01x12 - The Birthday Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x12 - The Birthday Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Michael: Mr. Carrington.

Blake: Oh, yes, Michael.

What is it?

I hope I'm not bothering you,

Blake: Not at all.

I'm just out for a little walk
before dinner.

I hear that you've been
indisposed the past few days.

A touch of the flu?

Michael: Mr. Carrington, you
found out that I was seeing your

daughter, and you had me worked

Blake: Did I?

Michael: Yes.

Blake: Well, if that were the
case, then one would hope that

you learned a valuable lesson...
One that in the long run, you

might even thank me for.

Michael: Mr. Carrington, I
know that you come out here to

think things over, and I don't
want to bother you.

I mean, I know you're still not
out of that overseas trouble.

Blake: Oh, I will be.

But that's not why you came out
here to talk to me.

What is it?

Michael: I've found out
something that may interest you.

Blake: Interest me or upset me?

Michael: I'd guess both.

But then, it's not my place to
prejudge, is it?

Blake: You know, whoever it
was that did that to you, I'm

not sure he got his money's

Now, Michael, what tantalizing
piece of gossip do you have for

me today?

Michael: It's about your
wife, sir...

And a certain emerald necklace.

Steven: How's dinner coming?


Actually, it's not too bad.

Taste's a little like muskrat
stew maybe coyote.

Fallon: Would you get your
filthy tentacles out of there?

Fallon: Oh, look what you

made me do!

Steven, don't laugh at me.

I'm going home and change my

Steven: No, listen.

You go into my closet, take a
shirt, and I'll take care of

everything here.

Oh, that's good.

In fact, I even think it's an

Fallon: Steven, why didn't
you tell me you were seeing a


Steven: Who said I was?

Fallon: The evidence, my dear
Watson, the evidence.

Steven: Give me that.

Fallon: Who is she?

Is she somebody that I know?

Steven: I said give me that!

Fallon: Why don't you invite
her over for dinner?

I made enough for four.

Steven: I can't.

I'd like to.

Fallon: Is she married?

Steven: Fallon, could we get
off this, please?

Fallon: Okay.

You are gonna tell dad, though,
aren't you?

I mean, even if you don't tell
him who it is.

Steven: Dad why should I
tell him?

Fallon: Because it would make
him feel better about...


Steven: Yeah?

Maybe he could take out an ad in
the Denver chronicle.

"My son slept with a woman.

He's not a freak after all."

Fallon: Come on, Steven.

Give him a little credit.

It would just make him...
Steven: Make him what?

Love me?

Fallon: It couldn't hurt.

Steven: Well, he should love me.

And not because of of who I'm

He should just...
He should just love me.

Fallon: Do you love him?

Steven: I'll get it.

Fallon: Steven.

Do you love him?

Steven: Yeah, I do.

As much as you love him.

Maybe more.

Steven: Jeff, come on in.

Jeff: Vino. Yow.

You didn't tell me it was gonna
be that kind of a party.

Blake: Who is it?

Krystle: Mrs. Carrington.

All right if I come in?

Blake: Yes. Yes, come in.

I told them that I wasn't

Krystle: Well, you have to
eat something.

Hey, am I complaining that I had
to sit alone in that dining room

for the past couple of days?

Blake: Yes, I have deserted
you, haven't I?

Krystle: Well, yes, you have.

You've, uh, shut yourself off.

Blake: I've been under
considerable pressure.

Krystle: I know, but it's not

Blake: I'm fine.

I'm really fine.

Krystle: You don't look fine.

Handsome? Yes, always.

Fine? No.


Wednesday is Cecil Colby's

I thought we should give him a

Blake: Why?

Krystle: Well, because he's
your closest friend, and he lent

you money when you needed it,
helped bail you out.

Blake: Yes, he also took the
opportunity to make me beholden

to him.

For that you want me to give him
a party?

Krystle: Well, yes, I think
that would be nice.

Blake: For him or for me?

Krystle: Well, for both of you.

We could invite fallon...
Blake: Well, forget it.

