01x03 - Brown Appetit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x03 - Brown Appetit

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Siren wails ]

[ Phone ringing ]
yeah, lewis. He's in
the holding area, back there.

Got it.
[ Chattering ]

Here you go.

Dominic gennaro, sarge.
I'm on a job.

Janice licalsi around?
Yeah, in the complaint room.

Thank you.

How you doin', cookie?

[ Sighs ]
good, daddy.

Is everything okay
at home?
Yeah, mom's good.

What's up?

I wanted to see you before
you found something out.

They're gonna
make an announcement
this afternoon.

Some cops
are gonna be indicted.

I'm gonna be one of them.

It's out of this
giardella testimony
with the grand jury.

They're gonna say I took
money from angelo marino,
I was on his payroll.

How come you don't ask
if it's true?

Tell me what
you want to tell me.

They paid me
for giving up warrants.

When I was on gambling
and narcotics...

I tipped them if there
was gonna be a raid.

It's been over for five
years, but I did it.

Now I'm glad when
you joined the force
you used mom's name.

How you feel personally
is one thing,

But at least nobody's
gonna know we're related.

I'm not ashamed
to be your daughter.

I want you to know
I'm proud of you.

I've always been proud of
the way you carried yourself
and the kind of cop you are.

I'll always be glad
for that part, anyway‐‐

That these bastards
never reached out to you.

[ Sirens wailing ]

You okay? You got someone
you can talk to, you know?

Yeah, daddy, I'm fine.

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Chattering continues ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Knocks on door ]

Sipowicz, what
are you doin' here?

I heard a rumor the rat
you're watchin' is leavin' town.

Keep him inside, jerry.
Is that right‐‐ they're
taking giardella to d. C.?

That's none
of your business.
Oh, sure.

Just 'cause that son of a bitch
put six b*ll*ts in my gut...

Doesn't mean I should wonder
what's goin' on.

I know what giardella
did to you, but you can't
be coming around here.

Detective, if you're not
out of here in 30 seconds,
you'll be under arrest
for interfering with federal marshalls

How's it goin', alfonse?
You hidin' under the bed covers,
you lowlife piece of crap?

What is it, sipowicz?
You wanna see
the rest of my suite?
Maybe try on one of
the bathrobes?

Oh, there it is.
The ugliest wig in america.

Hey, douche bag,
I got 24‐hour room service
and three dirty movie channels.

Yeah? How'd you like
to watch 'em from a hole
in the middle of your forehead?

[ Screaming ]
get out of here,

Hey, that's a good look
for you, alfonse!

Why don't you mix that mud
in with your rug?
He's a savage, this guy.

I'm not done with you,
giardella. You and me
are going around again.

Do not come back here!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

[ Phone ringing ]

Sign it right here.

Hey, what's up?

Detective kelly,
is this gonna go on forever?

What's that?

You pretending
I don't exist.

You got real guts,
you know that?

Figure yourself lucky
I don't collar you for homicide.
Stay away from me, all right?

Could I just talk to you?
I need to talk to you!

No, you don't.
I understand what happened.

You were dirty.
You were gettin' squeezed.

You whacked marino
to get loose, and now you're
gonna get away with it.

John, you're the only one
I can talk to.

[ Footsteps approaching ]
I can't, okay?

[ Chuckles ]
yeah. Yeah.

Regards from harry timmons.
Yeah? How's he doin'?

How's his security business?
It's doing great, I guess.

He got any night work for you?
Yeah, I'm bodyguardin'
some society people.

I'm meeting 'em tonight.

It's too bad I make
such a lousy appearance.

As busy as I am around here,
I could've worked
a double shift.

Andy, stay cool, all right?
Fancy wants to make sure
you got your feet under you.

That's all.
Oh, you think so, huh?

I figure he's seeing
if I can set a world's record
for twiddlin' my thumbs.

Andy. Andy, would you mind
keepin' an eye on luther again?
Yeah? Ahh.

Come on, medavoy, what am i,
a kennel service here? Huh?

I can't leave him home alone,
and the wife's gone till friday.
All right, all right.

Is he in the locker room?
Yeah, yeah.
You got the scooper?

Yeah, I got the scooper.
You're a prince.

