03x24 - To Live & Die in Malibu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x24 - To Live & Die in Malibu

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: Congratulations, Alison.

Alison, we're so happy for you.

Oh, thank you.

I'm still a little overwhelmed.

Woman 2: Alison,

Great job. Thank you.

I mean, look.
It can't be bad news.

Why would they all show up?

I don't know. Don't ask me.

I'm just an intern.

Hi, guys.

Looks even nicer in the
clear light of day.


Does Amanda still hate my guts?

Probably. Who knows?

She's not in her office until after her
doctor's appointment this morning.


But... what?

The board of directors
is in her office,

and they're waiting for you.

The board?

Alison, it's good to see you.

Dr. Barnett. Hello.

First of all,
we here at the board

would like to congratulate
you on the Century award.

Oh. Thank you.

It was really a team effort.

Well, that's a nice sentiment,

but why don't we get down
to business, shall we?

I apologize
for the surprise visit,

but we thought we should
strike while the iron was hot.

The clients of D&D
and the board

are aware of who's been
carrying the load

as Amanda's unfortunate
illness continues to...

take up her time.

And for that reason and others,

well, the board feels
it's time for a change,

and we would like you to be
the instrument of that change

and take over
as president of D and D immediately.

Oh. You mean temporarily, until
Amanda is able to return.

Of course. I'd be glad to help.

You misunderstand.

We want you to take over
the job permanently.

You think you can handle it?


Sure, I can.

Good luck, Alison.

♪ ♪

I thought this time I'd finally
get to meet your wife.

Well, no, she's
back in bed again.

You know, ever since
the accident,

she's agoraphobic...
Afraid to go outside.

Well, anyway...

here are the papers you needed
her signature on, Ryan.

So, Mr. Big-time Lawyer,
where's the settlement?

Michael, um,

I thought I had the deal
all worked out,

but the insurance company that
handles the city's liability

has looked at this again,
and they're balking.

Hey, we've been working
on this for months.

You told me it was in the bag.

What's different now?

I don't know, but they're
saying that the car accident

that you and Kimberly were in
was a long time ago.

There's no definitive proof that the
conditions of the road caused the accident.

Damn well was the road.

I should know. I was driving!

And now my wife is a physical
and emotional basket case.

Hey, I want that
million dollars.

They'll never pay
that amount without a trial.

Oh. It's impossible.

Kimberly couldn't handle it.

She's phobic about
anything accident-related.

Come on, Ryan,
what's the bottom line?

Well, we could request
a late court date,

so Kimberly could get stronger.

No, never happen.

She's a mess, I told you.

What would they give me
to leave them alone?

I don't know.

200,000? 150,000?

I'll approach them
if you'd like?

Oh, I'd like.

But I need that check
within a week.

Billy, where the hell is Alison?

I left specific instructions

that no one was to take
lunch out of the office

for the rest of the week.

She's not really out...

Don't bother making
excuses for her.

I want to see her in my office

as soon as she gets in.

Amanda... I don't
want to hear it.


I'm glad to see you
preparing for a meeting,

but I'd appreciate it if you
did it at your own desk.

And take that garish
piece of glass with you.

This is my desk, Amanda.

I'm sorry. The board
decided to replace you.

With you? I don't think so.

It's all in this memo.

Again, I'm sorry.
It's nothing personal.

It's more about your illness.

I don't know what you
used to pull this off,

you dishonest, self-serving,
pathetic drunk,

but when I find out,

I'm gonna turn it around and cut you
open like a rotten piece of fruit.

And you!

With your paws
all over my things...

I don't know who you are,
but you are dead, too.

It's policy, Amanda.
You know that rule.


I will not be patronized by you!

Amanda, you need to get well,

and when you do,

there will always be a job
for you here at D and D.

There sure as hell is,
and you're in it.

What's the big emergency,

I was right in the middle
of pediatric clinic.

Hey, I'm sorry
about the page, babe,

but I had an inspiration
about our future,

and it just paid off.

Now, you know the residencies
are over this spring,

and what are we gonna do,

stay around this worn-out
shell of a hospital?

I don't think so.