Krystle: Well, Blake...
Blake: I said forget it,


I don't need a damn party.

And will you leave me alone?!

Is that clear?!

Krystle: Blake, why are you
being so sharp with me?


Blake: Have you been faithful
to me?

Krystle: Blake...

If I told you the truth, would
you believe me?

You're not an easy man to live

Blake: So I've been told.


Do you have anything to tell me?

Krystle: You mean, like, a

Do I have anything to confess?


No, I don't.

Fallon: Well, I know what's.

Choking off his appetite he's

What's your excuse?

Jeff: Nothing.

It's nothing.

Fallon: Don't give me that,

I may have flunked a few courses
at miss Porter's, but I always

got a b-plus on my boeuf

Jeff: Okay, you asked, I'll
tell you.

It's Louisiana.

Fallon: What about Louisiana?

Jeff: I found out today why I
didn't get the transfer there.

It seems your father had a
little something to do with the


Steven: More vino?

Jeff: No.

Fallon: Meaning what, Jeff?

Jeff: Meaning Blake phoned my
uncle, my uncle listened, and

the whole thing was squelched.

Fallon: I didn't know
anything about that.

Steven: Excuse me.

Jeff: Didn't you?

Fallon: No, I didn't.

And suddenly, I don't think this
is the time or place to discuss


Jeff: We can discuss it only
in the privacy of

Blake carrington's house, is
that it?

No, no, no, scratch that.

We can't even discuss it there,
because we can't upset

Blake carrington, who might be
listening through the walls.

Steven: Jeff... There are many
ways in which my father can be

intrusive squelching deals,
even discussions.

But... fallon: Wait a minute,


Listen, Jeff, if you're not man
enough to stand up to my father

or your uncle, for god's sake,
don't come crying to me about


Joseph: Scratched.

Losing your touch,
Mr. Carrington?

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

Blake: Excuse me.

Joseph: Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Your mind doesn't seem to be on
your game today,

Mr. Carrington.

Blake: You're right, Joseph,
it isn't.


I seem to find myself surrounded
by people I can't trust.

Joseph: I hope I haven't
given you any reason to question

my loyalty.

Blake: Oh, no, no, no.

It's not you. It's others.

Funny, isn't it... How the people
that you trust the most will do

you in, cut you the closest?

That's what Julius Caesar had to

Joseph: He learned a little
too late to do anything about

it, don't you think?

Blake: Well, perhaps...
Perhaps I should profit from.

Caesar's experience.

Krystle: There you are.

Blake: Krystle, I've been
thinking about what you said

last night.

I've changed my mind.

I think that we ought to have a
birthday party for Cecil after


I want you to make the

You know his favorite
restaurant, le champige.

You've heard him talk about

Krystle: Yes.

That's a bit far, but it'll be

Blake: Something else I'd
like you to do for me.

That evening, would you wear the
emerald necklace that I bought

for you?

Will you do that for me?

Krystle: Of course.

Blake: That'll be $5.

Joseph: Considering the
difference in our incomes, that

doesn't seem very sportsmanlike
to me.

Blake: That's an old line of
yours, Joseph, and it's not

going to work.

Besides, I need the money.



Blake: $5.

You know, you'd do us both a big
favor if you did a little work

on your game.

Joseph: You seem to have
turned yours around.

Blake: We'll see. We'll see.

Fallon: Jeff, what are you

You're supposed to be getting

Jeff: I happen to be the
fastest dresser in the rockies,

and we have a good half-hour

Fallon: I've got my makeup on.

Jeff: You can fix your makeup.

Fallon: Well, come on, Jeff.

We're going to a party, and it's
a party for your uncle.

Jeff: And he wouldn't mind.

Believe me.

In fact, I think he'd even
prefer it if you and I stayed

here awhile.

Fallon: Come on, Jeff.

I don't want to disappoint
anybody, including myself.

It's an important night, and
we're expected to be there.

Jeff: An important night for

My uncle? Your father?

