03x02 - It's a Bad World After All

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x02 - It's a Bad World After All

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, look...

I've thought about k*lling him.

Sure, but...

only after Kimberly
talked me into it.


being Dr. Michael Mancini,

and Kimberly being
Dr. Kimberly Shaw?

Yes. Of course. Who else?

Aren't you paying attention?

The point is, that was before.

And Kimberly was doing it, too,

and this time I didn't.

Why do you think I waived
my right to an attorney?

I want to help you
get the k*ller.

She sedated him the first time.

It was all her idea.

You can bet she planned this,

down to the last detail.

Damn it. She planted the wig
in my apartment.

It had to be her.

Well, that is...

if it isn't you.

No. It's her!

I am a victim here.

She planned everything.

She hates him.
She hates me, everybody.

She's crazy, don't you see?

Thanks for talking to us,
Mrs. Mancini.

I'm telling you, it's her.

You got to believe me.

We'll look into it.

♪ Have you heard the word? ♪

♪ Have you heard the word? ♪

♪ Have you heard the word? ♪

♪ Have you heard? ♪

Hi. Got a second?

Sure. What's up?

I was having drinks last night
with some friends of mine

who are in publishing,

and one of them let drop
that Escapade magazine

is looking for a new ad agency.


That'd be a plum account.

It sure would.

It would help if we had an in

before we approach them.

Doesn't Alison's
new husband work there?


She's still on her
honeymoon, right?

If you know where they are,

we could put a call into them,

talk to her,

maybe get a feel of
the place from him.

There's a little problem here.

The wedding didn't
exactly come off,

and between us,
Alison's been distraught

and isn't available for a while.

That's terrible.


But not a disaster.

I'm still friends
with her fiancé,

so maybe I could
give him a call.

Well, then, um...

go to it.

Anything inside you can get

would be a help...

Uh, morale of the place,

temperament of management.

And if any financial figures
slipped our way,

that'd be a big help, too,
don't you think?

I didn't say it.

Yes? Alison Parker on the line.

Of course. Put her through.


My plane's about to board,

but I just wanted to assure you

that I'm available by
phone or fax in Wisconsin

if there's any business

you need to reach me for.

Allison, I think
you should concentrate

on your family situation
right now.

That's what's important.

There's nothing earthshaking
going on here.

Thanks. You've been great.

It's nothing.
You just take care of things,

and I'll catch you up
when you get back.

All right, then.

And thanks again.
I really mean it.

I know. Bye, now.


Oh, I'm not
familiar with this at all.

Are you sure I live here?

We live here, sweetheart.

Now, come on.

Let's get you settled...

and into bed.

I'm sorry I can't
remember anything.

It's not your fault.

But I'm so grateful for the way
you've been taking care of me.

You've been so kind.

I wish I could
remember you, at least.

You're doing fine.

And don't worry.

Everything will come
back to you eventually.

Right now, you only have
to remember one thing...

That I love you.

I'll be right back.

Who is it?

Roger Chambers,

assistant district
attorney's office.

Are you Dr. Kimberly Shaw?

Yes. What can I do for you?

I recently spoke to
Mrs. Sydney Mancini.

She's made some
disturbing accusations.

Would you like to help me
clear them up?

Sure. Come on in.

But, uh, give me a second.

Dr. Mancini's resting.

I just got him back
from the hospital.


I'll just be a moment.

You close your eyes and rest.

Have a seat.

Can I get you something?

I'm just making some tea
for Michael.

No, thanks.

Mrs. Mancini told us
that you and she

tried to do away with
Dr. Mancini once before,

that you drugged him,

tried to asphyxiate him
with carbon monoxide.

Oh, that poor girl.

She's so unstable.

I feel sorry for her.

But you want answers, don't you?

No, I did not try to
do away with Michael, ever.

I love him more
than my own life.

I would take mine for his.

Did you and Mrs...
Did you and Sydney...

ever discuss the
possibility of an accident

involving Dr. Mancini?

She came to me
desperate for an alibi.

She wanted to say
that she was with me

when he was nearly k*lled,

but of course I refused.


gave me this engagement ring.

We were getting married,

and he left her for me so
he could finally be happy,

and she couldn't stand that,

so she tried to destroy him.

You can tell her for me that
I'm taking care of him now,

and she'll never have a
chance to hurt him again.

