02x05 - Simone Says

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x05 - Simone Says

Post by bunniefuu »


How's it going?

Andy sipowicz.

Oh, andy.
Bobby simone.
Good to meet you.


Good morning, donna.

Good morning,

Hey, lieu.


Morning, andy.

It's not going
to work out.

I just met
this new guy.

Um, simone?

That's not going
to work out.

What happened?

Don't get me started.

His attitude
is all wrong.

"How you doing?"
This type of thing.

He asked you
how you were doing?


[Telephone rings]

Yeah. Fancy.


Yeah. Where?

All right.

We got a homicide.

You're senior
in the squad.

I want him with you
at least until he learns
the precinct.

I need glasses
and everything else.

Yeah, I'm here to see
adrianne lesniak.

And your name is?


Aw, jimmy.

What? It's not like
you give me a choice.

Not here, please.

Then where?
Can't talk to you
outside work

'Cause I don't know
where you're staying

When I call here,
that bitch doesn't
put me through.

We have nothing left
to talk about.

What are you
looking at?

Thanks a lot.
Appreciate it.

You don't know
how much I love you,

You don't know
what I'd do for you.

You're drunk.
Sit down!

Get the hell
away from her!

No. You back off.

I'm holding a .38,
and it's pointed
straight at her guts.


Want to
keep this private?

Come on. I'll keep it
private. Let's go.

We got a hostage
situation here.


Hey! Hey! Hey!


He's from the 27,

He's under arrest.

Donna, get a d.a.
Down here!

Take him to one.

You happy? Look what
you did to me now!

Is this what you wanted?

You're simone?

How you doing,

I got this.
Get to your homicide
at 13th and 3rd.

You hurt?

I'll live.

Come on.
Ride with me.

Lesniak and abruzzo
were going out?

They were in
at the 27.

She broke up with him,
got transferred,
he went half wacky.

Looks like he made
the whole trip.

What was your
last assignment?

Intelligence. I drove
for the commissioner.

You one of those guys
that got grade promotions?

‐ Yeah.
‐ That was nice.

‐ Where we at?
‐ Over here.

Anybody check
for i. D.?

No. We waited
for you guys.

Want me to start
the canvass?

Have a uniform
run these plates.

Three in the chest.
Any more hits?

"Raymond alphonse
martarano, jr."

Has a bensonhurst

This the wise guy's son?

Or someone too stupid
to change his name.

Find out if the m. E.'S

Let fancy know we got
a mobbed‐up stiff.

Back up.

Got a b*llet shell
over here.

I got it.

Come on. Guys,
move everybody back

Away from the crime scene.

I need some cones.

That's the super.
Said the victim knew
one of the tenants.

Mr. Goldman,
detective sipowicz.

You knew this man?

Mr. Big shot
ray martarano, jr.?

He'd tell
the lamppost
who he was.

Who'd he know
in this building?

2C. Miss anderson.

She's a model.

I've got
her agency number
for emergencies.

It's 246‐‐

Help me! Help me!
My mother's been shot!

Where's your mother?

All right, look out.

Let us through, please.

I was at
the grocery store.

She's dead, isn't she?

I'm afraid she is.

She was in her own

She was at
her own window.

Why don't you
sit down?

That's my mother.

I know. I'm sorry.

I think it was a stray
from the street.


How you feeling?


I.a.b. Just took him
to bellevue

On a 72‐hour evaluation.

He's a collar,

I've alerted the d. A.
And corrections.

If he goes
into the system,
we'll be notified.

Want to put in a 28,
try it again tomorrow?

I'll try today.

O.k. But pay attention
to how you're feeling.




I heard there was
a second d. O. A.

82‐Year‐old woman
sitting at her window.

World's coming up here
'cause it was
martarano's son.

Organized crime,

Now I know
the case will clear.

Anything off canvass?
No witnesses.

He was banging some model
who lived at the building.

Simone's finding out
where we can pick her up.

Did you know he drove
for the commissioner?

I saw that was
his last detail.

Takes me 22 years
to make second grade.

This guy gets there
shooing away
squeegee bums.

Just hold on
for a sec.

Modeling agency told me
where she was working.

Give me half a minute?


What's going on?

Just seeing
to abruzzo.

Is that
the new detective?

Yeah. Simone.
What kind of name
is that?

First or last?

If it was
his first name,
he'd be a girl.

