03x22 - And the Winner Is...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x22 - And the Winner Is...

Post by bunniefuu »

Why do you have to
go to New York?

Because if I don't, Kimberly,

Dr. Steele won't see Amanda.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do know that, he's
the best oncologist

in the country, and he
stopped taking patients.

So what, the two of
you gonna camp out

in his waiting room
bearing gifts?

Hey, whatever works.

Michael, no one in his position

is gonna take on a new
patient, and put them

on a new protocol
3,000 miles away

under the best of circumstances.

It's a waste of your time

and you're giving
Amanda false hope.

Not if it works.

Okay, fine, so Amanda has to go.

Why do you have to be
her personal escort?

Because I know
the case intimately.

That's your problem, Michael.

No, Kimberly.

It's yours.

♪ ♪

Well, that's about everything.

So, basically you're gonna be

incommunicado for two days.

As far as D&D
is concerned, yes.

If I haven't covered all
the bases, handle it.

And don't tell
anyone where I am.

No problem.

This is where I'll
be staying, and unless

it's a dire emergency, I don't
expect to hear from you.

Just take care of yourself.

Don't even think
about the office.

Every time I do that, I come
back to either a mutiny

or a catastrophe.



We got 20 minutes
to get to the airport.

I'm ready.

Have a good flight.


Hey, second opinions
are always a good idea.

Yeah, they are.

Well, see ya.

So long.

Second opinions.
More people confirming

I don't have a snowball's
chance in hell.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Like, think about it logically.

There's no way that
Rawlings could have known

you were an eyewitness to
Davis being beaten up.

Maybe he put a bug in my
bag, or he tapped my phone.

I mean, he could be
spying on us now.

Detective Rawlings,
if you can hear me,

go to hell!

Why should he suspect you?

Just because you have a camera?


Look, if he knew, why
would he have come here

asking if you'd left the car?

Look, he doesn't even know
that there are photographs

and negatives, let alone,
that you took them

and that you gave them to me.

Have you figured out
what to do with them yet?


Some drug dealer gets beat up,

and suddenly, they're not
photographs anymore.

They're evidence
of police brutality.

And it's not just
the precinct either.

It's a good ol' boys club.

And the Good Samaritan who
shot the Rodney King video?

His life is hell.

If Davis dies,
it's manslaughter.

Why do we have to do
anything with them?

No one's asking for them.


You know, there's
a big part of me

that says, "You've already had
enough trouble in your life."

My God, Matt,
the guy's in a coma.

Relax, it's all gonna
work out, okay?

How can you be so sure?

Because we haven't
done anything wrong.

Well, I hope for
once that's enough.

♪ ♪

What is this?

It's your new life.

From now on, I'm dedicating my
life to making yours easier.

I'm gonna cook, clean,
and do all your errands.

You don't even have
to pay me anything.


Isn't that my robe?

Yeah, but Rikki has mine.

Pancakes? Cereal?

I don't want any of this.

You don't owe me, and I don't
need a personal whipping girl.

I think the term is
personal assistant, Jane.


No. All I want is for both of us

to put the past behind us
and get on with our lives.

That's what we're doing.

I know that once you
get used to the idea,

you're gonna love
having a personal sl*ve.

You're not my sl*ve, Sydney.

You're my cross to bear.

In summary, our Christmas
bookings never materialized,

and our ten million dollar

was a complete washout.


Targeting urban professionals

was a big mistake.

We should have gone
after the family market.

But, if we work quickly, we
can still book Easter.



So, in other words,
you want a new campaign.


I see.

Where's Amanda?

She's in New York on business
for a couple of days.

But, we're her eyes and ears,

and in constant
contact with her.

And it goes without saying,

that we have her
complete support

to authorize a full
campaign on your behalf.


Then I'll see you
tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning?

For the new presentation.

Is that a problem?

No. Not in the slightest.

10:00 okay?


