02x20 - The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x20 - The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on NYPD Blue:

I won't talk about
my personal feelings at this point.

- While the case is going on.
- While the case is going on.

Would it better if instead of seeing him
carry a bag, it was a g*n?

If she's psycho, I don't want you in a
position where she can lie about you.

- Mike Roberts. How you doing?
- Bobby Simone.

Roberts used to be on the job here.

Oh, Andy. An Orthodox wedding
is so beautiful.

Each of us gets to wear a crown
of white flowers.

- Simone. I'll be working with you.
- Diane Russell. Where can I change?

Locker room's right over there.

Isn't this one of those things we swear
to ourselves we're going to avoid?

Yeah. Let's do it anyway.

We're here alone.
I won't tell if you won't.

- We can't do this, Joyce.
- Why? Don't think you can trust me?

- No, it's not that.
- You think I'd get you into trouble?

Accuse you of something
if you didn't do what I wanted?


- Where's Andy?
- I don't know.

- He left right after us.
- What do we got?

Busboy found him dumped here
when he came out for a smoke.

SIMONE: One in the temple.
- Any ID on him?

No ID, no cash.
I know this guy though.

His name's Lenny Wiley.
He's a bookie.

Bar around the corner's one
of his hangouts. I know some others.

- We got the same beat.
- All right, we start over there.

Thanks a lot.

Should we cover him?

- I'm gonna take a look back here.
SIMONE: All right.

- You know Lenny Wiley?
BARTENDER: Yeah, he comes in.

SIMONE: See him today?
- Yeah, he was in for coffee.

- Was he with anybody?
- No.

What are you asking
about Lenny Wiley for?

Because somebody k*lled him and
dumped him in the alley.


- Where you been?

Oh, them night-watch humps. They leave
the car with a flat and no spare.

- I'm gonna start the canvass.
- Cop caught me up.

- Can't believe they k*lled Lenny.
- Lenny's dead?

- Yeah, dumped him in the alley.
- You know Lenny Wiley?

- Yeah, I know, sure.
- He was a bookmaker, right?

Oh, I don't know about that.

Hey. Lenny Wiley the bookmaker...

...was m*rder*d and found in the alley.
Now, can you help us with that?

- No, I can't...
- Then shut up and drink your shot.

- So he used to make book in here, right?
- Hey, I mix drinks.

And probably get a C-note a week
for letting him operate here...

...which I'm not interested in.
So cut the crap.

Now what I want to know,
did anybody owe this guy strong money?

- Anybody in trouble with him?
- Not that I know.

Anybody win big against him...

...where people might've known that
this bookie was holding to pay off?

- No.
- What about Jerry?

SIMONE: Who's Jerry?
BARTENDER: Herbie, use your head.

- Stay out of this.
- I'm an American citizen...

...and a citizen of this borough,
and I was asked a question.

Hey, who's Jerry?

Jerry tapped on the Knicks
last Wednesday.

- Am I right or wrong?
- Jerry Marsh earns a good living.

Jerry Marsh always pays his debts.

Jerry Marsh is not gonna hurt anybody.

- Would you leave Jerry out of this?
- Shut up!

Jerry Marsh ever do me any favors?

The next favor Jerry Marsh does for me
is gonna be favor number one.

- Come here. What's your name?
- Jimmy Sullivan.

Chops Sullivan.
Chops wouldn't hurt a soul.

- Would you shut up?
- No, you shut up!

- Where do we contact Jerry Marsh?
- Keep your mouth shut.

- He didn't have anything to do with it.
- Maybe he didn't.

But maybe Jerry can tell me
when he paid the bookie off...

...and give me something
that I can go on.

Now is that
a satisfactory explanation?!

- Yeah. All right.
- Good, Chops.

- Yeah. All right.
- Good, Chops.

Now you're in the Citizens Auxiliary.

- I can't believe Lenny's dead.
- I owed him 35 bucks.

- I guess I'm ahead for the week.
- Next round's on you then.

The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie

Good morning.

- Morning, detective.
- Morning.

- Wade hearing on the Glover case today?
- I know you'll be distressed to hear this.

