03x11 - The Days of Wine and Vodka

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x11 - The Days of Wine and Vodka

Post by bunniefuu »



Are you not talking to me?

Look, Allison, we both
have a lot of problems.

Okay, I'll just deal with mine,
you deal with yours.

We'll talk later.

Later? When?

Jo, I feel horrible about
what happened in court.

You knew more than anyone

what this case meant to me.

I asked you for one thing,

and you showed up

so strung out on God knows what,

you couldn't even walk and
chew gum at the same time.

I had too much coffee,
that's all.

I'm sorry if I appeared jittery.

I can't argue with you
about this.

I told everyone
you were my best friend,

someone you could
set your watch by,

someone who you could
count on in emergencies.

The one you'd call first

if anything happened to my baby.

And you looked and you smelled

like you spent the night
in a brewery.

I'm sorry.

I wanted to be there for you.

Yeah, but you weren't.

And I can't trust you anymore,

and I don't want you to be
my baby's Godmother.

♪ ♪

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Oh... Billy, this is my job.

If I'm not out of here
in ten minutes,

I'm gonna miss all the best
picks at the markets.

Maybe the next time
I get a little itchy

at 2:00 in the morning,
you'll scratch.

Yeah, well, how...
How about 2:00 today

for a late lunch?

I can't, but I'll
make a deal with you.

Our next day off,
we don't leave bed.

Oh, I'm off Thursday
for Thanksgiving.

Actually, that reminds me.

I was thinking of making
Thanksgiving dinner.

Make peace with all our
friends and neighbors...

One in particular.

That's fine, as long
as you ask Allison.


Let's see,

I could make
poulet de la bresse,

parfait de foie gras au porto,

and salade gauloise.

How about just roast turkey

and yams or something?

I mean, it's a
traditional holiday.

I don't think people want food
that they can't pronounce.

And don't go trying
to fake us out,

like telling us that
something's mashed potatoes,

when it's really
some weird turnip

from the South of France.

Well, how about tarte tatin

avec glace á la vanille?

What's that?

Apple pie with
vanilla ice cream.


Hello, Syd.

Uh, let's see,
you have nothing to wear,

and you want
to borrow an outfit.

I'm going home to Chicago
for Thanksgiving.

And I think that you
should come with me.

What, are you nuts?

Dad had me put away
on my own turf.

God only knows what
he'd do to me on his.

Come on, Syd, dinner
at the Ambassador Hotel.

We'll be with all the people we
knew from childhood, the family.

Mom, Dad, you, me,

your nut job boyfriend.

Our very own
Norman Rockwell painting.

Whose big idea was this, Mom's?

No, it was mine.

You seem to have
found happiness, Syd.

Maybe now you can see past
your anger and see that.

Mom and Dad only had your
best interests at heart.

You have to reconcile sometime.

I don't have to reconcile
with them, Jane.

In fact, I don't plan to see them
again for the rest of my life.

If you'll excuse me,
I'm late to work.

You'll have to pay for all the
birth mother's expenses up front,

with no guarantee that she'll

give the baby up for adoption
even after you've paid.

You're not buying a baby here.

What ball park are
we talking about?

Well, that depends on where
the birth mother lives,

who she lives with,
whether or not she's insured.

Could go anywhere
from 2500 to 100,000.

Uh... I hadn't realized.

Yeah, and, um...

let's not forget the $40,000
in medical school loans.

Well, it looks like we're
a little out of our league,

but thanks for the education.

Hey, we're still young, right?

We got time,
we'll figure it out.

Michael, you're
being so cavalier.

That's not true, baby,
you know I'd do it

if you could find the money.

Come on.



Do you think I have
a drinking problem?

Drinking problem?

Whoever gave you that wild idea?

Jo, she accused me of
coming to court drunk.

Yeah, and the verdict didn't
go in her favor, did it?

No. Um-hmm.