Fallon: Let's not start that

I thought you were going to take
that up directly with them.

Jeff: I have, at least with
one of them.

Fallon: What about the other?

Jeff: I'll get to that.

Meanwhile, uh, tell me

Why did you marry me?

Fallon: Well, I could have
done worse.

You're pretty good-looking.

Jeff: So are a lot of guys.

Fallon: You're rich.

Jeff: I'm not as rich as you.

Fallon: What can I tell you,

You're kind to orphans.

Jeff: I asked you a question,

Why did you marry me?

Fallon: Will you stop being
dumb, Jeff, and get dressed?

Jeff: You don't have the
nerve to tell me, do you?

Fallon: Don't I?

Jeff: No, you don't.

Fallon: Okay, Charlie, here
it is.

I married you because I made a
deal with the devil.

I wish to god I hadn't.

Jeff: What kind of deal?

Fallon: Nothing. Forget it.

Jeff: I said, "what kind of

Fallon: Let go of me.

Jeff: What kind of deal?

Fallon: You disgust me.

You really do.

I married you because your uncle
promised to bail out my father

if I did.

It's not true.

I just made the whole thing up
because you made me mad.

I just made the whole thing up.

What are you gonna do?

Jeff: I'm gonna get dressed.

We have a party to go to.

Blake: I asked you to wear
the emerald necklace tonight.

Krystle: I thought pearls
would look better with this


Blake: Well, they might,
but... I'd like to see you in the


Just this one last time.

Krystle: I don't understand.

Blake: Well, you've always
said that if you could help me

out in any way, you would do it,
didn't you?

Krystle: Yes.

Blake: Well, you know that
the creditors are biting at my

heels, that I've had to sell
some things.

Now, the money that I would get
from this necklace wouldn't be

very much, but it would help a

I thank you for that.

Cecil: Uh, Blake, step over

here a minute, will you?

Blake: Excuse me a minute.

Jeff: You gotta hand it to
old Cecil.

He does have an eye for class,
doesn't he?

Blake: Yes.

Cecil: Bethany had a
question she's been wanting to

ask you.

Bethany: Cecil.

Cecil: Come on, Bethany, ask

Bethany: Well, I was just
telling Cecil how much I like

your airplane, but I was
wondering how many miles do

you get to the gallon?

Jeff: Seems to have charmed

Blake, too, hasn't she?

Jeff: Pretty girl, wouldn't

you say?

Blake: That's what I like

about you.

Cecil: No, you haven't
answered my question.

Blake: This plane...

Andrew: Krystle, I hope
you're having a nice time.

Blake: This is a jet.

Bethany: Diesel fuel.

Jeff: May I get you something
from the bar, krystle?

Blake: I want to tell you
this has anybody tightened

this down, I wonder?

Andrew: Mm-hmm, that's true.

Yeah, I'll I'll talk to you

Krystle: Could we have a
private conversation?

Andrew: Sure.

Sit down.

Think I have anything to
worry about?

Jeff: I don't know.

But our hostess sure seems
worried about something.

Andrew: Krystle, maybe this
is something we ought to discuss

in the privacy of my office.

If you were to drop by tomorrow
morning, say around 10:00.

Krystle: It can't wait till

Andrew: All right, how much
money do you need?

Krystle: A lot.

Andrew: Well, that's not
telling me anything.

Krystle: Andrew, I've signed

I'm the vice-president of
several of Blake's corporations.

Aren't I entitled to some sort
of salary?

Andrew: Yes.

You get an honorarium a
dollar a year.

Krystle: A letter of credit...

Some way of getting a loan in my

Andrew: Without Blake's
knowing, you mean?

Blake: I don't believe it.

Cecil: It's true.

I was there.

It was all the way down her

I remember...

Andrew: Don't worry.

I'm not gonna say anything.

But please, krystle, don't...
Don't put me in a position where

I have to find out why you need
this money.

I don't want to know.

And please...

For both our sakes...

Andrew: Don't ever test my

loyalty to Blake.

Is that the best you can do?