They've decided to plea.

- Is that right?
COSTAS: First degree man.

You might want to call Miss Novak
and let her know you won't be...

...chaperoning her to the trial.
- I'll use my own quarter.

Everybody, this is
Detective Diane Russell.

She's joining us from OCCB.
She'll be working your slot.

- Here, this is yours.
- Thanks, lieutenant.

So, what'd you get on that dump job?

Leonard Wiley, 55,
multiple PMD collars for bookmaking.

He left one of his hangouts
on foot around 8.

Busboy found him shot in the alley
across the street about an hour later.

But the body was dumped?

You could see skin abrasions,
scuff marks on his clothes.

M.E. Said the car must've been moving
when they pushed him out.

He had a big payday coming in from
a client. We're bringing the client in.

And we heard from some of the bookie's
hangouts that he used a driver.

We're reaching out for him too.

- Know who used to bodyguard this guy?
- Who?

- Mike Roberts.
- You bringing Roberts in?

- We got a call in to him.
- Keep him away from me.

- Andy? Remember...
- Yeah?

...Father Kankarides changed
our appointment to 1:00?

Yeah, that's all right.
Unless, is that bad for you?

- No.
- No, 1 is fine for me.

Detective Sipowicz,
Mike Roberts is on line two.


Yeah, Mike.

- So how's it going?
- Good.

- Glad I'm here.
- I am too. Listen...

...you gonna be all right with this?
- It's fate.

Because you know you can
say something to Fancy.

"I'm sleeping with Simone,
it's better if I'm at another desk"?

Yeah, that's the wrong approach.

- Mike's finding time for us.
- There goes his bingo game.

Andy, did you meet Diane Russell?
She worked on that arson-homicide.

- No. How's it going?
- Hi, Andy.

- They got you at that desk?
- Yeah. Kind of close quarters.

Yeah. They used an old floor plan
from a submarine.

I gotta call that wacko
witness of mine.

Let her know this trial's off.

- Can I help you?
- I'm Donna Abandando.

Miss Abandando. I've heard so much
about you. I'm John Irvin.

Nice to meet you.
Is Lt. Fancy out?

JOHN: He'll be back in a minute.
He just stepped upstairs to Anti-Crime.

Won't you have a seat?

Like you never left.

SIMONE: It's Detective Simone,
Joyce. How's it going? Mm-hm.

Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that
Arnold Glover's agreed to plea.

So there's not gonna be any trial.

Yeah, it is.

Well, I just wanted to let you know that,
and tell you how much we...

...appreciated all your help
on the case. Okay?

No, I really don't know
that many details...



How about that place across the street
from where you live?

Wait, what's it...? Nina's, right?
Half an hour?

Great. Yeah. Bye.

Dreaming. I was dreaming,
thinking that I'd beat that sit-down.

- Hi, Greg.
- Hi, Donna.

- You look great.
- Relaxed and rejuvenated.

Yeah? That's terrific.
So, what's up now? More vacation?

- No, I'm ready to come back to work.
- Is that so?


- Hi, Donna.
- Hi, lieutenant.

- How are you?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.

Well, I certainly look forward
to seeing you, Donna.

Back in the workplace.

Take care, detective.

- Um, so did you miss me a little bit?
- Yeah, sure we did.

- You ready to come back?
- Can I come back tomorrow?

Tomorrow's fine.
I'll let the temp know.

- Thank you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- See you tomorrow.
- It's good to see you.

Miss Abandando is lovely.

Yeah. Yeah, she is.

Shall I assume this means
I'm moving on?

Yeah. She's coming back
tomorrow, John.

Yeah. She's coming back
tomorrow, John.

- Fine. I'll let the temp pool know.
- Okay.

Jerry Marsh to see
Detective Sipowicz or Simone.

- Jerry Marsh is here.
SIPOWICZ: I'm Detective Sipowicz.

- This is Detective Simone.
- Hey, this is about Lenny Wiley?

SIMONE: Yeah. Why don't we
come back here and talk?

- Can I get a cup of coffee?
- Yeah, come on. We got potfuls.

- Go on, help yourself.
- We appreciate you coming in.

