01x13 - The Seperation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x13 - The Seperation

Post by bunniefuu »

Aren't you going to work today?

Why should I?
Everybody sees me as a lounge lizard.

Well, terrific.
I'll lounge a while more.

And then I think I'll go shopping.

Yeah, that's what I'll do.
I'll send the bill to Blake Carrington.

Or maybe to you.

I've got the name.
I might as well enjoy the game, huh?

My car's in the repair shop.

I'm expected at the Patricks'.

I'd appreciate you getting your act together
getting shaved, dressed

and dropping me off.

Let Michael take you.
Michael's busy.

Borrow Krystle's car.

Well, what happened
to the Denver taxi fleet?

Are none of the drivers cute enough for you?

You're the one who's so damn cute,Jeff,
the other night.

Ah, at last. The other night.

Yeah,you werejust about as cute
as you could be, weren't you?

You embarrassed me,
you embarrassed my father...

you embarrassed your uncle.

Messing around with his date?

That's not like you,Jeff.

You know,
he really liked that girl.

Did you get that much satisfaction
in hurting him like that?

Did I really?

Well, that was probably the first time
in years anyone's managed that.

And you know what?
I'm glad it was me.

Well, I always was a late bloomer...

but I'm tryin'.

Okay. You made your point.

You showed everybody
what a tough guy you are.

Now, why don't you drop the Bogart act
and get your clothes on?

I married you, didn't I?
That's what you wanted, isn't it?

You knew what you were getting into.
Nobody kept any secrets from you.

You're standing in my sun.

One thing about us lizards

we like the sun and quiet.

We're like those iguanas
down in the Galapagos.

Give us a clear sky, the sound of the wind,
kelp to nibble on...

and we're happy.

What we don't like are shrikes.

They swoop down and devour
everything they can.

including their husbands.

If they happen to have been perverse enough
to have married an iguana...

they try to devour the iguana.

Jeff, don't you dare!

Oh! Oh!

You come back here!

You're gonna be sorry for this!

I thought I was being stood up.

Would you have been disappointed?

Well, I was almost hoping
that you wouldn't show.

Would you rather I went back?
No, I would not.

The mattre d' was very concerned.

He said, ""Are you sure that Mr. Carrington
had a luncheon reservation?''

Here. It came in.

Geophysics Potential and Projection
for the ' s.

Aren't you going to open it?

Steven, what's wrong?

I was with Ted last night.

He came in from New York

I mean, I didn't even know
he was coming in.

We spent the night together.

It wasn't something that I wanted to happen.
IItjust happened.

We were sitting there,
talking about the old days.

Please, don't go.

Why not?
'Cause I don't want you to.

Is he still here?

Then why should I stay?

Because I've got to
explain this to you.

But how can you? I mean,
can you even explain it to yourself?

Because I don't understand it.

You've gotta know that things
aren't that clearcut in life.

You love Matthew, you love me.

I love you...

and I spent the night with somebody...

who's very

Claudia, I'm fighting too.

It's not that easy for me,
where I am right now, either.

When will I see you again?

I don't know.

Bobby, give me
those channel locks, will you?

What the hell's the matter with you?
I said channel locks, not

Can I try again?

What are you doing out here?

I just needed to see you, that's all.

You drove out here just to see
your old man covered in grease and smut?



You're gonna get this stuff
all over you.

I don't care.

I just need to be close to you.

Want to go for a walk?


Uh, are you gonna tell me
what's on your mind...

or do I have to take you
up to that rig...

and hold you upside down
by your pretty ankles till you do?


Do you think we can go someplace?

No, that's not what I mean.

Well, you want to go
up to the lake this weekend?

I wanna go somewhere
far away from here.

Just you and me and Lindsay.

Far away.
I just wanna make a fresh start.


Look around you here.

This is the fresh start.

Not for me.

Well, this is what
I came back home for

to build something for us
you, me, Lindsay.

And now it's
it's beginning to work.

I We just can't
walk away from that.

What if I said
it was really important for me?

What would you do?


What are you trying
to run away from?

I mean...

the last time I went through this...

it was demons and bats...

and... people listening in
on your conversations.

I'm not getting sick again.
I'm really not.

That's not what you have to worry about.

Then I have to answer ""no,''
because you're not making any sense.

Isn't it enough that I just asked you?

I mean, isn't that enough, Matthew?

It's not, is it?

I can see that it's not enough.


You came out here to tell me something,
and now you're holding back.

I'll be all right. Don't worry.
I'll be fine.

This is our first stop.
I'll wait in the car.

No, no, no, no.
Please, come with me.

[ Man ]
An evaluation, as usual.