Kelly, you got
a residential robbery‐as*ault,
maybe a homicide by now.

They didn't think
the victim was gonna make it.

Who should I work with?

Sipowicz, my office.

[ Chattering ]

Close the door.

I just had a call
from the federal marshals.
Is that so?

What the hell were you doing
at giardella's hotel?

I was in the neighborhood.
I thought I'd say hello.

I don't get you.
You know you're on probation,
and you put on a bozo act.

That assh*le shot me,
I know he shot you‐‐

And now the d. A.'S
puttin' him up in some joint
where I can't afford coffee.

I agree. They never should
have cut giardella a deal.

But I'm not
supposed to be pissed off?
You can be pissed off.

What you can't do
is go down there and try
to brain him with a plant.

I used bad judgment,
all right? Look, maybe
if I was a little busier‐‐

It's like the chicken
and the egg.

First you stop acting
like a flake, then maybe
you get back on the street.

Lieutenant, I've been takin'
the psycho calls, filin'
the stop‐and‐frisk reports‐‐

You want a gold star?

Is that bein' a flake, huh?
How long is this probation
thing gonna go on?

I told you,
I'm giving myself time
to make up my mind.

I think you've already
made up your mind, lieutenant.

And I think
you're tryin' to screw me
from behind that desk.

[ Chattering ]

Did you sign it?
Yeah, it's ready to go.

[ Chuckles, sighs ]
you know what, fellas?

I'm considering a whole new,
uh, organizational approach
on my work area here.

You see this section
here, huh?

This quadrant I may reserve
for, for these‐‐

These little yellow
note reminders with the glue
on the back, you know?

And over here, this area
I think I'm gonna restrict...

To, uh, paper weights
and animal magnets‐‐

Maybe those
little giraffes.

‐ All right, very funny.
‐ Nobody's bein' funny here.

I'm tryin' to figure out
my work schedule here.

I mean, I'm under an enormous
time pressure, you know.

I mean, i‐i gotta
reorganize my desk.

I gotta walk
medavoy's dog here.

Hey, lieutenant, if it stays
this hectic around here,

Would I be okayed
for overtime?

[ Sighs ]
why don't the two of us
get together after work?

No ranks?
No ranks. Just folks.

Why wait?
After work.

Kelly, you got
an assignment.

Detective medavoy here.
I'm sorry‐‐

Give me another minute.

[ Officer ]
yeah, I'm waitin' to go on‐‐

His highness
hasn't finished his meal yet.

What was that about
with fancy?

Me and the lieutenant are
gonna get together after work,
get to know each other better.

[ Scoffs, sighs ]

Andy! You are on thin ice
with this guy already.
How is this gonna help you?

Hey, look, I've been
in this precinct for 17 years,
john, you know.

I got informants
on every other block.

I know every merchant,
every skel, all the good guys,
all the bad guys.

Plus I wanna work
with you again.

But if the only way
to get back on the street‐‐

Because that african‐american
hump in there won't give me
a square shot‐‐

Is to put in for a transfer,
then that's what I'm gonna do.

And if that's what I gotta do,
I am gonna get my two cents in
before I go, john.

Now go on, get outta here.
You got a case.

Go on, get out.

[ Dog chomping ]

Who are you starin' at?
[ Dog growls ]

Is that gonna be
all right, detective?

I don't know, martinez.
I don't know.

It's terrible.

Figure the basement window
for the entry?

All right, let's start
the canvass here.

You okay?

Her face goin' colors like that,
that's the air gettin' cut off?

That's the air
gettin' cut off.

Ma'am, I'm john kelly.

That's james martinez.
We're from the 15 precinct.

She's dead?

Lois ceizler?

You mind if I ask your name
and date of birth, ma'am?

Annette dileo,
march 23, 1935.

Okay. You live
in the house alone?

Uh, I live
with my oldest son, michael.

Uh, he's‐‐
[ detective ]
nobody there‐‐

Was born on april 7, 1967.

Do you have
the same last name?

Why, yes.

Mrs. Dileo, is there
any information you can give me?

Anything unusual happen
next door this morning?

I was out
till half an hour ago.

I saw all the ambulances
and all when I got back,

But I didn't
want to interfere.

What time did you leave?

