03x04 - Grand Delusions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x04 - Grand Delusions

Post by bunniefuu »


Michael, are you all right?

The car...

It's dark blue, almost black.

Which car?

I can't get out of the way.

Oh, sweetheart, you're having another
nightmare about the accident.

I want to run, but my feet,
they're like cement.

The car, it's dark blue, yeah.

That's Jane's car.

A woman is driving.

She has blond hair...
Short, blond hair.

Who is it, Michael?
Who do you see?

God, it's right there.

Her face is right
in front of me.

Michael, sweetheart,
you're trying too hard.

You keep pushing
yourself to remember.

You think I go
to bed every night,

hoping to have this nightmare?

Sweetheart, you can't
wish your memory back.

And putting pressure on yourself

won't make things any easier.

Maybe we both have
to accept the truth...

That your condition
is permanent.

What am I supposed to do,

pretend I never had a life
before the accident?

Yes. Allow yourself to go on...

allow us to go on.

No, I cannot.

There's something missing,
something important.

There's just a piece
of the puzzle

that puts it all together.

Until I find it...

I'm sorry. I can't go anywhere.

♪ ♪

Amanda, I'll take care of that.

Like you've taken care
of everything else?

No, thanks.

Honey, please don't make a fuss.

Pretend I'm not even here.

I can't ignore a wanted fugitive

hiding out in my living room.

I'm sorry.

Save it, Daddy.

After you jumped bail,

I was almost charged with
aiding and abetting a felon.

The FBI stalked me night and
day, invaded my office.

I know you're angry...

but, uh, I took a big chance

coming back to see you.

Who's taking a chance?

I'm glad you're alive,

but I won't risk everything

just to cover your tracks.

Look, I'm not here
to make trouble.

I came back to face
the charges against me.

You're turning yourself in?


Unfortunately, the FBI
has a strong case,

and I probably won't see
freedom for a long time,

so I need to take care
of some personal matters...

Bank accounts,
that sort of thing.

How long will it take?

A few days.

Don't do this to me, Daddy.

If someone sees you here,
I could go to jail.

Is that what you want?

Of course not.

Amanda, please, I'm facing
15 years in federal prison.

Is two days too much to ask?

Two days.

That's it.

I knew I could count on you.

Jane, I'm sorry. I overslept.

I swear I set the alarm.

No, I turned it off...
After that hospital cot,

I figured you could use a few
extra hours in a comfortable bed.

Oh, thanks. I'll hurry
and get dressed.

You're not going to work.

You're firing me already?

No, I'm giving you the day off.

You've been through a lot lately, and
I want you to take some time today

and get adjusted
to this new situation.

That is so sweet.

What about my probation officer?

Well, she doesn't
need to know, but please,

just promise me that you will
take this job seriously, okay?

Make a new life for yourself.

Focus on your future.

Hmm. Some future...
I'm broke,

I'm on probation for
something I didn't do,

and my husband has amnesia.

Sydney, Michael isn't
your problem anymore.

Except that he's the one
person on the planet

who can vouch for the fact
that I didn't run him over.


I just want to know
if you've heard anything

about his condition.

No, and I don't ask.

How can Michael remember all
that stupid medical junk

and not his own life?

I don't know.

Maybe he just needs a reminder.

We were married, after all.

He can't forget that.
Maybe if he saw me...

Syd, I was married to Michael for five
years, and he didn't remember me.

He won't remember you, so do
yourself a favor and forget him too.

He isn't wasting
any time moving out.

Amanda made him an offer
he couldn't refuse.

Wish I could do that
with Reed's parents.

You have an extra
horse head around here?

You won't need threats.

No judge is gonna take a baby
away from its natural mother.

I don't know.

Reed is the father of this baby,

and the Carters are convinced

they're entitled to custody.

What if you go see them,
assure them

that you want them to be
a part of your baby's life.

I don't know.

I guess it couldn't hurt.

Be a lot cheaper
than hiring a lawyer.

That was from Aunt Mickie.
You'll have to return it.

She's your aunt, Billy.

Uh, you called off the wedding,

so you return the gifts.



What part of
"find another place"

didn't you understand?

I checked into a motel
last night,

even if it is seedy

and old and small and musty.

Well, life is not all
yachts and caviar.

