01x11 - From Hare to Eternity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x11 - From Hare to Eternity

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.
Good morning, sergeant.

Can I put these
under the tree for the party?

Maybe better we keep them
in the radio room.
I'll put 'em out later on.

Okay. The children
are so excited.

Look what we got for 'em.

A replacement rabbit.
He looks exactly like
the one they reported stolen.

Yeah, we gave
the pet shop guys
the description.

Well, this is wonderful,

We got some other presents
for 'em too. We're gonna have
saint nick here and everything.

Well, he's got
some very kind elves
working for him.

Yeah, and there goes
santa now.

[ Groans ]

Anything with a little tear
or a stain that‐‐

Anything you couldn't sell
or got returned.

Oh, that‐that's great.
Great. Thanks a lot,
mr. Peters.

I'll send a car over.

I just got two dozen
deadly space assassins dolls
for four‐year‐olds.

‐ Great.
‐ Yeah, detective medavoy.

Let me call you back.

Hey, andy, did you pick up
the santa suit yet?
[ Sighs ]

Not yet, medavoy.

'Cause I took it
to the dry cleaners.

I‐i told 'em
you'd pick it up today.

Well, I didn't yet.
The party's
this afternoon, andy.

Hey, medavoy, how come
I gotta be santa claus?

Well, uh,
stillwell psychoed out,

And walker's got jaundice.

No offense,
but you're the fattest guy
in the squad.


Hey, what's haverill
doing here?

Uh, I guess he's waitin'
for the lieutenant.

Now, you see, that much
I figured on my own, medavoy,

On account of he's standin'
in fancy's office.

I was more wonderin',
do we know what he wants?

All's I know is he's
gettin' to be a regular.

Haverill's gonna need
a camping permit, huh?

I can't make
these numbers work.

I don't see the caseload
to‐to warrant the overtime
you're putting through.

Obviously, I disagree.

You wouldn't be buying
your squad's loyalty at
time and a half, would you?

Captain, the last time,
it was my clearance rate.

The time before that,
it was case management.

And both those conversations
were as bogus as this one.

In other words, you think
I'm secretly pleased...

With the job you're doing,
and I just don't realize it?

I think all your cards
aren't face up.
You want a command slot to open,

And I'm the candidate
to get moved along.

If you feel we've got
a personality conflict,

Maybe you should
put in for transfer.

Uh‐uh, captain.
You think I authorize
too much overtime?

You don't like
my clearance rate?
Go on record at the borough,

'Cause I stand by
how I command.

You don't want to do this
the easy way, huh, arthur?
Move along on your own steam.

Just don't put this on stage.
Don't you undermine me
in front of my people.

Trust me.
If I want you gone,
you're gone.

Yeah, well,
I didn't get here easy, and
I won't be going easy either.

What do you know, andy?
How's it goin'?

Merry christmas.
Yeah, same to you.

Either I or detective sipowicz
will pick it up.

Did you get the spot
out of the fuzzy collar?
Oh, that's great.

That hypocrite bastard haverill
knows fancy's doin' the job.

He just wants to move
his own man in there.
Probably that ass‐kisser murphy.

How come he's got
such a big smile for you?

Who knows?
Screw him anyway.

Maybe he likes your
sunny disposition.

You got a problem
with my disposition?


I'm just wonderin'
where the big mistake's
gonna happen this year‐‐

Where I'm gonna create
a disaster area
for the holidays.

Who says there's
gotta be a disaster?

[ Sighs ]
come on, john.

They set clocks off of me.

Last year‐‐ today's
probably the anniversary‐‐

I was lookin' to bang
my good friend, lois the whore.

I go over to her room,
I push open the door,
I take down my pants.

Of course, it turns out
not to be lois.
I was in the wrong room.

Correct me if I'm wrong,

But wasn't there some
alcoholic involvement
in that incident?

Lucky the hotel
was all hookers, huh?

Lucky I had the 20 bucks.

No, all I'm sayin' is that
it could be different with you
bein' off the booze, that's all.

Yeah, yeah, maybe you're right.
I mean, I get to play
santa claus this year.