About a quarter after 8:00.
I work half days...

At, uh, lieman's bakery.

My son dropped me off.

And michael‐‐ michael?

Uh, is he home, or, uh,
can I reach him at work?

He‐he brought my car
back here, then he went out
to see my other son.

Where does he live?

Uh, jamie?
Lives in ridgewood‐‐

Yeah, you have
an address on him?

[ Sighs ]
well, it's on traltman street.
I don't know the address.

Either of your boys
ever been in trouble
with the police, mrs. Dileo?


Thank you.
[ Detective ]
it's your watch commander‐‐

I'm going to, uh,
give you my card.

And if you can think of anything
that might be helpful,
you'll give me a call?

Thanks again.

[ Police radio, indistinct ]

I'm gonna check
for messages.
What kind of messages?

I want to run a b. C. I.
On these two brothers.

15 Squad, base k.
Yeah, I want to run a b. C. I.
On a ridgewood address.

Take care of that thing
for me? Great.
James or jamie dileo.

Caucasian, early 20s.

Also michael, same last name,
26, 62 bank street, manhattan.

15 Squad, stand by.
Twenty‐six years old,
no job, living at home.

Maybe that's a junkie
savin' on rent.
Yeah. Plus‐‐

Plus he brought the car back.
That's what she said, right?

15 Squad on the air.

Your address in ridgewood
is 1447 traltman street.

Priors on both names.

[ Chattering ]


[ Man ]
yes, yes, I'm coming.

[ Tv, indistinct ]
you the super?

You got
a james dileo in 3j?
What did he do?

I'm not sure yet.
Where's his fire escape

Out his window.
It drops into the side alley.

Whatever you want
to talk to him about,
he probably did it.

The kid lives
like an animal.

[ Super ]
how're you doing, mr. Dileo?

[ Martinez ]
police! I got him!
I got outside.

Mike, cops! Get out!


Freeze, assh*le!

No, martinez!

‐ James, are you all right?
‐ Yeah.

‐ What are you, a circus cop?
‐ Yeah. Flying james martinez.

Hang in there.

[ Tv announcer ]
and now to our own
lanny chrisman with details...

Here you go.
On those just‐announced

Of new york city
police officers. Lanny.

[ Reporter ]
early this afternoon...
They indicted 14 cops.

The district attorney
announced the indictment of 14
new york city police officers.

‐ Anybody from our precinct?
‐ The grand jury testimony
of organized crime leader...

‐ What you got?
‐ Alfonse giardella.

[ Continues, indistinct ]
we like these, uh,
these dileo brothers.

They both use.
They both got sheets
for burglary.

‐ Any v*olence?
‐ No, I think they were
just doing a robbery.

The old lady
surprised them.

Tell narcotics
to let the junkies know...

There's a walk for anybody
that gives these guys up.

[ Tv, indistinct ]

Martinez, would you reach out
to narcotics, please?

No problem.



How's the nose?
Would you like to hear something
interesting, detective kelly?

I'm breathing better than
at any time since adolescence.

That is interesting.
I'm here about my g*n.

It was confiscated the other
night after the incident.

Well, I have a hearing
in a few hours before
the police permit board,

And I wonder if I can
impose on you to draft up...
I'm gonna pass, 4b.

A short statement‐‐
I'm gonna pass.

Do you mind if I ask why?
Well, because I don't think you
should have a w*apon right now.

I think you'd agree, detective,
that as matters developed
in that laundry room...

It was pretty lucky
that I had my g*n with me.
Maybe. But then again,

If you didn't, then maybe you
wouldn't have been down there
doing laundry ten times a week,

Waitin' for that mugger
to come back so you could
plug him, right?

So because I successfully
fought off an as*ault, I should
forfeit my right to bear arms?

No, what I'm saying is, you
were robbed and beaten up, 4b.
That's an awful experience.

Some people have to go
into treatment to get over it.

Some people
never go outside again.
And some people get pissed off,

Decide they're gonna
square things up, and they
start lookin' for trouble.

Which is what
you think I'm doing?

[ Nervous chuckle ]
try this.

Why don't you forget
about your g*n for a while
and let things unwind?

No, detective.

What I'm going to do
is pursue my rights
under the second amendment.


