03x15 - Holiday on Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x15 - Holiday on Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

Were you planning on
returning any of my pages?

You can put away your
d*ck Tracy decoder ring, Matt.

I know all about
the blood test results.

You seen the morgue reports?

Yeah. Poor baby Reynolds died.

After Kimberly deleted
baby Cortez's name,

but she forgot baby Cortez

still has a birth record.

You can't prove anything.

Don't bet on it.

We won't stop searching. If you don't
convince Kimberly to give the baby back...

What are you gonna do? You'll
tell the cops Jo and Kimberly

schemed to keep the baby
away from the Carters?

Jo's willing to admit she had
a part in a very stupid plan.

Is she willing to see her kid
go to a foster home?

That's for the courts to decide.

Cut the
sanctimonious crap, Matt.

We both know how
the system works.

Jo will never get
custody of this baby.

If Kimberly and I go
down, we all go down.

And every other Sunday,

baby can visit mommy Jo in jail.

There you are. I've been
trying to reach you.

I know.

Don't tell me you're still
bothered about the other night?


I'm furious.

You threatened me Peter, and you accused
me of sleeping my way into my job.

I realize I was
a bit heavy-handed.

If you'd returned
my phone calls,

you'd know I've been
trying to apologize.

Save it for the jury.

I'm filing a complaint
with my attorney.

Don't be ludicrous.

What could you possibly
have to complain about?

Bruce is gone.

You run D and D.

I gave you what you wanted.

You didn't give me anything.

And despite what
you might think,

I don't owe you anything.

Here's the bottom line.

If you ever harass me again,

I'll slap you with a lawsuit
that'll make your head spin.

You are, without a doubt,

the sexiest woman I've ever met.

I love a woman
who's willing to fight

for what she believes in.

You're strong and determined.

And baby, when you play,
you play hard,

and I find that
extremely arousing.

The game's over, Peter.

Cross me again,
I'll see you in court.

Who authorized this festive
little Christmas brunch?

I did. Thought it'd
help boost morale.

The morale booster is that we all
still have jobs. Close it down.

It didn't cost anything.
It was potluck.

I don't care. Stop the music and
get these people back to work.

Don't forget your meeting
at two at the rehab center.

That's today?

I can't.

Hey Amanda, you agreed to go.

It's an important part
of Alison's recovery.

She has to mend relationships.

Her doctor wants
to start with you.

You make it sound like I'm supposed
to be flattered Alison picked me

as the worst of her problems?

Excuse me.

Who are you?

Oh. I'm Donna Teller,
Bruce's sister.

We... we met at the funeral?


Of course.

I'm sorry. I was fine
until I remembered

Bruce died in your office.

Ms. Teller, how can I help you?


I'm here for Bruce's children.

He died so suddenly,

the boys were left with nothing.


I thought they were grown.

They're in college.

Next semester
starts in two weeks.

This is very awkward,
Ms. Woodward.


can't afford their tuition.

I don't know what I can do.

Bruce founded D and D.

He put his life
into it. Literally.

There must be something,

a pension plan,
an insurance policy,

anything that might
help his children

continue their education.

Ms. Teller, D and D is successful,

but Bruce took out more
than his share of profits.

In fighting the divorce
and the takeover,

he borrowed from the
corporate accounts.

He got substantial
personal loans in his name

that now can never be repaid.

Because he's dead, Ms. Woodward.

Yes, I know.

Which is why I've
written them off.

I'm also responsible
to the shareholders.

You're telling me
you won't do anything?

You won't help at all?

I'm sorry.

I see.


I guess our problems aren't your
problems anymore, are they?

Merry Christmas, Ms. Woodward.

Do you have any idea how
much these things cost?


We're a family now.

We have to celebrate tradition.

Tradition in my house

was going out on Christmas Eve

and hounding the dealer
down 5 bucks.

Oh, it's so beautiful.

Well, only the best for my kid.

Guess who's going to hang
the first ornament?


Ooh, yes. Daddy.


Help Michael Jr.



maybe we're going
overboard here.

You got millions of pictures

and the cute outfits and
the handmade stocking.

Please stop for a second.

Don't be jealous.

I got you a stocking, too.

Stop for a second.

I just don't want us
getting too attached.


The blood tests prove

the baby is Jo's.
She won't give up.

She already has. Jo's may
not be the brightest bulb,

but she won't risk
her child's happiness

over her own selfishness.