You said you paid $ ,
for this, Mr. Carrington.

Yes, that's right.
May I ask where?

At Beauvais.

Oh, yes.

God rest his soul.

Oh, sad, wasn't it?

Yes, yes. Very sad, indeed.

Hmm. Well, now...

you got yourself quite a bargain
with him, didn't you?

Did I?
Oh,yes. Indeed.

I must tell you, as an honest man

You see, I've built my reputation...

on honesty, honesty.

Well, Mr. Channing, how much
would you say that was worth?

Right now, as we speak?
Seventy thousand.

Seventy? Hmm.

Are you sure?

They are very fine stones.

Perfectly cut.

But are you sure?

Oh, the price.

Well, it may be worth more
to some...

but I have to leave a margin for profit,
you understand?

I didn't mean that.

Oh, what did you mean, darling?


May I ask my cashier
to make out a check to you?


Mr. Channing, my wife appears to be
more partial to that necklace...

than I originally thought
she might be.

I believe we'll keep it.

Thank you very much though
for your trouble.

You're perspiring.

I don't feel very well.

You're tight as a drum.

Mr. Carrington, Mrs. Carrington.

Joseph, would you have a couple of brandies
sent to the library, please?

Of course, Mr. Carrington.
Mrs. Gunnerson.

Feeling better?

What is it, Krystle?

You set the whole thing up,
didn't you?

You've known about it all along.

The necklace, the money.

You bought the real necklace back
from Mr. Volkert...

and then you made me go through
the charade of trying to sell it.

Why'd you do it, Blake?

To punish me?

Well, it's all over.

I believe you've learned your lesson.
We can let it pass.

What lesson, for God's sake?

You may think I did something wrong.
I don't.

Oh? Perhaps you'd like me to believe
that Matthew Blaisdel...

should be some sort
of charity of mine...

that he lies somewhere between
the Red Cross and Boys Town.

What is this obsession you have
with destroying Matthew Blaisdel?

I said that it was over.
Let it pass.

It's not over.

It won't be over until I sign
some kind of affidavit...

saying I am not sleeping
with Matthew behind your back...

until I agree to be locked away
in this castle like Rapunzel...

talk to no one, see no one...

and only come out when you
choose to display me...

on bank holidays
and St. Valentine's Day.

[ Door Opens ]

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

Yes. What is it,Joseph?

You wanted me to remind you.

Michael is waiting
to drive you back into town...

and I know you wanted to take this with you.
Yes, I'd forgotten.

Thank you.

We, uh We can discuss this later.

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

You haven't finished your drink,
Mrs. Carrington.

I don't want it. Thank you.
You can take it away.

What was that?

I said, you could take it away...

or you can have it taken away.

I keep forgetting you're not a servant,
but the majordomo around here.

Mrs. Carrington,
I don't like your tone of voice...

and I don't think that you're in
any position to speak to me that way.

What do you mean by that?
You know what I mean.

What do you mean by that?
You know what I mean.

I belong here, you don't.

Would you like me to tell
Mr. Carrington you said that?

I don't think Mr. Carrington's
all that pleased with you at the moment.

I don't think that
you'll tell him that. Hmm?

[ Coughs, Sniffs ]
What'd you forget, your key?

[ Chuckles ]
Excuse me.

Could you tell me where I can find
Steven Carrington's apartment?

Sure. You're in the right place.

Oh, is, uh is he here?
I'm his father.

Oh, Mr. Carrington.

No, Steven is not home yet.
He, uh

Please, come in.
Thank you.

Uh, my name's Ted. Ted Dinard.

I'm an old friend of Steven's.
I'm in town for a couple of days.

""Dinard.'' Let's see, that's the name
of a town in Brittany, isn't it?

Drove through it once during the w*r...

about a week after Dday.

Beautiful place.

Yes, uh, on the Emerald Coast,
as the French call it.

It's as green as the Riviera is blue.

So, you're an old friend
of Steven's, huh?

From New York?
No, from school.

No, I didn't go to prep school.

But I did go to Princeton.

Oh, that's where you two know each other from.
Yes, sir.

I guess that's why we never met.

I was very negligent about visiting
him there, except for graduation.

I did make graduation.
Hectic day.

Yes, it was.

Oh, you were in the same class?
That's right. Yeah.

Did you live in the same dorm?

Let's see. Where did he live?

Stafford Little, I think.
I wrote to him there.

Yes. Stafford Little Hall.

I roomed off campus.

With your lady,
as they say nowadays, huh?

Yes. As a matter of fact, yes.

Graduation day.

I didn't meet you, but I did meet
the president of the university.

Interesting man.