Last name simone
sounds french.

I went through
a whole lot of trouble
getting that red cock.

I'm not going to argue
with you.

Tell billy that he can't
come around my place

With that blue‐barred cock.

I'm serious.
O. K. Thanks.

I breed birds.

Racing pigeons.

Tell him
you keep fish.


Assistant d. A. Costas,

This is detective

How you doing?

How do you do?

They give you
that address?

Yeah. She's working
on 7th avenue.

Must be very interesting
raising pigeons.

it's a lot of fun.

It gets you outdoors.

You guys
and your hobbies.

All right, let's go.

O.k., Once again.
Nice and soft.

Not to camera.
Don't pose.

Real relaxed.
Real pretty.

This isn't
going to help.

Excuse me.
Can I help you?

Any of these people
paula anderson?


Do you want me to guess?

How long will this
tie her up?

We won't know
until we talk to her.

It couldn't wait
until after
she finishes?


You've been working out?

I'll get her.

Thank you
very much.

You want us to wait
over there, ma'am?

Thank you.

How's it going,

police want to talk.

What a country, huh?


We have to take
a break.

We're going to relax
a minute.

Could you hand me
my sweater?


You paula anderson?


Detective sipowicz,
detective simone.

What's going on?

Do you know
a raymond martarano,


When did you
see him last?

We partied last night,
then I came here.

You left him
at your apartment?

What's going on?

He was m*rder*d
this morning
outside your building.

Your downstairs neighbor
was k*lled
by a stray b*llet.

Which downstairs neighbor?

Mrs. Savino.

I don't know
anything about it.

Why don't you come
to the station house
with us?

Let's get the background
on this.

‐ I'm working.
‐ Now you're not working.

You're coming to
the station house
with us.

Just get dressed, paula.



Mrs. Davis?


I'm adrianne lesniak.

You asked to speak
with a detective?

Uh, yes. Um,

But is there
a male detective

I could speak with?

I'm the detective
available right now,
mrs. Davis.

Why don't you tell me
why you're here?

Well, i‐‐i can't
be here too long.

I work.

Why do you feel

You need to speak
with a detective,
mrs. Davis?


I just wondered
if someone,

Uh, like a...
Police detective

Could, um,

Talk to my husband.

About what?


Well, w‐we have
a daughter

Who's 14.


Well, since she was
very young,


Would help her
say her prayers.

And, uh,

He would be
in her room,

sometimes 20 minutes.

And, uh,

About three years
ago, he‐‐

He started, uh,

Closing the door and...

Staying in there.

Staying for how long?

He doesn't come
to our bed anymore.

He doesn't
sleep with me.

He‐‐he sleeps with her.

Now... I don't know
what goes on in there.

Have you asked him
about it?

Boy. I can't do that.

That would sound
like an accusation.

What about your daughter?
What does she say?

I haven't
mentioned it to her.

Why not?

She's still a child.

Mrs. Davis,
are you saying

Your husband's
molesting your daughter?

No. No, i‐‐
I haven't said that.


I can't say that
for certain.

Well, we can't investigate

Unless you or your daughter
alleges a crime.

Couldn't you get someone

To just go talk to him?

Mrs. Davis,

I think you need
to bring your daughter in.


I, uh,

I left home
around 6 a. M.

I didn't wake up

He liked
to sleep late.

Did he talk about meeting
anybody this morning?


You know his friends?

I don't know that I'd
call them friends.

I knew a couple of his
business partners, but‐‐

No. Friends?
Not lately.

Why is that?

I don't know.

Raymond didn't
talk much about it.

I just knew
they weren't
getting along.

So who were
the partners?

Well, the only one
that I actually knew

Was jerry littman.

He was a jobber.

Heather's heavenly
bridal wear.

I did
their fall show.

how I met raymond.

He was hitting
on the models.


Can you think
of anyone else

Raymond didn't
get along with?

I don't know.

You know, i‐‐
I wasn't seeing him
for that long.

I mean, I never even
met his family.

But‐‐ I mean, you
know who they are.


Come on.

His father's
totally mobbed up.

‐ How do you know?
‐ Raymond bragged about it.

So that didn't
bother you?

Why would it bother me?

You know
how those wise guys are.

They like
to spend their money.

In the clubs, we were
treated like royalty.

Before we got
to the table,

Raymond would knock off $50
and think nothing of it.