MARSH: What do you think happened?
- We're putting that together.

Can you place yourself for us
between 8 and 9 this morning?

- I met him at the Mark.
- That's the St. Mark's Bar?

Yeah. I paid him
some money I owed him...

...went to my office
and put an ice pack on my head.

How much money did you give him?

- 11,400.
- Any paper on that?

MARSH: No, all cash.
- That a big lose for you?

Do I look like Donald Trump?
Yeah, 11,400 is a big lose.

I didn't k*ll Lenny Wiley.

I'm a type of sicko
who earns good, pays his debts.

Bookies love that in a degenerate.

- Anybody with him when you paid him?
- No. Met him in the bar, walked outside.

- I gave him the money, got in my car.
- Did he have a car?

I didn't see a car.

Do you know this guy that used to drive
for him sometime, Earl Padzik?

Just to nod to.
I didn't know that was his name.

Anyone know that you were paying him?

Couple of guys in a bar.
They're lucky they could stand up.

Couple of guys in a bar.
They're lucky they could stand up.

- Who do you think might've k*lled him?
- I don't know.

I added up on the way down.

- I bet with him 12 years.
- Just him?

You only carry one credit card?

I mean, he was a bookmaker.
I'm not gonna put him up for pope.

But he wasn't a type
to cut your throat.

Some guys you're three weeks late, and
suddenly you're hearing from shylocks...

...paying two points a week interest.

He was all right.

Okay, Mr. Marsh.
Thanks very much.

You think of anything might help,
you give us a call.

- He wasn't married.
- That's what we understand.

I show up dead,
look hard at my wife.

Bobby, how was this Russell
when you worked on that case together?

She did all right.
I like her.

I gotta go
shut this woman down.

Wear one of those beanies with the
propeller. Maybe she'll lose interest.

RUSSELL: Excuse me.
- Sorry. Excuse me.

Order's up!

- Hey.

How have you been, Bobby?

- All right, Joyce. How about yourself?
- I just got a lot better.

Hey, pretty good news
on that plea, huh?

- No Wade hearing, no testimony.
- Yeah, it's great news.

Look, Joyce. You don't mind if I don't
order anything? I gotta get right back.

- Well, not right back.
- Well, I'm working homicide.

You know, I recall a certain
hot dog lunch where a detective...

...said he couldn't discuss
certain feelings he had...

...till after a case was settled.
- Yeah, I remember that.

So I thought that now
might be that time.

Well, Joyce...

I think that you are a really
interesting woman, Joyce.

- You're attractive. Obviously bright...
- No, that's description.

- Tell me how you feel.
- I am.

I think that you are...

...a interesting person. And I'm
grateful that you helped us out.

- And?
- And...

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if I read
about you in some magazine, you know?

Yeah, some interesting article
about your...

...you know, plant business
and so forth.

- That doesn't work.
- Sorry?

You made a promise, Bobby, that after
the case you'd express your feelings.

I just expressed them.

If you break your promise, you...

You're gonna pay the consequences.


I think you heard
what you wanted to hear.

I did not break
any promises to you, okay?

- No. No, not okay.
- It's gonna have to be okay...

...because I'm done
talking on the subject.

If that's the extent of your feelings,
then you lied to me. You led me on.

I'm gonna tell you something.

If you had it set up in your mind...

...that I was gonna be your
door prize...

...for telling the truth in this case,
then that's your problem.

- Do cops always lie?
- Take care of yourself, Joyce.

No, don't walk away from me.
You'll be making a big mistake.

Let go of my arm.

I'll take back my testimony.

You try and do that and you'll be saying
you lied before the grand jury.

Then you go to jail.
Now I want you to let go of my arm.

You have no idea
who you're dealing with.

- Okay.
- Mike Roberts for Detective Sipowicz.

Another dead client, huh, Roberts?

Hey, Andy. So how long
has Dorothy been here?

A few weeks.

What happened to the bim
with the tubas?

Donna. I just heard
she's coming back.

This guy's really quick
in his slippers, huh?

This guy's really quick
in his slippers, huh?

I'll tell you something.
He's good at his job.

