01x05 - The Dinner Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x05 - The Dinner Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Hold on the pipe!

Okay, guys, take a break.

Steven: Dad, could we talk
about this at home, please?

I mean, did you have to come all
the way out here just to...

Blake: Just to what?

Steven: I don't know.

Whatever it is, couldn't it have

I've got work to do.

Blake: By all means, go and
do it, Steven.

Walter: This time you're on
my property, Blake.

Blake: I know that, Walter.

Walter: I don't have any dogs
to put on you, but if you'll

remove your jacket, I'll be glad
to bust your jaw in a couple of


Blake: Nice to be so
graciously received...

By everyone.

Matthew: What do you want
here, Blake?

Blake: First, to thank you,
Matthew and you too,

Walter for hiring my son...
Teaching him the business from

the mud up, giving him a chance
to do man's work.

Matthew: Steven, why don't
you get up there and tell those

jarheads to get that Kelly
turning or they're gonna be

hearing from me.

Matthew: Okay, so you're
grateful we hired Steven.

Is there anything else?

Or can I get back to work before
your lease hounds swoop in here

and gobble us up for standing

Blake: Well, hold on a
minute, will you, Matthew?

Doing what I have to do, coming
out here isn't easy for me.

Fact is, I've had no practice at

You see, gentlemen, I've, um,
I've come to apologize.

And you, Matthew you were a
good friend, not to mention the

best damn geologist I ever had.

I let you get away, and that was


I'm having some people over to
the house next Saturday night.

My wife and I would like you and
Mrs. Blaisdel and you too,

Walter to join us.

Walter: You drove all the way
out here to invite us to a


Blake: Not just a party...
This is a gathering of a few of

the most influential people I

Matthew: Of course, that
guest list just wouldn't be

complete without a couple of
scufflebum wildcatters.

Blake: Krystle and I would
like, in some small way, to make

up for my unfortunate behavior
towards you both at our wedding.

Matthew: Well, of course,
while we're there, you wouldn't

like to take a shot at getting
your hands on our oil leases.

Blake: Of course I would.

Best thing in the world that
can happen to us both would be

if you brought this tin-can
operation of yours under the

Denver carrington corporate

But if I couldn't convince you,
it'd still be okay.

At the very least, you'd meet
some people who might be able to

do you both some good.


Please try to come.

Beaumont: Then we'll have
a dressmaker form made to your

measurements, and while you and
I are picking out some

Krystle: Excuse me,

Mr. Beaumont, but how much will
all of this cost?

Beaumont: I beg your pardon?

Krystle: The clothes all
the things that you've shown

me h-how much will it cost?

Beaumont: Oh, uh...

Well, that that that's
something that's usually, um...

Well, that that's usually
discussed between Mr. Carrington

and myself.

Krystle: I understand that,
but I would still like to know

how much.

Beaumont: Well, uh, your
wardrobe, uh, for the season...

That's dresses, gowns,
accessories should...

Run something between $75 and
$100... Thousand.

That's not including furs.

Krystle: Are you sure that
Mr. Carrington wanted me to

order all these things?

I mean, to tell you the truth,
he never said a word about it to


Fallon: Daddy's such a

He does the same thing to me all
the time slips in while I'm

asleep, leaves a little note

Krystle: Excuse me,
Mr. Beaumont, but, uh, I just

can't I mean, I would have to
talk to Mr. Carrington before I

could decide.

Excuse me.

See? Was I wrong?

He sent you a note.

Krystle: Fallon...

I know that Blake is trying to
do something nice for me.

But right now, with all his
financial problems...

I've got a closet full
of clothes he already bought me.

Fallon: Well, those are
things that Blake carrington

bought hisgirlfriend.

You're hiswifenow.

Krystle: I'm sorry, fallon,
but this is not your concern.

This is something Blake and I
will discuss.

Fallon: You know, krystle,
you haven't exactly won

everybody over in this house.

Krystle: I'm beginning to
believe that.

Fallon: If somebody tries to
help you out, I should think

you'd take time to listen.