We have to call Amanda now.

And say what?

That you've been gone two hours,

we've already screwed up?

Billy. What?

Like we're gonna be more creative
if Amanda tells us to be?

You're right.

I'll get the coffee.

I'll put graphics on alert.

What, we need them
for the presentation?

No. My resume.

That's not funny.

John, hi.

Sorry to bother you at work.

Uh, no problem. What's up?

I need your help with something.


There's a cop on the force
trying to set me up.

What? His name's Bob Wilkens.

He hates gays, hates the
idea of working with them.

He's even on record as saying if
push comes to shove, if you're gay,

you're not man enough
to do what's necessary.

What's that mean?

I don't know.

Wilkens was a street cop,
he went to Internal Affairs.

Now, he got a promotion,
and now he runs the place.

Nothing like failing up. Yeah.

Well, he tried to hang
me out to dry once

by not calling in
backup on a drug bust.

And now, he's got
another chance.

What do you mean?

Davis is going down
the tubes fast.

Your friend Jo may
have gotten out of the car,

may have seen something
that might look bad

if you don't
understand the situation.

Davis is a junkie, Matt,
but it doesn't matter.

If there are pictures and
Wilkens gets a hold of them,

my career is over.

I have to know if your
friend took pictures.

I... I don't know.

My whole future
is riding on this,

and so, in a way, are a
lot of other people's.

I'll see what I can do.


♪ ♪

Hello, I'm Amanda Woodward.

This is Dr. Michael Mancini.

Anything you could do to
speed up our check-in

would be appreciated.
Our flight from L.A.

was delayed three hours.

Right away, Madam.


Uh, these are to the same room.

That was our understanding.

Well, I'm sorry,
there's been a mistake.

We'll need two rooms.

You'll have to change it.

I'm sorry, Ms. Woodward,
but we're fully booked.

Excuse me, I'm Dr. Mancini.

There must keep something
you keep for emergencies.

I'm sorry, Doctor, but we don't.

All right, look.

It's late. You take the room.

I'll leave and go try
to find another hotel.

Or, um, we could share it.

That way, we wouldn't get lost

finding our way to Steele's,

and you know, you'd
have a friend nearby.

This is very unorthodox.

Oh, I agree, but I
promise, I'll behave.

Well, you did escort me here,
and you didn't have to.

Does the room have two beds?

Yes, Ma'am.

Let's go.

Sir, I told you when you called

that there was only one room.

Yeah, I know.

Don't sweat it.

I don't know about this.

Hey, if I can forgive Sydney,
you probably can, too.

Jake, if she has
her old job back,

it'll help her deal
with her problems,

instead of running
away from them.

Isn't that your motto?


I know it's a tall order.

That's an understatement.

Sydney didn't trash your bar,

Rikki did, and as for Abbott,

he had her under his spell.

She was vulnerable
and suggestible.

So, she doesn't have to
take responsibility?

Yes, she does, but
she's paid for it.

Please, Jake?

Even if it's just
for a trial run.

Okay, fine.

If she screws up, she's
out the door for good.

I really appreciate it.

Just don't tell me
I won't regret it.

Yes, operator,
I'm trying to reach.

Dr. Michael Mancini, please.

Dr. Michael Mancini? Allow
me to check the register.

One moment please.



Is anybody there? Hello?

♪ ♪

Color separation
is due in at 8:00.

The printer picks up at 8:15

with a one-hour turnaround.

The client arrives at 10:00,

and proceeds to be bowled over

by your brilliant copy.

I wrote brilliant copy?

Yes, you had a wave of
inspiration at 3 A.M.

That's funny.

That's exactly the time I
had that triple espresso.

I haven't stayed up
all night since college.

That's not true.

We should be very
proud of ourselves.

This campaign is an
intelligent, fresh approach

to family life, and I'm
sure Franklin will agree.

Yeah, if we don't fall
asleep presenting it.

