02x07 - Double Abandando

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x07 - Double Abandando

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey. I thought
you were in court.

Resnik took the hearing.

I needed to talk to you.

Andy, you're not going
to like hearing this.

I'm under control.
Just tell me what's wrong.

Elvira called me
at the office.

She‐‐she couldn't vacuum
the apartment because

A circuit breaker
had been tripped.

That's nothing.
I can fix that.

No, super already
did that.

Then what's the problem?

Apparently, we should
not have plugged

The fish t*nk into
the same outlet
as the television.


The fish are dead.




I went by there, andy,

And they were all
floating upside down.

It had only been
a couple of hours.

A couple of hours?

Those are
saltwater tropicals.

A couple of hours
can be devastating.

We'll get
some more fish.

You don't just replace
those fish.

Those were specific fish.

I'll have to talk
to you later.


What, the back again?


Boy, those night tour guys
leave some mess, huh?

They certainly do.

Maybe I'll leave a note
or something.

My sister just called.

Oh, yeah?

She split
with her husband.

I'm sorry to hear that.

And whenever
she has a crisis,

I'm supposed to
bail her out.

It's not like
we got a lot of room
at our place.

What, your sister's
coming to stay?

She says it's just
for a little while

Until they decide
on counseling

Or if it's permanent.

I'll get a room
for a while.

No way.

My sister's not going
to put you out.

I guess she can sleep
on the divan.

Look, it's not a problem.

We'll all be fine


[Distant g*nshots]

Were those g*nshots?

Sylvia just walked
out of here.

Across the street.
A kid got shot
in the school yard.

Give me your radio.

Stand back, stand back.

15Th squad to central,

Put a rush on the ambulance
to i. S. 27 School yard.

Forget it, lieu.

He's gone. At least two
in the heart.

Notify the m. E.
And crime scene
to respond.

Did anybody see
what happened here?

What, nobody saw

Nobody saw anything,

Are you a teacher here?

Anybody know
who he is?

His name's eddie diaz.

I better call his parents.

Saw him running
to the locker room.

Caught him in the can
trying to dump this.

I'll take that.

Nick, for god's sake.

You know this kid?

Yeah. His mom's
a friend of mine.

Do me a favor.

Bring him across
the street, o. K.?

Let's go.

[School bell rings]

get him covered up.

Anybody else here
see anything?
Hear anything?

Catchin' on
this homicide?

Yeah, that's me.

Is there a problem?

No. No, I'm all right.


How could this happen?

How do you let
this happen?

Mrs. Diaz,
we do what we can.


Hi. Detective simone.

Um, here he is.

Where's nicky?

He's in the back
with a policewoman.

I can't believe
this is happening.

Tell me it's not true.

Let's sit at my desk.

You want coffee
or something?

No, thank you.

Come on.

I'll get you some water.
I'll be back.

So the school
post officer

Caught nick trying
to ditch a g*n

In the boys' toilet.

Well, that doesn't mean
he k*lled anyone.

You don't think
he did it?

That's why you're here,

You have to be present
when we talk to him,

Help us find out
what happened.

What about a lawyer?

I won't lie.
You can go that way,

But I think
the best thing to do

Is to find out
what happened.

I've dreaded this
since his father left.

He doesn't talk to me
or tell me where he goes.

I'm detective

We're working this


The dead kid's

That was our corner.
He had no business there.

Our corner, huh?

Who else hung out

A group of us guys.

Like john, bruce,
and that mace kid?


They hadn't shown up.

Just me.

Then this p. R.
Starts pushing it.

Pushing what?

Being where
he don't belong.

We don't keep 'em
in their place,

In 10 years,
it's going to be us or them.

Those assholes.

If I hadn't shot him...

Who would respect me?

My god, nicky.
Do you know what
you're saying?

You're out of the loop.

Forget it.

You're wrong.
I'm your mother.

I'm never out
of the loop.