Thank you for your time.

[ Sipowicz ]
so you got your coat hangers
hanging from your windows?

Did you string
four hangers per pane?

Radio and ultraviolet
waves, yeah, yeah.

Any attempt whatsoever
to control your mind
from beyond your windows,

Those hangers are gonna
neutralize, right.

What about the aluminum foil?
Did you cover your ceiling?

Mm‐hmm. Yeah.
Well, then you're in business.

You got yourself
an alien‐thought‐proof
room there, right.

Look, one other thing effective
with these control rays is, uh,

Refuse to think about 'em,
you know?

Take a walk, read a book.

We call that
delusion technique.

You fend 'em off
with what you're thinking,

And it gradually
weakens their hold, yeah.

All right, yeah.
Wonderful. Yeah.

Okay, sure thing.
Keep in touch.

Hey, I'm, uh‐‐
I'm on my way out...

To see these, uh, people that
timmons has me bodyguardin'.

Well, have a dandy time.

Yeah. Hey.

[ Chattering, door closes ]

This thing
with the lieutenant‐‐

My understanding is, you
wanna be back out on the street.

If you can remember what
you're tryin' to accomplish...

When you talk to somebody
like him, then you won't
fly off the handle.

Focus on what you want.

Then we have control,
you know?

All right.
Yeah, I got you, kelly.
I got your drift.

All right.
See you later?

[ Mutters ]
[ car horn honking ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Officer ]
we got another complaint
from that lady‐‐

[ Continues, indistinct ]

Was your father
one of the cops indicted?

That what you were trying
to tell me this morning?


I'm so worried about him.

I'm sorry.

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Chattering continues ]

Fortune magazine
puts my personal worth at over
$250 million, detective.

Timesays that I'm one
of the ten most effective...

Private citizens
in the country.

My art collection
is museum quality.

And none of it
would mean anything if my wife
were to be jeopardized.

Well, I'll try
not to let that happen.

I hope you do
a little more than try.

I was, uh‐‐ that was just
a way of speaking. I won't
let anything happen to her.

Oh, susan, this
is detective john kelly.

Hi, ma'am.
How do you do?

Susan will tell you the details
of her evening calendar.
Uh, do you own a tuxedo?

Uh, yes.

Well, if that's a fib,
bill me for the rental.

Here's my schedule,
mr. Kelly.

Do you feel like benefiting
the national diabetic fund
tomorrow night?

Is there anything that
my husband hasn't told you?

Nothing comes to mind.

So he has made you aware
that he's one of america's
most effective private citizens?

That his art collection
is museum quality?

Well, uh, that came up.

Mm, good. Then we're all
on the same page.

So I'll pick you up
at 7:30 tomorrow night.

7:30 Tomorrow.

I'll send my car for you.
Okay. All right.

You ready?


Catch the door.

Okay, I'm out
from behind my desk.

We'll see how far.
What you said
this morning was wrong.

I got my personal
opinions about you.
I think you're an assh*le‐‐

I think you're an assh*le.
But that hasn't affected
how I've treated you on the job.

You really believe that?
You guys make me laugh.
Yeah, I really believe it.

Now, what guys
would you be referring to?

Black bosses.
Well, that didn't take long.

I thought I was
supposed to feel free
to express my opinions.

Well, for you, I guess
that means being a bigot.

Hey, I'm not up nights
thinkin' about the two of us
out for ribs,

But all I was sayin' is,
you guys live inside the books.

You act like machines.
You don't like somebody, you
go after 'em like robo‐humps.

Well, you might think we play it
close to the vest because people
are watching for us to mess up.

Oh, makes you nervous,
doesn't it, huh?

Somebody always lookin'
over your shoulders, waitin'
for you to make a mistake.

Just how exactly do you figure
I tried to screw you, sipowicz?

I've watched you
crawl inside a bottle
and set up housekeeping.

I've watched you carry on
a private w*r with some hood...

That made you crazy for reasons
I will never understand.

The truth is,
I've cut you slack...

Because you were a good cop
and you were a good teacher.

I could be that again
if you would just get your
damn foot off my neck.

For god's sake, I haven't
had a drink in 63 days.

You goin'
to 12‐step meetings?
I'm doing this my own way.