You know, a little positive
mental attitude wouldn't hurt.

Do you know what kind of
rush charges we've racked up?


Yeah, well, they're triple
the usual amount,

and nobody's
officially okayed them.

So, I'm positive if Franklin
doesn't love it,

we're dead.

We've given this 100% effort.

If it doesn't work,
we can walk away

with a clean conscience.

And a secure place in
the unemployment line.

I'm gonna go change.

Uh, there's a
Dr. Michael Mancini

and an Amanda Woodward
here from California,

without an appointment,
here's her chart.

They flew 3,000 miles
hoping I'd see them?


And there's a Dr. Kimberly Shaw

from Wilshire Memorial
in L.A. on line one.

She says it's urgent.


Dr. Steele, hello.

I'm calling about
Dr. Michael Mancini,

who's in New York at the moment,

and actually probably on his
way to see you right now.

You don't say.

Dr. Mancini is trying
to get a new patient

on your LU-87 protocol,

but, he's got an agenda.

Yeah? And what might that be?

To be the primary
physician in L.A.,

fake poor control standards
and say you told him to.

That's a pretty wild accusation.

What does he gain?

You looking bad and
losing your funding.

Then he starts a similar
study at Wilshire,

citing his experience.

Oh, he is very, very sneaky.

Beware, Doctor.

Thank you.
I appreciate the warning.

♪ ♪

Yes, Doctor?

Tell Dr. Mancini
and Ms. Woodward

that I won't see them.

Not today, and not tomorrow.

Tell them I'm taking
early retirement.

Give the standard list
of referring physicians.

Dr. Mancini?


I'm sorry, but Dr. Steele
won't be taking on

any new patients at this time.

He's taking early retirement,

and it really wouldn't
be fair to either party.

Here's a list of referrals,

both here and in Los Angeles.

Everyone on that list is
a stellar oncologist.

You know, you don't understand.

Dr. Steele is going
to see this patient.

Michael. It's not negotiable.

Now, before I tell you
where to stick your referrals,

you go in there and
you tell Steele...

This is New York.

We eat worms like
you for breakfast.

Now, why don't you be a good
little Angeleno and leave?

He may not see us today, but I'm
not taking no for an answer.

I'll be back.

And I'll be here.

I knew this wouldn't work.

Yes, it will. Just not today.

Come on, I'll take you
out to breakfast.

Anywhere you wanna go, on me.

Oh, Breakfast At Tiffany's

was always my favorite movie.

Like the movie says, nothing bad

could ever happen to
you in a place like this.

Oh, look!

May I help you?

Yes, um, we're
looking for something

unbelievably unique
for the lady.

I see. Do you have
a price in mind?

Sky's the limit.

Oh, what about that one?


The lady has exquisite taste.

Everything about the
lady is exquisite.

Could you change the clasp?

I don't see it
would be a problem.

Let me ask, see how
long it would take.

Maybe this is the key to
getting through this.

Keep doing things as
normally as possible.

There's just a feeling
of safety in it.

I wish I could make the
world safe for you.

I mean it, I...

Really, I do.

I believe you.

We can have it ready
for you by the morning.

Oh, great!

Um, how much is it?


Oh, my.

Well, you could open
a Tiffany account,

give you more
time to pay for it.

A lot of our young couples
do it that way.



Yes, if you like.

I'll take the 20-year plan.

I'm afraid our limit is two.

Fine, I know all about limits.

In this marketplace,
the customer needs to know

that our cruises are affordable.

We understand that,

and we've taken that
one step further,

focusing on affordable luxury.


Gourmet meals, satin sheets,

and shuffleboard poolside,

all for the same price per week

as a weekend at Disneyland.

See, the campaign
is a combination

of old-fashioned
values and quality of life.

Franklin Cruise Lines'
family adventures...

Salt-of-the-earth bonding
in Neptune's opulence.

Giving us what we need,

an escape from the
day-to-day fray.