So, a couple of weeks ago,

I sent our resumes to a medical
center in the Midwest,

and not just any medical center.

The Mayo Clinic.

They just got back to me.

They want to see us.

Oh, my God, that's great!

You bet your
private practice, it is.

Well, what are these? What...

Oh, well, I'm terminating
the lease as of May.

And I need you to sign so
we can escape this hellhole

and go on to become a team
of rich and famous doctors

at one of the... top
hospitals in the world.

I must say, Michael,

I've never seen you
this enthusiastic.

Eh. Well... heh heh heh!

A team, huh? Mm-hmm.

I like the sound of that.

Good. Now, the only problem is

that, um, they want
to see us tomorrow.

And, um, I checked your
calendar, and it's clear,

but because of my patient load,

um, well, I'm gonna have to meet
you there in a couple of days.

Can't we wait until you're free?

I mean, if we're
gonna be a team, huh?

I called Mayo. They understand,

but they have very few openings.

They expect to see you tomorrow.

But don't worry!

That'll give you time to
scout out the housing there.

I'll be there for my interview
in a couple of days.

This, um, patient load
isn't Amanda, is it?

Oh, no, hardly at all.

I mean, what can be done
for the poor woman?

Like you said, she's terminal.

Just a matter of time.

Look. I got a conference.

But I will meet you at home...

and then we'll get you packed

so we can start our brand-new
life together, okay?



sh**t. Yeah.

Sam. This is a blast
from the past.

How you doing?


Well, what do you mean?


Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm gonna, uh...
I'll talk to you later, okay?

Jake? What happened?

You all right? Who was it?

Come on, tell me what's going on.
You can talk to me.

Sydney, for God's sake,

just shut up, all right?

Woman: Wilshire memorial.

Dr. Michael Mancini, please.

Can you hold, please?

Yes, I'll hold.

Mancini here.

Michael, it's Amanda.

I need to do something quick.

I'm feeling worse.
I don't know what to do.

They fired me at work today.

is just falling apart.

You told me there was
someplace I could go.

Yeah, I'm working
on that right now, Amanda.

I'm telling you,
I have to get out of here.

The way I am feeling,

if I have to look at Alison strut
her traitorous little butt

into this courtyard,

I'm gonna k*ll one of us.

I can't take this anymore.

All right, sit tight.

I promise I'll have you
out of there tonight.

All right.


Nurse, page Dr. Shaw.

Tell her to meet me at home.

Right away, Doctor.

Hey, stranger.

God, you look
a million miles away.


Well, I'm not that far,

but I'm definitely not here.

Yeah, okay. I guess you can tell

that something
pretty bad's happened.

It's really bad, actually.

I had a call today from
an old friend of mine

from, uh, back up
in Washington State...

Sam Bennett.

He's a lawyer now.

Anyway, he knows my family.

He told me that, uh...

He told me that my mother died.

Oh, Jake, no.


Yeah. She wasn't sick.

Sam's not really sure
how it happened.

I don't know that I want
to know how it happened.

I mean, last time I saw my
mom, she was drinking so much.

Haven't talked to her in months.

I was gonna call her.

I'm sorry.

When's the funeral?

Well, pretty soon, I guess.

Up in Ellensburg.

She was living up there
with my half-brother.

I didn't know you had a brother.

Yeah, well,
we're not very close.

I'm not sure I want
to go back up there

and face all that again.

I'll go with you.

You'd do that?

Of course.

You've done as much,
if not more, for me.

Well, you're on.

Leave tomorrow morning?


Hey, guys.

Hi, Sydney.

All right. I'll, uh...

see you first thing tomorrow.

Yeah. Thanks.

What's she talking about?

What's happening tomorrow?

Um, you know, Sydney, earlier
today, I snapped at you,

and it wasn't really
anything that you did.

It's just that, um...

uh... well, there was
a death in my family...

My mother.

Oh, my God, Jake.

That's terrible.

No wonder you got angry.

It's not your fault.

Well, wherever you guys are
going, I'll go with you.

You're gonna need all the
support you can get.


I need you to take care of things
at sh**t for me, all right?

Oh, but Jo's the one you need
along for moral support, right?