Krystle: Fallon...

I'm listening.

Fallon: You've got some
things to learn about how rich

people function, particularly
in times of crisis.

Krystle: And you're gonna
teach me those things?

Fallon: Some of them.

Not all of them.

Just enough to keep you from
making a total fool of yourself.

Krystle: Why are you being so
helpful to me?

I certainly haven't won you

That's right, you haven't.

But you see, if you embarrass
yourself, then you embarrass my


I don't want that to happen.

The rich are different, krystle.

Don't make any mistake about

See, the poor cut back in hard

That's why they're poor.

The rich know that's the time to

The game is called
million-dollar spit in the


Krystle: And you're gonna
tell me the rules, right?

Fallon: The rules are easy...
Every card comes down and dirty,

and a strong bluff is worth more
than a full house, aces high.

My father's having people over
Saturday night important

people people who are either
going to support him or they're

gonna turn their backs on him.

Their decisions won't be based
on the balance in his checkbook.

They're going to come in here
and look around.

And very quietly they will judge
whether Blake carrington's table

is brilliantly set, whether his
servants continue to respect

him, how his wife and how his
daughter are dressed.

From those things they will know
his state of mind and the

strength of his resolve.

Krystle: What should I do?

Fallon: Well, call Joseph up
here first and tell him to take

those things downstairs and
divide them up among the


And then go see James beaumont.

He's still waiting for you in
the library.

Krystle: Do I thank you for

Fallon: No. It's not a gift.

Matthew: So you're going,

Huh. What the hell do you mean,
you're going?

I tell you what I'll do I'll
chain you to that pipe before I

let you go to any party at
Blake carrington's house.

Walter: Oh, you will, will

What are you getting so upset
about, Matthew?

Matthew: What am I getting so
upset about?

Walter, how long ago was it that
the man put his dogs on you, had

you beaten up by his bodyguards,
and then had you run off his

place like a chicken thief?

Walter: What's a fella
supposed to do when a wild man

in a Jeep comes running right
through his wedding?

Matthew: I ain't believin'

Why are you suddenly taking his

Walter: I'm not taking his

Just trying to be fair, that's

Matthew: Well, tell me,
what what are you...


I worked for the man!

I know what he can do!

Blake carrington would drive
into hell and hand-deliver an

invitation to the devil if it
suited his purpose, damn it!

You know it, and I do, too!

Walter: Sure he would.

You know why?

'Cause he's smart, that's why.

But it still takes a big man to
drive all the way out here and

apologize, to admit that he's
wrong, and that's my kind of


And you know something else?

There's gonna be a lot of my
kind of men there Saturday

night oil men, big men, rich

And let's face the truth,

The big deals today they're
not made in boardrooms or


They're made in parlors all
across this country parlors

just like Blake carrington's.

And if we want any part of the
action, we got to get into

those parlors.

And right there, that's our

Matthew: All right.

All right, then you go, because
you're good at that.

Walter: Well, I am going.

I am going.

I wish you'd go, too, boy, but I

Well, I mean, I think I

I wonder is it
Blake carrington you don't want

to see...

Or is it the thought of sitting
there all night long looking at

his wife, knowing you can't lay
your hands on her, hmm?

Just think about it.

Claudia: Maybe Walter's

Maybe it'd be useful if you went
to the carrington's Saturday


Matthew: Well, now...

I thought you were sleeping.

Claudia: It isn't just
Walter, is it, Matthew?

It's me.

You're afraid that if you take
me to the carrington's with

all those people...

All that talk about stock
manipulation, corporate


You're afraid I might not be
able to handle it, that I might

have a relapse, right?

Matthew: I didn't say that.

Claudia: I know you didn't
say that.

I know it's what you think.

Matthew: Honey...

I just don't want you to push

I mean, I want you to take your
time and ease back into it.

Claudia: This isn't the man
that said to me a week ago, when

you brought me that car...

"Lady, I don't like living with
a mental patient any more than

you like being one."


Matthew: I never said that.

Did I say that?

Claudia: You did.