Blake: Well, I I've tried.

Bethany: It wasn't very good.

Blake: Let me show you the
cockpit of this flying hotel and

you'll see what I mean.

Bethany: Do you mind, Cecil?

Cecil: No, no, of course not.

But just don't let him tell you
he's run out of gas and wants to


Fallon: Very nice, Cecil.

A little birthday present for

Cecil: That's ultimately your
charm, isn't it, fallon?

You always find something nice
to say about everybody.

Fallon: True.

Take miss Bethany, now.

The innocence of Marie osmond...

The eyes of grace Kelly...

The smile of Goldie hawn.

It does rather look like she was
put together out of spare parts,

doesn't it?

Cecil: Why does it pain you
so much to think that something

decent and meaningful might have
come into my life?

Fallon: More meaningful than me?

Jeff: Cecil: No, fallon.

Not more than you.

But she's a kind and loving

And despite the disparity in our
ages, I think she cares for me

in a very special way.

And I...
Fallon: Sounds almost like a

wedding invitation.

Cecil: If it were...

Could you find it in your heart
to r.S.V.P. Gracefully?

Blake: Can't you do anything.

About that?

Fallon: Why me?

Blake: He's your husband.

Fallon: You picked him out
for me.

If you don't like the way he
behaves, you tell him.

Better yet, have him beaten up.

That's the way you seem to
handle the men in my life.

Blake: At the moment, it
doesn't sound like an altogether

bad idea.

Fallon: Are you done, ma'am?

Krystle: Oh, yes.


Blake: Oh, Jeff, Bethany!

Would you come over to the
table, please, and join us?

I believe it's time to toast
Cecil on his birthday.

Cecil, to you.

You've been a good friend... And

I don't think it's any secret
here at this table that you

helped me out of some small
difficulty recently.

Jeff: And all it cost you was
your daughter.

Oh, well, that's not a very

large price to pay for survival.

Is it, Blake?

Cecil: Sit down, Jeff...

Before you make a bigger fool of
yourself than you already have.

Jeff: Oh, I'd love to, uncle,
but I can't.

Well, you know me dancing
feet, soul of a gypsy.

Cecil, you know, your nephew's

a very good dancer.

Cecil: Please.

Bethany: Am I interrupting

I'm sorry.

Jeff: Oh, no, no, no, no.

That's all right, honey.

Nobody minds.

By the way, have you met these

I mean, really met them?

Cecil Colby, you know, of

Been called an unprincipled

Bethany: What's that?

Jeff: No, never mind.

Oh, he's kind of proud of it,
though, anyway.

Then, you know, pride goeth
before destruction.

Actually, he's a white slaver...
Buys and sells people.

So you look out for him.

Bethany: Not Cecil.

Jeff: And this fellow over
here Andrew laird.

He's gotten a little thick
around the middle.

But would you believe he was
once one of the most brilliant

criminal attorneys in the rocky
mountain states?

He gave up his career to shuffle
papers for Blake carrington.

Oh, at a scandalous salary, of

But then, who am I to judge
Andrew laird...

When I've been bought for a
spoiled little girl's monkey on

a string.

It didn't even cost the price of
a new Polo pony.

Blake carrington I never did
like very much.

Oh, as a kid, he scared the hell
out of me.

I sure wasn't real anxious to
have him as a father-in-law.

But tonight, I've got to
confess I feel sorry for him.

Because he's been bought, too.

Just like the rest of us.

Or sold, depending on your point
of view.

Blake: Are you quite
finished, Jeff?

Jeff: Not quite.

The one I think we really ought
to drink to is krystle.

She married into this
emerald-studded zoo of ours

without any preparation at all.

And who knows what price she's
going to pay for it.

To you, krystle.

Good luck, kid.

You're gonna need it.

Well, I'm done now.

Oh, if there's anyone I haven't

offended, please excuse me, but
I I promised this young lady

the next dance.

Blake: Go after her.

See that she's all right.

Fallon: She's your wife.

Blake: I said go!