His name escapes me
for the moment. Uh

Bowen, wasn't it?

No, no. No, no.
It was, uh It was Bowers.

No, no.

No, I believe it was Bowen.


Hello, Steven.

I've been telling your father
about the old days Princeton.

I'll go get dressed. Excuse me.

How'd work go today?

I get good reports on you.

I brought you something.

A little housewarming gift.

Obviously, an ice bucket.

Not so obviously, at least not to me...

I brought you a little brass cricket...

for the hearth.

Means good luck and happiness.

I'd never heard of it before.
It was Krystle's idea.

Well, thank you, Dad.

And thank her for me.

Would you like
something to drink?

We have red wine, beer.
Oh, no, thank you. Not right now.

I'm sure you and your friend have got
a lot of old memories to recapture.

I've gotta get going back.

If you'd like to come up to the house
for dinner tonight, we'd love to have you.

No. We have plans. We're going
to meet some friends from school.


Yes. I'll be by sometime tomorrow...

pick up the rest of my stuff.

Probably tomorrow night.

Good luck here, Son.
Very pleasant place that you have.

And, uh, say goodbye
to Ted for me, will you?

Goodbye, Dad.
And thanks again.

Took you long enough.

Can I have the keys?
Here you go.

And there's a message goes with it.
Who from?

Mr. Gruber, the mechanic.

He said to tell you that thing
down there is a transmission...

and not a Mixmaster.

He didn't think so.

A machine like that
is a poem to him...

and to me too.

Any other verses
I should be let in on?

Yeah. You're spoiled rotten.

That's me, not Gruber.
You have no appreciation.

A car like that costs
upwards of $ , ...

and you treat it
like a pickup truck.

But it's something
very, very special...

and to be handled special...

like a woman.

I wouldn't know about that.

Let go of me!

What do you like more, Fallon?

Getting shoved in the pool?
I think I can arrange that.

Tonight? Tomorrow night?
Both of us?

I push,you go splash?
Name it, Fallon.

Denver's okay.

I mean it. Denver's really okay.

Don't you miss New York, Steven?


Okay, which way to the opera?


You know, like in the Met?

Like that time last year
when we sat in the dress circle...

and watched Pavarotti
belt out those nine high C's?

We cheered and yelled, made ourselves hoarse
while he's standing out there bowing away?

Remember that night, Steven?
Yeah, I do.

Well, at least they have ""talking picture''
theaters here in Denver.

Want to take in a film?

No, I can't. I'm studying.

To be what?

A petroleum tycoon. Okay?

Like your father?

No. Like myself.

Boy, that little visit of his
really threw you, didn't it?

No, Ted, it didn't throw me.

I know where I'm going.

You find the emotional strength
to handle this?

You're in limbo, buddy.

Emotional limbo.

You're not in heaven,
and you're not in hell.

I'm sorry.

I remember what it's like too.

Go on. Get out of here.
Go home. Study.

I'll take in a film...

or something.

I should be home in about an hour.
I'll see you then.

I'm Ted Dinard.

I know.

I saw your picture.
Did Steven show it to you?

He asked me to get something
for him one night.

I opened his drawer,
and there was your photograph.

I said, ""This must be Ted. '"
He said, ""Yes. '"

Would you like some coffee?

It's in the back. Come.

Our only chair.


Do you take cream and sugar?
No. Black, please.

Oh, thank you.

I always knew we'd meet.

I just tried to imagine where.

And did you eventually?

It was a wood, a forest.

There was fog.

I was there alone.

You came out of the fog toward me.

I suppose that symbolizes something.

Confusion maybe.

Veiled fearsyours.


You're afraid right now.
Aren't you?

You know that Steven's relationship with you
is only to prove something to himself.

You have absolutely no idea
what goes on between Steven and me.

I know something about love...

and loving...

and being loved.

Are you going to give him up?

Are you?

Look, doesn't it bother you that what
we're doing is tearing Steven apart?

That we're all being torn apart?

Steven and me...

and you.

Well, I've I've known better nights than this.
That's for sure.

Yeah, with your husband.
What's that supposed to mean?

Obviously, you can't make
your own marriage work.

If you think you're gonna take Steven
and turn him around

What is that?
A badge of honor, a validation?

Proof that you're a real woman?

That's an ugly thing to say.
That really is.

I love Steven, Mrs. Blaisdel...

and I'll fight for him if I have to.

I'm sorry.

I don't usually behave this way.

When I came here tonight,
I was hoping...

that you would be...

somebody wretched...

and somebody I could hate.

But I can't.

Goodbye, Claudia.

Is he drinking again?

Oh, it's too much. It's not like him.

Is there any of that veal left?

