03x13 - Just Say No

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x13 - Just Say No

Post by bunniefuu »

Kimberly, explain to me again

where the little monster
came from.

Oh, you are beginning...

to annoy me, Michael.

I want a straight answer
this time.

Phone's ringing.

Hello? Michael, it's Jane.

Look, Jane, I'm in
the middle of something,

I'll have to call you back.

Michael, Chris ran off
with all my money...

All our money.
Money? What money?

That $500,000 his company
loaned Mancini Designs.

He didn't deposit
the check. He cashed it.

I had that guy pegged.
You called the cops, right?

Yes, but because I gave
Chris legal authority

to write checks
and withdraw funds,

there's nothing they can do.

Jane, you haven't changed.

You're still a pushover
between the sheets.

I'm going to the police to
figure this out myself.

Is everything alright, Dear?

No everything is not
alright, Dear.

You're not off the hook either.

I just have a grownup
problem to deal with first.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm here to get my baby.

Oh, poor Jo.

Your baby was stillborn.

I should know. I delivered him.

Don't give me that crap.

We both know the score.
You hand him over,

or I'll have your
ass in jail so fast.

You're insane.

You really don't think you're going
to get away with this, do you?

That's my baby
in there, Kimberly.

You don't have a baby.

I do now.

Now, get the hell off
my property.

People just don't do
what you're doing.

My God, you're a doctor.

I am going to get him back,

no matter what I have to do.

I don't know what it's like
where you come from,

but in this country,
kidnapping's is against the law.

Don't think of it
as kidnapping, Sydney.

Think of it as destiny.

Right. I'm walking
down the street,

minding my own business,
the next thing I know,

you drag me inside this limo,
hit the auto locks

and drive me across
the state line.


As soon as we get
to Vegas, I'm going

straight to the cops.

And ruin a beautiful

I don't accept presents
from kidnappers.

It's the, uh, perfect
match for your earrings.

Oh, uh, Alison.

I was just looking for you.

I know. I'm late. I overslept.

It won't happen again.
No, that's all right.

I just wanted you to
hear the news from me.

What news?

Amanda and I didn't see
eye-to-eye on a certain matter.

I've had to let her go.

She's cleaning out
her office, as we speak.

I... I don't know what to say.
I'm in shock.

I'm going to be forming
a new team,

and you're part of it.

I want you to know you're
going to have

a lot more responsibility.

You can count on me.


I've scheduled a meeting in
the conference room for 3:00.

Don't be late.


Amanda, I just heard the news.

I want you to know
how sorry I am.

You're such a hypocrite, Alison.

I don't know how you do
it with a straight face?

I beg your pardon?

If you've come to gloat,

have the guts
to say how you really feel.

Deep down aren't you glad that
Bruce fired me, maybe even elated.

Don't tell me how I feel.

This probably calls
for a celebration.

You'll use any excuse
to have a drink.

What was it this morning?

O.J., straight up.

Screwdriver's more like it.

Smell it on your breath.

It's not even lunch time and
you're already into happy hour.

Fine. Want to know how I feel?
I feel great.

Because you finally
got what you deserved.

You've manipulated me, and
Billy, and our relationship...

I refuse to take blame for
your pathetic mess of a life.

I promoted you. I stuck by you despite
your monumental personal problems.

The truth is, I'm better
on two double vodkas

than you are at your best.

Tell that to the next
poor kid you run over.

Now that we're in Vegas,
what would you like to do?

Oh, I don't know get
the hell out of here.

Syd, you're in
a $1,000-a-day suite

in the best hotel on the strip.

Why must you persist in
behaving like Patty Hearst?

A cell is a cell,
no matter how much it costs.

You can walk out
the door any time,

but I don't think you will.

You know, this whole thing
is just too weird.

I don't even like you.

Oh, come on. You like me
a little, admit it.

And you like my money even more.

This is where you belong,

not rubbing a rag across a bar

or serving beers
to drunken boys.

What about Jane,
your big relationship?

Uh, she doesn't exactly
raise my flag, Sydney.