He's drunk.

He doesn't know what he's

Krystle: It wasn't Jeff.

Fallon: What was it?

Oh, the necklace.

Krystle: I figured you knew.

Fallon: You hocked the real
one, you gave Matthew blaisdel

the money.

Yeah, I know.

Krystle: I lent Matthew the

Fallon: Well, that's a fine
distinction I don't think my

father's gonna make.

Krystle: Does Blake know?

Fallon: I don't know.

Probably not.

He's been very busy, you know.

I hocked a watch daddy gave me
once very expensive in

Brazil for a soccer player.

It happens to the best and the
worst of us... And those of us

somewhere in between, I guess.

Just this once, I I really
wish I could help you out.

Krystle: Do you?

Fallon: I guess there's a
certain... Honor among us


No matter what we think of each

So if that helps you, fine.

As far as the necklace is
concerned, you're on your own

with that one.

Jeff: My wife and I are going
to take a cab back to the plane.

We'll wait for you there.

Fallon: Let go of me.

I'm not going anyplace with you.

Jeff: Do you want her back,
Blake... Or shall I take her?

Blake: Fallon, you go with
your husband.

Jeff: Uncle, better pick up.

Your lady.

I think she passed out.

Blake: Well...

Happy birthday, Cecil.

Michael: Mr. Blaisdel.

Matthew: What is it, Michael?

Michael: My boss wants to see

Fallon: Hello, Matthew.

Get in.

Matthew: I'm pretty busy,

Fallon: And krystle's in a
rather unpretty mess because of

you, Matthew.

Matthew: What mess?

Fallon: The necklace.

You're not gonna tell me you
don't know how krystle got the

money to lend you.

Matthew: Would you believe me
if I said I didn't?

Fallon: Krystle hocked an
emerald necklace my father gave


She had a fake one to wear in
its place.

But I think my father knows
about it.

And knowing my father, I think
he intends to do something about


Matthew: Like what?

Fallon: I don't know.

But it won't be pleasant.

I want to help her.

Matthew: You do?


Fallon: I guess deep down,
well, let's just say I'm a

romantic, and krystle's a woman
in love.

She's in love with you, Matthew.

Matthew: And you don't want
to see the path of true love

covered with tumbleweeds?

Fallon: Yeah, something like

Matthew: Fallon, you and I
don't know each other very well,

but right now, I can tell you
this you're about as

convincing as a rattlesnake
that's been taught to purr.

Now, what the hell do you really

Fallon: Okay.

Cards on the table.

I want you to do us all a favor.

Take krystle off my father's
hands and away from him.

For his sake and for hers.

Matthew: And yours?

Fallon: And mine.

Matthew: Tell Michael to pull

I want to get out.

Fallon: I'll have him take
you back after we talk.

Matthew: Michael, pull this
damn thing over.

Fallon: All right, but you
haven't told me what you intend

to do about this.

Or is the line "I have a family,
I have responsibilities"?

Matthew: You said it, so
maybe that's the line.

Fallon: Strange. Bizarre.

I mean, you obviously don't
believe in divorce, but

adultery that's just fine.

Blake: Oh, yes, here we are.

This was given to me by
Vince Harrison Kentucky, 30

years old.

They serve this at the white
house, you know.

Krystle: Blake, don't open it.

Blake: Well, you make it
sound like m*rder "don't

sh**t. Don't k*ll."

It's only a bottle.

Krystle: You've had enough.

Blake: Have I?

Oh, of course, you're very
worried about me, aren't you?

Krystle: Yes.

I am.

Blake: Are you really worried
about me, krystle?

I mean, do you really care?

Krystle: Yes, of course, I
care about you.

I care about everything that's
been happening to you these past

few weeks.

I care about my husband who's
been drinking too much.

I care about the way he's begun
to treat people.

I care about my husband who has
his chauffeur beaten up.

Blake: Oh?

And what is it that you suppose
you know about that?

Krystle: I was there, Blake.

I saw it.

