03x20 - St. Valentine's Day m*ssacre

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x20 - St. Valentine's Day m*ssacre

Post by bunniefuu »

The figures
look good, Mr. Riley.

I'll get back to you tomorrow.

Right. Good-bye.

Why don't you leave
as rudely as you entered?

Don't bother saying good-bye.

Amanda, we need to
finish your work-ups,

find out if this stage
is lymphoma.

Look, I feel fine, okay?

Oh, yeah, I'm sure
you feel wonderful.

Maybe a little fatigue,
some night sweats.

Sure, you're getting
through the day,

taking care of business,

but you are not taking
care of yourself.

One little swollen lymph node,
Michael, does not equal cancer.

Oh, no, the biopsy made it
quite clear there was more...

Well, maybe your lab screwed up.

It didn't.

Look, you don't believe me?

Get a second opinion.

I'll send all your blood tests.

Here, just tell me where.

I'll think about it.

This is no joke, lady.

This is dead serious.

You trying to scare me?

No, I thought
the biopsy would have.

You know, why don't
you take that bitchy

attitude of yours
and use it to fight

the cancer instead of me.

Matt, welcome back.

You know, you really shouldn't
exert yourself too much.

Those ribs are going to
take a while to heal.

You were awful busy while
I was laid up in the hospital.

So that's why you had
those guys beat me up,

so you could tamper
with the results

of your psychological

Do you lie awake at night
dreaming up these accusations?


impetuous, caring."

Princess Di maybe, you, never.

It's right there
in black and white.


The testing service
doesn't keep copies.

But you knew that, didn't you?

I would imagine changing
those results

would be as easy as, say,

changing the blood-alcohol level
in a car accident report.

I did that to save your
precious little Michael.

You know, if it wasn't for me,
he'd be up in Lompoc,

and you'd be baking hacksaws
into Devil's food cake.

Wow, it must be nice to have a job
that leaves you so much free time.

I have rounds.

Someday, somehow I will get
you out of this hospital

and you will never practice
medicine again anywhere.

Matt, you're pathetic.

And your...

wig is crooked.

They were supposed to pick
us up over an hour ago.

Sydney, if you knew
that you were going

on the most incredible journey,
surrounded by people that love you,

and that during this journey you'd
attain spiritual enlightenment,

wouldn't you be happy
to wait forever?

Can I have a sandwich
while I wait?


Save your breath, Jane.

You won't have to accuse me
of cutting up your underwear

or chasing after you
with a butcher knife

for a few days at least.

Your little sister's going away.

Where? Vacation.

I sure could use one.

You're not going anywhere,
Sydney, you're out of work,

and you have to meet with
your probation officer.

You find this funny?


That you try to control her life
when yours is such a mess.

Sydney, you're in big
trouble for trashing.

sh**t and Mancini Designs.

When Jake and I
were sent evaluations,

I can't lie for you.

Who's asking you to?

Come on, Sydney.

Sydney, for the first
time, face up to this.

You have no friends left.

Your probation officer is the
only person who can help you.

Drop the weight, Jane.

Worry about your own

That's what I'm learning to do.

You didn't forget
the suntan lotion, did you?

Just because you know
the person that att*cked you

doesn't mean you
shouldn't press charges.

Look, there's a doctor
at the hospital

who hired these guys
to beat me up

because she's worried that her
psychological test scores will prevent

her from a promotion
to chief resident.

Well, maybe there's
a record on this doctor.

Who is it?

Kimberly Shaw.

I'm sure she's squeaky clean.

All right, we can
still go after her.

We find the guys
that att*cked you,

we get them to implicate her.

Thanks anyway.

Oh, wait a minute.

At least finish your lunch.

I know you just want
to help me with this,

but I need to handle
this myself.

Hey, okay.

You know, I feel bad
about what happened to you,

but you've got to look
at the bright side.

Which is?

I met you.

So, Mat Fielding, what
do you do for fun?

What section of the Sunday paper
do you read first?