Hand out the precious
gift of merchandise
to all these deprived kids.

Maybe some of 'em actually
didn't try to break into
my car on their way to school.

Then maybe there's somebody
you can talk to about it.
You know, somebody professional.

I'm sure you mean well
by that question.

[ Fancy ]
hey, kelly?
Think about it.

We got a kidnapping.
Go in soft clothes.


What time did you get
the ransom call?

Right after I got here
at 9:00 this morning.
You recognize the voice?

It was male. He sounded
pretty young. Said he'd
call back in two hours.

I canceled
all your appointments,
spoke to leonard at the bank.

He can have the money ready
in a couple of hours.

You wanna tell us
what that's about, doctor?

They've asked for
$100,000 ransom.

Uh, I'll pay anything.

Okay, we can't tell you
not to do that,

But we would like a chance
to record and mark
some of those bills.

Look, detective,

These people are gonna
get their money whenever
and wherever they want it.

Now, i‐i don't care
if it's recovered
or if they're even caught.

All I want
is my little girl back.

What time you drop her off
at school this morning?

I did that.
I pick tina up at 7:30
and drop her at school by 8:00.

Dr. Sachs
goes the opposite way
to the hospital.

‐ You do that every day?
‐ The last couple of years.

Is that telling you something?
[ Sipowicz ]
it just means that...

It was, uh,
it was an easy job.

Look, we're gonna need
some pictures and a description
of what she was wearin'.

Okay, doctor,
we're gonna leave here now
and work out of the station...

In case anybody's watching
the office.

We don't want them aware
of our comings and goings.

The phone company will put
a trap on the phone to monitor
the location of any calls.

One of our people will come out
and put a recorder on the line
so we can monitor...

The time of the calls.
I don't want my daughter
put at risk.

This won't put her at risk.
If we can put a trace
on the call,

Then we can put surveillance
on the location of the call.

I am gonna pay this money,
I am gonna get my daughter, and
I don't want you to interfere.

‐ Doctor, is this
your first kidnapping?
‐ Andy‐‐

You really think that
sarcasm is appropriate here,

Nobody's bein' sarcastic.

Me and my partner
got more experience at this
than you do.

Now sometimes,
people pay the money and
they don't get their child back.

I've worked those cases,
lookin' for a child
from a cold start.

‐ Okay, andy‐‐
‐ I don't like findin'
some of those kids.

‐ What do you mean?
‐ What do you think I mean?

[ Kelly ]
doctor, you're gonna
have to trust us.

We'll work with you.
Let us do our job.
And hopefully,

Something will
come out of this.

Do what you have to do.

Lieutenant, we're all set up
for the call
in the doctor's office.

Did he cooperate on the ransom?
The bank xeroxed
all the bills.

The f. B. I.'S been notified.
They want us
to keep 'em informed.

They said they'd monitor
the situation.

Just what the world needs‐‐
more monitors.

Kidnappers said they want
a quick score in and out.
That's good news for the kid.

Put the guy in the cage.

Put the lady and the kid
in interview one.

We made a pickup on that
north carolina teletype request.
That armed robbery?

Mm‐hmm. We can charge
the guy here too.
He had a g*n in the car.

Everything else falls in‐‐
the description on the driver,
the license plate.

He had a woman with him, which
the north carolina want said
a woman was seen in the car.

Let north carolina know
what we got.

Work the interrogation
with medavoy.

[ Woman over radio ]
nest to base "k."

Base standing by.
We've got an incoming call.

We got an incoming call.

Nest to base.
The subjects
are on the phone.

These are the subjects.
Trap the call.

Got it.
Pay phone, northeast corner
water and broad.

[ Siren wailing ]

‐ [ Tires screeching ]
‐ ho!

You okay?

You okay?
How am i?

Look at this, kelly.
Not a scratch, huh?

'Cause he's totally loaded
and he didn't get
all tensed up.

‐ Hey, what's goin' on?
‐ What's goin' on is
you just hit us, you assh*le.

Yeah? Well,

Why don't we let the cops
figure out who
the assh*le is, huh?

And you're an assh*le!