Let me tell you
what this all means.

I'm 11. The worst is
a few years in spofford.

Who told you that?

It's the law.
I know about the law.

From the mouths
of babes.


Maybe you got
a ground ball
to first.

How'd it go?

He's saying he did it.

I want to keep him
out of the system.

You don't buy the story?

I don't know.
You know, this kid's 11.

He's trying hard
to be tough.

Maybe he's taking
the weight.

I want to talk to
these older guys.

O.k., Bring them in.

Is that all
you're going to do?

Don't worry.

That's the guy
got shot at.

You got the 61?

They're holding jobs
in the precinct.

Go ahead.

Somebody fired at you?

Oh. Maybe.

It sounded like
firecrackers to me.

Everybody seems
to be o. K.

If those cops didn't
show up so fast,

I would have
forgotten it.

You're going to let her
get away with this?

You don't think it
was accidental?

Those b*ll*ts
were meant for eddie.

We know who did it.

We're not sure
who did it.

Who did it?

His ex‐girlfriend
jennifer mills.

It happened really fast.

Did you see her?

Dorie was getting a drink.

Why do you think it's
this jennifer mills?

She's been
threatening him,

Saying things like,
"there's going
to be an accident."

Why is she threatening you?

I don't know.

She's pissed because
he dumped her.

That was over
a year ago.

Hey, you're bleeding.

Oh, man. Look at that.

Come on,
you better sit down.

Can you take
this off?

Yeah. Uh.

Oh, you're shot.

Oh, god, eddie.

I didn't even feel this.

I heard the shot.
I put on my jacket.

Isn't that right, dorie?

I was putting
on my jacket.

She was coming back.

It's not too bad.
I'll call e. M. S.


Now do you think
we can maybe file
a complaint?

It's going to be fine.

The girl you're
looking for is
jennifer mills.

She works at
saybrook industries.

If it was her,
you don't need to worry.

I won't go after her.
I'll talk to her.

So you don't want to
file a complaint?

Definitely not.

If you don't,
I'm going to.

O.k., I'll file
a complaint, I guess.

Ambulance will
be here soon.

Listen, if there's a way
we could designate this

Like a low‐priority

No, there's no way
I can do that.

Why don't you have a seat,
wait for the ambulance?


Guy puts on his jacket
after he gets shot.

I don't get that.

He said he didn't feel it.

Yeah, I guess that
can happen.

Miss mills,
I'm detective martinez.

This is detective lesniak.

We'd like to ask you
a few questions.

Is there somewhere
we can talk?

Yeah. I think
the coffee room's

Do you know eddie reyna?

Yeah, but I
haven't seen him
for a long time.

Where were you between
9:30 and 10:00 a. M.?

In a staff meeting.

What happened?

Did somebody trash
eddie's apartment
or something?

He got shot.

Is he dead?

No. He's o. K.

He thinks you did it.

He knows
I'd like to.

He said you made
threatening phone calls.

I'm trying to contact
his girlfriend
to warn her.

He's threatened by that.

About what?

I'm h. I. V. Positive.

Eddie infected me.

How do you know he did?

I don't do dr*gs.
I'm monogamous.

All my old boyfriends
tested negative.

Has he tested?

No. He refuses.

I'm not his only victim.

I'm not the only person
who'd like to k*ll him.

Like who else?

He's bad news.
Take your pick.

Drug dealers shot at him
near my building.

He deals dr*gs?

Yeah, he has.

He bragged about all
the money he made
before I met him,

Spent it on a vacation
to jamaica. Prick.

Look, I'm sorry.

I really
hate the bastard.

You know the names
of these dealers?

No. I know the girl he
went out with before me.

He infected her, too.

She's dying.

We'd like to get her name.

Kathy manning.

Her number's
in my rolodex.

I'll get it for you.

Yeah, sure. Thanks.


I skinned my knuckle
installing my folks'
water heater.

I got pretty
close to that guy.