I don't want to give
you the wrong idea.

I just ended a relationship,

and I'm not prepared to
jump back into another one.

Well, you know, I'm known
for my bad timing.

Don't take it personally, okay?

Uh, nah. It's okay.

Ahem. I need to get
back to work.


See you around?



Are you kidding?

This doesn't look like a resort.

Retreat, Sydney. It's a retreat.

Let's make our home.

Jonathan, why don't you be in charge
of setting things up, won't you?

Donny, why don't you put
some breakfast on?

Sydney, would you help her?



Smell that clean air.

I can feel my spirit soar.

Welcome, welcome. How are you?

Is there even a
bathroom in this place?

There's an outhouse over there.

And, uh... where's the hot tub?

Syd, this is all
about getting away

from the trappings
of everyday life.

You get rid of material things,

and you learn to really
appreciate your life.

I'm beginning to already.

This is much better
than the last retreat.

We couldn't even
talk to each other.

Martin wanted us to explore
new ways to communicate.

I thought I'd be
working on my tan.

There's no pool,
but it's the desert.

You're going to
need that sunscreen.

I think the scrapbook's
a nice idea.

I do, too.

If he ever tries to look for
me when he's older...

Oh, he will.

He's going to want to know
his biological mother.

Mmm, I don't know.

Maybe he'll grow up
angry his whole life

that his mother gave him away,

and maybe he'll
never want to find me.

Jo, you did the right thing.

You did the bravest thing
you could have done.

I hope so.

And Austin knows it, too.

I can't bear the thought
of never seeing him again.

Well, if he's half as persistent
as his mother is,

one of these days he's going
to be knocking on your door.


And I'll have a scrapbook
so he'll get to see me

as I am today and
all the other people

that Austin should know.

He'd still be with the Carters
if it weren't for you.

One more with the wrench.

One more and that's it,
all right?

I don't believe this.

I told you 100 times to keep
this thing out of here.

Only one time, and I'm
just about finished.

Remedial English, Jake.

Never is about
as plain as I can get.

Look at this mess.

There's grease and oil
all over the place.

Slow down.

If you just have a look,
you'll see that...

Don't you think it's time you
dropped the mother hen routine

and stayed out of
other people's business?

Knock it off, okay? Don't.

I'll get the bike out of here.

What about this mess?
Oil doesn't clean up.

I'm just changing
the seat, that's it, okay?

I'm not dirtying up your
cute little courtyard.

If I see this piece
of junk in here again,

I'm going to have it hauled
off and sold for scrap.

This is for Amanda Woodward.
This is Dr. Sanchez.

Please call me as soon
as you get this message.

I'm working late
at the hospital.

Dr. Sanchez.

It's Amanda Woodward.

Miss Woodward, I've reviewed
your biopsy slides,

and I concur with Dr. Mancini.

I see.

Isn't it possible that
this was the only tumor

and that we caught it in time?

Further tests will be
necessary to assess that.

Do you have an oncologist?

No, but I'll look into it.

Well, good luck, then.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot.

What more does he want?

Golden Flyer Car Rental and a "search
for the gold" Indiana Jones-style ad.

It's exciting.

You didn't take the time to get
to know the clients' needs.

I think we represented
the product very well.

The product is not the client,
Mr. Cooper is.

He doesn't want slick,
he wants straightforward.

Miss Woodward?


Dr. Mancini is
on the line for you.

I thought I was in charge
of Mancini Designs.

At the moment, you have more
problems than you can handle.

Shut the door on your way out.


Hey, Amanda, I just
spoke with Dr. Sanchez.

Don't bother me at work.

No one can find out about this.

Yeah, well, listen, there are a
few more tests we have to run

to figure out the best
treatment protocol.

Now, I've set you up for
a round of tests here

at the hospital
at 1:00 this afternoon.

There's no way.
I've got a client lunch meeting.

Amanda, cancer doesn't
stop for lunch.

Now, I'll meet you here.

Fine, 1:00.

I'll be on time,
so don't keep me waiting.