He ever say he was
afraid of anybody?


Raymond would never
admit to me

That he was
afraid of anybody.

That just wasn't
like him. Mm‐mm.

Aside from raymond,

You seeing
anybody else, paula?

I work a 12‐hour day.

I come home,
and I collapse.

I'm a little wiped out.
Can I go home?

No. Just
sit here and relax
for a while, o. K.?

Can we get you something,

Like some coffee
or a coke or something?

Yeah. Yeah.
A diet coke.

And can I have
something to eat?

A yogurt, salad?

Yeah. There's a store
around the corner, right?

I'll take a walk.
I'll get you a yogurt.

You think there's
a second boyfriend?

Maybe she'll tell us
after she eats.

What does that mean,
I'm moving too slow?

I don't generally
cater for them

Until after they
give something up.

Everybody's got
their own approach.

Martarano's lawyer's
at the catching bench.

One of you talk to him.

I've got organized crime
in my office.

Look, andy,

You worked a long time
with your last partner.

Me and you,
we won't always start

On the same page.

I'd have scared her more
about the goombahs.

It's better
to cooperate with us

Than take a beating
from them.

Like you say, everybody
works their own way.

I was just leaving room
if there was another boyfriend.

she wouldn't want him
to take the beating.

That's a way to go.

I hope you're not
the sensitive type.

Not usually.

So you take this lawyer,
I'll go get the yogurt.

I'm detective sipowicz.

Phillip fox,
raymond martarano.

Is there somewhere
we could talk?

How about right here?

All right, detective.
Let's not make this

I'm simply
asking the police

To provide
some basic facts

So that mr. Martarano
can begin

To understand
this tragedy.

Is there any chance

I can speak
with mr. Martarano

And get some facts back?

He's grief‐stricken.

He's in no condition
to talk.


Well, tell mr. Martarano

Raymond jr. Was shot
leaving an apartment

One of the b*ll*ts

And k*lled
an 82‐year‐old woman.

Tell him we're
at the preliminary stage
in our investigation.

Any developments,
we'll let him know.

detective sipowicz,

your prejudices may be

About raymond martarano,

This is a father
who just lost
his eldest son.

Hey, lawyer fox,
you want some names

So your client
can kick ass

And k*ll another
innocent bystander?

You tell mr. Martarano
I'm sorry for his loss,

And he will get
the cooperation
that he gives.

I'll report
our conversation.

And I'll
go back to work.

Miss savino?


Detective simone.

You were there
this morning.

I came to see how
things were going...

And maybe
I could provide
some information.

Why don't we
sit over here?

What sort
of information?

After you left,
I remembered some facts

That might help the case.

I remembered something
my mother told me

The day before‐‐

That she'd seen
a black pickup truck

Not normally parked there

That was there two times
or more last week.


You see what I mean?

She might have seen
something pertaining
to this truck,

well, the people involved,

Maybe they're the ones
who did it.

This morning,
it was there again‐‐

A black pickup truck
with tinted windows,

You know, so people
can't see in.

Black pickup.
Tinted glass.
Front and rear?

Just rear.
I wrote down the license.

It's highly unlikely that
there's a connection here,
but we'll check it out.

Should I photograph
the truck, do you think?

I think
we have all we need.

The more
you love someone,
the harder it is

To understand
when they've been taken.

I know there's a chance
it was an accident.

You know, just an accident.

I tell myself that.

But then I think, well,

How many people's mothers
get shot by accident?

It doesn't make any sense.

No, it doesn't.

I'm sorry
if I wasted your time.

Not at all.
You got my card.

I should have
called you?

No, no. I'm
just reminding you
that you got it.

Get in touch with me
whenever you want.

Right. Thank you.


in all the hubbub,

We didn't
get to say hello.

Bobby simone.

Donna abandando.

Pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah. Thanks.

So, jerry littman
with two t's

Says ray jr.
Was a deadbeat.

He stiffed him
on some dough,

But ray had
such a bright personality,

They had such a happy time

With the bims and
recreational stimulants,

Jerry could
never stay mad.

What'd he say
about paula?

She modeled for him.

She's from elizabeth,
new jersey,

And, uh, before raymond,

She was seeing some guy
that hauls bricks.

He came
into littman's showroom

With cement on his shoes.
Come on. Let's go.

He tell you
this guy's name?

Uh‐uh. He says
paula and him

Were a pretty
heavy item.