Hey, he may not have it.

The guy looked
really healthy.

Yeah. So does she.


I'm vincent mackie.

My wife said I'm supposed
to bring my son

To see detective simone.

Detective, mr. Mackie
and his son are here.

Mr. Mackie.

My wife says you
were at the place
looking for us?

Yeah. I'd like
to talk to bruce.

Not without me there.

He's 16. We can
deal with him
as an adult.

Like how you threatened him?

That how you deal with him?

I heard all about that.

You know a little kid
was k*lled at school today?

Bruce, you know
anything about that?

Just what I heard,
like everybody else.

There. That's it.

Let's clear the air on this.

I don't want to arrest him.

You don't scare me.
I can afford a lawyer.

You won't trick him.

He said what he knows.

You want more?
I call my lawyer.

Come on.

Excuse me.


That kid mace
had the flu.

He's in bed
with a 102 fever.

Bruce doesn't
know anything.

His father threatened
to lawyer him up.

Lieutenant wants to see
you both in his office.

The proctor verified
that kid john
was in detention.

That's the third kid
nick hung with.

Detectives simone
and sipowicz

Are working the case.

Mr. Reeves is
a principal at i. S. 27.

We've got the tape
of the 911 call.

Mr. Reeves i. D.'D
the voice.

It's matthew bernstein,
our shop teacher.

His shop's door is
very near the playground.

I'm sure it's him.

We've shut down today,

But he's still
over at the school.

We'll talk to him.

All right. Go ahead.

Ha ha!

Hi, dana.

Ha ha ha!



Better call mom.
Let her know you got here.

That's not greg, is it?

No. That's detective simone.

Donna, I'll be at i. S. 27.

All right, detective.

Oh, ha ha ha.

Look, when I get my break,

We'll take your stuff
by my place.

Good. Lunch is my treat.

There he is.

Donna, any messages?

Nothing new, detective.

By the way, this
is my sister dana.

Detective medavoy.

Hi. At last, we meet.


Ohh, sorry.

Looks like you just
got into town.


Well, uh, enjoy your stay.

We're going out for
lunch. Want to come?

Uh, gee, um...

Uh, where?

The usual.

Yeah. I'll,
uh, catch up.

Uh, I'm doing follow‐ups
on the canvass.



Heh heh heh.


He's cute.

Very shy.

Why'd you do that?

What? What?
Invite him along?

I want to get
to know him.

Just keep your voice down
about it.

I told you we have
to be very discreet here.

All right.

No problem.

I think this
whole secrecy thing

Makes it very romantic.

Ha ha ha!


These people
are police detectives.

They want to ask you
some questions.

What about?

Eddie reyna, kathy.

detective martinez.

This is
detective lesniak.


What about eddie?

took a shot at him.

Want to find out
who it was.

You thought maybe it was me?

I don't have the strength

To go to the bathroom,

I'm dying.

Eddie took my life.

You sure about that?

You're sure it was him?

I was a virgin.

He said we'd get married.

Was he hurt?

No. It was
just a flesh wound.

How did you find out
about me?

Did eddie ask about me?

No. Uh, jennifer mills
gave us your name.

He infected her, too.

She all right?

So far.

Mrs. Manning?

Were you with your daughter
all morning?

You mean, did I
go out to sh**t him?

No. I was here.
So was my husband.

We wish he was dead.

sh**ting is too good
for this man.

O.k., And...

Thank you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


911 Operator 2,002.
Where's the emergency?

I just saw a boy shot
in the school yard,
i. S. 27.

He's hurt real bad.

Would you
send an ambulance?

Your name,
telephone number
and address, please?

Get someone over here.

It's not me.

Well, it sounds
just like you.

Half the bronx
sounds like me.

Well, whoever it is,

He saw a 15‐year‐old
kid get shot.

Want me to tell you
what I've seen?

I've seen my tires slashed
a couple of times.

