03x14 - Sex, dr*gs and Rockin' the Cradle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x14 - Sex, dr*gs and Rockin' the Cradle

Post by bunniefuu »

Look, I know what I did
was wrong,

but I didn't feel
I had a choice.

So I went along with Kimberly,

and I said my baby was dead

to keep it away
from the Carters.

And then she kept it.

I couldn't believe it. I mean,
she's completely crazy.

So, how do I get my baby
back from her?

Jo, I can't believe
what I've heard.

You've messed everything up
big time.

I had a great case prepared
for an appeal.

And you'd have had a chance
of getting your baby back.

But now?

I have no choice

but to pretend we never had
this conversation.

Please, Mr. Waxman...

Jo, you obviously need
some help...


and, I'm afraid,
a good criminal lawyer.

♪ ♪

Woman: Mancini Designs.

Hello, Jane?

Michael, what do you want?

To see you.

You know, ever since
our night together, I,

I can't stop thinking about you

and this chance
we have together.

Look, I thought I was clear.

All we had was sex in Vegas,
nothing else.

Oh, no. Obviously we felt
something for each other.

I didn't.

It was just something to do.

Sorry. Gotta go.

Jane, come on, please.

You wanted to see me?

I got a call from the Twin Oaks
Rehab Center this morning.

It seems that Alison
made it after all.

Yeah. She called last night.

It's great, isn't it?

D and D is somehow being stuck with the
bill for her little get-well trip.

I want you to get us out of it.

Oh, I'm sorry.
It's not possible.

It's in our standard
employee coverage.

But I told you to fire her, so
technically, she's not an employee.

Yeah, but I never got around to
it, so actually, she still is.

Then fire her now.

Not while she's in rehab.

Not for behavior before rehab.

'Cause that'd be
against the law.

You trapped me.

I'm afraid I had to,

'cause Alison needed help.

You know, some people may like you
'cause you're such a nice guy,

but I like your sneaky side.

Do it again, and I fry you.

Got a minute?

Yeah. We'll talk later.


This is a pleasant surprise.

Well, I hope so.

Unfortunately, this
isn't a romantic visit.

I've heard rumors that
some accounts are shaky.

Where'd you hear that?

It doesn't matter.

I was just wondering if
you might need some help.

Look, Peter, you hired me
to run this company

and that's what I'm doing.

After Bruce's death,
there was some backlash.

We lost a couple
of account executives,

and, yes, those accounts
are vulnerable.

But I'm handling it.

And I don't work well at
being second-guessed.

So if you think
I can do the job,

let me do it.

If not, maybe you backed
the wrong horse.

You're tough, aren't you?

I can be.

There is one thing that's
been bothering me, though.

What's that?

I can't seem to shake
this guilt about Bruce.

I've been so busy,

I barely made it to his funeral.

Amanda, that's exactly why Bruce
hung himself in your office.

su1c1de is a hostile act.

He didn't think you could
take the pressure.

But I know you can.

Now, why don't I
let you get to it?

And don't forget
about dinner tonight.

I might be a little late.

I'd rather you weren't.

Oh, and, um,

I'd watch out
for that Billy character.

I think he has designs on you.

It's just, for the longest time,

I've been trying to deal with
life, you know, as it comes,

but it's been
an avalanche lately.

My nightmares led to these horrible
revelations about my father,

which I did deal with
straight on.

But my boyfriend and my boss

they were only thinking about
how things were affecting them,

so I couldn't get
any support, so...

I guess that's why I turned
to drinking too much.

Marsha, you don't
expect us to listen

to this self-pity
garbage, do you?

This girl's a joke.

Remember your first day, Terry?

Maybe you should stop judging
Alison and give her a hand.

I don't think
Terry's capable of that.

I don't think he can accept that
my story might be different.

Your story's the same
as everyone else's, Alison.

You just don't know it yet.

All right, looks here like you
need a work detail.

