mean, lord save me from cute
little tar-babies and cute

little rabbits and cute little
oil-company apologists.

Jeff: Well, it's easy for you
to be so cavalier.

You've been out of the country
while the rest of us have been

taking the heat.

There is such a thing as public
opinion, fallon.

Fallon: Yeah, so?

What have we got to be ashamed
of that we've worked hard and

that we've helped build this
country and made an honest

dollar in the process?

Jeff: Some people would say a
dollar and a half.

Fallon: Some people would
also say this country should be

divided into collective farms
and run by a politburo.

I mean, come on, Jeff, are the
oil companies the biggest

profit takers?

Jeff: Of course not, but I...
Fallon: You bet your sweet

assets they're not.

Aerospace takes a
higher-percentage return on

capital and equity.

So do the television networks.

So do dr*gs and electronics.

Now, why is that such a flaming
big secret?

Jeff: That argument is
specious and irrelevant.

Figures can be made to say
anything you want them to, and

you know it.

Would you like to take a walk?

Fallon: You're not even
listening to me.

You want to make this country

Who's gonna pay for it?

The government's gonna do the

Has the department of energy
ever sunk a single well?

Jeff: Fallon, I've already
heard this speech.

Your father delivered it at the
petroleum club.

Fallon: There ought to be
dancing and singing in

Washington over oil-company

The president ought to throw a
party on the white house lawn

and invite all the members of
congress to celebrate and

their wives and their


I'm going to get myself a glass
of hemlock.

Can I bring you some champagne?

Fallon: Yes, thank you.

Jeff: Excuse me.


Steven: Fascist.

Fallon: Bolshevik.

Fallon: I suppose I should

I guess I got a little spiky out

Cecil: Don't worry about

He doesn't have the sense to be

If that boy had any less
imagination, I'd have to promote

him to my board of directors.

That's notyourproblem, though,
is it?

I expect, bright as you are,
you'll end up running your

father's company.

Fallon: Not likely.

See, there's an unwritten law at
Denver-carrington at the

upper-management level, there
are no blacks, no Jews, no

eskimos, and...

No women.

Cecil: Well, maybeishould
give you a company to run.

I'm sure I've got a couple small
ones lying around.

Fallon: Don't tell me you're
a feminist?

Cecil: No, I'm not a

I'm not a masculinist.

I don't care if a person buttons
his fly on the right or the


If he's smart, if he puts a
dollar's profit in my pocket...

Fallon: Or a dollar and a

Cecil: That's right I'll
hire him... Or her.

Now, what would you like to get

Electronics? Cosmetics?

Fallon: Sorry. I don't take
anything for nothing.

Cecil: You don't give away

anything either, do you?

You don't even miss a shot
occasionally to make an old man

feel good.

Fallon: You're not an old

Cecil: No?

Fallon: Your nephew's an old

You, they're gonna have to nail
your coffin shut to keep you

from kicking the lid off.

Fallon: But you're right...

Feeling good's not something I
give away not unless I can

see some way to get some back.

Cecil: How would you like to
take a ride with me?

Fallon: Why?

Have you got another nephew
locked in the boardroom at

colbyco oil?

Cecil: No.

I'm fresh out of nephews.

Fallon: Well, how do you
suppose Jeff's gonna get home?

Cecil: I don't know.

He could walk, or, uh...

He could call a cab.

Fallon: We'll take my car.

I'll go change, and I'll meet
you in five minutes.

Jeff: Excuse me.

Have you seen fallon?

Steven: Am I my sister's

Jeff: Hey,
sorry, uh... Didn't mean to


Steven: Jeff, wait up!

Uh, you didn't deserve that.

It wasn't meant for you,
anyhow just a little

free-floating aggression.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I remember the day my mother


You might as well have this.

Fallon seems to have slipped
away some place.

Well, my mother's wedding...

All I wanted to do was shove
that guy's face into the punch

bowl and hold him there until
the orange sherbet started

running out of his ears.

Then I remembered poor, dumb
oedipus Rex...

k*lled his father, married his
mother ended up stabbing his

own eyes out with a sorority

Steven: I think it was
a broach.

Jeff: Anyhow, I got to

There has to be a better way
than that of dealing with

infantile aggression.

So what can I tell you?

I get along with the guy.

Besides, the new Mrs. Carrington
is a whole lot prettier than my


That's got to count for

You want me to shut up?

Steven: No.

Jeff: So, I guess now that
you're back, you're going to be

going to work for

Steven: Yeah, I guess.

Jeff: You don't seem
altogether thrilled about it.

Steven: Well, you know what
Oscar wilde said...