Matthew: Well, I have been
known to, uh, say a few dumb

things in my life.

Claudia: Matthew, you were

You know what else?

Matthew: What else?

Claudia: You've done a lot
for me.

You paid all of those bills.

You never complained.

You didn't, not once.

This is my small way of paying
you back.

So, if you don't want to go to
the carrington's on Saturday

night, I'm gonna go anyway.

Matthew: You are?

Claudia: I am.

And you know something else?

Matthew: What else?

Claudia: I'm not gonna fall
apart up there.

Matthew: I know you're not.

Krystle: The flowers look
beautiful, Leon.

Leon: No, these are for the
table, ma'am.

I've already put some in your

Krystle: Thank you.

Everything looks wonderful,

Mmm. Lamb smells great.

Joseph: Hilda?

Hilda: Yes, Joseph?

Joseph: It must be pink.


Hilda: I know that, Joseph.

Itwillbe pink.

Krystle: May I speak with you
for a moment, please?

Joseph: Mrs. Carrington,
there's a lot of work to be done

before the guests arrive.

Krystle: It won't take long.

I'm I'm sorry about the other

I realize Leon was almost fired
because of me.

Joseph: I discussed the
matter with Mr. Carrington.

I've ordered that there be fresh
flowers placed in your room

every day.

I trust that's been carried out?

Krystle: Yes, thank you.

Joseph: Well, then, if that
will be all...

Krystle: Uh, no, that's...
That's not all.

Um, I don't quite know how to
say this.

I guess what I'm trying to say
is, I know I'm new here, and,

uh, there's bound to be a
certain amount of resentment,

but but don't you think that
there could be some way that you

and I could be...


Joseph: I believe,
Mrs. Carrington, that would be,

uh... inappropriate.

Krystle: I see.

Joseph: Is there anything

Krystle: Yes, may I see the
seating arrangements for this


Joseph: That has all been

You have placed the blaisdels

and Mr. Lankershim at the
opposite end of the table of

Mr. Carrington.

Mr. Blaisdel and my husband are

They should sit together.

Joseph: Mr. Colby always sits
on Mr. Carrington's right, and

then there is Mr. Harrison and
Mr. Carter to be considered.

Krystle: Put Mr. Blaisdel on
Mr. Carrington's left.

Joseph: I believe that my
arrangement is best.

May I have that back, please?

Krystle: Do you like your
job, Joseph?

Joseph: I believe I can
always get another one.

Krystle: Could you?

Even with a recommendation from
me that you are rude, petty, and


I asked you a question, Joseph.

Joseph: That would make it
more difficult.

Krystle: Come with me.

Gerald, there'll be new seating

Joseph will tell you where to
put the place cards.

Gerald: Yes, ma'am.

Krystle: The rest of you...
Everything is very nicely done.

Thank you.

You've been very cooperative,

You're a good worker.

I believe I'll speak with
Mr. Carrington about increasing

your salary.

Blake: Krystle?

You all right?

Is it the staff?

Still giving you a hard time?

Krystle: No.

No, I-I think I've finally
reached an understanding with


Blake: Good.

Oh. Here.

I thought you might like to wear
that tonight.

Krystle: That's beautiful.

Blake: But...

Krystle: But what?

But it's so expensive, and we're

in the middle of a financial
crisis and do you really think

we can afford it?

Krystle: No, Blake I know
the rules.

I know the game.

It's called million-dollar spit
in the ocean.

Blake: Who
told you about that?

Krystle: A little bird told
me, a rotten little bird.

Blake, I want you to tell me

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Krystle: I know that you're
having Matthew blaisdel over

tonight because you want him to
bring his oil leases into your


Blake: Mm-hmm. That's right.

Krystle: Is that really in
Matthew's best interests?

Blake: Yes, it is.

Krystle: Is that the truth?

Blake: Have I ever lied to

Krystle: I don't know.

Have you?

I swear to you, Blake, the
federal attorney hands me the

typed deposition.

Well, I'm about to sign it, and
my own attorney says to me in

front of the fed "I hope we
got it right."