I got my windshield
busted out

Because I wouldn't let one
make a machete in metalwork.

We've had
teachers assaulted.

Last year, there was a r*pe.

Suppose we check
on this call

And find it came
from this office.

People walk in or break in
to this office every day.

You can forget
about a voice print.

Tape quality's too lousy.
I know about electronics.

I teach industrial arts.

Mr. Bernstein,
did nicky williamson
do this sh**ting, huh?

I wouldn't know.
I didn't see anything.

Look, I got the right to
stop talking to you now.

So that's what
I'm going to do.

You did the right thing
making that call.

Why not go all the way?

I never made the call.

What's the matter?


You didn't like the way
I did that interview?

You figure
this guy told us
everything he knew?

I figured to
come back at him.

Let his conscience
eat at him a while.

His conscience
had no appetite.

He needed to be pushed.

I don't like being

Then stop reading my mind.

I walked back here
minding my own business.

With a face like
you swallowed a turd.

Did you really want to hear
what bernstein had to say?

Think I don't want
to clear this case?

I partnered with
the greatest social worker

Since that nun
from calcutta,

But he always made sure
the cop part got done.

When my wife died,

This kid's mother
sat with her.

Do I hope
this kid didn't pull
the trigger? Yeah.

But if you think I'm
trying to protect him,

Kiss my french‐
portuguese ass.

Don't point that finger
in my chest too much.

Don't say I'm
not doing my job.

Turn it down
or take it someplace else.

Nothing here proves
eddie reyna knows
he has h. I. V.

He knows.
He just doesn't care.

He's gotten
all these girls sick.

Has he been tested?

When we took the guy's 61
when he got shot,

He wouldn't go
to the hospital.

We figure
he didn't want
to test positive.

If you could prove
he has been tested

And he knew
he was positive

And he had sex with
reckless disregard,

Then if you could
exclude any possibility

That the victim
contracted the illness
from another partner,

you could make a case
for endangerment.

But the truth
is with the state
of the law right now,

We're not pursuing
prosecutions in this area.

Minimum, we ought
to warn the girl.

I still want to talk
to that bastard.

Well, there's no law
against that, either.

Will he be home
for dinner?

If he comes in,

Detective simone
or sipowicz

Of the 15th squad.

It's about an incident
at the school.

Thanks. Bye.

Hey, christy.

Nicky's going
to have to stay?


Found anything
new, any witnesses?

No. Still working on it.

You don't suspect nicky?

We're still
checking things, christy.

Come on. I'll, uh,
take you upstairs.


How's it going?

Any progress?
Will you charge that boy?

Uh, we don't know yet.

Andy, my landlord called.

He can bring
an electrician in

To replace
the old breaker panel.

I'd rather deal
with that myself.

I wanted to ask you

'Cause you
wanted to do that.

I'd prefer to do it.

I'll tell him.

I'll get home early,

So should
I drain the t*nk?

No. Just leave it.


In terms of the fish,

"Those things happen"
is the approach
I'm trying to take.

Uh, no one's at fault.

So I'll see you back
at the apartment?

Yeah. I'll
see you later.



I'm going to go back
on that shop teacher now.

You want me to come or not?

It's up to you.

Give me a minute.

I'll meet you
all right?

No, I mean, uh...ahem.
Let's go in here.

I want to talk to you.

I'll tell you,
this day's got room for
improvement, generally.

First thing I got
hit with this morning‐‐

All my fish died.

All of them?

An electrical thing‐‐
the filter shut down.

Eight years ago,
there was this
newcastle's epidemic.

I, uh,
I lost all my birds.

Yeah. See, that‐‐
that's a similar thing.

Anyways, uh...

In the hallway
before, uh...

I may have been
halfway out of line

When I said‐‐

I would never dump a case.

You misunderstood.

I meant,
the way you felt,

Maybe you
were going slow,

Not that you didn't
mean to get there.

When you
don't know someone,

You have
difficulty coming
to an understanding.