She's a nice girl, but not good.

You're good.

Real good.

Give me a second chance.

I'll take you to the
best dinner in town.

We'll drink the best wine,

and I saw this incredible
shop downstairs

in the lobby.

I'm sure we can find you
a special dress to wear.

Of course, if you'd prefer
to call the police...

Well, I could look
at the dresses first.

How's it coming in there?

This dress costs more
than my last car.

Let me worry about that.

Well, what do you think?

You look so beautiful.
How do you feel?

Like a million bucks.

Syd, this is how you
should dress all the time.

I want to see you buy
clothes in Paris,

not some shopping mall.

You deserve only the best.

We'll take it.


Hi. Can I talk to you?


I just want to say you can
count on me 24 hours a day.

Not that you couldn't before,

it's just that working
under Amanda...

To be honest giving
credit where credit's due

wasn't her strong suit.

Ha ha! Is that a fact? Yes.

The Glorious Gowns campaign,
that was my idea.

The Canyon Country Coolers
and Sun Ray sunscreen...

Alison... Alison,
I'm sure with Amanda gone,

you'll be a star.


Sure. Put him through.

This... this'll just
take a minute.

Hi. What's up?



That... that doesn't
make any sense.

I... I'll call you when I
get back to my office.

Th-that... that was my attorney.

Is everything okay?

This consortium of doctors

bought up a big piece
of the agency.

How big?

So big that I'm no longer
the majority shareholder.

I'm so sorry.

What do doctors want
with D and D?

Beats me.

They've scheduled
a special board meeting

for tomorrow morning at 9 A.M.

I... I just have to convince them

I can run this business
better than anybody

they would bring in
from the outside.


Yeah! Yeah!

7! The winner!

Pay the line.

You won again.

Baby, you're my good luck charm.

I never knew someone could have
so much fun winning money.

Would you like to play?

No. The game's too complicated.

Besides, I only have 50 bucks.

Here. Try your luck
at blackjack.

It's not complicated.

There's $20,000 here.

That's only the tip
of the iceberg, baby.

There's a lot more
where that came from.

You aren't afraid I'll bolt?

How many prospectors do you know

ever run from a gold mine?


Aah! Ha ha ha!

And another winner,
pay the line.

You know, it took a while, but
I finally figured it out.

Figured what out, Michael?

You and your fiancé.

He makes off with $500,000.

You cry foul, but
six months from now,

you disappear, too.

Michael, my business is on
the verge of bankruptcy.

I don't have time for your
little fantasies.

That's what your wife
is for, excuse me.

No. I think I want to talk
to you, if you don't mind



Hey, you all right?

Yeah. Michael was just leaving.

Have you heard from Sydney?

No, I haven't, and I guess
you haven't either have you.

I hate to say
I told you so, Jake.

Don't tell me Syd's
flown the coop, too.

She hasn't shown up
for work the last two days.

Jane, I'm sorry.

You have my sincere apologies.

You're not in cahoots
with that Aussie,

your loony sister is.

You don't know that.

Isn't it just like Syd

to make a play for
your latest fling,

help him steal our money

then ride off into the sunset?
Hey, hold on.

Chris is scum and I wouldn't
put anything past him.

But Sydney she tried to warn
Jane about this guy.

What can I say?
He had me fooled.

Just like Syd's got
you fooled, Jake.

♪ Beautiful to me ♪

♪ In every single way ♪


Just a little lower.


To the right.

Mmm, that's right.


Mmm, thank you.

And add a 15% tip
to the bill would you

make it 20.

I love having a little
umbrella in my drink.

It's so cute.

It's about time.

Where have you been all night?

On the roll of a lifetime.

Looks like you're
having a good time.

Just passing time.

Whatever she wants,
make sure she gets it.

Yes, sir.

Syd, I'd like to be the one
to give you a massage,

only I'd go a lot deeper.

Chris, it's not part
of our bargain.

When the time is right,
we'll renegotiate.

The group of investors
I represent

don't wish to become involved

in the day-to-day
operations of D and D.