And, Michael, I don't
like being bulldozed.

Yeah, well, why don't you just
pretend I asked you nicely, then?

See you later.


Oh, Amanda, Jack Stewart's
going to be by at 2:00.

There's nothing on my schedule.

Well, I asked your secretary.

There's no way
I'll be back by then.

You had no authority
to schedule that meeting.

Well, should I cancel?

What am I going
to tell Mr. Stewart?

Tell him you're an idiot.


Come on in. I won't bite.

It's freezing in here.

Yeah, well, it's
only going to take

about 20 seconds and then you
can put your clothes back on.

Now, you need to sign
this release form first.

I don't sign anything
I haven't read.

Well, I wouldn't want you to.

Please, here. Read it
from cover to cover.

It's still freezing.

We'll have the technician get
you a couple of blankets.

Come on. Get up on the bed.

This is inhuman.

Amanda, we've been through this.

It's the only way we'll
know for sure.

Well, I changed my mind.
Get out of my way.

You want to fight,
because you're going

to have to knock me down
to get out of here.

Don't think I won't.
Come on, then.

Unh! Ow!

All right?


Did you learn this technique
in medical school or dating?

Amanda, look at me!

You're going to stay down here,

and you're going to get
this test done.

Frankly, Doctor, your bedside
manner really sucks.

Is it on?

Just lining you up.

There's two ways to do this.

The quickest.


When I tell you to, you're
going to take a deep breath,

hold it for 20 seconds
without moving.

You're going to have to
keep your eyes closed.

I was 7 then, Robert was 9.

And this one day we snuck mom's
car out of the driveway.

Robert was going to drive first.

Well, he put his foot on
the accelerator and floored it,

and in about two seconds,
he lost control of the car,

and we careened into a tree.

Robert was fine, but I hit
my head on the dashboard,

and I was bleeding all over.

He got really scared
because I wasn't moving.

Did you have a near
death experience?

No, I guess I was just stunned.

Only Robert thought
that I was dead.

So he left me there,
and he ran away.

And then I remember these...

two strong arms

lifting me up out of the car.

It was a neighbor of ours,

an older man, never really
paid much attention to us kids,

but... he knew who I was,
and I knew who he was.

He carried me home.

But by that time, Robert
had told my parents

that I had stolen the car.

I was the one driving
when we had the accident.

So here I am being
held by this man,

feeling so warm and safe,

looking down at Robert so smug

because he knew I was
going to get a beating.

Then over at my father,

because he always took my
brother's side against me.

In that instant,

I realized
I had never felt loved

and protected like this
by my family.

At that very moment, I knew
I could never trust them

to take care of me.

And when I was old enough,
I'd have to leave.

You still see them, don't you?


I had to let them go.

I had to find the courage.

I have a new home now.

I have a new family.

All of you... my family.

We begin our journey tomorrow
by taking the first step

to release the chains
of our past.

Rest up.

We have a very exciting
day ahead of us.

Sleep well.

Go in love.

It's like he was talking
about my life.

We've all had similar
experiences, Sydney.

Martin wants you
to have tea service.

You'll have to stay
awake all night.

I helped with meals
and cleaning up all day.

How much more do I have to do?

You're lucky to be here, Sydney.

You didn't have the $300.

Martin's giving you
food and shelter.

I don't think it's too
much that he's asking

for a little in return, do you?

What is this tea service?

Well, Martin hardly sleeps.

He needs constant care
and nourishment.

You'll serve him tea and
food throughout the night.

I guess I can do that.

I used to be
a waitress, remember?

Are you still talking to me?

Yeah, sure, you're the boss.

I thought we were
more than that.

Let me take you out
for a late dinner.

Ah, thanks, but
I think getting run over

by a Mack truck
would be less painful.

What if I promise to be nice?

I could use a friend.

I could use some dinner.

Ah, this place
is supposed to be great.

Have you been here before?


The braised sirloin looks great,
and then there's salads.

Do you know what
you're going to have?