A family sea quest with emphasis

on luxury and relaxation.

Classical music wafting
through the portholes,

24-hour bar, 4-star dining,

and a lending library that
would do a small town proud.

What do you think?

I hate it.


What you've described is
for our first-class passengers.

That's only 10% of our revenues.

The majority of our clientele

loves amusement parks
and hates fancy food.

You try and sell them
the ritzy routine,

and I'm out of business.

Look, I'm sorry,

but you obviously
don't understand

what we're looking for.

I'm pulling the account.

♪ ♪

Jo? Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

The guy that John Rawlings
beat up, he's dead,

and the police just called me,
and they want to bring me

in for questioning again.
Look, it's okay,

just take a couple
of deep breaths.

It is not okay, Matt!

We have to give them
these pictures, I mean,

we'll never be able to live
with ourselves if we don't.

Fine, I'll do it.
Okay, I'll do it.

And I'll just ask them
to leave you out of it.

How can I be left out of
it? I was an eyewitness.

And a picture's worth
a thousand words.

Oh, Matt, I'm sorry
I dragged you into this.

I mean, I took these photos,

and I should be the
one to hand them over.

Jo, I know you have a
soft spot in your heart

for police procedurals.


But just leave this
one to me, okay?

I wanna do this for you.

You need somebody
to give you a break.



You're welcome.




Can I come in for a minute?

Sure, of course.

Can I get you
something to drink?

You want some potato
chips or something?

No, thanks, I just ate.

I came to offer your
job back at sh**t.

That's not funny, Jake.

No, it's a bona fide offer.
You can start tomorrow.

Why would you do that?

I figured if you had a little
stability in your life,

you could face
your problems head-on.

I wish someone had offered me that
opportunity when I needed it.

Jake, you don't know
what this means to me,

that you believe in me.

Yeah, I probably do.

Well, this is so great, Jake.

I know what it took
to forgive me,

put everything behind us,
and be bigger than all that.

So, thanks. Really.

Tomorrow, okay?

Tomorrow's perfect.

11:00, set up for lunch?


♪ ♪

Hey, hey.

Talk to me.

It's all so futile,
coming to New York,

begging a doctor to give
me dr*gs that might work.

You should have just
let me die in L.A.

Don't ever say that.

Now, what do I have to do,
give you a laundry list

of things you have
to be thankful for?

What about your family,
your friends, your career?

Travel, adventure?

Uh, purpose?

What's next, Michael,
your little hope speech?

You are some piece of work.

Yeah, well, I won't be
bothering you much longer.


Hey, don't you get it?

I need you in the ring with
me, I can't do it alone.

You are not listening to me.

I am tired of being sick to
my stomach, of exhaustion.

I am tired of
being tired, Michael.

Yeah, but do you know how many people
have had this and... and been cured?

Fight, damn you! For what?

What I need is a friend
and a doctor, Michael.

The last thing I
need is a romance.

Oh, no. You're wrong.

This is exactly what you need.


Alison Parker.

Hi, it's Amanda.

Amanda. Hi.

I'm... I'm here with Billy.

Put me on the speaker phone.


So, how's the Big Apple?

How's everything there?

Oh, you know,
never a dull moment.

So, how'd everything
go with the doctor?

Dr. Steele is retiring
and wouldn't see me.

So, it looks like I made
the trip for nothing.

God, Amanda. I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I.

So, does that mean
you're on your way back?

No, Michael insists
on fighting the good fight,

and is trying to
change his mind.

So far, I'm humoring him.

Anything going on at D&D
that I should know about?

Nothing that can't wait.

So, um, you're
thinking of staying

another day, another week?

I'm not sure.

Maybe a day, maybe two.

Take as much time as
you need, everything's...

Everything's fine on this end.

Great. Glad that
something's going right.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Okay. Bye. Bye.

See you later.