Ooh, smile.

Oh, come here, baby.

Ooh, yes.

Ooh, hello.

Yes, my baby.

So this is camp happy talk.

$12,000 for a month
of psychobabble.

Too bad we couldn't write
it off as severance pay.

Amanda, if you feel that way,

why did you bother to come?

Because everyone keeps harping

about your delicate self-esteem.

I wanted to give you fair

Billy may have fallen
for this pathetic act,

but I haven't.

Legally, I can't fire you

while you're sequestered
here at Pity-me Pines,

but don't plan on making
a career at D and D.

Let me guess.

That was Amanda.

At her best.

How much did you hear?

Enough. I have to admit

when you I heard you talking
about her in the group,

I thought you were
making most of it up.

She's a real piece of work.

And then some.

I know how to take your
mind off your worries.

Kitchen duty started
10 minutes ago.

Care to join me?

Got that?


I can't believe this, Matt.

You doubled the donations
you brought in last year.

I just put up the sign.

The hospital employees
do all the rest.

I don't care if you
do it with smoke and mirrors.

This really brightens
a lot of spirits here.

Do all these men have AIDS?

Most do.

Some suffer symptoms of
other HIV-related problems.

We try not to focus on the disease.
Our main goal

is to make things
comfortable and positive.

Thanks again.

You, too, Jeffrey.

No problem. Merry Christmas.

Jeffrey, you O.K.?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Just a little unsettled,
that's all.

you get used to it.

That's the weird part.

If anybody should feel
a connection there,

it's me, but I don't.

Well, those men are very ill.
You're healthy.

But they all
started out like me.

I can't explain it.

I feel no dread
or impending doom

or uncertain future.

Maybe it's intuition,

but somehow I know I
won't end up like that.

Dad, you don't have
to pick me up.

I'll take a cab
from the airport.

Hold on a sec, O.K.?

What's the big emergency?

Dad wants to talk to you.

The man signed me into
a mental institution.

Forget it.


he's been so down
because of what happened.

Mom's really worried.

He needs your forgiveness.

Look, if you don't want
to talk to him,

just listen, O.K.?

Hi, dad.

Yeah, it's Sydney.

I'm fine.

Work's O.K.

No, there's no way I can
make it home this year.

We've been really
swamped at work.

You said you had four days off.

Oh, she did?


Digby had puppies.

They're yipping like
crazy in the background.

No, I can't.

Jane's coming, so you'll
have one daughter at home.

Yeah, I'm sorry, too.

Things just got all messed up.

I know you didn't do it
on purpose.

You were just trying to help.

Dad, don't cry.



Um, yeah, I miss you, too.

Of course I love you.


Syd, he really wants you
there for Christmas.

Please come home.

Home... never thought
I'd be welcome there again.

It would be the best present

you could ever give him.



O.K., you win.

Well, don't just stand there.

Go pack.

Who's there?

Hello, Amanda.

My my, you're not
looking well at all.


What are you doing here?

Why didn't you give my sister
the money for my children?

You were their father.

You should have made sure

they were taken care of
before you hung yourself.

Well, you misled Donna.

You made it sound like the
company was in trouble.

It was.

We lost three major
clients before you left.

But they're back.

You have no excuse
not to help my children.

You know, I never
would have k*lled myself

if you hadn't pushed me
out of D and D.

You betrayed me, Amanda.

Stop it. It wasn't my fault.

Really? If you weren't guilty,

I wouldn't be here.

You're not here.

You are a dream.

I'm sick. I've got a fever.

Am I?

The rope burn,
where I hung myself,

It never heals.

Touch it, Amanda.

Feel what you've done to me.

Amanda, what's wrong?

You're a doctor.
You figure it out.

Our plane leaves in an hour.

We're barely talking. You think
we're taking a vacation together?

I can't justify my
actions the other night,

but there was a reason.

I felt you pulling away.

I was afraid of losing you.

Now, things between us

have been going very well,

but we've both been under
a great deal of pressure.

Raiding corporations

isn't a very relaxing

or romantic endeavor.

No kidding. I'm wiped out.

I'm almost sure
that's why I got sick.

Let me call in a prescription for
you, they'll have it delivered...


You better leave.

There's something I'd
like to give you first.

It's sort of a combination...

Christmas gift- peace offering.