I'm an assh*le.
I'm an assh*le, huh? Huh?

I'm the assh*le, huh?
I'm the assh*le?
Get off my car!

I'm an assh*le?

Look what you did, huh?
I'm an assh*le?

You all right?
Yeah. What'd we get
off the call?

It's a zip.
The phone booth
turned up empty.

No prints, no one
in the area saw anything.

They tell sachs
where to make the drop?
The deal changed.

The same ransom,
but they added narcotics.

The doctor bought
a couple hours
to put it together.

We ought to work up
his patient files
for addicts.

The nurse
is bringing them over.
You sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'll be all right.

Hey, lieutenant.
Listen, uh,

Don't do anything rash
on that haverill situation.
What haverill situation?

I'm just saying,
give it time to play out.

I don't know what
you're talking about, andy.
And if I did,

I'd tell you
it's none of your business.

So how long
you been drivin'
your uncle's car, calvin?

I got nothin' to say.
That car looked like
you were on a trip.

Full ashtray,
a lot of litter in the car.
Like I said before‐‐

There was a couple
ran a liquor store
in north carolina.

They got, uh,
p‐p‐p*stol‐whipped during
a robbery down there.

The woman lost an eye.
The owner got
a new york plate number.

‐ It was the car
you were driving.
‐ Screw 'em.

And screw you people too.

What's your relationship
to the woman and the kid
we picked you up with?

I gave 'em a ride.
Where'd you pick 'em up?

Alabama somewhere.

Come on, calvin.
You've been around.
You know how this works.

You're lookin' at‐at‐at armed
robbery and‐and‐and felony
as*ault in north carolina...

And‐and felony
weapons charges here.

Why don't you help
yourself out a little?

Well, i‐i‐i
w‐w‐w‐w‐want a lawyer.

Do that again. Come on.
Imitate me again.

I want a lawyer.

Well, the season bein'
what it is, assh*le,

It's gonna take a while
for us to get
one here for ya.

So I lie in my cell
and hope santa don't forget me?


You think about how
we're gonna give you
special treatment.

How we're gonna do our best
to make everything turn out
lousy for you.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am here to announce...

That the main
and basement levels
of the precinct house...

Have been cleared of rodents.
[ Cat yowling ]

[ Scattered applause ]
thank you.

I can now offer the services
of big bad bert...

To the investigative level
of this building.

The rats only ate lunches.
That panther in your arms
looks like he eats the cops.

[ Yowling ]
not if you're my size.

You, martinez,
could be in danger.

So stay alert, be careful,
and wear a name tag
at all times.

If there are
no further comments,
let the hunt begin.

[ Yowling ]

What are you‐‐
what are you doin' with kyle?

Uh, he's gonna be
right outside with, uh,
miss abandando.

Oh. Could he be
in here with me?

He's real good with my face.
Real quiet.

It's better
not for now, ma'am.

That's, um, finger‐finger‐‐

Where you fingerprint people
who are going to jail.

Am I going to jail?

Well, uh, you're gonna have
a lot to do with that.

Uh, why don't you tell us
what happened.

How did you meet
mr. James?

Well, kyle and me
were hitchin' at
a truck stop near gadsden.

We had a sign that said,
you know, "new york city."

And calvin, he saw our sign
and he picked us up.

Why'd you decide
to come to new york?

Well, it's such a big place,
I just figured I could get
some kind of work.

I know how to waitress.

And there's another reason,

Which I'm not so proud
to tell you,

But I've heard that the, uh,

Welfare system is better
here than in georgia.

I don't wanna be on welfare.
I wanna work,

But I just want it there,
you know, 'cause of kyle.

Did you ever see calvin
before he gave you a ride?


This‐this has somethin'
to do with him, doesn't it?

We think so.

It's‐it's‐it's about something
that happened in, uh, uh,
north carolina.


Do you recall
stopping anywhere there?

Uh, yeah.
We stopped at one place‐‐

At a store,
a package store.

Calvin, he just went in
and he got himself a beer,

And he brought out
a moonpie for kyle.

You waited in the car?

Did somethin' happen
in that store?

Lord. Did he commit
some kind of crime
in that store?