So I think what's best
for both you and Terry

is that you help him out
in the kitchen.

Marsha, be serious.

I refuse!

What I say goes
around here, people.

That's it for today, everybody.

Alison, you're in the kitchen
first thing in the A.M.

Terry, you will
show her the ropes.



Guess I caught you
on your way out.

Yeah, you did.

I just need a second.

I want to clear
things up with you.


I really was scared in Vegas.

I know it looked bad
with me in that suite.


I honestly thought

that Chris was going to hurt me.

I tried to call you before,

but he wouldn't let me.

He threatened my life, Jake.

Look, I believe you, okay?

But you and I,

we handle things differently.

So let's just leave it at that.

I know.

And that's why,

why I was so grateful
that you showed up.

You're the only person
that I can trust,


I just wanted you to know

that the whole time
we were in Vegas,

I didn't sleep with him.

What do you mean?

In Vegas?

I meant what I said.

I didn't sleep with Chris
in Vegas at all.

But you did sleep with him.


Jake, I had to.


He was friends
with that mobster,

that guy who came into sh**t.

And they said that if I didn't,

they would hurt you.

They would k*ll you.

I did it for you, Jake.

I gotta get sh**t
ready for lunch.

Jake, you've got to believe me.

I did it to protect you.

Terry, um...

I just wanted to say that I,

I feel somehow we got
off on the wrong foot.

I just wanted to say

that I know a little
bit about football.

I think you're a great athlete.

Get this straight, okay?
I don't care what you think,

so you can stop hitting on me.

I wasn't.

I was just being friendly.

No, you weren't.

You were sucking up to me

so you wouldn't have to take
a look at what you are.


Forget it.

Let go of me.

I'll tell you what you are.

You're a butt-kissing
little blond bimbo

who's too afraid to admit
that she's a drunk.

Go to hell.

Oh, I've been there, babe.

I'm on my way out.

I don't know about you.

Jane Mancini?

That's me.


They're beautiful.

Who could they be from?

Wait a minute, you know,

I think that these have been
delivered to the wrong address.

It says right here
"Mancini Designs

from Dr. Michael Mancini."

Yeah, I know, but I think that he really
wants them delivered to his house.

Here's the address.

It's right on the beach,

right out on PCH.

Great. Thank you.

That's really nice of you
to invite us to dinner.

Actually, it was Billy's idea.

Which you thought was great.

Here Susan is
doing all the work.

Hardly, I've got you doing
all the prep.

Nice job on those peppers.
Now for the shallots.


First lesson... keep
your eye on the blade.

Just get me a bandage quick.

What are you doing?
It's not that big a deal.

Jeffrey, calm down.

I'll get a Band-Aid.

Come on, stop it!

Are you okay?

I gotta get some air.


I'm sorry. We'll be right back.


I'm sorry. I just
had to get out of there, man.

Matt, be careful.

Matt! I don't
want you to get sick.

Look, unless I have
an open wound

and you're bleeding
directly into it,

there isn't a hell of
a lot to worry about.

Come on, look.

When something
like this happens,

you don't have to panic, okay?

Just be careful.

There are HIV-positive people

in kitchens everywhere.

You really think you got
it handled, you know?

I mean, you think you're,

you think you're
okay with yourself,

but it's...

I mean, it's just
always on your mind.

I'm sick.

I mean, somewhere
inside of me...

All I want is
to be part of life.

I mean, that's all.

I really, I mean, I don't
think I can stand it.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can. You're strong.

And I'm going to be right here
for you no matter what, okay?


I guess we better, uh,

go back upstairs before
they eat all that dinner.

I feel so stupid.

Ooh, let's see who that is.

Let's see who's at the door.

You wait right here.

That's a good boy.
That's a good boy.

Hi. Flowers from
a Dr. Michael Mancini.

Oh, they're beautiful.

He really didn't
need to do this.

It took me a couple hours
to find your place, ma'am.