Yeah, so, what do you got on my guy?

He's a dead bookie.

He was not under my protection
when he passed.

Why was that? We heard
he had a big pickup this morning.

I did piecework for the guy. He'd call, I'd
guard him. He didn't call this morning.

Was he in trouble with anybody?
Have any friction with other bookies?

- Not that I know of.
- What about his driver?

Earl Padzik?

Give the guy an open street,
he'd hit a bus.

He was with Lenny a couple months.
I think his old man used to bet with him.

- Did you like this guy?
- Who? Lenny?

He was all right.

Not a grind-'em-up kind of guy.
He used to bet himself.

He used to go up to that jai alai
fronton up in Bridgeport.

Used to say, if he could figure out
what the Spanish guys with baskets...

...were saying to each other,
he'd be rich.

- So is there anything else?
- No.

Okay, Roberts.

Hey, listen.
Did you get anything off the cellular?

- We didn't know he had one.
- Yeah, sewed to his ear.

- You might get something off that.
- Good. That'll help.

Hey, Andy. Occasion permits, let people
know I wasn't on duty guarding this guy.

Maybe that's a selling angle, huh?

Got an enemy you want dead?
Hire Roberts Security.

It's Excelsior,
and that ain't funny.

Wise guy.
Hey, Bobby, isn't it?

- Yeah. How's it going?
- All right. Everything's terrific. All right.

Yeah, okay.
I'll hold on. Yeah.

Our bookie had a cell phone.

- Sylvia around?
- Yeah, she's finishing an interview.

And then we gotta go get
counseled by a Greek priest.

Yeah, this is Sipowicz, 15th Squad.
Could you give me security?

I wanna trace usage
on one of your cell phones.

- Why do you need Sylvia?
- Got to talk to her on that Glover case.

Looks like my witness
may be looking to q*eer the plea.

You got a second for me?


Look, we got more problems
with Joyce Novak.

As you know, detective...

...I'm obligated to turn over exculpatory
Brady information to the defense...

I understand that, counselor.
We should discuss this then...

...hypothetically, it's a problem.

Say a witness was unstable
and is looking to squeeze shoes, or...

...being pissed off, or for some reason
is looking to withdraw testimony.

Which was correct testimony.

But this witness
is looking to screw things up.

What do you think would be the chance
of maybe moving up the Wade hearing...

...so this witness couldn't pull out?

- There is no way of moving up the time.
- No?

In your hypothetical, is it certain that
the witness knows when the hearing is?

Yeah. Some idiot told her.

And it's certain
the witness is going to show up?

It's certain the witness is a head case.

I can't be sure if that's the exact plan
but I think there's a pretty good chance.

Since there's no chance of changing
the time or venue of the hearing...

SIMONE: I would have to prevent
the witness' appearance.

Speaking hypothetically,
you might want to dissuade it somehow.

Sylvia, l... Maybe we can call
Father Kankarides and reschedule?

No, let's go right now.
I have to be back in court by 3.

- Gonna get a printout on this guy's cell.
SIMONE: Yeah, okay.

My name's Earl Padzik.

I got a message to contact a
Detective Sipo-something, or Simone.

SIMONE: I'm Detective Simone.
I got it.

I'll see you in court, huh?

- That's Sipowicz, pal.
- Thanks for coming in.

What is this about?

Come over, we'll go talk in the room.
Want some coffee or something?

Yeah, all right.

SIMONE: So you used to work
for Leonard Wiley?

Yeah. I drive him sometimes.

When did you see him last?

About 10 last night.
I dropped him off at his place in Queens.

He seem worried about anything?
Say anything unusual?

Not to me.
You know, "Pull over here."

"Yes, Mr. Wiley."
That's as much as we talk.

He's a bigshot financial manager.
I'm just a glorified cabby.

He's a financial manager, Earl?

And eggs come from the Easter Bunny.

- You want anything with this?
- No.

Have a seat.

- You know Wiley's dead.
- Yeah. Yeah, I heard that.

Where were you this morning?

Home. I live with my mother.

- Why weren't you driving Wiley?
- Told me not to pick him up.