We think he did.
We think he committed a violent
armed robbery in that store.

Well, I don't know
nothin' about it.

I didn't even know
it happened.

If I had known he had a w*apon,
kyle and me would've been
out of that car.

You can place him
at the scene.

Now, that makes you a witness.
Would you be willing
to testify?

Yeah, I guess I would.

Oh, lord,
this isn't how I wanted
to come to new york city.

John evans. Doctor noted
drug‐seeking behavior.

‐ Wouldn't be him.
‐ You're sure?

I'm sure. He enrolled
in a rehab program.

He works as a counselor now.
He's very proud
of being in recovery.

How long ago
did you speak with him?

Three days ago.
I'm telling you,
it's not him.

‐ I know you're upset
about this.
‐ Yes, I am.

You dropped tina off
every day. You must've
been close with her.

I can't stand to think
of anything
happening to her.

Larry ashman. Doctor noted
drug‐seeking behavior.

Would tina have known him‐‐
trusted him enough
to get in the car?

No. She wouldn't
have known him.

You sure about him too?
It isn't him,
I'm telling you.

It isn't him.

Who is it, mrs. Bowman?

I think it's my son.

[ Woman ]
nest to base "k."

Base standing by.
Subjects are calling.

Doctor's receiving
his instructions, "k."

Incoming call.
Make the trap.

He's to drive uptown
on amsterdam avenue.

Son of a bitch.
They're callin' on
a cellular phone.

They're gonna call him
on his car phone, "k."
Base to nest.

I wanna talk to the doctor when
he's through. Put him on.
He's off the line, "k."

I tell you, whoever
invented cellular phones
should be hung by his nuts.

[ Dr. Sachs ]
detective kelly,
I'm gonna do what they want.

Doctor, we want a chance
to follow you. This way,

We can follow them
off the pickup straight
to your daughter, okay?

Just let me do this.
Doctor, nobody's gonna know
we're following you.

You head up amsterdam avenue.
We'll pick you up.
We know your car.

We're gonna be a in a taxi,
number 1, "t" as in thomas,
5, 3, all right?

Yes, all right.

Okay, here we go, pal.

Thanks a lot, all right?
Have a nice holiday.

Yeah, you too.

He made the drop, andy.
Parked car right where
you left me.

I'm on it.
You got a phone?

[ Man ]
what you want, man?
Hey, what do you need?

A phone. Phone.
It's inside?
Over there. Yeah.

he's got it, andy.
Come on, andy.

Andy‐‐ he's got it, andy.
Come and pick me up.
He's headin' north.

‐ Pick me up!
‐ [ Honking horn ]
‐ come on! Come on! Let's go!

Come on!
Son of a bitch!


Let's go. Go!

You see him?

[ Kelly ]
that's him.

There. There.

[ Kelly ]
there he is.

I'll stay back here.

Come on, you assh*le.
Take us to the kid.
Come on. Come on.

What the hell is he doin'?
He's gonna get high,

That piece of garbage
is gonna fix right here.

Andy, that junk is pure.
He o. D. S., We got nothin'.
Let's go.

Get out of the car.
Hey! Hey!
What'd I do?

Get out of the car! Shut up!
What'd I do?
What'd I do?

Now you listen careful now.
You got nothin'.

You got no family,
you got no friends,
and you got no rights.

All you got left is your life,
and I'll take that from you
right here on this spot.

Now, you got one shot.
You tell us where that kid is.

You better tell us.
[ Groans ]
I'll tell you.

I'll tell you.
Get up.

Hi. My name is laura michaels.
I'm an assistant
district attorney.

Am‐am I gonna be arrested
and‐and fingerprinted
and go to jail?

North carolina has issued
what is called...

A jane doe warrant in
the liquor store robberies...

That the detectives
talked to you about.

They've asked me
to conduct an interview
to determine...

Whether you should be tried
in that case or held
as a material witness.

Do you understand?
Yes, ma'am, I understand.

But I got
a little boy out there,

And neither one of us
done anything wrong.

Would you like to have
an attorney with you?

No, thank you.

According to the statement
you gave to detective medavoy...