Well, you should get a map.


Oh, Michael Jr., see how
much Daddy loves Mommy?

What the hell?

you will always be my... wife.

My one true love.
Love, Michael."

Isn't that sweet?

What is it? Earthquake?

No. Your world's coming down
around you, that's all.

Oh, Kimberly.

God, take a Valium
or something, will you?

What is this?

You have two choices.


Kim, sweetheart,
this was a joke.

You know, a way to keep Jane
off-guard, that's all.

How did you get this?

The flowers were delivered here
last night while you were at work,

and I was home
taking care of our child.

If I wasn't so tired,

I would've stayed up
to slit your throat.

Oh, come on, babe. You know how I
like to mess with Jane's head.

You shut your lying mouth, okay?

I'm a mother now.

I don't have time for
your ludicrous crap.

Now, you either stay here
with Michael Jr. and I

or run off with your slut.

And if you choose to run off
with your slut,

your bags are packed
and you leave this second.

Your son and I will do
just fine without you.

The baby's, he's having
more trouble breathing.


What's the matter, sweetie?

Oh, come here, precious.

Do you have a little cough?

Is that it?

Don't you worry.
Mommy's a doctor.

You're going to be just fine.

That's a good boy.

Kimberly, don't you think maybe we
should take Michael Jr. to the hospital?

That cough is coming
from his chest.

You made a choice?

Yes, uh.

Yes, of course, Kimberly.

You, you and the baby.


But I don't want to take
this wonderful little boy

to that scary hospital, no.

He just has a little
bronchial infection.

I'll just grab
something for him.

In the meantime,
get him some formula.

It's in the fridge.



Yes. Hi.



Susan. I thought I was
going to get the machine.

Well, it's my day off,
so I'm home.

Well, I'm glad you're home.

Could you give Billy
a message for me?


I'd call him at the office,

but Amanda would probably
destroy the messages,

and this is important.

There's a special meeting tonight
here at the rehab at 7:00.

They've asked us
to invite the person

who helped us
get into treatment,

the significant other, whatever.

Mm-hmm. Sounds great.

So tell Billy
it would mean a lot to me

if he could be there.

Don't worry.
I'll, I'll tell him.

I'm sure he'd love to make it.

Thanks, Susan.

You're a good friend.

You're welcome, Alison.


Hey, cupcake.

You're supposed to be
over here scrubbing pots,

not yakking on the phone.

Hey, I may be the queen
of denial around here,

but I don't have to take
this third-grade treatment

from some overpumped
football ego.

Let's just get
back to work, okay?

No, damn it!

You've been acting like a pig,

and I want an apology. Now.


you may have a point

about the way I act toward you

or react.

It's, uh,

because I'm not just a drunk.

This may sound like a
joke, but it's not.

I'm sexually compulsive.
You know what that is?

I think so.

It's just like drinking
or anything else.

When I see someone,
especially someone like you,

I gotta have 'em.

And then I throw 'em away,

on and on.

At first,

it was just like a part
of being a football star.

But later,

you can't hold onto
anything or anybody.

Marsha doesn't know. This
is between us, all right?



But it's,

it's obviously bothering you.

Maybe you should bring it
up at tonight's meeting.

Yeah, right, in front of
the significant others.

I don't think so.

And, uh,

I'm sorry about before.

It's okay.

Okay, everybody.
Let's get settled.

Residents with their
special guests to their left.

And we'll get our meeting


This meeting is really a way

for the residents
to thank those people

who helped get them here

on the path to recovery...

a path that we walk down

one step at a time.

Excuse me, Marsha.

I'll be right back.

Okay, Alison.

Oh, no. Don't answer that.

I had to share you last night.

Not tonight.

Oh, okay.

Hi, this is Billy.

Leave a message if you want.

If you don't, don't.

I got here as soon as I could.

How is he?

He's developed a fever. 105.

He just keeps getting
hotter and hotter.