He was expecting money.
Why wouldn't he use you?

I don't know.
I guess you can't ask him.

- No, you can't, because he's dead, right?
- Yeah.

Did I say something
to make you angry here?

- No.
- That seems like a smart-ass answer.

I'm wondering,
you trying to piss me off?

- Not really.
- So you're not trying to piss me off?

- No.
- That happen often?

People get pissed,
you can't figure out why?

Look. I don't know
what this conversation is about.

- How'd you meet Wiley, Earl?
- My dad bet with him before he died.

I'd been out of work.

- My ma had me call him up.
- We're gonna be talking to your mother.

She's gonna tell us you were
home this morning?

- That's right.
- And when we canvass by Wiley's place...

...nobody will say
they saw your car picking him up?

Nobody's gonna say that.

We ran you through BCI, Earl.

You got one collar for auto theft,
one for receiving.


- What were they about?
- Nothing. I was a kid.

What happened here, that wasn't you
doing a robbery that got out of hand?

No. I told you I didn't see him
this morning.

Okay, Earl, you can go.

You can go.

- Keep working on that friendly attitude.
- Yeah, you too.

You know, I could use your help.

- What are we doing?
- Working something in court.

Please come in.

Have a seat.

I've known Sylvia since she was a child.
I'm not surprised...

...that she answered the questionnaire
so thoroughly and intelligently.

She do a good job?

You left some of the answers blank.

The ones I thought were too personal.

Sylvia, were there any questions you and
Andrew wanted to ask me as a couple?


Then, since time seems to be a factor...

...it may be most useful
if Andrew and I could chat privately.

- All right, Father.
- It will only take a few moments.


The counseling questionnaire...

...is meant to establish an atmosphere
of frankness and honesty.

...is meant to establish an atmosphere
of frankness and honesty.

That is why we hope
you'll answer them fully.

- Maybe if I knew you better.
- Maybe we can accomplish that now.

I think it'd take a longer time.

You've read the couples' text
on the sacrament of holy matrimony...

...and the crowning services?

- Yeah, I did.
- What do you think of those?

Very nice.

Do you believe in God, Andrew?

I'd as soon not get into that.

I'm sure that in your work you must see
things that are very hard to deal with.

Have you lost your faith?


Sylvia's been a favorite of mine
ever since I've known her.

I think she has a great gift of spirit,
of finding the best in people.

I think that's right.

And you want to make her happy.
You do love her.

- Yeah, I do.
- Good.


Very well, Andrew.
I'm glad I got to meet you.

- Don't give up on God.
- Yeah, it was good to meet you.

He may not be through
with you yet.

Andrew and I have finished.

If you both will excuse me,
I have to go and hear confession.

All right, Father.

- Thank you.
- You're very welcome.

COSTAS: I hope this went well.
- Oh, yeah. It went fine.

- I'll see you soon. Andrew.
- So long, Father.

- Was it all right?
- Yeah. We got along okay.

Trial is on for June 15.

This is now 14 months.
I want both sides ready.

Bail is continued
on the same conditions.

Indictment 5522.

People of the State of New
York v. Arnold Glover. Please step up.

- Calendar DA's gonna do the pleading.
- Tell him to hurry up.

- Any sign of her?
- No, not yet.

- Your Honor, may we approach?
- Counsel, approach.

If it's acceptable to Your Honor,
we've worked out a plea.

First degree manslaughter with
an agreed upon sentence of seven to 21.

- He's gonna waive his right to appeal.
- Sounds okay to me.

Step back.

WOMAN: Your Honor, at this point
Mr. Glover wishes to withdraw...

...his previously entered plea
of not guilty and enter...

- What's going on?
- You're about to find out.

Come on.
I thought you wanted to see me.

- Not anymore.
- Please, come on, let's sit down.

Put the defendant under oath.

BAILIFF: Raise your hand. Do you swear
the testimony you are about to give...?

I thought you wanted us
to get together.

- I did.
- I do.

BAILIFF: State your name.
- Arnold Glover.

I've been thinking
about what you said.

- And?
- I think we should do something about it.

Detective. They want you in part 63.