Thanks you, Dr. Shaw.
I think I've got what I need.


I'll do anything to help.



Morning, Captain.


It was great sleeping on
the boat last night.

The gentle rocking
of the waves and all that.

Too bad I had to be alone.

Look, Brittany, now would
probably be a pretty good time

for you to find another place.

I got to get down below
and tear out the bilge pump.

Can't I hang for a bit,

watch you work?


You know, I don't think
you understand

how grateful I am.

Why don't I show you?

You can work on that
bilge pump any old time.

I told you before,

I'm not interested in that
kind of thing right now, okay?

Now, you better get out there
and find another place.

You don't have much time
left on this boat.

I'm sorry, Jake.

I don't mean to
keep coming on to you.

It's just...

been so long since anyone
was kind to me.

It's okay.

I understand.

You're a great guy,
you know that?

Okay. You go work on your bilge,

and I'm gonna go run off
and get us some lunch.

I'm not hungry.

Back in a flash, handsome.

Oh, man.

You know,

I've known both of you girls
a long time...

All your lives pretty much.

And I've never known
either of you

to be the type
to make up stories

or even stretch
the truth a little.

So what you're saying

went on with your father
may well have happened.

I knew you'd understand.

Meredith and I
aren't on any vendetta.

We just want
the truth to come out.

I couldn't agree more.

But understand,

I and everybody else
in this town will...

have a hard time believing

that the owner
of Parker Hardware,

sponsor of a boys' soccer team,

one of the nicest,

most generous men in the county,

could ever do anything as...


as you girls allege.

So are you sure that...

this isn't a mistake,

maybe the outgrowth

of some terrible
family argument?

I told you.

I told you nobody
would believe us, Alison.

Listen to me, Harry.

This happened.

I guarantee that this happened
to both me and my sister.

And now you're telling us
to forget it?

Live with it for the rest
of our lives, day and night,

because some man
with a nice, quiet life

might, for once, have to face up
to what he's done?

Are you telling me
it's too much to ask

that maybe, just maybe,

his victims might finally
be able to sleep

without nightmares?

Or is it possible...

that you might actually do

what you said you would...

and help us?

All right.

We'll go see
Judge Thomas tomorrow.

But I warn you,

this isn't gonna be easy.

We can take it, Harry.

We've been waiting a long time.

I was beginning to think

you were going to stand me up.

What's this all about, Amanda?

You said on the phone
it had to do with business.

What business
do we have together?

Why don't you have a seat

and let me tell you?

If it has anything
to do with Alison,

I don't want to hear it,

'cause we're having
our problems,

and I'm not gonna
do anything hurt her.

If you're done with
the pre-emptive strikes,

I'd like to get a word in.

I have an idea that would
help Alison and you.

All I'm asking you
to do is listen.

Your magazine is looking
for a new ad agency.

If that agency turned
out to be D D,

it could be quite
a plum for Alison.


Bruce knows that you
and Alison are close.

I let him know that
Alison convinced you

to help us land the account,

which, then, she'd
end up handling.

See? Everybody wins.

Maybe. But Nancy's
a tough editor.

She usually likes to
make up her own mind

on these kind of things.

So I don't see what kind of
effect I could have.

Would you be surprised if
I told you I had a plan?

Let's hear it.

Thanks for dinner.

It was delicious.

Shrimp gumbo
was always your favorite.

Yeah, if you say so.

Honestly, Kimberly,
I can't thank you enough

for how good you've been to me.

It's a labor of love, Michael.

Oh, um...

No, I feel like such an invalid.

I don't know how you could
be attracted to me.

I know what it's like
to be an invalid...

to be injured.

I was with this awful man once.

We got drunk one night,

and there was
this terrible accident.

And it left me...


Did I know you then?


And to tell you the truth,

I was always too afraid
to let you see.

See what?

There's nothing wrong with you.

Yes, there is
a little something.

Look at this.

It's horrible, I know.


No, Kimberly.

You're beautiful.


Permission to come aboard,
Captain Jake.

I know I'm not supposed
to bother you,

but I thought
I'd bring you some, um...


Oh, hi. I'm Brittany.

Jake will be back in a second.

He went to pay the slip fees.


You want to wait?

We've got some coffee made.

No, thanks.


This'll go great
with your coffee.