You all right?

Well, you know I haven't
been feeling well.

I went to the hospital
today, um...

had a cat scan.

What do you mean? What for?

I have... I'm sick.

It's called, um,
Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Isn't that...


I can't believe it.
Did you get a second opinion?


But don't worry
about consoling me.

There's nothing to say.

Come on, you can beat this.

It's going to take a lot
more than positive thinking.


if there's anything...

I mean, you don't have
to go through this alone.

I'm not so sure.

There is one thing.

Our talk has to be
completely confidential.


I mean, not anyone, not Alison,

no one in the
department, and it's

imperative that no one at
DD finds out about this.

My life is already on the line.

I can't have
my job in jeopardy, too.

You can trust me.

I can always count
on you, can't I?

Room service.



Or tea?

In here.

Ahem. Good evening.

Here's your tea.

I just take sugar in mine.

Ha ha. Are you awake?

Ha ha. Just lemon, please.

Coming right up.

What do you think of my place?

Quite a setup.

I'm bad, I know.

I should have told you
Martin's my husband.


You don't live together,
you don't wear a wedding ring.

We don't need conventional
tokens of marriage.

Those are restrictions
from the outside world.

We have our own sign.

Essential, private.

Martin likes it like that.

This is new to you.

But when you rid yourself
of the impurities

of the outside world,
you'll find yourself

full of love,
and love is limitless.

Why do people marry
only one spouse?

Who made that rule?


It's in the Ten Commandments.

And should we blindly carry
out ancient traditions

that have nothing to do
with the real world?

You loved, married Michael,
but that didn't prevent you

from having feelings
for Jake, did it?


It's all right, Sydney.

Where there's love,
there's trust.

And there doesn't have to be any
secrets when you love each other.

There's an extra cup, Sydney.

Come on, help yourself.

Only you have to drink it
in bed with us.

Tea gives me a headache.

Leave the tray.

I won't need you any
more tonight, Sydney.


Go in love.

So you can see there's another
tumor in the neck

and here under the sternum.

So it spread?

Stage three lymphoma
is highly treatable.

We should begin chemotherapy,
though, as soon as possible.

Uh, treatment is one thing.

What about a cure?

Well, there's certainly
a good chance for recovery.

What are the statistics?


Only 50?


I'm sorry, Amanda, I have
another appointment.

So, if you don't have
any more questions...

What about my hair?

I mean, won't the chemotherapy
make it fall out?

Well, keeping you alive and well

is much more a priority than
worrying about your hair.

I just don't want people to look
at me and know that I'm ill.

I'll still be working, remember?

Yeah, well, there are things
we can do to prevent it,

but we'll have to
talk about that later.

Wait a minute. That's it?

For now, yes.
I have patients waiting.

I couldn't care less about
your other patients.

This is my consultation time.

And if you have no
further questions,

then our consultation
is concluded.

I will not be dismissed.

I deserve better than this.

I am not just another patient,
Michael, I'm a friend.

And I'm your doctor.

And we can't let our
friendship get in the way.

This is about getting you well.

So I'm just another cancer
victim to you?

No, you're my patient.

And I'm sure if you were
waiting in surgery,

you wouldn't want me
ignoring your page.

Now I really have to go.

Step one on the ladder to
spiritual enlightenment...

Make peace with the past.

Only then can you journey on.

Write a letter to your parents.

Explain that you want to
heal your relationship.

By sending out
our positive energy,

we can affect the
people around us.

Your parents want to be loving,

they want to be giving,
they just don't know how.

We have to help them.

We have to help them give to us

what they can
give most easily...


This money is for your
spiritual education

which they have failed in
their role to instruct you.

Reaching into their
savings account becomes

a selfless, loving act...

that shows they care about you.

Begin writing.

Be brief, be direct,

but demand your spiritual right.


What's wrong?

I need to get back to the city.

I've got that meeting
with my probation officer.

You know, carry my own weight
and all that.

This is about last
night, isn't it?