How? Sittin' at home
in front of your tv with your
fingers diggin' into your sofa?

There's a difference
between dry and sober.

Hey, look. Look!
I just want to be able
to do my job, huh?

I don't want
to have to transfer
to another precinct.

I don't do good
in new situations.

I've raised that kid.
Raised who?

[ Sighs, panting ]

You like this, huh?

Seein' people
embarrass themselves?

You're not
embarrassing yourself.

Not now.

I got some thinkin' to do.
I'll see you in the morning.

Hey, how's the arm?
It's a little stiff.

Hey, uh, narcotics
over in the 12...

Just picked up
those dileo brothers
on a junkie sweep, detective.

Are they charged?
They hadn't copped yet
when they got picked up,

But one of them had a vcr and
said his mother gave it to him.

She backed his story
when narcotics called her up.

What was narcotics
speaking to the mother for?

They didn't know we wanted
these guys for our case.

Which one had the vcr?
Uh, michael,
the one in the pen.

‐ I'll talk to him first.
‐ Want me to do the interview?

No, I'll do it.
Sure. No problem.

I'll talk to him
in a minute.

How'd it go last night?

I don't know.

Lieutenant said he'd inform me
this morning what he decided.

Sipowicz will work with you
on the ceizler investigation.

‐ Great.
‐ That's, uh, outdoors, indoors?

Outdoors, indoors, full duty.

Thanks, lieutenant.

So you understand
your rights as I've
given them to you?

And you're sure you
don't want an attorney?

I don't need one.
I didn't do nothin'.

If you change your mind,
you let me know.

You're a hell of an acrobat.

[ Laughs ]
yeah, you guys
scared us yesterday.

We wanted to talk to you
about what happened
to your next‐door neighbor.

Yeah, we didn't know
what you guys wanted.

Yeah. Did you hear
what happened to her‐‐
mrs. Ceizler?

Yeah, on the news,
and my mother said.

Yeah, well,
she got robbed, strangled,
and her throat was cut.

We didn't have
nothin' to do with it.

I mean, I barely knew her.
You know, I just knew her
to say hello to.

What are you doin'
for a living?

Odd jobs.
You know, mechanical repair,
that kind of thing.

I noticed the narcotics
collars on your sheet.

Are you using now?

[ Sniffs ]
well, I'm not a hundred percent,

But, you know,
I'm not as bad as I was.

Yeah. You move
back in with your mom
to get straight?

That's part of it.

That must be tough.

You're trying to get straight,
and your brother's still usin'.

That's hard.

He ever agitate you
into gettin' high?

You'd have to talk to him.

Yeah. I'll tell you,
michael, I don't know.

If you were involved,
I can't see you
with the break‐in.

Not livin' next door.
Maybe it was your brother.

I mean, I know
you two were home.

You dropped your mother
off at work.

Maybe he was lookin'
for a place to break in,
get some money, get high.

Look, I wasn't
in that lady's house yesterday,
and neither was my brother.

You see, when something
like this happens, it's usually
a burglary gone out of whack.

Nobody's meant to get hurt.
It just gets out of control.

That's not what happened.
I had nothin' to do with this.

How about the vcr?
Jamie steal it from your mother?

She gave that to us.

No. No.

He took it from your mother,
but you wouldn't let him
sell it.

I mean, they just‐‐
they just put me on this,
you know.

It's a straight‐up burglary,
it looks to me.

And that woman
must've walked in,
all hell broke loose.

Things happened
no one meant to happen.

Look, I don't know
what you're talkin' about.

That's why you dove
out that window yesterday
when the cops came?

Is that a crime?
No, I didn't think so.

I'm just sayin'
that's what you did, jamie.

Now, in the detective's
handbook, we call that
"suspicious behavior."

Look, are you gonna
charge me with anything?

What's your hurry, jamie?

Hey, you're not jonesing
on me now, are you?

How long since you fixed?
Are you gonna charge me
or release me?

I may smack you in your face,
you little turd‐‐

Up yours, d*ck‐head, all right?
I wanna be charged or released.

What are these, new sneakers?
Huh? What happened
to your other ones?

They got covered with blood?

Watch it.
Watch your balance.