All right. Let me see.

That's it. Grab his things.
We're going to the ER.

We can't!


They'll want a family history

and a birth certificate.

They'll take my baby away.

Kimberly, tell me now,
what is going on here?

I, um...

I, uh, I, I...

I bought the baby on the black market.

I couldn't wait
for legal adoption anymore.

I just couldn't wait.

Oh, my God. I should have known.

All right, all right, look,
that doesn't matter now.

The important thing is
that we get this baby well.

Now I'll deal with
the paperwork.

Come on. Let's go.


Brilliant, Alison.

Now you're really in the dark.



Wasn't so hard.

What the hell
are you doing in here?

Get the hell out.

What, you thought
you'd come in here

and tear off a little,
Mr. Sex Addict?

No. I saw your friend
didn't come to the meeting.

I was concerned for you.

Oh, right. Right.

Sure, you were.

Let me tell you something,
Mr. Football Star.

You're not my type.

You're too beefy. Now get out!

You've been drinking.

So what?

Rome wasn't built in a day.

You can't do this!
They'll kick you out of here!

What are you gonna do,
tell Miss Marsha on me?


Get out! Terry, let go!

Ahh! Ahh!

You see that?

You see that?!

That's a drunk.

Now, you're never
going to get anywhere

until you can learn to admit it.

You're going to bed.

And you're going
to sleep it off.

And I'm staying here all night

to make sure that you do.

Why are you doing this to me?

Because I give a damn.

Now, go to sleep.

Here you go.

Michael, I need
to speak with you.

Jo, what are you doing here?

It's not even 7:00 A.M.

I spoke with Matt last night.

He said my baby is sick.

Is he going to be okay?

Correction. That baby
is Kimberly's and mine,

and Michael Jr. is doing better now.
Thank you.

Listen, I just need to see him.

Jo, Jo.

Let me understand this.

You're suffering a
terrible loss, you see.

Sometimes the body and mind
can't accept the shock.

Your bitch wife stole my baby.

If either of you think
I'm going away or giving up,

you're both in for a shock.

You listen here. Threats aren't
going to get you anywhere.

Now, I am sympathetic
to your grief,

but I believe my wife.

Then how about a blood test?

I mean, if you believe Kimberly, you might
as well have the proof that I'm crazy.

Or maybe you're afraid the
test will show it's my baby.

All right, all right. Calm down.

You'll get your blood test.


Be upstairs at the lab.
It's room 320.

In an hour. I'll meet you there.

Thank you.


Oh, God.

Wake up.

Good morning.

Thank you for saving
my butt last night.

You're welcome.

I almost blew it, didn't I?

It happens to all of us.

I saw how hurt you were

when your friend didn't
come to the meeting.

I decided to go out
and get hammered.

You're not gonna
scrub me again, are you?



I want you to know I'm
keeping last night a secret.

But you really have to
commit to getting sober.

I know.

You can trust me
with your secret, too.

I watched you last night
when you slept.

I could hear the old me
saying, "Take her."

She's drunk. What the hell?"

But, uh, somehow
I think you're a friend,

and I want to see you get well.

And that's helping me get well.

I'll see you.



I owe you one.


This looks great.

I mean, eggs, bacon. The works.

You do this every morning?

Oh, no. Hardly ever.

I'd like to, but usually
it's just me, so...

you know, why bother?

Look, Matt, it isn't that I
wouldn't love to live with you.

I'm not saying that. It's just...

You've been pushing it
for the last week.

Look, the other night,
you know, during dinner,

if it hadn't been for you,

I really think
I would have gone crazy.

It's just I'm so volatile
right now.

I just...
I need time to settle out.

Yeah. Before you settle down.


Excuse me.

Hi, Amanda. What,
what can I do for you?

Hi. Um, first off,

I want to say I heard
and I'm sorry.

What are you talking about?

Susan spoke to me.


you know my friend Jeffrey.