Oh, my husband stopped by
and took it home.

But this is very good. Why don't you have some?
It's there on the stove.

Oh, they didn't eat anything tonight.

Oh, well.
Feed a cold, starve a fever.

There's been a fever
in this house lately.

Mrs. Carrington is so lovely.

I hate to see her trying
to cope with his ways.

Well, it seems to me
she might try a little harder...

in exchange for all he gives her.



It's been said that gossip
is part of the human condition...

a healthy interest
in the people around us...

except that I don't appreciate it
when the interest...

is in the man
who employs us and feeds us.

We're only just saying,Joseph

I heard what you were saying
about Mr. Carrington...

but what I didn't hear you say
was that he's a good man...

who's in very serious trouble
right now.

You see, he's hurting. Hurt.

Now, we've been together
a long time, he and I...

and despite the difference in our stations,
we're good friends...

and it offends me to see him hurt.

Forgive me, madam.

Mr. Carrington isn't feeling so well.

I think I may have to
put him into bed.

If you don't mind.

I've got to talk to you, Blake.

Can you hear me?

[ Sighs ]
Maybe it's just as well you can't.

I've loved you, Blake.

I've loved you the best I could.

And I believe that

that you've loved me...

in your own way.

But you frighten me.

You're so many different people.

Gentle... and sensitive one minute...

treacherous and brutal the next.

Maybe you have to be that way
to survive in your world...

but I I can't live
with the suspicion.

I can't live with the rage.

I love you...

but I can't live with you.

Joseph, what's Mrs. Carrington's car
doing here?

Uh, I asked Michael to bring it around...

but she insisted I order her
a taxicab instead.

Where is she?
She's gone.

Gone? You mean that she's
she's, uh she's gone out?

She's gone. She left early this morning
carrying a small suitcase.

She said she'd send you a letter
explaining it all.

How could you let her go?
It wasn't my place to stop her.

Why couldn't you
wake me up and tell me?

She ordered me not to.

She is the mistress of this house,
as you so often reminded us.

You're not a bit unhappy about
seeing her go, are you,Joseph?

Well, she'll be back.
You can be sure about that. She'll be back.

I love her,Joseph.

I don't think I can bear to lose her.

Yes, I understand.

Perhaps I've been too hard on her.

That whole business
about the necklace.

I don't think I was very fair
about that.

I should have asked her to explain.

She'll be back.

You'll see. My wife will be back.

[ Krystle ]
I'll be right back.


Matthew, it's Krystle.

I'm, um, calling to say goodbye.

I'm leaving.

Where are you going?

Oh, I don't know.
Maybe back into Ohio. I don't know.

Krystle. I've got to see you.

No, that that would be
the worst thing.

Then let's do the worst thing.

[ Door Opens ]

[ Sighs ]

Krystle, I

I don't want you to leave.
Not Not like this.

You have a wife, Matthew...

and a daughter.

For once in my life,
I don't want to think about that.

I know you.
[ Chuckles ]

If you don't now, you will later.

Goodbye, Matthew.

[ Knocking ]
Come in.

What kind of thing is this?
Leaving me a note.

I didn't invite you
into this house, Ted.

Oh, excuse me.
The Carrington house.

My father's house.

Look, I just want to pack a few things
and go to my apartment.

Yes, alone.

Look, I mean, do you think you
can just send me away with this?

Ted, I have to send you away.

And what are you gonna do?

Just stick around this town, messing around
with a married woman from time to time?

I won't be seeing her anymore.

Then what is the plan, Steven?

Live alone, miserable...

occasional guy on the side?

Steven. Steven, please.

Look, there's a there's a plane
that leaves for New York in an hour.

We could be on that plane.

Steven, please.
We had something very special.

We had each other.

Steven, you and me

Ted, no.

Ted, it'sit's not you.

It's not Claudia. It's me.

It's me.

For God's sakes,
I want you to understand.

And if you ever really loved me
the way I loved you...

you'll understand.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, Mr. Carrington.

Jeanette, I wish
Good evening, Mr. Carrington.

Joseph, is Mrs. Carrington back yet?

No, sir.
Fallon and Jeff are they here?

I think Fallon is.

Steven is upstairs with a friend...

a Mr. Dinard.

In my house?

I'll k*ll him.

Next time I go to Central Park,
I'll send you a pretzel.

But easy on the salt.

This isn't easy for me.

It's not for me either.


Well, at least
we've got good memories.

Take care, buddy.
You too, buddy.

Get your hands off my son!
Dad, we were...

I said, get your hands off him!


No! No!

He's not breathing.

You've k*lled him.

Oh, Ted. Ted?
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