That's true.

The other guy I worked
with for eight years.

I know, andy. I know.


O.k., I, uh...

you saying that.

You want me to come
with you on this
interview or not?

Yeah, I would.


There's the detectives'

Thanks for coming in.

I don't know
what else we got
to tell you.

We have some questions.

What about?

Did you talk
to jennifer?

Take her into two.

Talk to her with me.

Wait. You people
can't hold us here.

Would you rather
be under arrest?

For what?

Let's talk.

All right?

I know most of the people
eddie knows.

I mean, I know all
the people from the gym.

That's where we met.

You work out there?

I did.

Eddie was
my personal trainer.

He's the best.

Are you aware that he
was dealing dr*gs?

That's a lie.

He's totally into health.

Did jennifer
tell you that?

She's a liar.

Have you ever actually
spoken to jennifer?


Eddie doesn't
want me talking to her.

She's crazy.

Let's talk about
the time you got shot at
by drug dealers.

Ho ho ho! I know where
this is coming from.

Look, jennifer is a very
disturbed person.

I mean, you know
the term transference?

She had
a heavy drug problem.

I was trying
to work it out of her.

Make her understand
her body was the temple
of her soul,

And she was
destroying it.

Have you ever been tested
for h. I. V.?

Do I look like
I have aids?

I'm asking
the questions.

I've never been sick
a day in my life.

Why should
I be tested?

Jennifer is positive.

Well, I'm very sorry
to hear that,

But I'm not surprised
because of her
drug problem.

You're not worried?

While I was with her,
she was just
dropping pills.

No i. V. Use.

How about kathy manning?


I haven't seen kathy
in three years.

She's dying.

Well, that's too bad,

But it's got
nothing to do with me.

Ever hear
of reckless endangerment?

Yeah, and when you
say something like that,

I say get me a lawyer
or let me leave.

If you'd seen eddie
without his shirt on,

You'd know there's
no way he's got aids.

He told me that bitch
was spreading that rumor.

Have you been tested?

I don't need to be.

Have you practiced
safe sex?

The kind of sex
I practiced is none
of your business.

Get yourself
tested, dorie,
and protect yourself.

I don't need to.

I trust eddie
with my life.

Now can I please leave?

Come on.

Let's get out
of here.

Are you o. K.?

Did you get through
to her?

She thinks eddie reyna's
the greatest guy
in the world.

[Bell rings]

I still get nightmares
being back in school,

Getting called on
without my homework.

I've spoken
to my union,

And they said
to notify them
if you harass me.

Mr. Bernstein,
I'm sympathetic with
all your concerns,

But I need for you
to confirm

If we've arrested
the right kid.

I don't know.
I didn't see.

If nick williamson
did this,

You're not going
to have to testify.

He already confessed.

Just give me
an indication what
he's saying's true.

I can't give you
an indication
one way or another.

I heard your voice
on that tape,

So I know you saw.

I think you're
trying to say
he didn't do it

Without having
to say who did.

If he didn't do it,
you better step up.

Otherwise, this kid's
going away.

I'm telling you,
if this kid
goes away,

And you know he didn't
pull the trigger,

Not only his life
gets ruined.
Yours does, too.

O.k. I've been warned.

You know, you can
ruin your health

Over something
like this.

It gets to where
you can't sleep,

Or where
you're eating
with your own kids,

And you wonder
what that kid's
eating at spofford.

Prison food.

Leave me alone.

Who you talking
to now, mr. Bernstein,

Me or
your conscience?

If I tell you,

I have to get
a transfer out of here.

Doesn't exactly sound
like you're in love
with the place.

Look for someone
who's a little older.

Stop playing games
with us here.

Give me a name.

Bruce mackie.

Smells good.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, you know,
donna should be home
any minute.

Her legal stenography
class ends at 7:00.

I took some fashion
design courses
at toby‐coburn

Before I got married.