However, they do intend
to have a say

in the selection
of its management.

I'm sure we could find
some middle ground.

My present team...
Alison Parker,

Billy Campbell, Ray Stevens,

have built up tremendous
goodwill with the clients.

So has the management team
we have in mind.

Our apologies for being late.

I had an emergency
at the hospital.

You're looking well, Bruce.

You must be following
doctor's orders.

Peter. I can answer
your question, Bruce.

Yes. I'm part of the consortium
that bought D and D.

Actually, I put it
together myself.

It's no secret that Amanda and I are...

I also have a great respect for
her professional abilities,

so I'm sure I don't
have to tell you why

I'm appointing her president of
D and D, effective immediately.

You can't do this to me.

I have the votes.

I can do whatever I want.

I've got a knife
sticking in my back

thanks to you.

Bruce, you've gone through
an unpleasant divorce.

You're recovering
from a heart attack.

You need this time to get
your life back on track.

Look at this as an opportunity.

Rot in hell, Amanda.

My goal is to make this
transition as smooth as possible.

I should have an announcement
in a day or two

regarding our management team,

but to get the ball rolling,

I'm promoting Billy Campbell

to vice president of accounts.

Billy, can I see you outside?

Alison, we'll deal
with you later.

on your promotion.

You deserve it.

Yeah. Well, I'm speechless.

It's all so unexpected.

You can thank me later.

There's something I need
you to do right away.

Whatever. You can count on me.

Good. Then you won't mind
firing Alison.


She's a drunk.
It's affecting her work.

Alison's going through
a rough time lately,

with the situation
with her father

and calling off the wedding.

Please, ever since I've
known Alison,

she's been going
through a rough time.

She's the lead executive
on several major accounts.

You said I could count on you.

I don't know if I can do it.

Yes, you can.

You have 24 hours.

Miss Reynolds, please,
I assure you,

the hospital records
are in order.

This is a copy of your
baby's death certificate.

You're not listening to me
that's for the wrong baby.

My baby didn't die.
Somebody else's died.

All right.
Assuming that's the case,

if you give me
the other birth mother's name,

I'll check her records.

I don't know the name.

Then I'm afraid
I can't help you.

Fine, If you won't

find the records, I will.

Miss Reynolds, I
think your problem

falls outside my
area of expertise.

Maybe Dr. Shaw could
recommend somebody

you could talk to.

Like a shrink?

Yeah, right.

You listen to me.
I got news for you.

I'm not the one at this
hospital with a screw loose.

You got that, it's not me.
It's the damn doctors here!

What are you looking at?

To Billy Campbell,

the Al Gore of D and D.

This is supposed to be a
celebration, not a funeral.

I'm sorry.

It's just, uh, it's Alison.

Look, I thought we said

we weren't going
to talk about her tonight.

Yeah. I'm trying.

It's just, uh, it's unfair.

Billy, it was Amanda's
decision to fire her.

You didn't do anything.

But I feel responsible.

Alison's drinking is my fault.

I pushed her
into getting married.

When she couldn't commit,
I walked out on her.

Alison has been through
hell the last few months.

Because of me.

And her father and mother

and me and a lot
of other things.

Instead of dealing
with her pain,

she chooses to hide it.

That's why Alison's drinking.

Look, I know this is tough,

but the only way to help her

is to convince her
that she needs help.


Oh, god.

Isn't this romantic?

What's the occasion?

Screw Alison
out of her fiancé day.

Screw Alison out of
her promotion day,

or let's just dump on Alison
for the heck of it?

You're drunk.

Not too drunk to know
what I'm talking about.

You know, Billy, if you
had been the one

who needed time to get
your life together,

I wouldn't be working
at your company,

plotting with Amanda
behind your back

or playing house
with your best friend.

I'm going to make some coffee.

That's so nice.

Do I know how to pick fiancés

and best friends, or what?

Maybe I should walk you home.

What's your hurry?

Mmm. Guess it's true.

Way to a man's heart
is through his stomach.

You're not welcome here,

not when you're like this.

I want you to leave.