Detective kelly again,
mrs. Dileo.

That's detective sipowicz.


We need to talk
about jamie and michael again.

Could we come in?

No. They haven't
done anything.

Mrs. Dileo, yesterday you
told me they never had trouble
with the police before.

I said, not for several years!
You should let 'em start over.

They were picked up
tryin' to buy heroin,

And they were tryin' to get it
by sellin' your vcr.

Well, that's‐that's mine.
It's got nothin' to do
with lois ceizler.

So you're sayin' that
you gave them your vcr
to buy heroin?

I want you
to leave me alone!

Mrs. Dileo,
it gets to the point...

Where a mother's love
isn't enough.

It isn't what children need.

Look, look, your sons
robbed you, didn't they?

They took that vcr
while you were at work, and they
did the same thing next door.

They broke in,
that woman was home, and they
did somethin' terrible to her.

No, no, I gave it to 'em.
I don't know nothin'
about next door.

No, you know that woman
was robbed and strangled
and her throat was cut.

How long did she live
next door to you?

Twenty‐three years.

We both lost our husbands
within two years of each other.

Yeah, well,
you know she didn't deserve
what happened to her.

I know.
We want you to tell the truth
about this vcr, mrs. Dileo.

We want to keep your boys
in custody while we investigate
this other matter.

All that can happen is
they get clean, they get off
the dope's influence...

And they can't hurt
anybody else.

Nobody wants to charge them
for next door right now.

Maybe we'll find out
they weren't involved.
I'm so confused.

I'm‐i'm askin' you,
please, just leave me alone!

You believe in god,
don't you, mrs. Dileo?

Then pray to god.
Ask him what he wants you to do.

Oh, please, please,
just give me time.

Do you still have my card?

Yes. It's inside.

I'll pray.
I'll ask god what to do.

[ Chattering ]

What do you think,
mr. Kelly?

I think the people
running this charity
should be happy.

We're going to raise over
a half‐million dollars tonight.

It's how the idle rich
persuade themselves they're
leading useful lives.

My husband just got here,
mr. Kelly.

See, there's tom,
and that's greg sacca,

One of his unprincipled
assistants who's bearding
for him this evening.

The blonde
on mr. Sacca's arm is
my husband's new mistress.

I think I'm going to pretend
to go and powder my nose.
Excuse me.

I'm gonna‐‐
I'll walk you to the door.

Excuse me.
Hi, johnny.


Big doings, huh?

Hmm. My firm took a table.
Was that susan wagner,
thomas wagner's wife?

Yeah, I'm,
I'm doing security for 'em.


You look great.

You look very dashing
Yeah, well‐‐

How's the new job?
It's interesting.

Yeah. I'm gonna take off.
I'll talk to you later.
See you, johnny.

Shall we take a little
detour, mr. Kelly?
Yeah, sure.

I miss you.

I was just coming to find you.
Lovely gown.

Aren't you sweet.
You remember mr. Kelly.

Of course.

‐ Good evening, greg.
‐ Mrs. Wagner.

Looks like a great event.
Do you know greta weisner?

How do you do, greta?
I'm susan, tom's wife.

‐ How do you do?
‐ Well, tom, you seem
to be enjoying...

The company of greg
and greta so much, why don't we
have them join us at our table?

Let's just leave the seating
the way it is.

Perhaps we'll get to know
each other another time.

‐ And I do hope this doesn't
make for any awkwardness.
‐ What do you mean?

Conscience pangs
while you're screwing him,
that sort of thing.

‐ Susan‐‐
‐ maybe you're not
afflicted in that way.

‐ God knows my husband isn't.
‐ That's enough.

I think you're right.
I think, actually,

Uh, I will call it a night,
if you'll let go of my arm.

Mr. Kelly?

[ Horn honking ]

Does that make your list
of most miserable evenings,
mr. Kelly?

Well, at least
it wasn't rainin', right?

I seem to have become
someone who finds satisfaction
in public embarrassments...

And who confides her personal
problems to strangers.

I hear people's
personal problems all the time.

I expect you do. I hope
you're not going to quit.

No. No, you're safe, right?
We got through the shift.

[ Sighs ]

I'm gonna, uh‐‐
I'm gonna get goin'.