Blake: And what did you want
me to do, fight a duel with him

over my daughter's honor?

Krystle: You could have fired

Blake: Why?

It wasn't his fault.

Oh, yes.

What happened to those days when
daughters were virgins...

And sons took over their
father's businesses, and wives

cherished their husbands,
forsaking all others?

Do you love me, krystle?

Krystle: Of course I do.

Blake: As much as I love you?

Krystle: Yes.

Blake: More than any man that
you have ever known?

Krystle: Yes.

Blake: Well, then, show me.

Show me how much you love me

Krystle: Blake...
Blake: Show me.

Hey, carrington!

A friend of yours here to see

Over by gate "a."

Ted: Hello, Steven.

Steven: Ted.

It's good to see you.

Here on business?

Ted: No. Leave of absence.

Boswell says I'm looking a
little peaked so I could use a

few weeks away from
New York City.

Off salary.

I came to see you, Steven.

To be near you.

I need to be, Steven.

Steven: Ted, things have

Ted: Have they?

Steven: Yes, they have.

I'm beginning to get my life
together... With somebody else.

A woman.

You don't believe me.

Ted: Why wouldn't I believe
you, Steven?

It doesn't mean I I can't
stick around for a little while.

I, um... Hear you have a new

Steven: Yes.

Ted: Where?

Steven: Kensington street.

Ted. Oh.

The whole street or a place like
we used to have?

Steven: No, it's a place like we

used to have.

It's got a walkup, dumbwaiter...
You name it.

Ted: Well, if you, um, give
me the address... And the key...

I'll, um I'll make sure
there's a feast waiting for you

when you get home pizza, red

Ted: Come on, how about it?

It's my first day here.

Or isn't there any such animal
as western hospitality?

Or is she living with you?

Steven: No, she isn't.

She's married.

Matthew: Hi.

Krystle: Hi.

Matthew: I'm glad you could

Krystle: What is it?

Matthew: Open it.

Krystle: Where did you get it?

Matthew: The well came in,

Suddenly, it's not so hard to
get a loan from the bank.

I can't tell you how much it
helped, krystle.

I thank you for that.

I can't tell you how much it's

gonna help me.

Steven: Okay, give me another.


Ted: Okay, um, give me a second.


Steven: Rain?


"I know John will go, though he
was sure it would rain cats and


Got you.

Ted: You think you do?

Steven: Yeah, I think I
finally do.

Ted: Jonathan swift, "polite

Steven: Not bad.

Ted: Darn good.

I mean, you were Princeton.

I'm only Northwestern.

Okay, come on, give me a


Ted: Come on, come on,
category, category.

Steven: Um...


Ted: Fire.

Okay, fire.


"It is the burnt child who most
dreads the fire."

Steven: Ben Johnson, "the
devil is an ass."

Ted: Not bad.

Steven: Not bad at all.

Ted: Okay, me.

Come on, let's do something
about me.

Steven: Your name is Ted.

Ted: Yeah. Well, that's what
they've been calling me Ted.

Um Theodore...

Or Theo.

Dealer's choice.

Steven: Surname, dinard.

Dinard is a lovely little
seaport on the coast of


Ted: Yeah, we were there once

You thought it was lovely.

I found it a little scruffy.

Anyway, go on.

Steven: Dans UN village de la
cote émeraude et azure, à

bicyclette une demoiselle c'est
chaste, c'est pure.

Ted: That is about a virgin
riding her bicycle along the

coast, Steven.

That isn't about me.


Can I... Ted...

Or Theodore or Theo dinard...

Stay here tonight?

With you tonight, Steven?

Steven: Yes.

Mrs. Carrington, please come in.

I'm very sorry to have kept you

Krystle: I brought the money
to get back my necklace.

The necklace?

Krystle: Yes.

Mrs. Carrington, forgive me.

I never expected you to come
back for it.

Krystle: What does that mean?

I've sold it.

Krystle: What?

Who to?

A south American gentleman.

Mrs. Carrington, I'm really
quite sorry.
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