Can I give him a message?


Tell him he's a lying pig.

Matt, thank you so much

for coming down to see me.

I think you're the only one
I can talk to,

the only one who would
possibly believe me.

Why? Because you think
I'm gullible?

No. No.

Because you know how twisted
Michael and Kimberly are.

Somehow, they've cooked this
whole think up and put it on me.

I don't know how.

Sydney, I'm sorry that you're in
the middle of this mess, but...

I find it hard to believe

that you didn't have
something to do with it.

I swear I didn't.

It's them, the two doctors
from hell.

They're trying
to get me ex*cuted.

Sydney, you can't be ex*cuted
for attempted m*rder.

Great. That's supposed
to make me feel better?

I'll just rot the rest of my life
away in prison with the Manson girls.

Sydney, calm down.

Please, Matt. Please.

You've got to help me.

It's Kimberly.

Uh, probably Michael, too.

But it's Kimberly.

I know it is.

I know it is.


Hey, cut it out.

You're the one who wanted
to work through lunch.

I know, but I've just discovered

what an incredibly
lovely neck you have.

Oh. I don't suppose
you'd finally like to see

the rest of me, would you?

That sounds like an
interesting proposition.

Ahem. Jane?

Oh, my God. Dad!

Good to see you, Jane. Hi!

You, too.

We were worried sick.

Your mother would
be here if she could.

Is she okay?

Yeah. She can't bear
to deal with this.

I understand.

You going to introduce
me to your friend?

Oh. Ha ha! I'm sorry.

Dad, this is
my business partner Chris.

This is my dad George.

Nice to meet you, sir.

Likewise, Chris.

Dad's the one who really
encouraged me

to follow my dreams
and go into fashion.

You have an eye
for talent, George.

Your daughter is
quite extraordinary.

Yes, she is.

I'll leave you two to catch up.

Maybe we can have dinner
while you're here.

Sounds fine. Great.


Bye. Call me tonight.

What has gotten into you?

You never used
to be so protective.

I just wish I could've
protected you from Michael...

You and your sister.

I don't know, anything
to prevent this tragedy.

It's all so... senseless.

I know.

No matter how I feel
about Sydney,

I just can't get used
to the fact

that she's sitting in jail.

Jane, your mother and I

had a terrible fight over Sydney

during the whole thing
with the will

and Sydney's
marriage to Michael.

I somehow couldn't
accept the idea

that my daughter
had become so...


I'm sorry.

Well, I have an appointment

with the lawyer I got for her,

then the D.A.

After that, I'll go see her.

She's still my daughter
no matter what.

I think I have to do
what's best for her.

I could use some company.

Like to come along?

Of course.

You know, Jane, if it
weren't for you,

I don't know what your
mother and I would do.

Thanks, Dad.


You home?

Michael? Kimberly?

Michael, it's, uh... it's Matt.

Matt Fielding.

Ahem. Hey, Michael.

Didn't you hear me calling you?

Uh, yeah. I was just
waking up from a nap.

I'm sorry. Can I help you?

Yeah, um...

you don't remember.

I'm a friend of yours.


Uh, Matt at the hospital.

Right. We used to live at
the same apartment building.

We work at
the hospital together.

I mentioned your name
to Kimberly, and, uh...

she said we weren't that close.

We've known each other
a long time, Michael.

We, um, have quite a history.


You sure you don't
remember anything

about what happened to you?

Not a thing.

The first thing I remember

is waking up at the hospital

and Kimberly there with me,

and, um...

she's been with me ever since...

like an angel.

We must've been a great
couple before, huh?

Well, do you remember us?

Yeah, I do.

Has she told you
about your relationship?

Not really.

Except, uh...

were you around
when she was injured?


I hope I was as good to her

as she's been to me.

She didn't tell you
what happened?

No, only that
there was an accident.

And, um, she was afraid
to tell me about...

No, Michael, it was a hell
lot more involved than that.

Matt, this is a surprise.

I come back to make sure my
fiancé is getting his rest,

and here he is chumming it
up with a work acquaintance.

You need quiet.

Say goodbye to Matt.

Goodbye, Matt.

Take care, Michael.

We'll, uh, we'll talk again.

There's, um...

not a lot Michael can
handle right now.

Too much information
can confuse him.

You know, it seems to me

that he wants to know
as much as he can.