- They can't have me.
- No, they need you right now.

No, they can't have me right now.

RUSSELL: Detective Simone...
- Did you hear what I said?

All right, I'll tell them what you said,
but they want you over there.

And I shot them both in the bed.

Come on, Joyce.
Come on, Joyce.

Tell me what you want.

I want you to make love to me.

You don't mean here.

Yes, I do, Your Honor.

What are we gonna do then?

Take me back to my place right now.

All right.

All right.

- All right?
- Yeah.

Detective, you gotta go to part 63.

- He can't come to part 63. He told you.
- They're serious.

- What do you mean?
- They're ready to put you in contempt.

- What, they're gonna arrest me?
RUSSELL: Yeah. You gotta go there.

They're gonna arrest me.

- You guys okay?
- Yeah.


We gotta do a rain check, Joyce.

Thanks for your assistance. We couldn't
have made the case without you.

- A rain check till when?
- When are you gonna be 50?

- You son of a bitch.
- Take a walk, Joyce. See a doctor.

- You're all right with your work.

No, I'm serious.

I knew what we were running on that
woman, I still was gonna go to part 63.

You know what?
I've gotta go pick something up.

- What? It just occurred to you?
- Yeah. It just occurred to me.

What? You want me to put in
for lost time, boss?

- I'll see you up in the squad.
- Okay.

How you doing, detective?

You interviewed this Earl Padzik?

- Bookie's driver? Yeah.
- What kind of hit you get?

Fistfight kind of guy.
Couple of low-rent collars.

We got a printout on Wiley's cellular.
It's still in use.

Couple of the calls
go to this Padzik's mother.

We should go talk to her.

I already brought Fancy up to speed.
We're setting up a pen register...

...to monitor the mother's phone.
- Detectives.

- Could I stop you for a moment?
- What's going on?

I'm not sure if you heard,
but this is my last day.

I just wanted to give
each of you a card.

- Thanks, John.
- No, thank you.

I've adored working here.

Just go away.
I'll get emotional.

- We'll see you later, huh?

I'm gonna wait till after the shift
to open mine.

SIMONE: You said it was 3D, right?
SIPOWICZ: Yeah. Down here.

Yeah, what is it?

New York City detectives. Wanna talk
to you about your son, Mrs. Padzik.

New York City detectives. Wanna talk
to you about your son, Mrs. Padzik.

- I know what you wanna talk about.
- We'd like to talk to you inside.

Make it quick.

REPORTER: "Find more cuts," that's
the message Giuliani is sending to his...

I hope you people are happy.

- What would we be happy about?
- You drove my son away.

I'm gonna be all alone in this city.

- Where's Earl going?
- As if I'd tell you.

You're the ones making him leave. Call
him in, thr*aten him with your jackboots.

You got charm.
You know that, Mrs. Padzik?

Back at you, dumpy.

- Nobody's threatened Earl, Mrs. Padzik.
- Yeah, right.

We're investigating a homicide. Your
son worked for the man who was k*lled.

You try to pin that on him,
I'll sue the whole damn city.

- Did you know Lenny Wiley?
- My husband knew him enough...

...to lose half his paycheck
every damn week.

- Your husband's been dead for a while?
- Several years.

Any chance you weren't living
together at that time?

You got a smart mouth, you know that?

- How long did your son drive for Lenny?
WANDA: Couple months.

That scumbag's idea of a good turn,
rub people's nose in their bad luck.

Wiley being the scumbag
for giving your son the job?

Would you move?

O.J.'s coming back on.
Matter of fact, would you guys leave?

If Earl's leaving town, I hope he splits
some of that take with you, Mrs. Padzik.

- Earl did not do that robbery!
- We're pretty sure he did.

- He's making calls from the bookie's cell.
SIPOWICZ: Forty-seven grand?

You'd think he'd lay a few bucks
on his beloved mom.

Get the hell out. Get out.
Get the hell out. Sons of b*tches.

I like the 47 grand.

- I wanted to turn up the temperature.
- That ought to stimulate a little...

...interfamily phone activity.

Okay, thanks. Guys...

...the subject of your pen register
dialed one number over and over again...