Look, I'm not gonna
argue with you about this.

Can you cover the bar
for me or not?

Yeah, all right.

Good. I'll see you tomorrow
before we leave,

and I'll give you a number
where I can be reached.

I still don't know
what the rush is.

I thought I could leave
first thing in the morning.

And have your meeting at Mayo
all jet-lagged? Bad idea.

Now, call me when you get to
Rochester first thing, okay?


Mmm. I love you, babe.

Now, go ahead
and start our future.

Well, welcome to your retreat.

Your quiet and peaceful beach
house away from the world,

with me to take care
of your every need.

What about Kimberly?

Oh, don't worry.
I took care of that.

It's all over between us.
It's just you and me.

And all we're gonna
worry about is getting you well.

Good morning, Amanda.

How are you feeling?

Did you get much sleep?

No, not really.

I'm grateful to be here.
It's nice and quiet.

But... I think
I'm still getting worse.

Well, today I want to
initiate the second half

of the new chemo treatment
we started yesterday.

It's a different set of dr*gs

we think will target the
cancer cells more directly.

No, Michael, I don't
think I can stand it.

I'm too weak.

Hey, I'll take you right
back here afterwards,

take great care of you, okay?


Dr. Mancini? Yes?

I'm Scott Shenckman
from Greater Plains Insurance.

I was wondering if I could
speak to you for a second.

Sure. Come on in.

Here you go.

So, um...

what can I do for you?

We got the signed forms back
from your attorney yesterday,

and we're prepared to settle.

Well, that's great.
That's great.

So then we can put this
all behind us.

Right after I talk to your wife.

Excuse me?

Well, you stated that she's
undergone a great deal of suffering

due to this accident.

I'd just like to see her
for myself.

If that's all right with you.

Uh, could you hold on
for a second, please?

I'm gonna see
if she's up for a visit.

Look, I can't explain
this right now,

but this is for you and
me in the long run.

There's a guy outside.

He's gonna come in here
right now.

But I don't want you
to say anything.

No matter what,
don't say a word, okay?

Not a word.

Okay. Come on in.

But, uh, please,
don't disturb her.

She's emotionally
and physically very fragile.


Mrs. Mancini, I'm from
the insurance company.

We wanted to see
how you were feeling.

Michael, what the hell's
going on?

It's all right,
honey. Don't talk.

Just rest, okay?

Are you satisfied?

Now, I hope you're through
harassing us,

and I suggest you send a check

before we change our minds
and go to court.

Well, there's no reason
to be upset, Dr. Mancini.

The settlement will come
through right away.

Thank you. Good-bye.


I don't even want to know
what that was all about.

You are a sleaze...

which I kind of like.

But I am not one of
your little victim girls.

So don't try and pull anything
like that on me again.

It's great of you
to come up here

on such short notice, Jake.

I just... I just wish the
circumstances were better.

Yeah, me, too.

So has Jess dealt with
the funeral arrangements

and everything?

Ah, no, I'm afraid not. Yeah.

He's not handling this
too well, actually.

See, your mom died
after an argument with Jess,

and he came back
to the trailer later

and, uh, found her.

Now, Dr. Holloway said there's
no way it was his fault.

There was a hemorrhage,
you know, a brain thing,

but... well, you know Jess.

Yeah, I do.

I mean, there's just
no talking to him.

Does he still have
the gas station?

Uh-huh. But it's all
but out of business.

Does a little repair work,
that's all.

Okay, we'll go talk to him,

and then we'll deal with
the funeral arrangements.

Okay, whatever's good for you.

Again, I'm real sorry
about this.

Nice to meet you, Jo. Oh.

I got to say, even back here,

Jake always went
with the prettiest girls.

You're no exception.

Well, thank you, I think.

Sounds like your brother

is really taking this hard.

Did he take care of your
mother for a long time?

I wouldn't exactly
call it "taking care of."

It was more like
he lived off of her.

I think we should get a couple rooms
in a motel before we deal with Jess.

Jake, I know how terrible
this is for you.

I just hope I'm not
saying the wrong things.

So, how's the new prez
this morning?


Well, it seems to me you
need to get organized.