"Work is the curse
of the drinking classes."

Jeff: Clever man...
Oscar wilde.

Shame he was a h*m*.

Steven: Yeah, I know what you

Kind of makes you long for the
good old days when we used to

burn them at the stake.

Jeff: You know, I think
that's a that's a little

rough, Steven, isn't it?

I mean, even for a joke.

Steven: Oh?

You mean, gay is okay?

Give a cheer for a q*eer?

Jeff: No, I mean I believe in
different strokes for different


Steven: But you wouldn't want
your brother to marry one.

Jeff: Well, certainly not
a poor one.


You know what I think, Jeff?

I think, probably, you're not
such a bad guy...

For a republican.

Jeff: Well, how do you know
I'm a republican?

Steven: Well, because we were
all brought up to believe in

the one-party system.

You see, I was 18 years old
before somebody... Told me that

Franklin Roosevelt wasn't
president of Bulgaria.

Jeff: Okay, then tell me
this, um...

How would you feel about having
a republican for

a brother-in-law?

Steven: You're not serious.

Jeff: Well, liberal

I know that Roosevelt was
actually president

of czechoslovakia.

Steven: You haven't seen
fallon since we were kids

in camp.

You don't know anything about

Jeff: Well, sure I do.

She's smart, and she's pretty,

She can climb a tree like

a monkey.

Steven: And you may have also
noticed that she has a tongue

like a buggy whip.

You really love her,

don't you?

Steven: Of course I do.

Yeah, I really do.

Jeff: Well, then why
shouldn't I?

Krystle: Okay.


Claudia: Lindsay, get that,
will you?



You want to give that phone

a rest, honey?

Daddy may be trying to call.

Lindsay: I'll call you later.

Good afternoon.

Do you know where you'll be
spending eternity?

Claudia: I'm sorry.

I don't have the time.

How do you know you won't be
going to hell?

Claudia: Because I've already
been there.

Excuse me.

Lindsay: I told you I'd do


Claudia: That was more than
an hour ago.

Lindsay: Yes, ma'am.

Would you like me to do it now?

Claudia: Lindsay, look...

You don't have to walk on
tiptoe around me.

I'm not made of porcelain.

I'm not going to shatter.

And just because I've been away
for a while, it doesn't mean

that we can't be close.

Oh, no!







Don't you think it would have
been better to make two trips?

Lindsay: Yes, ma'am.

Claudia: Will you stop
calling me "ma'am"?!

I am your mother,
for god's sake!


Claudia: Lindsay, it's mommy.

I'm sorry that I yelled at you

I... I didn't mean it.

I'm trying, Lindsay.

I'm really trying.

Michael: Well, don't just
stand there.

Come on in.

No, no, I mean, uh...

Come on in here.

You see, I figured about now,
you'd be wanting to see me.

Fallon: I'm going out now,

Don't be here when I get back.

Michael: I don't suppose your
daddy would be too pleased to

hear what, uh, good friends
we've become.

Fallon: That's ugly, Michael.

Michael: Well, I mean, I'm
not asking you to marry me or

anything like that.

But driving some rich guy around
all day is not the most

interesting way of making
a living...

Especially if you've got the
brains to do better...

Which I believe I do.

Fallon: And you were just
kind of thinking since I have a

few dollars of my own, I might
want to put you on a special

housekeeping allowance?

Now, how did you know that?

Fallon: I just had a feeling.

And if I were to say no, you'd

Go to my father?

Send an anonymous letter?

Well, I guess I wouldn't have

any choice.

Fallon: You mess with me
again, Michael, and I'll tell my

father myself...

And he really will k*ll you.


Fallon: Now, be a love and
bring my car around.


Krystle: I hope the pictures

come out.

Blake: Lots.

Krystle, throw the bouquet!

It's time to throw it!

Toss it!

Blake: Go ahead.

Blake: Well...

It's time.

Fallon: Daddy!

Blake: Bye, darling.

Fallon: Bye, daddy.


Okay, we'll stop him.

Walter: I need to talk to
you, carrington.

It's business.


Blake: All right.

What the hell are you doing
coming in here interrupting my

wife's wedding?

Get yourself back in that thing
and get on out of here, Walter,

while you're still able.

Walter: Now, you tricked up
my rig and sent the driller to

the hospital.

Things like that have to be
discussed now.

And you can take your wedding
and shove it in a dry hole.

Blake: You're a fool, Walter.

Why would I want to sabotage
your rig?

Walter: Hoping I'd go busted
so you could move in and pick up

the leases.

Blake: What are you babbling?

I've got enough to last three

I don't need your leases.