A beautiful fur

for my beautiful woman.


Merry Christmas.

Now, get plenty
of rest and fluids

and take all your medication.

We'll leave for Lake Tahoe

as soon as you're
feeling better.

Dr. Burns.

Matt, how are you?

Surprised to see you, but very
happy you haven't left town yet.

Is there a problem?

Yes. Do you have a minute?

I'd like you to meet
a friend of mine.

All right.

Kimberly had everything set up...

Surgical instruments,

an I.V. with Pitocin
to induce labor.

Did it?

Yes, right away.

Four hours later,
she delivered my baby boy.

And all this took place
at her beach house?

Kimberly made up the part

about the trip to Santa Barbara.

So there was no stillborn baby

in the middle of the boondocks.

No. Look, I don't want
to get anyone in trouble.

I just want my baby back.


Billy. Oh.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

I just wanted to see
how you're doing.



Wait a minute, I thought
you were going home.

Let's just say my schedule

didn't fit Amanda's schedule.

Did she give you her famous

"welcome to
middle-management" speech?


So, I brought you something.


That's really sweet.

your Christmas gift

is still at the mall.

Go ahead. Open it.

Oh, Billy.

Our music box.

I know they're
pretty strict around here

about what you can have,

but I figured
they would allow this.

It's great.

Finally, a piece of home.


I'm proud of you.

I know this hasn't been easy.

No, but getting into bad shape

was no picnic either.

Sobriety is...

very weird.

Everything becomes so clear.

Sometimes I think about all
the pain I caused you.

I can't figure out

why you stayed with me so long.

Because I loved you.

I loved you, too.

What are we doing here?

This was supposed to be our
first Christmas together

as husband and wife.

Haven't you heard?

Christmas doesn't count
this year.

I don't, uh...

I just don't feel it, you know?


I know.


Bruce, please.

Not again.

This god-awful thing
must be a gift from Peter.

You know, for a doctor,

he has very little regard
for life.

Well, put it on.

We're taking a little trip.

Ohh. I don't have
a choice, do I?

Come on.

Come on.

We've got a long way to go.

Recognize anything?

My God.

That's me.

Was you.

That little girl is
just a memory now.

You're my favorite girl
in the world.

We're going to have
the best Christmas ever

'cause daddy
loves Mandy most of all.

Hello, darling.


Where are you going?

Honey, daddy has to take a trip.

It will be a few days,
but it's business.

Daddy, you can't go away.

It's Christmas.

I know, sweetheart.

That's why all
these beautiful presents

have your name on them.

See? "For Mandy."

I don't want them.

I want you.


You be good for nanny, O.K.?

Don't cry.
Daddy still loves you.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

You wanted to see me?

I wanted to k*ll you...

but fortunately
that moment has passed.

Oh. What did I do now?

This afternoon I met a woman
named Jo Reynolds.

She claims that you and Dr.
Shaw stole her baby.

Oh, I can explain that.

Don't. I don't want to know
anything about this situation.

But if half of what
this woman says is true...

then you've put this
entire hospital at risk...

Big risk.

Look, Dr. Burns,
Jo's a very unstable...

She's sane, and we both know it.

Nobody jeopardizes me or my hospital.
You understand?

Yes, but still I...

Shut up, Mancini.

If that baby isn't yours...

give it back.


They call me in

to pull a double on
shift Christmas Eve?

I won't be home until
tomorrow night.

Honey, we're doctors.
Unexpected things come up.

Emergency duty, my ass. Someone
changed this schedule on purpose.

When I find out who...

Kimberly... the baby's
only a month old.

He doesn't know Christmas Eve

from any other night of
feedings and diaper changes.

Come on, I promise...

I won't start without you.

Tomorrow night, we'll have

Christmas Eve and Christmas day

all crammed
into one night, O.K.?


All right, say goodbye
to mommy, little Mikey.

Ohhh, goodbye, my sweet thing.

I hate leaving you.

You be a very, very good boy.

Mommy loves you very, very much.


You, too.

Mmm. Mmm.


Go ahead.



Trust me, junior...

it's better this way.

I... I've... I've never
s-seen so many presents.

Oh, Jeffrey, this is too much!

The wok, the bread
maker, the sport coat...

I made up for all those years
of being single at Christmas.

Not just the stuff
you bought me.

Oh, you mean
the gifts I got myself?

I've been a good boy.
I deserve it.