I think your so-called friend

is just inventing
this drinking problem

so that she can blame you
for what happened.

It's not just Jo, though.

It's Amanda.


a woman whose convict father

was just k*lled by his
hit woman girlfriend?

Think about it, Allison,
you're the perfect person

for her to blame for anything.

You're close, you're corporate.

What am I supposed to do,
though, she's my boss.

No, you are your boss.

Give yourself a break,
Allison, what do you need?

What's the one thing in this life
you've been denying yourself?

I don't know.

Think about it.

I really need a car.

I tried to sell mine
a few months ago.

I was practically giving it
away and nobody wanted it.

Well, what are we
waiting for, then?

Let's go get you
a new set of wheels.

Bruce, what are you doing here?

You should be
at home recuperating.

Well, I can't stay home.

News of my heart attack
was leaked to the press.

The stock is plummeting,
and, uh...

every hour I'm out of
the office makes it worse.

I know, I've been doing
damage control all morning.

Well, if this keeps up, we'll...

We'll be ripe for a takeover.

Someone's already bought a
big chunk of D and D stock.

Do you have any idea who?


No, it's still below the

disclosure point to the S.E.C.

It's a shark attack,

and D and D's the giant bait.

Someone deliberately

leaked this, Amanda.

It's happening too fast.

Look, Bruce, why don't
you go home early,

at least for a little while?

I'll cover for you, say
you're at an outside meeting.

If something can't wait,

I'll patch it through.

Yeah, thanks.

I think I will.

Uh, I'll be back

in a couple of hours.


Peter? It's Amanda.

Bruce was just in the office.

Against all medical advice.

Yeah, well, I think he's seeing

the error of his ways,
he's going home early.

But he said someone bought
a big chunk of D and D stock.

He doesn't know who it is.

Don't worry, Amanda.

It's us.


Our investment group.

Everything's under control.

So, phase one of your new life.

How do you feel?

Amazing... till
reality kicks in.

How am I gonna afford this?

You'll figure it out.

Hey, Sandra, yeah.

Get me the San Obispo Ranch
in Santa Barbara.

What are you doing? You'll see.

Hey, yeah, this is Zack
Phillips, how you doing?

Good, thanks, listen, um...

I got a meeting there in
Santa Barbara in the morning.

You guys have any rooms? Sure.

Zack, I have to
get back to work.

Shh, shh, shh.

Good, great, okay.

We'll see you in
about two hours, thanks.

Zack, I can't.

I hate that word.

Allison, come on,
it's one afternoon.

I mean, you had a meeting,
it was at 4:30.

It's been canceled. I know.

But I have a meeting first
thing in the morning.

I can't stay overnight
in Santa Barbara.

Phase two.

Believing you deserve
good things.

Listen, we don't have to spend
the night anywhere, okay?

We'll drive back to L.A. tonight
if that's what you want.

Oh, this is great.

So great, this is really great.

You still want
to go back to L.A.?


I don't ever want
to go back to L.A.

I haven't been this happy
in my entire... in my...

whole life.

I owe you so much.

No, you don't owe me anything.

You are...

an amazing woman,
Allison Parker.

You are beautiful.

You are amazingly talented.

And you are... Amazing?


I love you.

I love you, too.

Why don't we...

put another log on the fire,

because it's gonna
be a long night.

I'll do it.



I'm looking for Jake Hanson.

You got him, who are you?

Let's just say I'm a friend.

I understand
you just bought this bar.

Nice place.

Looks like it's well run.

Thank you.

'Course, you're paying ten percent
over market for paper goods,

but that's okay,
you're establishing credit.

And you're using
top-shelf liquor

for your mixed drinks.

Shows good faith
to your customers.

Looks like you got yourself
a solid business here.

How'd you like
to keep it that way?

Who are you, and what
the hell do you want?

My name is Mr. Black.

My boss and I, you know,

in a way, we're good Samaritans.

We like to see to it
that new businesses

get off to a good start.