I didn't think
you were such a prude.

Look, you can do whatever you
want, it's not for me to judge.

Then what is it?

Martin: You're having
trouble. Write...

Write, write.

I get it.

You're jealous.

That's ridiculous.

Martin's smart,
he's great-looking.

Every woman here wants
to be with him.

Why don't you just ask?

You're trying to get me to say
things that aren't true.

And Martin wants me to write
this stupid letter

that I don't feel
comfortable writing.

I'm going to go back.

Martin: This is for you.


Where have you been?

What business is that of yours?

The art department's been
waiting for an approval.

Keep your nose out of what
everyone else is doing

and worry about your own work

because it needs
vast improvement.

You're supposed to be working on
the media buy for Glorious Gowns.

McGovern hated the last one.

If you can't handle it,
just say, "I quit."

Simple as that. Try it.

The media buy for Glorious Gowns
has been on your desk since 2:30.

You better have brought
the cost per thousand down.

I would quit, but this place
would fall apart without me.

Amanda's clients know I'm
the one doing all her work.

If I left, they'd all
leave with me.

The only reason Glorious Gowns
is here is because of me.

Why don't you give
her a break, okay?

Maybe you can.

You slept with her,
for God's sake.

But I can't put up with her S*ddam
Hussein style of business management.

At least with Bruce,
everything was professional.

You have no idea, okay?

Bruce never had to go
through what Amanda had to.

Why are you so upset?


Just show a little
compassion, all right?

She's going through
a rough time.

Billy, tell me.

She'd k*ll me.
I promised I wouldn't.

I'd like to be understanding
and compassionate,

but I have to know
what's going on.

Amanda is seriously ill.

What's the matter with her?



Who told you that?


Oh, please.

She'd say anything to
get things her way.

You better believe it
because it's true, all right?

In between her work

she's running to the doctor.

Oh, my God.

So we need to pull together
here for Amanda's sake.

I should apologize.

No. You can't let her know
that I told her.

You can't tell a soul.

She doesn't want
anybody to know.

Of course.

Damn it.

Open the door slowly
and step out of the car.

Put your hands over your head.

Put your hands up.

What did I do,
miss the stop sign?

On the car.

Move to the curb now.

What's going on?

On your knees.

Do you want to see a driver's
license or something?

Shut up, face down
on the sidewalk.

All right, that's it,
folks, that's enough.

Nothing more to see.
Move out of here.

Let's go!

You can't do this.
This is a mistake.

You must have me confused
with someone else.

Do you know who I am?
I'm a doctor!

At Wilshire Memorial.
I work there.


I know exactly who you are.

You orchestrated that attack
against Matt Fielding.

See, I don't
tolerate gay bashers.

Now I know where you work,
and I know where you live,

so I'm going to be keeping
a close eye on you.

So you clean up your act,

or I will make your life

Now get out of here.



I've been at the library.

You have to stop talking
in generalities.

Let's get down to specifics.

Sure, sure. Step over here.

What can I help you with?

That chemotherapy
you recommended.

Mm-hmm. I don't like it.

I've done a computer search,
and my research shows

that they've had great results
with this new drug.

You came here to tell me the
best protocol you should be on?

Yes. No, wrong.

For the record, this
drug is FDA approved

for breast and ovarian cancer

and only on specific markers.

If you want to talk
experimental protocols,

I'd be happy to, Doc, okay?


I need names
and adverse effects.

And if you want to be my doctor,

don't talk to me
like I'm an idiot.

And do your homework.

Right, and don't tell me
how to do my job.

And don't tell me what
kind of patient to be.



What's she doing here?

Oh, she's my patient.

What's wrong?
Peroxide poisoning?

No, I can't discuss it.

You know, breach
of confidentiality.

But, believe me, if she
responds to treatment,

I'll make quite
a name for myself.

I gave you an order
to dump it at 12.

I don't care what
the stock is now.

I told you to dump it at 12.
I'm not taking a loss.

Either you make good
on the order I gave you,

or I expect a call
from someone who can.