Walter: Since when have you
ever had enough?

You got a fever just like
the rest of us.

It's not even the money,

It's the bring-it-in.

It's the owning.

You'll never be satisfied till
you're as big as Colby.

And he's not gonna be satisfied
till he's as big as god.

Well, I'm gonna be bigger than
all three of you.

I'm sitting right on top of
5,000 acres, 48-gravity crude.

And you're not gonna stick your
spoon into it regardless of how

many of my people you put in
the hospital.

Blake: I think my friends are
getting bored with this


If you want to talk,
come inside.

Walter: No.

What I've got to say, I can say
out here.

Now, I'll repeat it one last

If you or any of your people
come near me or any of my

people or that rig or those

then I'm gonna...

Oh, my god!

Back! Back!


Blake: Ol' Walter never was
an easy man to do business with.

Say, what is this, anyway...

A wedding or a wake?

Joseph, I haven't heard the
musicians playing, and I'm sure

we all need some champagne.

Joseph: I'll have more
brought out right away.

Blake: Folks, let's go back
inside, shall we?


Bring that lunatic some place
where I can talk to him.

Come on. Let's go back in.

I know what it's all about.

There's something big going on.

Claudia: Hello?

Claudia: He's not here.

He's gone out to do some

He he should be back soon.

Claudia: I'll tell him it's

impor h-hang on a minute.

That may be him.

Just a minute.


It's Steven carrington on
the phone.

Matthew: Yeah, Steven?

Steven: You did me a favor.

I don't know if I'm doing you
one or not.

Claudia: What is it, Matthew?

You can tell me.

Matthew: Hold.

Walter's gone up to

Blake carrington's with a g*n,
accused carrington of causing an

accident on his drilling rig.

Steven's afraid someone will get
hurt if I don't go up and get

him out of there.

Claudia: You better go.

Claudia: You'd think after

a month working in a restaurant
I'd learn how to carry a stack

of dishes without dropping them.


I'm all right... Truly.

Go on.

Go do what you have to do.

Matthew: I'll be right there.

Claudia: Go on.


[ Violins playing classical

[ Music ]

Krystle: Joseph, is...
Walter: Uh!



Walter: Uh!

Matthew: You stay out of it,

Get on back to the house.

Walter: Ugh!

Matthew: All right, hold it!

Now, you back off or I'm gonna
knock your damn heads in,

and I mean it!

Blake: All right.

That's enough.

Hold it!


Blake: I said, "hold it!"

What areyoudoing here, Matthew?

Matthew: [ Breathing

[ heavily ]
What were they beating on him


Michael: He wouldn't hold
still, Mr. Carrington.

And he had this.

Blake: Come to my house on my
wedding day with a g*n?

That is bad form, Walter.


Because this is a special day
for me, and because I'm infused

with a certain generosity of
spirit, I'm prepared to overlook

your little faux pas.

We'll discuss this like
the businessmen we both are.

Walter: I'm listening.

Blake: I made you a very
generous offer for those leases,

Walter, but I'm gonna up it...
$320,000 plus two percent

carried interest to the casing
point of everything those leases


Which probably won't be anything
but swamp gas and dirty water,


Walter: All right.

I'll take it.

Matthew: What do you mean
you'll take it?

Walter: Well, I mean I'm
twisted off, and he knows it...

Got a ragtag crew out there
couldn't find oil in a barrel,

and... well, with my rig busted
up, I'll just take his money and

pay off some debts.

Blake: Mr. Laird, write
the man a check.

Matthew: Hold it.

You can't sell that property

It could be worth 100 times what
he's offering you.

This is your shot, Walter...
What you've been scratching and

scrambling for your whole life.

Walter: Well, what's it to
you, Matthew?

You're a company man.

Your responsibilities belong to
Mr. Carrington here.

Blake: He's not wrong about

Who are you working for, anyway,

Matthew: Did you wreck his

Blake: If I did or I didn't,
that's none of your business.

Your job is to dig where I tell
you to dig... And that's all.

Matthew: Well, maybe you
ought to take that job and stuff


Come on, Walter.

We weren't invited to this

Hope you have a happy life,

Blake: Don't you worry.

I'll see to that.

Next on "dynasty"...

Blake: What kind of advances
can we get while our crude is

tied up?

Andrew: 20 cents on
the dollar... Maybe.

Amos: Your old man is the
biggest crook who ever lived.

Blake: Where would that leave

Andrew: Bankruptcy.

Fallon: She's no good for

She'll drag him down.

Cecil: Your father is in deep

You want me to help him.

I want you...

To marry Jeff.

Do we have a deal?
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