And officer martinez,
you waited in the car...

Outside the liquor store
while calvin james was inside?

‐ Yes, ma'am.
‐ You have no idea what
transpired in the store?

N‐no, ma'am.
Only what they told me.

Miss cahill,
you have no relationship
to mr. James...

Other than having been
a hitchhiker with
your child in his car?


[ Michaels ]
go ahead.

He wanted to know
if I would have sex...

With him.

He said I didn't have to
if I didn't want to,
but that if I did,

He would give me
a hundred dollars.

I was grateful to him,
and I kinda liked him.

And the money'd
sure be a big help,
so I did it.

But that prostituting was
the only crime I've ever done
in my whole life.

And I wouldn't have
taken the money
if it weren't for kyle.

I bought myself some shoes
and a dress with it...

To go look for work in,
'cause you gotta have
a good appearance for a job.

Would you be willing to
testify against mr. James...

If this matter were
to come to trial?

Oh, I'd‐‐

I'd feel real bad about it,

But I don't wanna go to jail
and be away from my boy.

So you would?

Yes, ma'am, I would.

Kathy, there's some steps
we have to take now...

On deciding how
to proceed on your case.

It might take some time.
I'd be grateful for anything
you can do for us.

‐ Hi, mommy.
‐ There's a party for little
kids downstairs later on.

It might be nice
for kyle.

Do you have an idea for
a present he might like?

There's a toy
he'd just die for.

It's, um‐‐
it's called a power ranger.

Yeah, I've seen that.

You know, I'd like to say that
you are one of the nicest
people I've ever met.

I'm gonna go call
my boss.

Excuse me.
[ Martinez ]
go ahead.

Hey, baby.
So, was he any trouble?

Oh, none at all.
We made snowmen.

Uh, we believe
this woman, lieutenant.

She said the guy picked her up
in, uh, alabama‐‐

That she was coming north
with her kid,
which the guy also says.


On the robbery
in north carolina,

She saw the guy go into
the store for some beer,
and he came out with it.

Uh, she didn't know
what he did inside.

She's willing
to testify?

We'll get her prints.
If she's clean, we'll see
what we can do for her.

she's got hands and fingers,
doesn't she?

She's scared to death
as it is, lieutenant.

I want her run
through b. C. I., Medavoy.

Yeah, yeah.
We were just thinkin', uh,

We could lift the prints
from the glass she drank from.

Any other special handling
you got in mind?

Do you think she could stay
in a motel with her kid
instead of in the civil jail?

Get her prints first,


Happy holidays.

I'm meeting richie at 6:00.
He's taking me to
linardi's party.

Do you have the sector
patrol assignments?

You sure it's okay for me
to give 'em to linardi?

This is cleared at
command level, officer.

does it bother you...

That this stuff is
kind of low‐rent?

I mean,
linardi's supposed to be
the new boss,

And he's setting up
a truck heist.

Al capone was the biggest
mobster of his time.

He went away
for being a tax cheat.

Thomas dewey
popped lucky luciano
for being a pimp.

And dewey got to run
for president, didn't he?

Of course,
he did get beat.

I just wanna tell you,

That I think you're doin'
terrific work.

And I appreciate the pressure
that you're living with.

That's as close as I can come
to holiday sentiments
without sounding like a phony.

The only sentiments
I wanna hear from you
are telling me that I'm done.

Hey, don't make a move
till you hear from me.

The guy we grabbed said
they got the little girl
in a closet in the back room.

They got three assholes
in the front room,

And the junkie girlfriend
watching the kid in the back.

You guys go in the front.
We'll crash through the back
and grab the kid.

Hold on a second here.
You guys ever hear of a warrant,
for crying out loud?

I can hear somebody callin'
for help in that back room.

Now, if I can hear it,
we got grounds to hit it,
don't we?

Come on, sarge.
I sure as hell
can hear her cryin'.

Yeah, I guess I can hear it too.
All right, you guys,
go when you hear the crash.

Thanks a lot.
Yeah, merry christmas.
Come on. Let's go.

[ All shouting, indistinct ]
get down on the floor!