Well, if they knew anything,

they wouldn't be
stockbrokers, would they?

They would be millionaires.

Come here.

Come on.

Ahem. Martin,

I've gained a lot over
the last few days,

and one of the
things I've learned

is to carry my own weight.

I need to see
my probation officer,

take care of my

I want you to stay.

Are you saying I can't leave?

Everyone is free to come
and go at the Abbot Way.

There's no restrictions, there's
no gate keeping anyone in.

Then I'm going.

We're miles from anywhere,

and the bus won't be headed back

to Los Angeles until next week.

That's okay.

I'm going to walk out
to the highway

and hitch a ride.

Go in love, Sydney.

I hope you really mean that.

Thank you. You're a lifesaver.

Martin... Ow!

We were worried
about you, Sydney.

I'm fine.

You don't look fine.

We're here to take care of you.

I can take care of myself... Ow!

Hey! What are you doing?

Let go of me!

Martin, come on!


Martin, stop!
Where are we going?


Hey, Staci. Hi.
Hi, it's Beth. Yeah.

Large coffee.

Yeah, make it two.

Okay. Hey.

I've got some good news for you.

I took care of your
little problem at work.



She won't be bothering
you anymore.

What did you do?

We had a little talk.

Well, mostly I talked.

Hey, it doesn't hurt her to know
the police are watching, huh?

She is certifiable, John.

I used to have the psychological
test results to prove that, okay?

I just wanted this
incident to die down.

She's capable of anything.

I set her straight, all right?

Just let me know if she
steps out of line again.

This is police harassment
we're talking about.

I prefer to think
of it as a perk.

Hey, look, don't
look so worried.

I'm not the kind
of super macho cop

that goes around
beating up on people.

It just concerns me that
you did this because of me.

I was trying to help.

I'll back off.
You just say the word.

I want you to back off.

Now I have to go back to work.
Thanks for the coffee.

Come in.

As your doctor,
I suggest you slow down

and give yourself a break.

I should take advice from a
doctor carrying a teddy bear?

I'm really very busy, Michael.


this disease, it's, um...
it's not a death sentence.

It sure feels like it.

But we're here to make sure

you get through this all right.

You've got to be joking.

This isn't my style.

It's not my style either.

Listen, I think we're
alike in a lot of ways...

Strong and self-sufficient.

But, um...

you know, sometimes you have
to look to others for comfort.

And that's what he's for.

Well, you're going to need
something to hold onto.


I'm... I'm here
to help make you well.

I've read over everything
you asked me to read,

so I know where
your thinking's at,

and I'm working with some of the
best in our oncology department.

I have so many
questions, Michael.

I need answers.

You've got to trust me, Amanda.

I'm not very good
at trusting people.

Well, then... I don't know,

think of this as
a learning experience.

We have to bend to my schedule.

I can't afford the
luxury of being sick.

My company needs a president
who's in control.

Appearances are everything.

Hey, we're in this together.

How about tomorrow, 8:00 a.m.?

Make it 7:00. I have a department
heads meeting at 8:30.



I need all the help I can get.

I heard you had some
trouble with the law.

Your beefcake boyfriend isn't
satisfied writing parking tickets.

Kimberly, you should know that
I had nothing to do with it.

That's all right, I'll get
you for this, Fielding.

You can't afford to
get too nasty, Kimmy.

The police are on your tail.

Truce, all right?

I'll think about it.

Hey, listen, the next time
you go for a man in uniform,

why don't you pick up a mailman?


Sydney: Where are you taking me?

Well, I'm concerned about
your welfare, Sydney.

Then you should know,
these guys are hurting me.


Well, you really
shouldn't have stayed

out all night by yourself.

It's freezing out there.

There's lots
of dangerous animals.

Sydney, I'm going
to protect you.

What is this?

I've got a very
special place for you

to meditate and search
for inner peace.

Forget it, I'm
not going in there!

Stop it!





Let me out of here!




Somebody please help me!

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