No problem, you two probably
want to be alone.



Always wanted to do that.

Good night.

Sweet dreams.

Excuse me. Coming through.

I knew Bruce
was having trouble coping

with his divorce
and his heart attack,

but I had no idea he was
so fragile emotionally.

And if you had known,

you wouldn't have stabbed
him in the back?

This isn't helping anything.

Amanda wants me to be
honest about my feelings,

to tell the truth.

Well, truth is you k*lled Bruce.

How dare you.

You're out of line.

This is what you get when you
push people too far, Amanda.

I want her out of here, gone.

I need more time.
End of the day, Billy

unless you want to go with her.

I'm not in the mood for
one of your lectures.

We need to talk
about last night.

What about it?

You came through my
apartment like a tornado.

Billy, I don't know what
you're talking about.

You came upstairs, we argued,

and you trashed my place.

Don't tell me
you don't remember.

The last thing I remember, I...

I may have gone up there,

but there's no way I did
what you said I did.

You had a blackout, didn't you?

Of course not.

Let's talk about this in private
over lunch. I'll buy.

Can't. Have
a doctor's appointment.

Yeah, you have a lot
of those lately.

I'm going to be late.

Hey, we need to talk.

So you're saying Alison
doesn't remember anything

that happened to her last night?

Yeah. Somebody
better do something

because she's getting
worse by the day.

Now Amanda wants
her out of D and D.

Okay look Billy, here at the
hospital, I run into patients with

drinking problems all the time.

They're not ready to listen,

so I talk to their family
and friends.

What do you tell them?

To get their loved ones
into a treatment program.

Alcoholism is a disease.

If Alison's
actively seeking treatment,

she can't be fired.

It's against the law.

Well, that's my way out.

I convince her
she needs treatment,

and then I can't fire her.

But how the hell am
I going to do that?

She's barely speaking to me.

I have a radical suggestion,

but you're not going to like it.

I hope you're up
another 100 grand,

because I'm ready for
another shopping spree.

Mmm, I was also thinking,

have you ever been in
a hot-air balloon?

I was reading about
it in this magazine.

They drive you out
into the desert

put you in this hot air balloon,

and you float over the
strip at sunrise.

It only costs $500,

and it includes breakfast.

I lost.

Hmm. Well, you'll win again.

So what about the balloon?

I'll call and make
a reservation?

You don't understand. I'm down,
I've lost most of Jane's money

and gone past my limit
at the casino.

What are you doing and

what do you mean,
"Jane's money"?

My company loaned her $500,000.

It just never made it
into her account.

You stole money from Jane?

Technically, half of it
belongs to Michael, but yes.

I always knew you were a creep,

but I never imagined
you were a thief, too.

I don't know how
to break this to you, Syd

but between the earrings,
necklace, and dress,

I'd say you're wearing
about $40,000 of it.

Yeah, and you
can kiss it goodbye

'cause it's walking
out the door.

I want the necklace.

No way. It's mine...
I mean, Jane's.

Hand it over.

If you lost their money,
that's your problem.

You try that again,
I'll call security.

Syd, don't make me hurt you.

Sydney. Sydney! Open up.

Leave me alone, you sicko.

Have it your way,

but I will be back,

and you better be here.



Sydney, is that you?

Jake, you have to help me.

Where are you?

In Vegas.


Chris kidnapped me.

He's going to k*ll
me I know he is.

It's going to be okay,
tell me where you are.

Caesar's Palace, room 1018.

Jake... I'm on my way.

Jane, it's Jake.
I just heard from Sydney.

She's in Vegas with Chris.

I'll meet you at the airport.

What's going on?

Alison, we need to talk.

This is Dr. Katz.

He's from the Twin Oaks
rehab center.

Your friends have told me
a lot about you, Alison.


despite what my so-called
friends may have said, Doctor,

I don't have a problem,

and even if I did,

I wouldn't talk about
it with a stranger.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

Now, if you'll all
please leave...

Alison, you were driving
under the influence

when you hit that little boy.

He ran out into the street.

No one could have
stopped in time.