[ Shouting continues ]
he's going out the window!

[ Screaming ]
out the window!
Check the window!

Get down!
Shut up! Shut up!
Get in the kitchen!

Shut up! Don't say anything!
Put your hands
behind your back!

‐ Hi.
‐ Can I come out now?

Come on.

That a girl. You're safe.
You're goin' home now.

She's okay.

We didn't hurt her!
You can see that!

We just wanted something
for the holidays!

Hey, you okay?
Yeah, yeah.

We got the little girl.
How about you?
We got three male suspects...

Slightly damaged due to
necessary falls.

They'll live.

Hiya, tina.
It's nice to see you.

This is john kelly.
Yeah, hold on a minute.

Hold on a second.
Go ahead, honey.
Wish your dad a merry christmas.

Hello, daddy.
It's me.

Merry christmas.

All right, come on.
Get in the car now.


Watch your head.
Let's go.

You got my radio?
Hey, I know a shortcut.

I'll lead you guys
out of here.

John, I got a stop to make.
I'll see you back
at the squad.

All right, buddy.
Bye‐bye, honey.

[ Siren wailing ]

Something on your mind, andy,
or are you moonlighting?

If you got no objection,
captain, let's skip the foreplay
and get right to the screwing.

What screwing is that?
The one you're trying
to give to lieutenant fancy.

Did he send you?

Because promotions and
transfers of senior officers
in this department,

Detectives, they don't get
a voice in that.
I didn't come here to vote.

Then what's your stake here?
Never mind that.

Let's talk about famous meals
from the past.

Remember the disico hit?

Carmine goes face down
in his clams?

I was tryin'
to work him.

I didn't see the sh**t.
I was clean, and you know it.

No, I don't.
I took your word for it.

I buried you havin' lunch
with this guy so you wouldn't
look bad for your bosses.

Nineteenth squad's
still tryin' to find
that mystery diner,

Whose salad got dressed
with disico's front brains.

I don't get it.
Before you got shot,
fancy was ready to dump you.

Look, all you need to know,
captain, I think
I owe the lieutenant enough...

To put some wood up your ass
if anything bad happens.

How's it work, sipowicz?
He let you drink in the john?

Let's not quarrel, huh?
It's the holidays.

John, where's andy?
He had to make a stop.

At the dry cleaner's?
I already picked up
the santa outfit.

He didn't say where
he was goin'.
What's goin' on?

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
The kids are comin'.

John, you wanna be santa?

I‐‐ I don't‐‐
I don't think
I would pass, do you?

Well, you think
I look like santa?

Because I'm gonna have
to be santa now.

Just tell 'em that
the party's started.

Hey, john.
Merry christmas.
Merry christmas.

Did you hurt yourself?
Yeah, I just got
a little banged up.

I'm all right.

So you gonna go
to the party later on?

Maybe I'll
see you there.

Miss abandando will take kyle
down to the party.

Will he go with me?
Oh, sure.

He's used to doin' things
with different people.

We've stayed in
so many different places.

Sweetheart, you wanna go
to a christmas party?

I can't believe it.

I can't believe it.

I took the rabbit
out of the cage to
put a ribbon on it.

I‐i‐i‐i come outside
to find andy.

I‐i‐i‐i go back in.

The rabbit's missing?
The rabbit's dead.

Lucas' cat ate it.

Okay, let's go.
[ Kathy ]
all right. Be good, baby.

Your wet‐brained errand boy
came to see me.

What are you talking about?

Deaf and dumb,
huh, lieutenant?

‐ You didn't send sipowicz
stumbling my way?
‐ No, I didn't.

Well, unpack your bags.
He did his job.

Listen to me, captain.
I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

And I never had
my bags packed.

Andy, change into this.
And stall on the rabbit.

What are you talkin'
about, medavoy?

Lucas' cat had
rabbit stew for christmas.

So when you give out
the presents, just‐just stall
till I get back.

Your little boy's
just fine.


You got a minute?
I gotta talk to you.

Hey, when are you
taking kathy to the motel?

We're not.
That perp's prints came back.
He's not calvin james.