Yeah, well, it's not all
good guys, either.

My husband found out
I stayed on your boat.


You were trying to help,
but in Elliot's mind,

you helped me escape.

Have you guys ever considered
marriage counseling?

This isn't funny.
Elliot is crazy.

He has a very expl*sive temper.

Okay, I got it.

I'll be on the lookout

for one irate, lunatic husband.

I've never seen him
so angry, Jake.

He'll come here...
So if you could just

stay off the boat
for a few days.

What, drop everything because
your husband's a nutcase?

This is a business.

I've got a photo sh**t
here tomorrow, okay?

I didn't mean to
get you involved.

I'm not involved.

Now, thank you for warning me,

but I can take care of myself.

Well, I tried.

Goodbye, Jake.

Cathy Mitchell went into labor,

so I need you to
take over her meeting.

We're very close to landing
the Glorious Gowns account.

The chain of bridal salons?

Can't you get somebody else? I don't
know anything about weddings.

You would if you'd paid any
attention to your own.

Excuse me, we have a
potential client waiting,

so put on your happy close-the-deal
faces and get in there.

Mr. McGovern,

I'd like you to meet
Alison Parker.


Billy Campbell.
Nice to meet you.

They'll be joining us today.

One of the reasons
I brought Alison in

is because she just
had a wedding.

Almost had a wedding.

Glorious Gowns are upscale
and very trendy.

I think we should focus on
a nontraditional campaign.

Um, we could start by taking
the wedding out of the church.

And put it where, Miss Parker?

Maybe outdoors.

A place as unique
as the dresses...

An amusement park, a hayride.

A boat.

Oh, I like boats.

We could get a fantastic
shot of the dress...

Something outrageous...

The veil and the dress
blowing in the wind

as the bride jumps overboard.

Escaping from her own wedding.

Wonder where you got that idea.

The bride wouldn't
be escaping, Billy.

She'd be taking the plunge.

I love it!

We've got a great boat.

I have a sh**t there tomorrow if you
want to come by and check it out.

You're not talking
about Jake's boat?

I was. Is there a problem?

You'll have to cancel it...
I haven't gotten a memo out,

but DD doesn't do business
with Jake Hanson anymore.

Don't worry, Mr. McGovern.

We'll find the perfect boat
for your campaign.

Waiting for your ship
to come in?

Can I help you?

I'm sorry.

I thought you were
someone I knew.

I might be.
Lately, I'm not sure.

Would you like to sit down?

Not sure?

Oh, it was a joke.

I have a slight case
of memory loss.

How awful.

You don't remember anything?

Oh, I remember some things,

mostly technical.

Um, but the rest...

What I was, who I cared about...

That's gone.


Sometimes I sit here for hours.

I got this crazy idea if I
concentrate hard enough,

it'll all come back.

Well, I think you're lucky.

Most people have
parts of their past

they'd give anything to forget.

Hey, my name's Michael.

I'm... Miranda.

Nice to meet you.

Do you live around here?

Oh, not anymore.

I moved away a few months ago.

I really miss this beach.

Well, you're welcome to
visit my sand dune anytime.

It's nights like this
I'll miss the most...

Good food, good company.

This isn't a party, Daddy.

Alone, Jake?
Where's your boat bimbo?

Brittany's not a bimbo, and
she's not on the boat,

so if that's the reason you
canceled the photo sh**t...

Oh, hardly. I don't make business
decisions based on your carnal whims.

You pulled the plug because
you were jealous... admit it.

Don't be vain. There are a
thousand boats in the sea.

I haven't found the right one.
Good night.

Sounds like you've seen
the light about Jake.

He's a loser, Amanda.

Don't waste
any more time on him.

Don't you dare criticize Jake.

After you ran off,
he was there for me,

and I'll never forget that.

Amanda, I didn't mean to imply...

Understand something, Daddy.

Jake and I aren't dating,
but I still care about him.

He's the only honest man I
know, and you, of all people,

are in no position to judge him.

Pasta's on the stove.
Help yourself.

I've lost my appetite.

You're late.

I've been waiting
here for 20 minutes.

Things aren't going
as planned on this end.

We need to get moving...


I know this is awkward.

I appreciate you seeing me
on such short notice.

We were a bit surprised.