Blake: Tom, what happened to

that old leasehold you had up
near gallum?

Tom: It's still there.

You want to drill it?

Cecil: Go ahead, Blake...
Everyone else has.

Blake: What do you think,


Worth a try?

Matthew: Not the way they're
doing it.

Tom: Well, north Texas survey
billed me $50,000 to pinpoint

those reservoirs.

Walter: Yeah, so what have
you hit besides their invoice?

Marion: You were there,

weren't you?

You remember?

Yes, yes.

That's why I didn't go.

Marion: You were there, too,
weren't you?

I sure was.

Marion: Krystle, the dinner
was superb.

Is the staff new?

Blake: Same staff, Marion...
New boss lady.

Marion: Oh?

Blake: Ladies and gentlemen,
I have a survey report says

that we might just strike Brandy
in the living room.

Marion: Wonderful.

Sounds great to me.

Fallon: Overthrust, right?

Matthew: Beg your pardon?

Fallon: That's why Tom loomis
couldn't drill that leasehold

they were talking about, hmm?

Matthew: Well, yes, I guess
you could say that.

Fallon: But you'd know how to
drill it, wouldn't you, Matthew?

Why don't you tell me how you'd
do it?

Matthew: Well, it's a little

Fallon: Try me.

Matthew: Well, first you'd
have to determine...

Jeff: Excuse me, fallon, can
I see you a minute?

Matthew: Excuse me.

Jeff: Do you suppose we could

Take a ride or something?

Fallon: I'm talking to people
right now, Jeff.

A little later, okay?

Marion: Oh, these men.

I'll tell you a true story...
Picture a bedroom and there

is the wife of meridian trust in
bed with the president of

unified trust and in walks her

I swear, all he can think of to
say is, "with my toughest


Cecil: She's lovely, Blake.

Too bad you had to cut your
honeymoon short because of your

little overseas fiasco.

Blake: Not a fiasco, Cecil...
Minor setback, at worst.

Cecil: Blake, you can tell
the other fellas in the room

that, maybe they'll believe you,
but you and I, we go back to the

ice age and I know you have a
fortune locked up over there.

Blake: It's true one
fortune, but only one.

Cecil: Well, now I'm

I came running over waving my
checkbook like a life preserver,

I find you floating happily in
the sun.

Forgive me.

Blake: Uh... Uh...

Suppose now just suppose...
That I could use a bit of tiding


What do you figure it would cost

Cecil: Oh, not much.

Say a piece of the
lankershim-blaisdel leases when

you manage to put them in your

Blake: I may be in a little
trouble, Cecil, but I will not

be robbed at gunpoint...
Certainly not by my best friend.

Cecil: Hey, Blake, you can't
blame a fellow for trying, can


Blake: Hell, no.

I would've tried it myself.

Cecil: Suppose I said it
wouldn't cost you anything.

Blake: Nothing?

Cecil: Maybe we could call it
a a good-faith loan...

From one prospective in-law to

Fallon: I want to stay here.

Jeff: Come on, fallon, we can
take a ride...

Blake: Do you know something
that I don't know?

Cecil: Meet me at the
petroleum club Monday for lunch.

We'll work out the details.

Krystle: How's the game

Blake: Cecil Colby just
bailed me out offered me a

blank check.

Krystle: That's wonderful.

Isn't it?

Blake: I think so.

Somehow it was just too easy.

Walter: Didn't have the
knowledge that we've got now

or the instruments.

You had to smell it, find it
with your nose.

Fallon: Oh, Jeff...

Cecil: You're not leaving,
are you?

Fallon: I need a little air,
a lot of air.

Cecil: You're not forgetting
our bargain, are you?

I've done my part.

Now it's up to you to do yours.

In the Nick of time.

Walter: Excuse me, boys.

Michael: Freshen that up for

You, Mr. Colby?

Jeff: Hmm?

No. No thanks, Michael.

Two's my limit.

Fallon: What happens to you
if you have three?

Do you turn back into a pumpkin?

Jeff: You don't suppose we
could leave now, do you?