Uh, listen,

It's a good thing

You left room
for the boyfriend.

How we doing here,

Oh. Great. Thanks.
Yeah, it's real great.

Got your yogurt.

When can I go?

That shouldn't be
too long now, right?

Look, if you have
any questions,

just ask them.

I'm going crazy
in here.

What is the problem?

My problem, paula,
is that I just don't
believe you.

Well, I don't understand
what you're saying.

You don't even believe
I was seeing raymond?

No, I heard all that.

I heard
all about the clubs,

How you were
treated like royalty,

But then we hear about
elizabeth, new jersey.


What's that
supposed to mean?

Everyone's got to
come from somewhere.

You go back there?

My family's over there.

Just your family,

Hey, look, don't
play with me,
all right?

If we go there and ask
questions about you,

We'll find out
something else?

There's nothing to find.

I sat over there
for years.

I looked
across this river,

And this is where
I wanted to be
with raymond,

So don't go telling me

That I didn't
care about him.

Oh, I wish
he was still alive.

All right, paula,
listen to me.

Whoever did this,

We're not the only people
looking for him, understand?

Raymond's family?

Whoever did this, he'd
have a better chance here

Than he would outside.

Now if it's somebody
that you cared about‐‐

It is somebody that you
cared about, right?

See, I understand that.

Maybe if it was me,

I'd be doing
the same thing.

But I want you to think
about the position

That this person is in.

Somebody out there's
going to find him.


He'd go to jail?

Nobody can say
anything like that

Because we don't know
the circumstances.

If raymond had a g*n
and threatened him,

That could totally
change things.

Who's your boyfriend,

Come on, now.

I know you love him.

You're trying
to protect him.
I respect that.

What you're doing
won't help him.

It'll get him k*lled.

It's not‐‐
it‐‐it's not his fault.

It's my fault.

It was because of
everything I was doing.

His name
is paddy perkins.

I can tell you
where he works.




We're looking for
paddy perkins.

He's an oiler.
He's over there.

You need
the hard hats.

Yeah, o. K.

Hey, you paddy?


Hey! Paddy around?


That's me.

Got a minute?

We'll have
to take a ride.

What's this about?

Your name was mentioned
in an investigation
we're working on.

Come with us.
We'll straighten it out.

Come on.

Everything all right,

These cops want me
to go with them.

‐ What do you want to do?
‐ Why, you writing a book?

It's o. K. I'll go.

Without a warrant,
you don't go nowhere.

Hey, paddy's cooperating.

You stay out of this.

I'm telling him
his rights.

What about your rights
to getting your ass kicked

And winding up
in night court?

Let's go.

It's all right.

I didn't think so.

your mother told us

That there are some things
going on in your home.

I don't know why
she brought me here.

She told us your father's
been sleeping with you
in your bedroom.

Is your father
having relations with you?

Don't I have the right
to talk to an attorney
or something?

No one's accusing you
of anything.

If anyone did anything wrong,
it would be your father.

My mother lies.

Why would she lie?

It's not true.

You father isn't
having relations with you?


Why don't I bring
your mother in here?


Why don't I bring
your mother in here?


Could you come in
for a second, mrs. Davis?

Sit down.

Allison said her father
hasn't been intimate
with her.

How can you do this?

I have to.
It can't go on.

They'll take me away.

that isn't true.

It can't go on,

I can't live with it anymore.

You can't
make me say anything.

You can put me in jail,

But I'll
never say anything.

I'm only trying
to help you.



I'm not afraid.
I'll go to jail.

Allison, no one's going
to put you in jail.

But you can't hide
from this any longer.

We have to do something
about this.

Don't you want it
to stop?

Tell me what he did
to you.

He touched me.

And he showed me
how to touch him.

Oh, god.

What could I do?

He's my father.

When did it start?

I don't know exactly.

It was before
I got my periods.

When he began
sleeping with you,

What did he do?

He does everything.

You know, everything.

sit down.

Am I under arrest?

No, you're not
under arrest.

What's going to get me
back to the job?

I'm losin' a day's pay

Where were you
between 6:30 and 8:00
this morning?

That's easy. I was
sittin' in traffic
in the tunnel.

Did you drive in
with anybody?

No. But you can check
with tommy doyle.

He's an oiler
on the same crew.

He was late, too.

O.k. Maybe
we'll talk to him.