We expected to hear
from your lawyer.

I haven't hired a lawyer.

You came up here

without getting advice
from a lawyer?

I was hoping we could
work it out ourselves.

I mean, we got along so well
when you were in Los Angeles.

Considering the circumstances.

Yes, considering.

I mean, after all
you've been through,

finding out about this baby

must have been a shock.

To be honest,
I was afraid to tell you,

but you were so, uh...

warm and understanding.

And then I found out
about the lawsuit,

and it's bothered me for days.

I'm trying to figure out
what went wrong.

There must have been
some miscommunication.

Well, the summons seems
pretty clear to me.

I came here to tell you

that I want you to be
in my baby's life.

It's very important for me,
for my child,

to know his father's family.

And if I gave you any impression

that I was going to exclude you,

I apologize.

And that is supposed to make up

for the fact that you
m*rder*d our son?

Excuse me?

You didn't think we'd allow
our only grandchild

to be raised
by a cold-blooded k*ller?

This was obviously a mistake.

You seem to make
a lot of those, dear.

Please don't do this.

Haven't we lost enough already?

I want this baby to be
good for all of us.

I want you to be a part
of my new family.

Oh, no, we have no intention

of being a part of your family.

What kind of family could
you possibly provide?

That baby will be
raised by people

with decent values and
sound moral judgment.

Moral judgment?

You sanctimonious,
self-righteous hypocrites.

This is my baby!

And there's no way in hell

you are ever
going to change that!


Hello, Michael.

I'm surprised to see you here.

Well, this is your
house, isn't it?

Oh, yes, but, um...
I don't live here alone.


I didn't realize
you were married.

Oh, well, I'm...
I'm not exactly...


Well, that's good news then.

That means you're
available, right?

Uh, I guess... technically.


um, you know... you know, we
shouldn't be doing this.

Well, you said you
wanted to make friends.

Oh, yeah. Wha...
But what I meant...

Just think of me as a very...


close friend.


Um, you know what?
I'm in a relationship.

I'm engaged. I real...

I... I believe in being faithful.

Do you love her?

Uh, Kimberly? Uh, yes.

Yes. I think so.

I mean, she says,
before my accident...

I, um... was crazy about her.

And now?

Miranda, I'm sorry
if I misled you.

You're beautiful and very...

I have to go now.


I worked all night on this copy,

thinking maybe I'd get a leg
up on the Glorious Gowns,

and Alison barely opens the
folder and tells me it's crap.

She said that?

Well, not exactly,
but that's what she meant.

I mean, she even had the nerve to
tell me to read some of her old work

so I could learn
how to do it right.

This copy is great.

Well, thanks... I know it
and you know it,

but Alison...

You know, it's hard enough
starting a new job

without having to duck her
emotional darts every 10 minutes.

I'm not surprised
at her reaction.

Alison's professional perspective
is often obliterated

by her personal bias.

Tell me about it.

Well, she's obviously threatened

by how easily you've adjusted.

I'll admit, I was skeptical
about your ability

to jump from journalism
to advertising,

but whatever doubts
I had are gone.

You've done terrific work.

Don't worry.

I'll deal with Alison.

This is ridiculous.

I'm not even close.
Keep practicing.

No. It's not gonna work, and
we can't afford to get caught.

We have to get that money.

Then ask your so-called
loyal daughter.

You're always saying how
she'll do anything for you.

And so far, she has. I don't
want to bring her in on this.

Oh, but it's okay for me
to put my ass on the line.

You're in Amanda's
cozy apartment

while I'm out there,
lying to Jake,

trying to rig his boat
with expl*sives.

I know what you're
doing, Brittany.

Look, I'll take care
of the boat,

but the bank is your job.

Make your precious
little darling

get her own cash
from the safe-deposit box.

I'm sorry it was only takeout.

It's not like we can show up at
Spago in hats and dark sunglasses.

Wish I could do more.

Trust me.

You've done enough.

Amanda, I've asked
a great deal of you,

and you've been more than
fair about my situation.

But you need something else.

One more favor.

I wasn't always on the wrong
side of the law, Amanda,

but several years ago,

I became involved with
some very bad people,

and without getting
into details, uh...

I owe them
a great deal of money.



This is difficult.
Let me finish.