Fallon: If you take me where
I want to go.

Jeff: Anyplace.

Fallon: Hmm. New Orleans.

Bourbon street.

Preservation hall.

We'll take my father's jet.

I think we still have time to
make it to brenner's for


Jeff: I have to work Monday.

Fallon: Well, so work

There's plenty of days left in
the week.

Jeff: You're serious?

Fallon: I'm as serious as I
can be about anything.

Jeff: Flying off to
New Orleans is a big joke to

you, but I mention something
real like the young Republicans

or the junior league, and you're
turned off.

Fallon: You want to join the
junior league, go ahead.

I'm not stopping you.

Jeff: When are you going to
get involved?

Fallon: I will. Later.

Jeff: When later?

Fallon: I don't know. Soon.

One of these days.


If there's no tomorrow, then

Why do we always get on this

Jeff: Because you just might
find it interesting.

Fallon: Jeff, the Russians
are in Afghanistan, the

Vietnamese are in Cambodia, the
Cubans are everywhere else.

Half the world has the b*mb,
they're ready to drop it.

You want me to join the junior
league and knit booties for


Jeff, the whole world's an

Jeff: Then do something about

Your father's money's not a
gift, it's a responsibility.

Fallon: Oh, the hell it is.

You want to feel guilty for
being born rich.

I don't.

It wasn't my fault, and I refuse
to accept the blame.

Jeff: Well, somebody has to.

Fallon: Well, you seem to be
sucking up enough guilt for both

of us.

Can't you just once do something
that has absolutely no social


Jeff: Well, can't you do
something that has?

Suddenly the evening has lost

its vitality.

Jeffy, my love, you're right.

Jeff: I am?

Fallon: I've found my course.

I'm committed.

You are gonna be my charity.

You've got to tell us.

Now, either you're sitting on
oil or you're not.

Walter: We're sitting on an
ocean of it.

Well, then, make some

Walter: When we hit oil, we

And all the smart
boys will take the cream.

We're offering you a deal right
out in front...

Out of friendship.

Walter: Out of

On a handshake.


Did you find the matches?

Jeff: Just a minute.

I'm looking for them.

Wait, here they are.

Fallon, that's grass.

Fallon: To be exact.

Jeff: Well, suppose somebody
sees it?

Fallon: Oh, don't worry.

I've got enough for everybody.

Jeff: Fallon, we could get
arrested for fooling around with

that stuff.

Fallon: I bought it from a
starving seminary student, so

you'll be supporting a good

Jeff: Fallon...

Scientific studies have proved
that it confuses the thought

process and absolutely destroys
the memory.

Fallon: So far, you don't
have anything to remember, but

we can work on that.


And I thought you were beginning
to like me a little bit.

Jeff: Oh, you know I do,

Fallon: Well, then, smoke
some of this good stuff, lovey.

Come on, do it for me.

Walter: You seal it with a

handshake, but you top it off
with a drink.

Give me a drink.

Walter, that's what I like to

Walter: Yeah.

What is it you were about to
say, blaisdel?

Matthew: You're gonna have to
go back into that abandoned

area, but I wouldn't rely on any
seismic scan to tell you

Blake: Excuse me, Matthew, I

need this fellow to settle an

Now, mathilda here says that you

Matthew: Hi.

Krystle: Hi.

Matthew: Nice party.

Krystle: You really think so?

Matthew: Well, to tell you
the truth, I have felt more

comfortable at a cannibal's

Krystle: Come on.

I'll show you around.

Matthew: I'd like to, but I
should be getting home.

We're working a crew tomorrow.

Krystle: It won't take long.

I want to talk to you about

Steven: Hi.

Claudia blaisdel, right?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to

barge in on you like...
Steven: Oh, no, wait.

Don't go.

Uh, I want to thank you.

Claudia: What for?

Steven: The sandwich you gave

Claudia: Oh...

Steven: The day out on the

Ham and cheese on rye.

It was a little proletarian,
but that sandwich gave me the

strength to take on the hordes
of genghis Khan.