I'm thinking of trying
to find something
in the industry.

Sounds great.

I'm probably dreaming.

I'll probably end up
working at the gap.

You shouldn't
give up your dreams.

That is really nice
to hear, greg.

I haven't heard that
for three years.

Jeff doesn't relate
to dreams.

He's just not

I want something
out of life.
Is that so bad?

Uh, no.

N‐not at all.

You know, maybe
I should heat up
the baked apples.

I think they're
better when they're hot.

When you left
your wife,

Did you know for sure
it was the right thing
to do?

Were you absolutely

Uh, yes and no,

But, you know,

I‐‐i think
it's different
for everybody.

I know I'm unhappy
married to jeff,

But now, I don't know
where I'm going.

I don't know
what'll happen to me.

I might be
more unhappy.

I‐‐i'm sure things
will work out
for you, dana.

I'm just so alone.

It would be so great...

To have someone like you.

Someone who understands
what I'm going through.

Donna understands.

Uh, you know,

Maybe you should go
in the other room

And lie down
for a little while.

Greg, could you hold me
just for a second?

Oh, dana, I don't
think that's such
a good idea.

Just hold me
for a second.


Yeah. Well, all right.
Just for a second.

[Door opens]

There you go,
all right?

Here's donna now.

Donna, I'm‐‐i'm
glad you're here.

Dana's very upset
about her future.

Oh, yeah? Is that
why her robe's open?

What's that
supposed to mean?

Donna, I think
you got the wrong

Greg was offering

Which is more
than I can say for you.

Yeah? He was
offering support.

And what were
you offering?

Girls. Ladies‐‐

This is how
she thinks.

She can't conceive
of a man and woman

Without some
sexual aspect.

I'm going for a walk.

I know how you
operate, dana.

Ever since junior high,
nothing's changed.

Oh, I forgot.
She knows everything.

She thinks a d‐cup
makes her god.

Please turn down the heat
on the baked apples.

James, that 61
you took yesterday,
sh*ts fired?

Yeah. Eddie reyna.

He's a d. O. A.


What do you got?

Didn't rob him.
120 Bucks
in his pocket.

Hey, hold up.

Powder burns
around the wound.

Looks like
real close range.

You check stiffs
for h. I. V.?

We can.

Test this guy's blood
and let me know.

There's his girlfriend.

Come on.

You see what happened,

Must've been
those drug dealers again.

Did you see
what happened to eddie?

Eddie's dead.

It's o. K.

That's what I'm
gonna be soon.

Why are you gonna
be dead soon?

'Cause I'm sick.

Sick? How?


Dorie, did you
get tested?


He made me sick
just like everyone else.

Now he's dead.

It's what he deserved.

Stand up, dorie.

We're going to have
to take you
to the station house.

I happen to know
you're holding
some punk on this.

Bruce has
no business here.

We have an eyewitness,
a teacher, who saw
your son

Point a g*n
at eddie diaz
and pull the trigger.

The guy saw
someone else.

Trust me.
The guy knows him.

Bruce is never gonna
get through a lineup.

What? I don't know
what they're
talking about.

Are you lying to me?

I ain't saying nothing.

You know what
a m*rder charge
means, bruce?

25 Years to life.

Well, not me.
I'm a juvenile.

I shouldn't even
be here.

He's wrong.
He can be tried
as an adult

And sentenced
as an adult.

I'm not buying
any of this.

We need a lawyer.

Mr. Mackie, I got
one offer here.

It gives your son
a chance to have a life.
You wanna hear it?


Bruce makes a full
and frank confession.

He expresses remorse
for his actions.

We'll make an effort
to get this tried
in family court.

You got to do better.

We don't got
to do anything.

We can close this case,
and little brucie here

Heads off to ossining.

He didn't say
he did it.

I want to put him
in the system.

Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait.

Naw. I‐‐i'll take
the deal.

Look, I don't want
to be tried as an adult.