...for 15 minutes straight.
- You got her going.

- Calls stopped about five minutes ago.
- You got the number?

- We'll check the calls directory.
- Yeah, right here.

Hey, Bobby? You leave any unfinished
business with Joyce Novak?

No. All done with that.

- You don't know what she's here about.
- No.

I'd like to speak with you,
lieutenant. Privately.

Okay. Come on in.

I'd like to file charges of sexual
misconduct against Detective Simone.

I don't know how to do it.
I'd like your help.

Miss Novak, I'm gonna
make a recording of this conversation.

- For both our benefits.
- Go right ahead.

So, what sort of sexual misconduct
by Detective Simone are you alleging?

As you know, I was a witness in the
Arnold Glover m*rder investigation.

Detective Simone was running
the investigation.

At a time when I was extremely
vulnerable and frightened...

...Detective Simone made
sexual overtures to me.

And he initiated an intimate relationship
which he's just terminated.

All right, Miss Novak.
It's important you don't react to what...

...I'm gonna say now as intimidation.
- Oh, no. I'm through being intimidated.

We take this kind of charge
very seriously.

I'd hope you would.

If Detective Simone was sexually
inappropriate with you...

...I want that to come out...

...and for him to receive
appropriate sanctions.

- What's that? A lost day off?
- Well, if your allegations are true...

...sanctions would be suspension
from the force and a jail term.

That's what he deserves.

But before we go forward with any
charges you may wish to file...

...I want you to know that early
in his investigation, Detective Simone...

...put me on notice that he
considered you mentally unstable.

He and I and the district attorney...

...had conversations about your changing
your account of what you saw...

...and your offer to change your story
in exchange for Det. Simone's interest.

These incidents were reported
by Detective Simone as they occurred...

...and were noted by me in my daily
log books. They are a matter of record...

...going back a number of months.

And they'd provide the background
and context in which you'd be...

...pursuing your charges.
- He seduced me.

I don't believe you, Miss Novak.

But we'll certainly take your complaint
and conduct an investigation. I'll get...

...a detective to take your statement.
- The one he's sleeping with now?

Miss Novak,
are you under psychiatric care?

You two enjoy your little
performance at my expense?

If you wanna file a complaint,
I'll put you with a detective.

- Otherwise you should leave.
- You must be a great lay.

- That's enough.
- You have some special technique?

Is that how you steal men
from other women?

- Come with me.
- Let go of me!

Ma'am, you can leave here with me,
or you can be psychoed at Bellevue.

You're an evil person.

- What kind of techniques did you use?
- Old family recipe.

Andy, you come up with that address?

Where Donna Reed was calling little Earl?

- Yeah, 824 East 10th.
- Why don't you get over there?

You're a bum!

You're a prick!

PADZIK: Come on, Ma! They lied to you!
WANDA: Forty-seven thousand dollars!

Ordinarily, you don't want to sh**t
an elderly woman.

15th Squad to Central. We have
sh*ts being fired at 10th and Avenue C.

"Ma! I need travel money.
They're breaking my balls..."

- All right, Wanda, drop it!
- Wanda, drop that g*n! Police!

Oh, that's great! That's terrific, Ma!
Now you put me in jail!

Wanda, drop that g*n!

You're planning
to blow this town, aren't you...

...with that slut, just like your father...
- Wanda, put the g*n down!

- Out of town? You ain't going nowhere!
SIMONE: Wanda, drop that g*n!

- Or we're gonna drop you here!
- This time they'll k*ll all of us!

Shut up. You shut up!
Shut up.


- Go, go.
WANDA: Shut up. Shut up!

Got her. Got her.


SIMONE: Keep your hands on the dash!
Hands on the dash!

Get out of there!
Get out of there!

You happy now?

- Search him!
PADZIK: You satisfied?

WANDA: I wanna know how much
money that kid has in his pockets!

What're we gonna turn up on ballistics
on this? A b*llet in Wiley's head?

- Is that the g*n you used?
SIPOWICZ: Get a policewoman here!

- I ain't searching this!
PADZIK: Screw you, Ma!