Do me a favor.

Give Michael his space for now,

and, um...

don't come by here unless
you talk to me first, okay?

Bye, now.


Oh, it's so good to see you.


Dad, I can't believe
you're here.

I know the bail
can't be that much,

but I owe you big for this.

I won't let you down, I promise.

I know I have before,
but this time it's different,

and mostly because I didn't do it.

Big sister thinks
I'm some kind of monster,

and I set her up, but...

God, at least you believe me.

All I want is my day in court.

You'll have that, Sydney,
and as you know,

I've arranged for Mr. Baker
here to represent you.

Yeah, we talked. Great.

But I'm sorry.

We're not going to be able to...

put up bail at this time.


Well, you and Mr. Baker
can discuss this later,

but you're considered
too much of a flight risk.

I don't understand.

Look, sweetheart,

the case against you is...

very, very strong.

But I told you I didn't do it.

Yes, I know, but now I think
it's time to be practical.

If you plead guilty...

You think I did it?

My own father thinks
I tried to k*ll someone?

If you'll work with us,

Mr. Baker thinks he can
get the charge reduced

and also maybe
get you some help.

This is all Jane, isn't it?

She's the one who went
to the cops on me.

Now she's saying I'm crazy?

Sydney, I love you, but this is
on your head, nobody else's.

You've been out of control
for months now.

You don't love me.

You've got Jane.

You're throwing me away.

Come on, Daddy, say it.

Say I'm a k*ller.
Damn it, now calm down.

Everybody's throwing me away.

First Jane, Michael, now you.

I wish I had been
driving that car.

I should've k*lled him.

If you'd been there,
I'd have k*lled you, too.

You don't mean that.

Why not, Daddy?

You always thought
the worst in me.

You never believed in me.

Now you've got what you want.

I'm a k*ller.

Maybe someday I'll blow
your damn head off.

It's okay.

Alison, is this jacket too much?
Oh, Meredith,

That's the third outfit
you've tried on.

It's fine.

Let's go. We're going to be
late for the hearing.

Who the hell can that be?


I have to talk to you.

Both of you.

Hello, Meredith.

It's been a while.

10 years.

You look...

you look well.

Why, thank you.

Mom... are you all right?

Of course I'm not all right.

How am I supposed
to be all right?

I've come to ask you
to stop this.

I'm sorry, Mom.

Meredith and I
really have to go.

Alison, Meredith, please.

I'm your mother.

I am begging you
not to destroy my life.

Can't you find forgiveness
in your heart?

Are you really this cold?

It's not us, Mom.

We don't want to hurt anybody.

Some lawyer
talked you into this.

So you'll stop this attack.


I'm sorry.

It's not an attack.
It's the truth.

Something horrible
happened to us,

and now we need to
get out the truth.

Don't you touch me!

Don't you try to comfort me.

You two are putting
a knife in my back.

You're pathetic, you know that?

"We have to get out the truth."

Everybody lies.

The world is full of it.

And everybody lives with pain.

But not you two.

Oh, no.

You're going to live
pure and clean

by covering your
parents with filth.

I wish I'd never had you,

either of you.

I wish you'd never been born.

Woman: Escapade magazine,
please hold.

That article going to be on
my desk tonight, Campbell?

Yeah, absolutely.

8:00 at the latest.

Is everything okay?

I never saw you this low before.

Yeah, it's fine.
Couldn't be better.


Billy Campbell.

Hi, Billy. It's Amanda.
First, congratulations.

I really like this copy you did,
and I'm giving it to Bruce.

The numbers you slipped in
are a big help.

I have just a few small changes,

and when you're done,
you can fax it to me.

You know what, Amanda? No.

If you want to change it,
change it,

but I've done all I can,
you know?

I've got my own job to do.

It's just a couple
of small things...

For Alison's sake.

Yeah, well, that's the
only reason I did it.

So what you do with it now
is your business, all right?

See ya.


I talked to Aaron Baker
again today about Sydney

and also to the people at
Hidden Hills Sanitarium.

Isn't that...

It's a psychiatric
hospital, yes.

It's approved by the court.

I know this is upsetting,

but you saw
how Sydney was last night.

Now I feel the best thing to do

is have her committed
to a mental institution

for evaluation.