You didn't check
the stocking, Matt.

It's a cruise to the Bahamas.

Seven days, first class
stateroom, the works.

Merry Christmas, Matt.

Jeffrey, I can't accept this.

O.K., you've made
your obligatory refusal.

Get packing 'cause
we leave tomorrow.

Don't forget
your new sport coat.

Jeffrey, I can't.

Yes, you can. I talked
to your supervisor.

You got plenty of vacation time.
It's all worked out.

Jeffrey why you doing this? This must've
set you back thousands of dollars.

Do you even have
this kind of cash?

Look Matt, when somebody
offers you a gift,

you don't ask to see
a bank statement.

If you need a reason, just say
I wanted to get out of town.

Jeffrey, it just feels
like you're running away.


Hey, don't analyze it. I
mean, god sakes, Matt,

it's not that damn complicated.

Yeah, I followed orders for
10 years in the navy...

When to eat, when to sleep.

Hell, I even needed permission
to use the latrine.

And then one day, my... my
medical report says I'm HIV.

I mean, all of a sudden
I'm a walking fatality.

Contrary to military guidelines,
not everything in life

fits into these neat,
precise categories.

Jeffrey, I know
your life changed.

I don't care if you take a trip, go
wherever you want. Do whatever you want.

You're a grownup.

But... this is crazy.

I mean, blowing your entire
savings on one trip?

I mean, what about your future?

Future? Matt, my future
is in the eyes and faces

of every man in that hospice.

There is no down the road for me.
This is it.

I mean, this moment

is the only thing
I can be sure of.

I refuse to spend the rest of my life,
no matter how long that may be,

hoping to survive.
I got to live now!

If you can't handle that,

well, then maybe we
don't belong together!

Oh, god.

Who do I have to pay

to get some sleep around here?

Tonight is special, Amanda.

You won't want to miss this.

Poor slob. Buried all alone

in the middle of the night.

Although that is
a beautiful casket.

Well, you should like it...

you picked it out.

We've come to your
future, Amanda.

This is your funeral.

No, it couldn't be.

There are no flowers...
no mourners...

what happened to me?

Well, your husband... Peter...
told the authorities

that you died in a
tragic skiing accident,

if you can believe that story.

I married Peter?

Mmm. And now he controls D and D

as well as all of your assets.

If this is my funeral...

where are my friends?

Wh-what friends
are those, Amanda?

People from the apartment building?
Your employees?

What have you done to
deserve their respect?

More than they ever did for me.

Where's Peter?
Where's my husband?


Probably with his
mistress, I presume.

This can't be true.

I can't die all alone.

Someone must care.

Someone... must love me.

It doesn't have to end this way.

You still have time
to change things.

Peter made you do
certain things.

Even a strong woman like you

can fall prey to her dark side,

but there's another side to you.

There's a good side.

If you don't change things,

Peter will drag you down
just like he did me.

You must get rid of him.

Get rid of him?
I created the monster.

I helped him
get control of D and D,

and now I work for him.

There's nothing I can do.

But there is.

Peter even gave you the tools.

He taught you everything you need to know.
That's right...

You have everything you need.

You must destroy Peter...

before he destroys you.

Merry... Christmas, Jo.

Now you got what you wanted.

Stay the hell out of our lives.

Oh, my god.



What can I do for you?

Well, for starters,
you can accept my apology.

I'm... sorry I was so cold
with you the other day.

It wasn't entirely your fault.

I kind of barged in
at the wrong time.

Would you like to come in?



Oh. Thank you.

Uh... those are Bruce's sons.

Um, Jason is
a senior at Stanford,

and Kyle, in the blue shirt,

is a sophomore at USC.

Or he will be...

if the government grant
comes through.

That's why I'm here.

I think I have a solution
to that problem.

It won't cover all the expenses,

but I've made arrangements

to have checks
issued each semester.

Amanda, this is...
very generous.

Well, I have a feeling

Bruce would've wanted it
this way.

I do ask a favor, though.

His sons don't need to know

where the money came from.

Let them think Bruce
made the arrangements.


I will.

Merry Christmas.

Mmm. Merry Christmas.

Bye. Bye-bye.

Jake, something happened
last night.

Look who I got for Christmas.

Jo, he's beautiful.

What happened?

Michael came by my door
last night,

handed me the baby,
said "Merry Christmas,"

and told me to stay out
of their lives.