Um, these men are
demanding their money.

If I don't pay them,
they've threatened to...

come after you.

I don't know if I could help.

I... I have some savings,

but most of my assets are tied
up in the apartment building.

Honey, I'm not asking for a loan.
I've got the money.

Actually, we have the money.

Many years ago, I opened
a safe-deposit box

in both our names.

It contains a substantial
amount of cash.


Nearly $1 million.

Oh, my God.

Amanda, I need
to get that money,

and I can't risk
going to the bank.

You have to get it
out of the box.

And then what?

Then I'll pay off these thugs

and turn myself over to the FBI.

The money...
Was it stolen?

No, honey. It's legitimate.

It's been sitting in
the bank for years.

The bank records would prove...

Oh, I'm sure they would.

You always cover
your bases, don't you?

Amanda, the money isn't for me.

I mean, you can turn me down,

and it'll be there
whenever you need it.

I have to protect you, darling.

I've caused you
too much pain already.

I couldn't bear
to be stuck in prison

knowing you're
in danger out here.

Okay, Daddy.

We'll go to the bank
in the morning.

The maître d' knew me.

We came here
every Thursday night,

same time, same table.

Our waitress didn't
like me very much.

Well, honey, sometimes you
could be very particular

about your food.

Yeah, well, maybe
I should apologize.

Hey, are you sure that
I liked Cajun shrimp?


My God! Honey, are you okay?

I'm fine. Oh, my God!

I can't believe that
happened to you again.

What are the odds of being
run over twice in your life?

I don't know, Kimberly...

a million to 1?

Oh, my God, Michael.

It hasn't been
like that since...

come to think of it,

I don't think it's
ever been like that.

Yeah, and that's a...
That's a good thing, right?


I'd give you a 9.9 with bonus
points for difficulty.

You think that earns me
a cup of coffee?

Your poor old memory
really is gone, isn't it?

You forgot the routine.

You see, we make love, and then
you pad off to the kitchen

to fix us a delicious breakfast,

while I shower and dress for my
high-profile medical career.


Your job is to love, honor,

and keep the home fires burning.

Yeah, I know. I wanted to
talk to you about that.

I'm feeling much better.

I thought, uh, I was ready
to go back to work.

Michael, you have a head injury.

Trust me. You need time to heal.


I like you being home.

And I love being home,

If it hadn't been for you,

I might not be where I am today.

Good girl.

I feel more like a criminal.

You haven't done anything wrong.

If the money's clean, why keep
so much in a safe-deposit box?

I wasn't keeping it in a box... I was
keeping it out of Hillary's hands.

What's mother got to
do with this?

Our divorce was brutal.

Hillary wanted it all,
and she was vicious.

You cheated mother
out of $500,000?

No. I put it aside
for you, Amanda.

I was a single father.

I wanted to make sure
you'd be taken care of.

I certainly couldn't
count on Hillary.

Honey, the only time
I even got into the cash

was the day you closed escrow
on the apartment building.

My loan came from that box?


I'd hoped someday to tell you

the building was...

And is...

All yours.

I guess that day is today.

Daddy, I...

I had no idea.

I know.

That's the way I wanted it.

I only wish I'd had such
foresight about my own future.


Jake, are you here?

You overrode my decision
on the Glorious Gowns copy.

Of course.

You're trying to
sabotage Billy's career.


How could you accuse me of that?

Because his work was
excellent, and you know it.

You obviously don't
want him here, Alison.

You know, I could fire you for taking out
your personal vendetta at the office.

Fine. If you're so sure I'm
out to ruin Billy, fire me.

That would be too easy.

Oh, God. Not again.

Billy's a free man, Amanda.

You want him, get him.
This is not about Billy.

Is your memory that selective or are you
just suffering from some grand delusion?

Why are you doing this to me?

Okay. Here's the recap.
You set me up.

You went behind my back and told
Jake that I had an affair with Chas.

Then you almost k*lled my career

by blabbing that lie in court.

I almost lost my job
and my mother.

Well, it's payback time.

I promised to make your
life a living hell,

and I always keep my promises.

Oh, and, um,
don't bother quitting.

With the report I can put
in your personnel file,

you wouldn't get a job
bagging groceries.

Daddy, I'm home.

Sorry I'm late.