Yeah? You didn't even throw it away,
huh? Yeah, save 100 on another g*n.

- Shut up!
- You moron.

SIPOWICZ: Take them out of here.
- You jerk. You little prick.

They say the family structure's
going to hell, huh?

PADZIK: sh**t her
and put her out of her misery!

- I'll meet you at Casey's.
- Good.


- Padzik give it up?
- We won't be seeing Earl for a while.

- How's Mom?
- She's giving personality tips...

...to the policewoman.
- So did Padzik go?

- Yeah. He signed a statement.
FANCY: Okay.

- Good night, fellas.
SIMONE: Night, lieu.

- Lieutenant, I have a little card for you.
- Oh, thank you, John.

I've appreciated and enjoyed
the people in your squad.

And the work atmosphere.
I don't think any of that is an accident.

If you're interested, there's a P.A.A. Slot
open upstairs in Anti-Crime.

- Don't tease me.
FANCY: If you want, I'll talk to sarge.

I'd be thrilled.
I'd love to stay in this command.

FANCY: Okay, check with him.
I think it starts right away.

JOHN: I will. Thanks.
- Good night.

Good night, lieu.


Just a second.

We may have a locker hog.

- Sorry. Excuse me.
SIPOWICZ: No problem.

- Good night.
- Yeah. Good night.

- See you.
- See you.

- Leaving, Bob?
- Yeah. Good night.

Good night. See you later.

- Put that in the boss's tray? Good night.
JOHN: Good night.

Are you going to see him now?

- Are you gonna make love to him?
- Why don't you go home, get some rest?

You can run his life,
but you can't run mine.

Drop that, or you're going to get hurt.

I thought this was for me.

- But it's really for you!
- Drop it or I'll break your arm!

Drop it!
Drop the knife!

SIMONE: Give me that!
MARTINEZ: I got the knife.

NOVAK: No, she'll destroy you!
SIMONE: Thanks, James.

We'll take her inside.
Get an ambulance.

NOVAK: I'm not going back there! No!
SIMONE: Joyce.

- Look at me. Look at me, Joyce.
NOVAK: No. No.

I'm gonna go there with you.

- This is gonna be all right.
- No, it's not, as long as she's with you.

SIMONE: She's not coming with us.
It's just gonna be me and you, okay?

- Joyce, it's just me and you, all right?
- Yeah.

Okay. Come on. I'm gonna stay
with you. Let's just go inside.

- All right?
- Yeah.

- I'm glad you liked Father Kankarides.

He was so wonderful to us
when my mom died.

- To me, but to my dad, especially.
- Yeah. He seems like a nice guy.

Do you wanna tell me
what you all talked about?

Terms of not filling out the
questionnaire, beliefs and so forth.

I worked a case once.

A couple's kid was missing. A 14-month-
old kid, he wandered away in a park.

And we're looking everywhere.
And there's flyers we got out.

And they're interviewed on the radio.

The guy's a dog trainer
in from the Midwest so he could...

...take this special course
with a German shepherd he's got.

And the wife's half an oiler.
You can tell she likes to drink.

And the wife's half an oiler.
You can tell she likes to drink.

And I'm just getting this bad feeling
from both of them.

So I go at her a little bit. We're up in
their transient apartment they rented.

Finally she says,
whatever happened, it wasn't her.

So now I'm looking at the husband.
He's this...

He's this horse-ball, tough guy.
A fake Marine.

And he's talking about
how pets have to be disciplined...

...and the breakdown of discipline.

And I'm getting worried what might
have happened with this assh*le.

And now she starts screaming
it wasn't her. She was asleep.

The baby peed when the father
was changing it.

And, uh...

And it urinated in the guy's face.

He threw the baby down
and fractured its skull.

And the baby lay there and died.

"And what happened to the baby?"
I wanna know. And she's still screaming.

And I look at this dog. And this assh*le
is trying to get this dog away from me.

Now I gotta cut open this dog's belly.
I take him over to the vet center.

We cut its belly open.
And we gotta m*rder this poor dog.

And there's the pieces
of the child inside the dog.

He wanted to know
if I had lost my faith.

I got faith in you.
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