What I need is to be left alone.

I have been here since 5:00 a.m.

trying to absorb all the clients
and campaigns in the company,

and I've still got
hours ahead of me,

so if you don't mind...

This is for you, big shot.

The best day planner
on the market.

See, it's loose-leaf.

It's got the little pockets
for the pens and stuff.


This is sweet. Thank you.

You're welcome.

I'm sorry I was short
with you before.

Don't worry about it.

So why don't I take some of
this work off your hands?

Oh, good idea.

If you could summarize
these accounts for me,

I'll keep concentrating
on the clients

Amanda practically
handled in secret.

Got it.

And I want that done today,

so you'll probably
have to work late tonight.


Uh, nothing, boss.

Hey, Jess.


What are you doing here?

Oh, come on. What do you
think I'm doing here?

I don't know.

I mean, it couldn't be
about Mom.

You never gave a damn
about her before.

This is my friend Jo.
This is Jess.

Jo came up to see if she
could be of some help.

That's why I'm here,

to see if I could help.

Yeah, well, you're a little
late, don't you think?

I mean, you could have
helped Mom

when she went down
to be with you,

but instead you kicked
her back up here

so I'd have to take care of her.

Look. I'm not here to drag
up the past, all right?

And I talked to Sam. I
understand you feel responsible.

But whatever happened
with you and Mom...

Look. Don't you say another
word, little brother,

not a word!

If anybody k*lled her,
it was you, not me.

You threw her out.

And now you come up here
after she dies

with your girlfriend,

trying to show off and pretend
like you have feelings

for someone besides yourself.

Well, I know it's a lie, Jake,

because I know you.

Believe it or not,
I care about you,

and I just came up here
to do what was right by Mom.

Then go back to California
and leave us alone, huh?


Don't worry.

Your next chemo treatment
isn't for over a week.

God. I know it's supposed
to help,

but it feels like poison.

Yeah, unfortunately,
that's exactly what it is.


I owe you a lot
for this, Michael.

I've never been in a
worse place in my life.

I'll never forget
what you've done for me.


this has been
very strange for me.

I've always lived
outside myself,

manipulating my own
and others' emotions

to get what I thought I wanted.

I'll tell you now,
absolutely honestly,

I love you,

and I'll do whatever it takes

to help you survive this.

Now I'd better
get you some dinner.

I know you don't
feel like eating,

but it's important you do.

Oh. Michael.

I know you feel
something for me, and...

I might feel something
for you, but please,

don't say you love me.

Amanda, there's no re...

I mean it.

All right. Here's everything.

Each account has a typed summary

and a short financial history
stapled to the front.

They're all in
alphabetical order.

What's that about?

That is thank you
for everything.

Thank you for working
your ass off and for...

believing in me,

for helping me
to get sober, and...

most of all, for being
my friend.

You're very welcome.

It's amazing, isn't it?

Look how far we've come.

Been through a lot.

Wasn't that long ago I was
knocking on your door

when you were looking
for a roommate.

I remember opening my door

and thinking you were
pretty damn cute.

On Amanda's desk?

It's my desk now.

Man: We've waited
over half an hour, Jake.

If Jess was gonna come,
he would have been here by now.

Jake: Just a little bit
longer, please?

Jo: You okay?


Sam: I found him,

but I don't think he's coming.

He's in the trailer.
He's pretty upset.

Well, I want to give him
a couple more minutes.

Sure. Of course.

Jake, listen.

We need to talk
after the service.

Your mom's property
has got to be settled.

I mean, her trailer's
got to be sold.

There's a lot of stuff that
Jess is not dealing with

that I'm sorry it falls to you.


Sam! Not now.


We've gathered here together

to lay to rest a woman
of this community

that we all knew and loved,

a woman who loved life
and loved her sons.

And whatever mistakes she may
have made during her life,

she never made them
out of meanness

or a hard-heartedness.

If she wanted anything
out of life,

it was happiness and peace.

Perhaps she's found it now.

The summations were terrific
on the other accounts.

Now I want you to do the same

for Barker Brothers,
Factor's Coffee,

and Mayer Technologies.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.