Traffic was hideous,

and I stopped by the market.



Damn you, Daddy.

Uh... Special Agent Hill,

Agent Hill?

This is Amanda Woodward,

Palmer Woodward's daughter.

Yeah, I need to talk to you.

It's about my father.


What are you doing here?

I can't stop thinking
about you, Miranda.


How did you find me?

I followed you home after
you left the beach house.

I hope you don't mind.

Would you like to come inside?

Are you going to bed so early?

Why don't you tell me?

I had a dream about you
last night.

Was I naughty?

You wanted me to tie you up.

You were mine, Miranda.

All mine.

Make me yours, Michael.

I wanted to make love to you,

but I was worried
about my girlfriend.

You promised to make me
forget about her.

I can.

I will.

Please don't make me wait.

If you think
I'm making love to you,

you're going to be
waiting a long time.

Is this your game, Michael?

You want me to beg?


Hell, bark for all I care.

I wouldn't sleep with
you at gunpoint.

Oh, my God.

Michael... is that you?


How you doin', Syd?


Oh, take it easy, Miranda.

The more you move around,

the tighter the knots get.

You scum.

Yeah, I miss you, too.

What do you want?


Who ran me down?

Kimberly. She's crazy, Michael.

First she framed Jane
for running you over,

and when that didn't work,
she framed me.

You know, she's been trying
to k*ll you for months.

That Kimberly's a playful nut.

She's insane, Michael.

Oh, and you're normal.

Don't leave me here,
not like this!

Sleep tight.




Jane, is that you?

Help! I'm in here!

Oh, God. Are you all right?

It was awful.

I'll call the police.

No, don't.

What happened?
Who did this to you?

It was Michael.

What? What was Michael
doing here?

His memory came back.

Kimberly probably blamed
me for the accident.

He was totally demented.

He threw me down, yelled at me.

Did he hit you?

No, but he left me for dead.

A wrist burn does not
constitute dead.

Sydney, why did you
even let him inside?

I didn't. He pushed and shoved.

Oh, give me a break. Everything
about you says come on in.

Now that all seems in
order, I'll get going.

I'm sorry.

Thanks for understanding.

Let's go for a ride.

Feeling better today, Sydney?

What do you want?

I saw you last night.

You must've been
tied up for hours.

Yeah. So?

You may have fooled Jane,

but Michael couldn't have tied
you up unless you let him.

You let him do it.

No wonder you made
such a good whore.

Jane told you about that?

I would've
figured it out anyway.

I've seen enough white trash
hookers to last a lifetime.



Why isn't dinner ready?

I thought we'd go out tonight.

Maybe you could wear this.

Give me that.

Oh, you don't like that dress?

Too bad.

It would look so good with this.

What the hell's this all about?

Just a little amnesia humor.

Oh, no.

Hi, honey.

I'm home.

Michael, get out of the way!

You want me dead?

Now's your chance!

Come on and k*ll me if you can!

Michael, please!

Come on! And do it
right this time!

Come on, it's not that hard!

Put it in gear!

Do it!

Come on.

Come on.


Listen, you k*ll me or love me.

You make up your damn mind.

You could have stolen
any boat in the harbor.

You didn't need mine or me.

Wrong. I need both.

I've created a new
identity for myself,

but I need to get rid
of the old one first.

I like to think of it as k*lling
two birds... with one b*mb.

Stop the engine.



Let's see you take care
of yourself now, Jake.

You and, uh...


Are partners.

Have been for six months.

Meet Elliot...

my jealous husband.

Oh, man. I knew
that story was bogus.

You're not gonna k*ll me
over the Avanti deal?

Well, first you got me arrested,

then you stole Amanda and
turned her against me.

You got too close, Jake.

Amanda fell hard.

I won't let her risk her future

over a loser like you.

Let's get out of here.

You're not going
anywhere, Palmer.

I've got the passports,

the cash,

and absolutely no use
for an old man

with the FBI on his trail.



Jake, hurry! Get up!

Come with me.

You've got to be kidding me.

I've got perfect
new identification,

$1 million in cash.

You said there was nothing
left here for you.

We can start over...

anywhere we want,
any way we want.


Don't make me k*ll you, Jake.

Go to hell.

Oh, no.

Bye, Jake.
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