Hi. I just want to say

I told Susan to calm down.

There is no health hazard,
and that includes the pool.

Thanks, Amanda.
Thank you very much.

See, all you have to do is be upfront
with me about these things...

You told her.

You told everybody
I'm HIV-positive.

Nice work, Matt.

Look, Billy and Susan...

You didn't ask me.

I mean, I thought
I could trust you.

Mmm. Almost forgot.

I better get a messenger
to get these insurance forms

over to the rehab
for Alison to sign.

Right. Is it all right
if I take them over?


You're gonna have to let her go.

You can't prop her up forever.

Well, well.

You know, you two always
seem to be working together.

So I guess you're Amanda's
right-hand man, huh, Bill?

I suppose you could say that.

You two were also romantically
involved at one point, weren't you?

That was a long time ago.

Well, we wouldn't want
an old romance

to get in the way
of business, now would we?

Billy, you'd better get going

if you want Alison
to sign these.

Excuse me.

Thanks, Amanda. I'll be back.

How dare you bring up
my romantic past

in front of an employee
like a jealous schoolboy?

Not jealous. Just curious.
I checked around.

I also understand that you were
pregnant by this employee as well.

That is none of
your business, and...

When I'm close to someone,

I like to know where their
emotional commitments lie.

Did you want to keep his child?

Did you love him?
Do you love him now?

No, I do not love him.

I've found it's dangerous
to love anybody.

Now, back off!

Everything else under control?


Don't forget about our
dinner tonight at the club.

You didn't tell me about this.

Yes, I did.

I want to introduce you
on a more personal level

to some of the other investors.

I can't go. I've got work to do.

I'm in a crisis situation here.

Amanda, I need you
at the club tonight.

See you at 8:00.

Hi. Alison Parker.
I have a visitor.

Yes, Miss Parker.
Right over there.

Hi. How you doing?


I've got these insurance
forms for you to sign

for the rehab and everything.

Amanda grudgingly
went along with it.

Actually, I fixed it so she
didn't have any choice.

Anyway, I just wanted to
say that I'm proud of you.

That's crap, Billy.

If you're so proud, you would
have been at the meeting.

Meeting? What are
you talking about?

Come on, Billy. I called Susan.

I told her it was important
for you to be here yesterday,

and you didn't show.

You told Susan?

With everything that
has happened with us,

we are still friends.

You can trust me.

And if I had known about it,
I would have been there.

Do you believe me?


Yeah, I do. I'm, I'm sorry.

Hey. I'm heating up
a blackened shrimp dish

that I came up with
at work today.

The head chef
thinks I'm a genius.

Turn off the stove.

It isn't done yet.

You know what? I don't
like being lied to.

I'm sorry if you had a bad day at
work, but don't take this out on me.

Alison called me,
and you took the call

and you never told me about it.

Now what is wrong with you?

She told you
how important it was

for me to be at that meeting,

and you never said a word.

I forgot, okay?

God, Billy.

Everything is an emergency
with Alison.

Don't you ever get tired
of being led around by her?

It's simple. When someone
leaves me a message,

I expect to get it.

Especially when it's Alison.

She's a friend of mine.
Right now, she needs my help.

Billy, I know this girl.

I saw how she manipulated
guys in college.

And the Camille routine?
It worked every time.

Look, I don't know what
you're so jealous about.

She's not pulling an act.

Alison's an alcoholic.

I have heard that word my
whole life, you know that?

You know what it means to me?

It means that Mom can't
come to the school play

because she's tired.

It means that Mom
can't make dinner

because she's got a headache.

Mom is screaming at you

every time you make the slightest
bit of noise in the house

because she's drunk
and she's stupid

and she's throwing up.

And the whole time,
Daddy is apologizing

and whispering
and taking care of her.

And you know where I was
in all of that?


I didn't exist.

The only thing that existed
was Mom's alcoholism.

I am sorry about that,
I really am, but...