I need to talk to you, Alison.

About what?

About last night. About
what happened on the desk.

I'm sorry I didn't
send you flowers,

but work comes first
to me these days.

Don't get flip with me,
all right?

I just want to know
what you want.


I don't want to lose my job.

So I am trying
to hit the ground running.

And run over me in the process.

I don't get it.

I thought guys liked
sex without strings.

Yeah, it was great.

And it meant nothing to me.

But find yourself another toy.

All right. Since you can't
handle us having a social life,

I'll be going to the advertising
association dinner tonight by myself.

You'll need to work late to get those
summaries on my desk by morning.

You know why you're stupid?

Because you're pushing me away

when you need all the
help you can get.

Wait out here, all right?

I need to talk to him alone.


Damn it!

Where the hell is it?

Did you get here first?

Huh? Did you take it?

What are you talking about?

Oh, yeah, like hell, you don't.

Her jewelry box,

her stupid, little,
velvety, musical

piece of junk jewelry box.

Grandma's diamond ring
was in it.

Just settle down, all right?

Just hand it over,
you liar, all right?

It's mine. Anything
of hers is mine!

Get off of me.

I didn't take anything.
I don't want anything.

I just came here
to talk to you, you know?

To help settle Mom's affairs.

Any money or anything
you want, you can have.

You just got on that bike,

and you never
looked back, did you?

You didn't care that I was in
this little hellhole of a town.

You didn't care
that my wife left me,

took all my money,

and I had to take care
of our mother.

Trying to keep a bottle
out of her hands

and men out of her pants.

No, no, no, no.

See, Mr. All-state
was down in California

with all the pretty girls...

while I lived with Mommy
in this tin can.

I'm sorry for what
you're going through,

and I understand that you're feeling
some guilt about what happened to Mom.

Shut up!

I don't feel anything
except relief.

All right?


We missed you
at the funeral, Jess.

I'll see you around.

Oh, you judge me?


You judge me?

After all I did for you.

You go to hell, Jake.

Go to hell.

Amanda: It's funny,
you being the one

to bring me my final papers.

You really were my right
hand for a while.

Well, I wanted to make sure
you got your money.

And this form will
extend your medical coverage,

which I thought
would be important.

Thanks. It will, I guess.

So, I guess now you have
what you've always wanted.

You and Alison are a team.

How about you?

You feeling any better or...

this whole termination...
starting to bother me.

It seems unfair,
considering everything.

No, it's just business.

I mean, D and D and that whole
part of my life is over now.

In the last couple of days,

things have started to sink in.

I used to think that
life was about work

and about being somebody, but...

I guess I never realized that I
was somebody just by being alive.

So... now I'm just trying
to hold onto that.

Thanks for being human.

Makes you kind of
unusual, you know.

I'll let myself out.

Be well. Thanks.

Well, hello, Mr. Hanson.

We here at the Hi-way Host Motel

would like to welcome you
back to our fair town

with an offering of
beer, chips, dip,

and hopefully
a good movie on TV.

Well, let's see.

I was gonna get ready
for bed, but, um...

a surprise like this,
who can say no?

So you didn't say much after
your talk with your brother.

Wasn't much to say.

He blames me for everything.

He thinks I blame him
for everything.

Some people just aren't
meant to get along.

I don't really care
that much, though.

He's only my half-brother.

Jake, you don't mean that.

Maybe I do.

Maybe I'm tired of reaching out

and getting hit in the back of
the head with a baseball bat.

I'm sorry.

I've been wanting you
to open up,

and when you do, I argue.

Forget about it.

I'm just angry, you know?

That's all I really
feel is anger.

I hate her for dying
on me like that.

I thought I had control.

I thought that as soon as I
could deal with her again

that I would come back up here

and I would take care
of things, you know,

and straighten it all out.

But she took that away from me.

She dies on me,

and then I don't get a chance.

Suddenly, everything
is so temporary.

I'm not ready for that.

I'm not ready for any of this.


Look. I mean, you can't always
prepare for everything in life.

You know, sometimes it just
keeps coming at you,

and you just have
to duck and cover.

You want another beer?


Oh. Um... chips?