It takes the signatures
of two family members

to get someone
involuntarily committed.

I'm hoping you'll be able
to help me with this.

I guess it would be
better than prison.

I just... I can't
believe we're talking

about the same little girl

who was my best friend
until I moved away.

When Syd and I moved to Chicago,

we didn't have any friends,

and we played
together all the time.

I'll never forget.

We got a couple
of the moving boxes,

and we made them our little
homes, side-by-side,

pretending that we
were all grown up...

sharing each other's lives...

helping with each other's kids.

Friends and sisters forever.

I wish it had
turned out that way, Jane,

more than anything.

But at least maybe now,
Sydney can get

the kind of care she needs
at Hidden Hills.

She's not well.

I guess we've all
been ignoring that.

I'll do it.

I'll sign.

Maybe now Sydney and all
of us can get some peace.

What's taking so long?

I thought we were going
right into a hearing.

Even in a small town,
the judge is a very busy man.

He'll see us soon enough.

Now let's go over this.

We're going into
a preliminary hearing.

The judge will listen
to both sides of the story,

and then decide
if this is going to trial.

God, it's just him?

But what if he
doesn't believe us?

We don't even have a jury.

Don't worry.

Judge Thomas is a very fair man.

Just stick to the facts
as you believe them,

and Alison,
no speeches, all right?

All right.

I think Meredith would like
to speak first, wouldn't you?

Can you let the judge know

that she's fragile, and he
needs to be careful with her?

Now, don't you worry
about a thing.

I'm going to find out
what's going on around here.

Sure, sure.

Take her home, will you?
She needs a little rest.

Thank you, Judge. Thank you.

I knew this would happen.

This town is a joke.

Keep it together, Meredith.

We'll tell our story,
and they have to hear us.

Come on, Harry, and
bring in the ladies.

I thought at a hearing
everybody was together.

Judge Thomas likes
to treat special cases

with... you know, care.

You girls ready to talk to me?

Yeah, we are.

Good. Let's try to straighten
this thing out, huh?

No. I'm not gonna do this.

I'm sorry, Ali.
I'm sorry. I can't.

This whole thing is a setup.

I'm not gonna help them!

This is Judge Thomas,
for God's sake!

He got dad
into the country club.

Come on. The truth
is on our side.

No, it isn't, Alison.

Mom was right, Alison.
It's lies.

The whole world is...
It's just... It's lies.

Do you really think that dad's
golfing buddy is gonna believe us?

Oh, God. It's over.

I should never have let you
talk me into coming back here.

Oh, Meredith,
please don't give up!

I guess I should've known
she wouldn't hold up,

but I just kept
pushing. I thought...

I still think that
facing the person

who did something
like this to you

is the only way to get...

I don't know...
Your soul back.

Well, I'm a practical
kind of guy, Alison.

If there's no way
I can do something,

I put it out of my mind.

A futile effort
doesn't make you stronger,

it makes you crazy.

You've known me since
I was a kid, Harry.

Do you believe me?

Yeah, I think I do.

And I'm sorry.

I really am.

But your sister's on a flight
back to San Francisco,

and that leaves only you.

One voice against your father
with no collaboration.

That's not much around
here, is it?

Everybody loves your dad,

and nobody knows
what he did except you...

and him, of course,

but I wouldn't expect
too much help there.


You tried. Now go home.

Try to forget that any
of this ever happened.

Trust me on this, Alison.

I guess that's all
there is left to do.

Hey, what's up?

Oh, nothing much.

I just thought you might
be interested to know

we have a new advertising agency
working for the magazine now.

Really? Mm-hmm.

D D. I believe you've
heard of the firm.

Oh, right, yeah.
Alison works there.

Mm-hmm. You know, I was
telling Amanda Woodward

how impressed I was with the
copy in the presentation.

I thought the writer
really knew his subject.

She told me you wrote it.

Look, I just helped out
a little. Alison was out...

You were contracted to
write for this magazine,

but you lied to me, and you went
behind my back, and you moonlighted.

What you did wasn't only
a conflict of interest,

it was dishonest.

I don't like spies.

Clean out your desk
and get out of here.

Come on, Nancy...

You're fired, Billy.

Hey there.

Didn't expect you back
for a few hours.

Yeah. Well, I just walked
into a buzz saw

at the apartment, thanks to you.