Claudia: What are you talking

Steven: Uh, Amos and the
drilling crew.

That was the day that I got the

Claudia: That's right.

Matthew Matthew told me.

Steven: Were you looking for

Claudia: I just... Was trying
to escape for a minute or two,

that's all.

Steven: Well, you found the
right place.

Steven: I mean, believe me,

I I know what it's like out

It's a $1,000-a-plate zoo.

Steven: It it's crazy.

All right...

I want you to tell me something.

Are all of the lunatics locked

Or are most of them the real
lunatics pretending to be

politicians, captains of


Claudia: Well, I'm
not an expert.

I don't know.

Steven: No, but you've been
in a mental ward, haven't you?

Claudia: Yes.

Steven: Well, then...

I'm sorry.


I didn't mean to I mean, I
understand if if you're...

Claudia: No, no.

That's all right.

It's all right.

It's not that.

Steven: Well, then, what is

Claudia: I mean, you're so

I mean, your opinion.

Most people don't have...

Well, they're not as direct as
you are.

Steven: Is that a problem?

Claudia: No. Oh, no.


I'm tired of being treated as

though I had a social disease,
you know.

Walk into a room and people...

Lower their voice, talk about
the weather, you know.

I think they're afraid of
upsetting the madwoman of


Steven: Giraudoux wouldn't
mind anyway.

Besides, there are a lot of
great people in history that

have done a little time on the
flip side nijinsky,

Peter the great, dostoyevsky.

I think you're in very good

Claudia: Tell Matthew that.

Steven: I will.

Claudia: Not now.

No, I mean, don't spoil his

Steven: Emily Dickinson.

I want you to, uh, listen to

"Much madness is divinest sense
to a discerning eye;

much sense the starkest madness.

'Tis the majority
in this, as all, prevails.

Assent, and you are sane;
Demur, you're straightaway

"dangerous, and handled with a

Claudia: It's lovely.

Steven: What she means is...

That very special people
sometimes find it very difficult

to survive in our society.

And Emily Dickinson they
didn't accept her.

She was a very special person,
and I think you're a very

special person, too.

I want you to have this.


Matthew: Well...

It's a nice little place you got

Krystle: Yes.

Matthew: I expect come
Saturday morning, Blake's out

here with his lawn mower and his
weed puller just having a ball.

Krystle: Yeah, well, you get
a picture of that, and we'll

sell it to a national magazine.

Matthew: Well, I'm, uh I'm

Real pleased for you, krystle.

You got a good life.

A happy life.

Krystle: I like your wife.

Matthew: I figured you would
if you ever got to meet her.

She's a good girl Claudia.

She's had her problems, but
she's a trooper.

Krystle: Wouldn't her life be
easier if if you weren't a


Matthew: Well, I'm doing the
best I can.

It's just that right now I'm
rolling a big stone up a steep


Krystle: I know that.

And so does Blake.

Matthew: Yeah, I know.

That's why he invited me to his
party to meet his friends and

discuss the price of beluga

Krystle: He cares for you,

Matthew: That's what my draft
board said a few years back, and

the next think I knew, people
were sh**ting at me.

Krystle: He just doesn't want
to see you go on breaking your

heart over that pile of junk you
call a drill rig.

Matthew: Well...

That pile of junk is called
lankershim-blaisdel number one.

It may not be much, but it's got
my name on it, and I think

that's about the second-best
feeling in the world.

Krystle: That wouldn't have
to change.

Matthew: If?

Krystle: If you were to bring
your leases in under the

Denver carrington corporate

Matthew: Seems to me I've
heard that expression somewhere


Krystle: Well, wherever it
was, it made sense.

Blake is set up to help you
develop that property.

He could make you a wealthy man,

This is what he's got you doing

for him?

Do you know what this kind of
work is called, krystle?

Krystle: No. Tell me.

Matthew: I know you're
married to him, but I didn't

think you'd do this that
you'd try to buy me for him.

Is it also your job to supply
women for all out-of-town


Krystle: I never realized you
hated me so.