Oh, God.

We always get romantic
at the funniest times.

Yeah, we do.


What do you want?

Uh, just a minute of your time,

if that's all right.

Oh, that's you and Jake,
isn't it?


But that was a long time ago.

Now, why don't you get out of here?
I'm busy.

Look, Jess. I came here
to tell you something,

and I'm sure you're
not gonna believe me,

but Jake loves you,

and it's k*lling him that you
guys are at each other's throats.

Did he say that?

No, not exactly.

No. No, of course he didn't.

He didn't tell you what's
really going on, did he?

He didn't tell you
that when we were growing up

and Mom was catting around
all over town

that I looked out for him?

I was only two years
older than him,

but I took him on and practically
raised him like he was my full brother.

I'm sure he was
grateful for that.

Let me finish.

Now, a couple of years
after this picture was taken,

we got into a jam.

Broke into a store.

Hell, we didn't have any money.

We didn't have anything.

We were a couple of poor
kids looking for some cash.

Well, somebody snitched.

Said it was the Hanson brothers.

And when the sheriff showed up,

I said it was all me,
he wasn't involved.

I protected him.

Well, I went on
to juvenile hall.

He went on to be all-state,
you see?

And even after I did
all that for him,

the first chance he got,

he ran out on me and my mother.

He never gave a damn
about anybody but Jake Hanson.

Still doesn't.

Now get out of here.


You're Mrs. Benson's
attending, aren't you?

Got some Medicare forms
for you to check.


You all right?

Uh, yeah, I guess I am.

I guess I'm not used to
really being in love.

It kind of leaves
your nerves raw, you know?

Are you talking about the
love of money, power,

or, as unlikely as it may seem,

another human being?

Amanda Woodward.

I love her more than I've loved
anybody before in my entire life,

and that includes Jane.

Tell you the truth, Matt,

I don't know what
to do about it.

I feel like I've lost control.

Well, it's amazing enough to hear a
note of sincerity in your voice,

but, Michael,

you're married, for God's sakes,

and I don't care what's happened
between you and Kimberly.

You married her
knowing that she's...

Get off it, Matt.

You hate Kimberly
as much as I do.

I'm just waiting to pay off

before I can drop her
like a bad habit.

Payoff? What payoff?

Never mind.

Just be happy the bitch is
getting what she deserves.

Jake: I'm, uh, sorry
about last night.

I got carried away.

Wasn't thinking past
the next morning.

Don't worry about it.

It was, um... it was great.



we talked before
about you and me.

And you think that neither of
us are ready for a commitment.

Is that what
you're trying to say?

Yeah, that's it.

It's okay?

Yeah, it's fine.

Okay. Now all we do is got
to finish this thing up

with my mom's trailer,

and we can get out of here.

I just hope I don't have
to talk to my brother.

Jake. Jo.

I was, uh, just
telling Jess here

that the only real property your
mom had was, well, this trailer.

Now, unfortunately,

most of it is mortgaged
to the bank.

But I do know a good real
estate agent who could sell it

and get a little money
back for you.

Well, whatever you get,
it goes to Jess.

Sam: Okay.

I don't need your charity, Jake.

Guys. Guys, come on.


You want to take a shot, huh?

Go ahead.

Go ahead, Jake.
We'll see what's what.

Come on, Jake.

No, wait. There's something you
don't understand about me.

I'm not looking for any angles.

I'm not trying
to put anybody down.

I'm just trying
to do what's right!

Right, Jake.

What, you don't understand that?

You're my big brother.

I always looked up to you.

I always loved you,

and believe it or not,
I always will.

So you just do whatever you want
with this stuff, all right?

You just do it, okay?

I gotta go.

I'll see you, Sam.

Yeah, I'll see you.


I'm sorry...

about a lot of things.


Yeah, me, too.

Maybe I can give you
a call sometime.

Yeah, that'd be good.



Amanda, what happened?

I was sick. I wanted water.

Gosh, don't worry.

I'm taking you to the hospital.



I'm back early, and I've got
real estate magazines

and all kinds of
Midwestern stuff.


This isn't mine.

None of this is mine.


♪ ♪
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