I think we should tell
Franklin the truth

about Amanda's illness,
and play on his sympathies

to get D&D another chance.

You can't be serious.

I am completely serious.

Well, then if you do it,
you do it alone,

'cause I wouldn't
feel right about it.

It'd be a bigger mistake
to lose this account.

It's a major
invasion of privacy.

It's not your call.

You're wrong, Billy.
I'm the senior member

of this team, it is my call.

Well, do what you want,

but you have no idea
how they'll react.

And if it backfires,
don't come crying to me.

May I help you?

Yeah, I need to speak

to who's ever in charge
of the Davis case.

I have some information.

May I have your name, please?

Uh, John Doe?

No. Matt Fielding.

Yeah, I've got a
Matt Fielding here

to see you about Davis.


Mr. Fielding? Bob Wilkens,
Internal Affairs.

What can I do for you?

Is it safe to talk here?

I think so.

We can go in my office
if you'd prefer.

No, actually, I just wanna
drop these off to you.

They're photographs of
the night Davis was, uh...

Beaten to death?

My friend took them, and, uh,

she's just been through a lot
lately, and the last thing

she needs to be, is dragged
through a police investigation.

So, we thought if I just
brought the pictures down,

the negatives and the originals,

you'd just leave us out of it.


Do I look like I
was born yesterday?

Jo Reynolds, a professional

among other things,
was on the drive-along.

I remember you, Mr. Fielding,
from your as*ault.

You live in the same
complex as Jo Reynolds.

I wasn't born yesterday.

Then you should have a long
relationship with compassion.

I'll keep you out of it,

and I'll try to keep
your friend's involvement

to a minimum.

But, no guarantees.


♪ ♪

Hey! Wait a minute!

Well, if it isn't Dr. Mancini

of the hallucinogenic tap water.

I brought a patient here from
Los Angeles for a consultation.

Without an appointment,
and knowing full well

that I'm not
accepting any new patients.

Okay, I admit that,

but this patient
needs your help.

So, apparently, do you
and your career agenda.


Do you think I'd entrust you

with my stringent standards?

I'd have to be insane,

and I assure you, I am not.

You're wrong.

Any ulterior motive
you think I have

is total fiction.

And this isn't about me, this
is about Amanda Woodward.

Now, your protocol
could help her,

and, well, she's
willing to try anything.

She is, or you are?

She is!

Look, Amanda Woodward
is a vital, vibrant,

incredible human being.

So are all my patients.
And you're wrong.

The issue isn't Amanda Woodward,

it's you.

I got a call from one
of your colleagues

who painted a
pretty dismal picture

about you and your scruples.

Look, they must have me
confused with somebody else.

I've checked you out,

and I have to say,
my reaction is unshakable.

I won't say I'd rather
a chimpanzee

care for one of my patients,

but it would be something
akin to that.

All right.

All right.

Then take me out
of the equation.

Have someone else at Wilshire
Memorial follow her.

I'm not the important
one, she is.

Oh, gosh.

Will you at least
look at her chart?

I already have.


If you help her, I swear,

you won't get so much
as a phone call from me.

Tell her to be here
tomorrow at 10:00.


Thank you.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Thank you for coming.

I've been with
D&D a long time.

I felt I owed it to you.

D&D has been meeting your
needs for six years.

I'm confident that we
can continue to do that.

Frankly, Ms. Parker,
the yuppie campaign

was an unmitigated disaster,

and your family concept
was pretentious as hell.

That's 0 for 2.

I know we can turn that around.

With all due respect,

I didn't hire you.

I hired Amanda Woodward.

Mr. Franklin,

I've been debating
saying anything,

but Amanda hasn't been well.

She has cancer.

Oh, my God.

At the moment, she's in
New York for treatment.

I'm begging you to just
wait until she gets back

before you make this decision.

It would be devastating for her

to lose this account.

That certainly changes
the landscape.

How awful for her. Yes, it is.