I'll see that the place
doesn't get robbed,

deliveries arrive on time,
windows don't break.

You know, stuff like that.

How much does, um...

security like that
go for these days?

Neighborhood of a grand a month.

You go back
and you tell your boss

I wouldn't give him a quarter
for the parking meter.

You really should
think this over

when you have a clearer head.

Now you're lucky I'm a fair man.

I'll give you another chance.

Don't blow it.

Jake, I heard what he said,
I know what you're thinking.

It's not open to discussion.

Listen to me.

These people can hurt you
really bad

if you don't
give them what they want.

They k*ll people, Jake,
it's like breathing to them.

I saw them in action
when I worked for Lauren.

If you try to appease these guys, the
next thing you know, they own you.

This is my bar.

They can take their
protection and go to hell.

Oh, God!

My meeting's in 15 minutes.

Remember the new Allison mode...

What works for you?

Oh, God.

It doesn't give me free reign
to be irresponsible, Zack.

When's the last time
you took a mental health day?

I don't exactly have a great
attendance record at work.


What do you mean, "And?"

Fine, I have never taken an
official mental health day.

Is this meeting with a client?


Will not being there
jeopardize a client?

No, but that's not the point.

Yes, that is the point.

If you take a day off
and your work doesn't suffer,

that's exactly the point.

What's your boss's name?

Amanda Woodward.

Uh, yes.
Amanda Woodward, please.


Bob, it's Allison Parker, hi.

Would you please tell
Amanda, that, um...

that I'm not going to
be in this morning?

Yeah, I think I have that
flu that's going around.

I will be there for the outside
meeting this afternoon.


Well, that's not a full mental
health day but it's a start.



So you were born and
raised on the East Coast?

Philadelphia, but
my dad was in the navy,

so we traveled
pretty extensively.

I still do, I spent
last year in Alaska.


So where's your next

Well, um, actually,
I thought I'd stay

in California for a while.

Look, guys, I've gotta
get back to work.

Go ahead, son, your mother and
I will stay and have coffee.


Why don't you give me the valet
ticket and I'll, uh...

I'll go bug 'em out front.

Thanks, I'll meet you outside.


It was nice to meet you both.

Good to meet you, too Same here.

I hope I see you again soon.

Hope so.

He's a nice young man, Matt.

Thanks, he is.

Look, I've been meaning
to ask you, um...

Is it okay with you If I bring
him to Thanksgiving dinner?

Of course, yeah.

Great, I'll talk to you later.


I've done a search
of the literature here,

at USC, UCLA, Mass General.

Honestly, doctor, I think I've read
everything on fertility dr*gs,

freezing zygotes, eggs,
in-vitro fertilization...


Please, don't
interrupt me, doctor.

Now the fragility of freezing
eggs notwithstanding,

Michael can make a deposit
at the cryobank and...


You're a medical doctor.

You know the implications
of what I told you

about your condition.

You cannot carry
a fetus to term,

regardless of
technological advances.

There's a friend of mine
I'd like you to see.

Dr. Garret Fieldston.

He's on Grand and San Vicente.

Don't tell me, a shrink?

Do you really want
to help me, doctor?

Then tell me about
black market babies.

Surely you have
a friend for that.

You seem to have a friend
for everything else.

Oh, one of you must have
heard something.

Maybe even helped, shall we say,

a poor unfortunate
along a wayward path.

Someone else who couldn't
carry a fetus to term.

You're mistaken, Dr. Shaw.

First of all, the black
market is illegal.

Second of all,
on a professional level,

I find it unscrupulous
and depraved.

And personally,

I'm appalled that you

of all people would even ask.

It's so easy for you
to pass judgment

when you have three healthy
children, isn't it, doctor?


What are you doing here?

Uh, um...

just, you know,
a regular check-up.

Oh, so, you know, are you, uh...

Pregnant? No.

Still trying, though.

Are you okay?