He's carl shivers.
He busted his wife
out of jail in florida...

A week ago at gunpoint.

And the wife's been i. D.'D
from those prints off the glass.

She's married
to that guy?

She's got 11 armed robberies
and two assaults on her sheet.

You stay back now.

[ Screams ]

‐ You give me carl
and my little boy.
‐ Drop the scissors.

‐ No, you listen to me.
I will cut her throat.
‐ You're not goin' anywhere!

‐ Drop the scissors!
‐ You clear me a path
to the stairs, now!

‐ You're makin' things worse.
‐ Please don't hurt me.
‐ Shut up!

You do it now!
Clear me a p‐‐

‐ Drop it, or
I'll blow your face off!
‐ Go ahead.

You miss, she dies.
Go ahead!

Grab the scissors!
Grab the scissors!
Let go!

Grab the arm!
Grab her arm!
Get her up here.

Give me the hand.
Give me the hand.
Give me some cuffs.

Are you all right?
She would've k*lled me.

Take it easy.
You're okay.

Just settle down!
Take it easy!
You saved me, gregory.

I'm out of here.
Take her to booking.
I gotta go to a pet shop.

Get yourself
a drink of water.

I'm gonna get myself...
Some spiked eggnog.

[ Sipowicz ]
okay, merry christmas, daniel.
Ho, ho, ho.

Merry christmas.
Ho, ho, ho. All right.
Who's next? There you go.

Merry christmas.
Ho, ho, ho.

Uh, what's your name?

[ Child ]

Hey. Yeah.
Hey. Punch?

Big change
from last year, huh?


You seem happy here.

I like the work.

Look at andy.

Yeah. It's a tough time
of the year for him,
you know.

So, i‐i guess
you're gonna go over
to your mother's later?

Yeah. In fact, I was
headin' over there, yeah.

Merry christmas.
Merry christmas, laura.

[ Sipowicz ]
okay, merry christmas, ben.
Ho, ho, ho.

Can I talk to santa
for just a minute?

How ya doin'?

I put it in my letter.
I've been a good girl
all year.

[ Chuckling ]

Do you have plans later?

No, I think
I'm gonna head out.


Yeah. I wouldn't make
very good company.

Merry christmas, andy.
Merry christmas.

Okay, who's next?

There you go.

Hi, johnny.

How's it goin'?

That's, uh‐‐
that's just conversation.

[ Laughs ]
I know.
I'm not pryin'.

I know.

I gotta go.
Lieutenant wants to see me.

Yeah. All right.
I'll‐i'll talk to you later.

Nice seein' you.
Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.
Ho, ho, ho.

All right, up.
[ Groans ]

This is for you.
Hey, lieutenant.

For me?
I'm a little embarrassed.
I didn't get you anything.

Open it.

I'm a detective?

Don't ask me how I finagled
gettin' the badge early.

Just show up
at 1 police plaza wednesday
at 10:00 for the ceremony.


I got my gold shield.

Flyin' james,
you're a detective,
you son of a bitch.

Way to go.

Thank you.
Congratulations, detective.

All right, sarge.
Hey, way to go, detective.

Hey, thank you.

Lucas, that animal‐‐
[ yowling ]

That animal is a k*ller.
rabbits are rodents.

That's how he makes
his living.

Merry christmas, evelyn.
Ho, ho, ho.

[ Woman ] oh, look!
Well, look what
santa's helper brought.

I thought maybe you crashed
the sleigh, medavoy.

Okay, this way.

Look what I got!

Come on.

What was haverill
talkin' about?

[ Sighs ]

Cut it out, sipowicz.
Haverill said you came
to see him.

Look, lieutenant, you know,
I had a long day.

I got a long night
ahead of me goin' up and down
all those chimneys.

I don't know what kind
of leverage you had, andy,
but I wish you hadn't used it.

[ Sighs ]

That's a funny way
to say thank you,
huh, lieutenant?

I fight my own battles.

You know, maybe
I did make a mistake.

Maybe dumphy or o'bannon
or whichever other
chowder‐society turd...

Haverill had cued up
for your job would've been
easier to work with.

Why did you do it?
I don't know, lieutenant.