Let's hear it.

I shot him.


He was going
to tag our place
in the yard.

No other reason?

He just shouldn't
have been there.

How did nicky
get the g*n?

Came running over.

I gave it to him
after I capped the guy.


Pop, I'm sorry, pop.

I'm sorry, pop.

You disappointed, nick?



Bruce confessed.
He's the big shot now.

I don't believe that.

I'll play you
the tape.

He said he k*lled

Then he gave you
the g*n to ditch.

He said he shouldn't
have given it
to a wimp.

He didn't say that.

He must be some kind
of guy, this bruce.

What did he ever
do for you

That's worth
3 to 5 years
in prison?

I don't rat.

It's respect.

Oh, yeah?
And how did he earn
that respect?

Did he feed
or house you?

What exactly
did this bruce do?

It's not what he did.

It's what he is.

Oh, and what's that?

Huh? Is he some kind
of king bad ass?

He's downstairs
right now bawling
his eyes out.

He used you, nick,
and you went for it.

It's got nothing
to do with respect.

Yeah, it does.

Your mother works hard
to feed you,

To put a roof
over your head.

She's the one
that earns respect here.

I know what my mom
does for me.

You know, but do
you care?

You're ready
to leave her
on her own

'Cause you owe
some punk more
than her.

What happened
in that school yard,

It's like you said.

Bruce shot him
and handed me the g*n.

You did the right
thing here, nick.

You acted like a man.

He'll give a statement
to an a. D. A.

About hiding the g*n.

He won't have
to go to jail?

We'll talk to him.

I can't make
any promises,

But I'm pretty sure
he'll just be
a witness.

All right,
all right. Thanks.

She laid in wait
with a g*n.

We have to take it
to the grand jury.

You'll indict her,
but you couldn't
move on him.

No jury in the world
will convict her.

It'll never go
to a jury.

We'll take the plea
and suspend
the sentence.

She already got
her sentence.


Finish the fives?


I'm glad it worked out
like this,

Glad for that woman
that took care
of your wife.


That's the thing
about working
the precinct, andy.

Sometimes you actually
get a chance to do
some good.

Uh, when
I was drinking, uh...

Some mornings
I'd get up,

I didn't know
where the hell I was

And trying not to remember
what I was doing.

If I could drag‐ass
to the station house,

At least I had a chance

Of making some sense
of something.

You got plans
for dinner?

You're on your own?

Yeah. She lets me out
once in a while.


Donna, maybe we should
talk about last night.


You explained yourself.

And I got
the silent treatment

Ever since I got back
from my walk.

There's nothing
to talk about, gregory.

My sister's always
done this.

She's always hit
on my boyfriends.

I didn't do anything,

You didn't have to.

If I didn't get home
when I did,

She would have
done it for you.


No matter when
you came home,

Nothing would
have happened...


'Cause I'm not one
of your old boyfriends.

I didn't say you were.
I just know dana.

Then you got to know me.

I love you.

I'd never touch her.

And if you'd
like my opinion,

I don't think dana
should stay with us.


I'm going to tell her
to pack her things.

She's moving to the y. W.,

And I don't care
what my mother says.

And if you want to know
what I say,

I say good riddance
and no hard feelings.


Oh, yeah. Thanks.

In the morning,
I'll, uh,

Clean out that t*nk
and recycle the water.


I'm so glad that
you're getting past this.

Ahem. Well, this, uh,

This tragedy could have
happened at my place,
too, sylvia.

It didn't,
but it could have.

I don't think we should
let it affect
our schedule.


Next week you'll spend
three nights here?

Yeah, and then, uh,

Four the next week
and so on

I get used to it.

You know, i, uh...

There's things i...

I've really wanted,
and I could never

Without a life
like the life
we're going to have.

There's some beautiful,
um, triggerfish

That I could never
mix in with those
other kinds,

And now I can get those.

You're my big bear,
aren't you?


I guess I am.
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