Matthew: I don't hate you.

I love you.

Krystle: What?

Matthew: Nothing.

Krystle: Matthew, look at me.

Matthew: I guess I'll always
love you.

Krystle: But when you came
back, you you said you didn't

care for me anymore.

Matthew: I know.

I did what I thought was best
for both of us at the time.

Krystle: Am I supposed to be
grateful to you for that?

Who the hell gave you the right
to make that decision for me?

I'm not a child, Matthew.

I'm a grown woman.

I have the god-given right to
make my own decisions.

Matthew: I understand that...
Krystle: No, you don't


It wasmyplace to decide if I
could live with a small piece of

something good.

It was your place to decide only
what you could live with and

what you couldn't.

Excuse me.

Matthew: Hi.

Claudia: Hi.

Matthew: Well, this party's
getting kind of boring.

What do you say we find Walter
and get the hell out of here?

Jeff: Fallon...

Do you think they saw us?

Do you think they
saw us smoking that stuff?

Walter: But little known
to nobody, durned gas was

dripping on the ground.

He hit that torch, a spark flew,
and we nearly like to lost the

whole rig!

Hoo, boy, I'm tellin' you.

Matthew: Looks like you're
having a pretty good time.

Walter: Yeah, I am.

Blake: Thank you for coming,

It's a pleasure to have had you.

Tom: We enjoyed it so much.

Blake: See you soon, Rose.

Good night.

Matthew: About ready to go?

Walter: No, I'm not ready to

I'll let you know when I'm ready
to go.

That rhymes!
They'd make a song out of it

down in Nashville.

Matthew: Well, can I talk to
you a minute?

Walter: Yeah.

You boys excuse me a minute.

Matthew: All right, how many
rigs did you lease?

Walter: Several. Why?

Got em at a good price.

We're gonna need em.

We're sittin' on an ocean of
oil, boy.

Matthew: Did you sign

Walter: No.
You don't sign anything with

this bunch.

Do it on a handshake.

Matthew: Well, do you think
it's clever to come in here,

soak up carrington's booze, and
then let these guys try to get

into our pocket?

Do you?

Walter: Now, if you think I'm
drunk, then you're no brighter

than they are in there.

I let em think I'm drunk just
so they can try to slip me a

cold deck.

Meanwhile, we're getting a good
look at their cards, and we're

gonna hit em with a handful of
aces when they reach for the


That's the way the game's

Matthew: Well, I'm sorry,

I don't play games.

Walter: Well, then, you
better go back to that school of

geology and let em examine the
rocks in your head because if

you don't play the game and play
it well, then they're gonna eat

you up, that bunch in there

You remember that.

Matthew: Gentlemen, my
partner gave you his hand.

I'm taking it back.

Pleasure to meet you.

Blake: I'm afraid it's not
done that way, Matthew.

Matthew: No?

Then how's it done, Blake?

By cutting off people's credit
and squeezing them till they

can't breathe?

Or by inviting them to a fancy
party and using your...

Blake: Using my what,

Matthew: Nothing.

It's been a nice party, Blake.

Thank you.

Cecil: I'd say he told you to
go to hell.

Now, that sort of thing could
become epidemic.

Blake: I gave him a chance to
stay afloat.

Now I'm gonna blow him right out
of the water.

Joseph: Excuse me, madam, but
there's a problem that really

should be handled by the
mistress of the house.

Jeff: Aaaaah!

You're crazy!

Krystle: Fallon...

Please get out of there right

Fallon: Oh, hurry, kids!

It's the lady from the

Krystle: I don't think your
father would be very pleased if

his guests saw you in there like

Fallon: Oh! Oh!

My father's feelings really
concern you, don't they?

Krystle: Would you like me to
call him?

Jeff: Come on, let's get out
of the pool.

Krystle: I don't think this
was very discreet of you,


Fallon: Don't lecture me on
discretion, miss hypocrite...

You of all people.

I'm not a child, Matthew.

I'm a grown woman.

But I love you, krystle.

God knows, but I will always
love you, krystle.
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