You're out of control.

You're an alcoholic, and
everybody knows it but you.


Why are you doing this to me?

We're not trying to punish you.

We're your friends.
We care about you.

Are you saying
you agree with him?

With Billy, you think I
have this kind of problem?

Yes, I do, Alison.

Go to hell, Matt.

Alison, Billy told me
about the blackouts.

My blackouts, my drinking,

my this, my that.

Did Billy also tell you that

he's the reason I'm drinking?

That's such bull.

I wouldn't need to drink
if you hadn't left me!

The drinking was there
before I left you.

That's a lie. You're just saying
that because he told you to.

I know you drank in college.

How would you know? You
weren't there, was he, Susan?

This isn't about us

or Susan!

This is about you!

You're going to lose everything
that's important to you...

Your job,

your livelihood,

your friends.

It's going to be over...

if you don't stop drinking.

It doesn't have to be this way,

but it's going to be up to you.


Think I have a drinking problem,

I'll deal with it.

Matt, good friend that
you are, why don't you

get me the address
of Alcoholics Anonymous.

I'll go to a meeting.

You cannot do this on your own.

There's a treatment
program an hour away,

Twin Oaks.

It's a 28-day program.

Oh, god.

Oh, god. How did this happen?

How come I can't stop drinking?

How come I'm not even sure
I want to stop?

You're right.

I'll go.

I'll sign up.
I'll do whatever it takes.

♪ So take me ♪

♪ Hold me in your arms... ♪

Oh, you can just
put it down over there...

No, over by the sofa.

♪ The one that I have
dreamed of all my life ♪



Oh, I thought
you'd never get here.

It was so awful.

Excuse me, Miss, I need you
to sign the check, please.

Oh, sure.

Thank you very much.

Oh, you must be wondering
about the food.

Chris tried to
starve me to death

to get me to do what he wanted,

so when he went to the casino,

I ordered room service.

For a kidnapping victim,

you look pretty good.

Where'd you get those diamonds?

Look, I know I have a lot
of explaining to do,

but can it wait?

I'm just so glad
to be back in your arms.

Right here.


You're through playing
with my money, Chris.

You here to bust up
another wedding?

Just hand it over
before we call the cops.

Put it that way.

There's only $5,000 here.

Yeah, where's
the other $495,000?

I hit a spot of bad luck.

I don't believe it.

Ask the pit boss.

It was the biggest loss
of the night.

At least I'll be
remembered for something

I'm going to k*ll you!
Jane, I'll handle this.

Michael, are you all right?


I'll be just a minute, okay?

Are you doing okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Now that I've... I've said it,

that I have a drinking problem

and I need help,

it's kind of a relief.

Look, um, I need to
use the rest room.

I'll go with you.

Billy, I think I can manage.



♪ Picture frames are broken ♪

♪ After all the words
were spoken last night ♪

♪ I sit here on the porch step ♪

♪ Wonderin' if you'll
ever get it right ♪

♪ 'Cause I lose myself to you ♪

♪ Every time
we make it through ♪

♪ And I think we'll
be all right ♪

♪ But the circle never ends ♪

♪ Do we fool ourselves again ♪

♪ This time? ♪

♪ Love keeps breakin' my heart ♪

♪ Tearin' me apart ♪

♪ Then I fall to pieces ♪

♪ Time, slippin' away ♪

♪ Should I go and stay ♪

♪ There's so many places ♪

♪ But I'm stuck
in the middle... ♪

What kind
of flights have you got

from Las Vegas
to L.A.X. or Burbank?

I have to hand it to you,
your ex-fiancé.

You sure knew how to
throw our money around.

Jane, it was horrible.
It was a total nightmare.

You really expect
us to believe you were

kidnapped looking like that?

Yes. I was brought here
against my will,

snatched off the streets
of West Hollywood

by that maniac and embezzler.

And forced to wear designer
clothes and diamond jewelry.

I don't think so.

I did what I had to do
to stay alive.

Well, you never looked better.

Food's not bad either.

Want me to take
a lie-detector test?