This is exactly why I didn't want you
on this boat in the first place.

I'm trying to work,
get a little peace in my life.

What I don't need
is women mad at me

and acting like I betrayed them.

I would never act that way.

Look, it's nothing personal,

I just want you to get your
stuff and get out of here.

If that's what you want, okay,

but I think you've just been
around the wrong kind of women.

Brittany, just get
your stuff and go.

You've been with
possessive, jealous,

clinging women,

women who want
something from you.


What you've needed all along

was a woman who only wanted
to give you pleasure,

who only wanted to do...

what you wanted to,

who only wanted
to make you happier

than you've ever been
in your life.

Oh, is that it?

I just got fired
because of you, Amanda.

Why'd you do it?

I stick my neck out for you,
and this is the thanks I get?

No, Mr. Campbell, this
is the thanks you get.

How would you like to work at DD

as a senior copywriter?

Pays a hell of a lot more

than you were making
at Escapade.

Wait a second.
You're offering me a job?

Well, it seems like
you're out of work,

and I like your stuff, kid.

What do you say?

What time's your flight, ma'am?


Listen, I want
to make a stop first

at 434 Elm Street.

Anything you say.


Judge, you still like your ribs
burned to a crisp, right?

Now, come on, John.
I've gotten used to it.

It's the only way you
know how to cook them.

Time to cut the judge off,

He's turning nasty. Aarggh.

Thank you, hon.

Step right up. Step right up.

Chicken. I know you.
Chicken. Chicken.

There you go.

Alison, why are you here?

I know you think you've
beaten me and Meredith, Dad,

but I realized something
this morning.

You never can.

'Cause all the legal
connections in the world

can't help when
in your heart and soul,

you'll always know what you did.

Alison, this isn't the place
to air your fantasies.

You're only going to
embarrass yourself.

Alison, you weren't
invited to this party.

I think you should leave.

I decide where and when
I go now, Mother.

I'm grown up.

And neither of you
can bully me anymore.

Young lady, I will not have you
talk to your mother like this.

Or what, Dad? What are you gonna do
to me that you haven't already done?

Alison, for God's sakes,
we have guests.

This is no place to air
your dirty laundry.

Well, Mom, I'm not carrying
this around anymore.

Come on, Alison,
grow up. It's over.

No, it's not over,
and it never will be over...

Not for my sister
and not for you,

because we all carry around
this dirty little secret

that everybody in this town
should know.

Don't you say it.
Don't you dare say it.

What are you gonna do? How
are you going to shut me up?

You gonna hit me? You gonna take
me down into the basement again?


Everybody's watching now.

Everything is finally
out in the open.

You changed me
and Meredith forever.

We were little,
we were innocent,

and you touched us.

Shut up with this crap!

What do you want me to do, huh?

What do you want me to do?

I loved you.
That's all I ever did...

Try and show you
how much I loved you.

John, please come in the house.

You don't know
what you're saying!

Oh, shut up. It's your fault.

My fault? How can you
put this on me?

You were so cold. So cold.
You hated my touch.

All I wanted was a little
warmth, a little understanding,

so I went to my daughters.

So what?

All you had to do was touch me.

I didn't hurt you.

John, for God's sake, shut up!

Go on. Go on! Leave!

You hypocrites, huh? Go on!

Women, yeah,
they show everything,

but you can, uh...
Oh, you never touch.

All I wanted
was a little warmth.

It wasn't my fault, Alison.

It wasn't my fault.

I was 8 years old!

I trusted you.

It sure as hell was your fault.

Well, it took me
a while, Palmer,

but I finally got him
to sleep with me.

I think he's
beginning to trust me.


That's very good.

I'm going to make
Jake Hanson so sorry

he ever messed with me

or my little Amanda.

So who posted my bail?

My dad, right?

I knew he'd come through.

Hope you guys are ready for
a big false arrest lawsuit.

Wait a minute.

What's going on?

No! Let me go!

This is illegal.
You guys can't... Ow!

Somebody help me!

I'm sorry it's come
to this, Sydney,

but you'll get some help now.

This is helping me, Daddy? This?

I love you.


Oh, please, Daddy.
I'm not crazy.

I don't want to go.

Please, Daddy, I love you.

I swear I'm not crazy.

I'm your little girl.

Why are you doing this
to your little girl?!
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