Thank you
for taking care of me.

Good night.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Mrs. Dileo?

You want to talk to me?


I'm gonna louse up
your day real good, jamie.

Your mother gave you up.
[ Chuckles ]

I didn't do
none of the v*olence.

Alls I was was the lookout.
Jamie been wantin' to take that
house out for like four months.

Your brother jamie?

So I'm standin'
outside in the back,

And he goes in
through the basement...

And then I started to hear
scuffling and so forth.

You see, we didn't expect
that woman to be home.

You go inside?
I went in.

And this woman
was resisting.

And jamie's got his hands
on her throat...

And he squeezed her throat
until she went out.

She was out, and jamie went
upstairs to get the jewelry.

What'd you do?

I went back outside.

[ sniffs ]

But then in a couple
of minutes, I started
to hear more scuffling.

So I went back in...

And... She must've got up...

Because she was upstairs
where jamie was.

He got this lamp cord...

And wrapped it around her neck.

Finally she went down.

When did her throat
get cut?

Well, first
he went to the drawers
to get the jewelry.

And then when he was goin' out,
he got this ring off her finger,

And that's when
he cut her throat.

Then what happened?

Then we sold peggy the jewelry,
and then we copped.

How much smack did you get
for the jewelry?

Three dime bags.

That was cool.
That was enough, you know?

We could both get off.

[ Crying ]
and I wouldn't let jamie
sell that vcr...

Because that‐‐

That belonged to my mother.

[ Continues crying ]

[ Phone ringing ]
I'll do what I can, but
I can't promise anything.

[ Chattering ]
is he done?

Yeah, he just
signed a statement.
I'm gonna call the d. A.

You did a good job.
Andy moved the mother.


Nice goin', partner.
Like ridin' a bike, huh?

Yeah. Hey, lieutenant.
[ Clears throat ]

I don't know if you
heard me yesterday
sayin' I was grateful.

You met me halfway on this‐‐
uh, more than halfway.

Does this mean
we're goin' out for ribs?

No, I didn't mean anything
personal with that.

Just do a good job, andy.

[ Phone ringing ]

Hey, detective.
The, uh, one brother
rolled, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.
You goin' back to anticrime?

That's what
they told me, yeah.

Hey, I enjoyed
workin' with ya.

Same here, detective.
I felt like I learned a lot.

I'll see you around.
Flying james.

Hey, I just wanted
to let you know, uh,
I'm gettin' my g*n back.

Evidently, the permit board
didn't share your reservations
about my reliability.

Well, that's why they make
vanilla and chocolate, 4b.

You know, possibly there was
some merit in what you said
the other day.

Possibly, uh, you know,
gettin' robbed and beaten up
has upset me.

In fact, I'd say it has.

But I'm still a human being
who needs to function
in this city.

You want to do somethin' smart?
Take your g*n over
to the property room in queens.

No. No.
No, you know what?
Wait. Give it to me.

Give it to me.
I'll hold onto it
till you sort stuff out.

No, uh, but thanks
for your concern.

You know, I still
consider myself your friend.

I hope
you feel likewise.
I do.

Because, uh,
I haven't made that many
friends in new york.

[ Chuckles, sighs ]

I'm a respectable person.
I'm a chef at
the seville hotel.

Respectable people get caught
with whores all the time.

[ Chef ]
I'm a married man. I got kids.
I don't want this to come out.

You should've thought of that
before you unzipped your fly.

Hey, sarge, what do we got?
Solicitation. He was tryin'
to pick up a whore.

Hmm. Listen, let me talk
to this man for a second,
will you, detective?

Hold off on writin' that up
just two seconds, all right?

Come here.
What's your name?
Frank kennedy.

Yeah, frank,
just step here a second.

I can't believe I let something
like this happen to me.

Well, sometimes we follow
our little captains into battle
there, don't we?

Now, uh, do I understand
that you're a chef
at the hotel seville?

Yeah, for the past 12 years.
So in other words,

You would be involved
in preparing room service
meals, for example?

Yeah, that's what I do.

[ Clears throat ]
someone we recently arrested
has been stayin' at the seville.

Oh, the secret
government witness guy?
That's correct.

Mr. Lasagna, we call him.
Mr. Lasagna, eh?