I'll have to take
this under advisement.

And thank you, Ms. Parker,
for being so candid with me.



I just wanted to let you know

how glad I am to be
back on the job.

And it's great to be able to
spend some time with you.

I've missed you, Jake.

Hey, I gave you your
job back so you can work

on you and changing your life.

I've changed already,
Jake, you'll see.

I want us to be close.

Hopefully, in time,
closer than we ever were.


It wasn't my idea
to give you this job.

I did it for Jane, because
she asked as a favor.

We've gone over this before.

You and I as a couple are
water under the bridge.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

Oh, man.

Franklin was so compassionate,

he almost made me cry.

I mean, of course
he was stunned,

but I think the sympathy route

was the perfect way to go.

Well, good for you.

It's not like I was
trying to snow him.

We both know we'll find
him a campaign he'll love.

We have for six years.

Special delivery
for Alison Parker.

Oh. Thank you.

Franklin Cruise Lines.

Thank you.

♪ Da da da ♪ ♪

"Dear Ms. Parker,

"while our hearts go out
to Amanda Woodward

"at this catastrophic
time, we regretfully...

"terminate all binding
contractual obligations

with D&D Advertising, Inc."

♪ ♪

Am I understanding this right?

I have an appointment with Dr.

tomorrow morning at 10:00?

Yep, you're on
the study, I'm off.

And we have to find you
a new doctor in L.A.

Why's that?

Whose toes did you step
on, what did you do?

Nothing, someone poisoned
Steele's mind against me.

It doesn't matter who or
what, it just matters

that he said yes to
putting you on the study.

So, I actually have
a shot at a cure?

Oh, you have more than a shot.

Thank you.

Emergency phone call
for you, Ms. Woodward.

A Mr. Jake Hanson.

Okay, thanks.


Hello, Amanda, it's Kimberly.

Well, if it isn't the wicked
witch of the west coast.

If you're looking for your
husband, I can't help you.

It's not my turn to watch him.

Uh, well, no,
actually, I was calling

to speak with you.

I just thought you should know
that Michael is using you.

Oh, really? For what?

Uh, well, it's just
this little bet

he has with himself
to get you into bed.

He thinks of it as sort
of a five-year project.

That, and to try and
make a name for himself

in medical research
by putting you on

more and more
experimental protocols.

Sorry to disappoint you,
but he's off the study.

This week.

Listen, Michael may be
sweet-talking you to death...

Oops, sorry, bad choice there.

Look, Amanda, I've
read your records.

False hope is such a
cruel thing, and...

Dr. Steele's protocol
can't possibly help you.

The fact is, you're
terminal, sweetheart.

♪ ♪

Excuse me.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Detective Rawlings.


That's so formal, Matt.

Well, what do we have here?

My two friends.

You know...

I tried to have a
relationship with you,

and a friendship with you.

Neither one of you wanted it.

It is so hard to make contact

with people in this city.

John, I want you to leave.

It's always what you want,

and I am so tired of that.

The way I see it,
you're both gonna pay

for giving Internal Affairs
those pictures.

Um, John, look, I'll tell
them that I lost my memory,

or I'll tell them
that it was someone else.

Shut up!

They've probably
made duplicates by now

and pasted them all over
everybody's locker!

Don't you get it?

They've been looking for a way
to kick me off the force,

and you handed it to them
on a silver platter!

I'm gonna lose my job,

the respect of my fellow cops.

My life is nothing
because of you!

As long as they're gonna nail
me for one accidental death,

it might as well be for three.

Don't make it easy.

I know you didn't
mean to k*ll Davis.

It wasn't you.

It was the pressure everyone
was putting on you.

What do you know?

I know that you can
be better than this.

Look how you handled
what happened to me.

I know you're not
about v*olence.

The other guys, the
straight guys on the force,

they coerced you.

They never saw you, who youwere.

They just saw the difference,

and it scared them.