There's a flight every hour
on the half-hour.

We can go standby.

Good. Jake, I want
to go home now.

Are you guys ready?

No. I'm going to take some
time to sort things out.

You guys go ahead.

I think I'll hang around, too.

Jane, I'm really sorry
about your money.

I just wished you'd
listened to me about Chris.

Goodbye, Sydney.

I'll meet you in the elevator.

Are you sure
you're going to be okay?

I'll be fine. What about you?

I can't believe you're falling
for Sydney's fairy tale.

Nobody said I was
falling for anything.

I just don't want to
hang out here anymore.

I'll see you guys in L.A.

Here we go.

Pick a color, Michael...

Red or black?

You can't be serious.

What have we got to lose?

All right, black for my mood.

All right. No more bets, please.

Come on, black.

Come on, black.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

Ooh, come on, black.

21 red.

Uhh. The winner is 21 red.

Hey, we just lost $5,000,
and you're laughing.

So what does it feel like to

own 50% of nothing?


You tell me.

I could use a drink.

We paid for Chris' suite.

Let's raid the bar.


Another toast...

To life...

which really sucks big time.

Ahh. I'll drink to that.

It could be worse Michael, at
least you still have Kimberly.

I've lost my fiancé
and my money.

Well, you know what they say the course
of true love never runs smoothly.

Oh, don't tell me.

Trouble in paradise already?

Well, I didn't
say that, exactly,

but things were great.

Then along
comes this mystery baby.

It put a strain
on our relationship.

Why, because you needed to be the
center of Kimberly's universe?

No, Jane. She didn't consult me.

You do have a tendency to
listen selectively, Michael.

Hey, I'm a good listener.

I even went with Kimberly to
see the adoption attorney,

but she wasn't helpful,
so I thought

we agreed to put our plans
for a family on hold.

Next thing I know, there's
a stranger in my house.

Make that two strangers.

Well, you were a lousy husband.

Maybe you'll be a better father.

What was that for?

I wanted to see
what it felt like

to be the other woman for once.

Well, I'd be happy to show you.

Open up. Open the damn door.

Go away, Jo. I'm warning you.

I've already called the police.

You crazy bitch,

You really think
you can keep me out?

Go home, Jo! It's my baby!

You can't have him.
I'm coming in.

Jo, no!

Oh, my god.

I am the only mother he knows.

He belongs to me.

Jo, please don't do
anything you'll regret.

The only thing I regret
is trusting you.


Stay out of my way, or
I swear to God I'll k*ll you.

Come on, baby.

Oh, yeah.

That's right.

What took you so long?

This woman's about
to kidnap my baby!

Come on Miss, just hand over the
baby before anybody get's hurt.

No, she's lying. It's my baby.

No, no, no, it's my baby.
Please don't take my baby.

No, no, don't take my baby.

Let him go. No!

I got him.

Oh, yes. Come to mommy.

Oh, my God no.

Oh, my sweet baby boy.

No! No!


Why are you doing this to me?

Officer, are the handcuffs
really necessary?

Miss Reynolds
is a patient of mine

suffering from acute
postpartum depression.

I delivered her baby
several days ago, a boy.

He was stillborn.

No! No, she's lying!
My baby's alive!

I don't want to press charges.

Just see that Miss
Reynolds gets home safely

and never bothers me or
my baby again.

No! Aah!

Oh, my little baby.

Oh, my sweet baby.

Hey, Jane.

What are you doing?

Come back to bed.

Thanks for last night, Michael

I really needed
to be with someone.

Yeah, right. Now, why
don't you come back here

and take off your clothes,

or I could take them off
for you?

I'll see you around.

What? Jane...


Michael, what we shared last
night was a one-night stand.

You're wrong.

I've sure you've had some
experience in the area.

I would never toy with
your emotions like that.

Last night was a new
beginning for us.

Come on! You can't
just walk out on me!


I love you.

I've always loved you.

Goodbye, Michael.
You were great, babe.

Hi. Uh...

I'm Alison Parker.
I'm here to sign up.

I think I need help.
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