Oh, yeah, I'm perfect.

Jo, what's going on?

They awarded custody
of my baby to Reed's parents.

Jo, I'm so sorry.

And I can't leave California.

And I can't leave the hospital

with my baby in my arms.

Thank you.

You practicing for the Indy 500?

Whose car is this?

Mine. Yours?

You two can discuss "Motor
Trend's Car of the Year" later.

This lunch meeting is about
your account, Allison.

I had to cancel three meetings and
familiarize myself with the client.


I told your assistant
I'd be at this meeting.

You didn't have
to change your schedule.

If I find out that you took the
morning off to buy a new car,

you're fired.

I think she bought
the car yesterday afternoon,

took a long drive,
drank too much,

and then had to sleep it off.

Bad guess, Billy.

On the contrary, Allison.

I think the shoe fits.

Those are the same clothes
you were wearing yesterday.

What's the big deal?

I took a quarter
of a personal day.

I know this account inside and
out, and I'm here, all right?

You want to fire me, fire me.



So, um, I was thinking,

maybe we could go
and see a movie tonight.

I can't even remember
the last one that I saw.

You go.



You having one of those days?


Well, I've never seen
you like this before,

so I'm not real sure what to do.

Should I leave you alone
for a couple of hours?

Crack some jokes?

Dance naked?

Make you talk?

It's Allison,
she's out of control.

I see.

And it directly
affects me, you know.

I mean, if she
screws up at work,

then my work gets screwed up.

It's really hard
to just sit there

and watch her sabotage her life.

What happened?

Well, she bought a new car
that I know she can't afford.

Then she shows up
at this important lunch

looking like hell and either

loaded or hung-over.

Is she still coming
to Thanksgiving dinner?

She hasn't given me
an answer yet.

Maybe our relationship's
just making it worse.

Maybe it's better
not to invite her.

Look, Allison has to take
responsibility for herself.

It doesn't mean that
it wouldn't be easier

for her to know that
people cared about her.

Maybe we could invite her
new boyfriend with her

and keep it just the four of us.

I hate that guy.
But she doesn't.

Yeah, well?

If Allison's going
to show up at all,

she needs the invitation
to come from you.


Hello, Hanson.

You think about my offer?


You're not getting a dime.

I really hate to argue

at this early stage
in our relationship,

but you have 24 hours to
make your first installment.

This is just a taste
of what could happen, Jake.

You don't mind if
I call you Jake, do you?

Go to hell.


You just don't get it, do you?

It's yin and yang, Jake.

The system of checks
and balances.

You were due for a reward,
the government slicked you.

You bought the bar,
now it's your turn to pay.

Yeah, well... payback's a bitch.

Only from your end.



Oh, my God.

Jake, are you okay?

How could they do this to you?



Look, I'm sorry that I came down

so hard on you
at lunch yesterday.

It's okay, I'm sure it
probably started with Amanda

and filtered down to you.

Yeah, well, are you going to come
to Thanksgiving dinner or not?

I think that
would be uncomfortable,

you know, with everything
that's happened between us

and Susan and work?

It'd probably be uncomfortable
for everybody else, too.

It'd just be the three of us.

Or four, if you want to
bring your friend, Zack.

Come on, if we don't make
a conscious effort, Allison,

it's never going
to work, I mean...

Why don't you just look
at this as the start of

a peaceful coexistence.

We'll be there. Great.

All right, I'll see you then.

I'll messenger you a copy.

And try and get some rest.

I will, thanks.


That was Bruce... in the office.

At least he's consistent.

Peter, he sounded so scared.

I've never heard him like this.

He lost a fortune
in D and D stock.

It was his retirement money,

his kids' college tuition.

I can't do this to him.

I want to pull out.

You've been working with
him for a long time,

and you have a bond.

But take him off
his pedestal, Amanda.

This is the same man
who stole your thunder

with the KDEE account,

who took Chas' side in
the harassment suit,

and those are just
the things I know about.