No, please!

It's not her!
It's not about her!

It's about you and me!

Look, I have an idea!
I have an idea!

I'll admit to Internal Affairs

that I was there that night!

That I saw a second guy,

Davis' drug dealer, and that
he came after you left,

and that he's the
one who did him in!

You would lie for me?



Because, I owe you.

I'm in this with you.

When this is over,
whatever happens,

we can deal with this together.

You liar!

Look, I know what it's like

to be misunderstood
your entire life!

You don't understand me!

You wouldn't even
go out with me!

No, I wanna understand you!

I want to understand you!

Don't think I don't
know how to use this!

Get on the couch!

Get me Detective Wilkens,

Internal Affairs.

Put your hands behind your head!

What you didn't know, Detective,

is that I am tired
of playing victim.

Yeah, this is Dr. Michael
Mancini in Room 801.

You got any messages for me?

Yeah, well, how about
for Amanda Woodward?

Yeah, well, check again.

Where the hell have you been?

I talked to Jake, he didn't
call you. Who was that?

And then you just leave
without saying anything.

Amanda, where did you go?

I was walking the streets.

Oh, for 12 hours?

Actually, it was 13.

It seems Kimberly
had the sudden need

to play truth or consequences.

The truth is, I'm gonna die.

The consequence, I'm not
gonna play guinea pig

to further your
career while doing it.

What are you saying, it
was Kimberly who called?

Oh, I obviously can't fool you.

This is unbelievable.

The woman wrote the Cliff Notes
on how to lie your ass off,

and you believe her.

She just put it in perspective.

No, you want...
You want perspective?

Steele's the best oncologist
in the country,

possibly the world.

You tell me what
he needs you for!

Hey, you don't see him,

you're the one who loses.

So do you. You were kicked
off the study, Michael.

You'll do anything
to get back on.

Publish or perish,
I know all about it.

What do you want from
me, Amanda, blood?

What is your problem?

Are you so terrified that
I won't go the distance?

That you have to protect
yourself so I won't hurt you?

That's ridiculous. No!

What's ridiculous is the fact

that I can not
get through to you.

Now, what do I have to do,
what do I have to sacrifice

for you to trust me?

Don't you get it?
I care about you.

And Steele didn't
pull me off that study.

I withdrew.

Are you saying you volunteered?


As a condition for
his seeing you.

Why didn't you tell me?

You were too busy with your
walking tour of New York.

If I find out you're lying...

Yeah, well...

Lucky for us, I'm not.

Bye-bye. Thanks.

Hey, are you okay?


I thought we had an
agreement, Dr. Mancini.

Yeah, well, um, this is
just the buddy system.

I'm leaving.

Wait a minute.

Dr. Steele,
I believe your treatment

is going to help save my life,

but I don't know if I could live

without his involvement.

Can you live with it?

You think you can
keep your nose clean?


Then I think I can live with it.



Hi, Syd, how's it going?

Great, really.

Listen, thanks for helping
me get my job back.

Jake told me.
Mm, you're welcome.

And thanks for coming by
to see how I'm doing.

Hey. Hi.

Sydney, would you
lock up for me?

I'm gonna take off,
I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay, good night.

I'm gonna head out too, Syd,
I'll talk to you later.

Here, put this on.
It's getting cold out.

Thanks. I'll be right back.


So, you really are working
around the clock, aren't you?

And in what little
free time you have,

you manage to steal
my boyfriend.

Oh, cut it out, Syd.

We're just going to the movies.


Good night.

See you tomorrow.


What's this?

A combination congratulations

and my humble apologies.

Your apologies?

For being so unprofessional.

I promise, from now on,
everything aboveboard.

And I'm sorry about
everything that's happened,

and for kissing you.

Oh. Yes.

I've been meaning to
talk to you about that.

You really stepped
over the line.

Yeah, I know. So...

Why don't you step
a little farther?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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