Paddy, we've been
talkin' to, uh, paula.

Paula anderson?


Is she in some kind
of trouble?

A guy named
raymond martarano

Was shot
in front of her place.

But she's o. K.?
She's o. K.

She ever talk to you
about raymond martarano?

No. I don't see
much of her anymore

Since she moved away
from elizabeth.

She gave us the impression
you were close at one time.

Well, we were.

Did you know she was
dating raymond for
the last three months?

No, I didn't know that.

Guess I don't know
what she does

Since she moved
to the city.

Yeah. This martarano's
a mob guy.

Real scumbag.

I guess
they caught up with him.

An elderly woman
who lives there

Was sitting
at her window.

She got hit
by a stray b*llet.

‐ Is she gonna be all right?
‐ She's dead.

I'm sure no one
meant to k*ll her.

But until we find out
why the guy was k*lled,

It's treated as an
intentional m*rder also.

but we know it wasn't.

Well, I didn't
sh**t anybody.

Paddy, we got to check out
a few things.

Why don't you take the time

And think if there's
any way you can help us.



I'm sure someone transposed
license plate numbers.

I've never had
an auto accident
or been in albany.

There may be some
clerical mix‐up.

I don't know why
we couldn't have
done this by phone.

They need
a personal interview
for the files.

Step right in here.

To tell you the truth,
mr. Davis, uh,

We're not gonna be talkin'
about any auto accident
in albany.

What do you mean?

I think you know what
we'll talk about.

I have absolutely no idea.

Are you saying
you brought me here
under false pretenses?

Sit down.

one of our detectives

Has taken a complaint
about you

From your wife
and daughter.

They've made some
very disturbing statements.

I'm dumbfounded by this.

A lot of people
have strong feelings

About the things
your daughter says
you've done.

I want to talk
to allison.

They tend to focus
on punishment,

Which in your case
would be prison.


That's right.

Now, uh,

I'm a family man.

I know it's important
to keep families together.
That's true.

And based on what
your daughter has said,

I think
your being forthcoming

Is the best chance
at keeping the situation
under control.

I don't know.

Maybe I should
speak to a lawyer.

Yeah, well, uh,

That's the other way
you could go.

It goes to the d.a.
It's out of my hands.

What would be
the alternative?

Something like

Well, i‐‐i'd
need your help
on something like that.

You'd have to make a‐‐

A statement
of corroboration.

An admission that
I'd done something.

Yeah. It‐‐it would
have to conform

To what your wife
and daughter have said.

What did they say?

You know,

Spending the nights
with your daughter, uh,

Physical touching...

And penetration,
and so forth.

Um, otherwise, you see,
if‐‐if it's in dispute,

It has to go to the d. A.

I love my daughter.

I would never do anything
to hurt her.

Do you think I might, uh,
qualify for counseling?

In that regard,

A statement
is your best shot.

My family...

Is everything to me.

I'll do it.

All right.

We're going to, uh,

Have a formality here.

I'm going to give you
your miranda rights,

And you're going
to do a statement.

You have the right
to an attorney‐‐

I know my rights.

Let me just finish this.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Paddy, I know
you're a decent guy.

I think you want to
do the right thing,

Help these people
that lost their mother.

You gotta know what
they're going through.

You ready to do
the right thing,

Paula and me,
we've been together

Since we were
11 years old.

I love her.

Guys made fun of me
'cause I love her so much.

I got money saved.
I was getting us
a place in rahway.

How'd you learn
she was seeing raymond?

A guy over in elizabeth.

He's an electrician,
was working on 7th avenue.

He saw them,
told me about it.

I didn't want
to believe him.

Had to see for myself.

I got money saved.

I was gonna buy us
a place with a nice yard.

So what‐‐ you waited
outside in front
of her place,

Saw him come out?

Yeah. He came out.


Did he see you?

Did he thr*aten you?


It was just the way
he walked, the prick.

Like he'd just
taken away my life
and felt good about it.

He sees me. I say
I want to talk to him.

He tells me to kiss his ass.

I tell him
to leave her alone.

He probably
doesn't even love her.

Then he sees
I got a g*n.

Did you have
the g*n out?

No. It was
in my belt.

He goes for me,
raises up his hand.

So you guys
struggled, huh?

Not really.

He made these
little burpy noises

Every time
the b*ll*ts hit him.

I'm sorry about that lady.