Well, that's
all he ever orders.
And you prepare the meal?

Yeah. I'm in a lot
of trouble here.

Not necessarily.

Hey, luth, good dog.
Hey, andy.

Uh, medavoy, you want me
to take luther there
for a stroll?

Yeah, geez, andy,
that'd be great.

I got a bunch of phone calls
to make on a robbery.

Yeah, uh, give me
his scooper there.

Yeah. Here you go.

Hey, no problem.

All right, luther,
wanna lay a loaf?

[ Barking ]

Right this way, sir.


Thank you for coming, mr. Kelly.
I know we weren't scheduled.

‐ That's okay.
‐ I have absolutely no need
for your services.

I don't have any excuse
for asking you to come over.

I wanted someone
to keep me company,
and you came to mind.

How'd you get the eye?

My husband beat me up after
the festivities last night.

I'm sure it made for better
sex afterward with greta.

[ Sighs ]
this is a horrible way to live.

This is not
how I wanted my life to be.

What about making
some changes?

Uh‐huh. I should.
I should, uh‐‐

I should divorce him.

My husband
doesn't want that.

I think he's actually found
exactly the arrangement
he's been looking for.

He has a mistress and the bimbos
he cheats on her with.

And then every so often
he gets to beat up...

His wellborn and genteelly
impoverished wife.

He says that he's
insulated the assets.

He says that, uh,
if I file for divorce,

He'll tie up the process
for five years...

And meanwhile
I'll be penniless.

And, uh...

I, I just feel‐‐

I feel... So helpless.

And I feel trapped...

And ashamed and afraid,
and I wish he were dead.

[ Sighs ]
am I under arrest?

Wishes don't get you busted,
mrs. Wagner.

It's more than a wish,
mr. Kelly.

If there was some way that
I could come home one night
and he'd been shot‐‐

Well, we're gettin' into
a bad area now, mrs. Wagner.

[ Pager beeping ]

Saved by the bell.

‐ You got a phone I can use?
‐ Mmm.

Oh, look at this.

Relax. Relax.
Maybe english isn't
your first language, sipowicz.

Is that the problem?
This is my farewell visit.
I just want to apologize.

I mean, you got a job to do.
You know, you put us
right in the middle.

Well, I had a bee
in my bonnet about this guy,

And I wasn't lookin' at things
from your point of view.

[ Giardella ]
who's that out there?
Is that who I think it is?

Don't worry about it.
The situation's under control.
Hey, hey, there he is.

I'll tell you somethin',
sipowicz. I'm gonna miss you
down there in d. C.

Back at you, alfonse.
That's why I came
to say good‐bye.

You know, you're like
that geyser‐‐ old reliable.

Who am I gonna count on to make
an assh*le out of himself?

[ Marshal ]
your food's coming, giardella.
Why don't you go back inside?

[ Giardella ]
you see, they're deliverin'
my expensive dinner now.

What are you eatin' tonight?
Big mac and fries?

I'm a realist, alfonse.
[ Marshal ]
bring it in.

Whatever I'm gonna eat
tonight I know won't compare
to what's under that tray.

What's the special of
the day? Beef de merde?
Who knows?

I'm havin' some nice lasagna.
If you'll excuse me now.

Yeah. Go on. Bon appetit.

Uh, you know what? I don't‐‐
I don't need to stick around.

Just convey my sentiments
to the relief guy, huh?

Just tell him
what I expressed.

[ Giardella yells ]
my god! This is crap!

He poisoned me!

Call 9‐1‐1!
The rat bastard poisoned me!

He's dead.

Your father?

"Cleaning his g*n."

He left me this... Letter
in my apartment.

[ Deep sigh ]
"I don't want you to feel bad.

"There's reasons
this makes sense.

"This way
mommy gets benefits,

"Which I don't feel
it's right she'd lose.

"'Cause whatever else,
that was still me...

"Going through those doors
22 years.

"The one thing
I can rest easy with:

[ Crying ]
"you're a good person...

"And you're on your way...

And you weren't touched
by any of this."

Oh, god.

He used to hold me
in his arms...

And I'd feel...

That nothing could go wrong
in the whole world.

[ Continues crying ]

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