All day long, I knew
I was gonna make a mistake.

I guess this is just
the one I got to first,
all right?

I don't owe you.

Nobody said you did.
I don't owe you.

You don't owe me d*ck,
all right?

Merry christmas, lieutenant!

Look. Look,
when you and I talk,
it's always a train wreck.

I mean to say one thing,
and we wind up
in each other's faces.

I got your drift.
No, you didn't, andy.

I'm not easy with
people doin' for me,

But I shouldn't have sounded
so ungrateful.

I appreciate
your tryin' to help.

No problem.
I owed you one.

Merry christmas, andy.

Merry christmas.

媻 [ piano ]
christmas bonus time,
miss janice.

Tommy's handin' out
the goodies.

Here's a toast, tommy.

Who's that guy
he's talkin' to?

Fellow from out of town.
Did some special work
for tommy.

So, are you gonna
get rewarded for
all your good deeds, richie?

We'll see.

Between me, you
and the lamp post,
I wish tommy...

Had a little more
old‐timer in him.

You wish he had
a big mustache?

He doesn't appreciate
the tradition like
the other guy did.


Besides, sometimes
he's a little short‐arm.
Oh, he's cheap, huh?

My turn at the trough.

How you doin', tommy?
Hey, richie.

‐ Janice, tommy linardi.
‐ How you doin'?

Yeah. Have a seat.

You did good for us.

Well, if you say so,

I don't know what a couple
of sector designations...

And personnel assignments
can do for you.

Yeah, well,
maybe that's why
you're walkin' the beat.


Hey, here's a little, uh‐‐
here's a little boost.

I think I did the right thing
for you too, richie.
Enjoy a happy holiday.

Thanks, tom.
I wasn't expectin' this.

You must have something
very special planned
for those schedules.

Hey, spend the money.
Don't worry about my plans.

Tommy, happy new year.

See you later, huh?

Angelo, come here.

Do you believe
this cheap son of a bitch?

I'll admit to being
a little disappointed.

I don't roll over and spread
wide. You wanna get treated
like a punk, that's up to you.

[ Sighs ]
where's justice,
huh, richie?

Why don't you take
your smart mouth
someplace else?


Merry christmas.

[ Tv: indistinct ]

There she is.


Hi, johnny.

I'm so glad to see you.

Oh, here you are.

Mrs. Hanson says
you're eatin' better.

Mrs. Gallaway died

Yeah. She died
a long time ago, mom.
[ Chuckles ]

She did everything gracefully.
Even her passing was that way.
Can you turn that off?

There's a controller
around someplace.

It doesn't work anyway.

[ Tv shuts off ]

There's something
I talk‐talk‐‐

I want to talk to you about.

But you have to help me
keep my mind on it.

You got a deal.

I mean, with one thing
and another‐‐
you working night duty‐‐

Well, it just never seemed
the right time, you know?

I don't want you to
take this the wrong way.

It's about john jr.


When you come home late,

And you're so quiet
so as not to wake me,
I hear you.

And I know
you go into his room.

I've watched you
a few times.

Sitting by the side
of the bed, I've seen you
stroke his hair...

And kiss him good night.

I know you love him,

And john jr.
Knows it too.
That's right.

And john jr. Knows
I love him.

He does.
He does.

But you need to spend
more time with him.

Okay, I will spend
more time with him.

He's young.
He's young,

And he's just starting
to form himself‐‐

To be the kind of man
he'll be.

And he has to spend
more time with you...

To be able to do all that
and still be
the little guy he is.

You understand?


Have I hurt you?

No. I'm okay.

All right.

That's what I wanted to say.

I got it out,
didn't i?

Yeah, you did.

You want some water?
Something to drink?

Now, I wanna be sure
you're gonna spend more time
with your son.

You promise me?
I promise.

I'm gonna get you that water.

Oh, you didn't have to drive
all that distance tonight.

It's christmas eve, ma.

Do you have to go back, son,
or can you stay a while?

Yeah, I'll stay
till you fall asleep.
How about that?

Go to sleep.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

Merry christmas, ma.

Merry christmas.
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