Take a little break,

Then we'll go
talk to the d. A.


In your statement,
if you remember

There was a struggle
for the g*n,

If that should
come back to you,

to say that.

One thing.

You think
I could see paula?

I just want to tell her‐‐

I just want to see her.

We'll try to work
something out.

I'll get
the lieutenant's o. K.

Try to help the guy
with his story,

He wants to hold hands
with his girlfriend.

Keep an eye
on the guy.


The kid
in interrogation 2,

He, uh, turned over.
He did it.

Is that satisfactory?



This'll do
the trick.

Get up.

Mr. Davis,

I'm placing you
under arrest.

This is just
another formality?

Yeah. Yeah.

This is the formality
that puts you in jail.

What are you saying?

You promised I'd get off
with counseling.

Someone else
makes that decision.

I'm putting you
under arrest.

You lied. You promised
if I made a statement

I wouldn't
go to jail.

I said a statement's
your best shot.

The d. A. Makes
the decision.

You want my opinion,

I hope
they put you away,

You sick son of a bitch.

Will she have to make
another statement?

That'll be it today.

The d. A.
Will contact you.

You bastard!

‐ Miriam.
‐ Mrs. Davis, ignore him.

Allison, remember
what daddy told you.

Mrs. Davis,
let's go back inside.

Remember what
daddy told you.

Hey, paula.

So here we are, huh?

Yeah. Huh.

From one minute
to the next,
everything's just‐‐

Just gone.

I'm so sorry.

I am so sorry
for hurting you.

Just... Don't hate me.
Just try not to hate me.

Hate you?

I could never
hate you.

That's just something
I could never do.

You know that.

Don't you know that?

Sure, you gotta
know that.

You gotta know that.

So I'll see you later?

Yeah, see you
at georgetti's.

He wants to buy us
a beer.

Oh. Seems like
a nice guy.

Want to invite him
to dinner?

I'm working
with this guy,

Not looking to
adopt him.

I'll see ya.

Andy's in the hall.

All right, let's go.

Hey, good job today.

Hey, thanks,

Lucky I gave you
the full orientation.

It's always this quiet
around here, huh?

You ready?

And a soda.

Thanks, bobby.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Thanks for making me
feel welcome, guys.

[Clears throat]

So, uh,

He raises pigeons.

Is that right?

Racing homers.

I've flown them
since I was a kid.

What's the actual
limit there?

The farthest they can
actually return from?

I've had 'em return
500 miles.

You must be some kind
of trainer, huh?

It isn't training.
It's what inside them.

I took these 10 birds
up to maine.

An hour after I get home,

I'm standing up on the roof,
just watching them come in.

Every single one
made it back.

I raise fish.

Is that right?

Oh, yeah, that's
a big hobby with andy.

Saltwater tropicals.

There's a hobby
I never understood.

I had buddies
that raised pigeons, but‐‐

I got a clown fish couple
just had eggs.

The morning
when I'm having my coffee,

The male,

He cleans each egg
with his mouth.

Never breaks one.

The whole day,
while I'm working,

Him and the wife
are guarding that nest.

They fan the water
all over their eggs.

are dedicated fish.

Do you see that kind
of thing in pigeons?

Pigeons make good parents.

Anyways, I gotta go.

Yeah, I gotta go, too.

Thanks for the beer,

Me, too.

See you tomorrow, huh?

I'll see you guys.

Take it easy.

good night, dave.

good night, guys.

Feels good being back
out on the street, andy.

Forgot how much I missed it,
you know?

So, uh,

You took that p. C. Job
for what‐‐

A fast career track?

I needed something
with regular hours.

I had some problems
at home.

My wife had breast cancer.

She died last year.

That had to be tough.

I'm sorry.

Look, I'm meeting
a friend for dinner.

You want to join us?

Thanks, andy. No.
I'm gonna go do
the fives on the case.

Don't let me
discourage you there.

So, uh, I'll see you
tomorrow, huh?


I figured maybe I'd do
my own paperwork.


This is some, uh,

Greek stuff from one
of those greek places.

You know, those
grape leaf rolls.


Sylvia got it.
The a. D. A. You met.


Yeah. It was her idea.

So, uh, I got
about halfway through
the interviews there.

Yeah, well, let's just
divvy up what you got left.

I gotta wear glasses now.

It's all that paperwork,

Yeah. I just need them
for reading.
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