But Alison's different?

No, she's not, Billy.

It's always the needy people
that get the attention.

But I'm strong.

Why can't you just leave her
alone and give us a chance?

I won't desert a friend
who needs my help.

All right? That's who I am.

Billy, Alison doesn't need you.

I need you.

Billy, we could be
so good together,

if you would just
give us a chance.

The only chance we have is
if you stop seeing her.

Tell me you can do that.

I can't.

Susan, Alison... loves me.

And I guess, I'm always
gonna love her,

one way or another.

And that's just the way it is.

So, who'd like to start off
this afternoon?

I would.

Okay. Go ahead, Alison.

Um, I've been here a few days...

and I spent most of that time

blaming others for my disease.

Yesterday, I saw how Terry was
able to open up and face things.

And now I think it's time I rolled
up my sleeves and got to work.


I'm Alison.

I'm an alcoholic.

I believe I saw
this table first.

Is this a coincidence?

When you weren't home,
I took a calculated risk

that sentiment might take you
to the place we met.

You know me pretty well.

Have a seat.


Was up half the night
last night.

Look, after I got over being pissed
at you and your stupid friends...

I'm sorry, Jeffrey, I was wrong.

My friends...

Look, Matt, sometimes I forget

the stress my situation
puts on you.

Well, it puts stress
on you, too.

That's the problem.

Yeah, I know.

I'm trying to keep a lid
on it, but...

man, sometimes...

If you'd just open up
and let me in

before it gets
to a boiling point...

Matt, you can't help me.

No matter how
compassionate you are,

you can't help me.

There are all kinds
of support groups out there,

places we can try
to work this out.

Yeah, and I want
to look into it.

But I also think I want to
take a little more time alone.



I love you, Jeffrey.

I love you, too, Matt.

But I'm not moving in with you.

Yeah. I figured that out.

Lucky that I ran into you.

Here's the keys
to your apartment.

Don't leave.

All right?

There's got to be a way
we can work things out.

You know what that is.

I should have seen this
from the beginning.

The two of you are like
bookends, and there I was,

like an idiot, trying
to break up a set.

I'm sorry.

I honestly care for you.

And that hasn't changed.

Go to hell, Billy.


I want to thank you
for all your help

and impatience.

Well, thanks
for the inspiration.

If it wasn't for you,

I don't think
I would've been able

to be completely honest
with myself.

You're welcome.

I can't let you do this.

For both our sakes.

Alison, it was real.

Good night.


I thought I'd come by

and take you out for
a couple drinks.

I think we need
to talk things over.

Um, Peter,

next time, call first.

I don't like surprise guests.

And we went out the last two nights.
That was enough.

I have too much work to do.

You know something?

I hate when you throw work
in my face.

Do you realize that I have been in
an operating room since 4:00 A.M.

and I still have time for you?

Peter, really.
We'll talk about this tomorrow.

I think we should
cool things down a bit,

keep our relationship
more professional.

Wake up, Amanda.

The only reason
you have this job

is because you slept with me.

I'm not gonna listen to this.

Get out of here.

Don't you dare hurt me.

I wouldn't think of it.

But remember something...

Nobody walks out on me.

No one.


Uh, Jo. It's Michael.

I just got your blood test back.

You're right. It's your baby.

Oh, thank God.

So you're gonna help me?

Well, that depends on
what you mean by that.

You know, the way I look at it,

you lost custody to the Carters,

so I know you don't want me to
send Michael Jr. back to them.

That is not his name.

Well, we have to call him
something, Jo.

Anyway, look at it this way.

If Kimberly and I raise him,

well, then, you might even get a
chance to see him once in a while.

We could call you his aunt.

How about that?

Michael, you're making
a very big mistake.

'Cause nobody, not even people
as twisted as you two are,

are gonna keep me from my baby.

Oh, Jo.

I'm afraid it's a done deal.


♪ ♪
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