Why didn't you call me?

Because I was afraid to
even say the words out loud.

No one can know he's here, Jake.

No one.

Getting through Christmas
will be tough enough,

but I'm really dreading
New Year's Eve,

being away from the safety
of the group.

Uh, being out there
with all my old pals.

Whew, it's going to be hard.

I... I have confidence
that, uh, I'll be O.K.

I hope this isn't a bad time.

Actually, I'm in
a group session.

Well, um, I came to apologize.

You've had your share
of problems,

but I've been blaming you
for so much more,

and I wanted to tell you
that your job is safe.

And whenever you feel
ready to come back,

you're welcome at D and D.

Uh... thanks.

I appreciate that.

You know, in a way, I envy you.

Four weeks here and you're
on your way to recovery.

I wish there was a rehab program
for my personal demons.

Well, Merry Christmas.

Uh, same to you.



I'm aware of the
patient's condition.

He's not to be moved.

If the doctor has a problem with
this, have him call me in my office.


Jeffrey, what
are you doing here?

Your plane leaves in an hour.

Yeah, I know.

Look, is there someplace
we can talk?

Excuse me.

O.K. Let's hear it.

I made a big mistake last night.

I know. Me, too.

Jeffrey, we can work this out.

Matt, leaving wasn't
the mistake.

The problem is I left
for the wrong reasons.

But you're not here to make up?

Look, Matt, we can't make up.

I'm really sorry.

I had no business

being in this relationship
in the first place.

Well, thanks for
not dragging it out.

Matt, stop it.

You know I love you.

But, even under the best
of circumstances,

I've never been good
at commitments.

Are you saying you don't
want to be with someone,

someone who's willing
to help you, to listen?

Of course I do.

And I hope you'll
always be that person.

But please, Matt, don't...

Don't make your support

You said you were willing
to make a commitment.

The only commitment I can honestly
make right now is to myself.

Anything else just
feels like more pressure.

Hey, we'll be friends, right?

The best.

I mean the best.

I've gotta run.

My... my plane...

I know. Have a safe trip.


Merry Christmas, Matt.

Merry Christmas.



Into the eggnog without me?


Michael, you can open
that present later.

Where's the baby?


Oh, my god.

Where is the baby?

Jo told Peter everything.

He threatened to fire us.

The hospital faced
a huge lawsuit.

You gave my baby away?

Oh... oh...


I trusted you.

You said you loved him, too.

Damn you, Michael!

Honey, we were
kidding ourselves.

There was no way
we could keep that baby.

You know that.

You did it. You had
my schedule changed.

Oh, my god. How could
you do this to me?

You took away the thing I
loved more than my life.

Oh, damn it.


Come back here!

Let go of me!

Let go.

Come on. Hold on.

Come on.

Let go of me.

I need to talk to you.

I need to ask you something.

I know Billy
was here to see you.

Are you going back to him?

I'm not sure yet.

We have a long history together.

But it didn't work out before.

Every time you tried,
it didn't work out.

How could it? I wasn't healthy.

Being healthy doesn't
mean you're normal.

Your problem is going to be
with you the rest of your life.

Thanks for reminding me.

Nobody knows your pain
like I do, Alison.

How do you explain
what we've been through,

what we go through every day,

to somebody who couldn't
possibly understand?

Billy's very forgiving.
He'll try.

I don't have to try.

I already care about you.

This isn't a sexual issue.

You're not a conquest, Alison.

You're somebody...

You're somebody I'm
falling in love with.

I care about you, too.

Don't you see?

We belong together.

We know each other's
good sides and bad.

You've told me things you
would never tell Billy.

It's not the same, Terry.

This is therapy.

We spent the last two weeks
spilling our guts to get better.

You can't play
that game with me.

We read each other.

I know what you're thinking.

Oh, really?

You're thinking we're right
under the mistletoe.

If he's so smart,

why isn't he kissing me?

Yes, thank you, operator.

Happy holidays to you, too.


Hello, is this Mrs. Carter?

Yes, it is.

You don't know me,

but I'm about to give you
a wonderful Christmas present.

Who is this?

I can't tell you that

or how I know what
I'm about to tell you,

but Jo Reynolds' baby
did not die.

Your grandson is alive and well

and living in her apartment
at this very moment.

I thought you had
a right to know.

Merry Christmas.
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