But this is different,
he's sick.

Because he's blatantly
ignoring medical advice.

You're just not used to playing
corporate raider, are you?

Here I thought you ate survival
of the fittest for breakfast.

Not under these circumstances.


Amanda Woodward is having
a crisis of conscience...

and she's human.

But it's too late
to pull back now.

The train's already
on the track.

I'm sorry, darlin'.

Mmm, looks good.

Yeah, I'm a wizard
at opening containers.

Want some wine?

I don't care.

Yeah, I guess, whatever.

Matt, you haven't said two
words to me all night,

now you got this attitude.

I mean, what are you, uh,
having second thoughts?

It's not about you.

Well, what is it about?

I had a surprise visitor
at work today.

My father.

My parents really
liked you, by the way.

What's the missing half
of that sentence?

They want us to tell
everyone at Thanksgiving

that we're just good friends.

They don't think
the family can handle it.

What the hell do
they think will happen?

I... I don't know, I don't know.

But whatever it is, they
don't want to risk it.

Matt, I can't, Matt. I'm sorry.

I mean, I just walked away
from don't ask, don't tell.

I gave up my career
for my principles, I...

I can't go back.

I know, I know, I know.

Neither can I.

Kimberly... hi. Hi.

May I come in?

Oh, yeah, of course.

Um, can I get you
something to drink?

No, thanks.

May I sit down?

Oh, sure.

So... what's up?

I want to help you
keep your baby, Jo,

and I think I have a way.

I don't understand.

You have a way to
override the court?

I think I have a way to make everyone
believe that your baby's dead.


Think about it, Jo.

If everyone believes
your baby's dead, then...

you're free.

You can take your baby
wherever you want,

away from the court,
away from the Carters.


We'll induce labor a week
before your due date.

Then we'll deliver
the baby at the beach house.

Then we'll tell everyone
it was stillborn.

Oh, my God.

I'd do all
the paperwork at county.

They have so many
patients there,

it would get lost
in the shuffle.

Then I'll sign a fetal
death certificate

and tell everybody the
body's been cremated.

No one will ever know.

I don't know.

Think about it, Jo,
it's a way out, it...

It may be your only way.

Why would you do this for me?

You barely know me.

Because I hope that if I'm ever a
mother, somebody will help me.

And because I believe
that mothers

need to be with their babies.

Come to the beach house for
Thanksgiving day dinner,

and you can let me
know your answer then.

But, Jo, nobody can know
about this, not even Michael.

It'll be our secret.

You, me...

and your baby.

Hello, Mrs. Mancini.

Or is it Miss Andrews?

It's so hard to be
politically correct.

What do you want?

To talk to you.

Or maybe make some plans.

I figured you had time to k*ll

since you're not going to
Chicago for Thanksgiving.

Who told you that?

It's too bad.

The Ambassador Hotel

is not going to be the
same without you.

But then again, I can't think

of any hotel
that would be... Syd.

Excuse me. Hey.

I knew you looked familiar.

And then I remembered.

You used to work for Lauren.

Yeah, so what? So?

You see, my boss has a friend

who might be interested
in a little trade.

Your services in exchange for

us taking the heat
off your boyfriend.

You're insane.


And here I thought you would be

the least annoying
person I know.

Now get this straight.

You don't do my boss' friend,

Jake Hanson will meet with a
little industrial accident.

Now you heard of those,
haven't you, Syd?

A leg gets severed,
hands get smashed.

That sort of thing.

So, what's it going to be, Syd?

Yes or no?


Yes what?

Yes, I'll do it,
just leave him alone.

That's very... generous of you.

I'll let you know
where and when.

You know, they just don't make
girlfriends like they used to.

Too bad.


Why are you ringing
the bell to your own house?

'Cause it's not my house,
Mom, it's yours.

Matt... What's this?

Dessert, I said I'd bring it.

Oh, great. Mom, uh...

Jeffrey and I won't be
able to make it today.


Mom, I'm sorry.

We can't live by your rules.

We said you could bring him.

Honey, I'm sure we could
find some middle ground.

Mom, it's not enough.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Where should I tell
everyone you are?

Why don't you just tell them I'm
having dinner with my lover.

Hey, Syd.

Your key to the city.

Why don't you go hang yourself?

Ooh, I love it
when you're tough.

Here's a little hint.

So does my boss's friend.

Bye, Syd.

Hello, Sydney,
thanks for coming.


Jake shouldn't have
hit me, Sydney, not me.

No, please.

He underestimated
my connections.

All the friendships
that I've made in America.

That was a big mistake.

And I thought it was so obvious,

all my trips to Las Vegas.

Please, I'm begging you,
I'll get Jake to apologize.

That is not what I want.

I've gone to a lot of trouble

to organize all of this, um...


Now come to bed.

Why are you doing this?

You're supposed to be
in love with my sister.

Jane lacks that slutty quality
that you have in spades, Sydney.

You can go...

but if you do, I'll see to it

that Jake is unrecognizable
to his own mother.

Your choice.

Zack, hi.

You were supposed to be here
ten minutes ago, where are you?

Allison, hi.

Um... hmm.

I'm... still at home.

Some, uh...

college friends dropped in
at the last minute and, uh,

you know, turned the game on
and sort of sucked me in.

How soon can you be here?

I think you should
go without me.

Zack! My friends made dinner,
they think we're coming.

Look, Allison, I'm sorry.

It's not gonna happen.

My friend Jerry's wife
kicked him out this morning.

And he's a total basket case.

Just go without me and,
and come over later, all right?


Look, I gotta go.

Detroit just scored a touchdown,
okay, call me when you're done.

This is for you.

Thanks, come on in.

Zack can't make it,
something came up.

It's no problem.

Allison, hi.


Allison brought us wine.

Oh, great, thank you.

Where's Zack?

Oh, he's...
He's not coming.

Oh, well, that'll give
us a chance to talk.

About what?

Talk about what, Susan?

Why don't we all sit down?

What is it with you guys?

Well, we just wanted
you to know that

Susan and I really care about
you and want you to be happy.

Great, I want you
to be happy, too.

Why don't you just say
what it is you want to say?

Ever since you started seeing this
guy Zack, you've completely changed.

I mean, you're irresponsible.

You're alienating
all your friends,

and if you keep it up you're
probably gonna lose your job.

The guy's bad news, Allison.

Susan thinks so, too.

Well, I don't know him

but he's obviously
influencing you.

You're unbelievable.

Who the hell are you anyway,

a moral majority of two?

You don't know
what's in my head...

or in my heart.

You make no effort to find out.

That's not true,
that's not fair.

You just can't take
the fact that I am fine

with your being a couple,

and I have a new boyfriend

who's crazy about me.

I hope that the two of you

are very happy in your

neurotic little love nest.

I, for one, am leaving...
and going home.


Get your hand off me!

I don't know why I thought we
could have a conversation.

You were drunk
when you walked in.

Go ahead, sleep it off.

Cranberry juice cocktail.

Dinner will be ready
in about five minutes.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You know, I've heard
all these stories about

what happens to mothers when
their children are in danger.

Like, there was one
who lifted up a car

because her child was
pinned underneath it.

And one who died rescuing
her daughter from quicksand.

It was hard to believe,
but then...

A mother's love...
The stuff of legends.

I'm your last hope, Jo.

Maybe you're right.

And my child is in danger.

Let's do it.

Zack, I love football.

If I go home,
I'm just gonna fall asleep.

Oh, I've been around rowdy guys
before, I can handle it.

I am not gonna drive around
for an hour until they leave.

Why don't we just talk tomorrow?


Oh, no, oh, God.

Oh, no.

No, God, please, no.

Oh, God.
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